001 was right. Every day we wake up, eat, work, get queerbaited, die
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something i’ve noticed
hi, I’ve been dead
I’ve been watching the magnus archives upon somebody telling me I should. I’m not usually a fan of horror, but honestly this has been pretty good. In about every other episode; I’ve found some . . . consistent things. I told the person that told me to listen to it, and they said they had never noticed it (but she told me that it’s not too significant). They always keep saying “I try not to think about it too much,” — and in about two (so far, I’m only on ep. 12) episodes, they say things along the lines of “I had a pretty bad confusion” “the ambulance came rather quickly” “I had to be observed.”
Idk, I think these are cool coincidences-
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ty for your time.
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your thoughts?
Mostly "why would someone send this to me?" Followed by "why would someone who sent it to me want to know my thoughts?"
I hope this helps.
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anyways ! I love him-
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How Do You stop your Brother From FIghting Everyone (wikihow)
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Reginald, after giving his adopted son the alias ‘The Horror’: I don’t see how this could possibly cause issues in the future.
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It’s 7:59 am p l e a s e-
I mean, apart from the hilariaty of the scene, it´s also beautiful and sad how the two Five´s immidiatly decided they were gonna beat each other up. I mean, Five never specified the homocidal rage is directed towards yourself, and I can´t help but wonder if it was to direct both of their attention away from Luther.. Five would literaly beat the shit out of himself than even risk hurting his family
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Y E S-
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screencap redraw
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a drawing I did of 3 versions of five! I got this idea when listening to The Time Song from dhmis-
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I: love this-
“So, what´s it called?“ Sissy asks, after a long moment of wonderful silence. Vanya lifts her head from her shoulder slightly. “Hmm?“ “What Harlan has. I heard you say it has a name“, Sissy clarifies. Vanya nods, peering over at the middle of the sitting room, where Five, Luther and Harlan are busy setting up a toy train railroad across the room. “Autism. He´s autistic“, Vanya says. That obviously didn´t explain as much as she had thought. “It´s a difference in how you process the world, basically. Like how I can´t stand certain sounds, or how Five can´t stand wearing specific fabrics“, she tries to explain. Sissy nods, taking it in. “And why… Why doesn´t he speak?“ she asks, voice small. Vanya simply shrugs. “No idea. That´s just how it is sometimes. I mean, it´s not like you require a voice to communicate“, she says. “Sign language“, Sissy says, the thing that siblings have been teaching both her and Harlan in the last weeks.
Sissy keeps thinking about it, still looking at her son softly. “And, this autism… Is it rare? Is there help to get?“ Vanya makes a noise of being uncomfortable, and Klaus stands up from where he´s sitting on the floor chatting to the thin air, probably Ben, coming over to the couch. “Woah, okay, hold on a second. I just… I can´t decide if it´s funny or sad that you´re talking about neurodivergency like something odd and scary“, he says. “That´s what it was like in the 60s“, Vanya says quietly. “Neurod- what?“ Sissy says. “An umbrella term for autism, ADHD, and other such things. And, most of us don´t need help, we just need understanding“, Five says, the setting up of the railroad having taken them across the floor and now close enough to the couch to join the conversation. “Us?“ Sissy echos in a question, the building of the railroad having paused briefly while Harlan looks around to determine what direction they should build in now. The boy lights up and points, clapping his hands together excitedly, and the building continues just past the couch, Vanya and Sissy lifting their feet from the floor with soft laughs to give them space. “I think we better call Guinness´ world record, guys, cause this is gonna be the world´s best and longest railroad!“ Luther announces, Harlan grabbing one of the many pieces for the building set to stim by happily tapping it against his chest. “Of course, we´re all neurodivergent“, Luther says, answering Sissy´s question.
Sissy thinks about that some more. “Is that why you are called the umbrella academy? Cause Five said it was an ´umbrella´ term“, she says. “It is now!“ Klaus announces cheerfully.
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love how not one member of the commission board tried to run when Five came in with the ax. they were just like "oh look! a nice boy-" *gets murdered*
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I think tua is taking over my brain-
me: [ finally arrives in Florida after 18 hours of driving ]
me: [ looks inside this retail store while still on the road and sees a mannequin ]
me: d o l o r e s ?
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Part 2 of tua incorrect quotes: marvel edition:
Luther: you’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play.
Diego: have the special things about you came from a gorilla.
Leonard: you need to keep both eyes open, Vanya
Klaus, stopping the show like Emperor Kuzco from Emperors New Groove: #saysthemanwiththefreakingeyepatch
Cha Cha, coming back to life 10 times in the show when I thought she wouldn’t: I can do this ALL day.
Five in reference to Cha Cha and Hazel: they’re friends from work!
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watching five going completely off his hinges while destroying the vending machine and then proceeding to kill the entire commission board is top tier entertainment thank you
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happy first doomsday :)
that is all.
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tua incorrect quotes: mcu edition
Vanya: Five is . . . beyond reason, but he’s one of us. And he is our brother.
Diego: he killed 80 people in two days.
Klaus: he’s adopted.
Vanya: . . . we all are but ok.
Five on that one mission to that hospital with Klaus: don’t do anything I would do. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a *little* grey area, and that’s where you operate.
Lila: I’m Lila by the way.
Five: number five.
Lila, mockingly: oh, we’re using our made up names- uh-
Vanya after living with the Hargreeves for so long: at this point, I doubt anything could surprise me.
Five, arriving in her apartment: ten bucks says you’re wrong.
pt. 2?
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Five, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Luther, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Klaus, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
Vanya, trembling: What are we playing-
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