decrepithag · 2 years
I hate when doctors offices only ever call me when I’m working, leave angry voicemails when I don’t answer, then don’t answer their own phones and say to not leave voicemails 😭
You can’t reach me? Bestie I can’t reach you :’)
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decrepithag · 2 years
I made a bunch of disability userboxes! I wanted them a bit more inclusive & the other one I posted has a bad source, so new ones!
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Also I decided to start a userbox blog! @spaghettiuserboxes
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decrepithag · 2 years
Since no one takes Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome seriously, I will now exclusively be referring to it as Stein-Leventhal syndrome and I will only talk about my symptoms by using the super sciency sounding terms such as
- amenorrhea (irregular periods)
- dysmenorrhea (period cramps)
- hyperandrogenism (too many boy cooties/hormones)
- pyrexia (fevers)
- gonadotropin dynamic dysfunction (hormones be wack)
- etc
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decrepithag · 3 years
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decrepithag · 3 years
I want every disabled person who can't work or study to know that their existence is just as valuable and important as everyone else's. Your value as a person is not something you have to earn, it's something you're born with.
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decrepithag · 3 years
CFS, fibro, ibs, arthritis symptoms, I'm the full package babe. just give me a call and if I'm not sleeping or hurting too much or trying not to vomit then we can go out for some mild fun for half an hour before I have to go to sleep again <3
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decrepithag · 3 years
Does anyone else have a hard time reading subtitles on Youtube after this new update? It's a dark gray on black and I have a really really hard time reading it. The old white text on a black boarder was perfectly fine, I don't know why they chose to make it more inaccessible.
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decrepithag · 3 years
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decrepithag · 3 years
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I am drawing people with different features, which were requested to me, so people can see themselves in art and feel valid and seen. more art in #reqbodyposi hashtag
#reqbodyposi art compilation. there is much more! look in the tag
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decrepithag · 3 years
I went to the mall today and all of my conditions decided to kick my butt :( I had fun but I started really not feeling well before we even got to lunch so that kind of sucked a bit the rest of the day and now I’m going to be bed bound all day tomorrow. I really wish my doctor would believe me when I say I need a wheelchair 😭
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decrepithag · 3 years
me after being diagnosed w sleepy bitch disease
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decrepithag · 3 years
So some people are confused about this post so I feel like I need to explain things.
1. I didn’t mention ND experiences because I’ve never had to “come out” as ND before and this post was based on a personal experience.
2. This post was actually made because I was “talking” to someone (talking as in we probably would’ve dated) and they mentioned how their partner being healthy is a must so I brought up that I have multiple chronic illnesses and can’t be very physically active often and they told me that they wouldn’t want to have to “deal with” that so they ghosted me after we had gotten very close.
3. Someone told me to “stay out of chronically ill/physically disabled conversations”????? I am chronically ill and physically disabled??????
4. Please don’t compare this post to ND experiences. I know that we all go through a lot of ableist crap but we shouldn’t compare and decide who has it worst, we should be sympathetic and understanding towards each other’s experiences?????
Cishet ablebodied people will never understand how terrifying it is to have to "come out" as chronically ill or physically disabled to someone when you have an invisible disability.
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decrepithag · 3 years
disabled people are inherently hotter than abled people sorry i dont make the rules. anyways happy disability pride month!
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decrepithag · 3 years
Both of my parents have almost died now (mom had a bad stroke last March, dad had a heart attack a couple days ago) during covid when no ones allowed to visit them in the hospital.....let’s hope this doesn’t affect me mentally :’)
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decrepithag · 3 years
Shout out to my mom for making me hang out with cousins that I hate when I’m in the middle of really horrible mood stabilizer withdrawal because my parents refused to take me to the pharmacy to get my meds (again).
I feel so horrible I’ve been waking up in full body sensory overload all miserable for the past week straight and my period started last night which isn’t making anything and I’m being told to suck it up and deal with it 😀
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decrepithag · 3 years
When you're disabled, it's the little things.
I went out and watered the garden. I watched the leaves grow little gems of water drops, grow greener as I turned the water to their roots. I watered every plant, even those not strictly a part of the garden.
I woke up late today. I've been sick for a bit, nothing major. I feel guilty for sleeping in, but my body needed the rest, just as the garden, and those plants others would consider weeds, needed the water.
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decrepithag · 3 years
Shoutout to all of the people in the same boat as me that want to have a “hot girl summer” but can’t because they have pcos and can’t lose weight no matter what they’ve tried.
My friend is complaining that she wants to lose weight but she’s too lazy to actually work out and cook healthy food instead of eating instant noodles and mountain dew while I’m here working out every day, eating healthily, and following strict diets but still gaining weight because I have pcos.
If you don’t know, pcos is a metabolic disorder and working out makes you gain more fat because working out raises stress hormones and in pcos that makes you gain weight like there’s no tomorrow.
I’m calorie deficient, gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, low carb, low inflammatory food only and still gaining weight even though I’m trying so hard to lose it.
I hate seeing everyone’s covid weight loss progress because I get so jealous that we’ve had the same amount of time at home being active and healthy yet they’ve lost their weight while I’ve gained even more.
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