chouxiscool · 3 hours
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Sara Mrad | Golden Monarch
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chouxiscool · 6 hours
Character Development: 50 Questions
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What does your character do when they think no one’s looking?
What’s the one thing your character would save in a fire (beyond the necessities)?
Who’s on speed dial?
Your character gets turned down for their dream job. What’s their second choice?
What would they tell their ten-year-old self?
Where would they want to go on a first date?
What’s the best advice they’ve ever received?
What’s the worst advice they’ve ever received?
What’s one physical detail they’d change about themselves?
When was the last time they were held? By who?
What’s their favorite thing about their favorite season?
Their wallet gets stolen. What do they do?
Prioritize: Love, money, power, knowledge?
What’s something nobody knows about them?
What’s in their fridge?
What (creature, object, substance) are they most disgusted by?
What’s their second worst habit?
What are the victory conditions for their life?
In the end, your character fails to save the day. Assuming they survive, what do they do?
Your character is charged with a crime they didn’t commit. What do they do?
Your character is charged with a crime they did commit. What was the crime?
How would you describe your character’s life in one sentence?
What important statistic would they want displayed above them?
What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery?
What profession do they most respect?
What childhood injustice did they never get over?
How would they handle having a panic attack?
Your character is burdened with an inconvenient superpower. What is it?
If they died and could come back as any person, animal, or object, what would they be?
What’s the best meal they’ve ever had?
Where would they stand at a dinner party?
Who would they invite to the dinner party?
What makes a perfect day for your character?
If given the opportunity, would they want to know how and when they died?
What’s the one thing they’ve always wanted to do? Why haven’t they done it yet?
What do they tend to joke about?
What’s off limits?
Whose wedding would they cross the world to attend? Whose funeral?
What impossible choice did they make that turned out to be the right one? The wrong one?
Your character has someone to hype them up. What would they say to get everyone excited about your character?
What recurring dream does your character have?
What is the meaning of life to your character?
What book does your character pretend to have read?
Someone takes undeserved credit for your character’s work. What do they do?
What controversial belief or view does your character hold? Why? Do they hide it?
Your character is at a theme park. Where do they go first?
What’s your character’s favorite name?
What’s the biggest compliment they’d give themselves?
How does your character feel about bugs?
If your character could hit a reset button on their life, would they?
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chouxiscool · 9 hours
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This diva
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chouxiscool · 9 hours
what's the most cancelable shit y'all do when ur not online
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chouxiscool · 9 hours
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Older than history itself
What if the oldest vampire was a Neanderthal girl 🤔
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chouxiscool · 1 day
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I'd been hoping to make this set larger before dropping it, but my computer's utterly busted right now and I can't make new art to pay for the repairs.
Growth and Decay (also available on toyhouse, through link)
$70 flat gets you the character sheet.
$100 gets you an additional chibi of the design.
Thanks for looking!
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chouxiscool · 1 day
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chouxiscool · 2 days
For the record, since this is my second post mentioning acid, I don't do acid.
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chouxiscool · 2 days
malls are dying because they don't have blacksmith, apothecary, alehouse or peddler's
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chouxiscool · 2 days
flat fuck friday
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chouxiscool · 2 days
that waist on him is nuts i hope charles is grabbing the shit out of it
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chouxiscool · 3 days
"Yeah, no, you do need high testosterone for geneseed implantation to take, but the geneseed doesn't care where the T comes from. Actually, loyalist chapters tend to preferentially select candidates with XX karotypes because the redundant X chromosome confers greater resistance to Chaos mutations, so statistically most Space Marines are transmasc. What? Of course it's canon – would I lie to you?"
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chouxiscool · 3 days
Chinese weighlifter Li Wenwen successfully defended her title, winning the gold medal in the women's over 81kg category at the Paris Olympics on Sunday!
In her private life, the Li is actually a fan of traditional Chinese Hanfa.
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(Saw this post on Facebook and loved it, and since Facebook always steals Tumblr posts, I figure I can do the reverse and steal this Facebook post)
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chouxiscool · 3 days
A goblin and an elf have decided to defy tradition and get married. Their ceremony will be held in the magical forest in accordance with elven tradition.
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chouxiscool · 3 days
Its me, your feral godmother
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chouxiscool · 3 days
Enough psychoanalysing why people have kinks. We need to psycholanalyse why they don't. Like you don't enjoy getting tied up? Clearly your tumultuous upbringing has given you a patholgical need to be in control at all times. Don't like fauxcest? That's because your petite-bourgeois class background means you view the nuclear family as a pure and sacred institution, automatically reviling anything that undermines or subverts this. Not into piss? That's easy; you're scared of the piss gnomes
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chouxiscool · 3 days
Oh you want to try acid? Well now you're going to take a whole sheet of acid!
10 years of anti drug campaigns in schools did not convince me not to drink or do weed but 1 singular bad high has made me so so so scared of ever doing anything again so i think that in 7th grade health class schools should gather all the kids and give them all edibles and then have them watch top ten scariest scp videos so theyll never do drugs again. this is a flawless idea
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