glittertrashcat · 4 years
My Childhood Comfort Characters: Naruto and Goku
My Current Comfort Characters: Denki and Tanaka
I think I just have a thing for big, kinda dumb, loud, pervy guys who love their friends and have hero complexs
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
I love when people who have never played sims watch me play it and see sims just straight up murder each other and become filled with panic and confusion
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
I wanna make something very clear. If you are rascist, sexist, transphobic, a biggot, or a piece of shit of any kind that seeks out to harm people based solely on things they can not help or change, I will personally do everything in my power to crush every single hope and dream that you have. I will aim to block you away from any college, job, or otherwise avenue to help make your life easier and better that I possibly can. I will do this before you have the chance to take away a person/childs right to a proper life based on things they have no control over.
Racism is not something you're born with. Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, hate is not something you are born with it is learned. And until the day you decide you want to unlearn it I will make it my personal mission to make your life hell so you don't make an innocent persons life hell.
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
Black Lives Matter Is The Minimum
Black lives a beautiful
Black lives are strong
Black lives are magic
Black lives are kind
Black lives breath life
Black lives are filled with wisdom
Black lives are filled with culture
Black lives are the lives of our brothers and sisters. Our friends and neighbors. Our teachers and counsellors. Black lives are filled with joy and laughter and struggle and persistence.
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
Everyone remember that episode of spongebob with all the tiny spongebobs operating his brain? I like to imagine I have that same thing but instead of multiple mes it's just one little me. Running around shoving unwanted memories back into the HORRIBLY disorganized "moments I'd never like to relive again" box, shaking an empty can at a dark corner of my brain and screaming "HEY! Can you get off your ass and get me some serotonin here please?!", beating back unwanted emotions with a stick that's been ductaped back together far too many times, and crying about how they don't get paid enough for this shit.
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
So tired of hearing people say planned parenthood is bad because "they're a bunch of godless baby killers!! REEEE!!"
First off: They don't only preform abortions. They do examinations for breast cancer, provide birth control and condoms to everyone, do pelvic exams, and so much more!
Secondly: The early term abortion procedure to remove a fetus is not "killing a baby" it's deteriorating a bundle of cells that isn't even sentient yet. Late term abortions on the other hand are horrible. They're horrible because that childs parent(s) didn't just wake up one day and decide "nah I don't want this baby anymore". They had a name for the child, possibly had a family picked out if they were giving them up for adoption, had dreams of playing with their child, changing diapers, laughing with them, holding them tight during thunder storms, and watching them grow. That late term abortion was something that NEEDED to be preformed. Perhaps the child was already dead inside the womb, perhaps they wouldn't live more than a few hours at best outside the womb, perhaps carrying this child to full term would kill the mother or both of them.
You know who's REALLY baby killers? Abusive parents, people who force someone to have a child they don't want so the parent grows up resenting and hating their own child, people who care SO MUCH about a fetus but the second it's born offer no help or support to the parent who knew they couldn't care for a child, people who force a teenager to have a baby when they aren't ready so they do everything in their power to FORCE an abortion. People who tell others what they can and can't do with their own bodies. They are the real baby killers.
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
The pros and cons of dating me are ironically both my mouth
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
I made a dumb post about dealing with period cramps a little while ago and I've noticed every so often it'll get a little surge of notes then die down for a bit then get another surge of notes. It always makes me laugh whenever it happens cause all I can think is "Ah yes, the blood moon rises again."
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
I really find it absolutely WILD how two people can go through abuse from the same abuser and have completely different experiences with it and become completely different people from it.
For example:
My brother and I were both abused by our father. He got more of the physical abuse than I did since he was the oldest and was raised to protect me no matter the cost. I on the other hand got more of the verbal and mental abuse. Sure my dad would hit me or throw me across the room or what have you and yeah he'd degrade my brother and scream at him but it was still more physical on my brothers end and more mental on mine. He also degraded our mother constantly to both of us. Always claimed how she didn't want us and how she was a horrible mother who loved drugs more than us.
As my brother and I grew up however he was always the popular kid. Always the one with the most friends and who girls always fell for. I on the other hand constantly got into fights and took out any and all aggression I could on other people. The older we got I continued to be bullied, I continued to fight, I was sent to therapy and mental institutions. My brother took to partying and sneaking out with his friends. Still I was always the one who got good grades, I was the "good kid" who never did anything wrong (never got caught), I was the quiet kid. Being considered the "good kid" and the "smart kid" more pressure was put on me to do better and better in school. Nothing was enough for our father. My brother on the other hand was praised for simply passing his classes and rewarded for the most basic of effort. But he was still considered "the fuck up" our father didn't think he'd go anywhere in life. For most of our late childhood and early teenage years this really pitted my brother and I against each other.
Now that we're adults we can both sit down and talk about how fucked up our childhoods were. We can even laugh about the stupid fights we'd get into or the horrible times we went through. We cope. Still though. My brother is a father now, a wonderful one at that. He's so gentle with his sons and loves them so much. I'm the one that got married at 19 (still happily married) but I don't have any kids yet. He's still the cool one, the one with a lot of friends, the one who's commanding and who people love to follow. I on the other hand am the quiet one, the cautious one, I don't really let myself get close to people so I only really have 2 people outside my (biological)family who mean everything to me. My brother and I grew up with the same abuser, we both suffered pain and trauma, we both came out the other end completely different. That's so crazy.
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
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what kinda slander??? where else am i gonna buy 3 dozen knoppers at a time??
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
when it is, ideas to do, the hellenic version and how to celebrate whilst in lockdown
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When does it occur?
In the Northern Hemisphere on April 30st to May 1st
In the Southern Hemisphere on October 31st to November 1st
What does it celebrate ?
The peak of spring and the fact that summer is coming
Honours the earth
Fertility, Sexuality and love
Light, life and growth for the coming summer
For Wiccans is the night of the sacred greenwood marriage
What crystals are important ?
rose quartz
What to decorate your alter with?
flowers (daisies and roses in particular)
green cloth or ribbons
hanging or sprinkling seasonal herbs (thyme, rose , fern)
using candles or incense with earthy scents such as wood or rose or jasmine
hawthorn branches
red, green and yellow candles to represent love, fertility, growth and summer
What activities can I do in lockdown?
mediate with the crystals mentioned
make daisy or flower chains and crowns for good luck
braid flowers into your hair
make mayday masks from items in your garden or draw them from paper
make a small mayday pole and dance around it by yourself or with people your isolating with
if in isolation with them, have sex with your partner : it’s a traditional aciticity done today because of the sacred wedding but it’s also a celebration of love and fertility (only if legal and you feel comfortable ofc)
spend time with loved ones you’re in lockdown with or via ft
make baked goods and give them to friends, family and neighbours
create a wish box and put inside all your hopes and wishes for summer
cleanse your tools
wear red,green and pink and get dressed up even if you can’t go anywhere
practise self love
have a milk bath
make amulets for yourself and people you love
give rose quartz as gifts to those you love
send your loved ones handwritten letters
make sigils and herb pouches for a good summer
Be with nature : go for a walk if safe
Learn about herbs or nature if you are unable to be with it
masturbate and perform sex magic
make fresh juice from summer fruits
leave offerings of milk,honey, oats, lavender and rose for the fae: it’s their day too!
make oat based products : they’re sacred to beltane and are good for luck,hope, safety and love
What spells and rituals should i perform?
good luck
protection of the home
What Hellenic Gods are sacred today?
The day honours Lady Maia as it’s about summer and the earth growing
Apollo as it’s the beginning of summer and the days will start to become longer and sunnier
Dionysus as it’s the coming summer and beauty of nature is about to hit its peak : also the rising of Dionysus
Demeter was traditionally worshiped on this day
Aphrodite due to her being a fertility and love goddess
Hestia for cleansing the home and protection
What are some Hellenic things to do?
Do something to take care of the earth
give offerings to Apollo : traditionally fruit and cypress branches decorated with flowers were used or put on temples
cleanse the home : thank Hestia for keeping you safe
Look into all the gods and goddesses celebrated and connect with them
Learn about the rising of Dionysus or even reanact it
Give offerings to Demeter and perform a ritual for banishing poverty in her name
Traditionally there is a greek blessing that says “May you have all the goods of May” along with a curse that says “ May all the hours of may find you” : say these to people with the intention linked to it
I hope you find this helpful! What are your plans for this Beltane in lockdown?
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
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quick comic about a conversation my therapist said i should try having when im feeling bad (instead of isolating myself and using unhealthy coping mechanisms)
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
There are two sides to my personality.
One drinks Dumb Bitch Juice from a flask
The other drinks Dumb Bitch Juice from a sippy cup
So yes, I am Baby. I'm also a Bad Bitch. But no matter what I am always a Dumb Bitch
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
Not obsess over the fact that they are ABSOLUTELY SURE they're forgetting to do something but unsure of what the thing is so they feel the constant pressure of this impending doom of the consequences that will come cause you haven't done the thing cause you don't know what the thing is or if there even is a thing
neurotypical brains are absolutely wild tbh
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
Surprise, surprise! I'm just as socially awkward and unconfident online as I am in real life
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glittertrashcat · 4 years
I think the worst part of mental illness is the fear of no longer being mentally ill. You're one way for so long you grow accustom to it. The numbness, the anger, the crying, the mental and physical toll it takes on you. Like you're a victim of Stockholm Syndrome to your own brain. The idea of attaining any sense of normality becomes horrifying. You've taken on some sick sort of routine with your anguish that the idea of being even moderately happy makes you feel physically ill.
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