elbowfox-blog1 · 7 years
Tell me you’re sorry..
and I will tell you that I’m to empty to take any more of its words. It has been to long since I have seen any truth in your eyes and you don’t even breathe as sure as the way you used to anymore. Take me back to before the commitment and the bills and the fighting. Take me back to the sunsets and the slow kisses and us cuddling In the grass under the moon. I want us, I want you.. but honestly if this is what we become when we’re officially together.. I guess I don’t really want any of it. Have we become the mirror image of echoes warming the blinks between hesitation? has your silence read you to sleep more than the gentle watch of thunder? Tell me you miss me and I will tell you I’ve filled my shoes with the breaths I should have taken out on your name. Tell me you miss me and I will tag the stars with the same memories that weigh me down, cut new flowers with the same hands that break everything I hold. Darling, wake up, my heart is asking for you..my thoughts are filling my lips with reasons to call you back. yet the time I run to is playing a song I’ve never heard, and I’m tired of growing in directions you already left.
- Collaboration between @teacup13 (Italics) and myself (normal font)
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elbowfox-blog1 · 7 years
I tried to be normal today
It was a beautiful day at the park today.
Although spending time at the park is usually categorized as an all day thing, I was only there for an hour.
Its something you do when you have no work, and no plans.
My time cut short by a knock on my door so loud I heard it from three blocks away.
These weren't friends visiting me, though.
If they were friends, they were the type of friends you had as a kid.
The neighborhood kids that came to your house everyday asking to play.
The only reason they know where you live is because you ride the bus together.
You want to say no, but your mom yells from her bedroom;
"Go outside and get some fresh air"
"Make friends with the neighborhood kids"
"Be back before the street lights come on"
These friends are rude. They have no tact, no social skills, and no respect for personal space or time. When these friends want to play..
You play.
The first friend can actually be pleasant at first. He stays silent and lets you sit back and appreciate everything you have. You can find him in a hot cup of coffee, or in the arms of your lover. He knows all of your friends and family and compliments them all. He reminds you of how great your mother is , or how beautiful your girlfriend is.
He'll walk with you on a sunny day, and sits on the horizon of a perfect sunset. Hes always there on the best days to accompany you.
At the peak of your appreciation, and when the sun is at its highest point.. He whispers in your ear
"Everything, and everyone will die. Including you"
He will never let you forget that.
The second is protective. She is paranoid, careful, worst case scenario type friend.
She speaks softly, and tiptoes around. She's not very social. You'd find her in a corner at a party. She will always walk you home though, but only when you're alone. She is the one that braids your keys between your fingers outwards like daggers. She's the one that bought your gun for you and glues your hands to the inside doorhandle of every uber driven by a man. She'll lay with you at night but ask you over and over if you locked the door. You beg her to just live a little, loosen up, and take a chill pill. You also wonder how much she has saved you from.
We don't know if we like her or not.
The third is that kid next door your parents warned you about. He's spastic, free-willed, and confident. He's the kid that convinces you to ride your bike down a steep hill, or ding-dong-ditch your teachers house. He comes from rich parents so you feel like you need to spend all of your money around him.
He's the voice in your ear when you go out that tells you to cheat on your girlfriend or challenge a billiards team to a game of pool. Oh, and he loves bar fights. He doesn't worry about things like debt, STD's, or personal safety. He's the one holding your feet at a keg party because his favourite thing is binge drinking. He never holds your hair though, hes only around for the thrill.
The third friend comes in package with his twin sister, the fourth friend. She loves binge drinking too but its not as fun with her. You'll find her at the bottom of the bottle, or in the mirror looking back at your drunk reflection. She lays in bed with you and convinces you theres nothing worth getting up for. She sits in your bones , and shes heavy. She chain smokes and only listens to sad Lana del Rey songs. She constantly reminds you that you're not doing as well as her other friends. She convinces you to call out of work for no reason, and forgets to feed your dog when you go out of town. She also tells you to ignore the people that love you, shes kind of selfish like that..
Her and her brother come as one, but never at the same time. They don't get along at all. Their acts follow eachother. Cycle after cycle after cycle.
It was a beautiful day at the park today.
My friends thought so too.
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