Dear Feminists,
Your twisted concept of feminism has turned women from winners to whiners.  
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Dear Feminists,
Why do American women in college complain about their self-proclaimed oppression when they are among the most free people on the planet?
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Dear Feminists,
If you say men are privileged, explain this. Mary has an affair with John and none uses protection. Mary gets pregnant. Mary has already a relationship with Peter and she doesn’t want children, so she wants an abortion because Peter can’t know. As abortion is legal in her country, she gets one despite John would have wanted her to have the baby and even offered child support. John had little voice on the matter because it was Mary’s body, not his. Now, Anna has an affair with Carl and none uses protection. Anna gets pregnant. Carl has already a relationship with Jenna, so, he would like Anna to keep it quite and doesn’t want involvement because he doesn’t want children. Anna, who wants the baby, also she wants child support. Anna sues Carl for child support, causing Jenna to break up with Carl and forcing Carl to pay for a baby he never wanted for the rest of his life. Carl had little voice on the matter because it was Anna’s body, not his.
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Men are Men, Women are Women
My dick does not define who I am, and yet, it does. My sex is not me, but it helps to categorize us into two distinct groups, and God did this for a reason. But now, in our ultra-liberal society, we have strayed away from this logical (not to mention biological) separation of the sexes in even the most primal ways.
If you are a dude who is into other dudes, more power to you. Same for women. If you get off on that shit, fine, but there is a time and place for sex and that is not in public. If your weird ass kink is to take dicks up your ass then you can do that, but keep it out of normal media, keep it away from normal kids, honestly, just keep it to yourselves. I like Brazilian fart porn but you don’t see me with a political movement and T-shirts brandishing my shameful sex acts. I’ve been farted on in several positions but I don’t have legal protections for my fart fetish. This is essentially the same thing.
Most dangerous is this newfound “acceptance” PC bullshit regarding transgendered people in the regular people bathroom. Even more astonishing is that supporters of this movement care more about protecting sexual deviants than they do children, even going so far as to label normal people with a derogatory term (“cisgender”). When will these people stop demonizing us?
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Rape culture? Lol no
Women have no idea what they want. That much is obvious, but it especially becomes a problem when they have no idea what they want when it comes to sex.
I’m a great lover. I take the time to make my partner (who is always female obviously no homo) feel good. It’s not that hard and I’ll admit some men (NOT ALL MEN) need to take the time to make their partner feel good. But, some women just don’t know what they want and take it out on innocent men who are just trying to show her a good time.
Feminists have been posting videos lately about cat-calling and how “hurtful” it can be. If I were showered in compliments I don’t think I’d be complaining. I mean, this shit even happens to men and you don’t see men writing shit about it online. Men aren’t allowed to express their feelings but even if they were they wouldn’t because no one in their right minds would be offended by an honest compliment.
One time I told this women that I could see myself bringing her home, and she actually got pissed. Where the hell does she get off getting mad? Rejecting me, sure, but she got pissy and told me I’m degrading her as a “sex object,” and when I said I just wanted to compare my sex object to hers, she got even more mad.
This innocent back and forth between the two of us didn’t get out of hand. She walked away and my friends were like, don’t even bother chasing after her, she’s probably a dyke (lol), plus, we were in a club, so literally every other woman there is looking for some D (including that one chick who just didn’t know wtf she wanted) so my chances were pretty high to get some by the end of the night. But far too often are innocent men being punished for their natural instincts to hunt down their conquests!
The biggest example of this that I can see are these fictitious accounts of campus “rape” that have been spreading around online. That one girl with the mattress was obviously just looking for attention. These stories of people being too drunk to consent are just messy sluts who need to get some self control, and there are countless sources to back my point up, which I will link to later.
The fact of the matter is, rape culture is not a thing and the issue is not so much with sex as it is with women not knowing how to submit to their submissive side because of all the women’s lib bullshit they’ve been subjected to for the past 50 years. Let a man rock your world once in a while and you’ll be begging for more, not pushing us away and crying rape when someone hits on you.
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Women in the Workplace AKA Stay the Fuck Home
Women are proven to be weaker minds. They have smaller brains (FACT) and are constantly asking for paid leave to raise their kids. In all honesty, they should be home raising the kids. Their biological maternal instincts tell them to, and when they go against those instincts, shit goes down. I mean, MEN aren’t given the option for family leave. Plus, unlike men, they can’t even turn these instincts off and that’s when you get a hormone-laden complaint from HR about your compliments toward your coworker. (Yeah, I’m looking at you, Becky.)
If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, but is this really the best message to send to women? Should not the women stay IN the kitchen, as this is where their maternal instincts tell them to be? I for one am tired of having my hard work and determination being MINIMIZED in comparison to a woman who insists on being allowed frequent breaks to change a damn tampon! We all have needs and hers are more important than mine? I don’t think so! I’m addicted to nicotine, but you don’t see me getting preferential treatment around the workplace. I work in fast food and you know for damn sure that Ronald McDonald isn’t letting me have a break every 15 minutes as is practically required because of my health issue. In a five hour shift, I’m lucky if I even get my break, meanwhile Becky had time to report me to the manager in between changing her tampon 3 times a day. Fuck Becky and fuck this double standard.
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This lady is my personal hero, except for her strange admiration for the gays and by the gays. She brought herself up from nothing and now she sings the word of the lord.
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Abortion is the Devil’s Work
I am a man of God. I go to church, I pray, and every night I pray for the victims of the atrocities that occur daily at Planned Parenthood.
Those poor babies don’t even have a choice. I am sick and tired of my tax money going towards the murder of innocent lives, I am sick and tired of feminists telling me that Planned Parenthood doesn’t murder babies, and I am sick and tired of our government subsidizing a proven for-profit black market baby parts market against the majority opinion in this country. The Senate voting to de-fund PP is probably the best thing to happen to this country since the Citizens United decision.
We should not play God.
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Feminism - the Bane of My Existence
Imagine this: a hardworking, middle-class white male. He gets good grades in high school, is the captain of the football team, and everyone likes him. He goes to apply to colleges and is rejected. How could this happen, you might ask?
I will tell you. You see, that student was me. I applied to 3 of my dream schools and was rejected by all of them. You may say that I have a bone to pick with these universities, and you’re damn right I do. More than that, though, I have a bone to pick with feminism.
You see, it was this politically correct bullshit that got me rejected from my dream schools, and my life is ruined forevermore. I got a 1300 on my SAT, I had a 3.4 GPA, and I kicked ass in football, getting my team pretty darn close to the National Championships. According to affirmative action, though, some black girl on welfare was more “qualified” than I was. So now, at a community college, I am being FORCED to take a women’s studies class against my will, and I am required to do an activism project. For this project, I will be discussing several issues regarding feminism and truly how ~*problematic*~ it can be.
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