hanathelorekeeper · 8 months
It truly is a mood.
i am the type of person who creates my own fantasy world with tons of detailed worldbuilding for a dnd campaign because i can't memorize anything about the actual dnd lore and don't care to
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hanathelorekeeper · 8 months
Unconventional Shapechanging
Basic: Humanoid who turns into a beast on the full moon because they angered a god by blaspheming against them or got bit by a werecreature.
Advanced: Sentient fey beast who turns into a humanoid on the full moon because they angered an archfey.
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hanathelorekeeper · 9 months
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hanathelorekeeper · 9 months
The Game Master, setting up tokens in Talespire: I just need a catboi, where are the catboys?
Dirk the Bard: If you can't find one, you can use a cat or a person.
Vasilii the Sorcerer: You can use a cat or a boy.
The Game Master: If only I had both and could stack them on each other.
Dirk the Bard: I think that would look a little horrific.
Crow the Sorcerer: I didn't realize you were performing human transmutation, GM. What'd it cost you, an arm and a leg?
The Game Master, giving CS a very un-Crow like mini: I guess this is Crow now.
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hanathelorekeeper · 9 months
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⚔️  Disney & Dragons  2 ⚔️
Turned some more Disney Heroes into DnD characters for this week’s speedpaint! These designs have probably been my favorite ones so far to put together~ °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
(I went into detail in the video about what class I made each character into and why, but if you haven’t seen it yet then feel free to make your own guesses based on these artworks!)
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
TTRPG Trap: Worrying Players
Sanity hazard (Simple trap, any level, deadly)
Description. If you want to put your players in a paranoid mood, consider using this trap.
Trigger. The party entering a new room will trigger this trap.
Effect. When the characters enter a new room, roll a concerning number of d20s. Look at the results, consult one of your books that is nearby, start giggling or laughing maniacally, and then proceed to describe the room as it is.
Countermeasures. There is nothing the players can do to avoid this trap if it is used.
Where and When. Use this trap sparingly for two reasons: 1-overusing it may give your players anxiety, and 2-overusing it may clue your players into the fact that you are trolling them.
I was making some winter-themed traps and had a funny(?) idea. Have fun, my fellow Master of Dungeons.
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
Will you answer the call?
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Swordtember - Elemental
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
Clearly the friendship bracelet being stolen is the worst crime of this whole story.
my dnd party has run into an npc who may or may not be evil and may or may not decide to betray us and the dm was in chat today like “just so everyone knows…not addressing this comment at anyone in particular…his favorite colors are red and black…wink” so now i’m desperately trying to get a real physical friendship bracelet done before session tomorrow in the vain hope that i can somehow stop this npc from trying to do a murder on my party
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
Sounds like vicious mockery
“So you just see him play the bagpipes and die instantly”
– me, the DM
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
Want some spooky villains to serve as overarching bosses or to serve as bosses for a oneshot? Look no further than these 3 interesting (and deadly) beings:
Kitty Sharpclaw (Khatara Shapklaw) This innocent-looking cat has been robbing local magicians, shopkeepers, and potion makers of their goods and magic items. Her reasons are selfish, but they could cause problems down the line...
Noe Podrag Driving innocent villagers out of their homes and waylaying travelers is the crime of the beautifully deadly harpy. Claiming both the skies and the lands of Harpys, she is sure to enchant characters to their deaths.
Lord Iivun of Baalurah Under the sea lives a vicious tyrant who seeks to unify the oceans under his rule. This high-level villain will snatch unsuspecting heroes and eat them whole, so adventurers beware.
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
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You have fallen for the classic mimic trap.
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
Erik the Bloodhunter, staring at the halfling elevator operator: They’re all cannibals to me.
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
“But it is a cynical and small soul that believes that worship diminishes the soul of the worshiper… It does not diminish a soul to give worship or adoration.”
— Nod (Brennan Lee Mulligan, Dimesnion20)
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
Want some random encounters for your high level campaign? Look no further than this table of random encounters for characters Levels 17-20!
And check out this table of random encounters for characters Levels 11-16!
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
*breaks out Xanathar's Guide*
Disclaimer: No goldfish were harmed in the making of this book. Especially not Sylgar. Sylgar definitely did not die because we forgot to change his water. If you see Xanathar, make sure it knows that. Be perfectly clear Sylgar was not harmed. And we had nothing to do with it. Better yet, don't bring it up, and don't mention us.
I’m reading through my D&D 5E books, and somehow I never noticed these solid gold disclaimers before??
Dungeon Master’s Guide Disclaimer: Wizards of the Coast does not officially endorse the following tactics, which are guaranteed to maximise your enjoyment as a Dungeon Master. First, always keep a straight face and say OK no matter how ludicrous or doomed the players’ plan of action is. Second, no matter what happens, pretend that you intended all along for everything to unfold the way it did. Third, if you’re not sure what to do next, feign illness, end the session early, and plot your next move. When all else fails, roll a bunch of dice behind your screen, study them for a moment with a look of deep concern mixed with regret, let loose a heavy sigh, and announce that Tiamat swoops from the sky and attacks.
Player’s Handbook Disclaimer: Wizards of the Coast is not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, sticking appendages in the mouth of a leering green devil face, accepting a dinner invitation from bugbears, storming the feast hall of a hill giant steading, angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
No Honor Among Thieves
Wait to go see Honor Among Thieves after opening weekend if you want to watch it. You'll be supporting your local movie theatres more.
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
Reblogging because we have not forgotten how they tried to screw us over.
Just saw a thread on how boycotting the D&D Movie could have a big impact when it comes to the open D&D movement
Warning it’s a long read so TLDR we should get “boycott Honor Among Thieves” or “Boycott the D&D movie” trending
Link: Reddit Post
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