eighteen-gnomes · 2 months
Remember that this is not the proof that they love each other
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That was a last-ditch attempt from Crowley to get Aziraphale to stay
This is the proof that they love each other
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Their love wasn't just made real because they kissed
It always existed
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eighteen-gnomes · 5 months
Aroaces need this
Reblog if you believe Tumblr should add the aroace colors to the aroace hastag. Make this a trend to get their attention
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eighteen-gnomes · 10 months
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Love wins 😌
And a version for my aro/ace/not interested in kissing for whatever reason siblings:
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eighteen-gnomes · 11 months
Percy toward Nico at the end of PJO: OK, we're finally OK. After me trying for literal years, Nico and I are finally cool and finally friends and we really respect each other and Nico's like, the only half-blood I see outside of Camp except for Annabeth.
Percy towards Nico through HoO: Nico di Angelo? IDK, he's a bit of a weirdo man. He accidentally betrayed me one time, I don't trust him.
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eighteen-gnomes · 11 months
every time I see LGBTQ discourse I think about that post that said masc cis lesbians get kicked out of bathrooms as cruelly as trans people do so why the fuck are some lesbians transphobic , and I think about how homophobes won’t check for your sexuality before calling us slurs and I think about how my local dyke March considers anyone who identifies as a dyke a dyke because fuck rainbow capitalism we are here to fight for our lives and I think about how my best friends are bisexual and I think about how lesbians have been loving each other in ways that the gender binary has never been able to understand(and never will) and I think about that post that says the worst thing the right did was convince queer people other queer people were the enemy
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
really odd how ppl will advocate for sexual freedom and the ability to determine your own sexuality but then turn around and make fun of and/or insult ppl who don't have sex, ppl who don't have sex often, and ppl who don't have until sex later in life. you can't pick and choose whose sexuality is more valid. ik that sex and having a lot of sex is demonized to hell and back but the solution to that is not to demonize ppl who abstain from sex, ppl who don't have much sex, and ppl who stay virgins into adulthood for whatever reasons. ppl who don't have sex/a lot of sex or haven't had sex are already stigmatized as is. if you're gonna claim to be all-for sexual freedom but then look down on ppl who don't fit your criteria for how much a person should have sex then you're not truly for sexual freedom bc sexual freedom isn't just about letting ppl have as much sex as they want and how they want, it's also about letting ppl decide for themselves what their boundries are and if or when they want to have sex or not
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
I read that taking this can cause serotonin syndrome, which can be fatal. Please stay safe, everyone.
This site has been going around Twitter trans accounts quite a bit lately, so just pointing out here too that it'll do fuck all, they're exploiting trans people at a time when hrt is particularly hard to access and please don't give them your money
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
💚🖤🤍 Happy (very first ever) Aromantic Visibility Day! 💚🖤🤍
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
happy aro day of visibility to!
loveless aros
lovequeer aros
aros in relationships
aros in qprs
nonpartnering aros
aros who experience romantic attraction sometimes
aros who never have and never will
gay and lesbian aros
straight aros
mspec aros
trans aros
cis aros
romance repulsed aros
romance favourable aros
romance neutral aros
aros who ship
aros who don’t
aros who are good at relationship advice
aros who when asked for advice spin a wheel in their brain with the options “talk it out” and “dump his ass”
religious aros
aros of colour
disabled aros
neurodivergent aros
non-sam aros
aros in the closet
aros who are still working thru all that stuff
aros who are questioning if they’re aro or not
aros who have known for ages
all aros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
These are so pretty!!!
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happy pride month!! 🌈🌈🌈 my pride flag landscapes series is now available as prints/washi tape at my shop!  mush.house/citruslucy 🍄
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
i went to a tiny counterserve diner once and accidentally poured sugar instead of salt all over my hashbrowns and was eating them sadly anyways. the waitress took them away and started making me another one and I tried to protest, but she just snorted and said "we're not catholic here". now every time i'm doing something painful out of obligation i think about how that is not repenting, this body is not a catholic establishment, there is no nobility in suffering.
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
i saw a post awhile back saying people don’t want queer representation they want queer romance, and that really put words to how i feeling about shipping culture
like wednesday and enid stood in the same room together, didn’t even like each other , and people were screaming at the top of their lungs “MARRIAGE!!”
i think that’s fundamentally why we get so little representation of the trans community and the aro and ace spectrums, i still have yet to hear the word Aromantic on film or tv (i know there’s a tv show rn in i think japan that features a aroace lead i haven’t watched it yet) i’ve seen clips of shows here and there that use the word asexual so that’s good but from what i understand they’re alloace representation which still allows the characters to participate in romance (someone correct me if there’s aroace rep)
idk it’s all just exhausting
i really wish there was a stronger push for like queer people just existing in tv and film instead of the only option being romantic relationships
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
there's this push in media on the idea that it's okay to act aromantic and/or asexual as long as you replace those expected things with ambition. babe i'm just here to vibe. i was not put on this earth to have a fucking career. where are the rest of the chill aspecs who don't do shit
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
I posted this wishlist exactly one year ago, here are some additions:
Nico is a queer person on his own. I want being lgbtq+ to be important to him as an identity outside of his relationship with Will. That relationship is a big part of that identity and it is important too, but i want to see self-acceptance of his identity as a gay person. Not just acceptance of his feelings for Will or of the feelings he had for percy.
^Just generally not making Will a savior for him. Help from others is good, having friends and a support system is good. But please, give Nico some agency in his own story.
Another autistic!nico because i am manifesting on tumblr.com tonight. /hj
Writing the characters authentically to how they have been portrayed in canon, as well as authentically portraying them as part of minority groups. (Nico should not act like any mentally ill teenager, he primarily needs to act like nico. Then secondarily his actions can be influenced by his age, mental health, etc)
Consistency with other books! Bring things back from older books and the original series! Which was fairly recently for the characters. Ground the new books in the world!!!
Good plot! That makes sense! Structure your story!
Have the explicit neurodivergence that the series was founded in visible again, and update it. It is not 2009 anymore, our standards have risen. The original inclusions of adhd and dyslexia were well intentioned, but also imperfect. There were many ways this can be done better, and there are so many more resources and examples for good representation now.
Wishlist for the Nico Solo Book:
Autistic!Nico (or at the very least not getting rid of all his autistic coding and traits)
Nico actually talking about his identity as an lgbtq person and fully accepting and being proud of that identity
Not having Will heal Nico's trauma and mental illness through a romantic relationship.
Give will some character traits! He has so little :')
Actually having the *canonically neurodivergent characters* be neurodivergent. (Seriously did the adhd and dyslexia just evaporate or something??)
Cute animal moments?! Small Bob? Mrs. O'leary? I'd settle for Jules-Albert
More nonbinary/trans people??
More aro and ace people???
Researched rep! With consultants so that it's actually good!!
Jews??? Please... I want more than a necklace and an inaccurate throwaway line about a bat mitzvah
Talking about greif and all the people who died
Reyna! And all the hunters!!!
Quality Bob time
No unnecessarily killing off characters
A-spec nico?? Gnc nico?? Am i asking too much?
Cool powers
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
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never have i ever seen a better description of my sexuality
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
Neither romantic nor sexual nor platonic but a secret fourth thing (bonded like stray cats who cannot be adopted separately)
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eighteen-gnomes · 1 year
instead of a 3 book series of Percy going on miscellaneous quests for his college apps I vote we just get a short story instead of Percy making a deal with Iris for a letter of recommendation and as payment they debate from Percy going vegetarian to settling on Percy tries going pescatarian for a couple months, cause I feel like that’s a way funnier scenario
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