Reblog if it’s perfectly okay for an adult to prefer to watch to cartoons/animations instead of live action/reality tv
I’m trying to prove a point to my sister who is convinced that I, a 21 year old, should not be watching cartoons and animated programs.
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this was one of atla’s best jokes I swear
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y'all THE Serena Williams discussing Avatar: The Last Airbender with the fans!!!!!!
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Why, why do I do this to myself?
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Tony Stark deserves everything good in the world. Reblog if you agree.
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PSA For Marvel Fans
I get it. Shuri is smart. Smarter than Tony, undoubtedly. Marvel confirmed her as the smartest person in the MCU. Which is awesome, I’m in love with the idea of a 16 yr old WOC being put on that pedestal, it’s fucking dope.
But just because she’s smarter than Tony does not mean you have to fucking drag Tony through the mud over it.
I’ve seen way too many “Shuri appreciation” posts that only seem to exist to mock Tony and his incompetence compared to Shuri. They paint him as an egotistical brat who’d take Shuri’s existence like a kick to the balls, while Shuri would be this suave lil’ goddess reigning over him, making him feel stupid.
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
First of all, do you really think Tony would be upset or bratty about Shuri’s intellectual superiority? Do you really fucking think that? Are you kidding me? Tony would be fucking ecstatic to meet her, to see scientific achievements.
Look at how easily Tony took people like Bruce and Peter under his wing. Not once was there the undertone of Tony trying to best them or prove himself to be smarter, he was just stoked to have someone to talk science with. Tony’s literal first lines to Bruce are a compliment of his work. He is clearly impressed with seeing the web shooters Peter built. Not once would Tony take a hit to his ego (with is virtually non-existent, but that’s a rant for another day) over Shuri’s knowledge being greater than his. He’d be impressed, and eager to learn more. He’d want Shuri to tell him all about Wakanda’s science division, how she created to Black Panther suit, etc. He would be in a scientific Candyland, even if he didn’t understand all of it. 
Tony Stark is a scientist, above all else. He would absolutely love being able to learn about scientific concepts he hadn’t considered, love seeing what Shuri has done, and most of all, he’d love the idea of a 16 yr old girl doing it all. Tony is progressive as fuck. He gave his entire company over to a woman he originally hired as his assistant AND let a 15 yr old be a superhero because Tony believed in him, remember? Tony Stark would fucking love the idea of a 16 yr old lil’ meme lord being the smartest person in the MCU, and would gladly follow her lead.
And Secondly, Shuri Could Learn From Tony Too
Yes, Shuri is smarter. But here’s the thing. Quantity wise, she knows more. But that does not mean she knows everything Tony does. Remember, they’re on opposite sides of the globe, and Wakanda is a (previously) isolated country. Her tech may be better, but it is also vastly different in principle from Tony’s, meaning she’d still want to learn about Tony’s.
Shuri wouldn’t know or at the very least would have very limited knowledge of arc reactor tech. You think she wouldn’t be hella interested in that shit? Her tech may be advanced in some ways, but it isn’t perfect. Imagine if Shuri and Tony combined their geniuses to make shit leagues better than what either of them has.
Can you really tell me Shuri wouldn’t be deeply fascinated by the Iron Man armour? (Especially now that from the looks of the Infinity War trailer, Tony has the blood armour, which is even more dope and scientifically advanced) She’d want to learn every wire and circuit, learn all about it, then give Tony a list of tips as to how to improve it.
Tony and Shuri would have a fucking field day of locking themselves away in a lab and learning about each other’s tech, improving it, on both ends. They’d be science bros, the same way y’all have headcanons with Shuri and Peter. I haven’t seen a single Peter/Shuri friendship headcanon in which Peter is dragged. If you can do it with Peter, you can do it with Tony.
Also, Shuri Isn’t A Dick
Shuri would not act the way I’ve seen her depicted in some of these “Shuri meets Tony” headcanons. Yes, she’s a bit cocky, but she’s not an asshole. She wouldn’t be condescending toward Tony, hell, I can almost guarantee as a scientist, she probably grew up reading some of his papers. Tony Stark is still a respected figure in the science field with multiple PhDs and papers on his work. Granted, they’d be older papers, Wakanda’s isolation and all, but I can promise you Shuri’s read at least one.
Do you really fucking think she’d meet the sole creator of the Iron Man armour and be a bitch about how her stuff is better? Shuri’s a beautiful lil’ nerd, and she’d love to see the armour. She’d be all on board and gaga over it. She’d love to see uses of technology she may have never thought of because once again,
Shuri is smarter, but that does not mean she knows everything Tony does.
Intelligence relies heavily on creativity, which is different for everyone. As the MCU has shown, Shuri and Tony have used their smarts in very different ways, in very different areas. They could learn so much from each other and would make fucking amazing science bros. Why would you tose aside that amazing headcanon just because you can’t imagine Tony not being an egotistical, self-centred, brat?
TLDR, Don’t Use Shuri To Be A Dick To Tony
I don’t care if you’re an anti and doing it on purpose, if you’re a Shuri fan who loves her so much you don’t care about Tony, whatever. Just stop it. 
You do not need to tear him down to hold her up.
So stop. Shuri is a beautiful goddess who deserves all the love and attention and appreciation posts, I won’t ever disagree with that. But don’t use her to make another beautiful god MCU character look like trash.
Thank you for reading.
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But do you realise how adorable tony is in the avengers movie
Like coulson brings him the info on everything and everyone and he just sits there and read it all night.
Like when you think he is not hearing any of the conversation between pepper and coulson but then offers to fly coulson to his love interest. Like he cares so freaking much it hurts.
Like the way he assumes everybody notices the man playing galaga but it is actually only him.
The way he becomes an expert on things overnight.
The way he treats bruce banner like a human being and not a monster.
The way he puts himself at risk first to fix that engine and then the bigger one which to carry a nuke to space.
The way he calls pepper before everything fades.
The way he doesn’t care at all about his own life if it means saving others.
The way he mourns coulson all the way even though they are not that close.
The way he gives everybody nicknames, even the “supposedly” evil loki.
The way he says “call it, cap” when following is not really his style.
Like tony stark is an actual gem that should be protected at all costs and is literally not protected at all!!!
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♡♡Rock Lee deserves all the love♡♡ he is amazing, caring and such a hardworking guy and I will always love him.
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I love 1 man 
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Lately I’ve been thinking….about rock lee and how much I love and appreciate him
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Guys! Look, Three generations of Youth!! it's freaking amazing and I love it~
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Tony: -subconsciously licks his finger to wipe some dirt off Peter’s face-
Peter: What’re you doing?
Tony: Oh my god. I’ve become my mother.
Tony: I’ve been trying to avoid becoming my father for so long that I didn’t see it coming.
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All bad habits start slowly and gradually and before you know it you have the habit and the habit has you.
Zig Ziglar
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This is a new account, I have another that I had for a few years. the reason why I made a new is because I wanted to have blog to share random stories and goof off a bit without it affecting my main account.
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And than you know what happened a few days later? she found out that I had a tumblr because I got a notification on my phone.
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So, Last week I found out my younger sister now has a Tumblr.
that happened and I’m not sure how to feel about it.
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So, Last week I found out my younger sister now has a Tumblr.
that happened and I'm not sure how to feel about it.
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and now she's into shipping and yaoi.
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(It just kinda came out of nowhere; since we don't live together anymore this was the first time I've seen her in months and that's one of the first things she said.)
I used to be into that kind of stuff when I was her age but I was a quiet person who kept to herself for the most part. I wonder what her reaction would to that?
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