crispygoldfishies · 2 years
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crispygoldfishies · 2 years
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his eyes sparkled in the moonlight and glistened with a desire for something greater than us. every simple touch made my heart practically stop; i knew from that point i was in love. no one had paid much attention to me, but he did. he picked me out of the crowd of wallflowers. blossoming in the dark, i hid and he encouraged me to spread my roots.
he whispered in my ear, softly soothing me. i wanted those moments to last forever. those late nights. those warm kisses on a cool night. those “i love you”s. those cuddles. those hugs. and most of all, that love we had once shared.
when i think back on those moments, i always wonder why he left so quickly, so soon, so harsh. he left me without a hug, without a kiss, and without a goodbye. he found another, i was no longer his lover. and our love once shared now remains. untouched. unbothered.
the love bomb by h.e. williamson
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crispygoldfishies · 2 years
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dm me and let’s be friends?
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crispygoldfishies · 2 years
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dm me and let’s be friends?
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crispygoldfishies · 2 years
i feel like a nuisance,
a burden.
smile on my face, but inside,
i’m hurting.
i wish i mattered, or that someone
but, here i am, left in
i weep alone, sleep alone, and keep my own
to myself because who cares to know anyway?
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crispygoldfishies · 2 years
i wish i were the first thing he thought of when he woke up and the last thing he thought of when he fell asleep. i want to know how it feels to be thought of, cared for, caressed and loved- to feel someone’s lips on my skin and feel safe instead of scared. i want that slow love that captures us both in it’s embrace. yet, i rush anything that’s good for me and I watch it pass me by.
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crispygoldfishies · 3 years
at the end of the day, there’s no one left but you. in the fickleness of others, there’s no guarantee that one person will stay. be there for yourself, know when you’ve had enough, and leave the toxicity behind. in 2022, promise yourself a better tomorrow and live like it’s already here.
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crispygoldfishies · 3 years
“who are you?” he asked, but even she didn’t know.
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*pic cred to the owner*
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crispygoldfishies · 3 years
she only hummed when she was happy. around the house she’d walk and hum. her family would hush her-tell her that her humming was annoying and disruptive, but she would still hum. the weeks leading up to it, the house was silent. “how i wish i could hear her hum one last time!” her mother exclaimed. funny how we appreciate things more once they’re gone forever.
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crispygoldfishies · 4 years
at the end of the day, there’s no one left but you. in the fickleness of others, there’s no guarantee that one person will stay. be there for yourself, know when you’ve had enough, and leave the toxicity behind. in 2021, promise yourself a better tomorrow and live like it’s already here.
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crispygoldfishies · 4 years
I love you even when I’m being an a—hole. I never intended to hurt you, and I’m truly sorry. Truce?
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crispygoldfishies · 4 years
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there's something strange about the house next door...
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crispygoldfishies · 4 years
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We have time to grow old. The air is full of our cries. But habit is a great deadener
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crispygoldfishies · 4 years
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i’m gonna unload a little bit to relieve some built up tension. I was sitting in history class today with my two best friends, nahomi and aaron. we were on the topic of graduation and I asked aaron if he planned on keeping contact with his parents when he left for college. He replied with, “oh, I love my family. I’m very close with them, so I do plan on keeping contact. What about you, hannah?” I told him I didn’t plan on keeping contact because my home life sucks and I didn’t want to be constantly reminded of it when I go to college. Then, he was like, “I thought you were close with your mother. She’s so nice here at school, don’t you like her?” I was kind of surprised, so I told him that my mom was completely different at home. She’s not really a good mother and puts on a “fake” face at school when she’s around her students. Now, I read those little mental health threads on instagram, and you know the ones that say ‘how to recognize abuse’ or ‘how to recognize gaslighting’? well, I’ve kinda realized I’m emotionally and sometimes physically abused. I don’t mean to draw attention to myself. I’m aware there are plenty of people out there who have it worse, and I feel that as a result of the abuse, I’ve invalidated my feelings. Well, after I told aaron that my mom was different at home, he said, “Hannah, no offense but I didn’t really want you to get personal. I know you don’t really have any friends, but i don’t want you to get attached to me because we’re graduating soon and, to be honest, I’m not going to keep contact with you after high school.” After he said that, nahomi’s eyes got really wide, but she didn’t say anything. Those words felt like a punch to the gut. I mean I didn’t know how to react, and I still don’t know how to react. I literally just said “oh, okay. I didn’t mean to be a bother.” I just felt so bad inside. It felt like an elephant was placed on my shoulders and my throat dropped to my chest. I didn’t cry- I couldn’t- I wanted to. I sat there, in shock, feeling like a nuisance. It was then I realized no one really cares about other people’s feelings, only their own. Humans can be selfish beings. I don’t blame Hades for being alone. - hannah’s mind space
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crispygoldfishies · 4 years
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Venus and Cupid (detail) by Sebastiano Ricci, c. 1700.
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crispygoldfishies · 4 years
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Meade County News, Kansas, May 5, 1903
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crispygoldfishies · 4 years
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A place like no other-
Where I take my brother-
Into the woods we go.
Fingers of branches grab us-
The devil’s eerie canvas-
A wonder ahead to see.
Grey wolves howl-
My brother scowls-
It’s not much farther now.
A place like no other-
Where I take my brother-
Hides from wandering eyes.
The place of my death-
Where I took my last breath-
The pond still bears my body.
My brother, my life, so dear-
For centuries it seems, he stays near
To my grave where I gave
My life for his.
A Place Like No Other by h.e. williamson
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