emberopolis · 3 years
Been a while, hasn’t it?
My life became a major disaster and on top of all that, I had college, work, and other responsibilities to contend with, so I had to take a major step back from social media.  I’m still kind of in that situation (and the semester isn’t over) but I am trying to get back to some of the places I left, including here.  Expect to see me a little more over the next few months.
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emberopolis · 3 years
Just want to apologize for my inactivity lately. I started college again last week and have been adjusting to my new schedule. I should be back soon.
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emberopolis · 3 years
Just to let everyone know, I will be drawing the giveaway winners tomorrow or Thursday and getting in touch with you!
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emberopolis · 3 years
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Adorable photos by  ©Jaycee Barr
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emberopolis · 3 years
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Comic on having long-COVID as a young person. Sending love to others who may be similarly suffering.
(ID under the cut)
Keep reading
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emberopolis · 3 years
I’m very curious about your thoughts behind persona magick you posted about. Do you think that by separating qualities that you wish for yourself into a persona prevents you from actually possessing these qualities in yourself?
If you think about it, you’re creating an entire outward personality, or alter ego, to represent these qualities. It really is dissociating these things from yourself because they are now considered qualities of said persona. I know it isn’t nearly the same, but it almost sounds like a conscious form of dissociative identity disorder.
If you haven’t heard of Carl Jung, he thinks that the deepest and highest achievement we can accomplish is a full integration of every aspect of ourselves (persona, ego, shadow, animus/anima). I’m curious how you interpret this since by creating more personas, you’re fragmenting yourself in order to function in different situations. I know Carl Jung is pretty problematic as a person, so feel free to take his theories with a grain of salt.
Here is a brief article on Carl Jung’s view. Would love to hear your thoughts!!
I understand where you're coming from, and I think that some people would fall into that mistake when making their persona, but I don't think it's a universal issue. I do believe that some people, when choosing to take on a persona, would disassociate those qualities/emotions from themselves. But if we make an active effort to remind ourselves that those qualities stem from us, I think it's possible to avoid doing that.
I have an example for this. My first persona was my Final Fantasy XI character. It was the first MMO I ever played and I was 14 when I started playing it. I had never played a game that let you create your own character, so I created who I wanted to be in that world. I created a young man who I viewed as two years older than me, who was kind and hard-working and who people liked for who he was. These were things I felt I lacked in my real life. For one, I hadn't realized I was trans yet so I was still identifying as female (and hating every moment of it) and for another I was not, in any shape, popular. In fact, I was bullied a lot in school, which made me feel bitter and unloved. So I became who I wanted to be in a fantasy world. Eventually, after a few years, I realized that the person I made my FFXI to be could be me.  Despite my situation, I could be kind, I could work hard for the things I wanted.  (Though I hadn’t realized I could transition at this point.)  I began to integrate the things about my persona into my ‘main’ self.  I even got a tattoo of the character to remind me that what he was, I could be.
So in a way I started by viewing the qualities I imbued in my FFXI character as separate from me, but over time I came to realize they weren’t at all, they were part of me and I gave them to him.  I made him out of me, so I was capable of what he was, emotionally speaking.  From that point forward, I was sure to remind myself that the things I want or wish I was, I am capable of when I impart them onto a persona.
I think it’s also a way for people to realize they do have the traits they put into their personas.  So while they start separate, once you realize you can make them part of you, you integrate them into yourself.
I believe there could also be a case made for wanting to disassociate some emotions/traits from yourself.  If you make a persona out of your anger, anxiety, or depression, you could be doing it to cope until you’re able to get professional help, and then you likely don’t want that integrating with your ‘true’ self.
I think another factor of this is also how you view your persona.  Do you see them as a separate entity, or an extension of yourself?  My first persona was a separate entity, but my current persona is an extension of me.  They are part of me like my mind is part of me.  In that way, I don’t see them getting disassociated from the source self if their creation is based on ‘this is part of me.’
I refer back to sympathetic magic.  “That which is like the thing is the thing.”  That which is like me-- my persona-- is me.
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emberopolis · 3 years
A Brief Look at 🌟 Pop Pantheons 🌟
So I am a big fan of pop culture paganism/magic.  I could write at length about it (and I might eventually) but for now I want to focus on one of the (maybe) biggest aspects of pop paganism: pop pantheons.
A pop pantheon is a collection made of fictional characters, images, or archetypes that you work with like deities or other revered magical beings, or that you use in a sacred way.  A popular example of this is the tarot, where you can make 100 different decks using 100 different subjects and people can still connect to it as a divination tool.
Pop pantheons can be used either on their own or as a gateway into working with ancient deities-- both of which I’ll talk about.
Why would you use a pop pantheon over a ‘real’ pantheon? The answer to that question is very simple: connection.  You have a personal connection to these pop culture figures already, so you can really put your heart into working with them.  When you’re personally invested in something, you connect to it better.  The feelings you have for those things are raw and powerful and can be harnessed in your magic or your daily life.
I’ll use an example from my own practice: PokĂ©mon.  I’ve explained in other posts how much I love PokĂ©mon.  Because I have such a deep connection to PokĂ©mon, I am able to tap into that and use PokĂ©mon trading cards for divination.  I might also pick a PokĂ©mon to embody something for a spell or ritual.  For example, I feel like I need to be more disciplined, but I don’t work with any deities or beings that represent 'discipline’ so I don’t feel like I have a source to call on.  I, personally, don’t feel comfortable calling on the help of deities I don’t work with, so instead I can turn to my special interest, PokĂ©mon, and find something to represent discipline for me.  I could use Lucario as an image of discipline because of its history of being a knight’s companion and intensive training to be able to see and use auras.  I could do a spell where I involve this PokĂ©mon through a trading card or a plush toy or an enamel pin, and I can use that item as my talisman.  Then when I need to call on discipline, I could turn to that item or carry it with me.
Pop pantheons are easily accessible. For some things in pop culture, there is vastly more information about that thing than there is about a specific deity or mythical being.  There might only be a handful of myths for a deity.  However, with pop culture work, you likely have access to the source material for the being you want to work with and can easily consume it.  A great example of this is Aslan from C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia.  There are already books dedicated to using Narnia as a religious-adjacent text for your life.
Another example could be Merlin.  Merlin is an archetypal figure with many interpretations that you can consume and build a connection with.  You can read the legends of King Arthur, or you could choose a Merlin-esque being who embodies the same archetype, like Gandalf.  You can read the Middle Earth books to foster that connection to the archetype of the wise wizard or magical mentor.  This stuff is readily available at your fingertips, it’s as simple as going to the library and checking out the books or renting the DVDs.
What you need might be too ‘niche’ for a deity/being or you can’t think of/don’t work with a deity/being that represents what you need. As I mentioned earlier, some of us don’t feel comfortable calling on deities/beings we don’t regularly work with, but we feel we need the help of a supernatural force.  We can call on an archetype or a fictional being that we feel connected to to serve this function.  My example from earlier was how I felt I needed discipline, but I don’t work with any beings that represent or embody that, so I called on a PokĂ©mon for the job.  A big facet of the world of PokĂ©mon is establishing a deep connection with your PokĂ©mon and being able to call on them when you need help, so it felt appropriate to me to use a PokĂ©mon for this task.
Pop pantheons can be more comfortable to work with. This is sort of the same as the previous point, but I’m going to include it anyway.  I’m going to use an example that Molly Roberts used in her video on this subject (which is linked at the end of this post.)  For road opener work, Molly uses Glinda the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz.  She mentions that many people like to call on/use Ganesha symbolism for road opener work because it falls under the umbrella of things he represents.  However, Molly doesn’t feel comfortable working with a being from a system she doesn’t know enough about, so instead she uses Glinda, who represents the same thing to her but comes from something she does know and understand.  She’s more comfortable with Glinda, so her work flows freely and her magic isn’t blocked up or diminished by uncertainty or discomfort or a feeling that what she is doing is ‘wrong.’
Pop pantheons can be a gateway into working with ‘real’ deities. If you’ve never worked with a deity before and aren’t feeling called to one, but want to start a relationship with one, it can be a bit intimidating to work with one at first, especially if you’re new to paganism and/or witchcraft in general.  You might feel drawn to a pop cultural depiction of a deity, though, and want to interact with that being through the lens of the pop culture ‘version.’  A great example of this is Loki from the Marvel universe.  I’ve heard of several people who came to Loki through an interest in his Marvel counterpart.  I have a friend who works intimately with Loki and the way he appears to her is much the same as Marvel’s Loki.  Is her work with him diminished because he resembles the Marvel character?  Not at all!
Another example is Hades.  Say someone played that game and suddenly felt a strong interest in Dionysus.  They might begin dipping their toes in deity work, and when they do they envision Dionysus the way he appears in the game.  This helps them connect to the ‘true’ Dionysus because they already feel drawn to that vision of him and feel comfortable with it.  They can use Hades Dionysus as their proxy for the ‘real’ Dionysus the god chooses to show his preferred form to that person-- if he ever does at all.  Dionysus might be perfectly happy to be represented as the Hades Dionysus for that practitioner and not change.
🌟 🌟 🌟
This post is getting quite long, so I will stop here.  I hope this feels like a good introduction to pop pantheons.  If you have questions or want me to expand on this subject, you can always send me an ask.
Before you leave, I’d like to recommend three videos to you.  Some of the information I’ve provided in this post comes from these videos, and each expands on the ideas presented here and provides more information.  So if you’re interested in knowing more, I highly recommend watching them:
Kelly-Ann Maddox: Worth with Deities and Other Personified Beings
Jesse Huntenberg: Discovering Gods, Goddesses, and Archetypes
Molly Roberts: Pop Pantheons!
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emberopolis · 3 years
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emberopolis · 3 years
30DoDD #6: Other related deities and entities associated with this deity. (Dionysus)
Full list of 30 Days of Deity Devotion. My #30DoDD tag.
Oh my gods, this one I could be here all day going into detail on.  I’m gonna keep it brief because I’m feeling kinda low energy right now.
Dionysus is the son of Zeus, so he has that connection.  Through Zeus he has a sibling connection with several other deities, including Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, and Hermes.
In some versions of his origin myth he is the son of Demeter or Persephone, so he can be seen as having a familial connection to them too, if you follow that line of myth.  (Persephone being his mother is the Orphic rendition of his origin, but I’m not sure with Demeter.)
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emberopolis · 3 years
30DoDD #6: Other related deities and entities associated with this deity. (Loki)
Full list of 30 Days of Deity Devotion. My #30DoDD tag.
Loki is associated with Sigyn, Angrboda, and Odin.  He has stories where he interacts with others, but these are his big three, I think.
Sigyn is his wife, while Angrboda is his other lover.
Odin is his blood-brother, which is an important connection that I think several people who like to discredit Loki’s godhood or consider him evil just... casually forget.  Those two are basically family.
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emberopolis · 3 years
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US Helplines:
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
UK Helplines:
Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail [email protected]
Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: [email protected]
Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 [email protected]
b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: [email protected]
b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: [email protected]
Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
Drinkline: 0800 9178282
Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail [email protected]
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868
FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:
Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
Australia: 13-11-14
Austria: 01-713-3374
Barbados: 429-9999
Belgium: 106
Botswana: 391-1270
Brazil: 21-233-9191
China: 852-2382-0000
(Hong Kong: 2389-2222)
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Croatia: 01-4833-888
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Finland: 040-5032199
France: 01-45-39-4000
Germany: 0800-181-0721
Greece: 1018
Guatemala: 502-234-1239
Holland: 0900-0767
Honduras: 504-237-3623
Hungary: 06-80-820-111
Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
Israel: 09-8892333
Italy: 06-705-4444
Japan: 3-5286-9090
Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292
Malaysia: 03-756-8144
(Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
Mexico: 525-510-2550
Netherlands: 0900-0767
New Zealand: 4-473-9739
New Guinea: 675-326-0011
Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
Norway: 47-815-33-300
Philippines: 02-896-9191
Poland: 52-70-000
Portugal: 239-72-10-10
Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
Spain: 91-459-00-50
South Africa: 0861-322-322
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Ukraine: 0487-327715
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emberopolis · 3 years
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emberopolis · 3 years
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“I Will Not Stress Eat Today”
You can either keep this on your room somewhere or keep this with you at all times, as long as you charge it by kissing it at least once a day. Once in the morning before setting out for the day, or again as needed if you feel the need to stress eat during the day.
Disclaimer: Eating a regular 3 meals a day isn’t the same thing as stress eating. This sigil doesn’t work in cases of trying to starve yourself to lose weight.
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emberopolis · 3 years
✹Persona Magic ✹
This has been sitting in my head for a while and I wanted to talk about it.  I want to talk about the idea of using a persona to cope with yourself, to better yourself, or to discover things about yourself.  We’re gonna call this persona magic from here on out.
✹So what is persona magic? In short, you create an idealized self, and you let yourself ‘become’ this entity in places like meditation, astral travel, dreams, or embody them in your magical space while awake if you need/want to.  And your persona doesn’t have to be a human for this!
Persona magic is a psychological and spiritual way of imbuing yourself with certain emotions or characteristics you might want for what you are doing.  For instance you can use it to empower yourself, or calm negative emotions and thoughts.  If you believe in the ‘raise power, send power’ practice of magic, this is a way to help raise power in yourself as well.
In your mind you become the persona, and through the persona you do what you need to do.  Me, personally, I take on my persona form when I do meditations, and I choose to make it my full time appearance online.  I’ve recently started experimenting with embodying it in my magical practice as well.  My persona makes me feel powerful, magical, and (perhaps the best part) alleviates my dysphoria, which often weighs heavily on me.  My persona helps my mind stay clearer.  Older personas of mine also lead to me realizing I was trans and understanding my transness.
✹ What did you mean by ‘your persona doesn’t have to be human?’ Exactly what I said!  If you don’t feel like a human represents you, don’t be one!  Your persona can be whatever you want.  You might’ve heard of various kinds of personas that aren’t human before, the most common being the fursona.  There’s also witchsona, monstersona, objectsona.  There’s so many kinds of personas, and you can pick any one of them to be you!
Take my persona, for instance.  I am a dragon with a human face.
If I had to put myself under a more specific label, I would call this my ‘monstersona’ I suppose, but since I choose to represent myself as this entity full-time online, I prefer the broader ‘persona.’  When I do deep meditation, I often look like this.  In fact, this form came to me in deep meditation!
Another thing worth mentioning about your persona:  It can change any time you want/need it to.  I have had multiple personas over my life, and who knows if the persona I have now will be my last one.  Your persona can be changed to fit what you want or need.  That’s part of what makes it so great.
✹ How can I use my persona in magic? As I mentioned previously, your persona’s main job is to imbue you with whatever emotions/thoughts you want/need for what you’re doing.  I suffer from dysphoria, anxiety, and doubt, so my persona is designed to alleviate these things.
Visualization and intent are a big part of magic.  Your persona can assist you in these things.  Your persona can be a sympathetic object, for instance, or represent the tools you want to use for a spell.
“What’s a sympathetic object?” you might be asking.  In short, a sympathetic object is something that represents something else-- in this case, the persona represents you.  According to Deborah Lipp in her book Magical Power for Beginners, that which is like the object (sympathetic) is the object where magic is concerned.  In the same book she explains that a way to make a spell more powerful is to layer it, aka adding more than one thing serving the same purpose to the spell.  So by visualizing yourself as your persona, you are layering yourself, adding two forms of you to the spell.  Remember, that which is like the object is the object in the realm of the spell, so your persona (which is like you) is you.
Your persona can also help you raise power.  In Lipp’s same book she talks about the process of casting a spell, which is broken down like this:
Focus your intention.
Create your connection.
Raise power.
Send power.
Finish the spell.
Raising power is the act of generating energy.  You can pull energy from several different sources, but one of the easiest sources is yourself.  If your persona makes you feel more powerful, you are likely tapping into power/energy you already had, but had cut yourself off from because of mental/emotional hang-ups.  You now have more power to use for magic!  And, potentially, a clearer pathway for that power to flow through you.
A very popular (and accurate) phrase in the magical community is that you don’t need a ton of tools to perform magic, you need intent.  Visualization is also a powerful tool in magic.  You can use your persona as part of your visualization work.  For example, let’s say I don’t have a ritual knife, but I want to do something where one would be good to have.  My persona has claws.  I can visualize my persona/myself using those claws to achieve the same effect as the ritual knife.
✹ How do I make a persona? There are two main ways to make a persona, which I refer to as ‘active creation’ and ‘organic creation.’  Active creation is where you sit down and consciously choose everything that goes into your persona.  This is how most people make them.  Organic creation is where you let the persona ‘come to you’ through a process, such as meditation or astral travel.  My persona is organic in this way, as I went into a deep meditation and and prompted my mind to ‘show me what I am.’  I didn’t pick a bunch of things I wanted it to include, I let it come to me all at once and I looked at it and figured out how it made me feel.  I’d highly recommend this method, as I personally feel a very deep connection to my persona as a result, but if you have trouble with meditation or visual thought, then an actively made persona is just fine!  The important thing is that you resonate with the form.
✹ What else can I do with my persona? Aside from being a magical tool, your persona can be used to help you cope with your feelings.  Like I’ve mentioned, I use mine to cope with my dysphoria, which can get pretty bad and can be triggered by pretty innocuous things.  Ever since I chose to represent myself with my persona online, though, I’ve found that my dysphoria is easier to manage and is triggered less.  You can use your persona to help alleviate anxiety or depression.  My previous personas were ‘reminders’ to myself of what I was capable of.  I would often tell myself, “If I can make a character who is like this, I can be like this.”  (There’s that sympathetic magic again.)
And that’s it! I hope you find this useful and get amazing results, should you choose to implement this into your practice.  If you have any questions about persona magic, feel free to shoot me an ask!
(Please keep in mind that persona magic is not an alternative for medical/professional help.  Mundane before magical, friends.  If you feel you would benefit from medication or therapy, get it.  Stuff like this can help you, but should never replace what a professional can provide you.)
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emberopolis · 3 years
My spouse, Jules, needs to have their gallbladder removed.
We put it off as long as we could due to our financial situation, but it’s time. It’s obviously a huge financial setback for us, as we live paycheck to paycheck right now and have no savings, so we’re asking for help.
If you wish to know more, I encourage you to read Jules’ statement in the GFM itself.
If you can’t donate, please help spread this GFM around. We would appreciate it a lot.
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emberopolis · 3 years
I heard about a pipeline protest, what’s going on?
There is a proposed pipeline expansion being currently constructed that will bring nearly 1 million tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin.
It’s known as the Line 3 Pipeline. Indigenous ppl have been protesting it with the help of allies. As of recently though the situation has escalated to police brutality and suppression of rights, including treaty rights.
Why is Line3 so bad?
Good question. A brief peek at this map makes it very clear to see why the Ojibwe ppl would be upset.
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Pipeline 3 violates several treaties with the Ojibwe people. Treaty rights surpass the authority of even the constitution.
But that hasn’t stopped police from breaking those rights and making over 600 arrests since the protests started.
The placement of it puts at risk the water that 18 million humans and wildlife rely on. That’s 23% of all of public freshwater, nearly ÂŒ of our entire supply. x
It also will be carrying several kinds of tar sands crude. which is a carbon intensive oil which contains 37% more carbon than conventional oil, meaning worse for our environment than normal oil.
The pipeline would have the climate cost equivalent to 50 coal power plants
The company in charge if it is infamous for it’s spills. They’ve already spilled drilling fluid more than 5x. x
Theyre even abandoning their first attempt at the pipeline once the replacement is constructed because of all the issues it’s had (that’s right, they’ve failed once already) x
As such, Water Protectors have been protesting against it. Going so far as locking themselves to equipment, crawling in pipes, and getting arrested. Anything to stop construction.
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Not only that but the pipeline has given cause for concern that there would be an increase in MMIW2SG (Missing and murdered Indigenous Women, 2 Spirit, & girls, a national crisis) The concern is not unfounded.
In March, the anti-violence and anti-human trafficking nonprofit Violence Intervention Project requested reimbursement from Enbridge’s public safety fund for anti-human trafficking efforts associated with the project. x
Recent Timeline of Events & Escalation
July 27th it was found Blue Lives Matter was going to start organizing to “help” the police. x
July 28th the White Earth Nation ordered a 48 hour cease & desist, which Enbridge ignored. x
July 29th HR- 1374, a bill that would allow foreign corporations (like Enbridge) to publically hire state officials to brutalize/kill protesters that disrupt “critical infrastructure” (like pipelines) passes the House and goes on to the Senate. x
July 29th police started using rubber rounds & pepper spray. x
July 30th A vehicle swerved into Water Protectors. x
July 30th Additionally, Enbridge spilled drilling liquid again (called a frac-out) on the same day. x
July 30th 2 Enbridge workers are found in a sex trafficking sting x
August 1st we learn Water Protectors have not been allowed to change out of the clothes covered in the chemicals law enforcement used, their dietary needs have been ignored, and they’ve been treated poorly while in custody. A call to action is posted x
What Can I Do?
Get educated, firstly
Sign this petition to tell Biden to take action
Sign this petition against HR-1374
Follow Indigenous creators/media. A good place to start are the ones I’ve linked through out this post & going through the #StopLine3 tags
We’re having a very hard time trying to spread awareness due to media suppression so please spread this like wildfire
Leave comments under (big) creators that pride themselves on being green or eco-friendly asking them to raise awareness.
Answer the call for action and contact the Pennington County Jail and demand humane treatment of Water Protectors. Read the script too if that’s easier:
I am calling today to demand that water protectors are treated humanely and fairly, that their dietary needs are respected and their medications be given properly.
Tweet their accounts as well. Demand humane treatment
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And contact your state representatives & tell them you WILL NOT vote for them again should this HR-1374 pass. That this bill is against your interests as a constituent & NOT a reflection of your states values.
Find your Congressperson: x
Find your Senator: x
Donate to the Red Lake BF venmo: Stars_On_Stone
Donate to Honor the Earth
Donate directly to the frontline
Join the front lines
Different camps have different security practices. Some camps welcome you to come directly there, some want to have you vetted first to protect themselves and their work.
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Join Us in The Fight to Protect Our Water
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emberopolis · 3 years
Divination Giveaway!
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Divination is one of my favorite things.  Recently I decided I wanted to cut my divination collection down to the stuff I use the most and rehome the stuff I never reach for, and in the process I thought it would be nice to give away some of my things so someone else could have the opportunity to learn divination or expand their practice.  So here’s a giveaway!
There will be three winners:
One will receive the Traditional Manga Tarot as well as a PDF of my tarot guidebook (which is an amalgamation of my preferred guides).
The other two will receive a pendulum and a D20, all of which have sat in my altar space for quite some time.  (If you’re interested in dice divination, toss me an ask.)
The rules are simple:
Must be 18 or older and live in the US.
Like and Reblog this post.
You don’t have to be following me-- but if you are, you’ll get an extra entry as a show of my appreciation.  (If you reblog this on a side blog, please put the blog you follow me with in the tags.)
Please do not tag as #giveaway.
This giveaway ends August 23rd.  A winner will be chosen that week and contacted via Tumblr, so have your ask boxes open!
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