#[ th: magical crossover . ]
xmalereader · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara x Bunny! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: I’ve had this idea in my head for a very long time now and couldn’t stop thinking about it! This is technically an OC of mine but tried my best not to make there characteristics too detailed or anything that gives away too much OC. This is also an inspiration from MLB, I don’t care if it’s a kid show I have a love and hate relationship towards it and had some things changed for the character, either way hope you enjoy!
Summary: Miguel was the protector of multi universes, what happens when he meets someone who isn’t a spider and is able to do the same, protecting the timeline and making sure that it doesn’t get destroyed, changing the future and clashing within Miguel’s line of work.
Warnings: Angst, reader is a hybrid, time traveling, semi crossover, not mucha of Miguel honestly, language, slight lore, betrayal, hurt no comfort, mentions of genocide, slight depression, enemies to friends but not lovers, slight magic use, miguel is a bit OOC, bunny ears and tail, slight fluff, coping mechanism, readers hero name is Bunnix.
Word count: 5.4k
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In his universe hybrids and humans co existed. In his universe he was a rabbit hybrid born in a large family with many siblings, in his universe he was seen as a monster due to the things he was able to do as a hybrid. His sense of smell was stronger, his hearing better than others and faster that a normal human being. He had the features of a rabbit, long ears and a tail big enough that reached his lower back, who he tends to have issues with whenever it came towards buying clothes for himself since most stores didn’t have much clothes for hybrids that he worked for hours making a hole big enough for his tail and to make sure that it didn’t pinch each time he slipped them on.
He was a normal hybrid trying to survive in a world where he is hated and possibly taken advantage of whenever rabbits fall into heat. He worked at a normal job and had a normal family until at the age of twenty he received a gift, heirloom to be exact from his great grand father who he watched him grow an eventually passed away when he was only a teenage. Y/n would visit his grandfather as a kid, listening to him ramble on about his past life and the things he saw and did.
Due to Y/n being a kid he would believe his stories while his own parents, even his siblings wouldn’t believe their grandfather as he spoke about time traveling and seeing their futures. Everyone disregarded his stories as plain fairytales or crazy due to how old he was getting and growing delusional that no one listened to him, but Y/n.
After his grandfathers death he left his will to the rest of his family, providing his parents and siblings small things. He never received anything that day and thought that his own grandfather hated him and that the idea of leaving something behind to the only child who listened to him was ridiculous. Only to be proven wrong when his grandfathers lawyer approached him that day and told him that his grandfather did leave him something, but was not ready to receive until he got older.
After years he finally got that gift.
When the package arrived he was quick to claim the box into his hands and dart towards his bedroom, closing and locking the door. He knew his family should be around to see what he received from his late grandfather, but something inside him was telling him to do it in private. When getting the package opened he’s met with a letter folded on top of a small box that he picks up to read, noticing his grandfathers handwriting.
My dear child,
I hope this gift got to you at the proper age that I assigned.
And hope for you to take very good care of it.
All those years you were the only one who listened to my stories of my time as a time travel and wish to gift you my most prized possession.
A watch.
This item will show you everything you need to see. It was once my duty to take care of the future and to make sure that no interruptions were made and to decide the right path that our world must face. I know this duty will be hard for you, but I trust that you will know how to use it. I only advice that you do not let this power blind you and don’t let others tell you what is right and wrong of your duty.
If you accept this gift then you will be in charge of our future.
Y/n had opened the small box that held a silver pocket watch, picking it up in his hands as he examined the outside before popping it open. Instead of seeing a regular watch on the inside a bright blue light quickly surrounds him, seeping into his body as his grandfathers life flashes before his eyes, witnessing the pain and suffering he went through, the glee of saving a future, the hesitation of having to choose the wrong path in order to save another. He saw his grandfather at a much younger state and the power that he held in the palm of his hand.
Everything went by fast that when he opens his eyes he’s still in his bedroom, panting heavily knowing that his life changed forever that night.
He figured that he watch helped for this moment only to realize that the pocket watch worked as a safe for his power that was deep inside of him, feeling it coursing through his veins. He kept the gift from his grandfather a secret from his family, knowing that they wouldn’t believe him. If they didn’t believe his grandfather than why believe him?
The hybrid would spend every night trying to practice his ability, which grew difficult since his grandfather never really left instructions on how it worked. He didn’t figure out how to open a portal until three weeks later when he was playing around with a ball and bouncing it against the wall of his apartment, bored out of his mind that when the ball bounced off the wall and towards his open palm, all of a sudden white portal opens, startling the poor rabbit with wide eyes as the ball disappears into the portal.
When first seeing the portal he grows cautious, primal instincts triggering him as his ears fall flat against his head while he nervous reached inside the portal, his hand disappearing and when pulling away he is surprised to see his hand still intact. It took him a few minutes to finally gain the courage and step through the portal where he finds himself in a white abyss full of different portals that showed him the timeline of his universe, witnessing future events before his eyes and being able to see the various outcomes of a future event. He’s able to jump from one timeline to another, visiting different areas and seeing their world before he was even born. The amount of power he had was dangerous and now realized what his grandfather meant by how hard the job would be. Having to keep everything organized, making sure that everything is intact.
Y/n first started off small, seeing his friends future and fixing their life events, picking paths that worked best for them. He sometimes felt guilty for picking a path that didn’t work out for them, but didn't;t have a choice but to decide a bad path in order to get a better one with time. He had the control of the future in the palm of his hand.
It wasn’t until three years that he made his biggest mistake.
His world was going through a war with hybrids and humans and the human government had seen the hybrids as a threat, claiming that they didn’t feel safe living, eating, or working with someone who was different to them. Someone who could do things that no human could and were coming up with ways to exterminate everyone who they saw as a threat. Y/n was only twenty three when he witness the genocide of his people, watching as his family and siblings were separated from him, being taken away. He climbed inside his burrow that night, checking the different outcomes of his worlds future hoping to find a positive end to this situation only to find nothing.
His people were meant to die and he couldn’t save them.
That day, Y/n stayed in his burrow, watching his world kill his own people until none were left but him.
Leaving him on his own without his family or friends, without the comfort of someone like him. Y/n had mourned for days, feeling so alone as he watched his universe future thrive without hybrids, watching as humans celebrated the extinction. The image alone hurt and wanted nothing to do with his own world that with time in the burrows he figures out a way to travel through different universe, alternate ones where his family is alive and safe, ones where he and his family never existed.
Even though he was suppose to keeping things small and protect the future of his own universe he decided to expand his work and protect the future of all universe, traveling from one place to another, hopping from dimension to dimension. The hybrid spent six years learning new things and setting his own rules of balancing out the future.
Each time he visited a dimension he made sure to keep his identity hidden, wearing a black and blue neon stealth suit with a hoodie over that allowed his ears to pop out from the holes he created along with a domino mask over his eyes along with a hole in his suit for his tail as he worked faster in the suit whenever he needed to escape a universe before being noticed.
The hybrid would also spend his time in universes, either trying to coexist or to stay in for awhile since he couldn’t stay in his burrow forever. He mainly stayed hidden on top of large buildings or found ways inside empty apartments in order to get away from the harsh weather conditions. He didn’t think much of his disturbance when hopping from universe to universe until one night he met a flash of red and blue.
He was visiting a earth-4837, noticing an error in the timeline that he’d been trying to fix only for his ears to perk up at the sound of fast movements, catching him off guard as he’s suddenly pinned against the ground, gasping for air at how hard and sudden the push was and regain his breathing only to come face to face with a larger build that stood before him.
“Finally caught you.”
Y/n can only stare with wide eyes under his mask, ears falling back against his head in both worry and fear as he stares at the mask stranger before him. It takes a few seconds for his brain to respond back to him as he tilts his head to he side with furrow brows. “What, what do you mean caught?” He asks, clearly confused.
He can feel the other man’s grip tighten around his stealth suit, pulling him closer as his eyes narrow down at the hybrid. “I have been chasing you through universe and you are always escaping me. You keep disturbing the universes.” He clarified. “Now I have to take you back to your proper universe.”
At the mention of being returned back to his own universe caused a switch to go off in him, reacting quickly as he grips the others mans wrist, using his own strength to kick his feet up and kick him in the chest, sending him falling back with a grunt. The hybrid watched as the masked man coughs under his mask and groan, placing a hand against his chest as he slowly sits up. “Shit, that was a really strong kick.”
Y/n finds satisfaction in the mans words only to gasp when he comes charging at him, making him move quickly and ducking away from his grip, reacting quickly as his instincts as a rabbit take over.
“I am not going back there.” He hissed out, ears pinned back and tail puffing up in anger while the other turns around to face him, taking notice of the movement of his ears and tail. “Those things are real? I thought they were some weirds thing that went along with the suit you wear.”
“I could say the same about those.” Y/n nods towards the strangers hands, noticing the talons from his finger tips. “Thought they were fake, but I guess they aren’t if you have a good grip on that building.”
His words cause the stranger to look over at his hand, talons deep into the wall that he had struck after coming after the hybrid and letting out a small laugh as he detached himself from the wall. “Now you listen—“ When turning back he finds the rabbit gone, earning a disappointed groan.
“Lyla.” He speaks up as the artificial intelligences appears on his shoulder. “Yep?”
“Find me the rabbit.”
From then on, Y/n’s grew careful of his work now that someone as after him. Spending more time in his burrow and less time in other universe and whenever he was in one he would make sure to stay in alert while buying himself to eat and keeping his features hidden from the public, trying to blend in with everyone else.
He figured that he wouldn’t see that same masked stranger again until a week later. He didn’t know how he got involved, but one minute he’s working on keeping a stable future and the next he’s being tossed around by a man dressed in a rhino suit.
“You okay? Whoa—never seen you before.”
That’s how he met the cities hero known as Spiderman.
His suit was similar to the guy who was hunting him down for some unknown reason, but this one was far nicer than the other. The hybrid got a good feeling about the kid and was quick to jump in and help him out as the two take down the rhino, Spider-Man using his webs to keep him from running off while Y/n worked on getting rid of the suit in breaking it apart.
“We make a good team.”
Y/n can only give a small smile. “Guess we did.”
The kid can only tilt his head in questioning and asks. “What do I call you?”
Y/n hesitates, not wanting to give away his own name and doesn’t know how to respond. The hero takes notice of his hesitation and is quick to step in. “I guess you don’t have a hero name?”
“I’m not a hero.” He is quick to cut in, his work wasn’t seen as a heroic thing.
“No worries,” The hero holds his hands up as he suddenly blurts out. “Bunnix.”
“Bunnix, can I call you that?”
Y/n thinks about the name and can’t help but feel comfortable with it, finding it fitting. “Sure.”
That day he was given a new name by the cities hero who he later befriends. Y/n doesn’t tell this universe Spider-Man why he was there and what he did, only following him whenever he needed help and fighting off the villains in the city while Bunnix did his work on the side. There’s moments where he’s given the opportunity to save a future while working alongside with Spider-Man, fixing them without notice and when checking his work he left in shock by how much he is able to do.
Things were working well while staying in that universe and once again he let his guard down this time he’s met with the same stranger after helping Spider-Man fight off electro. His body was already sore from all the fighting and tired and all he wanted to do was get back to his place where he could lie down and relax only to be picked off the ground which shocks him.
Eyes wide as he frantically squirmed and looked up to see the familiar red and blue. “You!” He points at him with a deep glare, yelping when he nearly slips from his grasp, the rabbit holds back a cry as he climbs the mans body, keeping his legs and arms wrapped around him. “Hey! I can’t see!”
“Put me down!”
“How can I do that when you are blocking my vision?!”
The two banter with each other while the spider swings through the city, unable to see where he is going as he pries the hybrids hands away from his eyes only to see a building up ahead. The two scream and prepare for impact, but Bunnix is quick to act, opening a portal as they fall through it and opening another at a building where they fall on top of.
The same stranger groans as he lands on his back with the hybrid on his chest.
Bunnix scrambled off his chest, stepping away from him. “You could have killed us!”
“Kill you? You were the one blocking my sight!”
“You picked me up out of nowhere! Rabbit don’t do heights!” He shouted back at the man who slowly stood and rolled his shoulders, easing the pain from the hard fall. “Okay, I’m sorry, but also not because I am still here to take you back.”
“I already told you I am not going back to my universe.” Bunnix groans out, shaking his head while rubbing his temples. “I can’t have you roaming around universe, your disturbing them and I am fixing up your mess.”
Bunnix ears perk up at this. “Wait…what do you mean by fixing them?”
“Look, I don’t know what it is that you are doing but each time that you end up at a universe you cause a disturbance that can destroy timelines, let alone canons so I have to fix them—“ Before he can go on, the rabbit cuts him off. “You can fix them too?”
The others raises a brow. “What do you mean, too?”
Bunnix doesn’t know what to think, the fact that someone else is able to do the same as him leaves him in surprise. The hybrid allows himself to take small steps towards the man as he explains himself. “I can travel through universes without issue, my job is to fix the future and to make sure that no disturbance is caused whether good or bad its my job to protect it. I can’t go back to my universe because…” He hesitates before finding the courage. “My universe co existed with hybrids and humans and a genocide occurred with my people, I tried to fix it to find a better outcome of our future but found nothing and had no choice but to watch as the people I love die. I escaped and continued on with my duty and if I go back they will kill me.” His voice is full of sorrow and pain, not being able to read the others reaction towards his past.
He hears the other sigh softly, hand on his hip as he thinks. “That explains everything, all this time I thought you were an anomaly but your not your—your something else.” He finally says, understanding that the disturbances are the outcomes that Bunnix choose in order to improve the universe, at first Miguel thought that he was only making a bigger mess and whenever he checked on a canon expecting some mess he had to fix, instead he saw the canon already fixed for him.
Which only raised questions to the older man, giving him another reason to come after the hybrid.
As the two stand apart from each other it’s Miguel who speaks up.
“I’m not taking out back.” He finally says. “But I would be interested in seeing your work, perhaps you can help me.”
Bunnix raises a brow. “Help how?”
“You fix futures and I fix canons, together we can protect the universe from being destroyed.” His words intrigue the hybrid as he stares at the man before him, eyeing him up an down before sighing to himself and agreeing to his offer to protect the universe. “Good.” The rabbit flinched in surprise when the man’s masked is removed, dissolving away to reveal his own face. “I’m Miguel.”
Bunnix swallows nervously, but gains the courage to speak up as he reached up to remove his own mask. “Y/n.”
Y/n ends up working with Miguel in his universe for two years, being the only hybrid in base while everyone else was a spider felt off to him. Everyone knew him as Miguels second hand since he was their from the very beginning. Everyone thought that Jessica was Miguel’s best spider only to find out that its Bunnix. A simple hybrid that didn’t belong in any universe, but powerful enough to change anyone’s future and seeing that they couldn't.
His time working with Miguel made him realize how much the other spiders feared their leader due to his short temperament and the fact that he too had a beast inside of him. He once caught Miguel taking a serum that helped control the beast within him. At first the hybrid didn’t think anything of it until he decided to test a few things out, noticing how Miguel was sensitive to the bight lights and often kept his own lab under dim lighting, the noticeable fangs whenever he talked and now he used them in order to paralyze the anomalies that struggled the most. He already knew about the talons on the base of his finger tips, curious about them that he once approached Miguel and without asking he takes the mans hand into his hand and checks out the talons.
Miguel stares with a raised brow as the rabbit only hums to himself before dropping his hand back down and jumping off the platform while he continued on with his discoveries. Technically Miguel was a hybrid himself, but refused to say anything about it, Miguels own animalistic features bring some light comfort to the rabbit, feeling like he wasn’t alone anymore.
From their time together the two have grown comfortable around each others presence that Bunnix didn’t fear Miguels temper and whenever he grew upset about something going wrong during a mission he would usually come to Bunnix and rant to him, letting his anger out while the rabbit sat back and listened, watching the bigger man pace around the lab as he grumbled on about one of the spiders not listening to him.
Other times Miguel had grown to admire the rabbits tail, noticing how it flicked and twitched with each movement he made that without even asking his large hand reached down to touch the tail, fingers finding the soft fur while the hybrid tensed up. He’s caught by surprise and should yell at miguel to not touch him without asking, but the feeling of having someone touch his tail after so many years only brings back old memories of his family. He expected Miguel to be rough with his tail only to realize that the man was gentle, stroking the fur while he also concentrated on his own work.
It became a habit for Miguel to randomly touch Bunnix’s tail whenever he felt stress, feeling better after playing with the soft fur.
Their routine together grew and their trust for each other deepened.
Y/n only stepped into the whole canon issue whenever a screw up occurred, stepping into his burrow and meeting with Miguel two days before the moment happens, providing him instructions on how to handle the issue and what to do to fix it. Miguel had grown used to such moments happening, where the rabbit is hopping from past and future to present again.
The two worked well together and treated each other with respect.
As the spider society began to grow, Y/n started to see how alike everyone was and how their canons aligned with each other. He never questions Miguel as to why the canon events must remain intact or what would happen if one were to be broke. He kept those questions to himself while he watched Miguel command different spiders into different universe and getting the job done while also keeping the canons together.
It wasn’t until Miles came into the picture, he noticed a slight change in Miguel as their time together grew. The taller man used to be so blunt with him until he started hesitating that the hybrid started to notice. It felt like Ike he was hiding something from him and didn’t want him to know, as irritating as it was, Y/n would sometimes feel the itch to check his burrow, in hopes of finding his answer his questions, but promised himself that he wouldn’t due such thing. He could never look at his own future or know what to expect.
Bunnix had been working in the lab when Miles and Gwen show up alongside with Hobie, glancing at the teenagers while he works on a few of Miguel’s new gadgets.
“Oh! This is Bunnix, Miguels most trusted hero.” Said Gwen while giving Bunnix a soft smile while the hybrid nods in return before his gaze shifts towards Miles, noticing how the kids eyes widen a bit in surprise as he noticed his state. “I can tell from your staring you’ve never seen a hybrid before?” Said Bunnix with a raised brow.
Miles stutters out a nervous laugh. “I’ve seen weirder things.” The kids admits, avoiding his eyes while Bunnix chuckled and got back to his own work and allows them to approach Miguel. Y/n looks over his shoulder and watched as the platform lowers, rolling his eyes at how dramatic the man can be when trying to show intimidation.
The hybrid sets his work aside and turns around it make his way over to Miguel as the platform lowers only to gasp when a trash bin is thrown towards the teens way, causing the hybrid to react quickly as he grabs Miles by the arm and pulls him to the side, away from the hit.
Miles stares up at the hybrid who glared over to Miguel. “Miguel what the hell?!” Bunnix shouts, letting go of Miles once he checks him over and then turns his attention back to Miguel who ignored him and continued with his own rant. Y/n has never seen Miguel react in such way before, yes he had a temper, but it was never this bad.
The rabbit walks over to Miguel and jumps onto the platform. “What is going on with you?” He whispers low enough for Miguel to hear only to get a side eye from the bigger man a sense of irritation in his eyes before turning back to the teens. His actions only worry Bunnix even more, knowing that something wasn’t right as he takes a small step back.
His instincts were kicking in, telling him to run to hide, but from what?
While Miguel is distracted talking to Gwen and Miles, he takes the opportunity to step out of the lab, getting away from the others as he opens a portal and steps through, stepping inside his burrow and closing the portal behind him.
He’s surrounded by various timelines and universe, swallowing nervously as he approached one of them and placed his palm over it. Watching the scene before him as Miguel explains to Miles about the canons, fast forwarding Miles finding out about his father needing out die in order to keep the canon from breaking, from Miles escaping and Miguel chasing down the kid.
“No, no, what is happening.” He whispers as he steps away from the timeline and approached another with Miguel and Miles, watching as he chased the kid through the city. He can see the anger in Miguel’s body language, talons digging into the buildings and it sets an alarm off in the rabbit. He fast forwards to see the outcome, only for an additional timeline to show up, raising his ears in surprise as he moves over to check the two outcomes.
His looks into both outcomes, noticing how a third timeline appears. He’s never seen something like this before and it interests him as he checks everything figuring out the good and bad the right and wrong of his own choices that he is to make. When he connects all outcome together to create a new future he takes a step back, knowing that his next step could possibly ruin the trust he had with Miguel, but knew that it was the right thing to do.
It was his duty to protect the future.
The hybrid lets out a deep breath, extending out the palm of his hand as he opens a portal, jumping through and quickly holding onto the rail of the train that everyone clung onto. He can see as Miguel held Miles down, pinning him down as he shouted to the kid about how much of a mistake he was and how he wasn’t suppose to be a hero.
He can see the hurt in Miles eyes when hearing Miguels words only for it to grow worse when he finds out that his own friends knew the truth the entire time and never told him.
Bunnix holds on tight to the railing his movement getting Miguels attention, noticing the opened portal above them and hardening his stare. “I can’t let you go back.” Said Miguel, looking back to Miles as his grip on his shoulders tightened. “Bunnix, take him back to the lab.” His voice is full of demand, expecting the hybrid to listen and to take the kid back only to see no movement.
Miguel looks up to Y/n with a hint of confusion in his eyes. “Bunnix.” He hissed out towards the hybrid who can only frown.
Holding onto the rial he used his back leg to push himself up, eyes full of guilt. “I’m sorry.” He says, using the strength of his legs to push himself forward. “I have to protect the timeline.”
Miguels eyes widen when he finally realizes what he means, reacting too late as the hybrid uses his legs to kick Miguel off of Miles, sending him flying back. Y/n is quick to grab Miles, not letting the kid speak before giving Miguel one last look and jumping through his portal and disappearing from sight.
Both Y/n and Miles roll through the burrow together. “What—“ Miles starts as he stands from where he lies, only for his eye to widen. “What is this place?”
Bunnix grunts, getting up and rushing over to the kid, covering his eyes. “don’t look.” His voice is low and dangerous. He couldn’t allow anyone to see what he sees, not even Míguel had the privilege to look into his burrow.
“Hold on!” Miles starts again, reaching out to try and pry Y/n’s hands off his eyes, but Y/n tightens his hold. “You can’t see this, if you do it will alter the future and I can’t have that. happening, not now.” He is guiding Miles around his burrow, checking the different timelines while the kid began to ask.
“Why did you save me?”
The hybrids ears raise at his question before they fall back, forgetting to explain to him. “I know what Miguel is only trying to do his job into keeping the canons from breaking, but…I also have a job of my own which is to keep the future safe. I saw the outcome of Miguel’s doing and I had to fix it.” His voice is soft while leading the kid around, keeping his hands over his eyes still until he finds what he is looking for.
“Wait, so you can see the future?” Miles looks over his shoulder while Bunnix sighs, knowing his next questions as he opens the portal to where he is to take Miles, stepping through and into the rain. The sound gets the kids attention and his eyes are uncovered, looking around in confusion and then turning back to Bunnix who stood before him.
“I know you want to know if you make it to your dad on time.” Said Bunnix. “I know what happens, Miles and it’s something I cannot reveal. I decided that this path works best, whether its good or bad its the right one.” Miles is staring at Bunnix with a look of determination and desperation wanting to know if his own father make sit out of the situation alive and if he’s able to save him before its too late.
As Miles opens his mouth to speak again he is cut off by Bunnix holding his hand up, stopping him.
Y/n gives the kid a sad smile already knowing that Miguel possibly hates him for what he’s done. “Your path goes on, mine ends here.” At this point their is nothing he can do for him, knowing that Miguel will be searching for him and the only way to stay hidden without getting caught would be in his burrow until everything is complete.
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dream-in-fall · 2 months
The theory of "The Hidden Morse Messages"
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These people have done a unique work. They discovered and deciphered The Hidden Morse Messages.
Here's my theory "The Hidden Morse Messages."
1 SHE’S IN MA PHONE (or He's) Ma phone is an outdated name for a magnetophone. During World War 2, german engineers developed a device for recording sound on magnetic tape.
Crowley uses such a device and even gets inside - into it magnetic field. Together with Hastur. And we know that you can get stuck there, just like Hastur got stuck. Who exactly is this "She" or "He" who is in the "ma phone", I do not know yet. Perhaps the "dreadful eternity" itself.
- it is said to someone who is stuck in this "dreadful eternity"
- it is said about some eternity that has become dreadful, because it has become closed perhaps. (It's a little difficult, I know).
3 TOMMY’S A LEGEND I think we're talking about Tommy Westphall here. And about Tommy Westphall universe hypothesis.
In short, there is a kind of crossover of all (or many) shows /series in the consciousness of Tommy Westphall. A little more: In a 2003 article published on BBC News Online, St. Elsewhere writer Tom Fontana was quoted as saying "Someone did the math once… and something like 90 percent of all [American] television took place in Tommy Westphall's mind. God love him."[9] (link 2) When directing episodes for the eighth series of the revived Doctor Who in 2014, Ben Wheatley had the art department create a replica of Tommy Westphall's snowglobe, which Wheatley placed in the TARDIS set as a reference to the hypothesis.[11] (link 2)
4 PAUL’S OUR MIXING HERO Re-recording mixer Paul McFadden. He was actively involved in the creation of a huge of TV series. This man literally lives in the universe of a TV show. (Tommy Westphall universe).
He was not only a sound engineer, but also a dialogue editor. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the co-creator of this magic (secret dialogues and hidden hints).
Here is one of my generalizing theories of Morse messages. We are really stuck in the universe of Good Omens, like a hellish web. This universe is full of references to literature, music, series and movies. In addition, a large of dialogues in the series are written in such a way that you can read between the lines and find new meanings. We literally "lick the walls." That is, we examine every pixel on every damn frame. Heaven (the creators) suggests that we give up all hope of saving our long-suffering souls. But they cheer us up - it's a sweet eternal damnation. Heaven looks down on us because we will never be able to find all the hidden meanings.
In this post: 20% jokes 5% sarcasm 20% pathos 100% love and admiration for the creators of Good Omens 40% hope to find another meaning of these secret messages 15% of the fatigue from Googling.
p.s. I'm going to formulate a more complex theory, good luck to me
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needlesandnilbogs · 29 days
I keep writing murderbot magical aus (on the second “canon with magic” au and the many-th crossover with other media with magic) but I think there’s genuinely something there thematically, not that I actually know what.
In other news I might just have had an idea for a third “throw murderbot canon at magic and see what sticks” fic, less than 24 hours after being kicked into finishing the second one (thanks Hilary for the poke). Oops.
(the first magical au (light and leaves/“murderbot magical au” tag) is currently unfinished until I figure out a lot of stuff, second one the fic is named small magics but I haven’t decided on a tag yet)
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priestess-of-yuri · 5 months
Pmmm x alnst anon here. This is what I thought about who would be who LOLLL. Sorry if this seems long and stupid as you can see I'm deeply hyperfixated lmao
Ok sooo obviously mizisua is madohomu but it's a little hard to decide who would be madoka and who would be homura for a number of reasons. Apon first looks you might think that sua would be madoka and mizi would be homura because of the whole sacrificing thing+ that one piece of angel sua devil mizi official art buuuuuuut if you look deeper you'll realize that it doesn't really fit: the most noticable part is that mizi has pink hair and sua has black hair+ purple eyes . Mizis whole thing is that she was unaware of her worlds dark nature until her gf died which kindaaaaa defeats the whole thing about homura as opposed to sua who was generally always kinda sad because she knew what was gonna happen if she lost which isn't really something like madoka??? (Also. Mizi is shown to have a generally supportive alien family while sua is shown to have a neglectful one which kinda contracts the thing about homura basically being a Catholic orphan and madoka being the only character in the show to have a supportive AND alive family. Idk if you get it but yeah) anyways I still decided that mizi would be homura and sua would be madoka because of some other reasons but. Yeah. You kinda understand
Next up is ivantill kyosaya. I think that they fit ivantill perfectly (sorta) because it's kinda obvious (at least for me) that who would be who here: kyoko would be Till because of her overall aggressive nature BUUUUUT also because till crushing on mizi would kinda also fit homuras and kyokos relationship since kyoko is basically the only person that homura can always trust. sayaka would be Ivan because of the whole "longing for someone who doesn't love you back" thing+ some other reasons (thought Ivan sayaka having beef with sua madoka while being close friends with mizi homura doesn't. Rlly make sense so) Ivan being fated to death could also kinda add up the fact that sayaka witched out every time she became a magical girl. I think you kinda understand why
Sooo Mami is Luka for a number of reasons: both have a reasonable amount of yellow in their designs, both are (physically) the eldest of their groups both are kindaaaaa insane ect ect. It's also fitting because Luka being the "king" of the stage could also add up the thing about Mami being an experienced magical girl and being WAYYY too much in the whole thing. R5 could also be a parallel to the Mami vs homura gun fight (specifically the part where mizi beats the tar out of Luka) . The ONE difference between these 2 is that Mami genuinely feels remorse lol
Anddddd last but not least (drumrolllllllll).... Hitomi as Hyuna. YES I know this seems strange but I actually have multiple reasons to believe why this sorta fits??? First of all Hitomi never becomes a magical girl no matter what which kinda fits hyunas rebel thing. Also iirc Hitomi had a crush on homura in one of the timelines???? Which could kinda add up to the thing about Hyuna rescuing mizi In r5. I guess Issac and Dewey could be those 2 friends of madoka from the first episode but idk. Mayyyyyybe kyosuke could be hyunwoo but idk LOLLLLLLL.
I LOVE YOUR RAMBLINGS GO OFF ANON. i love the discussion and details you put into your crossover...
my interpretation of your au was that mizi would be homura, sua would be madoka, till would be kyouko, and ivan would be sayaka. i hadn't got as far as thinking about mami, nevermind hitomi, but i would probably put mami down as hyuna for my own self-indulgence (i love shipping mizi/hyuna), and therefore hitomi as luka.
my reasoning, which is not to say it's superior to yours or anything, but like instead just building off your ideas...
just btw, when you do crossovers, it doesn't have to be 1:1! that's the whole point, you can make your own self-indulgent story! if you enjoy it, then that's mission accomplished! so this is my self-indulgence that i wanted to share with you too :3
homura as mizi: the themes are what i would like to focus on here! in homura's original timeline, homura was saved by madoka. not to mention, homura deifies madoka, just as mizi deifies sua.
madoka as sua: madoka isn't all sunshine and rainbows! she has been known to turn into a witch, so i think her taking on sua's "role" so to speak of understanding the larger picture of the alien society could fit! and like i said, her dying/becoming deified by homura also fits.
sayaka as ivan: their vibes are similar 🤔 and sayaka having an unrequited crush that drives her to sacrifice herself is pretty much right up her alley.
kyouko as till: their vibes are SO similar. i also think kyouko reads as anti-establishment! and this would be perfect for her to take on till's "role". it would mean that her values/attitudes/rebellion of hating the aliens would get painted as part of the show by the aliens, and again this is fitting. plus i like your points. kyouko DOES have some kind of homoerotic thing going on with homura 😳
mami as hyuna: mami might be less of a wildcard than hyuna, but i think being older and more experienced still lends credibility to her taking on hyuna's "role" of a rebel. i also just like mizi/hyuna and homura/mami is a fascinating ship to me.
hitomi as luka: look, i'll be the first to say luka is fascinating as a character and i want to put him under a microscope, and in the same breath i'll say i dislike him (yet i understand his actions and do not blame him). and yet i love hitomi. which makes it all the more interesting to list hitomi as luka, actually, because i think i would adore hitomi in luka's shoes. hitomi is shown to be quite mature in the pmmm universe, but put her in the high-stakes alien stage scenario in luka's shoes and i think she would actually get driven to the extremes luka did. especially when you consider that it's theorised luka's skin condition is the result of what can be interpreted as extreme abuse at the hands of his alien owner. one thing that i want to note is luka (and therefore hitomi in his shoes) could very likely feel remorse! remember, he's performing to Literally Save His Own Life. we need to humanize them, we need to humanize ALL the contestants, because the real monsters are the aliens running the show. that's the whole point of alien stage's commentary on idols performing under capitalism: idols irl are dangled around as if they are puppets, and you as the audience eat it up, but the people behind the scenes making them sing for scraps are the real scum.
thank you so much for reading if you got this far!!! and thank you for sending me your thoughts and hearing out mine too. i love Thinking Thoughts about my fave media... 💖
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goblininawig · 5 months
Death & Mischief, Part 2
This is one of two short pieces I wrote for Death Appreciation Week, hosted by @orionsangel86 , about two times that Death of the Endless and Loki of Asgard crossed paths.
Death and Mischief At the World's Fair
Once every hundred years, Death of the Endless becomes human. On this day in May 1893, she is Daisy Smith, a visitor to the World’s Columbian Exhibition, better known as the Chicago World's Fair. But she's not the only immortal being present that day.
~600 words | Rated T | a03 link
Includes spoilers for Loki, Season 2
Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Episode: s02e03 1893 (Loki TV), Death Becomes Human for a Day, Historical References, Canon Compliant, Random Encounters, Short One Shot
Daisy chatted excitedly with her cousins, who flanked the smaller girl as they rode the Intramural Railway at the World’s Columbian Exhibition. Charlotte and Beatrice had not, until waking up that morning, had a cousin Daisy. Reality rearranged itself to allow Death of the Endless to become human for a day, once every hundred years. Today she was Daisy Smith, visiting her Chicago relatives so she might see the fair.
Her aunt and uncle sat behind them. It had already been an exciting day, and they were resting their feet as the sounds of brass bands wafted in from the surrounding park. Their little group disembarked at the next station and proceeded to the domed Palace of Fine Arts, where they wandered happily through the galleries, viewing art from masters all over the world.
After stopping for refreshments, they paid a visit to the Chinese Village. Daisy was staring at the red and gold replica of a Potala temple when her attention was drawn to a pair of white gentlemen who were softly arguing nearby.
“I told you: legwork. That requires walking…observing. This time and place is all we've got to go on. So we keep looking until we find a clue,” asserted the shorter man, who had gray hair and a thick mustache beneath his brown fedora.
The taller man, with had dark hair, a green silk tie, and a grumpy expression at odds with the other fair-goers, retorted, “Mobius, do you really think we’ll just stumble across Renslayer if we walk far enough? Because that’s not going to happen.”
“Daisy!” called her aunt, waving her to join them. “Come along, dear. We’re going inside.”
The curious little girl hurried after her relatives, leaving the mysterious men to their argument.
As night fell, all the park lights came on, the fairgrounds seemed even more impressive. Her aunt and uncle were ready to leave, but Daisy, supported by her cousins, begged to ride enormous Ferris Wheel first. The adults capitulated, and they joined the queue.
When they were on board, Daisy pressed close to the wall of the enormous glass carriage, it turned and rose enough for the next carriage to fill with passengers. Finally, their carriage was at the apex of the enormous wheel, and the gleaming lights of the "White City" twinkled down below her.
“Can you believe this is real?” she asked her cousins. “It’s like being in a fairy tale.”
Their carriage turned around the wheel, suddenly showing Daisy a veiw of the two men she’d heard arguing near the temple. They were in the next car with a mustachioed, bespectacled Black gentleman with them. Most shockingly, a white woman in a strange costume was attacking them. Daisy and the other passengers facing the nearby car all gasped and exclaimed over the exchange. Bursts of green light, like some sort of magic trick, kept appearing and disappearing.
“Is it a show?” Charlotte asked.
“I don’t think so,” Daisy replied. “They seem in earnest.”
The commotion ended as quickly as it had begun. No one could understand what had happened. Shortly afterwards, the ride ended. Daisy and her relatives disembarked.
They were heading to the nearest exit when the Ghost Clock, of which they’d heard rumors - appeared suddenly, huge and unbelievable, over the Midway.
“Girls, hurry!” shouted Daisy’s uncle, putting his arms around them and rushing them to safety. Daisy screamed and ran with the other girls. They quickly put the apparition out of sight.
“Well, I shall never forget this night, not in a hundred years!” declared Daisy’s aunt that evening as she tucked the girls into bed. “You’ll certainly have a lot to tell your family when you go home again.”
“I certainly shall,” Daisy replied with a strange, knowing smile.
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celestialseawitch-ff · 8 months
Okay I know I asked one already, but would you write a Hermione x Peter Parker crossover?
Oh my god please ask as many questions as you like. All th time. About anything! I built this Tumblr account so my readers could ask me stuff. Please as me stuff!!
Also, yes, of course, I ALREADY HAVE TWO STARTED. Who do you think you're talking to?
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It's not a fusion world. Hermione goes to the MCU world and so her magic is different from what they have but also it adapts to be familiar to their own. There's a lot of fun world building and team ups in it.
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OC-Siblings-Bracket 1.13
info down there because these posts are long ↓
Riley & Kiara Parker by @attorneybout
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OKAY. SO. leaving out a lot of details because their story takes place entirely in a huge crossover roleplay and it'd be fucking wild if halfway through i was just like "so anyways, dimentio-" so we will not do that <3 no info about these guys is on my blogs. they're only on discord sorry.
so. riley and kiara are sisters, with riley being th younger sister, at 12 (kiara is 16). kiara's dad actually found riley alone in the woods one day, and, with seemingly nobody else looking for her, took her in. neither he nor kiara knows about her biological parents but judging from how riley acted and how scared she seemed when he found her he hopes they never come back for her (they will! well. her bio mom will. her bio dad isn't relevant)
riley was basically very jumpy and anxious for the longest time because of how her mom treated her but eventually she came out of her shell and now shse's so sillygirl /pos she's very close with kiara and also close with kiara's friends it's really nice. kiara is really quiet mostly but undeniably Very Cool and she's also a streamer (sometimes she streams playing games with her friends or with riley too!)
however! a lot of stuff happens to riley, like an obscene amount. she got possessed, once. she got kidnapped into a fucking void dimension for a while. and she even got mind controlled. and kiara couldn't take seeing her sister hurt so often and even though she can't do much she has to try to get her sister back, so she ends up joining this vaguely shady organization who promises to help get riley back.
and! it works. sort of. they manage to catch the guy who mind controlled riley, with some outside help, and kiara questions him for a way to reverse the mind control. but he say he can't just reverse it like that. BUT. he offers her something. if they let him go, he'll give them something that they could use to try and reverse engineer a way to get riley back.
but if kiara lets him go, then he could go on to cause more mayhem. mind control more people. possibly even destroy the world.
but like. small price to pay for your sister being okay. so kiara, after some hesitation, lets him go. and, for the time being, they've even gotten away with it. sure, someone else got mind controlled, but not riley. never riley again. and nobody suspects that they let him go, at least not to her knowledge.
but she still feels a little bit bad about it. i mean, who wouldn't? sure, she can tell herself it will work out and that they had no choice, but she knows it's not true. and the truth is, riley wouldn't have really wanted that. but riley, despite having more confidence in herself now, is insanely self-sacrificial, and would have said it's better for everyone if she was simply gone forever if that meant everyone else would be safe.
other fun bonus things include:
riley is a realm-hopper. she doesn't know it yet. realm hoppers can basically teleport and travel between dimensions. kiara is vaguely aware of this but hasn't told riley about it yet
riley is trans!
kiara she/they swag
kiara is nonverbal at times
one of kiara's friends is also siblings with one of riley's friends but they're less iconic so i'm submitted these two instead. but their names are liberty (libby for short) eagle lawson and justice forall lawson and i need you to know that their parents are fucking insane for that one
kiara aroace swag also
riley lesbian swag
kiara doesn't share all of the same interests as riley but she always knows so much about riley's interests second-hand
kiara taught riley how to do crafts
they have a cat!! the cat's name is kiki :) i'll include a picture of her too but that's just for infodump purposes. kiki is actually named after a nickname riley used to call kiara
riley (first image) drawn by me and kiara (second image) made using this picrew https://picrew.me/image_maker/92646 and kiki (third image) made using this picrew https://picrew.me/image_maker/1713721 if i'm lucky enough to get motivation i might draw them together because i really need to anyways honestly
Additional Cat Photo:
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Mischief & Magic Grape by @mystic-sunni
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Mischief Grape is a Adventurer who travels around to the islands in Poptropica. With how much he travels he helped many people and became a hero to many. Magic Grape is his little sister just a year apart. Magic Grape is a well known author who has many successful books and is very kind to people. They both love helping people whenever they can. Also fun fact about Mischief Grape is that he has some clumsy moments that definitely are only seen in cartoons.
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alumbianchronicler · 1 year
EctoberHaunt - Oct. 11 Magic - Calm
Amity Park is still. Calm. A layer of icy Fear envelops it, Burying all within. It's finally silent, and the Phantom of a boy can finally rest.
Until the Fear-Buried town attracts the attention of Gertrude and Gerry, Head Archivist and her sole assistant.
Warnings: Suicidal ideation (In a sense of "I'm already dead, let me actually die"). Major Character Death.
Crossover: DP x Magnus Archives
Note: It's past midnight and I'm not bothering to review/edit this tonight, so you're getting it as it is until I go back and revise it. I apologize for any typos/inconsistencies.
The world hadn't heard from Amity Park for months.
There were plenty of residents who had family outside the small city, but none of those outside the city had heard from their relatives since mid-February, just over three months ago.
Some wrote the silence off, figuring things were either busy or uneventful, and that their loved ones would contact them in due time.
Others were becoming worried.
Attempts to call their loved ones failed to go through, phones either ringing without being answered, or simply going straight to voicemail.
The city had been a nexus of ghostly activity for as long as the Hunters questioned could remember, though reported activity had skyrocketed in recent years. With the enactment of the Anti-Ecto Acts within the state, normal Hunters had been discouraged from interfering or risk becoming Hunted by the government, themselves.
Of course, when even the local Ghost Investigation Ward sent by the state disappeared, certain people took notice.
Not that anyone was keen on rushing into the town.
It was one of those places known for swallowing Hunters whole even before the AEA. A place where the populous knew exactly what was happening but had lived with it for so long that it had become mundane, even if deadly to those who entered from outside the community.
Gertrude and Gerry sat on the hood of a rental car just outside the city, staring in. The entire town was shrouded in a miasma of Fear, but even Gerry couldn’t penetrate it clearly enough to determine just which Entity was responsible here. It was heavy and still, as if waiting for something to come along and stir it into action. Honestly, it could be one of half a dozen of the fourteen.
“Think we have enough lighter fluid?” he asked, half joking.
The Archivist scowled. They most certainly did not have enough for the entire town, but if it really was the site for a Ritual that it felt to be, then they needed to come up with something.
She stood and returned to the car, Gerry tossing aside his cigarette, stomping it out, and following her.
They were silent as they drove into the city. It was cold, their breath forming mist even inside the car, despite the heat turned up as far as it would go.
Under Gerry’s gaze, the town seemed frozen, everything coated in a thin layer of green-tinged ice. His first guess was Lonely, but that didn’t seem quite right. This wasn’t a Lonely chill. It was more… enveloping.
Neither was it Desolation. It preserved too much, kept it close and still and calm and unmoving…
“Buried,” he finally said as the Archivist drove through the empty streets. No one was outside. Nothing was moving. Everything was covered in the same layer of icy Fear, invisible to everyone but those with the Eye to see.
Gertrude made a sound of agreement, stopping at an intersection for several long moments. She eyed each direction as if it had personally offended her. Gerry remained silent, watching her. She was nearly Hunt-like herself, when she got on a trail, and he knew she was seeking out the source of this Fear. The Predator waiting at the bottom of the pit, burying everything around it alive.
Finally, she turned the car to the right and drove on.
They ended up in front of a house that looked like someone had tried to build a space station on the top. An odd choice for the Buried, but sometimes superficial appearances were deceiving.
The cold was deeper here, settling into their bones and making Gerry’s head ache with the sharpness of an icepick. It was oppressive, trying to hold them down beneath the desire to sleep and hide and don’t let them see, don’t let them know, don’t let them uncover your secret.
He could feel the Eye stir with the knowledge, seeking it out, pushing him to chip off the ice and bear the heart of the being at the core of this lair. He paused, forcibly closing his eyes and taking a steadying breath. He could feel the Archivist’s gaze on him, but she didn’t say anything until he opened his eyes, his headache worsening.
“I’m fine. It’s here?”
“It is.”
“Let’s go, then.”
He turned to grab a duffelbag from the back seat, leaving the car and following the old woman inside.
They didn’t even have to break into the house, though it did take a few kicks to loosen the door from the very real ice that had sealed it shut.
The interior was even more frigid; an icy tomb created from layer upon layer of carefully placed Fear, cocooning its inhabitant deep inside.
If they had the supplies, perhaps they would have simply set the building itself on fire from the outside, but as it was, they would both bet money that the Avatar was in the basement, safely Buried away from whatever Desolation would do on the surface.
Which left their only choice being to seek it within its own den, and root it out.
There was someone on the couch in the living room.
At first, Gerry was prepared to fight, but Gertrude barely reacted, simply sweeping her sharp gaze over the red-haired young woman. “She’s frozen,” the Archivist said, and continued inside.
The old woman led them unerringly to what was, indeed, the door to the basement.
Below, an eerie green light illuminated the stairwell, becoming brighter as they descended, the weight of the Buried settling on their shoulders like heavy snowfall.
Gerry’s boots crunched the ice beneath him as he stepped off the final step onto the cement basement floor.
The basement itself appeared to be a laboratory of some kind. Two people stood in the center of the room, frozen beneath thick layers of the strange green ice, impossibly still despite the Eye revealing to him they still lived. They were dressed in brightly-colored jumpsuits, and had several Marks between them. The Stranger, the Desolation, the Spiral.
Neither of them were the conduit of the Buried in this place.
The Archivist continued past them.
On the far side of the basement, a gaping hole yawned wide in the wall, leading back and down, down, down from the laboratory. In front of it laid… a teenager, curled on his side on the floor.
His hair was white, and though he didn’t appear to be breathing, a slight mist condensed before him every few seconds. He was nearly peaceful in his stillness, despite the miasma of Fear that blanketed him. This was their Avatar.
The Archivist set down her bag and pulled out a tape recorder, her eyes glowing in the dim icy-green light of the basement.
Gerry moved to stand beside her as she leaned down and shook the child awake.
He moved slowly, looking up at them with eyes clouded with ice and despair. “Who are you?”
The Archivist Spoke. “I am Gertrude Robinson, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute. Please tell me what has happened here.” Despite the politeness of her words, there was the sharpness of Compelling beneath them, the Watcher bleeding through its vessel.
The boy blinked, flinching even as he seemed to become more animated. Around them, the ice cracked audibly.
“I… just wanted the pressure to stop. Ever since my parents made the tunnel, ever since I entered it, I had been changed. There was something down there. I can’t say what, but it was as if I had been… swallowed, consumed, changed. It stayed with me when I left, settling on my shoulders with a weight that left me unable to breathe.”
“I think I died.”
He frowned. “Everyone expected things of me, but I couldn’t respond properly. It all seemed to weigh so heavily. I… couldn’t pull myself up out of their expectations. It was better down here. Heavier, but it was a calm weight, like… a crypt or a grave.”
“I came to think of myself as… some sort of Phantom. Some fascimile of a living being, trying to hold up to what living beings did, like Atlas holding up the sky, until inevitably it pressed down and crushed me, and I…”
He looked past the Archivist to the frozen pair in the center of the room. “My parents loved me, I know, but they never knew I went into the tunnel. They didn’t realize I had died. They didn’t know how much the pressure weighed on me.”
“I just… I want everything to be calm. I want to enter my grave and not return, to have the ice freeze me and envelope me and never let me go and…” he started crying, the tears freezing halfway down his face.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt people.”
Gerry couldn’t see the old woman’s gaze from where he stood, but he knew it hadn’t softened. The Watcher drank in the boy’s story, relishing the flavor of despair and self-loathing, even as it didn’t understand why having so much pushed upon oneself could be so crushing.
“Gerard,” Gertrude said after several long moments of heavy silence. “Go back to the car, and get the bag of explosives from the trunk.”
He raised a brow at the old woman but complied.
When he returned, the kid had stood, though he held himself as if he could barely hold himself up against gravity.
Gertrude turned to noted Gerry’s return and nodded. “Set them up at the opening of the tunnel,” she said, then turned back to the young Avatar in front of them.
“You desire to go to the Buried and not return?” she asked him.
The boy nodded.
“Then I want you to go into the tunnel and continue walking. Don’t stop. Don’t look back. Let the Buried have you.”
It wasn’t quite the same counter-strategy they usually used. There was no neutralizing one Entity with another Opposing it here. There was simply… laying a restless spirit to rest.
Gerry met the teen’s eyes as he walked past, and for a moment they regarded each-other, before Phantom continued into the tunnel, eventually disappearing into the depths beyond.
They lit the explosives, retreating for the explosion then returning to make sure the tunnel was sealed. The eerie green light had vanished from the ice, and what was left of the ice itself was quickly melting, leaving only the bodies of the boy’s family behind.
For good measure, they burned the house down, and the occupants within it.
There were a few other cars on the road as they left the town, neither of them speaking to each other until they had passed the sign heading away.
“How’s your head feeling?” Gertrude asked, as if she didn’t know.
“It’s fine,” Gerry replied, lying, the weight of the truth heavy on his shoulders.
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zephfair · 11 months
@kelliealtogether Thank you so much for the tag! 😘 I was just looking at stats the other day, and it’s interesting!
How many works do you have on ao3? 58
What’s your total ao3 word count? 573,770
What fandoms do you write for? Currently The Raven Cycle. Previously Bleach, Teen Wolf, FF7, Da Vinci’s Demons, Bi no Isu, and Weiss Kreuz. And Tokio Hotel but those half-million words are on another archive. Still have a couple unfinished fics for most old fandoms except TH.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Creature Comforts Teen Wolf. weird Stiles-Derek meet-cute that got so popular (for me) that I wrote a second part.
Will You Accept This Rose? The Raven Cycle. My crack-filled little baby to get Ronan and Adam together on the set of The Bachelorette.
Friends make the best lovers Bleach. Ichigo and Grimmjow school AU.
Familiarity breeds contempt (and affection) Bleach. Ichigo and Grimmjow magic AU.
Fix Me Up Good Teen Wolf. Uuuuugh I can’t believe this ranks so highly 🥴 because it’s a stupid PWP I wrote literally just to see if my writing was any good because my stuff on the other archive never got much attention. It’s awful and I’ve thought many times about abandoning it, but I keep it to humble myself.😶‍🌫️
Do you respond to comments? I want to! I always do in my mind! I love and appreciate each comment more than you’ll ever know! Then I get busy irl and forget to come back and actually write down the damn response. 😖 By then, too much time has passed so my social anxiety kicks in and assumes that I’d be bothering or obnoxious, so I just don’t respond. Please forgive me. 😢 (PLEASE NOTE: I’ve received years’ old responses to my comments and they thrill me to my core! It’s awesome. I just figure I’d be upsetting the commenters so I don’t do it.)
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don’t write angst, BUT I did write Sailing Off Anchor which is set between two episodes of Da Vinci’s Demons where they rip apart the two characters who’d finally come together (we all wished carnally) and worked so well together. So ofc, the storytellers tore them apart, put one back in his horribly toxic situation, and that was it for the best part of the series. How am I still so bitter?? So, yeah, my fic has a canonical ending so it’s not hopeful.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All the rest of them. I want escapism when I read and write so I try to give the characters a … happy ending. 😉😏 Some more literally than others.
Do you get hate on fics? No, I’ve never gotten true hate, thank you all. I had one DVD reviewer who would ruthlessly critique my fics for plotting, pacing, OOC-ness, but they actually made some really good points, so if it was hate, it backfired.
Do you write smut? Yeah. 😏😘
Do you write crossovers? Yes, I have and I would again.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! For TH, translations into Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian, I think. For DVD, Russian.
Have you ever co written a fic? No, but I’d be possibly willing to try. I just have a very chaotic approach to writing that I’m not sure would be amenable to sharing. 😂
What’s your all time favourite ship? All of them! 🤣 I loved writing Leo/Riario for DVD, I loved writing Zack/Cloud for FF7, and I’m loving Adam/Ronan for TRC which is my only pairing that ever actually made it to canon.
What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Never say never! I was doing a multi-chapter re-write of DVD at one point, but I know I’ll never finish it because I don’t have the time or energy. And there’s only three or four of us still around, and unfortunately, I would need some external validation to ever take on a project that big again.
What are your writing strengths? N/A I just want to make readers smile, and I will feel thrilled if I make you laugh.🤣
What are your writing weaknesses? All of them? Probably can’t/won’t plot—just vibes. 😋
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I’m a sorry excuse for a language student, so I don’t even attempt to write in another language. There’s too much nuance needed that online translation can’t handle. In TRC, there’s a smattering of Latin here and there in fics I read, and that’s cool, but I truly appreciate when you add a translation in the text or foot notes. I won’t be googling that.
First fandom you wrote for? Weiss Kreuz, but I never posted it except on my locked LJ. The first fic I ever wrote then later posted was FF7 on FFN. The first fic I ever wrote then immediately posted was for TH. ...You can tell I have anxiety.😭
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? That’s like asking a parent to choose their favorite kid! I love so many of them for so many reasons and moods. Probably the one I’m most proud of is Sailing Off Anchor because I still feel like I hit the characters perfectly. For rom-com fluff, Will You Accept This Rose? because I got to write the silly scenes I could see so clearly in my mind. For sheer zany comedy (which seems to be what I’m leaning toward more these days) Special Delivery because it’s based on a true story, and it was so much fun to embellish it and put Ronan through things.😉🤣
I'm going to tag @flightspathfic @lizpaige and @mychemicalrachel but ONLY if you want to/have the time. 😘💖💖💖
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bookwermthings · 4 months
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UNOFFICIAL STEAM POWERED GIRAFFE PROMPTS Enough for a whole month (if said month only has 28 days :P), or enough for the rest of June, if you start now!
Feel free to use these whenever
you can use either the main prompt for the day, one of the smaller prompts underneath, a combination of the smaller prompts, or a combination of smaller prompt and main prompt, doesn't matter.
If you make a piece of art/fanfic/other fan content using my prompts, I would love it if you would tag me, and/or use the hashtag #unofficialspgprompts in your post about it!
If you have an issue with my prompt list, or even just a question about one of the prompts, I'd love to know! You can send me an ask or a message about it.
If you can't read the image, no need to fear, I have a description of it under the readmore!
Image Description: an orange page with prompts on it. In the top right corner is a doodle of the character GG the Giraffe. In the top left corner is the acronym SPG in large bright red letters, at a 45 degree angle. There is a stream of small blue flowers across the bottom of the page, from right to left. The title of the page is Unofficial Steam Powered Giraffe Prompts.
The first main prompt is Hijinks Ensue. The sub-prompts are Prank Call, Food Fight, and Secret.
The second main prompt is Creatures. The sub-prompts are Butterflies, Elephants, and Giraffe or Giraffes.
The third main prompt is Romance. The sub-prompts are First Kiss, the phrase “Sing your heart out” in quotes, and Wedding.
The fourth main prompt is Fans. The sub-prompts are Fanmail, First Concert, and the phrase “Made my day” in quotes.
The fifth main prompt is Baby Bots. The sub-prompts are First Word, Gentle, and Learning To Sing.
The sixth main prompt is Fanfiction Tropes. The sub-prompts are Crossover, Body Swap, and Songfic.
The seventh main prompt is Bedtime. The sub-prompts are Nightmares, Daydreams, and Exhausted.
The eighth main prompt is Walter Manor. The sub-prompts are Getting Lost, Walter Workers, and Invention
The ninth main prompt is Repairs. The sub-prompts are Malfunction, Injury, and Self-repair.
The tenth main prompt is Going To War. The sub-prompts are Parachutes, Upgrades, and Medic.
The eleventh main prompt is Sound Of Tomorrow. The sub-prompts are The Far Future, the phrase “Who am I?” in quotes, and the moon.
The twelfth main prompt is Holidays. The sub-prompts are the phrase “Missing you” in quotes, Gift, and Dress-up
The thirteenth main prompt is Brain Itch. The sub-prompts are Rex Marksley, Dinosaurs, and Songwriting.
The fourteenth main prompt is Concert. The sub-prompts are Sheet music, Rehearsal, and Standing Ovation.
The fifteenth main prompt is the question "What Is Humanity?". The sub-prompts are Mortality, Human Disguise, and Difficult Choice.
The sixteenth main prompt is Magic. The sub-prompts are Transformation, Time Travel, and Flying.
The seventeenth main prompt is the phrase Unique As A Unicorn. The sub-prompts are Animatronics, Toasters, and AI.
The eighteenth main prompt is Field Trip. The sub-prompts are McDonald’s, the word Island, and Cavalcadium.
The nineteenth main prompt is Independence. The sub-prompts are Crutch, Civil Rights, and July 4th.
The twentieth main prompt is Bad Day. The sub-prompts are Hatemail, Losing Something, and Virus.
The twenty-first main prompt is Alternate Universe. The sub-prompts are Portals, the phrase "What if…?", and Role Swap.
The twenty-second main prompt is Nostalgia. The sub-prompts are Lost And Found, Newspaper, and Memento.
The twenty-third main prompt is Keyboard Shenanigans. The sub-prompts are Amazon order, QWERTY Tells A Joke, and Facedesk.
The twenty-fourth main prompt is Argument. The sub-prompts are Oldest Bot, Whose Fire Truck, and Spelling of Toast.
The twenty-fifth main prompt is Another Perspective. The sub-prompts are World Fair-goer, Fellow Soldier, and Neighbor.
The twenty-sixth main prompt is Kazooland. The sub-prompts are Mayor The Jon, Opposite Day, and Princess Upgrade.
The twenty-seventh main prompt is After The Concert. The sub-prompts are Cosplay, Winding Down, and Congratulations.
The twenty-eighth main prompt is Family. The sub-prompts are Kid Six, Wanda Becile, and Pets.
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the-indie-owl · 6 months
It's kinda hard to believe from Critics that People will say that "The Magic Riddle walked just so Shrek could run" when folks keep forgetting some prehistorical facts when it comes to Modernazing a Fairy Tale or even Do a Mega Crossover with all of the Old Literature being put in One Big Fat World. Even with Some Other Fairy Tale Media before Shrek.
If you're confused to know, I've just seen people comparing an Australian Animated Film called "The Magic Riddle" (which is a suppose adaptation of the Cinderella fairytale) with DreamWorks' Adaptation of Shrek (which reminds Me of the comparison between "The Water Babies" and "Alice in Wonderland"). One being the Latter still being Watched Today while The Former has not. But unlike those 2 Victorian Literature works, there happened to be other Fairy Tale Crossovers or Ones that have Modernized the Literature Works that we've recognized as of Today long before Shrek came into the Universe.
I have nothing against people who dislike or hate "The Magic Riddle" (being that it's made behind the same company with their own Adaptations of "Blinky Bill", "Dot and The Kangaroo" and my most favorite being, "Tabaluga"), but this is just something that I had to get off my chest if people who have seen TMR need to know this importantly.
Shrek was never really established as an Original Creation from DreamWorks with the idea of having All Fairy Tale characters set in the same world with a Modernized in the Medieval Century diet with a Parody genre, Shrek was actually a Children's Book by William Steig. The plotline of the Original Shrek was completely different then the One that we all now, even from Today's standards of Pop Culture.
Shrek actually came out 1 year before The Magic Riddle, meaning that The Original Shrek story had No Absolute Fairy Tale Characters, thus, it only had its own Original Characters in its Original Story where's the Foreign Movie had its own Fairy Tale Crossover (even before when 10 Years that DreamWorks picked it up as a Successful franchise), meaning the Actual Shrek story was meant to be a huge Mockbuster Parody of the Cliche Fairy Take genre of rescuing a Damsel in Distress and having a Hero's Journey.
Neither of the Two Storylines between a Book and a Famous Fairytale Adaptation were even that close of being similar but Shrek is a Comdey Story that's meant to be a Parody of all Fairy Tales whereas The Magic Riddle is meant to have its own Modern Adaptation of the Cinderella story mixed with Other Famous Stories.
Sure, you could at least say that the Foreign Film itself probably gave it the inspiration towards DreamWorks' adaptation but I still wouldn't want to buy it in a Very Huge Bad Light as someone who Watches Foreign Films and even Looking for Lost/Obscure Media around its Treasures.
But what really bugs Me about that kind of Topic is that Everyone tends to Forget that there Other Fairy Tale parody media, even long before when Shrek or even The Magic Riddle came in.
The Examples that I am deeply talking about are the ones that either have a Crossover or Modernize in a Medieval Setting within a Fairy Tale (meaning that The Magic Riddle is not the first thing to pass it on through Shrek).
Let Me Just Say This Out Loud Through My Chest...
Into The Woods and Donkeyskin (1970) were the Very First Fairy Tale adaptations to Parodize a Fairy Tale way long before Shrek was made.
Let Me have a Better Explanian of these Two Parodies and how they've done it before these Said Media's existance.
Into The Woods was probably a First Fairy Tale crossover on Stage, that being with its own Original Main Lead Characters before Shrek about a Couple walking through the Woods, only to find unexpected plotlines of Fairy Tale characters in their own Stories and then Random Things just suddenly happen in a Fairy Tale trouble (which is just something in One Common that would be part of that Trope with how both the Shrek films and The Magic Riddle did), so it's positive to say that the Musical would've been the Huge Influence behind the Ogre Story besides than the Cinderella crossover, even when Disney would then go on to Adapt their version of the Musical as Into The Woods always held up its own Broadway throughout the Years which can prove that the Musical is too recognizable than the Australian one that would've been the real huge inspiration for Shrek and The Magic Riddle is what I can clearly consider.
The 70s French Adaptation of "Donkeyskin" (within the exact same Cinderella trope made by the Same French Author behind the Original Story) isn't necessarily a Fairy Tale crossover but rather, it parodies the Original Story with some Modern techniques. It plays off as a Comdey version of the Other Fairy Tale as it even has unexpected ending that it's actually a Story within its own Modern Era set within its own Medieval Time Period (too many decades before Shrek would do that).
That being said, those are indeed prime examples of how that there Other Possiblites to interpret a Fairy Tale crossover that you can do besides then The Big One (Happily N'Ever After, Ever After High, and Enchanted are prime examples).
I don't mind some negative Magic Riddle reviews but honestly, I'm just not really the kind of person who would compare Two Properites of Unfamiliarity and Familirity in a "Bad" Light. As an Obscure Fangirl, it just kinda really hurts Me seeing I find something interesting that No One cares about and then sprays it as a Bad Light with comparing the Famous One in a Good Light, just because the Latter is more popular than the Former.
Granted, I do agree that "The Magic Riddle" could've been more if it wasn't such a mess but the Concept Trailer just sounds so something of what we could've had gotten instead.
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 7 months
My Twisted Wonderland Yuu-sona and Obey me Yuki-sona for my fanfic
Basically my OC of my own Yuu-sona or Yuki-sona for these two games. Mostly based on Obey Me Lore since I thought...hey...they both started with "Yu" so why not...and im kinda lazy to do OCs since they're basically the same imo.
Name: Yuki Hitsuji 
Obey Me’s default MC name [Yuki] is used instead of Yuu is because they both began with “Yu”. So it can be Yuki or Yuuki.  Hitsuji is used as her last name because I like to have words like what Twisted Wonderland’s characters are named. Hitsuji is Sheep in Japanese and since Obey Me MC is a sheep…yeah
Alternative Name that I thought of in the middle of writing my long series crossover: Yuuki Lambert (Reason: Lamb-ert hehe)
Age: 15 years old
Pronoun: She/her/them
Physical Description:
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Hair:  Long slightly curly black hair
Eyes: Dark blue eyes with purple gradient
Height:  5 feet or 1.52 Meters
Often wears a cat bell tied in her ribbons ;
Will often wear a magical black ribbon during her time in the Devildom. This ribbon often changed color depending on which demon brother she's near with. It will turn to black if they’re a lot.
Has a sheep horn headband in the Devildom but forgot when she got isekai'd to Twisted Wonderland.
[She likes to tease others and jokes around. She’s a sorta go-to-the-flow person if there was no conflicts or problems in the situation.]
[Arriving in the Devildom and the brothers often taking her to unimaginable places makes her open to accept any unexpected situations and events.  Hence, her arriving in the magical world of Twisted Wonderland didn’t bother her that much except for wanting to go back home at first.]
[She always likes to help and understand feelings of those who she encountered and interacted with. However, she doesn’t want others’ to worry when it comes to problems regarding her so she often kept it to herself]
Reckless and Nosy 
[Because of her empathy, she has this sense of obligation of finding out the truth in order to figure out someone’s worries. She would be nosy enough to check on things she has nothing to do with in order.]
Inspiration: MC in both fandoms are pretty much involved in the plot, either having a role or just a spectator during overblots
Tactical Thinker
[Yuki had developed herself into having a tactical mind for survival during her first few days living in House of Lamentation and the Devildom.]
Reason: I imagine living in hell is a nightmare no matter how attractive the characters are. It’s still hell. So even tho, it's stated that MC is very adaptable...I imagine her first days in the Devildom and has to quickly think ahead to survive.
Has trouble at lying (Based in Obey me wiki)
[Yuki had a pet peeve of avoiding eye contact with the person she’s lying to and blinking continuously whenever she told a lie. She would often speak before she thought hence she would jumble her words in an attempt to hide her secret.]
Inspiration: Luci said so somewhere in the game so why not.
Oblivious to Romantic Feelings
[Yuki has too much on her plate to think of Romance. She often gives the benefit of a doubt to everything unless someone straight out say it to her face their feelings for her.]
Inspiration: It’s an MC and Author is indecisive and loves/likes every character. both TWST and Obey Me are not an otome game with specific  romantic routes so what’s the point of having a specific ship. 
Affiliation in Devildom/ Royal Academy of Diavolo:
Student Council Prefect (Where she has to enforce discipline to the Student Council)
Attendant and Babysitter in House Lamentation (Yuki had to go to House of Lamentation to check on the brothers and basically serve under their needs)
Solomon’s Sorcerer Apprentice (Yuki had special lessons from Solomon about using Magic and other sorcery things)
Affiliation in Night Raven:
Ramshackle Dormitory’s Official Prefect (Prologue)
An Unofficial member of the Heartslabyul Dorm (where she is obliged to attend to the unbirthday parties at the end of  Heartslabyul Arc)
Savanaclaw’s Voluntary Assistant (where she volunteers to take Ruggie’s errand boy job in exchange for Savanaclaw members to help her in her contract with Azul)
Voluntary Maid Waitress in Mostro Lounge (Where she has to ork at Mostro Lounge to pay the damages she committed during Azul’s Overblot)
(Tba cuz idk yet, fanfic's not done)
Powers and Skills: 
1. Forming Pacts and Contracts:
[Yuki developed a knowledge of formings pacts because of her exposure in making pacts with the seven demons in her time in the Devildom.
Yuki and Azul might make bond over this similarity but unlike Azul, who is an expert to contracts in paper form, Yuki used verbal contracts and use of blood if necessary. ]
Summoning Creatures
[Because of her pacts, she can summon the demon she makes a pact with the use of a magical item or blood.]
Elemental Magic, Curses, etc.
[She learned this while studying in RAD and Solomon’s tutelage.]
Whatever Lilith’s power is supposed to be
[Reason: She’s a descendant of a supernatural being so she probably have them in her blood.]
Additional Skills Acquired under Solomon’s Teaching:
[ I added this section because I think Solomon influences Obey Me! MC a lot. Being the other human exchange student in a world that's filled with supernaturals, I HC'ed that MC seeks human comfort in Solomon even though he's not human anymore cuz immortality lol]
Potion Making and Culinary Arts
[Yuki had developed a knack of Potion-making because of Solomon’s guidance and exposure. She had also developed her culinary skills because of her months of living with Solomon under the same roof. 
Flying with Brooms
[Yuki is pretty decent at using a broom for flying. Solomon taught her for a week after a random discussion about magic transportation however she prefers using teleportation magic or items instead]
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Ok so I've been reading a lot of Yugioh Harry Potter crossovers lately. Mainly because they are the whole reason why I even started rewatching Yugioh dm (like I was not about to accept that this damn Harry Potter crossover fic had actually in canon characterization for the Yugioh characters because It Did Not Match Up with my memories from 13 years ago).
Anyway, I think Yugioh and Harry Potter has this great crossover potential because a) everything has good Harry Potter crossover potential and b) their timelines match up. Yuugi is like.... a month and some change older than harry, and that's something you can’t just leave there lying. They can bond!! Over not having normal high school experiences!! And almost dying constantly!! And Destiny!!
But also like would it not be hilarious for Umbridge to get shadow gamed seasson 0 Yami style. I think it would be hilarious, just, she starts seeing everything as pink or seeing the words she writes and/or hears being carved into her skin as her penalty game. I think it would be silly and funny teehee.
Back to the fics, usually they give the gang magic (either going shadow magic route or millennium items gets an upgrade again), but consider. What if. They don't. Yuugi finds himself in Hogwarts and Dumbledore or someone is convinced he can do magic, but he can’t. Poor baby just sits in charms class and tries to levitate a feather, only to be waving a stick and saying nonsense words. No, the person who can actually do magic is Yami, and that's why they got in this situations in the first place, so every time Yuugi needs to preform magic, Yami has to step in and figure out someway to make his half remembered-mostly-instinct-and-completely-different magic do the thing that the teacher wants him to do. Or it could be the route that shadow magic and HP magic are the same, just different branches, and the folks out in ancient Egypt only learned the shadow magic branch. Wouldn’t really help Yami as he tries his damnest to bluff his way through class, but it would be interesting world building wise. Yuugi does all the writing work though, because they’re partners who share th work.
“But Manch,” I can hear the nonexistent voice in my head that might also be you say, “why the hell would the gang be anywhere near the UK?” Well the Fics (tm) usually end up with shadow court or Bakura goes on summer holiday or Dumbledore and Voldemort are eyeing the millennium items. But like, what if Kaiba or someone just hosts a duel monsters contest in London and the gang just get invited for the summer. Then cue deatheaters and then cue the gang getting kidnapped into the wizarding world. Or at least Yuugi. Why did they invite muggle(s) into the wizarding world? Well damn that pendant sure looks useful in this war- wait what do you mean it’s now tied permanently to that boy- goddamnit I wanted to avoid possible kidnapping charge.
Also, I think that the millennium items could definitely just one shot Voldemort. Drag him into the shadow game, he has enough pride to fudge up and end with him yoinked into hell or something. It would be funny.
So yeah, I’ve been thinking too much about YGO HP crossovers, it's been a couple of weeks and I needed to get the Thoughts out. HP crossovers are my guilty pleasure, especially when they are just tearing the HP world apart or are just incredibly silly. Silly crossovers are my favorite.
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heliads · 2 years
What fics do you have coming out?
excellent question! the requests are as follows:
ag!peter parker x reader (dating peter parker and being a figure skater headcanons)
wyatt x reader (at the dance in zombies 2 when they find the moonstone)
th!peter parker x male!reader (peter is sick and reader tries to take over spiderman duties for him)
isaac lahey x reader (part 2 of iced out mind, a teen wolf x marvel crossover)
jesper fahey x reader (based on prompt 'stop stealing my clothes')
newt x reader (modern au)
ag!peter parker x reader (best friends to lovers after gwen's death)
platonic benoit blanc x reader (benoit sees reader and feels a call to parenthood)
bucky barnes x reader (soulmates au)
tewkesbury x reader (reader & t spend the night talking)
platonic avengers x teen!reader (avengers get kidnapped, reader saved them)
newt x reader (another modern au)
four x reader (drama with tris)
clove x reader (exquisite request, reader is a peacemaker trying to deal with her likely defection to the rebels in the wake of her gf clove's death)
thomas x reader (magic/medieval au)
platonic four x reader (reader is from abnegation)
pietro maximoff x reader (arguing after reader put herself into danger to protect him)
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hahanoiwont · 1 year
Speaking of the underground...
Personally I think Tears of the Kingdom could have a beautiful mashup/crossover with Undertale.
So. Start with the beginning--a very long time ago, monsters and humans lived in peace. This isn’t honestly too far-fetched given what we see in Legend of Zelda; some monsters of Hyrule are clearly social and frequently cohabitate across species. According to Zora history, the Lizalfos seem to have their own organized society and military, complete with rankings officers at the head of it. Lizalfos in particular also seem to have much more sophisticated seafaring vessels than modern Hylians, indicating craftsmanship and collaboration.
Then, there was a war between humans and monsters. This ended with monsters being sealed underground--and what do we know now, as of TotK? There’s an entire underground world for them to inhabit! So, replace TotK’s underground caverns with Undertale’s society of monsters underground. Essentially, the entire game of UT is contained there, and for some time, there were no monsters on the surface.
We can go a step further, though. Chara from UT’s history is a red-eyed legendary figure of godly power who hated humanity. Let’s say Chara is an incarnation of Ganondorf who got sealed underground after their defeat...and then, they were found by Asriel, the monster prince. They were nursed back to health and taken in by the monsters, who showed them compassion and love while they were helpless. Chara grew to care for their new home, but they also wanted revenge. They combine these desires into one wish: that humanity would fall, and monsters would live on the surface once again.
So, as in UT’s history, Chara comes up with a plan. They merge with the prince Asriel, rise to the surface, and use their combined power attempt to destroy the humans there. With enough power to alter reality itself, they fulfill part of their wish: monsters rise on the surface, ready to combat humanity.
But Asriel refuses to let Chara kill anyone, and so the two of them are struck down, returning to the underground to die.
Now, there are monsters on the surface, but not the ones Chara intended. New races of monsters--bokoblins, lizalfos, lynels, and all. These creatures have a connection to the triforce of power, as one incarnation of that soul created them. That explains why Ganon can resurrect monsters with the blood moon, or command them in battle; and why they seem to rise out of the woodworks and behave more aggressively when an incarnation of Ganondorf attempts to destroy Hyrule. He’s their creator reborn.
Fast forward many many years, and it’s TotK time. Link and Zelda explore under the castle and find Rauru (a monster king from before the human-monster war) and Ganon, locked in their eternal combat, and disturb them. Zelda disappears, the Master Sword is broken, and Link ends up in the sky. TotK proceeds as normal.
Except--when Link first explores a chasm, he ends up in Undertale.
I’m discarding the whole “7 souls to break the barrier” thing, since magic in Zelda is usually divine and imbued in objects or members of the triforce; instead, all 3 members of the triforce or some equivalent power must break the barrier to allow the UT monsters to come back the the surface again. So when ending up in the Underground, Link has to walk a path that a past incarnation of Ganondorf walked, seeing relics of Chara’s life and their impact on the Underground. It brings to mind the question: did this particular incarnation of Ganondorf only seek destruction? Or were they simply a person driven by incredible power, trying to rid the world of a dangerous nuisance so that their people could live safely?
In addition to the palette swap from Link’s green to Ganon’s red, things in the Underground seem entirely upside down, with humans given the exact same treatment as monsters do on the surface. Maybe some quests could mirror surface quests, too--Lurelin village asks you to kill the monsters and drive out the invaders so that the own can be restored, but underground, a monster village had to be evacuated because the Zonai Survey Team is attempting to excavate it and has conscripted the monster-hunting task force to clear it of monsters first. In both sides, Link is asked to kill the members of one group so that the other can safely go back to their homes. (And then obviously there would be a way to solve things nonviolently--maybe you can try to explain to the Zonai survey team that they need to leave the area because they’re disturbing the monsters, but they refuse to believe you, so you can choose an outrageous lie to tell instead so that they’ll go investigate somewhere else; and the lurelin village pirates might be appeased or lured away if offered enough food, wood, or other resources).
I’m imagining that in this mashup game, Link still doesn’t share a language with the surface monsters, and can communicate with them only inasmuch as you can communicate with them in TotK: if you’re wearing a mask, they’ll follow you around curiously, sometimes gesturing and squawking in a way that seems like they’re trying to speak to you; if you offer them fresh meat or other food, they’ll pounce on it and follow you around for more like puppies. I’ve actually hung out with a bokoblin camp for a few days in-game and it’s super cute.
Once Undertale’s main plot is cleared, Link can go to the surface, but none of the monsters can follow him unless the barrier is destroyed, and he would need at the very least Zelda’s help with that. So that’s another group of people requesting that Link find Zelda, though they could have some cute dialogue options about the whole dragon situation when it comes up.
Monsters underground could also have quests like--oh, I’ve heard that our cousins aboveground have been having some friction with the humans here, can you go and smooth things over? And you have an influence system with the monsters, where you gain influence if you nonviolently complete quests or if you avoid killing monsters, but you lose it if you kill any monsters aboveground. It’s not a huge diplomatic incident, since the aboveground monsters just come back to life every blood moon, but the underground monsters disapprove. With enough influence, you get a diplomat badge that you can pin to your armor, which confuses the aboveground monsters and makes them hesitant to attack you. With application of bribes, you can even give them simple commands, like “go that way” or “can I have what you’re holding?” (or even “pose for a picture!”)
Anyway, I really love the monster social mechanics in TotK, and I wish there were more you could do with them. I feel like this crossover really fits and adds some fun and depth to it.
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🍍🫐 for the fruit asks
Hello my dear @ria-coolgirl I'm finally happy to answer something like this (I find this very cool because followers learn more about you and your stuff and I I just like that)
Pineapple : So AU first what I like. I like alternative universes where everything is darker, bloodier and full of fear and pain. I don't know why but like making kids/youth series darker and a big what if we just throw in a couple of guns, vampires and monsters and see what it's like. (I already did that with die wilden kerle (the wild soccer bunch), a German children's series where I just threw in weapons, a what if after the fifth film there was something else and a bit of gayness and violence (and it went down really well and mayn liked it which made me really happy). What I also like for alternate universes is when you put two different fandoms together (can be just one fandom) and (characters have to harmonise well and it has to be well written) and maybe send them to a different time than the one they are in. But not in a ,,Oh my god where are we" way, but that it has always been set in that time.
But what I don't like at all is that I haven't read anything good for it, for example harry potter but without magic or you take away the skin feature and just make it normal like school life or something that I just find kind of boring.
One thing I don't like in fanfiction in general (everyone can read whatever they want, I just don't click on it and look for something else) is A/B/O or Omegaverse. I just don't like it at all which is not least due to the fact that this au (if you can call it that) disturbed me in the mha fandom (but I am also (luckily) not in the mha fandom which scares me and I found the manga boring). I don't know this whole heatwave and knots and male pregnancy thing is not mine and I don't like it (maybe I hate it more than a little bit but seriously everyone can read what they want)
Blueberry : So coming to the blueberry I'll just list a few fandoms
The Adventures of Tintin : Tintin and Sakharine I know there are a few things about the 2011 film on ao3. But I think they both have so much potential, especially in the darker obessions area which I just love. This cat and mouse game between the two and how Skaharine actually wants to get rid of Tintin only to have him for himself - I like the concept a lot.
House of the Dragon : A shipping I have only read a one-shot for is Otto Hightower and Viserys Targaryen. I know it sounds weird but I like to think that maybe they had a bit of a thing together (like Rhaenyra and Alicent) and that broke up for whatever reason. I like to imagine that it is more than just greed for the throne that drives otto and not perhaps revenge that Viserys has turned away from him.
Horror fandoms : So in a little thing of its own a shipping which is a crossover ship. Daniel Matthews from Saw and Quentin from the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. I wrote a one-shot for them and I think they have so much potential. Trauma bonding and angst and just fluff for the two of them together.
Disney : Another crossover ship but that is due to disney crossovers amvs on youtube. Dimitri from Anastasia and Jim from the treasure planet. The two have become my favourite crossover ship simply because of the videos and I just like it.
Fantastic beast and where to find them movie 3 : Anton Vogel and Helmut my sweet german boys. I know that they have I think like zero interactions but me and a friend of mine just love them together in a obsesssive you are mine I'm your way. I also have writen a Four-Shot as my own au (where Anton and Helmut are together, Helmut was a soldier and an ex prostitute and got into buisenss with Anton. Also Percival Graves lives and is together with Credence)
Apart from that, I think that's it for now. I know it's kind of small, but I can't really think of that many at once. I hope it was interesting anyway :)
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