fayetofaye · 2 years
An archivist found a long forgotten 8mm film reel in an old metal box, marked "Philippines 1942". Thinking it was lost WWII footage, he sent it in to be restored/digitized. When he got the footage back, he found puppies instead (via)
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fayetofaye · 2 years
"Skyclad?" and the Relevance of British Traditional Wicca
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fayetofaye · 3 years
RTD Returns to Doctor Who
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So like many of other Whovians out there (shoutout if you love Doctor Who like me <3) I woke up to see RTD is back for the new series.
Excitement came through me, like so refreshing and I’m not going to discount what Chibnall brought to the show. I see so many comments from spoiled fans that annoy me, like shut up and watch the show. Chibnall brought fine episodes such as Rosa, and the one with the futuristic post office workplace which is really illustrating problems in the workplace that we see today. And Jodi was an awesome doctor... love her wanna be her, wanna meet her someday :) 
Let’s face it though, Doctor Who needs a refreshing and familiar face, and Davies is that face. He brought Doctor Who back, and I think he’s gonna bring fantastic series of the show in his renewed tenure as head writer. 
I also really hope he undoes what Chibnall did, who and I love Chibnall, but the whole Doctor’s not really from Gallifrey thing (spoilers), that needs to be undone. And the rewriting of the origin to where there were incarnations before the first one, I think a lot of obsessed fans like myself that was too much.
Sadly, RTD is probably not going to bring back the time lords, but I look forward to the episodes he brings, hoping he brings fresh new episodes, and exploring untouched moments in time and history. 
Oh and few people watch Doctor Who as much as I do. My secret? HBO MAXXX!!! (really just one x i’m not into those freaky apps)
Every episode of Doctor Who since the 2005 revival on it.
Oh and a special shoutout to the Pandorica Restaurant in New York, doctor who themed restaurant... if you haven’t been there... they have fish fingers and custard, the bathrooms got a silence standing in front of it, tardis interior, oh and did I mention you get to watch Doctor Who while you eat?
Okay I’m just rambling now.... but Welcome back RTD :) 
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fayetofaye · 3 years
So something that took me a long time to grasp... and I’m really trying hard to grasp... sometimes failing
Anger only creates more anger, hate only creates more anger, and every negative emotion leads to the draining of ones self.
Okay.... so I work in customer service... at a large liquor store... and you know customers in bad moods who want to project their problems on me (and being an Empath really really does not help).... so their just trying to ruin my day... and by doing that I ruin someone elses day cause then I’m in a bad mood.
Like if a customer gets me in a grouchy mood... then I get in a grouchy mood... then I ruin someone elses day and its a never ending cycle of people making people miserable non stop... and it really sucks, and its hard to break
Something I’m trying to learn, and if you have to deal with people like me... you’re in the same boat. It’s like the negativity stops here cause all it does is drain you so you can drain the next person and thats no fun
I guess something I’m trying to learn, make someones day brighter not worse
Being an empath makes it harder cause I can feel it, and a lot of times I put those negative emotions back out. 
And the thing is we’re all going through shit... we’re all having a lot of problems, so if we try to make each others day a bit brighter... it creates a reverse chain, peace creating more peace, and love creating more love.
Anyone else in customer service struggling trying to not let people get to you?
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fayetofaye · 3 years
🍂mabon affirmations🍂
🌕 i am in balance with the universe
🍎 i am grateful for an abundance of blessings
🔥 this season will be filled with great experiences
🍁 as the leaves change i change for the better
🌞 the light i shine on others returns to me tenfold
🧡so mote it be🧡
✨like to charge, reblog to cast✨
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fayetofaye · 3 years
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Miss this little guy
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fayetofaye · 3 years
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Love my nails…
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fayetofaye · 3 years
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Recently I sat with a group of friends, and he was like if you had a billion dollars what would be the first thing you would do... I immediately gave him a response that left him shocked.... I said “I would end the homeless.”
He’s like I would’ve of said something completely different, like buy a house or something, and I’m like I wouldn’t feel right doing any of that while anyone’s suffering. If one of us is hungry, we’re all hungry. He then asked me what if all the homeless had homes and no one was poor, to which I responded I might buy a plane and travel the world... but only if poverty was gone.
I never understood this need for greed. Like I’ve always been an artist at heart, I was raised by really conservative parents though... and I think I didn’t grow up with a lot of art, all they saw was get a job and get rich. I kinda didn’t go that road... um I’m a cashier so never got into moving into a corporate ceo world, I could never vibe with that. 
I often have said when I have kids... I’d be really disappointed with them if they got jobs in the corporate world... or even worse became super wealthy from business it would be like, where did I go wrong, it would be really hurtful for me.
And no it doesn’t mean I don’t want my children to be successful, because that’s the opposite of success. Things like business, the stock market, wall street, I don’t know how you could equate that with any kind of success than useless paper that won’t be here in a hundred years. 
Art is something I’ve always understood that is truly successful, beautiful, and will last forever. I do sketches, I want to start painting soon, I want to have kids where I can help them follow their heart... something I was never fortunate to have as a kid. 
I learned all the skills I could have to be successful in a corporate world (well I grew up in poverty so not really but you know), but I could never zen with that. 
I’m in this unique position where I’m working my life away at fifty hours a week and I’m slowly rediscovering my need for art.
Art is the only thing that will change the world, it is the only thing that brings us together; being music, poetry, writing, drawing, painting, singing, laughing, art always comes from the heart.
It seems I’m alone in this, like as kids we all had this beauty then as we grew up we got cold and forgot it. And everyone’s so materialistic... like they got to have this and that (and oh okay I can spend a lot of money on clothes and fashion to be fair), but this thing that we lose the true beauty of life and become paper chasers... addicted to these numbers that no one will remember... which is really ironic coming from people that want to be remembered?
Five hundred years ago, a thousand even. No one remembers the rich CEO of Ceasar King in ancest rome (or even if there really was one okay there wasn’t but you get the point)
We remember the artists, those who designed, the beautiful sculptures they made.
I’ll tell everyone what I’ll tell my kids.
I don’t care what jobs you get, how much money you make, all that matters is that you find YOUR ART
Find it, love it, and be it
Because you only get to live this life once so... make it beautiful <3
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fayetofaye · 3 years
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Blessed Mabon to all that celebrate! May you all enjoy the fruits (and pies) of the harvest! 😉⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #witchcraft #wicca #pagan #babywitch #mabon #harvestfestival #autumnequinox #equinox #GoodVibes #wiccan #selflove #meditation #balance #spiritualgrowth #spiritualawakening #holistic #reiki #magick #witchesofinstagram #woeteam #witchesofetsy #witchtips #gothic #gothgoth #spirit #peace #lightworker #occult #spiritualjourney #Halloween https://www.instagram.com/p/CUFoHctDsBu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fayetofaye · 3 years
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We’re past the point of being able to ignore this now. @pixellecutie​’s sleeping brain dreamed a dream of marine biology, and you’ve all really put in the work to make it a meme in its own right. Who knew there were so many benefits to being a marine biologist?
The origins:
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The Minecraft axolotl version by @queerbeemc​:
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The Animorphs version by @jivs-jam​:
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Even @theshitpostcalligrapher​ chimed in. Thank you, @theshitpostcalligrapher​, for services rendered to the community:
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This kissy fishy by @cryptidcanary​:
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A reality check by @anxiety-plus​:
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The tired marine biologist by @hustlerose: 
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Above all things, sophisticated (@noneedtofearorhope​):
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More cons (oh no!) according to @essential-npc​:
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A delightfully different perspective, this time from the forest floor, by @bepisdrink​:
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A worthy remix by @charlesoberonn​:
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fayetofaye · 3 years
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fayetofaye · 3 years
We’re old now (Millenials)
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You remember those good old days if you’re like me (I was born in 1992). The arrival of your first computer with internet, the new flip cell phone that was so rad (and now only the old old people have them). The PS1 that most of us couldn’t afford at the time because our parents were spending all their money on heroin (or was that just mine?) Then the PS2 which was... omg I still remember getting it
Yeah... that was like twenty years ago.... we’re the old people now. 
Remember the days of MySpace (even Tom unfriended me :(), The arrival of facebook, before youtube was bought out by google... and Weird Al who really yeah was weird but fun to listen to. 
I just had to sit back and think... I’m a year away from thirty now... I saw a little kid with an iPhone... all I had back then was a shoe thrown at my face... oh okay and I had a gameboy too but that’s not the point
We’re the old ones now... better get used to it... but back in my day life was good
Hey you kids! Get off of my server..... 
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fayetofaye · 3 years
Becoming Faye
So a little about me and who I am... and this is really a beautiful story. One you might have not heard.
I was born in Cleveland, to a mother that wanted a son, and a father that wanted a daughter... its beautifully really... like the two mixed to make me. I was born a man... that’s right I’m trans 
Well still a man physically. slowly becoming more me... oh I should post pics... hmm.. oh wait I’m writing a blog atm aren’t I? Sorry, short attention span... time whimey things... if you get that reference we can be friends... if not we still can
Anyway I’ve heard it all, I’ve finally become me. You can stop reading right there and call me weird, or you can keep on reading :)
I always knew who I was but I was raised in a really conservative household. To a mother that often would tell me as a child she would throw me out of the house if I ever came out as gay... so I was trans, attracted to girls. But I really didn’t embrace who I was until recently.
As early as Kindergarten I had to put my favorite color as blue because kids made fun of me for it being pink. Though I really like purple now. In my teenage years I thought about just running away to be the real me and as time went on I suppressed it.
The fear of judgement, the fear of never finding someone who loves me for me. Well I’m at this beautiful moment. I’d rather love me for me and not have anyone than be a puppet for someone else entertainment. 
And that’s really the point of it all, something I had to learn. To all of those out there struggling with who they really are, people keep trying to keep you locked inside but it won’t matter. Because you’ll never find peace until you become yourself and then you find you won’t need them. 
And tell me my nails don’t look beautiful?
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I have never been more at peace than I am now and this is something no one can take away from me... 
Love you all on this beautiful journey through life, be you and be true to you
And as always 
You get one life... so make it a good one
<3 FayetoFaye
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