ebeniez-blog · 5 years
It's true. When you are resonating on a different frequency than someone, your mind may be open as well as your heart, but they are closed off. Imagine that every word you spoke holds a beautiful kaleidoscope form. Yet when they speak all the comes out are squares and triangles. Some people are mentally incapable of understanding what you say because they do not hold the same frequency as you. And that’s okay. 
i have never felt as mature as when i finally understood (through therapy) and internalized (through emotional work) that you cannot connect and communicate with some people no matter how kind, compassionate, understanding, articulate, eloquent, or smart you are, and that sometimes a person not listening to you does not reflect on your communication skills or ability to connect or straight up intelligence. in a way, it’s letting go of the belief that you have the power to make people understand you. communication is a two-way street, and needs two willing participants. some people are just walls, and it has been unbelievably helpful for my mental and emotional health to let it slide and know that it does not affect me or my self worth. 
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
Hard no. I won't even chip my dog. I don't care how you advertise it, or commercialize it...things that get chipped are for tracking purposes. 
Imagine carrying just about everything you need beneath the surface of your hand - your wallet, keys and ID, all in a microchip.
That’s reality in Sweden, as some early-adopters implant the tiny devices beneath their skin.
NBC’s Sarah Harman reports.
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
Reminds me of my poem, In A World Where Money Matters.
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The Ephraim Enterprise, Utah, January 25, 1935
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
The issue with these greedy people is that they fail to understand the universal law, every cause has an effect, what goes around comes around, what goes up must come down, what is internal will externalize.....why do they think they can hide anything at all? Oh yea, cause money is power and with power problems disappear. 
Democracy Now! Oct 15, 2019 Homewreckers: How Wall Street, Banks & Trump’s Inner Circle Used the 2008 Housing Crash to Get Rich
We speak with investigative reporter Aaron Glantz about his new book “Homewreckers,” which looks at the devastating legacy of the foreclosure crisis and how much of the so-called recovery is a result of large private equity firms buying up hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes. “Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream” reveals how the 2008 housing crash decimated millions of Americans’ family wealth but enriched President Donald Trump’s inner circle, including Trump Cabinet members Steven Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, Trump’s longtime friend and confidant Tom Barrack, and billionaire Republican donor Stephen Schwarzman. Glantz writes, “Now, ensconced in power following Trump’s election, these capitalists are creating new financial products that threaten to make the wealth transfers of the [housing] bust permanent.” Aaron Glantzis a senior reporter at Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. He was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize this year for his reporting on modern-day redlining.
Part 2:
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In the spirit of Evicted, Bait and Switch, and The Big Short, a shocking, heart-wrenching investigation into America’s housing crisis and the modern-day robber barons who are making a fortune off the backs of the disenfranchised working and middle class—among them, Donald Trump and his inner circle. Two years before the housing market collapsed in 2008, Donald Trump looked forward to a crash: “I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy,” he said. But our future president wasn’t alone. While millions of Americans suffered financial loss, tycoons pounced to heartlessly seize thousands of homes—their profiteering made even easier because, as prize-winning investigative reporter Aaron Glantz reveals in Homewreckers, they often used taxpayer money—and the Obama administration’s promise to cover their losses.
In Homewreckers, Glantz recounts the transformation of straightforward lending into a morass of slivered and combined mortgage “products” that could be bought and sold, accompanied by a shift in priorities and a loosening of regulations and laws that made it good business to lend money to those who wouldn’t be able to repay. Among the men who laughed their way to the bank: Trump cabinet members Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, Trump pal and confidant Tom Barrack, and billionaire Republican cash cow Steve Schwarzman. Homewreckers also brilliantly weaves together the stories of those most ravaged by the housing crisis. The result is an eye-opening expose of the greed that decimated millions and enriched a gluttonous few.
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
Lets share. The truth always comes out eventually.
The Afghanistan Papers
On Monday, December 9, 2019, The Washington Post released an article and revealed that they had accessed more than 2,000 pages of documents that reveal the truth about the more than 18-year war campaign in Afghanistan.
More than 775,000 U.S. troops were deployed, with 2,300 U.S. military personnel dying and 3,814 U.S. contractors dying, with another 20,000 wounded. The U.S. reports that 64,124 Afghan security forces, 42,100 Taliban insurgents and more than 43,000 Afghan civilians have been killed. In addition, 67 journalists, 424 humanitarian workers and 1,145 NATO and coalition troops have died. According to the U.S. military, 157,000 have died in total. And what for?
In the article, “At War with the Truth,” The Post accessed more than 400 interviews over the past several years to get to the bottom of the lies that have been pumped out over the United States’ longest war to date. It began in 2001 under George W. Bush and continues today. The war (or, as it has been spun, “conflict”) was declared after 9/11, which is noted was perpetrated by 15 Saudi Arabian nationals along with two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Lebanon and one from Egypt. No one from Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan.
“With most speaking on the assumption that their remarks would not become public, U.S. officials acknowledged that their warfighting strategies were fatally flawed and that Washington wasted enormous sums of money trying to remake Afghanistan into a modern nation.”
Roughly $1 trillion has been spent on this never-ending, bloody war (though the numbers are not all public).
For 18 years, the three presidents (Bush, Obama and now Trump) of this war have asserted there was “progress” and that the war would be quick and we would withdraw.
“Everyone at ISAF [International Security Assistance Force] just wanted to hear good news, so bad news was often stifled. There was more freedom to share bad news if it was small — we’re running over kids with our MRAPs — because those things could be changed with policy directives. But when we tried to air larger strategic concerns about the willingness, capacity or corruption of the Afghan government, it was clear it wasn’t welcome and the boss wouldn’t like it.” — Bob Crowley, U.S. military adviser and retired Army colonel
In the beginning, nearly three-quarters of Americans were in favor of the war as of March 19, when it officially started. Internally, though, it was much more bleak.
Yet the interviews show that as the war dragged on, the goals and mission kept changing and a lack of faith in the U.S. strategy took root inside the Pentagon, the White House and the State Department.
Bush’s Defense Secretary, Donald H. Rumsfeld, made more than 59,000 memos between 2001 and 2006 that were accessed by the National Security Archive, a nonprofit run out of George Washington University. These documents have been shared with The Post.
On April 17, 2002, just six months into the war, Rumsfeld wrote:
“We are never going to get the U.S. military out of Afghanistan unless we take care to see that there is something going on that will provide the stability that will be necessary for us to leave.” (x)
On that same day, here is what the public was told:
“The history of military conflict in Afghanistan [has] been one of initial success, followed by long years of floundering and ultimate failure. We’re not going to repeat that mistake.” — President George W. Bush, in a speech at the Virginia Military Institute
Military leaders were not even made aware of who the “enemy” was. It appeared to be an ever-changing shadow. Troops were not sure who was friend or foe, and the Pentagon gave no answers. It appeared they themselves did not know who they were fighting.
“I have no visibility into who the bad guys are. We are woefully deficient in human intelligence.” — Rumsfeld complained in a Sept. 8, 2003, memo.
Obama Era
“The days of providing a blank check are over…It must be clear that Afghans will have to take responsibility for their security and that America has no interest in fighting an endless war in Afghanistan.” — President Barack Obama, in a speech at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. on Dec. 1, 2009
Mass amounts of aid — in the hundreds of billions — was allocated by Congress during the peak of fighting in 2009-2012. These billions were spent recklessly, with little direction or plan in place. The rush to modernize failed, and led to an even more corrupt government that was stealing funds.
Another issue was that of opium. Afghanistan produces 82% of the world’s supply of opium, and U.S. forces tried and failed at their many attempts to constrain the opium use and production.
At first, Afghan poppy farmers were paid by the British to destroy their crops — which only encouraged them to grow more the next season. Later, the U.S. government eradicated poppy fields without compensation — which only infuriated farmers and encouraged them to side with the Taliban.
The documents, public opinion and parallels to the Vietnam War
These documents broadly resemble the Pentagon Papers, which The Post released to the public, detailing the Vietnam War and lack of reason for occupying.
Unlike the Pentagon Papers, none of the Lessons Learned documents were originally classified as a government secret. Once The Post pushed to make them public, however, other federal agencies intervened and classified some material after the fact.
The documents were majorly anonymous, but The Post was able to identify many through research and cross-referencing information and documents. Some of these interviewees included former foreign ambassadors, White House staff and generals.
John Sopko, the head of the federal agency that conducted the interviews, acknowledged to The Post that the documents show “the American people have constantly been lied to.”
Beginning in 2016, The Post had to take the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction to federal court twice to gain access to these previously unpublished documents and interviews. The Post finally won under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The Post is publishing the documents now, instead of waiting for a final ruling, to inform the public while the Trump administration is negotiating with the Taliban and considering whether to withdraw the 13,000 U.S. troops who remain in Afghanistan.
The parallels drawn to the Vietnam War do not end with a long, expensive war with little direction or objective. Officials used tricks from Vietnam to manipulate public opinion.
Over 18 years and three administrations, the talking points have remained consistent: progress is being made. In a seemingly endless war that has drained $1 trillion dollars and thousands of U.S. lives and one hundred thousand Afghani lives, progress is being made.
“…We don’t invade poor countries to make them rich. We don’t invade authoritarian countries to make them democratic. We invade violent countries to make them peaceful and we clearly failed in Afghanistan and in Somalia and  in several others.” — James Dobbins, former U.S. diplomat to Afghanistan.
During the Vietnam War, the Pentagon notoriously highlighted the number of enemies killed as a sign of progress. They even inflated the numbers of enemies killed.
“It was impossible to create good metrics. We tried using troop numbers trained, violence levels, control of territory and none of it painted an accurate picture. The metrics were always manipulated for the duration of the war.” — Anonymous Senior National Security official interviewed in 2016
The piece ends with a new spin, and some truth.
“I do think the key benchmark is the one I’ve suggested, which is how many Afghans are getting killed,” James Dobbins, the former U.S. diplomat, told a Senate panel in 2009. “If the number’s going up, you’re losing. If the number’s going down, you’re winning. It’s as simple as that.”
Last year, 3,804 Afghan civilians were killed in the war, according to the United Nations.
That is the most in one year since the United Nations began tracking casualties a decade ago.
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
Let us not forget the justice system is sworn not to defend the people, but the constitution. We aren't looked out for, were just kept in our place.
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Our justice system follows the idea of committing a crime (punishment) to wipe out another crime.
Pass it on
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
Even declassified documents from previous presidencies prove that the government is willing to stage attacks of terror against their own people to excuse themselves into a foreign country. The U.S. casualties permitted. Let's expose the world!
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We need to talk about this...
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
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Have you ever had a day where everything was perfect? This was it for me. 
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
An Ode to Michelle
I promise that even in your darkest times, as you battle cancer, I remember you with a smile.
And I picture you with a heart of gold and endless strength, although you may feel fragile.
Your poise and grace are what I see, and endlessly I’m sure you’ll be, my dear Michelle.
My dear Michelle, you have the opportunity, to let the pain transform your being, to overcome that which your living, and surpass the situation your seeing.
You are not your pain or your circumstance, but the karaoke singer I remember in dance.
You are the one who transforms her pain, into love for all on Thanksgiving Day, my dear Michelle.
My dear Michelle, you are not that which you cannot own, you’re the one who makes a house a home.
A mother who raised two beautiful boys and loves doing their projects and plays with their toys.
You are who others try to be, an idol, a queen, a true lady, my dear Michelle.
My dear Michelle, if the opportunity presents itself one day, I will hug you and won’t say it will be okay.
I will let you cry, and absorb your pain. We can share it together, and with tears, wash it away.
Until this is over, regain your strength in the fact your family is with you in every way, my dear Michelle.
One day you will look into the eyes of your two men, sit, and share the story of the time when mommy was sick, but never stopped being their mom, instead, you kept going for their sake but you didn’t have to do it for long.
You will tell them your story and you will be proud, my dear Michelle, they are your legacy now. And the day God is ready to claim his angels on Earth, my dear Michelle, he will call upon you first.
But I know that day is far ahead, the world needs more fighters like you, there’s a lot in store for you ahead, I know God still has big plans for you, my dear Michelle.
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
For The Mind/Body/Soul
I now know why the ancients were obsessed.
Coppers' beauty is the least of its benefits.
It bridges the spiritual and physical realms, with frequencies of variety to overwhelm.
Its potency to protect and heal at the root,
With the deepest orange and reds,
The results on your ‘will’ remain acute, just as your love for this gem.
How sacral is this precious stone? With colors of green and blue.
Turquoise intensifies wisdom, friendships, and patience tried and true.
Its feminine power helps reproduce, gives wisdom, and sophistication too.
It will give you wholeness and serenity, with emotional balance and tranquility.
I’ll wear it on my belt, to give me feelings there I’ve never felt.
Now, how fortunate am I, to have caught my eye, on something so confident as the sun.
With tips as bright and golden, it brings me joy, success, and energy for one.
Citrine is kept below my breast, below the heart, and above the rest.
It will ground me and protect me, never needing to be cleared.
One in two with this special power, I will keep it near and dear.
A subtle calm this makes me feel, and intimacy so deep and pure.
A deep compassion for others, romantic energy, it must be Rose Quartz.
It shines so smartly, different shades of pinks I’ll wear over my heart.
Let it do for us what it has done for me, add to the bond of love and community.
Placed on this earth for you and me, let’s bask in its healing energy.
With this I know I truly belong, on earth as it is in heaven.
Celestite is known to bring your angels, and increase all of your senses.
It’s as dreamy as it helps you dream, and gets you out of body.
This crystal has a light blue sheen and helps clairvoyant and clairaudients.
It cleanses the aura and speaks the truth, so I’ll keep it around my neck.
This powerful crystal connects to higher realms so it maintains my highest respect.
This one will be sure to open the third eye, and is the most sought-after stone.
Most precious since the beginning of time, it helps in-between the brow zone.
It encourages self-expression, self-awareness, and expands the personality.
I will allow it to stimulate my self-confidence and grant me the utmost clarity.
Lapis Lazuli will help bring me to my truth and I hope it will do the same for you.
Wear it as your crown, so royal and profound, with purples in different hues.
Its cosmic consciousness and energy will be sure to enlighten you.
Amethyst is known to tranquilize, it relieves stress and strain;
It rids of negative energies and helps even out the pain.
It shields the spiritual light body and is best when you meditate.
Its properties are one to embody and give you the clarity to create.
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
A brilliant excuse for masquerading,
Hiding behind a polished face.
Only aware do they see its degrading,
The asleep will continue to mindlessly chase.
Differentiate between making memories, and posting up an advertisement,
One will leave your soul at ease, and the other, no one’s buying it.
Why computerize and apply all the filters, when your face is in HD,
Your world must be out of kilter, and your life assessment so empty.
I hope one day when I see you in person, you are just as polished as your pics;
And if you aren’t, there are no worries, seeing you in person will give me a kick.
The best I can do is give you advice, to prevent the vicious cycle you think will suffice;
To keep you satisfied without a like, and keep you from thinking about it twice.
Ask yourself why you keep pretending to be someone you are not,
Online, you can become a virus to the collective thought.
Instead, spread awareness to all that you do, help the collective do better through you.
The real way to be more beautiful is to begin from the inside;
Become indisputable, more humble, transmutable, allow the potential to arise.
Solidify yourself in such a way, that in which no filter can truly display.
Instead of living in masquerade, begin to live a life self-made.
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
Let Us
Let’s expose the world, for what it really is.
Let’s audit all the churches, especially those within.
Just as blood may not be family and family may not be blood,
Let’s expose the liars, even the ones we love.
Let’s take down the idols who pretend they’re here for us,
And start listening to the people that for some reason they hushed.
Let’s begin to ask questions and come to our own conclusions,
Let’s begin to break apart this illusion.
Let’s learn to realize what’s supposedly real,
And uncover the truth to re-tell, and be real.
Let’s be willing to undergo the painful process,
Let’s go against the system,
Let’s not be oppressed.
Let’s stop being sensitive, and desensitized.
Let’s learn to separate the truth from all of the lies.
Let’s communicate with the world, instead of watching the news,
And begin to put ourselves in other people’s views.
Let’s not rely on the government who has us well spent,
And awaken to the fact we’re in enslavement.
Let’s be smart enough to see our votes don’t count,
The electoral college proceeds, we cannot amount.
Let’s not pretend we have freedom when permission is required
To be sent up to the man, the real ones in power.
Let’s us realize that it is we, who have destroyed the Earth,
Burned all of its trees nothing left to unearth.
Let’s accept that fact we have consumed the lands;
Disguised as consumerism, by the same man.
Let’s also realize that the change is in our hands,
We as people combined can alter their plans.
Let’s expose the world for what it really is,
For the next generation to leave something to their kids.
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ebeniez-blog · 5 years
In A World Where Money Matters
In a world where money matters, you need money to survive.
Money is needed to be born, and money is needed to die.
Money solves problems, without money the problems are yours;
In a world where money is needed to open up doors.
Money is spent, or saved to be spent later;
In a world dedicated to convincing you, money is in your favor.
Money creates power and attracts fake friends;
But only 1% know money has no end.
Money makes you beautiful, in a world commercialized, to target your insecurities and waste more than just your time.
In a system meant to make you work, for money believing that it is a perk;
When In fact, money has us enslaved, in a system of money you can’t take to your grave.
So, in a world where money matters, but it doesn't matter to me;
It will continue to use me... Or so they think.
When you know you're in a system, and recognize money’s worth;
A piece of dirty cloth is never my perk.
I will play the system, to benefit me;
And not waste my youth, working until 70.
Especially for free;
In a world where money matters.
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