cluboverwatchfics · 1 year
I haven't written in so long. Is anyone still interested? 😂
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
New poetic thingy
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
A poem about the endless war against mental health.
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
This is a poem about seeking a loved one beyond all circumstances and hardships. Rising to any occasion to be with the person you love, and winning.
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
A little poll for Wings of Shadows. Who would you like to see beaten up in the Overwatch cast?
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
Wings of Shadows chapter 4 is released!
Moira and Widowmaker meet with their leaders regarding Angela's current status. We see the remaining former members of Overwatch ponder their defeat.
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
Wings of Shadows chp4 is coming soon!
I swear it's like right around the corner. Not that corner though, the other one. Also more violence is coming to the story so please don't worry about that. Pray for Angie thooo.
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
Never Say Goodbye - An OC I Guess
Everyday I wake up in bed next to you. Your onyx hair covering your beautiful face as you sleep on your side, facing me. Those wondrous brown eyes have yet to greet the day. The sun glimmers over your hair, begging you to wake. I watch you every morning, pulling the hair from your face, gently to not wake you from slumber. I take in ever last second I have with you here, you're perfect. I know that you have to work later, you'll get lunch at the same place you do everyday, stop at the same gas station. The routine is the same everyday, bound by this cycle that continues everyday. The end is always the same though. That car slams into you everytime and every time I watch you go. Sometimes I try to stop you from leaving, other times I know my attempts are in vain. I'm stuck in a never ending loop and you're at the center of it all. I love you more and more as each loop passes and starts anew. Some would call this a sad scene but I wouldn't. I get to wake up to the most beautiful woman everyday and I'll never have to let go...
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
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We turned 1 today. Happy birthday Club Overwatch Fics!!
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
Springing to life, Angela goes on a rampage with her new found abilities. Moira struggles to find a way to stop Angela while Widowmaker does battle with the angel.
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
Angela's death has allowed Moira to do horrendous experiments on the doctors body. Widowmaker checks up on the mad scientist and on Angela.
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cluboverwatchfics · 6 years
Looking for mercymaker and pharmercy writers
So I think I'm going to give up writing again and I really didn't want to just delete all of my ideas or works. So instead, I'd like to give them back to the fandom. Pm me if interested.
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cluboverwatchfics · 7 years
It's a poem about love and being addicted to it and not knowing why or even understanding love itself. It's an inward look at love as an emotion and the lack of understanding that can come with it. It's more or an inward look at the culture of "love" The last few lines is pretty much saying people are addicted to love but not necessarily love itself and more the love experience.
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cluboverwatchfics · 7 years
A friend of mine recently had his father pass away and sadly they don’t have the money to pay the expenses that comes with it. I’m not simply asking for anyone to donate but please at least pass this post on. Thank you fir your time and support!
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cluboverwatchfics · 7 years
Words....on paper...something...anything...
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cluboverwatchfics · 7 years
After a long night of listening to sad songs, I wrote this out. It draws a picture or someone who's lost in their own mind, trying to pretend everything is fine while their mental health crumbles around them.
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cluboverwatchfics · 7 years
It's Christmas Eve and Amelie decides to visit someone special. On her journey, she sees many cheerful and merry families and lover's along the way, fueling some deep frustration and emotions she didn't know she had.
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