elusionramblebamble · 6 years
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Exactly Like Other Girls I am exactly like other girls I bleed Cry Fight For what I believe For my lies…
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elusionramblebamble · 6 years
Boost my Bio, Pitch Wars
Boost my Bio, Pitch Wars
Hi all, I’m Cass.
Man, where do I start? Usually at the beginning, I know, but my beginning was also an ending, and so, I’m going to start at the end in the hopes that it turns into a beginning.
This is pretty scary. Took me quite a few internal pep talks to get here, but since I’m actually typing now, might as well get to the point before I lose my nerve.
So, Some of you may already know me.…
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elusionramblebamble · 7 years
It’s that time of year again, aren’t you excited? Team oMG is!
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You can find team oMG on Twitter at @C_B_Catalano and @shaunaholyoak
Before we dive into our wishlist *rubs hands together* we’d like to tell you a little about ourselves, and why we can’t wait to pay it forward, and help a fellow writer out.
So, I’m Cass *wave* and this is, oh, possibly my 4th time revising this bio post. Revisions are crucial in all aspects of life, and most definitely in this contest, keeping this in mind, if you’re willing to get down and dirty with us, like kill your darlings –even the one you swore you never would– read on!
This is my first year as a Pitch Wars mentor. I am thrilled to be entering this new world with the most amazing, absolutely awesome, co-mentor Shauna Holyoak! We met a few years ago during another Twitter pitch event, and joined a group of similar contest hopefuls. And thank the stars I did because they are some of the most supportive, caring writers and CPs I’ve ever met in this journey!
PCC for life!
Let me say, (and I cannot stress how important this is), the friends you find in the writing community, especially from events like Pitch Wars, are worth their weight in gold.
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If you manage to make even one friend during Pitch Wars, trust me when I say you are the ultimate winner already. Now, back to business 😉
Meet Shauna:
My name is Shauna Holyoak, and I expend roughly 25% of my energy writing and 50% of my energy resisting the urge to hunt down and consume all the frosted sugar cookies. I made a chart.
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Writing MG is my favorite. My debut novel MY PAPER ROUTE AND OTHER DEADLY THINGS will be published in spring 2019 by Disney-Hyperion. Half of my writing time is currently spent pinching myself about that last part (please don’t turn that into a story problem for me to solve—it will break my brain).
I live in Idaho Falls, Idaho with my game-board designing husband, six of our children and two naughty dogs. Amy Poehler makes me happy, and Leslie Knope makes me happier.
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I grew up on Ramona and Fudge books, which instilled a love for spunky, strong characters (also, see above).
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And then Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry taught me just how powerful middle-grade fiction could be. So I tend toward contemporary, but MG fiction with strong characters and all the feels is ultimately what gets me.
I am so excited to be co-mentoring with Cass (she is AWESOME!) for this year’s Pitch Wars. It was my entry last year to Brooks Benjamin and Caroline Thompson’s team (spoiler alert: I didn’t make it) that got me the feedback I needed to shine up my manuscript and win a slot in #PitchSlam. That led me to the best agent (shout out to CARRIE PESTRITTO!) and then a pinch-worthy two-book deal!
Pitch Wars is a tremendous opportunity, and I’m so grateful and excited to be a part of it. Also, I can’t wait to fight over entries!
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Hi y’all! I’m Cassandra Newbould aka C.B. Catalano, and I cannot wait to read all your words. And fight over entries with Shauna. We will duel to the death for a book we love!
Back in the day I was that girl who enjoyed being sent to their room, because hey! extra reading time! Anything from Little Women, to the Black Stallion. If I could hold it, I was reading it. My lust for all the words continued on through teenage-hood. That’s when I fell in love with all things fantasy, and would dive head-first into the lands of The Tortall Universe, Shannara, and Darkover to name a few. *Sometimes* when my sis and bff would sneak out to go party I’d stay home to read instead. They’d laugh, but there was nothing better than curling up with a good book, a good blanket, and a good dog in my opinion.
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*curling up with Jake Gyllenhaal wouldn’t be too shabby either 😉 *
When I had my kiddos, I would spend the evenings telling them the most outrageous stories I could make up in the hopes it would send them to sleep. Eventually, as they grew, they encouraged me to write them down and so my journey as a writer began.
Last year I entered another amazing Twitter pitch event called #DVpit and that is where I met my magnificent and stellar agent, Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media inc.
She fell in love with my MG retelling of Treasure Island: THE MISADVENTURES OF JEM HAWKINS: staring Kick-butt hacker girls, and lady pirates, and all the adventure a girl could want.
Before that, I interned for a NY literary agency for 8 months. Also, I know the ways of middle graders well. My middle son is in the 8th grade this year and my daughter made it through without too many battle wounds a few years ago 🙂
Did I mention I love to write and critique queries? Yeah, I know. But I do, I swear, and I’m happy to say my #NoQS mentee went on to get an agent 🙂 GOOO VALARIE!! so, if you have any questions about how I work as a mentor ask @ValBodden on Twitter.
My husband, a computer engineer who has run the gamut: from MySpace and creating its Open Social platform to autonomous cars for Ford, and I met as teenagers, and had our daughter when I was 22. We have been married 17 years, moved over 21 times together in over 7 states, and have 3 lovely children, 2 awesome cats, and 2 Muppet puppies, otherwise known as Newfypoos.
Seriously, Muppets.
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When I’m not writing, I’m probably playing with my children, playing poker (I want to be a professional poker player when I grow up) cooking with the hubs, painting, drawing, and/or drinking wine. I love everything Baz Luhrmann (he can seriously do no wrong) and am a die-hard *end of world genre* movie buff. For TV, I adore Outlander, Black Sails, Shameless and any and every cooking/baking show known to man. Also, I cannot stop watching the tiny houses shows. I’d love to, but I can’t bring myself to.
Now to the exciting part. DUN  DUN DUNNNN
What we’re looking for in a nutshell.
Middle Grade.
Give us all the feels, all of them! While Shauna leans more towards contemporary and I, fantasy we both agree we’re down for either, and welcome them with open arms –with a few minor exceptions–
If your manuscript contains any of the following we’re probably not the best mentors for you:
Younger MG, sorry but upper MG is our jam
Hard Sci-fi
Novels in verse
Now, while we aren’t the best for these stories, as we wouldn’t be able to do them the justice they deserve, we are certain you and your amazing manuscript will be able to find another mentor who will help you achieve that next level of fantastic, and we wish you the best of luck!
So what else are we looking for? Well, if any of your books have the feel of these below send them our way. Please. Pretty please with a query on top?
A Snicker of Magic
The Girl Who Drank The Moon
A Wrinkle In Time
Counting By Sevens
The Thing About Jellyfish
When You Reach Me
Percy Jackson
Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events
The Gauntlet
Rules For Thieves
We joyously welcome diverse and own voices stories with open arms. *grabby hands*
Give us your girl mcs that aren’t afraid of what the world thinks of them. Both likable and unlikable. Give us Hermione Grangers stuck at sea, or Katniss with an obsession for oil painting. Give us your MG Inej Gahfas, Nina Zeniks, (and we can’t forget your Kaz Brekkers), all tied up in the ultimate group heist, if you please. Give us your STEM stories (please, pretty please?) Sibling stories or complex girl friendship stories are a quick way to our hearts! 🙂
We’re down for quiet stories that tug at your heart, or action packed fantasies where the world-building blows your mind. Re-tellings set in a modern world or contemporary dramas thrown back in time. Make us laugh. Or cry. Just make us feel like we never want to put your story down!
However, having said all that, if you have a story that doesn’t fit anything we’ve said above and you feel like you want us anyway, send your ms our way. We both love surprises and can’t wait to find out what we end up falling in love with!
What we can bring to the table for you:
Helping you find a killer voice, pointing out areas that could use work without taking over your story, tackling pacing issues, building complex and believable characters, DIALOGUE! and attention to detail, or lack thereof.
*warning* If you aren’t able to attack your ms with an open mind and willingness to rip it apart and build it back even stronger, perhaps we aren’t the right mentors for you. We will never demand that something be changed, it’s your story after all and you know it best, but you entered Pitch Wars for a reason and hopefully we can help you polish your shiny jewel even farther than it is now.
Good luck fellow writers, may the odds be ever in your favor!
Have you been sitting here wondering where you can find out more about Shauna? Well, here is the link to Shauna’s blog
Shauna’s amazingly awesome blog
Shout out to Brenda Drake for this opportunity for all of us, may your reign be long and fruitful!
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Main Blog Link
Links to the other spectacular mentors below:
Shari Schwarz
Shari Green
Gail Villanueva and Isabelle Adrid
Niki Lenz
Melyssa Mercado
Erin Latimer
Hannah Karena Jones
Mae Respicio
Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.
Pitch Wars Mentor Wishlist 2017 It's that time of year again, aren't you excited? Team oMG is! You can find team oMG on Twitter at @C_B_Catalano and @shaunaholyoak…
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elusionramblebamble · 7 years
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elusionramblebamble · 7 years
The Day The Laundry Won. A Poem (of sorts)
The Day The Laundry Won. A Poem (of sorts)
As daylight broke across the sky, in the laundry room there was a cry. For the basket had spent its night alone, without a friend to call its own. Bereft of companionship, it sobbed and sighed. I want a friend, the basket cried. And as the sun reached for the clouds, the door opened. And one single, mismatched, little sock claimed the basket for a home. The lonely basket cheered with glee. Than…
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elusionramblebamble · 7 years
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Save the date! I’m doing a Writer’s Digest Webinar on YA this summer: http://tinyurl.com/kw36hpo
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elusionramblebamble · 7 years
Some of the biggest turning points in my life are directly related to the aftermath of car accidents.
The fact there is more than one occasion should be a loud scream out to the universe that I’ve had more than my fair share, and could the car karma Gods please give me a pass?
Maybe the fact I’m able to type this is a pass within and of itself. Now, before you judge my driving skills let me state, here and now, not a single one was ever my fault in any way.
But I digress… turning points.
When I was 16 a truck slammed into my ’81 silver Firebird while I was stopped at a red light and totaled it. I don’t know what I mourned most, the wreak of such a rad car, or the ability to move my neck and back properly anyone whilst in the prime of my youth.
After many dr appointments they put me in PT. Over the months that I went I became friendly with a few of the employees. One of which gave the best medical massages I’ve ever had in my life. I totally forget her name now, and that’s strange considering how much she changed me. I want to say Lisa, or Laura, but honestly it could be Shelia or Karry. I really have no clue.
So, here is this chick, we’ll call her Lisa and she had to be like maaaaybe 20, 21 tops. For whatever reason she decided to take me under her wing and teach me about dance music. Now mind you, I’m a teen in the mid-90s in deep southern Florida. So we’re talking Miami Bass, Breakbeats, Drum and Bass, Jungle, and a wee bit of Techno (never did like Techno too much)
Prior to this I was more of a Wu Tang, Outkast, Bad Religion, The Toasters, Dance Hall Crashers, Sublime kinda girl. Basically anything you’d find a skater/surfer of the 90’s listening to on any given day. But anyway, one day Lisa invited me over to spend the night. I remember I was sick, strep throat or something and had a fever. But for some reason my mom said yes. (now that I’m a mom and in my 30’s I don’t understand why a. my mom let me sleep at my physical trainer’s home and b. why a 20something girl was inviting me over for a sleepover)
Maybe she wanted to open up my eyes. So, Mom drops me off, with assurances that we will just sit around, watch movies, whatevs and if I get sicker she’d come and get me. Soon as Mom dips Lisa decides to play dress up with me. Mind you to this point jeans and tees were my day to day, but she put me in this short flowy skirt and knee-high black and white stripped socks and gave me a beer. Then her brother, the manager of the PT clinic showed up and we all had another beer and then she says, “Ready to have your mind blown?”
So, of course I said, “Sure. Why not.”
We piled into her car and drove down to Fort Lauderdale to a club called The Edge. After midnight The Edge turned into a 2 story club for ravers. Not the kind coated in candy and plur, although there were some there too, but the majority were bass heads. Oh, could they dance. I fell in love with breakdancing from the moment I walked in the door. I stood and watched them all night.
Every once in awhile Lisa would bring me a drink and then wander off to dance and do her own thing. I ended up seeing a few kids from school, we talked. I stood. I watched. My toes tapped to the beat. That was it.
Lisa brought me back with the sun rising in the sky. My heart was full. I never went out with her again as far as I can remember. Never wore skirts out dancing again either. I always was a jeans and sneakers kinda girl.
I did however start going to every underground party I could find. Wednesday-Sunday afternoon from the time I was 16 until I was 21 I danced from sundown to sun up.
I remember the first time I danced the whole night away. My sister and best friends were with me. The music was so sick that night and unlike all the other nights up until this point I didn’t care what other people thought I would look like. I just danced like no one was watching. For hours. Until sunrise.
When we got home we slept like the dead and when I woke up I literally couldn’t walk correctly for 2 whole days. That’s how hard I danced. I couldn’t walk. For 2 days straight.
After that my body became conditioned. I learned more and more, and I became this entirely new creature. I would walk into a club or party with my head held high and a tilt to my chin. I knew I was the shit. I had so much confidence it dripped off me with every step. I’d never felt like that in my life. Not once. But I did then. And it felt AWESOME!
It truly changed me. I can’t say for the better. I cannot honestly say that my life changed for the better when Lisa introduced me to that culture. There are many many things that go hand in hand with that lifestyle that could have killed me. That did kill many many of my friends. We were all too young to know so many dead people.
I’m still too young to know so many dead people.
The music though. And the dance. Oh, the dancing. I’ve never felt so free, so real, so absolutely, positively, me. I belonged. I belonged to the night. To the rhythm. I belonged to the dance.
I hope everyone gets to experience that feeling at least once in their life. Find that moment when you lift your head so high with pride and happiness that you almost touch the sky.
Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like had my mom said no. Or if Lisa had just looked at me like I was some punk kid, which I was. But I’m thankful. Even with all of the tragedies born of an era and a culture where the parties lasted for days and the kids played hard.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to dance like no one was watching until I believed in myself to dance like everyone was watching, because I wanted them to, Lisa. I made some of the best friends I’ll ever know from coast to coast through my love of dancing. And for that I’ll always be grateful. Wish I could remember your name.
I really don’t know where I’m going with this. Just putting it out into the universe. One of my life-long dancer buddies, and bff passed less than 2 weeks ago and so I suppose I’ve been reminiscing a lot about the past lately and once again coming to terms with how fragile life truly is.
I’ve become so stagnant I forgot how to dance. I went to a Zumba class this week and it hurt. Every step hurt so bad and there were so many moves my broken, worn-down body couldn’t do no matter how hard I tried. (remember the multiple accident thing? Yes, well, the most recent one really destroyed my body, but that’s another story)
But through the pain I smiled. Because I remembered the first night I ever danced and how God-awfully sore I was in the following days. And it brought me back and reminded me that the pain is worth it. It might take a long time till I can walk into a room with my head up, full of ego and swag and think I’m the shit again, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to try my hardest.
One day I’m going to dance again.
This is my promise. I aim to keep it. And the whole damn world better watch when I do.
Dance like No ones watching Some of the biggest turning points in my life are directly related to the aftermath of car accidents.
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elusionramblebamble · 8 years
Sunday Mourning
4 letters made you, but they never contained who you were How could they? 4 letters combined in perfect harmony 2 consonants 2 vowels You were a poem before your first step and held the world in your heart the gift you gave to every path you crossed was one of belonging you made every life special, be they man, woman, or child it didn’t matter if they’d known you 5 minutes 5 hours 5 years you…
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elusionramblebamble · 8 years
Signal Loss (or, my apocalypse now! flash fiction entry for terribleminds.com)
My finger ached from pressing the refresh button so often. It was a sickness, I was sure of it, but I couldn’t keep away from watching the President’s newest word vomit as it projectiled across my screen. For the last 3 days I’d been glued to my computer screen. Every single post killing me a little more inside. Who would have thought 140 characters would have such devastating impact on humanity?…
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elusionramblebamble · 8 years
6570 days was my magical number
6570 days was my magical number
At the tender age of 22 I thought the answer to my most fervent wish was 6570 days. It would be 6570 days until I could take a shower whenever I wanted. 6570 days to be able to use the bathroom uninterrupted. 6570 days until I could be day drunk and sleep in as long as I wanted afterwards. (lofty goals, right?) 18 years. I counted my life not in minutes, not as they flew by, and believe me, my…
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elusionramblebamble · 8 years
7x7x7 challenge
Ms. @mmhoffman14 tagged me for the 7x7x7 challenge which is to go to your wip and go to page 7, go down to line 7 and paste the next 7 lines. Here is my sample from my wip- BAD BEAT     “Fine, fine, there’s a pinot noir in your parents liquor cabinet with my name written all over it anyway.” Silence follows, and I’m not sure if he’s joking or not. Please don’t let it be one of mom and dad’s…
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elusionramblebamble · 9 years
What it's like having a texture-sensitive kiddo
What it’s like having a texture-sensitive kiddo
My big dude is a pretty rad miniature human. At 7yrs old he has managed to grasp a level of humor and sarcastic-ness that far outdoes most adults I know. It doesn’t surprise me. From the moment he came squalling into the world, bright red, and wrinkled, I knew he was destined for glory the minute the nurse proclaimed “He looks like Benjamin button, just look. It’s like he’s an 80 year old man in…
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elusionramblebamble · 9 years
Saying goodbye sucks
Losing someone is probably one of the most heart wrenching experiences out there. It doesn’t matter if everyone knew their passing was something coming, or an unexpected accident no one would have ever imagined. And it never gets okay. Honestly, why should it? But the one thing that’s super scary to me is that you do grow numb to it. I mean, how weird, and awful, is it that I’ve experienced so…
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elusionramblebamble · 9 years
What being an intern has taught me so far
What being an intern has taught me so far
So, back in October I stumbled upon an open call for interns/readers for an agency I adore. I think their whole group of agents are pretty spectacular. Now, I haven’t personally gotten to have conversations with all of them. But over the last year or so of seeing exchanges on Twitter, plus all the fantastic words of fellow writers as they mention one of the agents or the agency, well, it’s really…
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elusionramblebamble · 9 years
I used to have a camera attached to me. Everywhere I went, no matter what I was doing, there it was. It’s been a really really long time since I’ve held it with purpose. My Flickr account renewed today and I hadn’t looked at it in so long.
Man, was that a mistake! Going through the last 10 years made me a little emotional. And I still have another 4 years of photos to look through on there. I can’t wait. I think I might dust off my camera and start taking pics again. I don’t know if I’ll ever have that obsessive must take photos of everything drive again, but it would be nice to capture life now every once in awhile through something other than my phone camera.
Anyway, here’s a few I especially enjoyed. Have a nice day everyone! And don’t forget yourself, or if you do, try and find what’s missing. You might be in for a pleasant surprise :)
  So, A long time ago I used to have a camera attached to me. Everywhere I went, no matter what I was doing, there it was.
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elusionramblebamble · 9 years
New story up on Wattpad
New story up on Wattpad
https://www.wattpad.com/221527948-5000-pounds-to-ecstasy-crash-into-me-part-1   checky check it out :)
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elusionramblebamble · 9 years
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5000 Pounds to Ecstasy - Crash Into Me Part 1 (on Wattpad) http://w.tt/20CE36D The last thing Brianna ever expected to receive while Christmas shopping was the gift a careless driver gave in the crosswalk on Melrose Ave. Broken and bleeding, Bri takes in everything around her while her sister tries to keep herself from freaking out. But when Leonardo DiCaprio appears on the sidewalk before them it's too much for Bri to take, and she goes into cardiac arrest. The only problem? When Bri wakes up she's no longer lying on the cold sidewalk during a California rain. Bri's back in the 90's in South Beach, Miami. And the night is one she's replayed over and over for the last nine years. A gift and a curse-Bri doesn't know if she'd be better off dead. But she's sure of one thing, there's no way in hell she's going to relive this night again. Unfortunately for Bri, it's not her choice. However, the outcome might finally put old ghosts to rest. When Bri meets up with Sienna, a Latina with dance moves to die for, Bri must come to terms with the past or she'll never be able to accept her future-if she even has one anymore.
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