flag-mashups · 1 year
Hello, i scrolled a lot and didn't find a mashup of only Omnisexual + Aegosexual. (Only the mashup of these two with 2 others and an axolotl xD). Sooo, may i ask for this? if it is ok?
Done! It should be posted now! Please tell me if I made a mistake so I can redo it!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
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Omni + Aegosexual =
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(Please read pinned post before interacting! <3)
Omni - Someone who experiences attraction towards people regardless of gender with strong preferences.
Aegosexual - Someone who experiences sexual attraction through fantasies and/or sexual content but lacks desire to participate in sexual activities with others.
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flag-mashups · 1 year
Could I request an agender boy and wisterian flag please? Thank you!
Done! It should be posted now! Please tell me if I made a mistake so I can redo it!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
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Agender Boy + Wisterian =
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(Please read pinned post before interacting! <3)
Agender Boy - Someone who is Agender, but partly male or male-aligned.
Wisterian - A nonbinary person with a feminine, masculine, and neutral gender presentation. They may fluctuate between these presentations, but are almost always all three.
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flag-mashups · 1 year
Hi hi! May I request princestar + moonguardian + moon lesbian + the dpd symbol (if there is one! i also added the flags 4 moonguardian and princestar!)
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Done! It should be posted now! Please tell me if I made a mistake so I can redo it! Unfortunately I couldn’t find a DPD symbol :(
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flag-mashups · 1 year
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Moon Lesbian + Princestar + Moon Guardian =
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(Please read pinned post before interacting! <3)
Moon Lesbian - A closeted Lesbian or a Moon Aesthetic Lesbian.
Princestar - A Xenogender related to stars & princes. It could be related to being a prince of stars, being a star and a prince or a prince adorned in stars.
Moon Guardian - A Xenogender related to being a guardian and the moon. This can be related to being the guardian of the moon, being guardian-like and the moon or being a guardian who likes the moon.
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flag-mashups · 1 year
Same user who asked about the Hypersexual and Hyperromantic flags.
Okay! Do you think you could do the Hypersexual flag by @/akumai (I believe that is the users name still) and Neptunic
As well as the Hyperromantic flag by @/caninophobia and Recipromantic?
You don’t need to do those specific Verisons of the flags I just like those ones the most. /gen
Done! It should be posted now! Please tell me if I made a mistake so I can redo it!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
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Recipromantic + Hyperromantic =
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(Please read pinned post before interacting! <3)
Recipromantic - Someone who does not experience romantic attraction unless they know that the other individual is romantically attracted to them first.
Hyperromantic - A romantic disorder where someone feels extreme or excessive high intensity of romantic feelings. This could be caused by romantic trauma, OCD, Depression, BPD, ADHD, Anxiety, etc.
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flag-mashups · 1 year
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Neptunic + Hypersexual =
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(Please read pinned post before interacting! <3)
Neptunic - Someone who is attracted to fem aligned people or feminine people.
Hypersexual - A sexual disorder where someone feels extreme or excessive high intensity of sexual feelings. This could be caused by sexual trauma, OCD, Depression, BPD, ADHD, Anxiety, etc.
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flag-mashups · 1 year
can you do trans + gaybian please?
Done! It should be posted now! Please tell me if I made a mistake so I can redo it!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
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Gaybian + Trans =
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(Please read pinned post before interacting! <3)
Gaybian - Someone who identifies as Gay and a Lesbian in some way.
Trans - Someone who does not identify as the sex they were assigned to at birth.
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flag-mashups · 1 year
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This has been asked before! Here is the answer!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
Transgender + Aroace? Thank youuu in advance!! <3
Hi! This has been done before! Here!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
can you do a catgender lesbian flag mix please? thank you!
Hi! This has been done before! Here!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
can you try doing gay + pan + omni? if you’ve done that before you can link the post
Hi! Yes, this has been done before! Here!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
Would you explain how you make the flags?!
Hi! Someone asked me this before!
Here’s the answer!
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flag-mashups · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you are okay with doing flags like hypersexual and hyperromantic? (Like in general for any request)
Yes! Any flags are acceptable to request as long as it doesn’t stand for anything harmful! (Like Z00philia/P3d0philia/R4p3, stuff like that)
These flags could represent a gender, sexuality, nerodivergence, mental illness, disability, maybe a country cause why not?
So yes, Hyperromantism and Hypersexuality are flags that I could do!
Just a long while ago, someone requested a flag mashup with Hyperromantic & Hypersexual!
I don’t know if I got the flags right, but I think it turned out looking great anyway!
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