*Does my boss love me? <3
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I'm Steve and I, like many others, have started working at a certain age in our youth to pay for our studies or to even have good money, it all started in the middle of the covid 19 pandemic in online classes, my university increased its payment to a few stories. Dollars plus something that was not enough for me or my family that were the second option to help me financially I work in an office of disadvantaged people as the receptionist My boss Sebastian was one of the men. Singles with the best pay in the city we live in. I asked him for a minute of his time and I told him about my whole situation and that maybe please. I could raise my salary at first I look at myself strange but I endured it but there would be a condition I had to go to his house for dinner and there he would give me a little money to pay for my studies I accepted but everything was to save my future I arranged with My best rags I had and I arrived at his beautiful mansion in the best areas of the city, I rang the bell and he opened the door for me. He was wearing a simple suit as if it were one or another day at the office. "Good morning, Mr. Sebastian." I said "Hello to you too. .."
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I went to his house I sat on his sofa "You're in your house feel comfortable Steve no problem." It was something strange for me in the office he was demanding and arrogant meanwhile here he was a little more sweet, polite and kind we both talked about my studies and about my family, my hobbies seemed more like a meeting date than an invitation in my humble opinion Since of course Mr. Sebastian had no cooking, he had a housekeeper to help him "dinner is ready Mr. Sebastian." The master of the keys spoke to me and we went to eat the wonderful dinner and it was already past 10: 00 at night and I had to go home and I still did not have the pay or the salary that he was going to give me, I spent a while on the sofa talking with Sebastian but at that moment my stomach suffered from gastritis
a slight dizziness from the champagne I drink "Are you feeling bad Steve?" Mr. Sebastian asked "I'll get you a pepto bismol and an aspirin." . "If Mr. Sebastian is fine here, I hope so." He went to the medicine cabinet while I strangely sweated and felt an immense embarrassment that made me start to sleep and I don't know anything that happened but I felt that they were carrying me I thought that maybe I was They were going to take the ambulance and the hospital but no .. I opened my eyes and was in a large room of wealth and I turned to see I was tied with some ropes like sheets "OMG." Balbuse because he also had a kind of ball tied in his mouth and the other top was naked ... I carried my penis in the air, my legs and feet.
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I was trying to escape but I could not at that moment several lights in the room came on and a strange figure appeared, one last light was turned on on him and it was Mr. Sebastian with an excitingly hot appearance that made my penis start to get hard "Well, go to someone is already starting without me getting like that too. " . " What ? ." Maybe he wanted to break up with me shit I must admit that with him I will break my virginity Mr. Sebastian got closer to the bed he stood in front of me at the end he began to take off his clothes he brought with him various things like a cream and a kind of condoms and dildos ...?! and a jockstrap that made his big package mark uff Mr. Sebastian started putting various things on me after that he started kissing me it felt weird but at the same time I liked "I love you Steve ..!." He told me while I just fucked or forced him to touch him, he deduced that it was the effect for money
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He ended up after a while he lay down on the bed and then I also took off everything that was in me but I forced myself again perp now to take a pill I thought it was a contraceptive I fell asleep on his arms the two naked me It took a few hours to reopen my eyes, it was already day or noon * I was in sebastian's room I noticed that he had already left I think at work oh shit talking about that I have an exam at the university I stopped lying down but I saw As my legs were bigger, full of hair and perfected like gymnasium, I was taking off the silk sheet, I saw that he was wearing the jockstrap that Mr. Sebastian brought the night before. This must be such a good joke I have Mr. Sebastian's entire body and all my fingers are of different textures I stood in front of the silver mirror and it was Mr. Sebastian my, my boss was on his body or was it I had no hair but a beard with gray even !! this is a dream and a joke at the same time.
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his brand new i phone 12 rang and it was my cell phone number with a telegram message:
* " Hello Mr. Sebastian I want to say I had fun at night it has been one of the best nights of my life I had to go because I remembered thanks to the note panel that I have an exam today I had to go take the money that was in your room Thank you it will help me a lot : ') thank you I see you tomorrow at work have fun steve enjoy it. I love you sincerely the new steve *".
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He sent me a picture of myself, it was weird, I felt obliged to play with him, I also sent him messages that I was the new sebastian, I went to his private gym at home, I started taking weights, laps on his bike, something that I hadn't done on my ex body I felt but so powerful that I had benefits I was rich I had enough money, fortune and I even already had a profession and career that I did not have to waste 4 years of my life was quite good being the new Mr. Sebastian I had other love opportunities with other men but the new Steve seduced me and caught me, it was not thanks to him that we already managed to be a couple more 2 years being one and 3 years in other bodies that in my opinion are the ideal
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Blessed be Mr. Sebastian, this pleases me too much, rather, it pleases us too much.
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hello this story is not mine it is from a new blog in case you like to support it
Stranger Things : a Good relationship
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Jim Hooper might have had a very delicate past but he was certainly the main sheriff of hawkins and maybe the crazy adventures, phenomenal that passed around him but all he appreciated his life was eleven that forein’t even her family adopted her as her daughter he wanted to protect her first and foremost from anything but something she couldn’t bear to see was how she had boyfriend Mike wheeler for Hooper was a nuisance in case you had him at home all day and watching eleven get more on his side than he did when he threw a scolding at them for being around for kissing Apart from all this, he went to Joyce who advised him that the best thing was to give him a speech so that the three hoopers would better understand each other, it took a long time to think about what were the ideal words for that one in that address during one night they were approached to speak Mike and eleven surprised that hooper was in the mood and wanting to talk with them they thought it was a joke hooper tried to talk but only heard laughing opinions from mike something that made hooper angry with him and make a pathetic excuse for him to leave of the house Hooper took mike to his truck where they had a strong argument ´´ don’t get any closer to her. ´´ said one or ´´ You are a bitter ´´ another one said at the end Hooper decided that Mike would stay away from eleven something that did not seem to the adolescent 
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The two went to lie down on the bed thinking that if it was the right thing to do, Hooper, being that maybe he had gotten away from eleven and Mike that maybe it was the fairest decession, the two of them went to sleep and if maybe tomorrow it would be better to solve it to one who when they were asleep they felt one of those strange sensations that passed between the two Mike between dreams and laziness I heard an alarm clock sound being that school was not going because it was vacation he rang the alarm again several times he was tired until a small cramp in his back woke him y ..
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Mike woke up groggy and sweaty from his face ´´Damn it today not mom ´´ he let out that voice but how strange his eyes widened more and more when he noticed that he was sleeping in the living room that eleven hooper shared ´´ this must be a damn joke ´´ he thought in his head when when his sweat passed all over his face he ran his hands there his texture and sense of skin were different Mike thought he had had a night of pleasure with eleven ´´Hooper will kill me ´´ o that maybe he had stayed there he had a strange itch on his chin he only put his hand there to calm her down and realize that it was a beard stubble on a stubble Mike stopped and immediately got up from the sofa where he slept ´´what happened to me *** ¨´ I noticed that he had other kinds of things his abdomen was no longer skinny like any adolescent’s if he didn’t have a pan hanging from him ´´ NOO I’m like my dad ´´ he ran his hands through his pan with a totally pegasus sweat and a strong edor that came from him had a lock of hair on his chest which was weird for him if only yesterday he had nothing and a stubble of beard I got to the bathroom of the house of eleven making sure that hooper was not lying in wait because I thought that with this appearance I would accuse him of pedophile but if he was when he looked in the mirror it was hooper or kabron ´´ mike released the word was Jim, Jim Hooper her boyfriend’s adoptive father was a crazy joke He could not believe it that he was seeing in front of his children, he thought that the exchange of bodies was only from the movies and stories, so he could not understand why he would have preferred it, Max thought if he was in his body he deduced that hooper was in his but with the original hooper he was impressed by igaul that mike was a teenager again and young had a body of no regrets they did not know if it was a part of witchcraft or spell on the part of both
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Mike was extremely pressured and not knowing what to do because he was in Hooper’s body it was something shitty and stressful this if not for both of us Mike turned to see Hooper’s belly and he got the mania to play with it he moved it and it moved Mike just enjoyed it, he made sure that eleven did not see this kind of thing because it would be something erotic he played, he played with his belly until the moment of getting completely excited Mike decided to take a shower because thanks to that of playing with the bear body that Hooper possessed it He had left with a foul smell that came out of his body When he opened the shower and the water came out, mike got under Hooper’s sleeping shorts he could see the big monster cock that Hooper possessed, totally excited, hard and in an erection, only Mike began to play with it while the drops of water fell on him
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He finished showering and went into Hooper’s room to change his clothes because it would be the hawkins sheriff, something that he should feel proud of. Mike found in Hooper’s dresser a couple of cigars and beers without thinking twice he started to consume them because he would not have to wait several years to be able to drink while shaving his body Hooper tried to communicate through the Woki toki that he had with eleven but he did not answer him so he would go to face Mike in person yes or yes
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Hooper grabbed Mike’s bike and went as far as he could to his house when he got there, he opened the door with all his might while his eyes widened when he saw a semi-naked version just showered with the police gown. “What the hell are you doing, wheeler? ´´ Hooper said very disturbed while only Mike gave him a malicious smile ´´ You didn´t hear Mike I told you to get away from here …. ´´ Mike had already reached the climax of acting like the Hooper only felt strange to see his ex body totally almost naked something that made him feel pleasure and you could see on his face something that mike noticed right away ´´Come Here Boy I’ll give you a lesson ´´ mike said from Hooper’s body he approached him when Mike threw Hooper on the sofa in the living room Hooper didn’t know what Mike was going to do from his body but he felt more excited when He had him closer Hooper was just sitting on the sofa while Mike was just in front of him taking off his robe and towel leaving himself naked Old Mike’s eyes widened and getting nervous As the new Hooper was on top of him and relatively he took off all his clothes they were naked and relatively having intercourse and kissing Hooper knew it was a crime but it distracted him Mike felt that this was better than eleven That they had once hated and not understood each other in a certain way now they loved each other they had ended the entire orgasm Mike had finished with his virginity for the first time while Hooper did not know what had happened they had both ended up covered in sement and sperm Mike He just put the police uniform back on and Hooper did the same with Mike’s garment.The two spoke and did not say that they would not talk about this with anyone else or with Eleven and Joyce that the exchange of bodies would be a secret for that while
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Days went by and they believed that the two had gotten used to new lives and what happened had not been easy to tell eleven o joyce that the ods were having an intimate and loving relationship even though it was a bad act but it cost them to accept them now mike and hooper if they had a good relationship although more residents of Hawkins would experience the same …..
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¡Su error,mi boleto de salida!
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Me pregunto si hice lo correcto. Este tipo me pago mucho dinero y ahora tengo una casa y esas cosas, pero como, no se como hacer su trabajo! ¡Es muy confuso! Ojala no hubiera sido tan estúpido. No aceptará mis llamadas ni las devolverá. Yo... Creo que cometí un error. No se nada del mercado de valores. No puedo salir con mis amigos. ¡Y una parte de mi pensó que estaba bromeando de todos modos! Quiero decir, incluso firme contrato y se lo dio a un tipo de Negro con gafas de sol en. Firme los papeles para que esos tipos vengan a buscarme si trato de hablar de ello con alguien.¡Esto es una locura! Me dijo una vez que hicimos el cambio que era para eso. Pero... ¡Acabo de darme cuenta que soy viejo! . Quiero ser joven otra vez. ¡Era tan estúpido pensé que ser rico sería divertido pero tengo una esposa que es, totalmente vieja! ¡tiene como 40 años y es una perra gigante! Y oh si, la peor parte no me dijo que tenía hijos. Quiero decir, tengo hijos. Yo solo era un niño hace unos días y ahora como, oh hombre ¿por que firme este papel?? ¡No quiero ser padre, solo estoy en la secundaria!
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Es genial tener 18 otra vez. Sin esposa, sin hijos, sin un jefe molesto, sin flotaciónes del mercado de valores de las que preocuparse y francamente, con mi conocimiento, puedo pasar por la escuela por lo menos puedo acostarme y trabajar mi camino hasta la cima de nuevo. ¡No tengo tiempo! ¡Tengo todo el tiempo del mundo! De hecho, ahora que que estoy en este cuerpo, puedo vivir mi sueño y convertirme en una estrella para películas de adultos. Tener sexo con dinero no es algo que puedas hacer si eres un viejo hombre de negocios pero soy un puto gay y sólo me case con mi esposa para callar a todos. Quería tener mi boleto de salida. ¡Y ahora tengo uno! Soy joven, ahorcado, lleno semen y no puedo esperar a volar mi camino ala felicidad. ¡Joder, si! Tu error, chico. Esta es una maldita gran vida. Por suerte para mi lo convencí y tenia algunos hombres de Negro a mi disposición como parte de un programa secreto para elite fuera inmortal. Y por cierto, invertí bastante en la cuenta bancaria de este chico, que ahora es mía. Le quedan unos cuantos millones, pero es un cambio de tonto en comparación con la que tengo ahora. Mi esposa, quiero decir, su esposa probablemente se preguntará a donde se fue todo ese dinero y no dirá nada.
¡Creo que voy a patinar a la playa! ¡Dios, la vida es genial!
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Green with Envy: Good Neighbors (movie)
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For a few months mac radner felt as if he needed something he had peace and tranquility after the frat had left the neighborhood well maybe he enjoyed having sex with his wife kelly from time to time but he felt that ys was not the same having the weight of being a father and a man of the house was very stressful for him, he wanted to go back to his youth, go to parties, drink alcohol or smoke booze, he envied all the boys of his faternity more to teddy the captain of faternity to see that every morning he came out with those muscular pectorals, well perfected biceps a body and face carved by the angels themselves felt more and more envy of teddy
But teddy also felt something he already wanted to mature and take the next after college he wanted to become a worker anywhere and be a father, a man of the house rather he wanted to be like mac when he saw how his family was envied him and what luck I had to have them it was too evident that both mac and teddy wanted each other's life as such one night when they were fucking with their respective girls they stopped for a moment they saw a shooting star pass through the window making a wish for them it was too childish and cliche but tanian the fucking sense that it would work both asked for the life they wanted mac to make young again and teddy be more mature and be the man of the house
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the two went back to their affairs without knowing what happened after the star Mac woke up it would have seemed like it was one of his longest nights without changing his daughter's diaper or walking around his room smelled too much of aftershave It was strange for his daughter not to have problems in terms of changing her or being hungry as it usually is every morning or sounding the alarms for him it was much better to enjoy the moments of peace and tranquility mac turn for a moment to see his wife kelly THAT PUSSY! His eyes could not fool him or see he was another girl immediately It came to his head that he had had sex and had sex with one of his younger neighbors or that his wife had gone back in time in her twenties but he discarded the second option, it was not his room, definitely right away he got out of bed DAMN IT DAMN TELL ME THAT THIS IS A DREAM under his head towards his body it was no longer greasy full of love handles or with little over weight it was one more carved by the angels themselves
what it meant ... he ran his hands all over his body face, hands, twist this was definitely not his body he did not have his beard that distinguished him his hand reached his cock it was bigger and of a different size a firmer, narrower cry of the horror Not being able to control his height, he hit an i pad that the camera was on, his surprise was for many and the most significant in his life was in teddy's body. WHAT THE FUCK?
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Meanwhile teddy was having to put up with changing diapers and being in mac's office working but he was not fucking with kelly and it was the best of his life he was not so happy to be in mac's body but he enjoyed that or IF THE FUCK DO IT I knew more about Mrs. Radner Teddy I thought this was as if it were the movie of the graduate with a freaky friday he got too the tremendous surprise of having woken up next to her and more being mac being that they were the neighbors who hated him and his friends of fraternity
mac was doing that too after the girl left mac he lay down on teddy's bed, he gradually directed his hand towards his boxers where there was a bulge where he began to touch and caress teddy after he had finished what things he was in bathroom thinking about the years of effort to have all those muscles and that body when seeing mac's was not so bad and not even teddy began to play with mac's little belly after a while as much as teddy and mac had already had a orgasm between their own bodies
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It was time for the new mac to look for his body the new teddy put on the tightest clothes he had he couldn't hide everything he had Teddy knocked on the door of his house in that mac opened semi naked he wouldn't be ashamed to have that body
- Hello neighbor ( mac)
-what did you do mac look i can't believe i'm in your body now you know i had to f*** with your wife ( Teddy)
- I don't care sir radner you'll have to deal with it every day I like this you know ... this is the first in my life that I love my body ( Mac)
-you know teddy i like this too ... ( Teddy)
The two agreed that it was best to stay with their new lives teddy began to touch what was his body something that was successful for mac from his it was not long for the two of them to have sex with each other they both changed their lives completely the new teddy became a womanizer but from time to time when he got to go out with a boy meanwhile the new mac became more attentive to his family and work more with the new son that he would have from time to time when Mac visited teddy and they usually do sex or spending time the best wish without a doubt
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Before this covid 19 pandemic there was a worldwide convention on changing bodies where several people were forced to exchange among themselves or differently today all the families would meet among themselves the wilsons who coincidentally had only exchanged with male people The members are the father of the Patrick family, the mother Catherine, the two older twins Natalie and Jack, the middle son Alan and last but not least the youngest daughter Jane and here what happened to their lives after the convention
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Case number 1 Patrick
Patrick, who used to be a little old man, fat like any other exchange with one of his younger workmates "Matt" envied him too much. Several women approached him or used to give him blowjobs but now that he is in his body he took advantage of the situation he became a womanizer without forgetting that he loves his new body and being the boss of the job
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Case number 2 Natalie
Natalie was put into an athlete from her college "charlie" she took advantage of that body she had now to become a stripper for a gay club to prostitute herself and earn money since of course Natalie likes boys
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Case number 3 Alan
In Alan's case, he was not exchanged with someone else or unknown, but with his own brother "Jack" since he could remember he always wanted that body full of muscular, biceps, pectorals with a big thick and big cock, being that he was hired As a model for clothing campaigns that caught the attention of several people now she lives with her new boyfriend Tyler who used to be her best friend in her old teenage body
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Case number 4 Catherine
and well Catherine was not the meaning, she also had to be a member of her family "Alan" who partly did not like to be in her body. If she liked to become young again without doing housework or being the perfect mother to In the beginning he used to have a lot of continuous erections when he duked out he used to arouse something that made him too sorry but somehow he liked it now with the passing of time he got used to it now he has to endure rejection and blowjobs from girls
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Case number 5 Jane
This case is combined with that of the previous four, the little girl had to be the one who used to be the boyfriend of Natalie "Pablo", who was a Colombian migrant, has made him habituate to that body and no longer play tea but play with cock and test the sement that comes out of him with the memories of Pablo when he used to have sex with his sister and you must go to classes from time to time to learn about men's bodies
Case number 6 Jack
Unfortunately Jack did not have the same luck as his family if he exchanged with someone male a primary school boy who used to be friends with Jane but has thought in his imagination how to prepare to have a better body like the one he used to have like this :
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Equivalent possession: my sister's Mexican boyfriend
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recently my sister cristhina returned from mexico and with her she brought a great surprise she introduced me and the whole family to her new boyfriend from there Juan who was a 25 year old boy Well, I didn't have anything against him, on the contrary, he was a very good person, even my parents liked me, but as time went by I fell in love with him completely, this was a secret of mine, only a friend knew about it Juan had a great body and this was noticeable when he went out to exercise every morning as the weeks went by one day Juan met my parents and this was because he wanted to ask Cristhina for marriage That proposal disappointed me, Cristhina and Juan would return to Mexico, where I would make the great marriage proposal when they returned there, I told my friend everything that she knew the secret, she proposed to me if I did not go to her aunt who had contact with witchcraft Accept, the day came to go with my friend's aunt when we arrived the lady suggested certain things to me such as making a tie to Juan although it did not work on certain occasions or that I stole the body of the future girlfriend, I thought about that. than the second since I would be in another body and I always envied cristhina all my life and more at this time
When the sorceress did the possession ritual, I felt how I left my body and it was only a spirit when I left, I took hours in Mexico to Mexico City, where I arrived at Juan's apartment where the two of them were, I spent a couple of minutes watching Cristhina and at what point should it have been At the exact moment cristhina was still there at last I took advantage of taking possession I threw myself towards her but oh. no shit my sister moved and in her place was Juan no, no you no please my spirit entered her ass She had the power of her ass to someone who, according to the sorceress, would have the power of her body. She wanted to try to get me out, but she was late when she was on his cock. Juan began to feel He felt pleasure! Ah! Then his legs said his head and his eyes where I could see through him finally his mind where I told him: Juan I don't want to do this to you Ah kabron said to someone that after that he took possession of his whole body, he moved his hands, legs and apsolutely he had control of his body
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I was transporting my new body the tattoos that I had in that I ran into my sister who had a very mischievous look towards me, it was strange, she rescued my mustache and at that moment she kissed me
I felt it very disturbing but I liked it, I never imagined this, I just smiled at him while I threw myself on the sofa, he lay on the couch in a sexual way, that began to excite me and like him in a perfect way, he took off my pants, he left me in boxers in full erection. I saw that in her since she was seen as my sister "Te está gustando esto chiquito?" I don't really speak Spanish so I yelled at him Stop she was strange that he had said and that in English "What's up love" she told me I thought of a simple excuse in which I was hungry and that maybe we will continue with this later. see the clothes and I fastened my pants we went out to eat at the taco stand and returned to her apartment after that she wanted to continue with what she had been doing for a long time again she denied me and I made the excuse of showering to be cooler when making love I went to the bathroom but I didn't really take a shower if I didn't want to self-explore my new body I sat on the toilet while I took off all my clothes I touched his biceps and pecked what he had were hard I was surprised by his tattoos he lowered his pants and some hairy legs that made me have excitement and a great pleasure that at that moment he took off my boxers his cock was totally thick and turned on the left side circumscribed some totally huge balls the size of tennis balls
a lot of beautiful pubic and a tattoo on my butt my cock started to stand up to the size of about 13 inches I started to masturbate and touch myself having sexual fantasies about my new body Those fantasies first was about someone who rarely began to think about Cristina made me have more and more pleasure until the moment that my hands were filled with sement I cleaned up all the mess that I made and I only put on a towel and a cologne to make sure that I took a bath
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"Hola Juan" Crithina was out of the bathroom with a very hot lingerie, she began to touch my torso and I from her waist she proceeded to take off my towel and we finally had sex that she wanted, I could not believe what she had done, even her as my figure of sister there I met the real cristhina as it was soon to soon I had the memories of juan in a certain way I fell more and more in love with the one who used to be my sister until the moment of loving her and asking for the happy marriage that she wanted so much get married
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we became parents unfortunately cristhina died in childbirth I was a single father but not that I wanted to lose the opportunity to resume my life I still liked men as such and more with this body I could fuck and fuck, give a blowjob I am the new Juan now with 30 years
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Fin y es la última parte
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Imagen no usada
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2 parte
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Roger x parker
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Bueno se me ocurrió esto la verdad nose si funcione pero estará la segunda parte
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-Deseo sorprendente-
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"Pide un deseo", dijo papa mientras nos sentabamos en el porche y vimos pasar una estrella fugaz. Cuando cerré los ojos y desearía empezar a quedarme dormido, mi madre sugirió que era hora de ir ala cama,, así que me dirigí hacia dentro. Mientras me acostaba, pensé en que mi deseo y en lo infantil que era desear ser como Shawn mendes. Sin embargo, no hay nada de malo en tener un poco de esperanza. Finalmente deje de pensar y decidí que era hora de dormir porque todavía pensaba en el concierto de Shawn mendes al que fui con mi prima está noche
Cuando desperte por la mañana, me sentí extraño. Había un fuerte hedor a loción para después del afeitado en toda la habitacion, como si se hubiera tirado en todas partes. Me frote los ojos y vi que mis manos eran notablemente más grandes, pero no hice nada al respecto mientras sácaba mi cuerpo aturdido de la cama. Me puse de pie y casi me caigo mientras trataba de sostener mi cuerpo, que parecía haberse hecho más grande, cuando recupere el equilibrio me dirigí al baño para poder orinar y despertarme. Eso es extraño el baño se nota más lejos de lo habitual, pero segui yendo hacia el baño. Finalmente llege al baño y me baje los bóxers que estaba... Espera un minuto, me fui ala cama con mi pijama de Bob esponja anoche. Mire hacia abajo y nóte que tenía una mata de pelo por todo el pene. Grite de horror, pero rápidamente me tape la boca por que mi voz era mucho más profunda y mas masculina que anoche. Después de recomponerme, me mire al espejo y me sorprendió lo que vi, vi mi reflejo pero no era el mio, pero Shawn mendes está copiado todo lo que hice y dije. Estaba tan sorprendido por lo que pasó y comencé a tener una sensación extraña en mis boxers. Vi que mi pene estaba creciendo a unas enormes 13 pulgadas Estaba tan sorprendido que empeze a jugar con mi nuevo amiguito que no tenía miedo de mostrar. Comencé a tener algunas cosas pegajosas y calientes que sentían tan bien que me hicieron jugar más conmigo mismo.
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Finalmente decidí que era hora de deterenerme y limpiar mi desorden cuando mi polla empezo a encogerse ala normalidad. Después de limpiar mi desorden, pude ver cual mejor era mi nuevo cuerpo. Tenía unos abdominales increíbles que no puede evitar acariciar por que eran muy suaves y duros. También tuve vatios tatuajes con los que me he opcesiando. Algo que también note fue el cuerpo en todo mi cuerpo. Anoche tan solo tenía seis años y no tenia bello en ninguna parte de mi cuerpo excepto en mi cabeza, por lo queria muy incómodo, especialmente en mi pene así que decidí afeitarme el vello pubico recién descubierto y dejar mi polla tan suave como yo. Puede para cuando consigo que camila cabello me haga una mamada. Finalmente me vestí y me acosté en la cama viendo Disney plus mientras comía un cereal
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Cuando recibí una llamada en el iphone 11 sentado en la mesita de noche junto ala cama. Agarre el telefono y conteste todo lo que escuche fue lo que sonaba como un gato moribundo al otro lado de la línea
"devuélveme mi cuerpo idiota, escuche Debe ser Shawn en mi cuerpo. Decidí jugar y fingir que siempre habia sido Shawn."whoa de que estas hablando hombrecito" hable por teléfono. "No te hagas el tonto conmigo quiero, mi cuerpo de nuevo", dijo cada vez molesto, pero todo lo que pude hacer fue reírme de su patética voz de seis años "No se de que estas hablando dije de Nuevo" "Pablo cuelga el telefono ahora mismo" se cortó cuando mi padre le quitó el telefono.
"perdone las molestias, no volverás a tener noticias nuestras", dijo mi madre en otra línea "No es problema que haya tenido una pescadilla. Que tenga un buen día señor" le dije mientras colgaba el telefono Bloquee el número para no tener de esa amenaza de nuevo. Conseguí mi deseo y no permitiría que me lo arruinarian. Esta fue mi oportunidad de reinventar a Shawn mendes seguro que se había metido en algún problema, pero yo iba a solucionarlo. Amaba mi nuevo cuerpo y tenia la intención de mantenerlo como el mio. Ahora si no te importa voy a salir con algunas celebridades masculinas si tengo suerte
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-Oye amigo. ¿quieres dejar de jugar con tu cabello? Estas haciendo el ridículo que la gente te mire
-No hasta que me haga bien estos flequillos, Dios, Nataly, no es tan extraño. Un hombre puede arreglarse a si mismo, ya sabes ! Y deja de llamarme amigo ¡ mi nombre es -
- Shhh....Amanda, tienes que empezar a actúar más. Como Andrés. Ya sabes, ser duro y esas cosas. ¿Olvidaste que eres mariscal de campo? ¿Quieres que la gente se de cuenta de poseemos a estos tipos?
-Hah! ¡Como si me Importará! Nos vemos Jodidamente calientes dentro de Estos jugadores de fútbol y eso es todo lo que importa.! Necesitas relajarte! Vamos, abandonemos está práctica y vayamos a besarnos al vestuario.
Está es una de las últimas historias de la maratón de historias :))
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Fuera del cuerpo star wars
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Era una misión de incursión en una cueva como el planeta, algo sobre un droide. A Finn no le importaba más que trapear pisos en la base. "  Buscar en el área". Finn se volvió y vio a Kylo Ren ver cómo se dispersaban los soldados de asalto. Las dos miradas entre sí solo por un momento, Finn se separó primero y se unió a los demás. 
Gracias a Dios por mis cascos
Nada, la cueva estaba vacía, no se veía este  droide en  ningún lado. "Vamos muchachos". Los soldados de asalto se reúnen listos para partir solo para que uno tropiece con algo que desencadena una trampa explosiva. "FN MIRAR!" Finn levantó la vista al ver caer rocas desde arriba, todo volvió ...
Ah mi cabeza ...
Finn se despertó frotándose la cabeza, "¿eh?" Finn volvió a tocarse la cabeza y sintió el  pelo largo . Finn saltó de la cama deteniéndose en seco, "¡Esta no es mi habitación!" Finn se cubrió la boca, incluso su voz sonaba diferente. ¿Que demonios? La habitación era grande y espaciosa, ya no era pequeña y dejaba 4 camas y armaduras tiradas en el piso. Espejo ! ¿Finn suspiró aliviado agradeciendo su  nuevo?  La habitación tenía un baño.
Finn casi gritó al ver su reflejo. Ni siquiera era  él  un  tipo alto y fornido  que Finn nunca había visto antes en su vida. Finn estaba volviendo loco saber pasear por la habitación tratando de entender cómo- POR QUÉ  esto sucedió. Finn se fue necesitando encontrar la  ropa de este  tipo esperando que le diera más información. 
"Oh no ..." Finn retrocedió lentamente encontrando una máscara, la máscara de  Kylo Ren  junto con su sable de luz. "¡Mierda, mierda, mierda!" Quitándose el pelo largo de la cara, Finn cerró los ojos preocupado.
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Si este es su cuerpo ... entonces eso significa ...
Kylo arrojó otra silla fuera de la sala médica. "¡Te dije que no soy FN, SOY KYLO!" Kylo volteó otra mesa. No entendía por qué demonios estaba en un cuerpo de soldados de asalto, y mucho menos en uno que fue golpeado en la cabeza por una roca. Kylo apretó los dientes sin sentir ninguna conexión con la Fuerza. Necesito encontrar mi cuerpo . Kylo pensó que necesitaba una ruta de escape, si estaba en su cuerpo, ¡nadie se atrevería a detenerlo!
"FN 2187 para estas tonterías ahora mismo".
Kylo levantó la vista al ver a Phasma sosteniendo su desintegrador, Kylo la fulminó con la mirada, "¡Llama a Kylo Ren   AHORA!" Phasma tituló su cabeza como si escuchara un lenguaje extraño. Phasma levantó su desintegrador listo para disparar solo para ser interrumpido por el intercomunicador.
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¿Cómo yo-Oh! Umm, ¿puede FN-2817 informar a Kylo ? Me refiero a mi habitación, por favor ... La habitación de Kylo se reporta a la habitación de Kylo.
Kylo sonrió con aire de suficiencia y le lanzó una mirada fulminante a Phasma. Todos se alejaron viendo a  Finn  salir de la bahía médica. Finalmente de vuelta en  su  habitación, Kylo abre la puerta solo para ser atrapado por  él mismo.
“¡Mira hombre, no sé qué pasa! ¡Pero necesitamos volver a cambiar! Sigo golpeando mi cabeza-wow, ¿soy realmente tan bajo?
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Kylo puso los ojos en blanco escaneando su habitación y vio marcas en el suelo. "¿Estabas usando mi sable de luz?" Finn dio una mirada inocente pateando la capa de Kylo sobre la marca roja, "No ..." Era extraño ver su propia cara con  expresiones tan  ingenuas . Kylo necesitaba descubrir cómo ocurre este desastre y solucionarlo. 
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Ultimas historias :'3 de la maratón perdón por no subir las historias de la semana pasada
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2010, El regalo
Era costumbre darle un regalo al entrenador en su cumpleaños, una especie táctica entre los compañeros de equipo. Este año sin embargo, Dylan lo había olvidado. Ni siquiera se dio cuenta hasta que el entrenador lo llevó a su oficina después de la práctica en el gym y le preguntó: "Entonces ¿tienes algo que darme muchacho?"
Dylan trago saliva. Miró al entrenadores con la mandíbula severa, delineada debajo de su espesa y gruesa barba. Sacudió la cabeza "Lo siento mucho entrenador, suplico," prometo que te consiguire uno el próximo año "
El entrenador se río, su pecho corpulento se sacudía con cada movimiento. Sacudió la cabeza "Está bien chico, supongo que sólo tendrás que ser mi regalo"
Miró al entrenador,confundido por un momento antes de sentir que caminaba. Bajo la mirada hacia su piel, que de repente se puso pálida y blanca, la textura cambio a carne a malla. Alan levanto la vista en estado de shock "Entrenador que, ¿Que estas yo -?"
Pero su boca se había ido,reemplazada por tela reticular. Comenzó a arañarle la cara, pero sus brazos pronto golpearon la tela. Estaban hechos de elástico!
Sus piernas cedieron y de repente estaba retorciendose en el suelo. Levanto la vista y vio al entrenador caminar hacia el con una sonrisa complacida "Oh, muchacho, dijo." te ves muy cómodo ahí abajo ". Dylan se dio cuenta de que ya ni podía moverse. Todavía podía sentir su cuerpo, sus miembros dispuestos en patrones extraños y extraños sobre el, el entrenador comenzó a quitarse la ropa. Dylan solo había soñado con como se vehia ese hombre debajo de esos pequeños pantalones cortos azules y esa camiseta sin mangas apretada. Pero cuando se quito la camisa sobre el pecho, todavía empapada de sudor después de la práctica, sintio que todo su cuerpo (pequeño) se llenaba de lujuria
El hombre fue construido como un dios, su grueso y cincleando pecho subía y bajaba con cada respiración. Se bajó los pantalones cortos y su polla, presiviblemente grande y muy peluda, se dejó caer y ondeo sobre la cara de Dylan como un péndulo
El entrenador dejo escapar un profundo suspiro "muy bien chico, veamos que tan bien encajar".El hombre se agachó y busco las extremidades de Dylan. Trato de luchar, pero sólo sintio calor contra sus bandas elásticas mientras se frotaban contra las piernas del entrenador y sobre los enormes montículos de carne que sólo podía asumir su trasero.
Y luego sintio algo grande y cálido presionar detrás de su cabeza. Sintio que su rostro se estiraba hacia fuera y todo su cuerpo se calentó y humedecido casi de inmediato. Por extrañó que fuera todo, Dylan se sintio extrañamente cómodo, como si estuviera de pie una vez más "Ahí,dijo el entrenador mientras sus ásperas manos colocaban las correas de Dylan," eso es imposible ". Camino hacia el espejo al otro lado de su oficina, y Dylan se congeló de terror ante lo que estaba viendo frente en el. Estaba muy apretado alrededor de la cintura del entrenador, su cuerpo entero transformado en una serie de correas elásticas cómodamente ajustadas. Todos excepto su rostro, que se había convertido en una bolsa blanca y clara, prácticamente repleta de la monstruosa polla del entrenador.
El era suspensorio. El entrenador ha convertido a Dylan un suspensorio
El entrenador grupo, "Bueno, debo decir que es un poco pequeño, pero de nuevo, siempre fuiste el más pequeño del equipo".
Ultimas historias :u
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Odio a mis padres. Tengo 10 años y TODAVÍA me dejan con una niñera cuando salen. Para empeorar las cosas, siempre contratan a nuestro vecino inútil, vadhir, para que vigile. Actúa cortes y cortésmente cuando están cerca, pero cuando estamos solo nosotros dos, es el peor tipo de persona. Roba toneladas de comida de nuestra casa, invita a sus amigos de mierda y luego me hecha la culpa del desastre. Bueno, esta noche va hacer diferente. Tengo un pequeño plan para vadhir que le hará desear que nunca me haya perjudicado.
Era un sábado por la noche y mis padres estaban a punto de partir estaba viendo Amazon prime en el sofá cuando escuché sonar el timbre "ugh, aquí vamos". Gruňi lo suficientemente fuerte como para que mis padres me oyeran
"Eduardo", Mi padre me regaño mientras pasaba junto a mi hacia la puerta principal. "No quiero escucharlo. Estas en tu mejor comportamiento está noche.. ¿de acuerdo?"
"si papa". Le asegure
Mi padre abrió la puerta y la voz repugtemente falsa de vadhir lo saludo en repuesta
"Hola señor derbez" El sono. "!estoy aquí y lista para ver a Eduardo está noche! "
"Espléndido. Esta en el sofá. Si no te molesta vadhir, mi esposa y yo iremos de inmediato. Estamos llegando un poco tarde. ¡Realmente apreciamos saque hagas esto de nuevo!" Dijo mi padre mientras caminaba la puerta de la cochera
¡Suena bien señor derbez! Lo cuidare muy bien. ¡Los veo mas tarde está noche!"
"Jodidamente finalmente". Dijo una vez que estaba completamente despejado. "Jodidamente necesito un tiempo a solas"
Me aclare la garganta ruidosamente para recordarle que aún estaba vivo y no muerto.
"Hey callate pendejo. No te estaba hablando a ti". Dijo mientras me echaba en el sofá. " ve a tu cuarto y callate el resto de la noche. Máx y Charlie vendrán más tarde y no arruinaras está noche "
En este punto, ni siquiera proteste. Tenía algo mucho más siniestro en mi mente que vengaria de él por actuar como un tarado. Regrese a mi cuarto y cerré la puerta detrás de mí para asegurarme de que no pueda oír nada
Vera, recientemente encontré este hechizo en uno de los viejos libros de mi familia en el sótano. Aparentemente, el lado de la familia de mi madre tenía una antigua historia de lanzamiento y hechizos y afortunadamente para mi,ella ha estado manteniendo prácticas desde entonces. El hechizo que me llamó la atención me permitiría adoptar la forma de otro. Por su puesto, cuando vi el hechizo en el libro, mil ideas diferentes de cómo fastidiar a vadhir se me vinieron ala cabeza. Pero,una idea específica se destacó para mi. Primero, usaría el hechizo para cambiar de forma a mi padre. Probablemente estés pensando... ¿QUE? ¿Puedes convertirte en alguien en el mundo y convertirte en tu padre? "Bueno, una vez que el podría asustar a vadhir y hacer lo que quisiera. A vadhir le gusta pensar que es todo es grande y duro, pero es solo una pequeña mierda. De todos modos, cuando no están prestando atención,puedo noquearlo. Encontré esta poción extraña en nuestro sótano que supuestamentel hará dormir. Una vez que vadhir está fuera, puedo tomar su forma y engañar a sus amigos, máx y Charlie, cuando llegan. Humillare a vadhir y arruniare su reputación. Para colmo, no debería Ser demasiado fácil incriminar a vadhir para beber alcohol caundo mis padres vuelvan a casa. dios para cuando termine esta noche, Vadhir deseara nunca me haya tratado mal
Comencé el hechizo y recite las palabras griegas que memorice del libro mientras pensaba en la imagen de mi padre dentro de mi cabeza. Era tan extraño pensar en convertirme en el, pero al mismo tiempo, me movio a continuar el hechizo. Por alguna razón, me exitaba la idea de convertirme en otra persona. Cuando termine las palabras abri los ojos.
Inmediatamente, note que era mucho más alto. Baje la vista a mi cuerpo y casi grite. Mierda, tenía el cuerpo de un hombre adulto. Al instante lo reconocí como el de mi mamá. Pase mis fuentes brazos hacia arriba y hacia abajo por mi torso y note que las marcas que tenía mi papá en su brazo derecho. Como no quería esperar más, salte de mi cama y Carri hacia al baño para verme bien
Si, creo que es seguro decir que el hechizo funcióno. Ahora vadhir,! Aquí voy!
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Hola perdón por no subir historia el día de ayer y que tampoco sea parte celebridad he tenido problemas en ideas espero entregarles nuevas historias pronto de la maratón
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"realmente no deberías de fumar en el cuerpo de mi hermano". Le dije.
"¿Oh?" el impostor dijo que era muy diferente al de mi hermano. Aspiro profundamente el cigarrillo y luego lo dejo salir lentamente, dejándolo que el humo circulará alrededor de sus labios "No debería estar fumando en el cuerpo de tu querido hermanito. ¿Eh?". ¿Que sigue, me vas a decir que debería de ponerme unos pantalones?
"Bueno comencé a decir.
¿Bien que? " dijo tomando otro trago lento del cigarrillo. Admitelo. ¿Te gusta, no? Te gusta la forma en que he estado mostrando su cuerpo por ti. Te gusta la idea que alguien más tenga el control de él "
Tenia que admitir que era verdad. Se río de mi y se la mio los labios de la manera más seductora
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"¿Que pasa si alguien te atrapa? "Le pregunte." ¿Que pasa si alguien descubre que no eres el? "
" Te olvidas ", dijo. Se tocó la frente " tengo todos sus recuerdos. Puedo actuar como el. Confía en mi, oye niño no es la primera vez que hago esto ".
"¿Has asaltado otros cuerpos antes? " Le pregunte, usando el término que había usado conmigo antes para describir como había tomado posesión de mi hermano.
"Esa es una pregunta demasiado", dijo. Apagó el cigarrillo y se levantó del sofá, estirandose en el cuerpo de mi hermano. Se aseguró de echarme un visitazo a sus abdominales mientras levantaba los brazos sobre su cabeza. "confía en mi, cuando menos sepas al respecto, mejor"
Está es la 5 HISTORIA del verano de historias ya falta menos para que se acabe este maratón y es la 3 semana la 6 historia es de celebridad!! Gracias por el apoyo!!
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Por modificación masculina
"Wow, esto fue incluso más fácil de lo que pensaba. Dije mientras sácaba el telefono de este tipo de su bolsillo
Tome una foto rápida en el espejo del vestuario y me maraville de este trozo de carne caliente
" Podría acostumbrarme a esto.... " gemi con mi voz fantasmal mientras agarraba mi nuevo paquete masivo a través del algodón de mis pantalones deportivos " no creo que alguna vez fuera tan grande, incluso en el pasado.. Maldita sea, ustedes, muchachos músculos., lo tienen tan genial "
Agarre su bolso de la gimnasia y eche un último vistazo a mi nueva apariencia antes de apartir . " no te importa un poco con los chicos ¿verdad? !ojala alguien me dijiera que los fantasmas podrían pósser personas antes! "
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-El cuerpo online, modificación masculina -
Mi nombre es ryan. Pero no siempre lo fue Yo solia ser alan, el gordo de 13 años que estaba hecho. Odie mi cuerpo por más tiempo hasta que encontré un sitio web llamado el perfecto - cuerpo. Com . que le permitió no sólo cambiar su cuerpo si no también su identidad hice una cuenta en el sitio web y comencé a hacer los cambios que me urgían en mi cuerpo y en mi vida. Al hacer la cuenta, me empezó a hacerme varías preguntas para determinar cómo saldría mi cuerpo e identidad
1) que tipo de cuerpo quieres
A)Un deportista
B) Hombre valiente
C) Fisocultirista
D) hombre débil
Está pregunta era obvia. Siempre quise ser un deportista
2 que color de cabello quieres?
A) un negro
B) una rubio
C) marron
D) rojo
E) color extravagante
Soy Negro y siempre me rio por eso, así que decidí convertirme en rubio
3 quieres bello facial?
A) si
B) no
Siempre quise el vello fácil por que siempre tuvo problemas en creerlo
4 si quieres bello facial de que tipo
A) rastrojo
B) bigote
C) barba
D) barba y bigote
Solo quería un poco de rastrojo por que a un no habia aprendiendo como rasurarme, así el rastrojo debería ser capaz de mantenerlo
5 que tan alto quieres ser " pregunta abierta "
Siempre quise tener la altura de 1,84 sería bueno tener esa altura
6 ¿de que tamaño quieres tu polla?
Siendo el niño con la polla más chiquita, quería que mejorará. 10 pulgadas decidí
7 en una escala del 1 al diez que tan fuerte quieres ser
Puse que un 8 por que sería ser lo demasiado mente fuerte para defender o lastimar a una persona
8 que talla de zapatos quieres?
Quería la talla de 14 pies por que actualmente una talla 5 y me burló de ella
9 quieres manos pequeñas,medianas o grandes?
Marque con manos grandes por que ahora tengo unas manos pequeñas así que sería lo mejor grande
10 tipo de color de ojos que quieres tener?
A) negros
B) marrones
C) azules
D) verdes
Decidí tenerlo todavía de verdes me haría más poderoso pese alas demás oposiciónes
11 que edad quieres tener?
Odio tener 13 años y estar en la pubertad así que decidí tener 29 años una edad madura por que estaría fuera de la escuela, tendría la edad suficiente para beber, conducir, ver películas con clasificación R o x y vivir solo sin padres
Despues de imaginarme como lucirá. Comencé a preguntarme como seria mi nueva identidad
1) ¿ cual quieres que se tu nombre?
Siempre me ha gustado el nombre de ryan, así que le pedi al sitio web que creará mi nuevo nombre e apeido ryan Thomas
2) ¿que raza quieres ser?
Decidí que quéria ser siguiendo ser blanco *sin ofender
3) ¿que trabajo o profesión quieres?
Siempre quise ser productor de cine / actor, así como el trabajo que quería
Finalmente termine de responder todas las preguntas y presione el botón grande de envíar. El sitio web me llevo la siguiente y decía que todos los cambios tardarían en unos 30 minutos en completarse, así decidí perder el tiempo ducahndome. Esperaba en la ducha y me sentía extraño mientras me bañaba. Mi cuerpo comenzó a estirarse hasta alcanzar el 1,84. Mis brazos y los picotazos comenzaron a crecer más. Comencé a poder peso y a desarrollar abdominales. Mientras pasaba las manos por mi nuevo cabello,sentí que me hacían cada vez más grandes hasta que quedaron el tamaño de mi cara. Mire hacia abajo y mire mi polla de 2 pulgadas crecer hasta los horrorificas 10 pulgadas. Mis pies comenzaron a aldominarse a mi tamaño solicitado 14. También sentí un cambio en mi mente. Deje de pensar en una adolecente de 13 años y comencé a pensar en un hombre de 29 años cuando salí de la ducha no puede evitar flexionarme frente al espejo. Estaba tan emocionado de mi nuevo cuerpo. Estaba tan jodidamente caliente y mi voz es tan profunda y varonil
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Estaba tan exitado que mi nueva polla se puso rígida. No pude evitar jugar conmigo mismo hasta que cubrí los cubos. Finalmente fui y me vestí. Decidí que era hora de mostrarle al mundo mi nuevo cuerpo. Tome mi billetera y note que tenía licencia de conducir y todos mis documentos legales cambiaron para adaptarse a mi nueva identidad. Incluso las fotos familiares habían cambiado y en lugar de mi cuerpo sobrepasado estuviera en las fotos, era mi nuevo cuerpo delgado. Después de vestirme recibí una llamada en mi nuevo iphone 11 pro. Fue mi mannager. Ella me dijo que tenía un trabajo para mi. Supongo que es hora de mostrarle al mundo mi nuevo cuerpo. Este es el mejor dia de todos.
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Tercera historia del bom gracias por el apoyo de las 2 historias recientes bienvenidos a este blog para los nuevos! Esperen la 4 historia pronto
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