hawthorne-house · 2 years
I made it to my destination after leaving a 12 year toxic relationship safe and sound. I’m surrounded by supportive and loving people and finding my footing. However, the net is less than ideal at the moment. If you would like a reading please feel free to email me at [email protected] I will be happy to get to them as I can. And I will have access to them through my email. They may be long written readings for the time being rather than videos. But I will make them as in depth as possible. Thank you so much for everyone lending me assistance during this big transition.
Hawthorne House Readings
Hello Alchemical Souls! Welcome to Hawthorne House. My name is Vivienne, and if you’ve been here before you know that I disappeared for a few months. I’m here to briefly explain why. I’ll probably go into more detail later once things are settled but essentially it is this. The last few months there were struggles with home life and it all came to a head this last week, which resulted in me finally breaking free of and ending a twelve year long toxic and abusive relationship. I am now in the process of moving and saving up funds to do that. I’m leaving officially on the 16th of this month, taking what I can but leaving most of it behind. Which brings me to the reason for this post. Money is still really tight. I have enough to pay two months worth of rent and buy some food but not enough to make me feel safe and secure going out into the world after basically being a shut-in for the last decade (more on that later). So! To earn a little extra money and find a sense of stability in all this chaos I’m going to be offering paid readings here at Hawthorne House. I will get to as many as I can as time goes and I will list what can be requested below. If you are interested in one of my tarot/oracle/channeled readings, please feel free to dm me here or on Instagram @vivihawthorne. Please note that I will NEVER message you first in regards to a paid reading so if someone comes along pretending to be me ignore them and don’t give them any money. Thank you so much for taking the time to have a look at my post. And without further adieu. Hawthorne House Readings All readings (except those listed otherwise) will be recorded and sent to you via video. Once your reading has been accepted I will provide a method for payment (this will be Chime or paypal). Payment will be required in advance before your reading is done. I use a combination of Tarot and Oracle cards depending on what I am drawn to during the reading and each tarot reading will receive one oracle card at the end as an overall advice or final message. Disclaimer: The Readings at Hawthorne House are not meant to dictate your life or your actions and should not be taken as the end all be all knowledge for your situation. You know what is happening in your life better than anyone, my readings are only meant to provide you with as much clarification as possible so that you can choose the best coarse of action. Also it is important to understand that life, fate, destiny, existence, however you want to refer to it as, is in a constant state of flux. Having greater clarity or a different perspective on a situation can cause the timeline of events to accelerate or change depending on how you put this information to use (I’m saying this from personal experience) so please keep that in mind. $5 Quick Card Pull – This is a one card pull plus clarifiers in which you can ask any question of your choosing. (These are very simple readings for simple questions.) This reading can be done via video upon request.
$10 General Reading – This will be a three card pull plus clarifiers. If you do not have a specific question we will look at your general energies and see what information the Universe (and/or your spirits and guides) wish to provide you.
$15 The Scales – In this reading we’ll take a look at the two sides of your situation, question, or concern. What it is bringing into your life that is positive and what it might be bringing into your life that is not so positive, as well as any advice for you on the matter. $20 A Week Ahead – In this reading we look at the energies of the upcoming week. Your energies, the energies surrounding you, and how they will shift. We will pull a card for each day and then clarify and break down each of those cards to give you as much detail as possible. (Please note this reading is still fairly new.)
$27 Doors to Destiny – This is a seven card pull as well but rather than your week ahead this looks at your soul’s journey and where you are within it overall or just in this life (situation varies person to person on what is picked up) where you are going, and what information would be most useful to you at this time.
$30 A Month Ahead – This reading will let us take a look at your upcoming month. We will pull five cards for the five upcoming weeks and then break each of those cards down with clarifiers weeks one through five. We will see how the month is unfolding and how you and the energies around you are shifting/changing through that month. What to expect, what to look out for, and any helpful advice to see you through it.
$35 Web Reading – This is a thirteen card spread in which we take a look at the energies surrounding you in four distinct categories. What grounds you, what inspires you, what frightens and/or obstructs you, and what heals and/or guides you forward. We’ll see which of these energies are hidden from you and which ones you are likely aware of. We will also look at what ties you to that energy and any additional information that comes.
$45 Soul Reading – A soul reading is a bit more mystical. It involves trance and reading your energies, the essence of you, as you are seen by the Universe. In this reading I will deep dive into who you are as a person, both what I see, what is channeled naturally, and with the assistance of cards. These readings can be anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour long and require you to be as open as you are willing to be, keep in mind the more open you are the easier it is for me to read you. If you have a specific inquiry  you can ask before we begin the reading and that will be where I focus when we begin. But I should warn you that these readings tend to have a mind of their own and I will get whatever they (the energies, your soul, your guides, the universe, the gods, whichever you want to take it as) decide. So while you will get information on the question you asked it is likely that there are other more pressing things that will need to be conveyed (this is just from past experience in doing these readings).
$50 Soul Bond – In this reading we will look at you and your person. You can call this a love reading but it doesn’t have to be. This could be a reading about your connection between you and a lover, or you and a friend, or you and a parent. Just about anyone. We will look at their energies, your energies, the energies building between you, what that could mean for your relationship, and how to strengthen or release those energetic ties and any other information. As well as any additional information and/or advice on this connection.
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
For your viewing pleasure. My cat 🐈 Gerbil.
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
For your viewing pleasure. My cat 🐈 Gerbil.
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hello, Alechimcal Souls! Here’s a quick look into the energies for the week ahead. <3
0 notes
hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hawthorne House Readings
Hello Alchemical Souls! Welcome to Hawthorne House. My name is Vivienne, and if you’ve been here before you know that I disappeared for a few months. I’m here to briefly explain why. I’ll probably go into more detail later once things are settled but essentially it is this. The last few months there were struggles with home life and it all came to a head this last week, which resulted in me finally breaking free of and ending a twelve year long toxic and abusive relationship. I am now in the process of moving and saving up funds to do that. I’m leaving officially on the 16th of this month, taking what I can but leaving most of it behind. Which brings me to the reason for this post. Money is still really tight. I have enough to pay two months worth of rent and buy some food but not enough to make me feel safe and secure going out into the world after basically being a shut-in for the last decade (more on that later). So! To earn a little extra money and find a sense of stability in all this chaos I’m going to be offering paid readings here at Hawthorne House. I will get to as many as I can as time goes and I will list what can be requested below. If you are interested in one of my tarot/oracle/channeled readings, please feel free to dm me here or on Instagram @vivihawthorne. Please note that I will NEVER message you first in regards to a paid reading so if someone comes along pretending to be me ignore them and don’t give them any money. Thank you so much for taking the time to have a look at my post. And without further adieu. Hawthorne House Readings All readings (except those listed otherwise) will be recorded and sent to you via video. Once your reading has been accepted I will provide a method for payment (this will be Chime or paypal). Payment will be required in advance before your reading is done. I use a combination of Tarot and Oracle cards depending on what I am drawn to during the reading and each tarot reading will receive one oracle card at the end as an overall advice or final message. Disclaimer: The Readings at Hawthorne House are not meant to dictate your life or your actions and should not be taken as the end all be all knowledge for your situation. You know what is happening in your life better than anyone, my readings are only meant to provide you with as much clarification as possible so that you can choose the best coarse of action. Also it is important to understand that life, fate, destiny, existence, however you want to refer to it as, is in a constant state of flux. Having greater clarity or a different perspective on a situation can cause the timeline of events to accelerate or change depending on how you put this information to use (I’m saying this from personal experience) so please keep that in mind. $5 Quick Card Pull – This is a one card pull plus clarifiers in which you can ask any question of your choosing. (These are very simple readings for simple questions.) This reading can be done via video upon request.
$10 General Reading – This will be a three card pull plus clarifiers. If you do not have a specific question we will look at your general energies and see what information the Universe (and/or your spirits and guides) wish to provide you.
$15 The Scales – In this reading we’ll take a look at the two sides of your situation, question, or concern. What it is bringing into your life that is positive and what it might be bringing into your life that is not so positive, as well as any advice for you on the matter. $20 A Week Ahead – In this reading we look at the energies of the upcoming week. Your energies, the energies surrounding you, and how they will shift. We will pull a card for each day and then clarify and break down each of those cards to give you as much detail as possible. (Please note this reading is still fairly new.)
$27 Doors to Destiny – This is a seven card pull as well but rather than your week ahead this looks at your soul’s journey and where you are within it overall or just in this life (situation varies person to person on what is picked up) where you are going, and what information would be most useful to you at this time.
$30 A Month Ahead – This reading will let us take a look at your upcoming month. We will pull five cards for the five upcoming weeks and then break each of those cards down with clarifiers weeks one through five. We will see how the month is unfolding and how you and the energies around you are shifting/changing through that month. What to expect, what to look out for, and any helpful advice to see you through it.
$35 Web Reading – This is a thirteen card spread in which we take a look at the energies surrounding you in four distinct categories. What grounds you, what inspires you, what frightens and/or obstructs you, and what heals and/or guides you forward. We’ll see which of these energies are hidden from you and which ones you are likely aware of. We will also look at what ties you to that energy and any additional information that comes.
$45 Soul Reading – A soul reading is a bit more mystical. It involves trance and reading your energies, the essence of you, as you are seen by the Universe. In this reading I will deep dive into who you are as a person, both what I see, what is channeled naturally, and with the assistance of cards. These readings can be anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour long and require you to be as open as you are willing to be, keep in mind the more open you are the easier it is for me to read you. If you have a specific inquiry  you can ask before we begin the reading and that will be where I focus when we begin. But I should warn you that these readings tend to have a mind of their own and I will get whatever they (the energies, your soul, your guides, the universe, the gods, whichever you want to take it as) decide. So while you will get information on the question you asked it is likely that there are other more pressing things that will need to be conveyed (this is just from past experience in doing these readings).
$50 Soul Bond – In this reading we will look at you and your person. You can call this a love reading but it doesn’t have to be. This could be a reading about your connection between you and a lover, or you and a friend, or you and a parent. Just about anyone. We will look at their energies, your energies, the energies building between you, what that could mean for your relationship, and how to strengthen or release those energetic ties and any other information. As well as any additional information and/or advice on this connection.
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hawthorne House Readings
Hello Alchemical Souls! Welcome to Hawthorne House. My name is Vivienne, and if you’ve been here before you know that I disappeared for a few months. I’m here to briefly explain why. I’ll probably go into more detail later once things are settled but essentially it is this. The last few months there were struggles with home life and it all came to a head this last week, which resulted in me finally breaking free of and ending a twelve year long toxic and abusive relationship. I am now in the process of moving and saving up funds to do that. I’m leaving officially on the 16th of this month, taking what I can but leaving most of it behind. Which brings me to the reason for this post. Money is still really tight. I have enough to pay two months worth of rent and buy some food but not enough to make me feel safe and secure going out into the world after basically being a shut-in for the last decade (more on that later). So! To earn a little extra money and find a sense of stability in all this chaos I’m going to be offering paid readings here at Hawthorne House. I will get to as many as I can as time goes and I will list what can be requested below. If you are interested in one of my tarot/oracle/channeled readings, please feel free to dm me here or on Instagram @vivihawthorne. Please note that I will NEVER message you first in regards to a paid reading so if someone comes along pretending to be me ignore them and don’t give them any money. Thank you so much for taking the time to have a look at my post. And without further adieu. Hawthorne House Readings All readings (except those listed otherwise) will be recorded and sent to you via video. Once your reading has been accepted I will provide a method for payment (this will be Chime or paypal). Payment will be required in advance before your reading is done. I use a combination of Tarot and Oracle cards depending on what I am drawn to during the reading and each tarot reading will receive one oracle card at the end as an overall advice or final message. Disclaimer: The Readings at Hawthorne House are not meant to dictate your life or your actions and should not be taken as the end all be all knowledge for your situation. You know what is happening in your life better than anyone, my readings are only meant to provide you with as much clarification as possible so that you can choose the best coarse of action. Also it is important to understand that life, fate, destiny, existence, however you want to refer to it as, is in a constant state of flux. Having greater clarity or a different perspective on a situation can cause the timeline of events to accelerate or change depending on how you put this information to use (I’m saying this from personal experience) so please keep that in mind. $5 Quick Card Pull – This is a one card pull plus clarifiers in which you can ask any question of your choosing. (These are very simple readings for simple questions.) This reading can be done via video upon request.
$10 General Reading – This will be a three card pull plus clarifiers. If you do not have a specific question we will look at your general energies and see what information the Universe (and/or your spirits and guides) wish to provide you.
$15 The Scales – In this reading we’ll take a look at the two sides of your situation, question, or concern. What it is bringing into your life that is positive and what it might be bringing into your life that is not so positive, as well as any advice for you on the matter. $20 A Week Ahead – In this reading we look at the energies of the upcoming week. Your energies, the energies surrounding you, and how they will shift. We will pull a card for each day and then clarify and break down each of those cards to give you as much detail as possible. (Please note this reading is still fairly new.)
$27 Doors to Destiny – This is a seven card pull as well but rather than your week ahead this looks at your soul’s journey and where you are within it overall or just in this life (situation varies person to person on what is picked up) where you are going, and what information would be most useful to you at this time.
$30 A Month Ahead – This reading will let us take a look at your upcoming month. We will pull five cards for the five upcoming weeks and then break each of those cards down with clarifiers weeks one through five. We will see how the month is unfolding and how you and the energies around you are shifting/changing through that month. What to expect, what to look out for, and any helpful advice to see you through it.
$35 Web Reading – This is a thirteen card spread in which we take a look at the energies surrounding you in four distinct categories. What grounds you, what inspires you, what frightens and/or obstructs you, and what heals and/or guides you forward. We’ll see which of these energies are hidden from you and which ones you are likely aware of. We will also look at what ties you to that energy and any additional information that comes.
$45 Soul Reading – A soul reading is a bit more mystical. It involves trance and reading your energies, the essence of you, as you are seen by the Universe. In this reading I will deep dive into who you are as a person, both what I see, what is channeled naturally, and with the assistance of cards. These readings can be anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour long and require you to be as open as you are willing to be, keep in mind the more open you are the easier it is for me to read you. If you have a specific inquiry  you can ask before we begin the reading and that will be where I focus when we begin. But I should warn you that these readings tend to have a mind of their own and I will get whatever they (the energies, your soul, your guides, the universe, the gods, whichever you want to take it as) decide. So while you will get information on the question you asked it is likely that there are other more pressing things that will need to be conveyed (this is just from past experience in doing these readings).
$50 Soul Bond – In this reading we will look at you and your person. You can call this a love reading but it doesn’t have to be. This could be a reading about your connection between you and a lover, or you and a friend, or you and a parent. Just about anyone. We will look at their energies, your energies, the energies building between you, what that could mean for your relationship, and how to strengthen or release those energetic ties and any other information. As well as any additional information and/or advice on this connection.
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hawthorne House Readings
Hello Alchemical Souls! Welcome to Hawthorne House. My name is Vivienne, and if you've been here before you know that I disappeared for a few months. I'm here to briefly explain why. I'll probably go into more detail later once things are settled but essentially it is this. The last few months there were struggles with home life and it all came to a head this last week, which resulted in me finally breaking free of and ending a twelve year long toxic and abusive relationship. I am now in the process of moving and saving up funds to do that. I'm leaving officially on the 16th of this month, taking what I can but leaving most of it behind. Which brings me to the reason for this post. Money is still really tight. I have enough to pay two months worth of rent and buy some food but not enough to make me feel safe and secure going out into the world after basically being a shut-in for the last decade (more on that later). So! To earn a little extra money and find a sense of stability in all this chaos I'm going to be offering paid readings here at Hawthorne House. I will get to as many as I can as time goes and I will list what can be requested below. If you are interested in one of my tarot/oracle/channeled readings, please feel free to dm me here or on Instagram @vivihawthorne. Please note that I will NEVER message you first in regards to a paid reading so if someone comes along pretending to be me ignore them and don't give them any money. Thank you so much for taking the time to have a look at my post. And without further adieu. Hawthorne House Readings All readings (except those listed otherwise) will be recorded and sent to you via video. Once your reading has been accepted I will provide a method for payment (this will be Chime or paypal). Payment will be required in advance before your reading is done. I use a combination of Tarot and Oracle cards depending on what I am drawn to during the reading and each tarot reading will receive one oracle card at the end as an overall advice or final message. Disclaimer: The Readings at Hawthorne House are not meant to dictate your life or your actions and should not be taken as the end all be all knowledge for your situation. You know what is happening in your life better than anyone, my readings are only meant to provide you with as much clarification as possible so that you can choose the best coarse of action. Also it is important to understand that life, fate, destiny, existence, however you want to refer to it as, is in a constant state of flux. Having greater clarity or a different perspective on a situation can cause the timeline of events to accelerate or change depending on how you put this information to use (I'm saying this from personal experience) so please keep that in mind. $5 Quick Card Pull – This is a one card pull plus clarifiers in which you can ask any question of your choosing. (These are very simple readings for simple questions.) This reading can be done via video upon request.
$10 General Reading – This will be a three card pull plus clarifiers. If you do not have a specific question we will look at your general energies and see what information the Universe (and/or your spirits and guides) wish to provide you.
$15 The Scales – In this reading we'll take a look at the two sides of your situation, question, or concern. What it is bringing into your life that is positive and what it might be bringing into your life that is not so positive, as well as any advice for you on the matter. $20 A Week Ahead – In this reading we look at the energies of the upcoming week. Your energies, the energies surrounding you, and how they will shift. We will pull a card for each day and then clarify and break down each of those cards to give you as much detail as possible. (Please note this reading is still fairly new.)
$27 Doors to Destiny – This is a seven card pull as well but rather than your week ahead this looks at your soul's journey and where you are within it overall or just in this life (situation varies person to person on what is picked up) where you are going, and what information would be most useful to you at this time.
$30 A Month Ahead – This reading will let us take a look at your upcoming month. We will pull five cards for the five upcoming weeks and then break each of those cards down with clarifiers weeks one through five. We will see how the month is unfolding and how you and the energies around you are shifting/changing through that month. What to expect, what to look out for, and any helpful advice to see you through it.
$35 Web Reading – This is a thirteen card spread in which we take a look at the energies surrounding you in four distinct categories. What grounds you, what inspires you, what frightens and/or obstructs you, and what heals and/or guides you forward. We'll see which of these energies are hidden from you and which ones you are likely aware of. We will also look at what ties you to that energy and any additional information that comes.
$45 Soul Reading – A soul reading is a bit more mystical. It involves trance and reading your energies, the essence of you, as you are seen by the Universe. In this reading I will deep dive into who you are as a person, both what I see, what is channeled naturally, and with the assistance of cards. These readings can be anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour long and require you to be as open as you are willing to be, keep in mind the more open you are the easier it is for me to read you. If you have a specific inquiry  you can ask before we begin the reading and that will be where I focus when we begin. But I should warn you that these readings tend to have a mind of their own and I will get whatever they (the energies, your soul, your guides, the universe, the gods, whichever you want to take it as) decide. So while you will get information on the question you asked it is likely that there are other more pressing things that will need to be conveyed (this is just from past experience in doing these readings).
$50 Soul Bond – In this reading we will look at you and your person. You can call this a love reading but it doesn't have to be. This could be a reading about your connection between you and a lover, or you and a friend, or you and a parent. Just about anyone. We will look at their energies, your energies, the energies building between you, what that could mean for your relationship, and how to strengthen or release those energetic ties and any other information. As well as any additional information and/or advice on this connection.
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Yall the eclipse is magical. I can’t get a pic with my shitty phone but the sky cleared up enough for it to be visible and it is dark tonight. Deep dark red with just enough light around the edges to make it seem like the shadows are chasin across the surface.
It’s Red Moon Night!
Hello Belles, Beaus, and Babes of all genders, journeys, and spiritual ways and welcome, to Hawthorne House. Tonight is the Lunar Eclipse and first night of the Full Moon and you know what that means! Well, actually it could mean any number of things depending on your practice, beliefs, or energy whatever you’re doing with that moon. But at Hawthorne House it’s the ideal time for trancing, channeling, and communing with the spirits about. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing anything specific on here tonight but I wanted to wish everyone a lovely Red Moon Lunar Eclipse. And say that if you’re going to be wanderin on the other side tonight feel free to come visit. Either here or O’re Yonder. We can chatter. Anywho. I’ll see about checking in again later! Yours, Aria
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
It’s Red Moon Night!
Hello Belles, Beaus, and Babes of all genders, journeys, and spiritual ways and welcome, to Hawthorne House. Tonight is the Lunar Eclipse and first night of the Full Moon and you know what that means! Well, actually it could mean any number of things depending on your practice, beliefs, or energy whatever you’re doing with that moon. But at Hawthorne House it’s the ideal time for trancing, channeling, and communing with the spirits about. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing anything specific on here tonight but I wanted to wish everyone a lovely Red Moon Lunar Eclipse. And say that if you’re going to be wanderin on the other side tonight feel free to come visit. Either here or O’re Yonder. We can chatter. Anywho. I’ll see about checking in again later! Yours, Aria
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
It’s later than I anticipated but!
Hello Visitors and welcome to Hawthorne House. As promised I have the general energy check in for all the signs up now (link to be posted below). I’m sorry it took so long yall, honestly I didn’t think the video itself would be as long as it was so I didn’t account for the extra upload time but here it is! This video has a general collective reading at the beginning of it and then is broken up into the individual signs. Everything should be timestamped. Some of these readings have very specific messages, others are more general and might apply to a larger group. Not only is this a quick energy check in but it may also have some clue/clues as to which card to select for the Full Moon Doors of Destiny reading coming up. But it’s not required to watch this one in order to watch the other. It’s just to let you know there might be some connection for you. At the latest, the Full Moon video will be posted on the third day of the Full Moon which will be Tuesday the 17th. Thank you for taking the time to visit! I hope the information you find is interesting, helpful, or affirming for you in some way. Yours, Aria
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Feedback: Sorry this is so late. I want to thank you for my reading. It was something I definitely needed to hear. When you said don’t be a martyr I was taken back a bit because I hate all of the pain that the world experiences, and my first instinct is to sacrifice myself, and make sure everyone’s ok. But maybe that’s unhealthy and I need to learn to be unshackled like you said. Maybe then I can find my purpose. The song you recommended is beautiful. The line “What has been will not always be.” Really gave me hope, sometimes I feel stuck like nothing will ever change. I’ll remember to have heart/energy and maybe instead of bearing the burden I can find away for everyone to be free of the ways of the world. Or at least feel like it. You saying that I can ease peoples pressure makes me happy. That’s all I ever wanted, I just need to figure out how. I hope I find the creative thing for my lifepath. I’m shocked because I don’t feel creative and always wished I was. I’m not 18, but I still haven’t really started my independent adult life. Even if my job doesn’t deal with humanitarianism I still will do for others as much as possible. I need to learn independence as well as not feeling guilty for putting me first. I think your right about me chipping away at the negative at others. My family says I help them think rationally and evaluate to make better/mature decisions. I don’t really see myself that way, but they say I help them sort out their emotions and fix character flaws. I always try to be positive and uplift moods. With permission I’ll try the hand/touch healing. As for “listen to the subtle body”, I try to pick up on body language to make sure everyone’s comfortable in a group setting or to figure out peoples intentions. If that’s what that means. I think generous, but I’ll try to be more generous and express my passion more to love ones. I’ll stay optimistic, but remember not to take unnecessary risk/risk myself. I’ll try to not risk myself. I’ll begin to take care of myself, and get myself/life together. So I can help those around me. I can’t pour from an empty cup. Thank you Aria, this was so helpful/affirming. I appreciate you and Hawthorne House. I would love to see you again 🌹♥️
Hello again! Thank you for taking the time to give some feedback of your reading! I'm so glad that it was helpful to you in some way. I will say I was also taken aback by the rather stern "Don't be a martyr" statement. However, I absolutely empathize with your sentiment of taking on the pain in place of another. I also found though as I've gotten older and been doing these sorts of readings and witchy things for the past 20 years that it's actually easier to help others when we're not sacrificing ourselves. When we take care of ourselves it gives us a clearer mind and stronger ability to help others help themselves. "You can't save everyone" is absolutely true. But then, you don't have to. Save everyone I mean. In fact, more often then not it's a matter of helping people find a way to save themselves. Or helping them find the strength and courage to do so, providing support in that way. And to do that you need to be able to be in a place where you yourself are well taken care of. As for the subtle body. What I meant by that at the time that I said it, I remember it vividly, is not just things like body language, gesture, expression. Though those things are important. But everyone sort of has their own energy around them, some people call it an aura or it is closely associated with the aura. But what I mean is the energy that a person is surrounded them is still a part of their "body". It's the body outside of the physical body, the spirit or soul, their lifeforce or energy. But I feel like it's this energy that often times an empath is picking up on when they get the first impression of a person. It's both deeper and more on the surface than the physical body of gestures and expression. Something unseen but very much there. And your gut, your instinct, your intuition, is usually what picks up on the information from that subtle body or aura. So by practicing working with that energy, aura work or energy work specifically for you, might be useful to you. But of course use your own discretion. If it's not something within your beliefs or that you want to do there's no need for you to do it against that will or want. It just seemed like it needed sayin. I hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for your visit! We do hope to see you again! Yours, Aria
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Happy Friday the 13th!
Hello Visitors, welcome to Hawthorne House! As the title states it is Friday the 13th. I didn’t realize that until about five minutes before I sat down to do a new reading but it certainly explains why the energy was so whackadoo today. Bit all over the place. About this reading. I have one up that I recorded yesterday that is a reading/message for the collective as a whole. Then today I ended up recording a video that was meant to be an energy check in for all the signs. Which it was. But it also might have some clues as to what to pick for the up coming full moon pick a card that I will be recording and releasing on Monday. Visiting Hawthorne House is like finding yourself in the most bizarre and fascinating Scavenger Hunt. Something we were quite fond of even when I was a child. Grandma Danamae and I were always coming up with clever games like that when I was a tot. It felt like practice for when I’d come into my craft and need those sorts of skills. The video I recorded today will be up tomorrow and I’ll post a link to it here then for those interested. You don’t need to watch it in order to join in on the full moon pick a card but they might have some interesting insights for you all the same. They’re all short 15 minutes pulls and if I remember right some of them had some quite specific information that might only pertain to handful of people and others were more like the energy check-in I was anticipating. If I’m honest though they went by so quick and the information came out in such a stream that I can’t remember much of what those specifics were. If you’re interested in the collective reading also I’ll post that below. And after the full moon reading is done with I’ll see about when we might do our next round of short free readings. Which may mostly be in video format because it’s easier to get the info to you. This full moon reading is also another of our experiments. I’m making public for the first time one of Hawthorne House’s specific layouts that I use, adapted for a collective reading rather than for the individual. So it’s quite different from normal which will certainly be interesting to do. Anyway, I hope you’re all having a fantastic Friday and are looking forward to a relaxing or entertaining (as per your preference) weekend. Yours, Aria Here’s the video from yesterday as promised. The actual card pull is timestamped for the second half of the video. If you don’t feel like joining in on the chatter.
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hii, Aria! it's the anon with "the wind takes me away" statement. I just saw your reading and... I'm speechless😲 It's probably the most encouraging and beautiful reading I've ever gotten. I never expected a message like that would come up. I have been in a pretty stagnant place lately, in several ways, a bit lost too. But the stuff you mentioned.. it's as if you have taken all my deepest wishes and desires for future stability and fulfillment right out of my soul and written them down lol One of the strangest things is that I have gotten very similar scenarios from general readings, very specific things mentioned and ones that relate to my life, and the one about someone offering their help / collaboration, even the possible progression to a connection, but because they are general I try to take them as hopeful/feel good messages or potential possibilities in a far future to not get ahead of myself lol and due to my own self-doubt too, but that it keeps repeating and you had gotten similar messages has reaffirmed my hope that those wishes can take root as you expressed and become a reality. wow.
I listened to the song and I relate a LOT to the lyrics (interestingly, I have listened to that song a handful of times when it comes on shuffle, but I had never paid attention to the lyrics till now) and being the one looking on to the other two in a general sense, cause I'm not in that kind of situation right now, but that's literally so me 😭and I can very well see myself in an scenario like that in the future too haha. I'll remember your advice and embody the energy of temperance whatever the situation I find myself on is.
Thank you so much for such a beautiful reading! wish you all the best!
Hello again Anon. I'm so pleased that the reading you received was reassuring or comforting to you. Honestly, I wasn't expecting this sort of information to come through myself when I did the reading. It seemed a bit out of left field but certainly something you needed to hear. I only discovered general readings were a thing a few years ago and have been of the mind of taking them with a grain of salt. But I found that they are surprisingly accurate. And the reason they are general is because it draws from a lot of people at once which makes sense. It'd be difficult to narrow down all that information for each individual energy it pulls from. At least that's my personal opinion on how it works on a grand scale across readers. Individual readers might do things differently, I do myself. But my point is that the information you get, while maybe not detailed to a fine art (because it's difficult to do that even in a one on one reading as things are constantly changing), will still resonate and serve as guide in navigating your particular path. Just like all readings. They are a guide, and if gives you some hope and reassurance along the way, then I am doing my job correctly. Your final message here is the Eight of Cups and the Queen of Pentacles. You are entering a transitional period. Moving from what no longer serves you, be that your work environment, negative energies, situation, relationship, into a place of practicality and sensibility. Perhaps this is a call for you to take the time to let yourself be sensitive to the energies around you, to what is happening around you. I know that life sometimes goes too quickly to really just sit and observes what's going on. But I really get the sense that if you take yourself out of the movement, the turning wheel, for even just a few minutes, it'll help you see what you weren't able to see before. Something that can lead you to a way forward. I'm getting this imagery of you almost standing still as everything moves around you and watching carefully what people do or say, or even just what is happening, whether they are related to you or not. I think there is a need for observance. Perhaps that will help you find what you are looking for. If not, at the very least it will allow you a moment to breathe, outside of the constant "go go go" attitude, you might just need to take some time for yourself, away from the constant activity, to be alone with your thoughts and sort through what you want, and what you need. And what you no longer which to impede you. I'd even go so far as to writing a list of all the things you want, no matter how ridiculous or outlandish they seem, would be a good idea. That's something I do myself since Az had suggested it to me and I've found it very helpful. I do hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend and that you visit us again! Yours, Aria
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hello Aria! I’m S and I would like to join the readings. Can I please have a general love reading more closely looking into the present? Thank you!
Hello there! Welcome to Hawthorne House.
I want to thank you for your interest in our readings but I'm afraid the period for free readings this time around has ended. However, if you stick with us we're looking at doing another around of them sometime this month with an additional reader, which will hopefully allow us to get through a few more than I was able to do on my own.
Additionally, if plans change because they sometimes do, our next big celebration that we'll be doing publicly (so far as I'm aware at this time) will be Midsummer and so we might do another round of free readings then.
In the meantime you're free to check out our youtube where I do general readings broken down by Zodiac as well as pick-a-card readings for the public. I'll throw a link in below. I do apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see you visit us again!
Yours, Aria https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL2j0Hp1bz3vhxHpjTZfljQ
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hello! If readings are still open, can I have a general reading? Whatever message the Universe wants me to hear. Thank you! - AM, cap ❤️🌌
Hello there! Welcome to Hawthorne House.
I want to thank you for your interest in our readings but I'm afraid the period for free readings this time around has ended. However, if you stick with us we're looking at doing another around of them sometime this month with an additional reader, which will hopefully allow us to get through a few more than I was able to do on my own.
Additionally, if plans change because they sometimes do, our next big celebration that we'll be doing publicly (so far as I'm aware at this time) will be Midsummer and so we might do another round of free readings then.
In the meantime you're free to check out our youtube where I do general readings broken down by Zodiac as well as pick-a-card readings for the public. I'll throw a link in below. I do apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see you visit us again!
Yours, Aria https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL2j0Hp1bz3vhxHpjTZfljQ
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Greetings. I’m A. How does Loki feel about me? Thank you 😊
Hello A, Welcome to Hawthorne House.
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The King of Pentacles (left), the Two of Wands (center), and Death (right). From these cards, Loki, ever mischievous, seems to be asking what it is you really want with you life. Or what you want out of it. You are at or are being presented with a crossroads, a point of decision. "How ambitious are you really?" Sometimes great wisdom comes from a grand ending, an "everything up in flames" kind of energy. In fact, while usually I associate the King of Pentacles with staying the path, staying focused, and doing what works again and again (as in you've found what works for you and you continue to do that), with this combination of cards it almost feels as though you are being asked to reassess. "Is this really working for you? Is the daily grind really how you want to focus your time?" That's not to say you need to up and quit your job all of a sudden or walk out of a certain situation without any planning ahead. It's important to use discernment and decide what is best for you. But I'm very much getting the impression that while yes, the things you are doing are working, they are getting you ahead bit by bit, they may not be your Key. The thing or way or road that will lead you where you want to go "as the crow flies" (in a straight line) instead of zigzagging through an already forged path you may need to step outside of your comfort zone and try new ways. This could be work related situation with the King of Pentacles or life related. With the two of wands it could even be a spiritual crossroads in this case, maybe you work with other spirits or deities and that's being going pretty well for you but if these cards are anything to go by Loki seems to think he can do it better. Or that there is a better way rather that he is trying to open up for you or trying to get you to see so to speak.
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As a reader, trying to decipher what the gods think of another person is a tricky question. Wording is important when you ask about things like this because honestly you never know what you'll get back with them. Especially with an energy like Loki's. I've worked with the Norse god quite closely over the years though so I don't take his sometimes gritty or teasing tone to heart. It seems, as he does, he's asking bigger questions but not necessarily giving you a place to look for the solution. I'm getting, "You're ambitious but you're stuck in a rut." With the Whip specifically this is all about repeating cycles or activities. Doing the same thing over and over again. "It's not called the definition of insanity for nothing." The whip coupled with the sickle is a very direct statement in this case. You are being asked to cut ties/separate/end a repetitive cycle and the gentleman in the middle suggests to me at least that it's Loki doing the asking. I want to make note that in your situation particularly I'm getting this feeling that, just because it's a repetitive cycle doesn't mean it's not working in some way. If this is a job you're in for example, you're still making money, you may even still be eligible for promotion and getting ahead but I'm getting "there is a better way". Maybe not faster. Maybe not easier necessarily. But almost more profitable or fulfilling or "correct" for you and your circumstances. And in this reading you are being asked to take a look at what you are doing currently and ask yourself "Is this getting me where I want to go at the rate I want to be going or in the best way possible for me." If this is spiritually it might be time to look at a different way of doing your practice or how you connect with the spiritual. You may see that there's a path you didn't notice before, an opening in the underbrush that isn't a shortcut or very well traveled but has just what you need to help get you to where you are going. This is all I have for you for now. I do hope this reading was interesting, helpful, or affirming to you in some way. Thank you for taking the time to visit us here, at Hawthorne House. Yours, Aria
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hello it’s Ruby. The reading was wonderfully detailed and the energies you described definitely resonates! The reading was also comforting and reassuring. Also other things you mentioned were accurate such as financial issues, depression and anxiety. Thank you for your help. I greatly appreciate your time and energy!
Hello Ruby! I'm so glad that this reading was comforting to you and provided you with some reassurance. I know things might be difficult right now, the world over financial issues and other things have been keeping us from being able to do much of what we want or need to do I feel like. That's not to say that what is happening to you is any less than what is happening to "the world" as a whole but to show that you are not alone. And that if you have people you can lean on, it's not bad to reach out to them. With the Death card as your final bit of advice, I'd say that the transition will not be an easy one, this is an act of transformation with the Death card. But for you I definitely feel like this is the end to a dark period, the rebirth moment of the phoenix and right now perhaps the most important thing to do for yourself would be building a solid foundation as best you can for when that period ends. Finding balance, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, can make the transition easier. Though I'm not saying that it's going to make it happen without the, I want to call them growing pains but that's not quite right. Rebirth is painful. And for some reason I'm feeling that you are within or heading to a big rebirth moment which isn't always the case with the Death card. Sometimes it's just that something must end for something new to come in, but for you I feel like you have a bit of a tangled situation. I know that struggling through both anxiety and depression along with financial issues can make a situation seem desperate or hopeless. But know, even if it's just the opinion of one stranger on the internet with a handful of cards, that you are capable of more than you realize. Yes exactly. I pulled one more additional card for you because I felt the need and I received the Magician. You are that magician. You are fighting your demons, and the cards tell me that you will "win". Not to say that you'll never have to deal with them again, like life it can be an ongoing battle. But I do believe you will use them to transform yourself into something magical, for lack of a better word (or maybe exactly the word you need). Wishing you all the best and thank you so much for your visit. Yours, Aria
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