duhwritemind · 2 years
Wishing on a shooting star
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duhwritemind · 2 years
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— Friedrich Nietzsche  
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duhwritemind · 2 years
“Be willing to walk alone. Many who start with you won’t finish.”
— Unknown
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duhwritemind · 2 years
I desperately crave a friendship like the teen titans have in Gabriel Picolo’s art
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duhwritemind · 2 years
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duhwritemind · 2 years
“(…) waiting for bravery to possess her, like the ghosts do (…)”
— Laura Purcell, from The Shape Of Darkness
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duhwritemind · 2 years
My eyes adjusted to the overwhelmingly white room. I man in a white lab coat approached me. He claimed to be a doctor.
When he explained to me the situation I was in, I looked him dead in the eyes and said, "You are mistaken, doctor. For it is you who has lasted as long as I needed you to."
I yelled and pounced on him. No one came to his rescue, no other person attempted to rescue this stranger. I realized in that moment what I must do.
The last person on Earth was no match for me.
You were the last person on Earth. You managed to survive for days, no, years on your own. When you die, you wake up to a scientist taking off a VR headset and he says “You lasted longer than we expected.”
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duhwritemind · 2 years
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— Sylvia Plath, from "Letters Home"
[text ID: I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still.]
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duhwritemind · 2 years
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Morikami Zen Garden in Delray Beach, FL. 💚
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duhwritemind · 2 years
When you focus on what you love, the rest comes naturally. 💗
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duhwritemind · 2 years
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Morikami Zen Garden in Delray Beach, FL. 💙
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duhwritemind · 2 years
Social media break
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I wanted to take a break from social media to work on my writing, studies, life, etc. I don't count Tumblr as social media because I don't find myself endlessly scrolling on this platform.
In fact, I find a lot of inspiration that motivates me to create stories. I couldn't help but notice how much more I have been on my phone. Not because I'm scrolling mindlessly on this app or any other app but because of how handy my phone can be when I have idea or thoughts.
My relationship with my phone has gotten more functional. I no longer go to my phone because I need a distraction. My device actually helps me be mindful nowadays.
Who knows how long I'll have Instagram and Facebook deleted but so far, I have grown content with not having either.
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duhwritemind · 2 years
*French kiss*🤌🏼 beautiful 😍
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duhwritemind · 2 years
Something about marble sculptures captures the beauty in simplistic detail.
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Cupid and Psyche (Antonio Canova), Cupid and Psyche (Domenico Cardelli), Mary Magdalene (Antonio Canova) | Hermitage Museum
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duhwritemind · 2 years
Disconnected Mind
Peace is merely another escape from this virtual reality
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I stare at my phone screen. I have one more follower than I am following and I internally scream. Why am I not getting enough likes?
I refuse to follow more people because, I don't know, maybe they will think I'm important if I only follow a select few. Or maybe, just maybe, I think people might follow me out of pure pity. I no longer feel important.
I delete the Socialite app. I have been stuck in my mind for as long as I can remember. I break away from my phone for a second and I can't even make eye contact with the person next to me.
I've always had a hard time with eye contact but it has gotten significantly worse with the invention of these small contraptions we call smart phones.
I once had an idea of tiny, intelligent cubes that can fit in our pockets when I was in kindergarten, but I guess a rich man beat me to it.
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I deleted the stupid app today because I want to change my perspective, but I realized I can't do that if I'm stuck behind a screen all day. I want out of this virtual reality.
I want to find myself in a place where I feel new and free. I want hope balanced out with despair in healthy bursts of encouragement.
I want to rid myself of this dark void I cannot seem to escape through social engagements anymore.
I want out. I want home. I want peace.
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duhwritemind · 2 years
“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.”
— C.S. Lewis
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duhwritemind · 2 years
Frog and Toad
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Anyone else remember these two hoppy characters? 🐸🧡
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