crystalwitch-x · 6 years
mabon // the autumn equinox
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So I’m a day late to the party, so I’m sorry for not posting this before/during mabon, but I’ve spent the weekend celebrating and I wanted to not only share with you all about the sabbat, but also about what I’ve been up to. 
Firstly, when is Mabon? It is celebrated from the 21st - 24th of September, and is also commonly known as the autumn equinox. Most people don’t see this as one of the major sabbats, however for me it’s one of my faves as it finally means that autumn is here! It means pumpkins, and orange earthy tones, and also it means that the next celebration is Samhain (my fave). It is the time for the Horned God to rejoin the Earth, and in his death this brings us warmth for the winter and allows us to look forward to the spring time. It is not necessarily a sad time of year, even though it has a lot of correspondences with death. It’s a time to remember the natural cycle for life, and to understand that there must be death for their to be life again. 
It’s ultimately a celebration of thanks for our summer and the harvests that we have had, and a preparation for the colder winter months. The day and night are once again at equal parts and the night is about to take over again. It is a great time to cut old ties (or make amends), and to complete any unfinished work you may have. 
To celebrate the earthy tones make their appearances, such as greens, browns, deep reds and burnt oranges. You can use these colours to light candles, and to decorate your altar with ribbon. It’s also a great time to go for a walk in the woods, and collect acorns, conkers, and get some pumpkins for decoration. You can burn incense at your altar, focusing on scents such as sage, myrrh, apple and cinnamon. Great spellwork at this time of year is protection and security, as well as balancing. 
CRYSTALS! This time of year is all about sapphire, lapiz lazuli, yellow agate, and amber.
As this is a creative time of year, activities to do would be to make a cornucopia, and to remake and decorate your broom (especially if you use it in spellwork as this can make it so much more effective). You can make a wreath using nuts and acorns, and also it is a great time to start to honor the spirits. This means visiting graveyards and leaving offerings for wandering spirits, and spellwork too (positive only, I don’t work with any dangerous spirit work). Lastly, it’s a great time to get cooking, as this is the pagan equivalent to thanksgiving. So hearty breads, broths and home grown veg is a must have for a big feast!
BUT, what did I do this year? I am so glad you asked! This year I spent 8 hours making my very own chunky veg and beef stew, severed with rosemary, thyme and garlic roasted potatoes. I also had pumpkin seeded breads, and went for a nice walk afterwards. It was a quiet day spent mainly in the kitchen, surrounded by crystals. Perfect.
Let me know how you are celebrating, and don’t forget to follow me on instagram @cherrybl0om to see my latest updates on all things wicca and witchy!
*Picture credit: Pinterest*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
Can you recommend any good Wiccan books for beginners? Thank you! X
Yes! So many!
I’d start of by anything wrote by Scott Cunningham! He has a fantastic way of explaining things, far more technical than I do! I’d also recommend getting connecting with other Wiccans! I’ve learnt so much from my fellow witches. Instagram is a really good place to start! You can contact me on there anytime @cherrybl0om :D
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
Uhm? I love your blog? - p
Thank you! 
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
birth trees // celtic wicca
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Todays blog post is taking a look at some of the wonderful routes that Wicca can take you down. Many of my Wiccan friends tend to follow down the Celtic mythology pathway, and this opens many doors to different deities, natural beliefs and even gives their own birth tree symbolism. This blog post would be a million words long if I went into all of the common deities and some of their sigils today, so I’m going to be focusing on one of the aspects which I think is really useful for any practicing Wiccan, or even for a practicing witch, not following the Wiccan pathway. So today I will be talking about birth trees, when they are, their symbolism, and how you can bring this knowledge into your craft.
The trees and their meanings:
Ash: February 8 - March 17
Connection, Wisdom, Surrender
Alder: March 18 - April 14
Endurance, Strength, Passion
Willow: April 15 - May 12
Imagination, Intuition, Vision
Hawthorn: May 13 - June 9
Contradiction, Connection, Relationships
Oak: June 10 - July 7
Strength, Stability, Nobility
Holly: July 8 - August 4
Action, Assertion, Objectivity
Hazel: August 5 - September 2
Creativity, Purity, Honesty
Vine: September 3 - September 29
Introspection, Relaxation, Depth
Ivy: September 30 - October 27
Determination, Change, Patience
Reed: October 28 - November 24
Harmony, Health, Growth
Elder: November 25 - December 23
Transition, Evolution, Continuation
Birch: December 24 - January 20
Begininng, Renewal, Youth
Rowan: January 21 - February 7
Protection, Connection, Growth
So now you know what your birth tree is, what can you do with this information? Well, you can create your wand for spellwork, it is thought that by creating a wand from your own birth tree enhances any magick work done, as you will have a stronger connection. You can also use the woods to create sigils, and pentagrams to hang for decoration. You can burn in your cauldron for their magickal properties listed above, and add them to any spells or rituals you might perform. When the sabbats come around they can be used to make corn dollys or any other offering to your deity. If you like to use herbs in your practice then you can even make a herb drying rack, where you can leave your herbs to dry, the possibilities are endless!
Hope you’ve enjoyed my Celtic spin off, and let me know if you’d like to see more my dropping me a message or asking me something! Also, if you haven’t already, follow my instagram (@cherrybl0om), where I post all about my crystals and visuals of all of my practices! Blessed be, my witchy babes!
*photo credit: from pinterest, edited by me*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
full moon ritual // pisces moon
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So tonight is a full moon, and more specifically it is the Pisces moon! So as this is a special one for me (a Pisces), I thought I would share with you a really good ritual to do at a full moon, and some of the other things I’m doing over this highly energized time period.
This ritual is a banishing ritual, this is great for this time of year as a lot of people may be going to school again soon, starting a new job, and with the end of Summer and Autumn coming around, it’s a time for change.
What you will need:
- A bag of herbs that are good for banishing (I’m using rosemary, garlic, pepper and sage as they are all easy to come across and have amazing powers).
- A piece of paper and a pen.
- A match or lighter.
- Salt (sea or table salt can be used)
- Water (this can be tap water, and you’ll see why).
- A cup or chalice. 
- A cauldron (or a fireproof dish if you don’t have one).
- Your wand for casting a cirlce (again, if you have one, I personally don’t and I use my finger).
- Any banishing crystals you may have (I’m using smoky quartz and obsidian).
- Candles (white and black)
Before the ritual begins, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re dressed suitably for the occasion and that you’re in comfortable clothes. Usually, I get into a comfy set of pjs and put my slippers on, as I like to perform my rituals outside. I always like to bring a drink with me, usually I take some herbal tea with me, but as I’m living in Spain at the moment (opposed to the UK), I’ll be drinking lemon juice. I also like to take with me a pillow to sit down on, as sometimes the ground can make your bottom go numb! Just remember to make sure you’re nice, relaxed and comfortable.
In addition to this I like to light black and white candles for this ritual, as black is great for banishing, and white is great for bringing new positive energies in.
The ritual:
I like to start off by picking the area in which I am doing my ritual in, and casting my circle. I have a previous post about this which you can read here: (https://crystalwitch-x.tumblr.com/post/176838254369/casting-a-circle) 
Usually I have my pillow placed in the middle of my circle and all of the things I need with me in front. Firstly, as this focuses on banishing out negative energies I like to take my piece of paper, and write down any negative thoughts or things that have happened to me on them. I like to write them on small bits of ripped paper and crumple them up and put them inside the cauldron. I also like to make sure that when I am doing this, I have my crystals around me as this starts off their banishing journey with me. I like to say out loud ‘I call to thee watching over me, to banish these thoughts from my mind’.
Next I take my pre-made mixture of banishing herbs, and mix them together with the salt. Salt has really good cleansing properties so really gives this ritual a boost. Then pinch some and pour it over the top of the pieces of paper, whilst saying ‘With these herbs, I cleanse the negative energies and forbid them to return’.
Next is the dangerous bit, so just make sure you’re being careful. It’s time to set the contents on fire. I like to light a match and chuck in it, but sometimes when I can’t find on I light a piece of paper and chuck it in, as this avoids burning your hands. Whilst doing this, I like to say ‘Using the element of fire, I remove your negative energy from my life’.
I like to watch the herbs start to burn and this is where your crystals and water come to play. I like to cleans them fully by passing them through these smokes, making sure that they feel the negative energies being pulled up and away. And finally, I like to say ‘Now, with the power of our great full moon, I charge thee with the most powerful positive energies this world has to offer’.
Then, I close my circle and (when it’s safe) move my cauldron away. I like to leave my water and crystals out over night to get a full charge from the moon, and then bring them back to my altar in the morning. And you now have some amazing crystals and water to use in your spellwork that needs to say ‘cya’ to those bad vibes!
I hope you guys enjoyed this, as I said, this is just my way of doing things, and it is important to change things if you feel it doesn't work for you! There is no fixed path, follow your own, and learn who you are! 
Blessed be, this full moon!
*Photo credit: Pinterest, edited by me*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
casting a circle
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I think casting a circle is one of the most important things to learn as a beginner witch. It creates a save haven between yourself and outside energies and forces, giving you a place you know you won’t be disturbed. I also believe that by creating this circle, your energies that you want to focus on are amplified with positive. A circle can be cast at any time, maybe for spellwork, rituals, divination and even meditation, but that is decided for each individual. I tend to only cast a circle if I am working somewhere other than my altar, as I keep this place cleansed at all times. But that’s just my personal preference, some cast a circle every time they work!
So everyone will cast a circle slightly differently, and it might differ from time to time. Some people like to use a physical barrier, such as salt, grains, and maybe chalk if you have somewhere you can safely draw. For me, I like to use cleansed water. So firstly, before I make sure I have something representative of all of the elements, I like to use salt water and sage. I take lukewarm water and dissolve some salt into it, representing Earth and Water, and the sage for Fire and Air. Some people use the chalice from their altar to make the saltwater, I don’t actually have a chalice, so I use my fave witchy mug (Hey, we gotta improvise sometimes!) Starting facing East working clockwise, I sprinkle the saltwater around me until I have gone full circle and I’m back facing East again. I then take the lit sage and waft it around in a circle until facing east again! At this point I would usually use my finger, point it out directly in front of me, and call out my deities, and say something along the lines of:
‘The Triple Goddess and The Horned God, I call upon you to protect this circle, thank you’ I then imagine that theres a bright light coming from my feet and out towards my hand, to the edge of my finger tips. I like to then thank each of the elements whilst visualizing this, so starting East again I’d thank the Air, South - Fire, West - Water, and then North for Earth. Then just make a last call upon the final element, Spirit to look upon me whilst I work.
Then it’s time for the magick to happen! Perform your ritual/spell/divination as you would normally. Then upon finishing, reverse the process but instead thank the elements, and thank your deities, work counterclockwise in order to close everything off again. 
Remember, theres no real right or wrong way to cast a circle, you can add or remove steps as you feel is right for you! Do you!
*picture credit: pinterest*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
how to start/live a pagan life
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Okay, so on my instagram (@cherrybl0om), I have received so many messages from people who are either just coming into a Wicca/Pagan life, or those who have been interested in it for some time, but feel as thought they haven't really started it. So I wanted to make a relatively short post tonight on how to ‘become pagan’.
So this is going to be slightly different depending on the individual, but the honest and most basic thin, is really, you don’t need to do anything different, or make any drastic changes to live a pagan life. Many Wiccans are still in the ‘brook closet’ and their families don’t know that they are in fact, Wiccan. The easiest thing to do to become a Wiccan, is to learn about the religion, and simply live your life with that intent in the back of your mind. Harm none. Becoming a Wiccan is about getting in tune with nature, by simply appreciating the seasons and that changes that the Earth goes through, watching the Sun rise and set, and the moon phases, are all a part of being thankful for the Earth we have to live on.
Those of you who have started a book of shadows can always on the first page write a declaration to yourself, a way of marking the beginning of your journey. Some people, choose to have an initiation, which usually happens at some form of celestial event, in which a ritual is performed. I personally did this by myself with a few of my fave crystals, some candles, and made a pledge to my deities on a full moon. Always remember, Wicca is a flexible religion, so you should always be doing what you feel is right. Whilst there are some pathways that are more strict, those like myself who follow an eclectic pathway have more freedom to choose what they feel is right. 
Lastly, another great way to start is just by putting time aside to meditate, connect with nature, and perform spells. Now don’t think you have do to a spell every day, and read tarots 3 times a week, or anything like that, it is always more effective when you do it as and when you need it, or at special times such as the sabbats.
So that’s it for tonight, LIVE WITH INTENT, & you won’t look back.
*picture credit: pinterest*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
colours // their magickal correspondence
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Evening fellow witchy babes!
Tonight I wanted to talk about colours and what their specific correspondences have. This is a great way to increase the effectiveness of your spellwork, rituals, meditation, divination and more! The idea behind it is to incorporate those colours into your work, this can be in the form of crystals, candles, even ribbons and decorative items! So here goes!
White: Purification, healing, regeneration, unity, blessings, increased spirituality, protection and ultimately a good colour choice if you don’t have a purpose/intent.
Black: Linked with the planet Saturn, removes negativity, unlocking, uncrossing, breaking bad habits, getting out of unwanted situations, contact for the spirits, honoring the dead.
Blue: Peace, calm, renewal, healing, protection, meditation, dream magick, job spells, weather spells, honoring the element Water, linked with the planet Jupiter.
Green: Healing, fertility, growth, sensation, abundance, money, prosperity, health, honoring the element Earth, linked with the planet Venus
Purple: Empowering, enhancing your psychic abilities, divination, dream magick, astral projection, linked to higher reals/third eye
Pink: Love, friendship, romance, peace, physical and mental health, emotional, family, heart
Red: Passion, power, sexuality, speed, good health, vigor, honoring the element Fire, linked with the planet Mars
Orange: Creativity, inspiration, attention, expression, luck, attraction, adventure, new opportunities, positivity
Yellow: Intelligence, mental clarity, communication, contacting spirits and further realms, energy, honors the element Air
Gold: Success, wealth, money, health, luck, glow, attraction, honoring the Sun, linked to the male Divine
Silver: Empowering, intuition, prophecy, lunar forces, astral projection, dream manifestation, linked with the female Divine
Sending lots of love and light.
*picture credit: pinterest*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
lunar cycles
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Good evening everyone!
Tonight I wanted to talk about something I love, the lunar cycles! Learning about this cycle is so enjoyable, because you don’t have to be a Wiccan or a Witch to participate in any of this, however, keeping this in mind when you are meditating and performing spellwork will always enhance your energies and give you greater success, so without further ado, here’s what each of the moon phases mean, and how you can incorporate them into your magick.
New Moon: This is the time for a clean slate and a new beginning, it is important to gather previous thoughts and feelings and reground yourself. It is the time to plan for the future. This can be done by performing prosperity spells, maybe starting and new journal, and a great time to switch up your altar.
Waxing Crescent: The moon is beginning to grow and be showered in light, and this is what happens to you as a person. This is the best time to bring your hopes and intentions for the future to light. You can do this by writing what you want to achieve on small pieces of paper and pinning them to your walls as a reminder of the direction you are heading in.
First Quarter: This is the time to overcome any obsticals that you may be facing and push through with your achievements, you may have to change how you do things in order to reap the benefits. A great time to try out new crystals and herbs to gain effectiveness in your practices.
Waxing Gibbous: This is the time to refine all that you have learnt. By now you should be growing and moving towards your goal, make sure you have recorded how you have done this in your grimoire or book of shadows, and if there are any last minute changes you need to make, now is the time to do this.
Full Moon: The moon is t her fullest, and completely taken by the light. This is a time to reflect on what you have achieved in the first half of the lunar cycle. You can also take this time to cleanse and charge your crystals so they are ready to use again for the next half.
Waning Gibbous: As the darkness takes over the moon once more, it is time to give thanks for all that you have achieved. You can do this by performing a ritual with the pieces of paper you wrote on, by blessing them and burning them (SAFELY) in your cauldron. 
Third Quarter: This is the time of acceptance, you must let go of any old habits/relationships/and energies that are keeping you from reaching your maximum. It’s a time to take a step for what is best for you.
Waning Crescent: A final time of reflectance before the moon is plunged into total darkness again. View how far you have come and ultimately, don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t achieved everything you want to - there is always the next lunar cycle.
*picture credit: created by me*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
book of shadows
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So on my Instagram (@cherrybl0om), I asked you guys what you wanted to see on my blog, and I think one of the more popular topics, was the Book of Shadows. I’m hoping to cover just a few things that I think are great to include and to get you started, but please remember, a BOS is personal to the Wiccan/Witch, there is no right or wrong way to create one, and this is just how I like to do mine.
So what is a book of shadows? Essentially it is a diary that a witch and/or wiccan keeps to document everything that they have learned upon their path. Some people like to combine this, and include any of their own spells and rituals in this too, or others like to keep a separate book, typically called a grimoire. 
How can you keep a book of shadows? Largely this depends if you are still in the broom closet or not, however there are nifty ways to hide your BOS from unwanted eyes. I like to keep a small A5 diary, it has a wolf on the front (my spirit animal) and a pentacle in gold. To most who look at this can see that it has a witchy feel to it. However any sized/coloured/shape notepad or diary can be used. You can even use a ring binder and put all of your ideas in plastic wallets, or if you’re not comfortable having something physical that others can see, you can start a privet blog, or make documents on your computer.
So now you have a BOS, what on Earth do you fill it with? There are so many things you can do, but personally mine starts with a small declaration of myself to the Wiccan faith, and a spell to keep it safe/protected, followed by the Wiccan Rede (see my previous post on what this is). If you are not a Wiccan you might skip this, but either way, a nice pretty page, decorated with your name and other fancy personal things is a great way to make an immediate connection. Following this there is no order that things have to be done in, but some of the things I have in mine are:
- Your deities, what they represent and their sigils (Triple Goddess, Horned God, any specific Gods you work with)
- Sigils: A drawing of them, what they mean and any spells they can be used in.
- Crystals:  SO MANY CRYSTALS! Their meanings, how to look after them, how to use them.
- Herbs: Protective qualities, meanings, related spellwork, how to dry them.
- Spells (Again, some keep them in a grimoire): Your own spells, spells you’ve researched, what you may need to perform these.
- Altar: How to set up an altar, what each item represents, your personal items.
- Sabbats: A wheel of the year, a page for each holiday and ALL of their correspondences.
- Incense: What each scent means, it’s powers, how to use in meditation.
- Meditation: How to meditate, and any outcomes/experiences you have.
- Woods: How to correctly use in spellwork, and what each type of wood means.
- Birth trees: Your birth tree, it’s meaning and the other birth trees.
- Wands: How to make a wand, your wand (maybe a photo)
- Moon phases: What do each of the moons mean, how does this cycle occur, why is this relevant to witchcraft.
- Days of the week: How are they related to spells.
- Pendulums: How to correctly use.
- How to cast a circle.
- Divination: Tarot (what each card means, various spreads), Runes (what each rune means, how to cast), Scrying (How to scry, various mediums to scry with).
- The Zodiac: All about you Sun, Moon and Rising sign, what this means and the other zodiacs.
- Recipes for kitchen magick (YUM!)
- Spirit animals: Your spirit animal, what it means.
- Candles: What does each scent mean, how can this be used in spells/rituals/meditation/divination.
- Colour magick: What does each colour represent, and how can this boost your magickal skill.
- Astral projection: How to do safely, any outcomes.
So thats just a few ideas that you can use, I’m sure I have missed out on SO much as every day you learn something new. Comment if you have any other ideas, I am still a learning Wiccan and I’d love to know what you keep in yours.
Just remember, keep it personalised, use paints, leaves, what you’ve collected, photos and just make it something you LOVE to have!
*picture credit: photo from pinterest, edited by me*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
the pentacle
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Tonight I wanted to make a post all about the pentacle, what it means, and also the common misconceptions with the symbol! Firstly, the name pentacle and pentagram are often used interchangeably, when in reality there is a noticeable difference between the two. The pentagram is the popular five-point star, and the pentacle is a five-point star enclosed by a circle. Whilst both are used, in Wicca it is more likely that you will see the pentacle.
The pentacle has a very important meaning, and this is often lost because people will focus on other stigmas surrounding the symbol. In fact, it has various meanings, and that is often down to each individual Wiccan with regard to what they mainly use in their practice. So here I have compiled some of the well-known meanings.
1. Arguably the most common meaning, the pentacle shows that there are 5 elements to this world. Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit. It is likely that at a Wiccan’s altar you will find objects or symbols that represent each of these elements, and many believe that the spirit is carried within yourself, it is in fact the ability to put your energy into your magick. The circle represents the unity of these 5 elements, which are at the witches disposal, to use for good (An’ ye harm none!)
2. The body. Some may see this as the body of a man or woman, with the head being the upmost point and the four remaining points being the limbs, and the circle believed to be the world. The meaning here is that the human man or woman has an important place at the center of nature. 
3. Celestial. It can sometimes be viewed quite literally, it is a star shining brightly in front of the moon. As Wicca is tied greatly to moon phases and the alignment of the stars, it is a nice way to view universal energy coming from all around.
Whilst there are many other meanings for this symbol, these are the main ones that a Wiccan may relate to. Those who do not practice Wicca but may only practice Witchcraft (The Craft) may simply use this symbol as a talisman to their magick.
Commonly misconceived, is that this symbol has satanic/dangerous meanings. Whilst, yes, this symbol is directly related to The Craft, those who practice Wicca do not believe in Satan or The Devil, so how can this be our symbol for something we don’t believe in?! The main reason that these are often mistaken is because the reversed pentacle, is a symbol of Satanism but it simply has nothing to do with Wicca. Wicca is a nature based religion, which believes in protecting the life around us, and harming no other.
*picture credit: background: pinterest, pentacle edit: myself*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
all about the sabbats // lughnasadh
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Seeing as Lughnasadh (Lugh-nah-sah), or Lammas, is just around the corner I thought that this is the perfect time to tell you all a bit more about the Sabbat. Whether you’re a new wiccan or a well practiced one, these are just some of the ways that I celebrate it, and you never know - might get some new ideas!
So when is Lughnasadh? For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, it is celebrated on August 1st, and for those in the Southern hemisphere it is celebrated on February 1st. The reason for this is because the eight Sabbats are all related to the wheel of the year, which is tied to the seasons. Seeing as those in the Northern and Southerns hemisphers have different seasons, it seems fitting that the holidays are altered to match. This is not what all Wiccans do, but it is a popular choice.
The name Lughnasadh has Celtic origins, where Lugh is the name of the Celtic Sun God, and Nasadh means to feast/to celebrate. In the folklore, Lughnasadh is the funeral for Lugh’s mother, and therefore dancing and sporting events are commonly associated with this time of year. As Lugh’s symbol is a horse, those who have Celtic deities may wish to go horse-riding in honor of Lugh.
In Wicca, it is the celebration of the first harvest of the year. It is a time to appreciate all of the growth of crops over the summer months, and to appreciate that the sun is starting to be taken over by the moon. It is a realisation that there are darker days to come, but a reminder to enjoy the last days of warmth before Samhain. The Sun God has fulfilled his duties as giving energy and power to the Earth and he loses his energy as the Sun begins to fall, but through the unborn child that is within the Mother, he shall live on and be reborn when the he is needed for regrowth. 
What can you do to celebrate? Well, I’m so glad you asked! A great, simple way to celebrate is to decorate your altar. You can do this by tying ribbons of gold, orange, browns and yellows, or even by placing these coloured candles at your altar. As offerings for your deities, make sure you include grains such as rye, oaks, barley and wheat, and leave flowers out such as sunflowers and marigolds. It is a way of acknowledging that the seasons are starting to change by using all of the orange/brown tones. Hanging sage and mint to dry at your altar is always fun, and can be used as offerings to your deities. If you don’t yet have an altar, you can always braid your hair to represent corns, and even use gold/brown/leafy pins to get in the spirit.
Burning incense whilst meditating is always a go-to for me. This time of year sage, rose, chamomile and sandalwood are amazing. To increase your mediation power, I would recommend incorporating obsidian, cats eye, clear quartz, citrine, aventurine, carnelian and golden topaz into your work. These are gorgeous coloured crystals which fit in beautifully with the harvest.
Seeing as this is the time of harvest, it is important to remember to give gratitude for all of the wonderful foods that nature has provided. And what better way to do this than by EATING! Yes, you heard me, it’s food time. As a harvest is all to do with corns and wheats, baking breads, muffins, and pies are always a great start. These can be flavoured with all of the seasonal fruits such as blackberries and grapes. To wash it all down, beers, ciders and wines are very popular as they are all to do with fruits and barley. Alternatively, hearty vegetable broths and soups are great, or even putting some fresh fruit jams on breads.
If you’re feeling creative, making a corn dolly, onion garland or even recreating your broom can be done at this time of year. You don’t have to make these out of corn, you could go for a walk, collect items and make something small from that. 
It should also be a time of year where you spend the last moments appreciating the sun, this can be done by leaving your phone at home and going on a nature walk. (If it’s safe to do so) Take your shoes and socks off and ground yourself with Mother Earth, do some last meditation in the sunshine, and have picnics outside. If it is local for you, you could even go to a farmers market to pick up some fresh breads if your culinary skills are lacking. (I know mine are, I’m rubbish at baking). If your magickal herb garden is ready, you can always harvest this now, or alternatively wait until Samhain.
Lastly, spell-work. Instead of casting a regular circle, this is a great time to use all of the amazing harvest grains to cast. This is known to improve the effectiveness of any ritual and spellwork that is done. If you would like to do spell-work, focus on abundance, mental/physical gain and also increasing connectivity with your loved ones around you. 
I hope I have covered a lot of what can be done on this beautiful holiday. To many Wiccan’s this is one of the lesser celebrated sabbats, however it is so lovely to have a final appreciation of the sun, and it’s a reminder that Samhain (my favourite) is just around the corner.
*picture credit: taken and made by me*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
Is there another word for Lugnasadaddhsahdashah? If not.. how do I pronounce it??
Hey! Yes of course, the alternative name for Lughnasadh (Lugh-na-sa) is Lammas! Tonight I will be posting all about this Sabbat just in time to give you all ideas for what to do tomorrow, for any last minute prep! x
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
looking after your crystals
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So if my last post didn’t make you want to go out and buy some crystals, then I’m so sad! But maybe this post will! Today I wanna chat a little about how to look after your crystals, the do’s and don’ts if you will. Now of course, every crystal is different, so it is important to make sure that you do your research on the individual crystal that you have!
Firstly, upon getting a new crystal you may want to cleanse it. That is, to banish away any previous energies that the previous owner may have given it, and to give it a clean slate, ready for you to work with. There are many methods of cleansing crystals so here are a few of my suggestions:
1. Use sage. Burning sage not only helps make your room smell great, but it is also great for removing any unwanted energies. To do this, set a sage smudge safely alight and allow the smoke to tumble over the crystal. Either out-loud or in your mind say ‘With the element of fire, I cleanse this crystal from all that was previously possessing it’. If the crystal is too large or heavy to pick up, then simply use your hands to waft the smoke over it.
2. Light. Using either sunlight or moonlight to cleanse your crystals can also be very effective. However, it is important to look at the properties of your crystal, as some of the colours can be damaged by sunlight, therefore moonlight may be a better option. Leave your crystals in the light with the intent of cleansing them, and when you feel they are ready, you can return to them.
3. Soil/Water. Many believe that returning crystals to the Earth restores them to their original self, and some may even bury their crystal for ~24 hours. It is also known to use stream water or moon water to cleanse the crystals by washing them, however some salt based crystals may dissolve when soaked, so again, DO YOUR RESEARCH!
4. Other crystals. Selenite and clear quartz have the ability to cleanse other crystals without damaging their own properties. Do to so either place your crystals on or around the cleaning crystals and when you feel their are cleansed, use them. I personally have a selenite wand, which I like to point at a crystal that I feel needs cleansing.
IMPORTANT: Once your crystal is cleansed, you must charge it with positive energies, or your own vibrations. Never leave a crystal blank as it is highly likely that another energy will be absorbed into it. Again, there are a few ways to charge your crystals, and here are some of the popular methods:
1. Moonlight. This seems relevant, considering we have just had influence from a full moon and a blood moon! Charging your crystals with the energy of the moon is extremely effective and helps with positive outlooks, and new beginnings.
2. Meditation. The easiest way to connect with a crystal. Simply hold the crystal in your hands whilst meditating, take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind of what is going on around you, and simply concentrate on yourself, who you are, your faith, your belief and transfer these vibrations into the stone. It is important to give your intent to the crystal, either in your minds eye or aloud say ‘I call upon the vibrations of the God and the Goddess, to fill this crystal with the intent of...’, give thanks, give three deep breaths and relax, coming back to terms with your surroundings.
So thats generally how you would prepare your crystals, just to finish, here are just some of the crystals you shouldn’t use water or sunlight on:
- Damaged by sunlight: Aventurine, Amethyst, Citrine, Calcite, Sapphire, Rose Quartz.
- Damaged by water:  Calcite, Labradoite, Opals, Selenite, Obsidian.
*photo credit: created by me*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
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So today I thought I’d kick off by talking about my FAVOURITE crystal! I think I have 5 pieces of Amethyst now, and they’re all so gorgeous! So other than is being visibly stunning, what is there to know about it?
Amethyst is the birthstone for those born Feb 18th - March 20th, making them a Pisces, just like myself! It is associated with the element of wind, as it is thought of a purifying and clearing stone, much like the wind sweeping away anything unnecessary, It is a very popular stone, and one of the most common and/or first stones in a Wiccans collection, as it is very common and it has amazing properties.
As I said before, it has amazing properties, and primarily it is used as a stone of protection. It is very useful when grounding yourself as it can help clear your thoughts and also banish negative energies. Many people meditate with Amethyst because it helps greatly with anxiety, depression and stress. It also has many metaphysical properties such as being able to aid communication, confidence, and it has a very calming nature.
Due to these properties, it is a fantastic stone to meditate with and will help focus your mind whilst doing so. I find myself drawn to Amethyst all of the time whilst I am at crystal shops, and always end up buying more. I would say it is very important to at least have a small piece of Amethyst in your collection as it’s possibilities are endless.
When it comes to spellwork, you’ll find it very useful for protection, banishing and healing spells. It is also widely used in a form of divination called scrying, where one would look into a crystal ball made of Amethyst to see answers. 
Now one last thing I’d like to say, as I don’t really know what kind of post to put this in.. When it comes to crystals, you will likely be drawn to one. The first time you walk into a crystal shop may not immediately draw you to Amethyst, or your birthstone. GO WITH YOUR GUT. When you find that stone that you have a connection with, it is likely that the properties and powers are something YOU NEED in life but you didn’t know it consciously, only subconsciously! I will be making a whole separate post on how to take care of crystals and how to get the most effective use from them, but this was just a quick into into my fave!
*photo credit: taken and edited by me*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
the wiccan altar
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Typically, it is a personal and sacred space in which you can perform spell work, mediation, divination and to worship our deities and the elements. The space itself differs for many people, it could be a shelf, desk, or some even have semi-permanent alters in which they pack away and carry around with themselves. My altar is set on the top of my chest of drawers as this is the largest free work-space I have in my bedroom.
No two altars are going to be the same, but that’s good! Every alter is set up differently to the individuals needs, and sometimes it can take weeks/months of playing around with your set up until you’re completely happy with it. Or some people like me, end up changing it all the time depending on their moods or what their goals are for that day/week. Some Wiccans believe that the altar should only be changed at Ostara as part of their spring-cleaning, and some believe it is best to change it on a full moon.
An altar is a huge part of most Wiccans worship as it is a space in which they feel connected to their spiritual self and can honour their deities and celebrate the sabbats. At each of the sabbats, I like to change my altar, so it has relevant colours, crystals, incense and even perform spell-work surrounding the time of year.
I like to set up my altar with a cloth, which gives me an idea of the space that I am working with and outlines my safe and cleansed area. I have a red candle on the top left corner representing the God (although some use a black candle), and a white candle on the far-right corner to represent the Goddess. In the middle of the altar I like to keep a pentacle (mine is made from sticks I found in the forest) and I lean this up against the back wall of my drawers. This is one of the major things to have at your altar as this is the main symbol of wicca. Alternatively, the cloth you use may have it printed on or you could hang it on a wall above the altar, the possibilities are endless. This is the very basic set up that almost anyone could make with household items, and it is great for beginners. I had this kind of set up for a few months before coming ‘out of the broom closet’.
Next, I will talk about some of the tools and items that you might want to add to your altar to aid your worship, rituals and make it more personal. I like to keep a cauldron at my altar, which I typically keep in front of my white candle, as I find this is an easy place for me to work with. My cauldron is made from cast iron and has a pentacle engraved, which is great for burning herbs! Next, I have an incense holder which is placed in front of my red candle. I think that this is a must-have item as it helps greatly for cleansing and bonus – it makes your workspace smell gorgeous!
Some will place two kinds of blades at their altar called and Athame and a Boline. The Athame is used in ritual work and is never used to physically cut anything, it is more used in a metaphorical sense and traditionally has a black handle. The Boline is physically used in ritual work such as cutting herbs or used when making sabbat-related items such as corn dollies, and it traditionally has a white blade. P.S, WE DON’T SACRAFICE ANIMALS!
Next is a dish and a chalice. The dish is traditionally used to place offerings for our deities, but also can be used for storing herbs, and some like to keep salt at their altar always. The chalice is often filled with water or wine. The water is used for cleansing and spell work or the wine can be used for rituals, alternatively, if you have made something in your cauldron which is safe for consumption, then it can be transferred into the chalice to drink.
Now for the fun bit – making it personal! So once you have the basics at you altar (and you don’t even have to have all of these, I personally do not keep the blades at my altar!) Additional crystals and candles can be added to the altar, I personally have LOADS of crystals at my altar as I feel as it is a safe place to keep them where they are less likely to be influenced by my family members. Some people like to keep flowers and herbs here, and it is also a great place to store your divination items such as tarots and runes for when you are not using them.
Ultimately, the possibilities are endless for your altar, so get creative and find what works best for you!
*picture credit: pinterest*
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crystalwitch-x · 6 years
the wheel of the year
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What is the Wheel of the Year? Much like other religions, there are key events in which are celebrated. In Wicca, these are called Sabbats and they occur 8 times throughout the year. Each time of year has its own correspondences, crystals, colours, scents, and even foods! 
The Wheel of the Year flows naturally through Earths yearly cycles, and marks the changes in nature through celebrations. These celebrations also coincide with some of the more popular holidays, but Wiccans celebrate them for their own spiritual meaning.
Yule is the celebration of the Sun’s rebirth, and brighter days coming. It is acknowledging that the darker, winter days are over and brighter warmer days are to come.
Imbolc is the celebration for sewing seeds, and looking forward to Spring. Wiccan’s may plant and begin to take care of plants at this time, for it is the time for the emergence of new life. It is largely focused on the Celtic Goddess Brigid. 
Ostara is also known as the Vernal Equinox, celebrates the marriage of the Sun God and the young Maiden, who are now able to conceive. This gives the Earth a higher power to allow for new life. The light and the dark are now in balance with one another.
Beltane marks the beginning of Summer and traditionally bonfires are lit and dances are made around a may-pole. Because the flowers are now in full bloom it is a celebration of the fertile Earth.
Litha is the Summer Solstice and therefore it is the longest day of the year. It’s a preparation for the days to become shorter as the nights take over. It is the final celebration of the Sun for the year, until its rebirth at Yule.
Lughnasadh is the celebration of the first harvest and the first fresh crops being picked. It is a time to be thankful to the Earth for providing us with the foods that we will consume over the Winter months.
Mabon is the celebration of the Mothers decent into the darker days and being thankful for our final harvest. In general is the best time to be thankful for the events of the year that have already gone and to prepare for the colder days.
Samhain is the final celebration before the Sun’s rebirth at Yule. It is a time to celebrate those you have lost and it is a very spiritual time of year. The veil between this world and the next is momentarily lifted, and so spirts are able to move freely between the two.
That was just a quick stop at all of the Sabbats, however as each Sabbat approaches I will do a full blog post on more history, crystals, herbs, foods, and what you can do to celebrate this time of year!
*picture credit: handmade by me*
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