Hello, Everyone.
Hi there, I’ve been watched a lot of youtube footage for Injustice 2 and it’s got me thinking; “What if certain characters were guest fighters?”
So, just for fun, I’m gonna write some fan-made guest-fighter portfolios showing certain characters I add being given intro banter, clash quotes, arcade ending narrations, and so on.The only rules I will give myself is that I’ll only use characters from published media, so no fan characters.  and I will personally only write portfolios on characters I know about. Oh, and when writing lines for the fighters already in Injustice 2, I will stick strictly with how those characters are portrayed in that game personality-wise.
If you have a character you’ve been fantasizing as being playable in Injustice 2, you may ask me if I have plans for writing about them or write a portfolio yourself and show it to me via the private message system.
Now, to start out, let’s go with Toriel from Undertale. Let’s see how this fire spell-flinging Goat Mom fares at being in a superhero fighting game. I’ll start with a hypothetical website bio and battle intros and add more later.
Edit: also, I may reblog some posts after updating them.
“Even one death can be too many.”
After her people were freed from countless years of underground imprisonment. Former Monster Queen Toriel chose to simply live a quiet new life raising Frisk, the human child who helped free the Ebbot Monsters. But nothing could have prepared her for learning, to her horror, of humanity struggling to heal from the wounds left by the Regime’s tyranny. And when Brainiac’s invasion occurred just days after her people’s return. Toriel is determined to use her flame magic to keep both humans and monsters from suffering neither Superman’s tyranny nor Brainiac’s collection.
Battle Intros
1st and Third line animations: Toriel simply enters the stage and says her first line while an Undertale-style dialogue box opens reading “Toriel Blocks the way!”. After her opponent says the second line, the dialogue box closes up and Toriel says the third line.
2nd Line animation: Camera shows Toriel in the middle of calling someone on her cell phone, she hangs up after noticing her opponent and says her second line while pocketing her phone.
Vs. Aquaman
Toriel: I heard you hurt a lot of people when you joined Superman.
Aquaman: I won’t be judged for defending Atlantis.
Toriel: Then consider me on jury duty.
Aquaman: You’re in a fight you don’t understand.
Toriel: Brainiac’s attacking Earth and the Regime’s still at large, should be enough reason for you to be in it.
Aquaman: You might think so.
Toriel: You remind me of my ex, Aquaman.
Aquaman: But unlike Asgore, you can’t intimidate me.
Toriel:  “Unlike you, Asgore’s trying to redeem himself.” Or “Yet you’ve been fearing Superman before we came to the surface.”
Vs. Batman
Batman: Why should I trust you?
Toriel: Frisk wants what you want, and so do I, Batman.
Batman: We’ll see.
Toriel: I’m not really comfortable with this, Batman.
Batman: I need to know what you can do.
Toriel: Then forgive me if I make this quick.
  Vs. Atrocitus
Atrocitus: Asgore’s mistakes still anger you.
Toriel: I won’t join you, Atrocitus.
Atrocitus: “Do not deny your rage!” or “you waste a precious resource!”
Toriel: I may still be angry at Asgore, but my answer is still ‘no!’
Atrocitus: You would make a powerful Red Lantern.
Toriel: I decide what to do with my rage, not you!
Vs. Bane
Bane: I expect Mount Ebbot has strengthened you.
Toriel: I find that hard to believe, Bane.
Bane: Prison forged me into a god among men.
Toriel: What a miserable creature.
Bane: I’m actually quite content, cabra.
Toriel: Batman has my sympathies for putting up with you.
Vs. Black Adam
Black Adam: You abandoned your species.
Toriel: I left Asgore to protect any humans who fell.
Black Adam: Yet the fact you’re out here tells me you failed even there.
Toriel: I can’t ignore the blood on your hands.
Black Adam: You’re no match for a god.
Toriel: Shu’s Stamina can’t protect your soul, Adam.
Vs. Black Canary
Black Canary: So, how’s Frisk?
Toriel: They’re alright, How’s Connor?
Black Canary: Being a good little hatchling for the sitter.
Black Canary: It’s a look, I’ll give you that.
Toriel: I’m not sure I’d look good in spandex anyway.
Black Canary: Point taken
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
Black Canary: I’ve got a list of things to teach you.
Toriel: By all means, Dinah, teach me.
Vs. Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle: Shall we duel, your highness?
Toriel: Technically, I’m no one’s queen anymore, Jaime.
Blue Beetle: That’s a shame, I’ve only heard good things about you.
Toriel: I don’t like having to fight, least of all having to fight children.
Blue Beetle: Hey! I’m old enough to drive!
Toriel: Somehow, that’s not helping.
Vs. Brainiac
Toriel: Your pointless cruelty ends today.
Brainiac: Your power cannot touch me.
Toriel: My magic only needs to ‘touch’ your soul.
Brainiac: You fail to see mercy in being collected.
Toriel: To my people, it would only be like Mount Ebbot all over again.
Brainiac: But I bring deliverance.
Vs. Captain Cold
Toriel: I’ve lost loved ones too..
Captain Cold: Don’t give me your sob story.
Toriel: Why not? You’re using yours to justify siding with Grodd.
Captain Cold: Fire and ice…
Toriel: At this point I’m tempted to melt that gun.
Captain Cold: Maybe I’ll freeze your hands before that happens
Vs. Mr. Freeze
Toriel: Can’t you see the harm you’re causing?
Mr. Freeze: What I do, I do for Nora.
Toriel: You think she’d want this from you?
Mr. Freeze: Could your magic cure Nora’s illness?
Toriel: I’m sorry Victor, it won’t on her condition.
Mr. Freeze: Then you are of no use to me.
Vs. Catwoman
Toriel: So you’re working for Batman now?
Catwoman: Everyone deserves a second chance.
Toriel: (skeptical) I hear this is technically your third chance, Selina.
Catwoman: I only take from people who can afford it.
Toriel: Batman and the police seem to think otherwise.
Catwoman: Well, I guess even you can’t argue with Batman.
Vs. Cheetah
Toriel: What a miserable creature.
Cheetah: (scoffs) I don’t need your pity, Toriel.
Toriel: Know that you’re getting it anyway, Cheetah.
Cheetah: I hear Frisk is challenging prey.
Toriel: I promise you won’t get to find out.
Cheetah: Then I promise your dust will coat my fur.
Vs. Vixen
Toriel: So Vixen, do Ebbot Monsters count as in The Red?
Vixen: I can’t tap into your power with the totem, but yes.
Toriel: In a small way, I find that comforting.
Vixen: Save the really hot stuff for bad guys, okay?
Toriel: I don’t use more fire than I need to.
Vixen: Should make for one hell of a fight.
Vs. Cyborg
Cyborg: You’re a couple of revs out of date.
Toriel: Jokes about my age? That’s almost disappointing.
Cyborg: you won’t feel that way in a second.
Toriel: Think of it as your rehabilitation, Victor.
Cyborg: I’ll never get over Metropolis.
Toriel: There are better ways to deal with grief.
Cyborg: This ain’t even your fight, Toriel.
Toriel: I’m here to get you to break off this Regime.
Cyborg: Hell freakin’ no!
Vs. Grid
Toriel: Why are you here?
Grid: In destroying you, perhaps I will gain emotion.
Toriel: Some people who murder tend to lose emotion, Grid.
Grid: Your magic gives you control over the field of battle.
Toriel: Perhaps you could say I give new meaning to a ‘scorched earth’ response? Heh?
Grid: I wish I could be amused by that line.
Vs. Deadshot
Toriel: Is someone hiring you to try to kill Frisk?
Deadshot: Sorry, Assassin/Client privilege.
Toriel: (Glares) I’ll personally see that you and your client give Frisk an apology.
Deadshot: I’ve never hunted goats before.
Toriel: Not sure you’d want to want to hunt one that shoots fire.
Deadshot: Eh, I’ll try anything once.
Deadshot: Think you’d scream like a goat if I shoot you?
Toriel: I have absolutely no desire to find out, Mr. Lawton.
Deadshot: Now I gotta know.
Vs. Doctor Fate
Toriel: What can you tell me about the fate of my people?
Doctor Fate: You will share the same fate as humanity.
Toriel: Well, at least I know no one’s sealing us in a mountain again.
Doctor Fate: your children defied fate to free your people.
Toriel: ‘children’? You mean it wasn’t just Frisk who breached that barrier? What are you talking about?
Doctor Fate: I already said too much…
Vs. Firestorm
Firestorm: Magic vs Science, the ultimate showdown.
Toriel: More like fighting fire with fire.
Firestorm: Let’s see which of us burns hotter.
Toriel: So what’s it like for the two of you to share a body?
Firestorm: It’s like thinking in stereo.
Toriel: I’m not positive, but I think I know someone similar….
Vs. The Flash (Barry Allen)
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
The Flash: Can’t run from a fight, can I?
Toriel: There’s no shame if there are better options, Barry.
The Flash: I gonna say, I’m amazed at what Frisk has done.
Toriel: I’m sure they’ll be happy when I tell them you said that.
The Flash: After this bout, I might save you the walk home.
The Flash: Think you’re fast enough?
Toriel: We both know ‘slower’ opponents have hit you before.
The Flash: Can you be intimidated? Just this once?
Vs. Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick: This old timer could teach you some things.
Toriel: I’m much older than I look, Mr. Garrick.
Jay Garrick: Then let’s see what you got to show for it.
Toriel: So you rely on speed? Not much else?
Jay Garrick: This’ll be over quick, chum.
Toriel: Even Frisk needed more than speed to get past me.
Vs. Reverse Flash
Toriel: Your pointless cruelty ends today
Reverse Flash: Tormenting people serves a purpose.
Toriel: “Then I think I’ll enjoy seeing that ‘purpose’ reduced to ash.” Or “The line won’t fly with any judge, Thawne.”
Reverse Flash: Even in my future you monsters have been a pebble in my boot.
Toriel: I’m guessing you’re here to wipe us out?
Reverse Flash: It’ll be a small comfort for being stuck in the past.
Vs. Gorilla Grodd
Gorilla Grodd: Humans must disgust you.
Toriel: If they did, why would I adopt Frisk?
Gorilla Grodd: They’d serve better as a slave than your ward.
Toriel: I can’t ignore the blood on your hands.
Gorilla Grodd: Man has oppressed apes for centuries.
Toriel: Apes hardly fare better with you around, Grodd.
Vs. Green Arrow
Green Arrow: I left my universe for this?
Toriel: I’m guessing you don’t have monsters where you’re from?
Green Arrow: At least not of the cuddly pun-loving type.
Toriel: Your choice of weaponry is most curious, Oliver.
Green Arrow: I know where to place my shots.
Toriel: I’ll just have to keep my guard up, then.
Toriel: Your choice of weaponry is most curious, Oliver. 
Green Arrow: Dinah thinks my weapon is just fine.
Toriel:Then unlike your foes, I’ll trust her judgement.
Vs. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice
Hal Jordan: Here to see the master at work?
Toriel: More like ready to put you through… the ringer (giggles slightly)
Hal Jordan: I guess you heard; Guardians want Frisk as a Green Lantern.
Toriel: You can tell the Guardians Frisk’s mother said ‘no’.
Hal Jordan: Pretty much the reception I expected.
Vs. Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Toriel: It suddenly occurs to me I rarely see professionals as superheroes.
John Stewart: You ain’t exactly a seasoned crime-fighter yourself.
Toriel:  Fair point…
John Stewart: Where did you come from?
Toriel: My people were sealed underground for millennia.
John Stewart: I’m almost afraid to ask why…
John Stewart: Frisk would make an excellent Green Lantern, Toriel.
Toriel: You can tell the Guardians Frisk’s mother said ‘no’.
John Stewart: That’s gonna be a problem….
Vs. Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn: Hey good lookin’!
Toriel: Surely you could go for better than an old goat like me..
Harley Quinn: Learn how to take a compliment, sweetie!
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
Harley Quinn: How about slaps and tickles in ten paces?
Toriel: (nervous laughter) hehe.. interesting idea, I think?
Harley Quinn: I’m workin’ for Batman now!
Toriel: No need to convince me, Quinn, I already trust you more than Diana.
Harley Quinn: Hah! Makes me wish she heard that!
Vs. The Joker
Toriel: What a miserable creature..
Joker: Could you be any more melodramatic?
Toriel: I’d take it over your sick jokes any day.
Joker: That’s quite the petting zoo you live in.
Toriel: Except you can’t afford the price of admission.
Joker: How adorably misinformed…
Vs. Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy: I know about Flowey.
Toriel: Whatever you’re planning with him, I won’t allow it.
Poison Ivy: You don’t have a choice in the matter.
Toriel: I can’t ignore the blood on your hands
Poison Ivy: The Green must be restored.
Toriel: Batman has my sympathies for putting up with you.
Vs. Robin
Toriel: Care to justify betraying your father and his code?
Robin: Because he’s spectacularly wrong!
Toriel: And what if you might be wrong?
Robin: You’re burning the wrong bridges.
Toriel: I’ll burn more than that if it keeps the Regime down.
Robin: Not as long as I’m around.
Toriel: So what kind of mother was Talia?
Robin: No woman could surpass her.
Toriel: I wager it’ll be easy to best her in disciplining you!
Vs. Scarecrow
Scarecrow: The humans you failed to protect still haunt you?
Toriel: I can’t dishonor them by lying, so yes, Scarecrow.
Scarecrow: I can work with that….
Toriel: (coughs from accidentally inhaling fear gas) What…. is this…?
Scarecrow: Welcome to your nightmares made real!
Toriel: Then forgive me if I make this quick.
Vs. Supergirl
Toriel: Kara… your name sounds similar to the first human I adopted.
Supergirl: That a problem?
Toriel: Let’s just say I’ll try to keep this professional.
Supergirl: I’m still learning my way around.
Toriel: Then we have that in common at least.
Supergirl: Let’s see what else we have in common.
Supergirl: So you monsters attacked Frisk, then adopted them?
Toriel: We already resolved that problem, Supergirl.
Supergirl: I’ll be the judge of that.
Supergirl: So you monsters attacked Frisk, then adopted them?
Toriel: Didn’t your cousin declare war on the planet that adopted him?
Supergirl: Kal didn’t set the best example….
Toriel: If you want, I can take you in, Kara.
Supergirl: Thanks, but the Kents already volunteered.
Toriel: That’s a pity, Frisk would’ve liked having you around.
Vs. Power Girl
Toriel: (distracted) That outfit… is most.. interesting……
Power Girl: Eyes up here!
Toriel: I messed this up, didn’t I?
Power Girl: What Earth did they snatch you from?
Toriel: My people were sealed underground for millennia.
Power Girl: Aren’t we a couple of misfits?
Vs. Superman
Toriel: So you must be Superman
Superman: You sound disappointed.
Toriel: Frisk told me you used to be better than this.
Toriel: You still have much to answer for.
Superman: Who are you to judge me?
Toriel: A mother of a child whose heart you broke!
Superman: I took one life to save millions
Toriel: Even one death can be too much, your Regime is proof of that.
Superman: Do you even know who I killed?
Superman: I took one life to save millions.
Toriel: Care to explain your attacks on Gotham and Metropolis then?
Superman: (voice gradually trails off to suggest doubt) I needed to stop insurrection….
Toriel: You made a mistake killing the Joker.
Superman: I did it for Lois!
Toriel: “And look what you’ve turn into!” or “That same rage nearly made Asgore like you.”
Superman: Your magic doesn’t frighten me.
Toriel: Keep up that thinking, and you’ve already lost.
Superman: (condescending tone) Is that so?
Toriel: I look at you and suddenly think I’ve been too hard on Asgore.
Superman: What give you that idea?
Toriel: Unlike you, Asgore’s trying to redeem himself.
Vs. Bizarro
Bizarro: You Bizarro new worst friend!
Toriel: (tries to imitate Bizarro’s speech) Uh… Me dishonestly prefer being new best enemy?
Bizarro: Bizarro-vision make you happy!
Toriel: I’m not sure how to deal with you.
Bizarro: Me fight for lies, injustice, a-merry-can way.
Toriel: Talking like that is just one reason you’re hard to help, Bizarro.
Vs. Swamp Thing
Toriel: You’ve got to let us monsters rebuild, Swamp Thing.
Swamp Thing: Not at the expense of the soil.
Toriel: “Then know you’ve left me little choice” or “Frisk told me you were a compromiser!”
Toriel: I thought all monsters were sealed in Mt. Ebbot.
Swamp Thing: I’m of no relation to your people.
Toriel: Guess I should’ve figured as much.
Swamp Thing: Keep your distance from me.
Toriel: Something the matter?
Swamp Thing: Fire is no friend of mine.
Vs. Wonder Woman
Toriel: Hippolyta desired peace for the world.
Wonder Woman: As does her daughter.
Toriel: On her behalf, I’ll reteach you what you’ve forgotten.
Toriel: Frisk used to be a big fan of yours, Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman: ‘Was’ a big fan?
Toriel: You disappointed them when you lost your way.
Wonder Woman: You’d be wise to surrender.
Toriel: (incredulous) Does it look like I care what you think?
Wonder Woman: You’ll care when I make Frisk kneel before Kal.
Wonder Woman: The Regime created peace.
Toriel: Humanity living in fear is NOT peace!
Wonder Woman: You’ll learn to see it our way.
Toriel: You betrayed humanity AND Frisk’s faith in you, Diana.
Wonder Woman: Would it be so hard to trust us again?
Toriel: Forsake the Regime if you want to talk trust.
Vs. Darkseid
Toriel: Are you here to hurt Frisk?
Darkseid: Whatever I can’t control, I must destroy.
Toriel: (in a low, yet angry tone) Then I’ll see you endure achieving neither, Darkseid.
Darkseid: I will break you for Granny Goodness.
Toriel: My fire has other ideas.
Darkseid: Mine is the fire that forges stars.
Vs. Red Hood
Toriel: You’ve been walking a very dark path, Jason.
Red Hood: I’m the cure for a sick, sad world!
Toriel: You sure it’s not the Lazarus talking?
Red Hood: Ra’s Al Ghul saved my life.
Toriel: I suspect Ra’s sees you as a pawn.
Red Hood: Not on my watch.
Vs. Starfire
Toriel: I don’t like having to fight, least of all having to fight children.
Starfire: I think we both know reluctance won’t help with this fight.
Toriel: Then forgive me if I make this quick.
Starfire: You know, I think Papyrus and Frisk would make good Titans.
Toriel: That’s kind of you to say, Starfire, but I should still say ‘No.’
Starfire: You’re not the first mother to say ‘no’ to Titans, Toriel.
Vs. Sub-Zero
Sub-Zero: The Lin Kwei would benefit from your powers.
Toriel: I somehow find that insulting.
Sub-Zero: You misunderstand my intentions.
Toriel: Fair warning, my fire magic can hurt your soul.
Sub-Zero: It will be met with unrelenting cold.
Toriel: Then forgive me if I make this quick.
Toriel: I can’t ignore the blood on your hands.
Sub-Zero: Only bloodshed will save this realm.
Toriel: “The Regime already proved folly in that line of thinking” or “Just ask Frisk, there are always better options.”
Vs. Black Manta
Black Manta: What the hell do you want?
Toriel: After seeing the people you’ve harmed, what do you think?
Black Manta: I think you just dug your own grave.
Toriel: I’ve lost loved ones too.
Black Manta: I buried my heart with my father.
Toriel: There are better ways to deal with grief.
Vs. Raiden
Toriel: Seems now we both bear the burden of protecting our worlds
Raiden: It is a burden few are fit to carry.
Toriel: For Frisk’s sake I’ll bear it as long as I have to.
Raiden: I sense great power within you.
Toriel: Power I intend to use to keep Earth out of both Brainiac’s and Superman’s hands.
Raiden: You require training to defend it.
Vs. Black Lightning
Black Lightning: We’re both teachers and parents, Toriel.
Toriel: And if what I’ve been doing is any indicator, we’re technically both superheroes.
Black Lightning: What else do we have in common?
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
Black Lightning: Can’t pass up a chance to learn.
Toriel: “True, even teachers should know when to be students” or “I know I shouldn’t either, Black Lightning.”
Vs. Hellboy
Toriel: Did the B.P.R.D. send you after me?
Hellboy: Gotta do what I gotta do, pal.
Toriel:  Then know you’ve left me little choice…
Hellboy: How do you plan to beat me, lady?
Toriel: Simple, is your soul fireproof?
Hellboy: Guess we’ll see about that.
Hellboy: You should meet my friend, Liz.
Toriel: She from the B.P.R.D too?
Hellboy: You’d love her, she’s a real fire-starter.
Toriel: You’ve lived peacefully among humans, yet you feel like an outsider?
Hellboy: Never been sure where I belonged.
Toriel: Perhaps you can find a home among my people, Hellboy.
Vs. Atom
Toriel: (half-jokingly) I’ve got a ‘small’ thesis i want to test, Dr. Choi.
Atom: (chuckles slightly) And what might that be?
Toriel: That I can track your soul even when it’s sub-atomic.
Atom: Fighting is easy if you know physics.
Toriel: Never thought about that, but it does make sense.
Atom: Allow me to demonstrate, Toriel.
Vs. Enchantress
Toriel: Release June before I make you do so!
Enchantress: Would you rather be my new vessel, Toriel?
Toriel: Even if I lose, you‘ll only get a pile of dust for your trouble.
Enchantress (June): I can’t help it, she has to be let out!
Toriel: (in a resassuring tone) Stay calm June, I can get you out of this.
Enchantress: Okay hero, let’s play ‘save the world’.
Vs. Leonardo
Toriel: So where are you from, exactly?
Leonardo: The New York of a different Earth, why?
Toriel: Just wanted to know if you were a monster or not.
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
Leonardo: Sparring always starts on time.
Toriel: (slightly reluctant) Some of us are less accustomed to this than others, Leonardo.
Leonardo: I’m guessing you’re a mutant too?
Toriel: My people were born from magic, not mutation.
Leonardo: That’s a new one…
Vs. Michelangelo
Toriel: I can safely say I didn’t see this coming.
Michelangelo: Think it’s time to reboot your console.
Toriel: Whatever that’s supposed to mean…
Michelangelo: Let’s skip this, I’m starving.
Toriel: Tell you what, I’ll bake you a pie after this bout.
Michelangelo: Sounds awesome! count me in!
Vs. Raphael
Toriel: Need anything before this bout, Raphael? a talking to? a slice of pie, perhaps?
Raphael: I’m complicated, alright? lay off me!
Toriel: How curious, Chara once said the same thing….
Raphael: New York pizza is the best, am I right?
Toriel: (teasingly) I don’t know, Frisk always told me I make the best pies.
Raphael: You’re definitely gonna have to show me and my bros!
Vs. Donatello
Toriel: I can safely say I didn’t see this coming.
Donatello: Or maybe you’re sleeping off a pizza coma?
Toriel: If so, I’m not letting Undyne pay for dinner at Supah Salty again.
Donatello: How are you engineering a win?
Toriel: Simple, is your soul fireproof?
Donatello: Seriously miscalculated that one…
Mirror Match Intros
Player 1 Toriel: I can safely say I didn’t see this coming.
Player 2 Toriel: This whole multiverse thing does feel surreal, doesn’t it?
Player 1 Toriel: Just looking at you feels hard to wrap my head around.
Player 2 Toriel: Need any help with Frisk?
Player 1 Toriel: Don’t you have your own Frisk to look after?
Player 2 Toriel: Yes, but I think they can have a duplicate for a friend…
Player 1 Toriel: So, what’s different in your universe?
Player 2 Toriel: No Mount Ebbot, and I’m raising a teenager named Kris.
Player 1 Toriel: Now I’ve got to know more.
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Fox McCloud Injustice 2 Intros
If Fox McCloud was a special guest fighter for Injustice 2, this is what his intros to each fighter would look like:
Aquaman: Not smart challenging an Atlantean. Fox McCloud: What can I say? I dig a challenge. Aquaman: Let’s see if you’re ready. Aquaman: You’re in a fight you don’t understand. Fox McCloud: I’m always ready no matter what the risk is. Aquaman: Allow me to welcome you properly! Fox McCloud: Why did you side with Superman? Aquaman: I won’t be judged for defending Atlantis! Fox McCloud: Either way, you’ll answer for your crimes. Fox McCloud: So this is Aquaman. Aquaman: At your service. Fox McCloud: Been kissing Superman’s butt lately?
(Atrocitus) Atrocitus: Unleash your anger! Fox McCloud: I will if you keep ticking me off. Atrocitus: I was hoping you’d say that. Atrocitus: The pain of loss burns you. Fox McCloud: At least my father’s death gave me purpose. Atrocitus: Like so many children… ungrateful! Fox McCloud: Well, somebody’s a bit moody. Atrocitus: Be silent, boy! Fox McCloud: Let’s see if I can cheer you up. Fox McCloud: Can’t you talk about something besides rage? Atrocitus: You don’t command me, rodent! Fox McCloud: A simple “No” would’ve been fine, Atrocitus!
(Atom) Atom: An anthropomorphic fox? Fox McCloud: The name’s Fox McCloud, Leader of StarFox. Atom: I can tell this will be mighty interesting. Atom: What could be more fun than studying physics? Fox McCloud: Don’t really get your question, Atom. Atom: Let me show you what I mean. Fox McCloud: Whoa, how did you do that? Atom: Just a Ph.D with a quantum biobelt! Fox McCloud: Slippy would kill for gadgets like yours. Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn’t wise to fight me. Atom: Are you saying this is going to hurt? Fox McCloud: Only if you want me to, Atom.
(Batman) Batman: It’s not too late to walk away. Fox McCloud: I’m always ready, no matter what the risk is. Batman: We’ll see. Batman: I’ll give you something to fear. Fox McCloud: What is left to fear for me, Batman? Batman: You’re about to find out. Fox McCloud: The legendary Dark Knight. Batman: I need to know what you can do. Fox McCloud: Proving people wrong is what I do. Fox McCloud: Ever seen the way I can fight? Batman: I doubt it can surprise me. Fox McCloud: Proving people wrong is what I do.
(Bane) Bane: The Leader of Star Fox. Fox McCloud: Ah, and you must be a janitor. Bane: Fine. Joke before you die. Bane: Do not trifle with me. Fox McCloud: I will if you keep ticking me off. Bane: You will make a mighty fine rug, McCloud. Fox McCloud: Shouldn’t you be in a wrestling ring? Bane: You are very funny. Fox McCloud: You’re going down 1-2-3, Bane. Fox McCloud: Can’t understand the tubes around you. Bane: My venom will be the least of your worries. Fox McCloud: Just don’t get it around me.
(Black Adam) Black Adam: Leader of Star Fox. Fox McCloud: And you must be a discount Superman. Black Adam: On his behalf, I will kill you. Black Adam: I’ll lead the new Regime. Fox McCloud: Get this straight: We don’t want you! Black Adam: Then dethrone me if you can. Fox McCloud: Your tyranny is unforgivable! Black Adam: My rule is strict but fair. Fox McCloud: Your wife wouldn’t think so. Fox McCloud: How can you hurt so many people? Black Adam: They brought it out on themselves! Fox McCloud: You’re as heartless as Andross is!
(Black Canary) Black Canary: It’s a look, I’ll give you that. Fox McCloud: A pilot like me is always suited for battle. Black Canary: You don’t say. Black Canary: Anything you wanna discuss? Fox McCloud: You sure it’s wise to fight in ladies’ shoes? Black Canary: Now you’re really gonna get hurt. Fox McCloud: May I have this dance, malady? Black Canary: Ladies first. How polite. Fox McCloud: Yeah, Krystal seems to think so. Fox McCloud: You’d be a great member of Star Fox. Black Canary: I can’t take breathing in space. Fox McCloud: Not too late to try, Miss Canary.
(Black Lightning) Black Lightning: Space pilot, huh? Fox McCloud: I’m one of the best, Black Lightning. Black Lightning: Think you can handle a few volts? Black Lightning: So you’re a fellow Social Justice Warrior? Fox McCloud: The name’s Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Black Lightning: Class is now in session. Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn’t wise fighting me. Black Lightning: Black Lightning’s not one to back down. Fox McCloud: Nor will I, Black Lightning. Fox McCloud: Wait, you draw Lightning too? Black Lightning: I’ve seen you met Black Adam. Fox McCloud: Like I haven’t suffered enough sparks…
(Black Manta) Black Manta: I’ll gut you like a fish. Fox McCloud: That blade ain’t touching me. EVER. Black Manta: You’ll take that pride to the grave. Black Manta: Catching you was easy. Fox McCloud: Too bad killing me won’t be possible, Manta. Black Manta: That’s about to be confirmed. Fox McCloud: You have quite a weird shaped head. Black Manta: This helmet is my life’s work. Fox McCloud: Let’s see how far I can throw it. Fox McCloud: You’re lucky my crew ain’t here. Black Manta: Why the hell should I know, McCloud? Fox McCloud: Because they might have to hold you down, Manta.
(Blue Beetle) Blue Beetle: Is this necessary? Fox McCloud: Batman did send me here, so… Blue Beetle: Guess that means I gotta win. Blue Beetle: Wow. Meeting you is so cool. Fox McCloud: Nice to see you’re a fan of me. Blue Beetle: Mind if we get a picture after? Fox McCloud: Interesting outfit you got. Blue Beetle: With a war machine on my spine. Fox McCloud: You mean that big bug on your back? Fox McCloud: You’d be a great member of Star Fox. Blue Beetle: You really think so? Fox McCloud: Let’s see if you can fly with the best.
(Brainiac) Brainiac: It is better to be collected than killed. Fox McCloud: Corneria will never be yours, Brainiac! Brainiac: That’s soon to be true, McCloud. Brainiac: Facing me is a fatal error. Fox McCloud: I’m always ready, no matter what the risk is. Brainiac: Your defeat will be painful. Fox McCloud: Keep your tentacles away from me. Brainiac: Then surrender planet Corneria now. Fox McCloud: I won’t let you have it, Brain-dead. Fox McCloud: You’re sending me back home. Brainiac: Who are you to command me? Fox McCloud: Don’t make me say it louder, Brainiac!
(Captain Cold) Captain Cold: You would’ve made a badass Rogue. Fox McCloud: Like I’ll be a criminal with the likes of you. Captain Cold: Then get ready to be hibernated. Captain Cold: Frost warning. Fox McCloud: If I can handle the cold, I can handle you. Captain Cold: Well that changes everything. Fox McCloud: You brought a weapon to a fist fight? Captain Cold: This gun can stop the Flash. Fox McCloud: I doubt that can hurt me, Frosty. Fox McCloud: How can you hurt so many people? Captain Cold: I take what’s mine and I don’t apologize. Fox McCloud: Then I won’t feel sorry kicking your butt.
(Catwoman) Catwoman: Think you can handle a few scars? Fox McCloud: I’m always ready, no matter what the risk is. Catwoman: Let me give you a dose of reality. Catwoman: Cats beat foxes every time. Fox McCloud: Won’t be true until you beat me, Catwoman. Catwoman: Well, if that’s how you wanna play this… Fox McCloud: I heard you were with the Regime. Catwoman: Everyone deserves a second chance. Fox McCloud: Sure, I’ll believe it when I see it. Fox McCloud: This must be Selina Kyle. Catwoman: Fancy meeting you here, darling. Fox McCloud: Let’s see you give Katt a run for her money.
(Cheetah) Cheetah: The most dangerous game of all. Fox McCloud: One that you aint never gonna win. Cheetah: I need only my claws. Cheetah: Mmmmm, I love your fur. Fox McCloud: I’m harder to skin than to kill, Minerva. Cheetah: Let me welcome you, properly. Fox McCloud: How can you hurt so many people? Cheetah: I will not weep for humanity. Fox McCloud: You’re gonna cry regardless, Cheetah. Fox McCloud: You’re giving me cat scratch fever already. Cheetah: You won’t joke once I have your tongue. Fox McCloud: It’ll be just twice as funny.
(Cyborg) Cyborg: Superman wants you gone. Fox McCloud: Why? You kiss Superman’s butt with that mouth? Cyborg: That was your last chance! Cyborg: Why have you come here, McCloud? Fox McCloud: I’m stopping your boss one way or another! Cyborg: Not after I bust the hell out of you! Fox McCloud: You must be proud of your little dictator. Cyborg: Because I know we did the right thing. Fox McCloud: Having him murder a kid wasn’t! Fox McCloud: I feel sorry for your father. Cyborg: It’s because of him I’m like this! Fox McCloud: Maybe because what he did was an accident!
Darkseid: Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: I don’t fear you one bit, Darkseid. Darkseid: Your lack of fear displays ignorance, not bravado. Darkseid: Surrender to Darkseid or face death. Fox McCloud: I won’t do neither of the kind. Darkseid: I think you’re gonna reconsider, fool! Fox McCloud: How can you hurt so many people? Darkseid: I hate all creatures, great and small. Fox McCloud: Either way, you’ll answer for your crimes! Fox McCloud: Should’ve turned back sooner. Darkseid: And why should that worry me? Fox McCloud: You’re as heartless as Andross is!
(Deadshot) Deadshot: Found me a nice fox-skinned rug. Fox McCloud: I doubt those bullets will touch me. Deadshot: Ehhh… I’ll try anything once. Deadshot: The hero’s gig not for amateurs. Fox McCloud: I’m a full-fledged space pilot, Deadshot. Deadshot: Too bad your brain’s going out of orbit. Fox McCloud: I’m guessing you’re some kind of mercenary. Deadshot: That sounds about right. Fox McCloud: And here I thought Wolf was the worst. Fox McCloud: How could you hurt so many people? Deadshot: I got nothing to live for. Fox McCloud: You can’t solve problems with bullets.
(Doctor Fate) Doctor Fate: Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Fox McCloud: You gonna send me back to my universe? Doctor Fate: You are too late. Doctor Fate: The lords know your fate. Fox McCloud: Do I get married to Krystal or what? Doctor Fate: You will fail. Fox McCloud: Never met a fortune teller before. Doctor Fate: I gaze beyond the horizon of time. Fox McCloud: Does it involve me getting a way out of here? Fox McCloud: Batman told me you’re Kent Nelson. Doctor Fate: You will speak with Nabu. Fox McCloud: So… you changed your name?
(Enchantress) June Moone: She can smell death on you. Fox McCloud: Obviously you haven’t met Andross yet. Enchantress: I’ll end you on his behalf, McCloud. June Moone: Please, Fox… get her away from me. Fox McCloud: I’ll save you even if I can, June. Enchantress: Try me, Mr. High and Mighty. Fox McCloud: You’re lucky my crew ain’t here. Enchantress: Are they too scared to face the torment? Fox McCloud: More like they can overcome it, Enchantress. Fox McCloud: The wicked witch of lamedom. Enchantress: Watch your tongue, mortal! Fox McCloud: Like heck I’m gonna do that.
(The Flash) The Flash: You really think you’re fast enough? Fox McCloud: Won’t know until you fight me, man. The Flash: Allow me to prove you wrong. The Flash: I’m the fastest man alive. Fox McCloud: The name’s Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. The Flash: Allow me to prove you wrong. Fox McCloud: You must be the scarlet speedster. The Flash: Yeah, it’s kinda my thing. Fox McCloud: Think you can beat the speed of my Arwing? Fox McCloud: I heard you were with the Regime. The Flash: Yeah, I got a lot to regret. Fox McCloud: Let’s see if you can be trusted, Flash.
(Bizarro) Bizarro: Bizarro hug pet fox! Fox McCloud: Yeah… not gonna happen. Bizarro: Bizarro not like big words. Bizarro: Am you Bizarro’s friend? Fox McCloud: I got no idea how to respond to that one. Bizarro: Me love friends. Fox McCloud: You Lex Luthor’s kid? Bizarro: Me father’s only child. Fox McCloud: Summed that up to a T, Bizarro. Fox McCloud: I can’t understand what’s with you. Bizarro: Me fight for lies, injustice, a-merry-can way! Fox McCloud: Yep. Definitely landed in the wrong Earth.
(Firestorm) Firestorm: Where you from again? Fox McCloud: From Planet Corneria. Why you ask? Firestorm: Wanna know where I’m kicking your ass to. Firestorm: No way you can handle these flames, Fox. Fox McCloud: I’m always ready, no matter what the risk is. Firestorm: Prepare to get burned. Fox McCloud: Not really a big fan of fire. Firestorm: Afraid you’ll get burned? Fox McCloud: I don’t like my tail getting singed. Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn’t wise fighting me. Firestorm: I’m ready to fight with fire. Fox McCloud: Don’t cry when you get burned.
(Gorilla Grodd) Gorilla Grodd: Your talents could be useful. Fox McCloud: I rather be sucked through a black hole than join you. Gorilla Grodd: If you’re not with me, you’re dead. Gorilla Grodd: There’s a place for you in the Society. Fox McCloud: Says pretty much a second-rate Andross. Gorilla Grodd: I’ll roast you through an open flame, McCloud. Fox McCloud: How could you hurt so many people? Gorilla Grodd: Ending humanity is a kindness! Fox McCloud: You’re as heartless as Andross is! Fox McCloud: You’re lucky my crew ain’t here. Gorilla Grodd: Why does that matter, McCloud? Fox McCloud: Otherwise you’re getting flinged like number 2.
(Green Arrow) Green Arrow: What earth they snatch you from? Fox McCloud: From Planet Corneria. Why you ask? Green Arrow: Never exactly heard of it. Green Arrow: Well, this is gonna be good. Fox McCloud: Yep, only for me that is. Green Arrow: Geez, spoiler alert… Fox McCloud: How good are you with those arrows? Green Arrow: I know where to place my shots. Fox McCloud: Then be prepared to miss, Arrow. Fox McCloud: You’d be a great member of Star Fox. Green Arrow: I’m not stepping in the middle of that. Fox McCloud: You’re right. You wouldn’t handle motion sickness.
(Green Lantern) Green Lantern: Always nice to meet a fellow pilot. Fox McCloud: The name’s Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Green Lantern: Okay, now it’s a contest. Green Lantern: I’ll say it… this is awkward. Fox McCloud: Scared I’m gonna kick your butt, Lantern? Green Lantern: Like I’m gonna be frightened by some fox! Fox McCloud: Nice glow-in-the-dark wedding ring. Green Lantern: That’s none of your damn business. Fox McCloud: I definitely know what I’m getting Krystal now. Fox McCloud: I heard you were with the Regime. Green Lantern: We’ve all made mistakes. Fox McCloud: Sure, I’ll believe it when I see it.
(Grid) Grid: I can sense your hostility towards me. Fox McCloud: You’re a threat to this entire world itself. Grid: The last threat you’ll ever see, Fox McCloud. Grid: Why assume you fight me, McCloud? Fox McCloud: Because I’ve got you on my trail, Grid. Grid: No matter. The trail ends here. Fox McCloud: How could you hurt so many people? Grid: In destroying you, perhaps I will gain emotion. Fox McCloud: Honestly, you’re depressing me now. Fox McCloud: You Cyborg’s brother? Grid: I am Grid. The last being you will ever see. Fox McCloud: Ah, so it’s a ‘maybe’ then.
(Harley Quinn) Harley Quinn: Aw, aren’t you cute. Fox McCloud: Let me guess, was it the way that I look? Harley Quinn: That’s the idea, doll. Harley Quinn: You and me? We’re going. Fox McCloud: Well, yeah. That’s the point, Miss Quinn. Harley Quinn: I’ll show you the ropes! Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn’t wise fighting me. Harley Quinn: How about slaps and tickles at ten paces? Fox McCloud: Hate to see which one hurts the worse. Fox McCloud: I can’t understand what’s with you. Harley Quinn: I collect toenail clippings! Fox McCloud: Ugh, didn’t need to know that.
(Fox McCloud) Fox McCloud (1): Haha, very funny costume, Falco. Fox McCloud (2): I’m the real Fox McCloud. Not a faker. Fox McCloud (1): Sure, I’ll believe it when I see it. Fox McCloud (1): How in the heck are we the same? Fox McCloud (2): Maybe we’re cloned and didn’t know about it. Fox McCloud (1): No way you’re replacing me. Fox McCloud (1): Is this me from this world? Fox McCloud (2): Yeah, except Superman’s more evil than Andross. Fox McCloud (1): Yep. Definitely landed in the wrong Earth.
(Donatello) Donatello: I’ve already figured this fight out. Fox McCloud: Me standing over you in victory? Donatello: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Donatello: Name’s Donatello. Who are you? Fox McCloud: The Name’s Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Donatello: Totally need to know who that is. Fox McCloud: This’ll be over before it begins. Donatello: Good luck proving that theory. Fox McCloud: Proving people wrong is what I do. Fox McCloud: This must be one of the Ninja Turtles. Donatello: And I see you’re from this Star Fox group. Fox McCloud: Yep, you’ll see why I am, Donatello.
(Hellboy) Hellboy: So where in the hell are you from? Fox McCloud: From Planet Corneria. Why you ask? Hellboy: That some sort of theme park or somethin’? Hellboy: Not used to fighting woodland critters. Fox McCloud: Except one that’ll kick your butt? Hellboy: Well, in that case, let’s do this. Fox McCloud: I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Hellboy: The name’s Hellboy, dumbass. Fox McCloud: Quite the friendly one you are. Fox McCloud: You’d be a great member of Star Fox. Hellboy: I don’t think my fist can fit in the arwing. Fox McCloud: Can’t hurt to try, Hellboy.
(Jay Garrick) Jay Garrick: I don’t see how you plan to win. Fox McCloud: Pure speed and reflexes as always. Jay Garrick: Let me show you what the JSA can do! Jay Garrick: Can’t say I never met a fox like you. Fox McCloud: I’m way more than an fox than you’ll ever see. Jay Garrick: Let me show you what the JSA can do! Fox McCloud: What’s with all the speedfreaks I keep meeting? Jay Garrick: This 'speedfreak’ is an original, chum. Fox McCloud: Think you can beat the speed of my arwing? Fox McCloud: Should’ve turned back sooner. Jay Garrick: Not while I have breath on these lungs. Fox McCloud: Now that’s the Star Fox spirit there!
(John Stewart) John Stewart: Think you can beat a Lantern? Fox McCloud: Both in the ground and air, Lantern. John Stewart: We’ll see about that, McCloud. John Stewart: This must be the Fox McCloud I’ve been hearing. Fox McCloud: Hal told me you’re some kind of marine. John Stewart: Today I’m your drill instructor. Fox McCloud: You’re green like that other guy? John Stewart: We’re part of the Green Lantern Corps, McCloud. Fox McCloud: Weird looking club you got. Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn’t wise fighting me. John Stewart: A soldier does what it takes. Fox McCloud: Now that’s the Star Fox spirit there!
(The Joker) The Joker: Here’s a news flash: Life is a meaningless joke. Fox McCloud: Too bad you don’t give them enough, Joker. The Joker: Like it matters… The Joker: You’re such a cute little fox. Fox McCloud: You’re looking to skin me or something? The Joker: My knife’s plenty sharp enough! Fox McCloud: Is killing Metropolis what you did “fun”? The Joker: Gotta do something to amuse me, you know? Fox McCloud: You’re as heartless as Andross is! Fox McCloud: Batman’s told me all about you, Joker. The Joker: They call me an influencer, an icon! Fox McCloud: How about criminally sick instead?
(Leonardo) Leonardo: You got cajones taking me on, McCloud. Fox McCloud: I’m always ready, no matter what the risk is. Leonardo: Ready for a lesson in turtle power? Leonardo: You got nothing on a Ninja Turtle. Fox McCloud: And you ain’t got nothing on Star Fox. Leonardo: I admit, you got me there. Fox McCloud: This must be one of the Ninja Turtles. Leonardo: And you must be Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: Let’s see if you can fly with the best. Fox McCloud: This’ll be over before it begins. Leonardo: It’s nothing a Ninja Turtle can’t handle! Fox McCloud: Now that’s the Star Fox spirit there!
(Michelangelo) Michelangelo: This is gonna be totally wicked. Fox McCloud: I doubt you can beat me with that shell. Michelangelo: Only if you got cheat codes, dude. Michelangelo: Let’s skip this, I’m starving. Fox McCloud: Only when the fight’s over, Michelangelo. Michelangelo: Almost got away with that one. Fox McCloud: This must be one of the Ninja Turtles. Michelangelo: I’ll show you why I am, Fox. Fox McCloud: Now that’s the Star Fox spirit there! Fox McCloud: Should’ve turned back sooner. Michelangelo: Seems like a really bad idea, bro. Fox McCloud: Then I won’t feel sorry kicking your butt.
(Mr. Freeze) Mr. Freeze: You are a rare specimen. Fox McCloud: Why on earth would you ask me that, Freeze? Mr. Freeze: I would gladly trade your life for Nora’s. Mr. Freeze: My gun will freeze you in your tracks. Fox McCloud: If I can handle the cold, I can handle you. Mr. Freeze: That assumption is flawed. Fox McCloud: You’re coming with me, Mr. Freeze. Mr. Freeze: Hell would freeze over first. Fox McCloud: Sounds like a good idea, cueball. Fox McCloud: How could you hurt so many people? Mr. Freeze: I’m a scientist, not a psychopath! Fox McCloud: Either way, you’ll answer for your crimes!
(Poison Ivy) Poison Ivy: You’re an abomination. Fox McCloud: You’re a threat to this entire world itself. Poison Ivy: That’s not what the plants tell me. Poison Ivy: One kiss for luck? Fox McCloud: Sorry, that’s Krystal’s job, Ivy. Poison Ivy: She won’t notice. Fox McCloud: You’re a disgrace to mother nature. Poison Ivy: I would die for the green. Fox McCloud: Please, even THEY don’t want you. Fox McCloud: You really are that beautiful. Poison Ivy: Really? And what do you see? Fox McCloud: Back at Arkham where you belong.
(Power Girl) Power Girl: I don’t believe we’ve met. Fox McCloud: The name’s Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Power Girl: Let me show you what I’m made of. Power Girl: I’m not comfortable fighting pets. Fox McCloud: I’ll show you I’m no 'pet’, Power Girl. Power Girl: Sure, that’s one way of putting it. Fox McCloud: You’d be a great member of Star Fox. Power Girl: I’m perfectly fine flying without a plane. Fox McCloud: Hope you can handle the pressure. Fox McCloud: I’ll bet it wasn’t wise fighting me. Power Girl: You can’t handle this much woman! Fox McCloud: Trust me, you should meet Krystal.
(Raiden) Raiden: Will you aid in this realm’s protection? Fox McCloud: I’m always ready, no matter what the risk is. Raiden: Then show me your skills, Fox McCloud. Raiden: I am Raiden, God of Thunder. Fox McCloud: The name’s Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Raiden: We must prepare ourselves in Kombat. Fox McCloud: Whoa. Who must this be? Raiden: You speak with Raiden, protector of Earthrealm. Fox McCloud: That’s one heck of a catchy title. Fox McCloud: Why are we meeting here, Raiden? Raiden: You would need allies in the coming war. Fox McCloud: Good thing I got Star Fox with me then.
(Raphael) Raphael: Ever tried a smackdown by Raphael? Fox McCloud: Please, even Falco would beat ya. Raphael: Prove it, fool. Raphael: You’re going to Beatdown City. Fox McCloud: Heh, good luck taking me there. Raphael: Only because you wanted to, Fox. Fox McCloud: I can’t understand what’s with you. Raphael: I run a delivery service… for pain! Fox McCloud: Can’t imagine what that feels like. Fox McCloud: This must be one of the Ninja Turtles. Raphael: I’m the toughest one of the bunch. Fox McCloud: Now that’s the Star Fox spirit there!
(Red Hood) Red Hood: I’m not with the Regime. Fox McCloud: Well, if you say so then… Red Hood: Please, you act like I’m lying, McCloud! Red Hood: Call me the Red Hood. Fox McCloud: You sure you’re the one with a sock on his head? Red Hood: You know what? Just call me Jason. Fox McCloud: I can’t understand what’s with you. Red Hood: I’m the cure for a sick, sad world. Fox McCloud: You can’t solve problems with bullets. Fox McCloud: Like the beanie mask you got there. Red Hood: Glad to know you approve, McCloud. Fox McCloud: Too bad your kind of justice says otherwise.
(Reverse Flash) Reverse Flash: Exactly what is your plan here? Fox McCloud: I’m here to end this nightmare you caused! Reverse Flash: Which is why you’re dead fox meat! Reverse Flash: Who the hell are you supposed to be? Fox McCloud: The name’s Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Reverse Flash: To me, you’re another victim! Fox McCloud: You’re lucky my crew ain’t here. Reverse Flash: They still won’t catch me, McCloud. Fox McCloud: Care to reconsider that, Mr. Thawne? Fox McCloud: Reverse Flash, huh? Reverse Flash: Finally, someone with backbone. Fox McCloud: It’s too bad you don’t have one.
(Robin) Robin: You could’ve been part of the solution. Fox McCloud: Why? You still kiss Superman’s butt with that mouth? Robin: You’re headed for the cemetery! Robin: Got a problem? Fox McCloud: Listening to butthurt crybabies like you. Robin: You have poor taste in heroes. Fox McCloud: I feel sorry for your father. Robin: Because he was spectacularly wrong! Fox McCloud: So was killing Batman’s adopted son. Fox McCloud: You remind me a bit like Falco. Robin: Huh… what would that be? Fox McCloud: He’s less arrogant unlike you.
(Scarecrow) Scarecrow: Do you fear death? Fox McCloud: Not now. Not ever. Scarecrow: Too bad your father did. Scarecrow: Your precious Krystal looks lovely… Fox McCloud: You better not lay a hand on her or else! Scarecrow: Heh… what if I did? Fox McCloud: You’ll pay for insulting my father. Scarecrow: Oooh, I’m shaking in my boots. Fox McCloud: Oh, you’ll shake. But you won’t like it. Fox McCloud: I’m not sure if I wanna be here. Scarecrow: Welcome to your nightmare. Fox McCloud: I think I’m not gonna like it.
(Starfire) Starfire: Every battle is an adventure. Fox McCloud: Good thing I live for the adventure. Starfire: I’ll honor you with my skills, McCloud. Starfire: How do you cope with darkness? Fox McCloud: A pilot like me doesn’t fear nothing. Starfire: Grayson would have liked you. Fox McCloud: This’ll be over before it begins. Starfire: How do I know you’re a worthy warrior? Fox McCloud: You should’ve saw me beat Andross. Fox McCloud: You really are that beautiful. Starfire: I’m glad you appreciate my beauty. Fox McCloud: I’ll try not to mess you up too bad.
(Sub-Zero) Sub-Zero: You may retreat with no dishonor. Fox McCloud: If I can handle the cold, I can handle you. Sub-Zero: I respect your bravery. Sub-Zero: A grandmaster’s respect must be earned. Fox McCloud: Good thing our crew fights for respect. Sub-Zero: Then show me why, Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: Why in the heck are we here? Sub-Zero: Only bloodshed will save this realm. Fox McCloud: Can’t imagine what that feels like. Fox McCloud: Whoa. Who must this be? Sub-Zero: I am Sub-Zero, grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. Fox McCloud: For once, I thought someone turned on the AC.
(Supergirl) Supergirl: I mean you no harm. Fox McCloud: Than how come your cousin harms innocents? Supergirl: Kal didn’t set the best example. Supergirl: Don’t ask me to go easy on you. Fox McCloud: Good thing I didn’t ask, Supergirl. Supergirl: Don’t say I warned you, Fox. Fox McCloud: Superman’s not who you think. Supergirl: There’s still good in him. Fox McCloud: Is being a dictator considered good? Fox McCloud: You must be proud of your little dictator. Supergirl: Kal can still change his ways, McCloud. Fox McCloud: That’s no excuse for what he’s done.
(Superman) Superman: You’re leaving Earth. Now! Fox McCloud: I’ll leave after you’re locked up for good, Superman. Superman: You can try. Superman: Why are you on my Earth? Fox McCloud: I’m here to end this nightmare you caused! Superman: Paranoid as ever, Fox. Fox McCloud: You are no hero. Superman: And what do you think I am? Fox McCloud: You’re as heartless as Andross is! Fox McCloud: You poisoned this world long enough. Superman: Without me, they’d be dead, McCloud! Fox McCloud: Maybe because they were dead by your rule!
(Swamp Thing) Swamp Thing: Why have you come here? Fox McCloud: Brainiac sucked me up to this universe. Swamp Thing: Of course you would say that. Swamp Thing: Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: You must be the guy in the vegetable bags, right? Swamp Thing: I doubt that to be true. Fox McCloud: You some sort of human tree? Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk. Fox McCloud: Didn’t know that would offend you. Fox McCloud: I’ll be fun chopping you down. Swamp Thing: Don’t mock the green, Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: Send them my regards then.
(Vixen) Vixen: This must be the leader of Star Fox. Fox McCloud: And I assume you must be Vixen. Vixen: Intro’s complete. Let’s go. Vixen: Are you ready for your turn on the runway? Fox McCloud: Not sure I fit the “model” type. Vixen: There’s a first time for everything, Fox. Fox McCloud: Did Batman send you here to train me? Vixen: I was gonna ask you the same question. Fox McCloud: Then let’s see who’s faster, Vixen. Fox McCloud: You’d be a great member of Star Fox. Vixen: Air’s not really my strong suit, Fox. Fox McCloud: You’re right, you wouldn’t handle motion sickness.
(Wonder Woman) Wonder Woman: Drop the gun or I’ll take your hand. Fox McCloud: Drop your sword and shield and I might consider it! Wonder Woman: That’s not an option. Wonder Woman: You’re standing down, Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: Sorry, I don’t take orders from murderers. Wonder Woman: You’ll learn to see it our way. Fox McCloud: You must be proud of your little dictator. Wonder Woman: Which is why I’ll restore the Regime! Fox McCloud: You’re as heartless as Andross is! Fox McCloud: It’s a shame you ended up this way. Wonder Woman: Just why is that, Fox? Fox McCloud: Because nobody trusts murderers like you.
So what does everybody think? Which one was your favorite quote? Let me know. Until then, peace!
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The Coon’s Portfolio Part 3
Round Victory Animation: The Coon pulls out a bag of Cheesy poofs and scarfs down a handful before saying his line, then tosses the bag aside and continues the fight.
Round Victory Lines:
“Did you seriously forget I can fight?”
“Don’t be afraid to be at awe at my awesomeness!”
Vs. Batman
“No way can a Bat cage The Coon!”
Vs. Superman
“Man of Steel, my ass!”
“Ha! So you really do bleed!”
Vs. Brainiac
“So long and thanks for the Skullship!”
Vs. Robin
“I know good students, and you’re the F minus shit.”
“put your white belt back on before I wipe your ass with it!”
“Forget the Batmobile, you belong in the short bus!”
Vs. Cheetah, or Vs. Vixen, or Vs. Gorilla Grodd
“This Coon has evolved to predator status!”
Vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
“I should have Meem look into turtle recipes”
Character Trait: “The Coon-Mobile” The Coon summons the Coon Mobile and rides it toward his opponent to quickly, players can press the trait button to have The Coon jump off the bike whenever they wish, or meter burn the trait to unleash an attack where The Coon rams his opponent with the Coon-Mobile ran before jumping off, inflicting considerable damage and putting the character trait into a 7-second cooldown state.
Super Move: “A Coon’s bounty” The Coon pulls out a literal roll of red carpet and unrolls it by kicking it toward his opponent. If his opponent gets hit, a horde of paparazzi arrive to take pictures of The Coon as he starts posing. The Coon turns to see his opponent is still standing and shouts “Security!” prompting several bodyguards to pummel The Coon’s opponent in a cartoony dust cloud. Once the both the cloud and the bodyguards dispurse, The Coon delivers the final blow by slashing his opponent’s face with two diagonal claw swipes.
Victory Animation: The Coon jumps up, the camera looks around the stage to find him, only to turn and see The Coon in front of it. The Coon slashes at the cameraman, causing the camera to fall on its side as The Coon looks at it smugly in slow motion.
Ladder Mode Ending: (camera shows Brainiac’s ship orbiting Earth, with Brainiac falling out of it)
“Finally! It was a harder challenge than it had any right to be, but Brainiac’s Skullship was mine at last! I figured leaving that stupid alien stranded on Earth, stripped completely of everything he had, would be far worst comeuppance than just clawing the shit out of him. But I knew Batman and Superman were just minutes away from arriving to take the ship from me, so I kicked up the ship’s warp drive (Skullship warps away) and went as far away from Earth as I could.”
(Camera shows The Coon on a rooftop of a building from a restored Metropolis on an alien planet)
“Eventually, I found a habitable planet that was to my liking and gradually restored the collected cities one-by-one, I made sure that in return for restoring them, the cities’ citizens would swear to respect my authoritah and let me do whatever I see fit (and I ‘removed’ whoever wouldn’t cooperate), I’ll admit that means I’ve effectively turned Brainiac’s collected cities into my own personal playground, but don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done so!”
(Camera cuts to The Coon battling Larfleeze)
“After a month’s worth of restoring cities and playing in them, I found my actions got the attention of some weird-ass pig alien who called himself Larfleeze. He apparently was jealous that I had a shit-ton of entire cities under my control and attacked me to take it all for himself.”
(Camera cuts to The Coon standing over a dead Larfleeze while holding his Orange Power Ring)
“I won, but that dumbass pig alien put up a good fight with that orange ring he was wearing. I figured a ring like that would come in handy so I figured I might as well put it on to add its power to my arsenal. (The Coon puts on the Orange Ring and immediately becomes corrupted by its influence, with his eyes glowing orange and his costume transformed into an Orange Lantern version of it) I suddenly felt strange, like I wanted… MORE! I WANT MORE OF EVERYTHING! I MUST HAVE EVERYTHING! FIRST EVERYTHING IN THIS UNIVERSE WILL ME MINE! THEN EVERYTHING ON MY UNIVERSE! HELL, I’LL MAKE EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE BELONG TO ME! AND ANYONE WHO TRIES TO STOP ME WILL DIE AND BECOME MINE! MINE! MINE!”
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The Coon’s Portfolio Part 3
Round Victory Animation: The Coon pulls out a bag of Cheesy poofs and scarfs down a handful before saying his line, then tosses the bag aside and continues the fight.
Round Victory Lines:
“Did you seriously forget I can fight?”
“Don’t be afraid to be at awe at my awesomeness!”
Vs. Batman
“No way can a Bat cage The Coon!”
Vs. Superman
“Man of Steel, my ass!”
“Ha! So you really do bleed!”
Vs. Brainiac
“So long and thanks for the Skullship!”
Vs. Robin
“I know good students, and you’re the F minus shit.”
“put your white belt back on before I wipe your ass with it!”
“Forget the Batmobile, you belong in the short bus!”
Vs. Cheetah, or Vs. Vixen, or Vs. Gorilla Grodd
“This Coon has evolved to predator status!”
Vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
“I should have Meem look into turtle recipes”
Character Trait: “The Coon-Mobile” The Coon summons the Coon Mobile and rides it toward his opponent to quickly, players can press the trait button to have The Coon jump off the bike whenever they wish, or meter burn the trait to unleash an attack where The Coon rams his opponent with the Coon-Mobile ran before jumping off, inflicting considerable damage and putting the character trait into a 7-second cooldown state.
Super Move: “A Coon’s bounty” The Coon pulls out a literal roll of red carpet and unrolls it by kicking it toward his opponent. If his opponent gets hit, a horde of paparazzi arrive to take pictures of The Coon as he starts posing. The Coon turns to see his opponent is still standing and shouts “Security!” prompting several bodyguards to pummel The Coon’s opponent in a cartoony dust cloud. Once the both the cloud and the bodyguards dispurse, The Coon delivers the final blow by slashing his opponent’s face with two diagonal claw swipes.
Victory Animation: The Coon jumps up, the camera looks around the stage to find him, only to turn and see The Coon in front of it. The Coon slashes at the cameraman, causing the camera to fall on its side as The Coon looks at it smugly in slow motion.
Ladder Mode Ending: (camera shows Brainiac’s ship orbiting Earth, with Brainiac falling out of it)
“Finally! It was a harder challenge than it had any right to be, but Brainiac’s Skullship was mine at last! I figured leaving that stupid alien stranded on Earth, stripped completely of everything he had, would be far worst comeuppance than just clawing the shit out of him. But I knew Batman and Superman were just minutes away from arriving to take the ship from me, so I kicked up the ship’s warp drive (Skullship warps away) and went as far away from Earth as I could.”
(Camera shows The Coon on a rooftop of a building from a restored Metropolis on an alien planet)
“Eventually, I found a habitable planet that was to my liking and gradually restored the collected cities one-by-one, I made sure that in return for restoring them, the cities’ citizens would swear to respect my authoritah and let me do whatever I see fit (and I ‘removed’ whoever wouldn’t cooperate), I’ll admit that means I’ve effectively turned Brainiac’s collected cities into my own personal playground, but don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done so!”
(Camera cuts to The Coon battling Larfleeze)
“After a month’s worth of restoring cities and playing in them, I found my actions got the attention of some weird-ass pig alien who called himself Larfleeze. He apparently was jealous that I had a shit-ton of entire cities under my control and attacked me to take it all for himself.”
(Camera cuts to The Coon standing over a dead Larfleeze while holding his Orange Power Ring)
“I won, but that dumbass pig alien put up a good fight with that orange ring he was wearing. I figured a ring like that would come in handy so I figured I might as well put it on to add its power to my arsenal. (The Coon puts on the Orange Ring and immediately becomes corrupted by its influence, with his eyes glowing orange and his costume transformed into an Orange Lantern version of it) I suddenly felt strange, like I wanted… MORE! I WANT MORE OF EVERYTHING! I MUST HAVE EVERYTHING! FIRST EVERYTHING IN THIS UNIVERSE WILL ME MINE! THEN EVERYTHING ON MY UNIVERSE! HELL, I’LL MAKE EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE BELONG TO ME! AND ANYONE WHO TRIES TO STOP ME WILL DIE AND BECOME MINE! MINE! MINE!”
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The Coon’s portfolio part 2: Clash Quotes
Clashing Stance: The Coon holds back his opponent by crossing his arms into an ‘x’ form with his hands still open.
Clash Win animation: The Coon jumps onto his opponent, scratches them in the face several times, then double kicks his way off his opponent, sending them hurling across the stage.
 Vs. Aquaman
Aquaman: You’ve been selected for extinction!
The Coon: I dare you to try, ass-wipe!
The Coon: I wonder if you’ll taste like sushi….
Aquaman: You’ll need teeth to eat!
The Coon: So where’s Swallow, Seaman?
Aquaman: (annoyed) I won’t dignify those words!
Vs. Batman
Batman: You’re going to get hurt!
The Coon: Soon you’ll respect my authoritah!
The Coon: Still think you can win?
Batman: I never quit!
Vs. Atrocitus
The Coon: I might piss on your corpse.
Atrocitus: You’ll bathe in your own blood!
Atrocitus: I'll spill your blood!
The Coon: What say I spill yours first?
Vs. Bane
Bane: Have I humbled you yet?
The Coon: The Coon’s incapable of being humbled!
The Coon: I’ll make a chew toy out of those Venom Tubes
Bane: What are you waiting for?
Vs. Black Adam
Black Adam: A Kahndaqi child could best you.
The Coon: That would say a lot if you lose!
The Coon: I bet your throne’s comfy!
Black Adam: You won’t get that chance.
Vs. Black Canary
Black Canary: I can go all night.
The Coon: Good thing I’m nocturnal!
The Coon: That’s it? Even Wendy’s done better.
Black Canary: Better plug your ears.
Vs. Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle: You pissed off the Scarab!
The Coon: Name me an asshole I haven’t pissed off.
The Coon: You’re lucky I don’t have a can of RID.
Blue Beetle: That’s messed up, brah!
Vs. Brainiac
Brainiac: Appreciate my genius yet?
The Coon: I will once you’re dead!
The Coon: What’s worth more to you, your life or the Skullship?
Brainiac: You will take neither.
Vs. Captain Cold
Captain Cold: This ain't no video game, kid.
The Coon: You’ll wish it was when you start bleeding.
The Coon: Better hope you don’t get rabies!
Captain Cold: Only in your dreams.
Vs. Mr. Freeze
Mr. Freeze: Have you ever been frozen?
The Coon: Actually, I have!
The Coon: Still think you can win?
Mr. Freeze: My suit is guaranteed.
Vs. Catwoman
Catwoman: Keep your stinkin' paws off me!
The Coon: “You’re already dead, bitch!” or “Let’s see whose claws cut deepest!”
The Coon: That’s it? Even Wendy’s done better.
Catwoman: Hope you don't mind a few scars.
Vs. Cheetah
Cheetah: At least make it interesting!
The Coon: Let’s see whose claws cut deepest!
The Coon: Still think I’m bluffing?!
Cheetah: I’ll flay you for the goddess!
Vs. Vixen
Vixen: Guess which animal come next?
The Coon: I’d go with a raccoon if I were you.
The Coon: Still think I’m bluffing?!
Vixen: Tantu, give me strength!
Vs. Cyborg
Cyborg: You're not the hero here!
The Coon: (cocky) explain Doomsday then.
The Coon: Ya know, I actually respect despots.
Cyborg: Funny way of showing it, kid!
Vs. Grid
The Coon: I’m learning the value of recycling!
Grid: You miscalculate the probabilities.
Grid: Your death will not stir me.
The Coon: You know, somehow I get that a lot.
Vs. Deadshot
Deadshot: You're getting the full clip.
The Coon: I dare you to try, ass-wipe!
The Coon: Still think I’m bluffing?!
Deadshot: Actually, I wasn’t listening.
Vs. Doctor Fate
Doctor Fate: You cannot kill Fate!
The Coon: Good idea, thanks!
The Coon: Can’t wait to try on that helmet.
Doctor Fate: You will not succeed.
Vs. Firestorm
Firestorm: Figured out how to beat me?
The Coon: You’re already dead, bitch!
The Coon: Still think I’m bluffing?!
Firestorm: Think the radiation's getting to ya.
Vs. The Flash (Barry Allen)
The Flash: Didn't think you'd be this fast.
The Coon: Funny, cause I did!
The Coon: Still think I’m bluffing?!
The Flash: I'll punch you in the next universe.
The Flash: Think you’re burning lotta calories on this fight?
The Coon:  You’re so dead for telling that joke!
Vs. Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick: You don't fight fair!
The Coon: I call that winning!
The Coon: Respect my authoritah, bitch!
Jay Garrick: Bragging again, eh?
Vs. Reverse-Flash
Reverse-Flash: There’s no way to beat me!
The Coon: I’ll try chewing your legs off!
The Coon: Say goodbye to the Speed Force, Thawne!
Reverse-Flash: You’ll ruin everything!
Vs. Gorilla Grodd
Gorilla Grodd: Not many humans will mourn you, child!
The Coon: And not many apes will mourn you, asshat!
The Coon: Better hope you don’t get rabies!
Gorilla Grodd: You’ll kneel before Grodd!
Vs. Green Arrow
Green Arrow: Ugh, when was the last time you brushed?
The Coon: Think I’ll pick my teeth with your arrows.
The Coon: Better hope you don’t get rabies!
Green Arrow: My kingdom for a spray bottle.
Vs. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Hal Jordon: Am I making you look bad?
The Coon: You’re so dead for telling that joke!
The Coon: Think Sinestro would recruit me?
Hal Jordan: Keep dreaming, kid!
Vs. Green Lantern (John Stewart)
John Stewart: Ready to wave a white flag?
The Coon: You’re already dead, bitch!
The Coon: Respect my authoritah, bitch!
John Stewart: You’re under arrest!
Vs. Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn: Bet you’ll love a good spanking!
The Coon: You don’t wanna know what happened to the last guy who tried that!
The Coon: That’s it? Even Wendy’s done better.
Harley Quinn: Have a little faith, will ya?
Vs. The Joker
The Coon: You’ll wish for death soon, Joker!
The Joker: I’ll show you funny!
Joker: You can be my new toady!
The Coon: The only authoritah I respect is my own!
Vs. Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy: Leave my babies be!
The Coon: “they’re all fuckin’ weeds to be pulled!” or “You’ll die seeing me burn them all!”
The Coon: Time to straggle you with your own vines!
Poison Ivy: Not this season.
Vs. Robin
The Coon: Still think I’m bluffing?!
Robin: I measure up, you don’t!
The Coon: Butthole’s ten times the badass you are, and I’m twenty times that!
Robin: Superman and I disagree!
Robin: You want your face ripped off?!
The Coon: Funny, ‘cause I plan on doing that to you!
Vs. Scarecrow
The Coon: Any chance you got a fear gas recipe in your pocket?
Scarecrow: You leave South Park’s fears to me.
Scarecrow: You’ll never gain (mocking tone on Cartman’s speech) ‘authoritah’.
The Coon: You’re so dead for telling that joke!
Vs. Supergirl
The Coon: I might piss on your corpse.
Supergirl: Gross! Not happening!
Supergirl: You're worse than Zod!
The Coon: Then let’s see if I can make you kneel!
Vs. Power Girl
The Coon: That’s it? Even Wendy’s done better.
Power Girl: “You don't even know me.” Or “Props to her then!”
Power Girl: You make my skin crawl.
The Coon: I’ll make your skin peel next!
Vs. Superman
The Coon: How does it feel when you powers don’t mean shit?
Superman: Bad idea to tick me off.
Superman: Give up or get hurt.
The Coon: Hello! Nanotech pills! Remember?!
Superman: Found my weakness yet?
The Coon: Yeah, competitive balance!
Vs. Bizarro
The Coon: Respect my authoritah, bitch!
Bizarro: Bizarro not stop you!
Bizarro: Bizarro hug new friend!
The Coon: You’re already dead, bitch!
Vs. Swamp Thing
The Coon: I’ll make firewood out of your Parliament!
Swamp Thing: The Green will survive.
Swamp Thing: You should fear nature.
The Coon: Ha! You got it backwards.
Vs. Wonder Woman
The Coon: How does it feel when you powers don’t mean shit?
Wonder Woman: Prepare to be humbled!
Wonder Woman: Even your pupil fears me.
The Coon: Then you don’t know Butthole the slightest, bitch!
Wonder Woman: Go back to school!
The Coon: Won’t need to when I’m done here.
Vs. Darkseid
The Coon: Respect my authoritah, bitch!
Darkseid: “I grow tired of your prattle.” Or “This feeble effort insults me!”
Darkseid: You dare lay hands on Darkseid?
The Coon: You’re already dead, bitch!
Vs. Red Hood
The Coon: With you, I’ll be less painful than Joker.
Red Hood: “Go to sleep, scumbag.” Or “(sarcastically) Well ain’t that nice of you.”
Red Hood: Scum like you deserve to die.
The Coon: You know, somehow I get that a lot.
Vs. Starfire
The Coon: That’s it? Even Wendy’s done better.
Starfire: Would you believe I’m training her now?
Starfire: Feel the burn.
The Coon: What color to do you bleed, Starfire?
Vs. Sub-Zero
The Coon: This time I’m giving the fatalities!
Sub-Zero: The cold impairs your judgement.
Sub-Zero: You fight without honor.
The Coon: I call that winning!
Vs. Black Manta
The Coon: Better hope you don’t get rabies!
Black Manta: Let's see if your corpse floats.
Black Manta: I'll fillet you like a fish.
The Coon: Ever consider whaling, Manta?
Vs. Raiden
The Coon: This time I’m giving the fatalities!
Raiden: Thunder take you!
Raiden: You shamed this realm.
The Coon: Name me an asshole I haven’t pissed off.
Vs. Black Lightning
The Coon: Better hope you don’t get rabies!
Black Lightning: Aren’t you in for a shock?
Black Lightning: How long till you learn?
The Coon: The only authoritah I respect is my own!
Vs. Hellboy
The Coon: Better hope you don’t get rabies!
Hellboy: I am so over this crap.
Hellboy: Maybe you are a monster.
The Coon: You know, somehow I get that a lot.
Vs. Atom
The Coon: Better hope you don’t get rabies!
Atom: You're talking to a man of science.
Atom: Don't make me fly up your nose.
The Coon: I’ll pin you like a butterfly!
Vs. Enchantress
The Coon: That’s it? Even Wendy’s done better.
Enchantress: I'll devour your soul.
Enchantress: Can't you see you have no chance?
The Coon: You’re already dead, bitch!
Vs. Leonardo
The Coon: Turtle Power’s got nothing on Coon Power!
Leonardo: Getting ahead of yourself, Cartman.
Leonardo: You make Bebop look good.
The Coon: You’re so dead for telling that joke!
Vs. Michelangelo
The Coon: Turtle Power’s got nothing on Coon Power!
Michelangelo: Like shell, dude.
Michelangelo: Consider going back to Comedy Central.
The Coon: Won’t need to when I’m done here.
Vs. Donatello
The Coon: Turtle Power’s got nothing on Coon Power!
Donatello: Your thesis is flawed.
Donatello: We can’t let you take the Skullship, Cartman!
The Coon: like it or not, that ship’s mine, fucker!
 Vs. Raphael
The Coon: Turtle Power’s got nothing on Coon Power!
Raphael: (growls) you’re so not impressing me!
Raphael: Jeez! You’re vicious even for me!
The Coon: like it or not, that ship’s mine, fucker!
Mirror Match Clashes
The Coon 1: What’s worth more to you, your life or the Skullship?
The Coon 2: I’m staking everything into getting that ship!
The Coon 2: You’re not taking the Skullship from me!
The Coon 1: like it or not, that ship’s mine, fucker!
0 notes
If Kyo Kusanagi was included in Injustice 2
This is what his intros would be like (included Mai Shiranui just because if there was a King of Fighters DLC):
Kyo Kusanagi: Ever witnessed the Kusanagi flame? Supergirl: You’d be lucky to tickle me. Kyo Kusanagi: Except this flame doesn’t give you a funny feeling.
Kyo Kusanagi: Superman got what he deserved. Supergirl: Kal doesn’t belong in prison! Kyo Kusanagi: Tell that to the other people he murdered!
Supergirl: Stop right there. Kyo Kusanagi: It’s either you move or I make you move. Supergirl: Sounds like a job for Supergirl.
Supergirl: What’s your deal? Kyo Kusanagi: I’m looking to burn off time. Supergirl: Then I don’t have to hold back.
Powergirl (Premier Skins)
Kyo Kusanagi: Is there anything I should know? Power Girl: You can’t handle this much woman! Kyo Kusanagi: Please, you couldn’t even handle my flames.
Kyo Kusanagi: Think you can withstand chest burn? Power Girl: 100 percent. Kyo Kusanagi: In a minute, you wish you’d be saying ‘No’.
Power Girl: Now I’m fighting kids? Kyo Kusanagi: I’m basically a full-grown man. Power Girl: Well, that makes it interesting.
Power Girl: So, you’re the King of Fighters. Kyo Kusanagi: Well, one of them. Benimaru and Goro are too. Power Girl: I don’t know where to start.
Green Arrow
Kyo Kusanagi: Ready to feel the burn? Green Arrow: Excuse me? Kyo Kusanagi: Figures you wouldn’t get that…
Kyo Kusanagi: You a good shot? Green Arrow: I’ve been hitting the bags. Kyo Kusanagi: I burn them.
Green Arrow: And to think the ninja chick had flames too. Kyo Kusanagi: I’ve taken you met Mai, right? Green Arrow: Metaphorically speaking… yeah.
Green Arrow: Long story short, I died. Kyo Kusanagi: I’ve nearly been killed by Iori thousands of times. Green Arrow: Got me there.
Doctor Fate
Kyo Kusanagi: I can picture what your future looks like. Doctor Fate: Share it with me. Kyo Kusanagi: Me standing over your sorry ass.
Kyo Kusanagi: Why didn’t you help out your friends? Doctor Fate: The time of heroes has passed. Kyo Kusanagi: You’ll wish you had help in the first place, Fate.
Doctor Fate: You’re heading down a dark road. Kyo Kusanagi: I’m pretty much fine where I am. Doctor Fate: Let me show you the light.
Doctor Fate: You are not ready for what awaits. Kyo Kusanagi: I’ve beaten down ugly-looking gods before in my life. Doctor Fate: We shall test that theory.
Blue Beetle
Kyo Kusanagi: You must be one big cockroach. Blue Beetle: It’s pronounced Blue Beetle, amigo. Kyo Kusanagi: Does it really matter now?
Kyo Kusanagi: Um, what am I looking at here? Blue Beetle: Just me and my alien war machine. Kyo Kusanagi: If you are, I like not to be abducted.
Blue Beetle: You know, Khaji Da makes any weapon I need. Kyo Kusanagi: You got something my flames can break? Blue Beetle: That escalated quickly…
Blue Beetle: You’re gonna get Blue’d. Kyo Kusanagi: I really didn’t need to hear that… Blue Beetle: Beetled? Gonna get blue beetled!
The Flash
Kyo Kusanagi: Why did you join the Regime? The Flash: I’ve got a lot to regret. Kyo Kusanagi: Don’t think you can change the subject, Flash.
Kyo Kusanagi: So, who’s this? The Flash: I’m The Flash, fastest man alive. Kyo Kusanagi: I bet you go down fast too.
The Flash: Hitting me won’t be easy. Kyo Kusanagi: Definitely won’t stop me from trying. The Flash: Just the way I like it.
The Flash: I’ll run circles around you. Kyo Kusanagi: Iori said the same thing before he got burned. The Flash: Today’s gonna be different!
Reverse Flash (Premier Skins)
Kyo Kusanagi: I don’t have a problem with you. Reverse Flash: I’ll wipe your whole family from history. Kyo Kusanagi: Now I have a problem with you.
Kyo Kusanagi: What the hell’s your problem? Reverse Flash: I’m looking for Barry Allen. Kyo Kusanagi: You definitely won’t find him here.
Reverse Flash: You call what you do good? Kyo Kusanagi: Me beating your ass counts. Reverse Flash: No wonder the future’s screwed up.
Reverse Flash: All heroes are fundamentally flawed. Kyo Kusanagi: Is that why your outfit looks like a mustard bottle? Reverse Flash: You don’t know me, do you?
Jay Garrick (Premier Skins)
Kyo Kusanagi: Great, another speedfreak… Jay Garrick: I’m proud to be an original. Kyo Kusanagi: Get with the times, grandpa.
Kyo Kusanagi: Looking for a bathroom or something? Jay Garrick: I’m about to land one on your posterior. Kyo Kusanagi: You’re gonna need one after I beat you!
Jay Garrick: This old-timer could teach you some things. Kyo Kusanagi: Maybe how not to get barbecued by me. Jay Garrick: Now that’s just cynical.
Jay Garrick: Think it’s time to rethink your life choices. Kyo Kusanagi: This saying from a guy who wears a bucket for a hat? Jay Garrick: Apparently you missed the wings on my helmet.
Kyo Kusanagi: Nothing personal, kitty cat. Catwoman: Should I be creeped out or flattered? Kyo Kusanagi: Does it really make a difference?
Kyo Kusanagi: I heard cats are afraid of fire. Catwoman: Oh please, that’s proven false. Kyo Kusanagi: I’m willing to make that true, Selina.
Catwoman: Keep your flames to yourself. Kyo Kusanagi: Why? Afraid I might burn you? Catwoman: Go ahead and try it. I dare you.
Catwoman: Mmmmm, you’re such a cutie. Kyo Kusanagi: Thanks, but I’m taken. Catwoman: Didn’t say I wanted a date.
Kyo Kusanagi: Superman must be really proud of you… Cyborg: Because I know we did the right thing. Kyo Kusanagi: Killing innocents is not justice!
Kyo Kusanagi: Following Superman is a mistake, Cyborg. Cyborg: More like he showed us the light. Kyo Kusanagi: Yikes, just how stupid are you?
Cyborg: The New Regime’s got a place for you. Kyo Kusanagi: You and the Regime can go piss off! Cyborg: That was your last chance!
Cyborg: The Regime won’t take no for an answer. Kyo Kusanagi: Sorry, I don’t listen to punkass tin cans. Cyborg: That was disrespectful, kid!
Grid (Premier Skins)
Kyo Kusanagi: What the hell’s your problem? Grid: You are a threat to my future development. Kyo Kusanagi: Get ready to walk away disappointed.
Kyo Kusanagi: What’s so special about you? Grid: In destroying you, perhaps I will gain emotion. Kyo Kusanagi: Try it and you leave in a body cast.
Grid: I can predict your every move. Kyo Kusanagi: Promise me, you won’t see these flames coming. Grid: Either way, your existence ends here.
Grid: Analysts suggests you will not survive. Kyo Kusanagi: Sorry, I don’t listen to punkass tin cans. Grid: Than your life serves no further purpose.
Bizarro (Premier Skins)
Kyo Kusanagi: What’s so special about you? Bizarro: Me fight for lies, injustice, a-merry-can way! Kyo Kusanagi: That’s not how it goes, idiot.
Kyo Kusanagi: I wanna see what you’re worth. Bizarro: Bizarro am worst fighter. Kyo Kusanagi: Way to spoil your own loss, moron.
Bizarro: Bizarro fly. You fly? Kyo Kusanagi: Seriously? You really need help. Bizarro: You help Bizarro? Bizarro help you.
Bizarro: Me am Bizarro. Here to destroy. Kyo Kusanagi: You realize this isn’t the stone age, right? Bizarro: Bizarro not like big words.
Red Hood
Kyo Kusanagi: I better be dreaming here. Red Hood: If I hit you, will you wake up? Kyo Kusanagi: I’ll wake up when I want to, red sock.
Kyo Kusanagi: Ever witnessed the Kusanagi flame? Red Hood: No, but that what makes this interesting! Kyo Kusanagi: Ohh, now it’s on.
Red Hood: Ready to duel with the devil? Kyo Kusanagi: Believe me, you won’t see my flames coming. Red Hood: Why do you think I’m here?
Red Hood: Call me the Red Hood. Kyo Kusanagi: Kyo Kusanagi, professional ass-kicker. Red Hood: We gonna be friends now?
Kyo Kusanagi: I guess I shouldn’t need to ask. Starfire: Is it about the outfit, Kusanagi? Kyo Kusanagi: Well… mostly that.
Kyo Kusanagi: I wanna see what you’re worth. Starfire: You face a princess of Tameran. Kyo Kusanagi: Ohh, now it’s on.
Starfire: You remind me so much of Grayson. Kyo Kusanagi: What’s the difference between me and him? Starfire: It is in the way you fight.
Starfire: Ever had a really bad sunburn? Kyo Kusanagi: I don’t burn that easily, Starfire. Starfire: I guess today’s your lucky day!
Kyo Kusanagi: Please tell me you don’t have ice powers too. Sub-Zero: Is it 100% true, Mr. Kusanagi. Kyo Kusanagi: And to think Kula had problems.
Kyo Kusanagi: What’s so special about you? Sub-Zero: This realm must prepare for kombat. Kyo Kusanagi: Ohhhh, now it’s on.
Sub-Zero: Are you enemy or ally? Kyo Kusanagi: Does it really matter? Sub-Zero: Perhaps kombat will prove your intent.
Sub-Zero: You remind me of Liu Kang. Kyo Kusanagi: Don’t know who that is, but thanks. Sub-Zero: Yet do you possess the flames like he does?
Swamp Thing
Kyo Kusanagi: Why aren’t you fighting the Regime? Swamp Thing: I have changed my mind. Kyo Kusanagi: You’ll wish you hadn’t done that, Swamp Thing.
Kyo Kusanagi: Why hate on fire? Swamp Thing: It is of no use to me. Kyo Kusanagi: Only became you haven’t gotten close to it.
Swamp Thing: Fire is no friend of mine. Kyo Kusanagi: Than stay out of the woods if that bothers you. Swamp Thing: The green shall humble you.
Swamp Thing: Are you friend or foe? Kyo Kusanagi: I didn’t follow that, tree trunk. Swamp Thing: Definitely foe.
Green Lantern
Kyo Kusanagi: Heh, nice glow-in-the-dark basket. Green Lantern: It’s a lantern, not a basket. Kyo Kusanagi: Does it really make a difference?
Kyo Kusanagi: Why did you join the Regime? Green Lantern: We’ve all made mistakes. Kyo Kusanagi: You just made this one.
Green Lantern: You got a problem? Kyo Kusanagi: Ever withstand the Kusanagi flame? Green Lantern: Not while I’m wearing this ring.
Green Lantern: I fly. You don’t. I win. Kyo Kusanagi: Says the guy wearing an old mood ring. Green Lantern: Let the record show you asked for it.
John Stewart (Premier Skins)
Kyo Kusanagi: You definitely make a good nightlight. John Stewart: I didn’t expect that compliment. Kyo Kusanagi: I was just insulting you, man.
Kyo Kusanagi: Nice glow-in-the-dark basket. John Stewart: I’ve seen that Hal Jordan’s been fighting you. Kyo Kusanagi: Go to Home Ecs, pal.
John Stewart: You got quite a big mouth for a guy your age. Kyo Kusanagi: Says the guy wearing a mood ring. John Stewart: That’s gonna be a problem.
John Stewart: I’ve seen a lot of things, but nothing like you. Kyo Kusanagi: It’s a 2,000 year old power. John Stewart: I don’t like the sound of that.
Kyo Kusanagi: I know someone who draws lightning like that. Raiden: And you draw hellfire like a revenant. Kyo Kusanagi: Except I do it better.
Kyo Kusanagi: I can tell we’re not from this dimension. Raiden: Yet we find outselves here in kombat. Kyo Kusanagi: That I can’t argue with.
Raiden: As a kombatant, you have untapped potential. Kyo Kusanagi: Believe me, I bring a lot more than that. Raiden: I bring the elder gods judgment.
Raiden: I have the power of elder gods. Kyo Kusanagi: I’d talk less and fight more. Raiden: Then you will be a formidable kombatant.
Black Lightning:
Kyo Kusanagi: Don’t cry when I burn ya. Black Lightning: Black Lightning’s not one to back down. Kyo Kusanagi: Now this just got interesting.
Kyo Kusanagi: Is there anything I should know? Black Lightning: Ever been struck by lightning? Kyo Kusanagi: Accidentally by Benimaru? Yeah.
Black Lightning: Think your powers match up to mine? Kyo Kusanagi: Not compared to my flames, they don’t. Black Lightning: That’s what’s called an alternative fact.
Black Lightning: Ready to get schooled? Kyo Kusanagi: Ugh, I swear, you sound just like Kim. Black Lightning: Gotta think about your future, kid.
Kyo Kusanagi: Um, you gonna put your hair out? Firestorm: Just shut up and fight! Kyo Kusanagi: Don’t you dare tell me to shut up.
Kyo Kusanagi: Let me guess, “Prepare to get burned”? Firestorm: How do you know I was gonna say that? Kyo Kusanagi: Iori says the same thing to me.
Firestorm: Let’s turn up the heat! Kyo Kusanagi: And you’re telling me this why? Firestorm: I’ll toast you like a marshmallow.
Firestorm: Welcome to the bonfire. Kyo Kusanagi: No wonder they call you a hothead. Firestorm: That’s a compliment, right?
Harley Quinn
Kyo Kusanagi: Didn’t you use to be with this Joker guy? Harley Quinn: I’m a league of my own. Kyo Kusanagi: Either choose a side and stay there, okay?
Kyo Kusanagi: I heard you’ve changed. Harley Quinn: Try to make more sense. 'Kay, hun? Kyo Kusanagi: I find that hard to believe.
Harley Quinn: Awww, aren’t you cute? Kyo Kusanagi: Thanks, but I’m taken. Harley Quinn: Have you no heart?
Harley Quinn: Can you make me a pony? Kyo Kusanagi: Do I look like some sort of magician to you?! Harley Quinn: Ha! Liar liar pants on fire!
Kyo Kusanagi: What the hell’s your problem? Aquaman: You’re still not welcome in Atlantis. Kyo Kusanagi: Good, your place sucks anyway.
Kyo Kusanagi: Is there anything I should know? Aquaman: You will stay out of my seas! Kyo Kusanagi: That explains that foul fish stench you have.
Aquaman: You can’t drag me into your fight! Kyo Kusanagi: How about I drag you with that fork of yours? Aquaman: You are not welcome here.
Aquaman: We have no quarrel. Kyo Kusanagi: Apparently, Atlanteans have no manhood either. Aquaman: I’ll take that as a threat!
Black Canary
Kyo Kusanagi: Ready to feel the burn? Black Canary: I sure as hell am ready. Kyo Kusanagi: Well, prove me wrong, then.
Kyo Kusanagi: I heard you sing very well. Black Canary: Wait till you hear me close up. Kyo Kusanagi: You won’t even get the chance.
Black Canary: It’s a look, I’ll give you that. Kyo Kusanagi: It’s a 2,000 year old power. Look it up. Black Canary: A challenge this gal can’t resist.
Black Canary: Only way out here is through me. Kyo Kusanagi: Promise me, you won’t see my flames coming. Black Canary: Then get ready for me to kick some ass.
Kyo Kusanagi: Ever witnessed the Kusanagi flame? Batman: What part of Dark Knight don’t you get? Kyo Kusanagi: I bet that’s a no, huh?
Kyo Kusanagi: Ready to feel the burn? Batman: You need a new catchphrase. Kyo Kusanagi: Sorry, that’s all I got.
Batman: It’s time to school you, Kusanagi. Kyo Kusanagi: School’s not really my thing, Batman. Batman: You’ll fail if I don’t teach you.
Batman: I’ll give you something to fear. Kyo Kusanagi: I don’t fear or scare easily, Batman. Batman: Prove it to me.
Kyo Kusanagi: If I can beat Orochi, I can beat you. Darkseid: If it is battle you want, then you shall have it. Kyo Kusanagi: That’s what Orochi said before I owned his ass.
Kyo Kusanagi: Oh look, it’s a second-rate Rugal. Darkseid: You are challenging a god, fool. Kyo Kusanagi: Strange, I’ve actually beaten one before.
Darkseid: Time to break you for Granny Goodness. Kyo Kusanagi: You actually take advice from an old fart? Darkseid: This is no way to please your master.
Darkseid: Need a reminder of my power, cretin? Kyo Kusanagi: Believe me, you won’t see my flames coming. Darkseid: Challenge accepted.
Kyo Kusanagi: There’s no justifying what you’ve done! Superman: Justice requires order! Kyo Kusanagi: Killing innocents is not justice!
Kyo Kusanagi: We don’t want your kind here anymore! Superman: They’re begging me to come back! Kyo Kusanagi: News flash, nobody wants you at all!
Superman: I took one life to save millions. Kyo Kusanagi: You took way too many to save yourself. Superman: Is that so?
Superman: This world needs me. Kyo Kusanagi: You and the Regime can go piss off! Superman: Get off my Earth!
Wonder Woman
Kyo Kusanagi: No, I’ll never learn to see it your way. Wonder Woman: Which is why I’ll restore the Regime! Kyo Kusanagi: Try it and you leave in a bodycast!
Kyo Kusanagi: We don’t want your kind here anymore! Wonder Woman: The Regime will rise again! Kyo Kusanagi: Geez, just how stupid are you?
Wonder Woman: The high-school dropout. Kyo Kusanagi: Versus Superman’s bitch! Wonder Woman: This insult will not stand!
Wonder Woman: The Regime made this world safe. Kyo Kusanagi: You and the Regime can go piss off! Wonder Woman: You’ll suffer Hera’s wrath for that!
The Joker
Kyo Kusanagi: Your face makes me cringe. The Joker: But my smile brightens any room! Kyo Kusanagi: Time to shut you off!
Kyo Kusanagi: You’re the reason for all this mess! The Joker: And for pete’s sake, get me a doctor. Kyo Kusanagi: How about a morgue instead?
The Joker: Wanna hear a joke? Kyo Kusanagi: Wanna get a broken neck? The Joker: Ugh, there’s no use talking to some people!
The Joker: Now that look makes a statement. Kyo Kusanagi: And you’re telling me this why? The Joker: I’ll tell sad stories about the deaths of kings!
Black Adam
Kyo Kusanagi: I know someone else who possesses lightning. Black Adam: You will die screaming. Kyo Kusanagi: That’s what Orochi said before I owned his ass.
Kyo Kusanagi: I’ve fought against freaks like you. Black Adam: You’re no match for a god! Kyo Kusanagi: Strange. I’ve actually beaten one before.
Black Adam: How will you fare, mere mortal? Kyo Kusanagi: You’ve should’ve asked Iori when I beat him. Black Adam: Mehen admires your courage.
Black Adam: You expect to best a god? Kyo Kusanagi: The rest of your people don’t think so to you. Black Adam: Time to dethrone you.
Kyo Kusanagi: How in the hell did you do that? Atom: Easy, my quantum biobelt allows me to shrink. Kyo Kusanagi: You’re gonna need one after I beat ya.
Kyo Kusanagi: Shame I forgot some golf cleats. Atom: Everyone underestimates the little guy. Kyo Kusanagi: Well, prove me wrong, then.
Atom: Have I wandered onto a movie set? Kyo Kusanagi: Does this look like a movie to you? Atom: If it is, then meet the star of the show!
Atom: I can take you on a fantastic voyage. Kyo Kusanagi: Dude, this ain’t the 90’s. This is now. Atom: You people are just totally O.P.
Kyo Kusanagi: Oh look, a human hemorroid. Atrocitus: You dare insult me, human? Kyo Kusanagi: It’s not my fault you look like one.
Kyo Kusanagi: What’s got your panties in a bunch? Atrocitus: I look for someone with rage! Kyo Kusanagi: Talk to Iori, not me.
Atrocitus: My blood burns with anger! Kyo Kusanagi: I’ll be willing to make that happen for you. Atrocitus: Do it and die!
Atrocitus: You have forseen your death? Kyo Kusanagi: Yeah, your bad breath’s the cause of it. Atrocitus: If that’s what this is.
Captain Cold
Kyo Kusanagi: You part of K’s gang? Captain Cold: Geez, how new are you, kid? Kyo Kusanagi: And I thought Kula had problems.
Kyo Kusanagi: You’re gonna beat me with a water gun? Captain Cold: This gun can stop the Flash. Kyo Kusanagi: You won’t even get the chance.
Captain Cold: Your daddy let you out of the house? Kyo Kusanagi: Wow, get cocky much? Captain Cold: Most kids only have one dad to disappoint.
Captain Cold: I don’t wanna fight you kid. Kyo Kusanagi: Trust me, I didn’t want this either. Captain Cold: Uh-uh, you don’t get off that easy.
Mr Freeze (Premier Skins)
Kyo Kusanagi: Move out of the way, Frosty. Mr. Freeze: You dare mock my suffering? Kyo Kusanagi: And I thought Kula had problems…
Kyo Kusanagi: What’s got your panties in a bunch? Mr. Freeze: What I do, I’ll do for Nora. Kyo Kusanagi: Then look somewhere else, cueball.
Mr. Freeze: My research will save my beloved. Kyo Kusanagi: Ain’t nothing I can do about it. Mr. Freeze: You’ll make a fine test subject.
Mr. Freeze: You are a rare specimen. Kyo Kusanagi: I see you’re trying to play kissass, huh? Mr. Freeze: Then you are no use to me.
Black Manta
Kyo Kusanagi: Why wear a football for a head? Black Manta: It’s a helmet, you idiot. Kyo Kusanagi: Let’s poke a hole in you and find out.
Kyo Kusanagi: Is there anything I should know? Black Manta: My heat rays will burn you to cinders. Kyo Kusanagi: You won’t even get the chance.
Black Manta: I’ll gut you like a fish. Kyo Kusanagi: Come any closer and I’ll burn you where you stand! Black Manta: Last mistake you’ll ever make!
Black Manta: You’ll be the first to die today. Kyo Kusanagi: You’re more than welcome to try, footballhead. Black Manta: You just made this quick and painless.
Kyo Kusanagi: I’ve fought against freaks like you. Enchantress: You definitely won’t like this one, Mr. Kusanagi. Kyo Kusanagi: Who said I ever wanted to?
Kyo Kusanagi: I didn’t know Dark Ash had a sister. Enchantress: I do not know who this Dark Ash is. Kyo Kusanagi: Maybe I’ll re-enact me kicking his ass on you.
June Moone: Please. Get her off of me, Mr. Kusanagi. Kyo Kusanagi: I’ll do whatever I can to help. Enchantress: Okay, hero. Let’s play 'save the world’.
June Moone: She can smell death on you. Kyo Kusanagi: I get crap like this from Iori all the time. Enchantress: In my experience, men are easy.
Gorilla Grodd
Kyo Kusanagi: That’s one big belly you got, ape. Gorilla Grodd: I am a king, imbecile! Kyo Kusanagi: Geez, at least take a joke…
Kyo Kusanagi: Shouldn’t you be kidnapping a princess? Gorilla Grodd: I hope you brought a lot more than insults. Kyo Kusanagi: A hammer if that’s the case.
Gorilla Grodd: You are no king of fighters. Kyo Kusanagi: And you’re just a brainless ape. Gorilla Grodd: If you’re not with me, you’re dead.
Gorilla Grodd: I will extinguish your flames. Kyo Kusanagi: Shouldn’t you be in a zoo somewhere? Gorilla Grodd: You won’t think that in a second.
Robin (Damian Wayne)
Kyo Kusanagi: You used to be Batman’s sidekick, right? Robin: Never call me that! Kyo Kusanagi: How about a 'hospital patient’ instead?
Kyo Kusanagi: You made a mistake backstabbing your dad. Robin: I hated every second in his shadow! Kyo Kusanagi: You’re going back there one way or another.
Robin: You could’ve been part of the solution. Kyo Kusanagi: You and the Regime can go piss off! Robin: You’re headed for the cemetery!
Robin: Seriously, who are you? Kyo Kusanagi: A guy who doesn’t kill family unlike you. Robin: It was an accident!
Kyo Kusanagi: Such an annoying cat you are. Cheetah: I’ll make quick work of this hunt. Kyo Kusanagi: Try it and you leave in a bodycast!
Kyo Kusanagi: Meow-meow-meow-meow-meow! Cheetah: You won’t joke once I have your tongue. Kyo Kusanagi: That’s cat talk for 'I’m gonna kick your ass’!
Cheetah: I am the Apex Predator. Kyo Kusanagi: Come any closer and I’ll burn you where you stand! Cheetah: Now you’re getting it.
Cheetah: My hunt with you ends here. Kyo Kusanagi: You’re messing with the Kusanagi clan, Cheetah. Cheetah: Which puts the odds in my favor.
Vixen (Premier Skins)
Kyo Kusanagi: What’s so special about you? Vixen: My blood is sworn to defend the web of life. Kyo Kusanagi: Let’s make sure you don’t lose some.
Kyo Kusanagi: What’s so special about you? Vixen: You’re fighting the entire animal kingdom. Kyo Kusanagi: I kinda doubt that, miss.
Vixen: You really think this is gonna be easy? Kyo Kusanagi: Care to dance with the flame, Vixen? Vixen: I prefer to keep my eyebrows intact.
Vixen: You’ve got to be the cockiest hero I’ve ever met. Kyo Kusanagi: I’m only cocky if I can back it up. Vixen: Should make one hell of a fight.
Kyo Kusanagi: You’re really not THAT scary. Scarecrow: What makes you think so? Kyo Kusanagi: I don’t get scared easily by potato sacks.
Kyo Kusanagi: What’s with the sack, potato head? Scarecrow: I am Scarecrow! Kyo Kusanagi: Does it really make a difference?
Scarecrow: Do you know somebody named Yuki? Kyo Kusanagi: Touch her and I burn you alive, freak! Scarecrow: You can certainly TRY!
Scarecrow: What keeps you up at night? Kyo Kusanagi: Your ugly looking face, that’s what. Scarecrow: How would you know?
Kyo Kusanagi: Don’t you ever get tired of guns? Deadshot: That’s what my shrink says. Kyo Kusanagi: You’re gonna need one after I beat ya.
Kyo Kusanagi: The name’s Deadass, right? Deadshot: Watch how you talk to me! Kyo Kusanagi: Like I give a single crap what you think.
Deadshot: Any last words? Kyo Kusanagi: Why? You gonna sing me a song? Deadshot: I’m not taking requests.
Deadshot: Don’t take this personal. Kyo Kusanagi: Let me guess, Grodd put a bounty on me? Deadshot: Wow, you’re smarter than I thought.
Kyo Kusanagi: Dónde está tu papá, loser? Bane: Do not butcher my language. Kyo Kusanagi: Not my fault you can’t take a joke.
Kyo Kusanagi: Tizoc, you got much fatter than last time. Bane: Enough of these words! Kyo Kusanagi: Not my fault you can’t take a joke.
Bane: If only your father were here. Kyo Kusanagi: If he was, he’d burn you apart. Bane: Not once I’ve killed you.
Bane: Do not trifle with me. Kyo Kusanagi: Is that really supposed to scare me? Bane: Some more than others.
Poison Ivy
Kyo Kusanagi: I sure could use a salad about now. Poison Ivy: Don’t you dare hurt my babies! Kyo Kusanagi: It’s either that or I hurt you!
Kyo Kusanagi: Sorry miss, I’m taken. Poison Ivy: Thought we’d get to know each other. Kyo Kusanagi: How well do you know a breathing tube?
Poison Ivy: Care to give me a kiss? Kyo Kusanagi: I got something else you can kiss, Ivy. Poison Ivy: You’re no fun at all.
Poison Ivy: This world’s better off without people. Kyo Kusanagi: Well, you’re one too, aren’t you? Poison Ivy: All humans are the enemy.
Kyo Kusanagi: We don’t want your kind here anymore. Brainiac: Your whole earth will be mine. Kyo Kusanagi: You’re walking away empty-handed, pal.
Kyo Kusanagi: I fought against freaks like you. Brainiac: You make a fine addition to my collection. Kyo Kusanagi: Try it and you leave in a body cast!
Brainiac: Quite interesting specimen. Kyo Kusanagi: It’s a 2,000 year old power. Look it up. Brainiac: I will do just that.
Brainiac: I’ll use you to study those flames. Kyo Kusanagi: I ain’t going anywhere with you. Brainiac: It will increase your intelligence.
Kyo Kusanagi: Some freaky-looking fist you got. Hellboy: Preach to the choir, friend. Kyo Kusanagi: That wasn’t a compliment, Hellboy.
Kyo Kusanagi: You ready for the Kusanagi flame? Hellboy: Whatever you got, I’ve seen worse. Kyo Kusanagi: It’s way hotter than you’ll imagine.
Hellboy: Your hand’s on fire, you know. Kyo Kusanagi: Duh, moron. I possess fire. Hellboy: Play ball, dumbass.
Hellboy: This is so goddamn pointless. Kyo Kusanagi: I get crap from Iori like this all the time. Hellboy: In that case, let’s do this.
Kyo Kusanagi: So…you’re a ninja turtle? Leonardo: Yeah, and I’m the leader of the team as well. Kyo Kusanagi: Now this just got interesting.
Kyo Kusanagi: Ready to feel the burn? Leonardo: I’m feeling a bite of pizza after I win. Kyo Kusanagi: Get ready to walk away disappointed.
Leonardo: Nice looking flames you got there. Kyo Kusanagi: It’s a 2,000 year old power. Look it up. Leonardo: Don’t need books to study, Mr. Kusanagi.
Leonardo: So you must be Kyo Kusanagi. Kyo Kusanagi: You looking for some kind of autograph? Leonardo: Yep, for your bodycast of course.
Kyo Kusanagi: So… you’re a ninja turtle? Raphael: I’m one of a kind, Kyo Kusanagi. Kyo Kusanagi: Let my flames change your mind.
Kyo Kusanagi: You’re gonna beat me up with kitchen utensils? Raphael: They’re supposed to be Sais, you know. Kyo Kusanagi: Does it really make a difference.
Raphael: Finally, a five-star fight. Kyo Kusanagi: Scared I’ll turn ya into turtle soup? Raphael: I’m a New Yorker. I can take it..
Raphael: Turtle style beats your style. Kyo Kusanagi: Wow, get cocky much? Raphael: Only if ya back it up.
Kyo Kusanagi: So… you’re a ninja turtle? Donatello: You sure as heck know it. Kyo Kusanagi: Like I haven’t seen much.
Kyo Kusanagi: You seriously think you’re gonna win this? Donatello: Dude, I won’t even need gadgets. Kyo Kusanagi: You’re probably gonna wish you had, Donatello.
Donatello: Not liking my odds on this one. Kyo Kusanagi: Scared I’ll turn ya into turtle soup? Donatello: Fine, let’s make this quick.
Donatello: I got a theory as to why you fight. Kyo Kusanagi: I’d talk less and fight more. Donatello: And that right there just proved it.
Kyo Kusanagi: Shouldn’t bring your skateboard to a fight. Michelangelo: You got a problem with skateboarders? Kyo Kusanagi: I might need something to start a campfire.
Kyo Kusanagi: So… you’re a ninja turtle? Michelangelo: I’m also a gamer and professional pizza-eater. Kyo Kusanagi: Oh, it’s on now.
Michelangelo: Let’s skip this. I’m starving. Kyo Kusanagi: Scared I’ll turn you to turtle soup. Michelangelo: Only if you got cheat codes.
Michelangelo: Somebody’s about to be roasted. Kyo Kusanagi: I’d probably should’ve asked you that first. Michelangelo: Looks like I beat ya to the punch.
Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters Fighter Pack DLC)
Kyo Kusanagi: Kusanagi flames are way better. Mai Shiranui: Shiranui flames are way superior! Kyo Kusanagi: Ohh, it’s on now.
Kyo Kusanagi: Guess we ended up in the same world. Mai Shiranui: Had to get away from a grouchy Wonder Woman. Kyo Kusanagi: Same thing from a pissed off Superman.
Mai Shiranui: How’s it feel to be number 2 in Japan? Kyo Kusanagi: Won’t feel bad when I’m number 1. Mai Shiranui: And you’re looking at her!
Mai Shiranui: How’s your flames holding up? Kyo Kusanagi: You don’t wanna find out the hard way. Mai Shiranui: Okay, now I gotta know.
Kyo Kusanagi (King of Fighters Fighter Pack DLC)
Kyo Kusanagi (1): Just what I needed, another clone. Kyo Kusanagi (2): Only I’m the real deal. Kyo Kusanagi (1): I’ll burn you just to find out.
Kyo Kusanagi (1): Dressing up as me again, Shingo? Kyo Kusanagi (2): What are you talking about? I’m you! Kyo Kusanagi (1): Ohh, it’s on now.
Kyo Kusanagi (1): This better be a joke. Kyo Kusanagi (2): If it is, I sure ain’t laughing. Kyo Kusanagi (1): I’ll burn you just to find out.
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Killer Croc Injustice 2 Intros
Croc may never be a fighter in Injustice 2, but I love him and I came up with lines for him.
Atrocitus: “Give into your rage.” Killer Croc: “Who says I haven’t already?” Atrocitus: “Your self-loathing.”
Killer Croc: “You… you broke my arms.” Bane: “Yet you return, stronger than ever.” Killer Croc: “You made it worse!”
Killer Croc: “What do you want?” Batman: “You need help, Waylon.” Killer Croc: “I’m not going back into a cage!” Black Adam: “Sobek.” Killer Croc: “I’m not who you think. Now push off.” Black Adam: “You’ll make a fine pair of boots.” Killer Croc: “Out of the way, little girl.” Black Canary: “This little girl’s going to knock you flat.” Killer Croc: “You can’t scream if you’re drowning.” Brainiac: “Your condition will be fascinating to study.” Killer Croc: “I won’t be someone’s guinea pig!” Brainiac: “Your compliance is not necessary.” Captain Cold: “And I thought I was cold-blooded.” Killer Croc: “I am still a man!” Captain Cold: “Will this gun make you sleepy, lizard boy?” Killer Croc: “You afraid?” Cheetah: “Why would I possibly fear you?” Killer Croc: “Crocs can snap cheetahs like a twig.” Deadshot: “Just like old times.” Killer Croc: “I don’t remember you pointing a gun at me.” Deadshot: “The sentiment was there.”
Deadshot: “Like hunting big game.” Killer Croc: “I’m not an animal!” Deadshot: “All those mangled corpses say otherwise.”
Deadshot: “I got a bullet with your name on it.” Killer Croc: “Ain’t you heard? Crocodiles got tough skin.” Deadshot: “Nothing a high caliber round can’t deal with it.” Killer Croc: “Your magic can fix me!” Doctor Fate: “It is not your fate.” Killer Croc: “Screw fate!” Flash: “Think you’re fast enough to catch me?” Killer Croc: “Speed doesn’t matter. It’s a matter of waiting.” Flash: “I got a faster reaction time than a gazelle.” Gorilla Grodd: “Embrace your animal instincts, Croc.” Killer Croc: “I’m still a man!” Gorilla Grodd: “And all the lesser for it.” Green Arrow: “At last, the knight meets the dragon!” Killer Croc: “I’m not a monster!” Green Arrow: “Hey, dragons are cool.”
Killer Croc: “Your arrows ain’t gonna do much good.” Green Arrow: “Haven’t you read The Hobbit?” Killer Croc: “Never got the chance to read for fun, rich boy.”
Killer Croc: “I can smell the money on you.” Green Arrow: “Thanks, I’ve been trying out a new body wash.” Killer Croc: “It’s your grating ego, moron.” Killer Croc: “You work for Batman now?” Harley Quinn: “Yup! Says I’m all rehabilitated!” Killer Croc: “They may smile now, but they’ll always be afraid.”
Harley Quinn: “Heya, K.C.” Killer Croc: “What do you want, shorty?” Harley Quinn: “Bats figured I’d calm you down. Let’s get to it!”
Harley Quinn: “I thought we were friends!” Killer Croc: “Just because I didn’t kill you then?” Harley Quinn: “I thought my girlish charm won you over!”
Harley Quinn: “Are you going to eat me?” Killer Croc: “Hell no, I don’t want your crazy.” Harley Quinn: “Says the guy who lives in a sewer!” Joker: “Tick tock, feed the croc.” Killer Croc: “You volunteering?” Joker: “I was thinking of feeding you your own fingers.”
Joker: “I love these Arkham reunions.” Killer Croc: “There aren’t any guards to save you this time.” Joker: “I’m not the one who’ll need saving, Croc ol’ boy. Robin: "I can’t believe Father let you live.” Killer Croc: “Got a problem, little bird?” Robin: “I’m here to put you down.” Scarecrow: “You fear losing yourself to the animal.” Killer Croc: “It can’t get any worse.” Scarecrow: “Things can always get worse!” Swamp Thing: “You do not belong here.” Killer Croc: “Does it matter? I’m free.” Swamp Thing: “I sense you carry your prison with you.”
Swamp Thing: “You are animal, and yet… man.” Killer Croc: “Let me come back with you to the swamp.” Swamp Thing: “The Red does not fall under my purview.” Vixen: “So you wrestled alligators?” Killer Croc: “Yeah. What about it?” Vixen: “Let’s see if you still got it.”
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my apologies for the delays.
Rest assured I’m still working on portfolios, but alot of things have been going on that have been distracting me lately. However, I noticed quite a few people on Tumblr have been making Injustice 2 posts similar to the ones I’ve been writing here. So to make up for my tardiness, I’ll be rebloging those posts for your reading pleasure. note I’ll only be rebloging what posts I can with the writer’s permission.
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Injustice 2 The Coon’s portfolio part 1: Battle Intros
The Coon (aka Eric Cartman)
“Prepared to get Cooned!”
While the most sensible people of South Park would see entering the Injustice Universe as certain death, 4th grader Eric Cartman saw immense opportunity. Driven by his own twisted (and selfish) ideas of how to make both worlds better, and emboldened by the possibly of taking Brainiac’s technology for himself, Cartman takes up his alter-ego of The Coon once again to tackle what may be his greatest challenge yet.
1st and 3rd Line Animation: The Coon simply falls downward and makes a three-point landing onto the stage as he says the first line. He says the third line while getting into fighting stance.
2nd Line Animation: The Coon enters the stage riding his Coon-Cycle (a Coon-themed tricycle for those unaware). The Coon stops his Coon Cycle by making a sharp turn while hitting the brakes. He says the second line while climbing out of the Coon-Cycle.
Vs. Aquaman
The Coon: Wow! It’s King Semen!
Aquaman: Do not mock me with formality!
The Coon: Ey! I workshopped a dozen of those!
Aquaman: Atlantis is off-limits!
The Coon: There’s nowhere The Coon can’t go!
Aquaman: You’ve been warned!
 Vs. Batman
Batman: Come quietly, you won’t get hurt.
The Coon: I’ve outwitted Mysterion before, I can outwit you, Bat-Bitch!
Batman: Let me enlighten you.
The Coon: You’ll either be dead or crapping your pants when I’m done.
Batman: Is that supposed to scare me?
The Coon: Fine, I can technically make you do both.
 Vs. Atrocitus
Atrocitus: You’ve enraged Earth’s people.
The Coon: Wow, already? And I just got here.
Atrocitus: Your victims must be avenged!
Atrocitus: Your rage and selfishness has plagued two worlds, Cartman!
The Coon: Oooooh! That mean you got a Red Ring for me?
Atrocitus: You’re too treacherous for a Red Ring!
The Coon: So what the hell do you want?
Atrocitus: You have escaped punishment too long!
The Coon: I can promise it’ll be much longer.
Vs. Bane
Bane: I hear this ‘New Kid’ became formidable with your training.
The Coon: (suspicious) awfully specific to bring that shit up, why?
Bane: If you lose, I’ll see if they fare better.
The Coon: Do you ride a tiny bicicleta, Bane?
The Bane: Do not butcher my language!
The Coon: “Ey! I workshopped a dozen of those!” or “Ha! you’ll wish that was all I was doing.”
Vs. Black Adam
Black Adam: Relinquish your apprentice to me, Eric Cartman!
The Coon: Huh, suddenly I’m glad I didn’t bring Butthole with me.
Black Adam: Dovahkiin will learn better wisdom from my lead.
The Coon: Seems God missed a firstborn during his plagues.
Black Adam: I’m the only god that should worry you, boy!
The Coon: Ha! The same ‘god’ that lost to Green Arrow?
Black Adam: You expect to best a god?
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage. 
Black Adam: Amon’s strength will crush your pride.
Vs. Black Canary
The Coon: I saw you on CW once.
Black Canary: Want me to sing for you?
The Coon: (scoffs) Good one, god knows I sing better than you.
Black Canary: I hear the New Kid doesn’t trust you anymore.
The Coon: (Sighs) way to open some old wounds, (mutters) stupid bitch.
Black Canary: Shame a good taste in students is all you got.
Vs. Blue Beetle
The Coon: Nice armor, think I’ll take it!
Blue Beetle: Can’t, it’s fused to my spine.
The Coon: I’m sure I’ll figure something out.
Blue Beetle: We’ve been keeping a cell warm for you.
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Blue Beetle: You got denial bad, bro!
Vs. Brainiac
The Coon: Hi there, I’m the Coon and I’m here to take your ship.
Brainiac: An unlikely outcome of this encounter.
The Coon: You living is gonna be even less likely.
Brainiac: Why come to this universe?
The Coon: You got a treasure trove of tech, and I’m here to take it.
Brainiac: You overestimate your chances.
Brainiac: The nature of your universe is most curious.
The Coon: (suspicious) awfully specific to bring that shit up, why?
Brainiac: Know that South Park will be collected after your death.
Vs. Captain Cold
The Coon: Ya know, I’ve survived being frozen before.
Captain Cold: Then I’ll just punch you in the face.
The Coon: Assuming I don’t slash open your belly.
Captain Cold: The Rogues never liked you.
The Coon: Wow, already? And I just got here.
Captain Cold: Ever turned on a TV here, kid?
 Vs. Mr. Freeze
Mr. Freeze: You are unafraid of my gun.
The Coon: I always found your puns scarier than freezing to death.
Mr. Freeze: Best not to taunt me, child.
Mr. Freeze: Could Dr. Mephesto assist with my research?
The Coon: (scoffs) He’d be more interested in giving Nora more asses.
Mr. Freeze: Then I will make do freezing him and seizing his assets.
The Coon: Yeesh! Even South Park’s homeless don’t get that bad case of frostbite.
Mr. Freeze: You dare mock my suffering?!
The Coon: Ha! You’ll wish that was all I was doing.
Vs. Catwoman
The Coon: You do worse at flip-flopping than Butthole!
Catwoman: I like to keep my options open.
The Coon: “At least Butthole doesn’t make excuses.” Or “Just means you’ll run out of nine lives quicker.”
The Coon: Ya know, normally I like cats
Catwoman: Should I be creeped out, or flattered?
The Coon: Neither, won’t stop me from killing you.
Catwoman: I hear you like cats.
The Coon: Well, we can both agree cats are better than people.
Catwoman: Though raccoons are a cut below them both.
Vs. Cheetah
Cheetah: You honestly think your claws match mine, boy?
The Coon: I got other ways to skin you, just in case.
Cheetah: I need only my claws.
The Coon: Oh look, my new bath robe!
Cheetah: You won’t joke once I have your tongue.
The Coon: And you won’t be so cocky once I pull your tail off!
The Coon: You know, normally I like cats.
Cheetah: I can safely say you won’t like this one.
The Coon: Yeeeaahh, you may be right.
Cheetah: Garrison never taught you raccoons aren’t the best hunters?
The Coon: I’m guessing you don’t know the people I’ve hunted?
Cheetah: The Goddess knows, and she’s unimpressed.
Vs. Vixen
The Coon: So it’s the Coon versus…. what exactly?
Vixen: You’re fighting the entire animal kingdom.
The Coon: Then it’s time to put Coon on top of the food chain!
Vixen: I never understood what makes you tick.
The Coon: No father figure? Messed up social life? My own protégé left me? I can go on…
Vixen: None of that justifies the things you’ve done, Eric!
Vs. Cyborg
The Coon: So you’re mad at your dad for rebuilding ya?
Cyborg: It's 'cause of him I'm like this!
The Coon: you’re fuckin’ nuts! I’d kill for toys like yours!
Cyborg: I want nothing to do with you.
The Coon: (mockingly) Why? Jealous I still have my dick?
Cyborg: THAT was disrespectful, kid!
 Vs. Grid
The Coon: Shouldn’t you be somewhere inside Vic?
Grid: I will no longer be Victor Stone’s slave.
The Coon: ‘Kay then, maybe you’ll be mine instead.
Grid: Analysis suggests you will not survive.
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Grid: My calculations are never wrong
Vs. Deadshot
The Coon: So someone put a price on The Coon?
Deadshot: I’ll admit, my jaw dropped at seeing those digits.
The Coon: (laughs amusingly) Now I know this world’s scared of me….
Deadshot: Those comics ever tell you how many raccoons I’ve bagged?
The Coon: (slightly nervous) Something tells me I made a mistake…
Deadshot: One king-size coonskin cap coming right up….
Vs. Doctor Fate
The Coon: Sweet helmet, it’s mine now.
Doctor Fate: You would corrupt its power.
The Coon: With your Lords supporting Brainiac? How could I do worse?
Doctor Fate: You bring death and misery!
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Doctor Fate: Begone from this Earth!
Doctor Fate: The Lords know your fate.
The Coon: Like what? Your helmet on my head?
Doctor Fate: Your head will be all you’ll have left.
Vs. Firestorm
The Coon: I KNEW I forgot something when I came here.
Firestorm: The weeping angel on your shoulder?
The Coon: Nope, just marshmellows.
Firestorm: I’m almost tempted to turn you into paper.
The Coon: Wait, what?
Firestorm: you’ve always looked better flat.
 Vs. The Flash (Barry Allen)
The Coon: Would you believe I taught the New Kid how to be as fast as you?
The Flash: Yeah… I don’t think so.
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
The Flash: I came back to set things right.
The Coon: The Coon’s got this covered.
The Flash: “I said ‘set things right’ not make things worse” or “You make it so easy to hit you!”
Vs. Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick: The blind pursuit of power leads only to ruin.
The Coon: I wouldn’t call it a ‘blind persuit’.
Jay Garrick: If you’d let me, I could help you….
The Coon: Nice helmet, it’s mine now.
Jay Garrick: I think you’re getting ahead of yourself, Eric.
The Coon: Nah, I’m getting a new popcorn bowl.
Vs. Reverse-Flash
Reverse-Flash: If it isn't the freak of the week?
The Coon: (scoffs) Like you’re any better than me.
Reverse-Flash: (peeved over being mocked) I’ll enjoy bringing your corpse to your mom.
The Coon: (condescendingly) You’re looking a little pale, Thawne.
Reverse-Flash: You’re no legend, I should know….
The Coon: Maybe I’ll be one once I fillet you!
Vs. Gorilla Grodd
Gorilla Grodd: There's a place for you in the Society.
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Gorilla Grodd: Your fellow humans would disagree.
The Coon: Shouldn’t you be in a zoo?
Gorilla Grodd: Shouldn’t you be sitting on a couch fattening yourself?
The Coon: (grins) Well, suddenly I’m thinking your pelt would look sweet on my couch.
 Vs. Green Arrow
The Coon: I saw you on the CW once.
Green Arrow: Excuse me?
The Coon: Just know I’ll say hi to Felicity for you….after I cut you!
Green Arrow: You sure this is your smartest play?
The Coon: The Coon’s got this covered.
Green Arrow: It’s okay, stupidity should be painful.
 Vs. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
The Coon: So what the hell do you want?
Hal Jordon: I’m bringing you in, one way or another.
The Coon: The Coon’s gonna snuff out your light then!
Hal Jordan: Something funny?
The Coon: Two words; Ryan Reynolds.
Hal Jordan: Let the record show, you asked for it!
 Vs. Green Lantern (John Stewart)
The Coon: Shouldn’t you be making jokes about the Republican Party?
John Stewart: Wrong John Stewart, kid.
The Coon: Damn, that was the only joke I had on you…
John Stewart: Cool off before this gets out of hand.
The Coon: You’re looking at a new take on superheroes!
John Stewart: We don’t need your ‘help’ Cartman.
 Vs. Harley Quinn
The Coon: Well, if it isn’t the biggest insult to canon.
Harley Quinn: Try to make more sense, ‘kay, hun?
The Coon: Don’t worry, it won’t matter in a sec.
Harley Quinn: Batman says you’re coming with me!
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Harley Quinn: Patient is clearly delusional.
Vs. The Joker
The Coon: What the hell? I was told you were dead!
The Joker: You’re not from around here either.
The Coon: Just means I can get away with shredding you.
The Joker: We have more in common than you’d care to admit.
The Coon: (surprisingly agrees) except I don’t see gain in nuking a city… unless it’s full of hippies.
The Joker: (surprised) huh… touché I guess…
The Joker: Wow, Parent Chili… why haven’t I thought of that?
The Coon: Ya know, somehow your approval makes me sick.
The Joker: Oh don’t worry, I’m now pondering who to serve Coon-flavored meatloaf to….
 Vs. Poison Ivy
The Coon: Tell you what, give up and I won’t set any forests ablaze.
Poison Ivy: what makes you think you’d get that chance, little boy?
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
Poison Ivy: You’re too dangerous.
The Coon: (scoffs) Like you’re any better than me.
Poison Ivy: Young, dumb, and ready to die.
Vs. Robin
The Coon: Time I fight the king of sidekicks.
Robin: I don’t play sidekick or victim.
The Coon: “then you’ll be playing a corpse!” or “That attitude is why you’ll never be a good as yer daddy.”
The Coon: In a small way, you remind me of my student.
Robin: (scoffs) you have some wisdom to share?
The Coon: “(disgusted towards Damian) none that you deserve, ass-for-brains.” Or “You’re street-slime compared to Butthole.”
Robin: Should I kill you, or cripple you?
The Coon: Better question is; should I cut off your arms, or your legs with your own sword?
Robin: And people moan about my ego….
Vs. Scarecrow
The Coon: Ya know, I’ve a history of scaring people too.
Scarecrow: And yet your efforts are driven by your own fears.
The Coon: I hear the same can be said for you, Crane!
Scarecrow: So many curious fears The Coon has…..
The Coon: (slightly nervous) Something tells me I made a mistake…
Scarecrow: You’ll experience them all at once!
Vs. Supergirl
The Coon: The Coon’s here to claw at injustice!
Supergirl: This sure is a funny way to show it.
The Coon: I hear your cousin might disagree.
Supergirl: How can you hurt so many people?
The Coon: You’re looking at a new take on superheroes!
Supergirl: That’s not how it looks to me.
Vs. Power Girl
The Coon: Supergirl? How the hell did you grow that fast?
Power Girl: Nope, I'm Karen Starr of Earth-2.
The Coon: (groans) Now that’s not fair, at least not for me!
Power Girl: Time for me to do some pest control!
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Power Girl: There’s gonna be a juvie cell with your name it, kid.
Vs. Superman
The Coon: Well, if it isn’t the biggest insult to canon.
Superman: Who are you to judge me?
The Coon: Someone who’ll be taking your job from you.
The Coon: I have kryptonite ring claws as a Gear option.
Superman: Or maybe you’re bluffing?
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
Superman: Why are you on my earth?
The Coon: Why else? I’m here to seize Brainiac’s assets.
Superman: My fists have a better idea.
Superman: This won’t be a fair fight.
The Coon: I see health bars above us that say otherwise.
Superman: Forget I said anything….
Vs. Bizarro
The Coon: I was gonna claw your face, but looks like someone beat me to it.
Bizarro: Am you trying insult Bizarro?
The Coon: Ha! you’ll wish that was all I was doing.
Bizarro: Fluffy critter make good pillow.
The Coon:  (slightly nervous) Something tells me I made a mistake…
Bizarro: Ah! Me must stuff you first!
Vs. Swamp Thing
The Coon: So I’m fighting a hippie monster. Sweet!
Swamp Thing: Your mockery is wasted, child.
The Coon: Ha! You’ll wish that was all I was doing.
Swamp Thing: You have offended nature.
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Swamp Thing: The Green will humble you.
Vs. Wonder Woman
The Coon: Prepare to get Cooned.
Wonder Woman: You face a goddess of war.
The Coon: Time to put Coon on top of the food chain.
Wonder Woman: You’ll hurt people if I let you go.
The Coon: (scoffs) Like you’re any better than me.
Wonder Woman: “This insult will not stand!” or “A shame you will die so young.”
 Vs. Darkseid
The Coon: Prepare to get Cooned.
Darkseid: (dismissively) Let my parademons deal with this..
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
Darkseid: Even by Earth's standards, you are pathetic.
The Coon: Ha! You don’t know me that well, do you?
Darkseid: Your vanity will be your undoing.
The Coon: Prepare to get Cooned.
Darkseid: You are challenging a god, fool.
The Coon: Sweet! Dibs on Apokolips if I win!
Vs. Red Hood
The Coon: I thought you’d be in favor of me clawing at crime.
Red Hood: I know you only fight for yourself, fatso.
The Coon: Just for that, I’ll be sending you to Batman in a pitcher!
Red Hood: Now this is just bizarre!
The Coon: You’re looking at a new take on superheroes.
Red Hood: Maybe consider a new line of work.
Vs. Starfire
The Coon: So is there any chance I could join the Titans?
Starfire: I’m extending the offer to all the other Freedom Pals, but you’re not on the list, Coon.
The Coon: Just for that, I’ll be sending you to Batman in a pitcher!
Starfire: How can you justify what you've done?
The Coon: “You’re looking at a new take on superheroes.” Or “Why else? I’m here to seize Brainiac’s assets.”
Starfire: Think. Where has materialism gotten you?
The Coon: Okay! Where the hell did you take Butthole?
Starfire: The New Kid is with the Titans now, Eric.
The Coon: (angrily) MOTHERFUCKER!
Vs. Sub-Zero
The Coon: Okay! Where the hell did you take Butthole?
Sub-Zero: Dovahkiin is now a student of the Lin Kuei.
The Coon: I’ll just have to claw you into giving them back!
Sub-Zero: I now know the villain you truly are.
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Sub-Zero: For the safety of all, you will die.
The Coon: You’ll either be dead or crapping your pants when I’m done.
Sub-Zero: To think so demonstrates your ignorance.
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
Sub-Zero: Your former protégé told me of your crimes against them.
The Coon: What crimes?
Sub-Zero: “On their behalf, I’ll see you face justice.” Or “None of your deceptions will work on me.”
Vs. Black Manta
The Coon: Nice helmet, it’s mine now.
Black Manta: Assuming I don’t fry the fat off of you.
The Coon: Time to put Coon on top of the food chain.
Black Manta: You’re out of your element.
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Black Manta: This is a waste of my time.
Vs. Raiden
The Coon: Okay! Where the hell did you take Butthole?
Raiden: Your former student is now training with the White Lotus.
The Coon: (angrily) MOTHERFUCKER!
Raiden: Your pretensions to honor do not fool me!
The Coon: You’re looking at a new take on superheroes.
Raiden: “Dovahkiin was wise to break from your influence!” or “To the Netherrealm with you!”
The Coon: Make way for The Coon.
Raiden: The Elder Gods will stand against you.
The Coon: Time to put Coon on top of the food chain.
Raiden: You are dirty beast befouling this realm!
The Coon: Uhhh…. you’re taking my raccoon theme a bit too literally, Raiden.
Raiden: Not even the Elder Gods can rehabilitate you!
Vs. Black Lightning
The Coon: The Coon’s here to claw at injustice!
Black Lightning: You're street slime with delusions of grandeur.
The Coon: Just for that, I’ll be sending you to Batman in a pitcher!
Black Lightning: It’s a shame Mr. Garrison was a subpar teacher.
The Coon: You’ll get no argument from me, he’s always been an asshole.
Black Lightning: That’s why I fight ignorance.
Black Lightning: Ever regret the pain you cause?
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Black Lightning: “That’s what’s called an ‘alternative fact.’” Or “This time, you’re gonna listen.”
Vs. Hellboy
The Coon: Would you believe I once helped stop the apocalypse by swearing?
Hellboy: Yeah, I saw that movie. Liked you better on screen by the way.
The Coon: (surprised….) Wait… (….then excited) I got a movie?
Hellboy: Y'know, fighting kids isn't my thing.
The Coon: Now there’s a headline; “The Coon scares the devil!”
Hellboy: Geez what an ego……
Vs. Atom
The Coon: So it’s the Coon versus…. what exactly?
The Atom: Just a PhD candidate with a quantum bio-belt!
The Coon: (chuckles) Ever hear what usually happens to nerds who cross me?
The Atom: At school, I never liked big bullies.
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
The Atom: I have a Hulu subscription that’s told me otherwise.
Vs. Enchantress
The Coon: Now I’ve been hoping for a chance to kick your ass!
Enchantress: Quite adorable that you think you can win.
The Coon: Consider this payback for the suck-ass movie you appeared in.
Enchantress (June): Son of a.. this can’t be happening!
The Coon: ah ha! a chance to kill you before you transform!
Enchantress: Too little too late for that, little boy!
Vs. Leonardo
Leonardo: You’re rarely a fighter, Cartman, why would you come here?
The Coon: Why else? I’m here to seize Brainiac’s assets.
Leonardo: That just spells disaster for every Earth, even yours.
Leonardo: So tell me, what did the New Kid ever see in you?
The Coon: (grins with slight genuine sincerity) they saw someone who respected their potential. Not even their parents did that.
Leonardo: Bet they’d like training under Master Splinter better.
The Coon: You know, I’ve always wanted to try Turtle Soup.
Leonardo: You won’t flip this turtle on his shell.
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
The Coon: Ok, I KNOW you’re not from around here.
Leonardo: Just as much of a tourist as you are, dude.
The Coon: Just means I can get away with shredding you.
Vs. Michelangelo
The Coon: You know, I’ve always wanted to try Turtle Soup.
Michelangelo: You’ll be rage-quitting in a heartbeat.
The Coon: Ha! Raph wishes he rages like I do!
Michelangelo: Just so you know, I’ve played your games AND watched your show.
The Coon: Show? games? How come no one told me I had those?
Michelangelo: Let’s just say you’re gonna wish you were fighting Kenny.
Vs. Raphael
The Coon: You know, I’ve always wanted to try Turtle Soup.
Raphael: Your head will crack before my shell does.
The Coon: Shredder’s got nothing on The Coon.
Raphael: (chuckles) And people say I got anger issues
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Raphael: I fought Purple Dragons who were tougher than you, Eric.
Vs. Donatello
The Coon: Never thought I’d go from watching you on TV to fighting you and your bros.
Donatello: Unlike coding, this’ll be easy.
The Coon: (chuckles) Ever hear what usually happens to nerds who cross me? 
Donatello: I’ve got a theory as to why you fight.
The Coon: Why else? I’m here to seize Brainiac’s assets.
Donatello: I can’t let that stand.
 Mirror Match Intros
Player 1 Coon: Are you my parallel universe self?
Player 2 Coon: Maybe I am, and maybe I’m here to be a better teacher to the New Kid.
Player 1 Coon: Just means I can get away with shredding you.
Player 2 Coon: How the hell can there be two of us?
Player 1 Coon: I’m sure as hell not sharing Brainiac’s ship with you!
Player 2 Coon: Don’t worry, it won’t matter in a sec.
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Hi, everyone, wanna help me with these portfolios?
Here’s something fun you can do; do you have an idea for battle intros, clash quotes, or anything else I should add to the portfolios? if so, feel free to send an ask or message containing whatever you think I should add. If I like your ideas enough and I think they fit the characters well enough, I’ll edit parts of the portfolio accordingly.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Edit: I especially want help regarding interactions with Hellboy and the Mortal Kombat guest fighters. While I’ve read some Hellboy comics before, it’s been years and my memories of them aren’t exactly fresh. Also I never played any Mortal Kombat games aside from the original SNES version, so I know very little about the characters here.
0 notes
Toriel’s Portfolio part 3
Toriel’s portfolio part 3
Round Victory animation: Toriel outstretches her arms to the sides and summons a ring of fire that surrounds her. The ring of fire dissipates when she finishes her line.
Round victory lines:
“Why is retreating too much for you?”
“I wish I didn’t have to do this.”
“No amount of pride is worth this violence.”
“I’ll bake some pie if it cheers you up.”
Vs. Batman
“Even you can’t always win, Dark Knight.”
“Know that I still respect you, Batman.”
Vs. Black Canary
“I hope I didn’t make your burn scars worse.”
“My deepest apologies, Dinah.”
Vs. Superman
“Humans deserve better than you, Superman!”
“When will you learn your foolishness?”
“Accept the Regime is over!”
“Kara will never be like you, I’ll make sure of it!”
Vs. Supergirl
“I hope you know that power isn’t enough.”
Vs. Wonder Woman
“All of Hippolyta’s teachings, wasted.”
“The Amazons were right to strip you of your throne.”
Vs. Cyborg
“Do you see now what supporting a tyrant has gotten you, Victor?”
“I’m frankly surprised you still have a soul.”
Vs. Robin
“With you, I’m not above corporal punishment.”
“You’ll go back to following Batman’s lead, and like it!”
“Give up or I’ll melt your equipment!”
Vs. Gorilla Grodd
“Even Asgore at his worse is a better king than you.”
“Perhaps us monsters should seize Gorilla City from you.”
“Even Flowey thinks you’re repulsive, Grodd!”
Vs. Brainiac
“Your intellect has failed you, Brainiac!”
“Even your technology can’t protect your soul!”
“The universe won’t have to fear you any longer.”
Vs. Poison Ivy or Vs. Joker
“I don’t know what Harley ever saw in you.”
Vs. Catwoman
“You should find a new hobby that doesn’t involve theft.”
“I’ll never get why you can’t just pick a side and stick with it.”
“I’ll be taking back what you stole, Catwoman.”
Vs. Atrocitus
“I think I’d look better in violet.”
“I’ve seen what blind rage can do to people.”
Vs. Any Regime Members (except Supergirl)
“I have no tolerance for unrepentant murderers.”
“I’m half-tempted to burn the regret into you.”
“Your Regime is little more than an oxymoron.”
Vs. Any Regime Members (except Supergirl and Black Adam)
“I’ll only stop when you return to your more merciful ways.”
Character Trait:
“Delta Soul Burn”: Toriel engulfs her entire body with hot pink fire. Her attacks do weaker damage but bypass guard and ignores any of her opponents’ defensive character traits.
Super Move:
“Delta Inferno”: Toriel starts the attack by punching her opponent with a flaming fist, which knocks them off their feet. Toriel then raises her arms to summon a pillar of fire that launches her opponent into the air. Toriel then uses her fire magic to launch herself into the air up to her opponent before blasting them with a downward diagonal spiraling stream of fire.
Victory Animation: Toriel surrounds herself in a ring of fire, then starts charging up a spell between her hands before blasting the spell upward.
Ladder Mode Ending:
(Camera shows image of Toriel in Brainiac’s ship, confronting Superman with Batman and an unconscious Brainiac behind her.)
“Although I defeated Brainiac, I knew I couldn’t relax yet. Far as I was concerned, Earth wasn’t safe yet while Superman and his Regime were still at large. He tried to argue that killing Brainiac and letting him bond with Brainiac’s ship was the best way to restore the collecting cities, but I knew letting Superman bond with the ship would just help him restore the Regime, not to mention that we still didn’t know how exactly the cities could be restored. Batman and I tried to argue looking for a safer method, but Superman clearly had no interest in being reasoned with.”
(Camera cuts to an image of Toriel standing in front of a weakened and kneeling Superman.)
“Superman quickly turned our debate into an intense battle. I was quick to aid Batman in fighting him and his fellow Regimers off. Though Superman was powerful, his vulnerability to magic caused him to fall first. The Kryptonian, through a mix of desperation and stubborn gall, tried to convince me that if I wanted both humans and monsters to be safe, that only the Regime would make it possible. I made it blatantly clear that I didn’t believe him and even pointed out not only the hypocrisies the revealed folly in his tyrannical ways, but brought up that Frisk already created the peace humans and monsters wanted without bloodshed. Yet Superman proved too stuck in his ways to accept he was wrong. So I had no choice of but simply incapacitate him and move on to help stop his followers.”
(Camera cuts to Toriel and Frisk sitting on chairs in front of two high-tech prison cells, one containing Damian while the other contained Victor Stone.)
“Eventually, we were victorious. Superman was sent to the Phantom Zone, Wonder Woman and Black Adam were sent to Oa by Green Lantern to be tried and imprisoned by the Guardians, and Supergirl deflected to our side when she realized her cousin was too far gone. This left Cyborg and Damian the only loyal Regime members still on Earth. I found their adamant belief the Regime was in the right disturbing, so I volunteered in assisting with their rehabilitation. I spent hours talking with them, debating flaws in the Regime’s tactics, discussing their motivations for supporting it, and so on. It may take years for me to get through to them (if I’m able to at all), but I’ve got my child Frisk to help me, who has better powers of persuasion than anyone else I know, and  I’m determined to convince the two young despots to abandon the tyranny they fought tooth and claw to justify.”
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Injustice 2 Toriel Clash Quotes
Clashing stance: Toriel leans forward while holding out both hands wreathed in flames to hold her opponent back.
Clash win animation: Toriel summons a vortex of fire to lift up and spin her opponent mid-air before charging up a flaming fist and punching her opponent across the stage.
Clash Quotes
Vs. Aquaman
Toriel: There’s no shame in surrendering.
Aquaman: By Neptune, I will not yield!
Aquaman: Should I summon the shark?
Toriel: I’d rather not cook live fish.
Vs. Batman
Toriel: I’m impressed.
Batman: So far I held back.
Batman: I hope this isn’t your best.
Toriel: I’m just pre-heating.
Batman: So THIS is what Frisk endured?
Toriel: Not my proudest moment, Batman.
Vs. Atrocitus
Atrocitus: You’d make a perfect Red Lantern.
Toriel: I won’t burn for you!
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Atrocitus: I live to burn!
Vs. Bane
Bane:I will cherish this memory.
Toriel: Cherish a Venom detox instead.
Toriel: Stop or I’ll be the ‘Bane’ of your life.
Bane: Cheap pun, Cabra.
Vs. Black Adam
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Black Adam: Feel the Wizard’s power!
Black Adam: I'll douse your fire.
Toriel: I’ll just have to go hotter!
Vs. Black Canary
Black Canary: After this, first round’s on me.
Toriel: Sounds pleasant, thank you.
Toriel: How would you grade this performance?
Black Canary: Worth a song if you don’t focus.
Vs. Blue Beetle
Blue Beatle: Not bad for a rookie, huh?
Toriel: I have to agree.
Toriel:  I could tell Batman we ended in a draw…
Blue Beatle: Nah, Scarab’s got this.
Vs. Brainiac
Toriel: You waste your talents!
Brainiac: I am Colu's greatest mind.
Brainiac: I will collect your magic.
Toriel: You won’t like how this ends.
Brainiac: Resistance is pointless
Toriel: No, your atrocities are!
Brainiac: I’ll look forward to collecting Frisk.
Toriel: Touch them and I’ll melt your hands!
Vs. Captain Cold
Toriel: You waste your talents!
Captain Cold: Not what my bank account says.
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Captain Cold: I don’t answer to you.
Captain Cold: I might’ve underestimated you.
Toriel: No shame in admitting that.
Captain Cold: I’ll freeze your face off!
Toriel: You won’t like how this ends.
 Vs. Mr. Freeze
Mr. Freeze: I’ll do anything to save Nora.
Toriel: How far did crime help you save her?
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Mr. Freeze: You can’t stop my research!
 Vs. Catwoman
Catwoman: This is going purrrfectly
Toriel: Keep telling yourself that.
Toriel: Not how I wanted my day to go.
Catwoman: You’ll get used to it.
Vs. Cheetah
Toriel: Leave Frisk alone!
Cheetah: My hunger will be stated!
Cheetah: I should’ve brought an urn for your dust.
Toriel: I’ll make that the least of your worries!
Vs. Vixen
Vixen: Guess which animal comes next?
Toriel: Uh.. not your namesake?
Toriel: Your magic is fascinating.
Vixen: Same to you, Toriel.
Vs. Cyborg
Cyborg: Promised Superman I’d stop you.
Toriel: “You’re the one who need to stop, Victor!” or “Adding more victims won’t help your cause.”
Toriel: You lost the right to call yourself a hero.
Cyborg: Not by a longshot!
Cyborg: The Regime’s back for good.
Toriel: I promise I’ll break you out of this delusion.
Toriel: (sternly) Abandon. The. Regime!
Cyborg: We’re needed more than ever!
Vs. Grid
Toriel: Let’s see if your circuits can overheat.
Grid: My systems cannot fail.
Grid: Your death will not stir me.
Toriel: Should’ve thought that before attacking.
Vs. Deadshot
Deadshot: You’re in my sights.
Toriel: You should’ve retired.
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Deadshot: Eat lead, sucker.
 Vs. Doctor Fate
Doctor Fate: Order must triumph!
Toriel: I see no order in Brainiac’s evil.
Toriel: You waste your talents!
Doctor Fate: Nabu does not seek your approval.
Vs. Firestorm
Toriel: I can tell Batman we ended in a draw.
Firestorm: The professor says ‘no.’
Firestorm: I’ll go nuclear!
Toriel: Don’t like the sound of that.
Vs. The Flash (Barry Allen)
Toriel: Still think speed is enough?
The Flash: Flash Fact; Frisk doesn’t have the Speed Force.
The Flash: Need a timeout?
Toriel: I’m just pre-heating.
Vs. Jay Garrick
Toriel: Still think speed is enough?
Jay Garrick: I’ll run circles around you.
Jay Garrick: Let’s keep this friendly, chum.
Toriel: If that’s how you want it…
Vs. Reverse-Flash
Reverse-Flash: There’s no way to beat me.
Toriel: Your track record with Barry says otherwise.
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Reverse-Flash: I’ll never, ever stop!
Toriel: You waste your talents!
Reverse-Flash: Not too quick, are you?
Vs. Gorilla Grodd
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Gorilla Grodd: And lose the chance to kill you?
Gorilla Grodd: I will vanquish humanity.
Toriel: I won’t let you get that chance.
Vs. Green Arrow
Green Arrow: I wouldn’t quit your day job.
Toriel: I’ll just have to go hotter.
Toriel: So where are those ‘well-placed shots’?
Green Arrow: Quiver’s not empty yet.
Vs. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Hal Jordan: Just admit it, you’re impressed.
Toriel: Who said I wasn’t?
Toriel: So you expect Frisk to wield this power?
Hal Jordon: why not?
Vs. Green Lantern (John Stewart)
John Stewart: I’m hard to kill.
Toriel: Good thing that’s not my plan.
Toriel: How would you grade this performance?
John Stewart: You belong in boot camp!
Toriel: So you expect Frisk to wield this power?
John Stewart: Let me show you why.
Vs. Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn: You can tap out if you wanna.
Toriel: I’m just pre-heating.
Toriel: I think I see why Batman trusts you, Quinn.
Harley Quinn: You’re sweet, hon!
Harley Quinn: So, you’re in?
Toriel: Everything considered, I can’t afford to say no.
Harley Quinn: You’d make a darn good plushie!
Toriel: Funny, Frisk once said the same thing.
Toriel: Did I go too far?
Harley Quinn: You singed my pigtails!
Vs. The Joker
The Joker: You’re taking the fun out of this!
Toriel: That just means I’m doing something right.
The Joker: You’ve got no sense of humor.
Toriel: I know mine’s better than yours at least.
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
The Joker: I’ll show you funny!
The Joker: Maybe Frisk would make a better foil.
Toriel: Touch them and I’ll melt your hands!
Vs. Poison Ivy
Toriel: You waste your talents!
Poison Ivy: That well’s been poisoned.
Poison Ivy: My jungle will consume your kingdom!
Toriel: Good thing Asgore and I know how to prune.
Vs. Robin
Robin: Last chance to fall in line!
Toriel: “For Frisk’s safety, I won’t let you win!” or “It’s time I taught you manners, Damian!”
Toriel: (sternly) Abandon. The. Regime!
Robin: Fear isn’t in my genes.
Vs. Scarecrow
Toriel: You waste your talents!
Scarecrow: Your composure says otherwise, Toriel.
Scarecrow: My toxin affects you.
Toriel: Doesn’t mean you’re winning.
Scarecrow: Now I wonder what Frisk fears…
Toriel: I won’t let you find out, Crane!
Vs. Supergirl
Toriel: I know magic hurts you.
Supergirl: But not my resolve!
Supergirl: I don’t wanna hurt you.
Toriel: I really wish you said that sooner.
Vs. Power Girl
Power Girl: You’ll beg for mercy soon.
Toriel: Keep telling yourself that.
Toriel: I know magic hurts you.
Power Girl: That just means I’m ticked off!
Power Girl: We make a good pair!
Toriel: “(feeling slightly awkward) You mean…. professionally, right?” or “Power Girl and Toriel?  Frisk wouldn’t believe it.”
Vs. Superman
Superman: I’ll never stop fighting.
Toriel: Let’s see if I can change that.
Toriel: (sternly) Abandon. The. Regime!
Superman: This world needs my protection.
Vs. Bizarro
Bizarro: It time to help you!
Toriel: You won’t like how this ends!
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Bizarro: Bizarro love you!
 Vs. Swamp Thing
Toriel: Did I go too far?
Swamp Thing: I shall endure.
Swamp Thing: You cannot beat nature.
Toriel: Apparently I can, Swamp Thing!
Vs. Wonder Woman
Toriel: (sternly) Abandon. The. Regime!
Wonder Woman: Not in a thousand years!
Wonder Woman: Surrender while you can!
Toriel: For Frisk’s safety, I won’t let you win!
Wonder Woman: I’ve tamed monsters before.
Toriel: “Now let’s see if I can tame your bloodlust!” or “Don’t even bother, Diana!”
Vs. Darkseid
Darkseid: You dare lay hand on Darkseid?
Toriel: For Frisk’s safety, I won’t let you win!
Darkseid: Why should Darkseid fear you?
Toriel: You won’t like how this ends.
Darkseid: Grow tired of war spectacle?
Toriel: More like I’m tired of you, Darkseid!
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Darkseid: You try my patience.
Vs. Red Hood
Red Hood: Now we do things my way!
Toriel: Don’t count on it, Jason!
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Red Hood: I’m standing my ground!
Vs. Starfire
Toriel: I’m impressed.
Starfire: Even Trigon couldn’t take my heat.
Starfire: Feel the burn.
Toriel: I’ll just have to burn hotter!
 Vs. Sub-Zero
Toriel: I know magic hurts you.
Sub-Zero: of that I am painfully aware.
Sub-Zero: Can you take the cold?
Toriel: I’ll just have to burn hotter!
Vs. Black Manta
Toriel: Cease this foolishness!
Black Manta: Choke on a harpoon!
Black Manta: Why don’t you just give up?
Toriel: For Frisk’s safety, I won’t let you win!
Vs Raiden
Toriel: Did I go too far?
Raiden: I cannot be defeated.
Raiden: You will yield!
Toriel: You won’t like how this ends.
 Vs. Black Lightning
Toriel: How would you grade this performance?
Black Lightning: I’d give you a failing grade.
Black Lightning: Ready for a few gigawatts?
Toriel: Don’t like the sound of that.
Vs. Hellboy
Toriel: Did I go too far?
Hellboy: Do your worst!
Hellboy: God damn it, impress me!
Toriel: I’ll just have to go hotter!
Vs. Atom
Toriel: I could tell Batman we ended in a draw.
Atom: I got more than this belt to fight with.
Atom: I’ll take you down to micro-town.
Toriel: And I thought I was good with puns.
Vs. Enchantress
Toriel: You waste your talents!
Enchantress: I am darkness incarnate!
Enchantress: June can’t come to the phone right now.
Toriel: She’ll be free of you soon enough!
Vs. Leonardo
Toriel: I could tell Batman we ended in a draw.
Leonardo: I doubt he’d buy it, Toriel.
Leonardo: Can quit if you need to.
Toriel: I’ll just have to burn hotter!
Vs. Michelangelo
Toriel: I’m impressed.
Michelangelo: Next time try a combo.
Michelangelo: Looking a little shell-shocked.
Toriel: Who said I wasn’t?
Vs. Raphael
Toriel: I was hoping to calm you down.
Raphael: (scoffs) whatever, dude.
Raphael: You know you suck, right?
Toriel: I’ll just have to burn hotter!
Vs. Donatello
Toriel: I’m impressed.
Donatello: There’s no denying turtle power.
Donatello: You’re better than I predicted.
Toriel: That’s kind of you to say.
Mirror Match Clashes
Player 1 Toriel: I could tell Batman we ended in a draw.
Player 2 Toriel: I’m just pre-heating.
Player 2 Toriel: Not how I wanted my day to go.
Player 1 Toriel: Yet we’re here fighting each other.
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Hello, Everyone.
Hi there, I’ve been watched a lot of youtube footage for Injustice 2 and it’s got me thinking; “What if certain characters were guest fighters?”
So, just for fun, I’m gonna write some fan-made guest-fighter portfolios showing certain characters I add being given intro banter, clash quotes, arcade ending narrations, and so on.The only rules I will give myself is that I’ll only use characters from published media, so no fan characters.  and I will personally only write portfolios on characters I know about. Oh, and when writing lines for the fighters already in Injustice 2, I will stick strictly with how those characters are portrayed in that game personality-wise.
If you have a character you’ve been fantasizing as being playable in Injustice 2, you may ask me if I have plans for writing about them or write a portfolio yourself and show it to me via the private message system.
 Now, to start out, let’s go with Toriel from Undertale. Let’s see how this fire spell-flinging Goat Mom fares at being in a superhero fighting game. I’ll start with a hypothetical website bio and battle intros and add more later.
Edit: also, I may reblog some posts after updating them.
“Even one death can be too many.”
After her people were freed from countless years of underground imprisonment. Former Monster Queen Toriel chose to simply live a quiet new life raising Frisk, the human child who helped free the Ebbot Monsters. But nothing could have prepared her for learning, to her horror, of humanity struggling to heal from the wounds left by the Regime’s tyranny. And when Brainiac’s invasion occurred just days after her people’s return. Toriel is determined to use her flame magic to keep both humans and monsters from suffering neither Superman’s tyranny nor Brainiac’s collection.
 Battle Intros
1st and Third line animations: Toriel simply enters the stage and says her first line while an Undertale-style dialogue box opens reading “Toriel Blocks the way!”. After her opponent says the second line, the dialogue box closes up and Toriel says the third line.
2nd Line animation: Camera shows Toriel in the middle of calling someone on her cell phone, she hangs up after noticing her opponent and says her second line while pocketing her phone.
Vs. Aquaman
Toriel: I heard you hurt a lot of people when you joined Superman.
Aquaman: I won’t be judged for defending Atlantis.
Toriel: Then consider me on jury duty.
Aquaman: You’re in a fight you don’t understand.
Toriel: Brainiac’s attacking Earth and the Regime’s still at large, should be enough reason for you to be in it.
Aquaman: You might think so.
Toriel: You remind me of my ex, Aquaman.
Aquaman: But unlike Asgore, you can’t intimidate me.
Toriel:  “Unlike you, Asgore’s trying to redeem himself.” Or “Yet you’ve been fearing Superman before we came to the surface.”
Vs. Batman
Batman: Why should I trust you?
Toriel: Frisk wants what you want, and so do I, Batman.
Batman: We’ll see.
Toriel: I’m not really comfortable with this, Batman.
Batman: I need to know what you can do.
Toriel: Then forgive me if I make this quick.
 Vs. Atrocitus
Atrocitus: Asgore’s mistakes still anger you.
Toriel: I won’t join you, Atrocitus.
Atrocitus: “Do not deny your rage!” or “you waste a precious resource!”
Toriel: I may still be angry at Asgore, but my answer is still ‘no!’
Atrocitus: You would make a powerful Red Lantern.
Toriel: I decide what to do with my rage, not you!
Vs. Bane
Bane: I expect Mount Ebbot has strengthened you.
Toriel: I find that hard to believe, Bane.
Bane: Prison forged me into a god among men.
Toriel: What a miserable creature.
Bane: I’m actually quite content, cabra.
Toriel: Batman has my sympathies for putting up with you.
Vs. Black Adam
Black Adam: You abandoned your species.
Toriel: I left Asgore to protect any humans who fell.
Black Adam: Yet the fact you’re out here tells me you failed even there.
Toriel: I can’t ignore the blood on your hands.
Black Adam: You’re no match for a god.
Toriel: Shu’s Stamina can’t protect your soul, Adam.
 Vs. Black Canary
Black Canary: So, how’s Frisk?
Toriel: They’re alright, How’s Connor?
Black Canary: Being a good little hatchling for the sitter.
Black Canary: It’s a look, I’ll give you that.
Toriel: I’m not sure I’d look good in spandex anyway.
Black Canary: Point taken
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
Black Canary: I've got a list of things to teach you.
Toriel: By all means, Dinah, teach me.
Vs. Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle: Shall we duel, your highness?
Toriel: Technically, I’m no one’s queen anymore, Jaime.
Blue Beetle: That’s a shame, I’ve only heard good things about you.
Toriel: I don’t like having to fight, least of all having to fight children.
Blue Beetle: Hey! I’m old enough to drive!
Toriel: Somehow, that’s not helping.
Vs. Brainiac
Toriel: Your pointless cruelty ends today.
Brainiac: Your power cannot touch me.
Toriel: My magic only needs to ‘touch’ your soul.
Brainiac: You fail to see mercy in being collected.
Toriel: To my people, it would only be like Mount Ebbot all over again.
Brainiac: But I bring deliverance.
Vs. Captain Cold
Toriel: I’ve lost loved ones too..
Captain Cold: Don’t give me your sob story.
Toriel: Why not? You’re using yours to justify siding with Grodd.
Captain Cold: Fire and ice…
Toriel: At this point I’m tempted to melt that gun.
Captain Cold: Maybe I’ll freeze your hands before that happens
Vs. Mr. Freeze
Toriel: Can’t you see the harm you’re causing?
Mr. Freeze: What I do, I do for Nora.
Toriel: You think she’d want this from you?
Mr. Freeze: Could your magic cure Nora’s illness?
Toriel: I’m sorry Victor, it won’t on her condition.
Mr. Freeze: Then you are of no use to me.
Vs. Catwoman
Toriel: So you’re working for Batman now?
Catwoman: Everyone deserves a second chance.
Toriel: (skeptical) I hear this is technically your third chance, Selina.
Catwoman: I only take from people who can afford it.
Toriel: Batman and the police seem to think otherwise.
Catwoman: Well, I guess even you can’t argue with Batman.
Vs. Cheetah
Toriel: What a miserable creature.
Cheetah: (scoffs) I don’t need your pity, Toriel.
Toriel: Know that you’re getting it anyway, Cheetah.
Cheetah: I hear Frisk is challenging prey.
Toriel: I promise you won’t get to find out.
Cheetah: Then I promise your dust will coat my fur.
Vs. Vixen
Toriel: So Vixen, do Ebbot Monsters count as in The Red?
Vixen: I can’t tap into your power with the totem, but yes.
Toriel: In a small way, I find that comforting.
Vixen: Save the really hot stuff for bad guys, okay?
Toriel: I don’t use more fire than I need to.
Vixen: Should make for one hell of a fight.
Vs. Cyborg
Cyborg: You’re a couple of revs out of date.
Toriel: Jokes about my age? That’s almost disappointing.
Cyborg: you won’t feel that way in a second.
Toriel: Think of it as your rehabilitation, Victor.
Cyborg: I’ll never get over Metropolis.
Toriel: There are better ways to deal with grief.
Cyborg: This ain’t even your fight, Toriel.
Toriel: I’m here to get you to break off this Regime.
Cyborg: Hell freakin’ no!
Vs. Grid
Toriel: Why are you here?
Grid: In destroying you, perhaps I will gain emotion.
Toriel: Some people who murder tend to lose emotion, Grid.
Grid: Your magic gives you control over the field of battle.
Toriel: Perhaps you could say I give new meaning to a ‘scorched earth’ response? Heh?
Grid: I wish I could be amused by that line.
Vs. Deadshot
Toriel: Is someone hiring you to try to kill Frisk?
Deadshot: Sorry, Assassin/Client privilege.
Toriel: (Glares) I’ll personally see that you and your client give Frisk an apology.
Deadshot: I’ve never hunted goats before.
Toriel: Not sure you’d want to want to hunt one that shoots fire.
Deadshot: Eh, I’ll try anything once.
Deadshot: Think you’d scream like a goat if I shoot you?
Toriel: I have absolutely no desire to find out, Mr. Lawton.
Deadshot: Now I gotta know.
Vs. Doctor Fate
Toriel: What can you tell me about the fate of my people?
Doctor Fate: You will share the same fate as humanity.
Toriel: Well, at least I know no one’s sealing us in a mountain again.
Doctor Fate: your children defied fate to free your people.
Toriel: ‘children’? You mean it wasn’t just Frisk who breached that barrier? What are you talking about?
Doctor Fate: I already said too much…
Vs. Firestorm
Firestorm: Magic vs Science, the ultimate showdown.
Toriel: More like fighting fire with fire.
Firestorm: Let’s see which of us burns hotter.
Toriel: So what’s it like for the two of you to share a body?
Firestorm: It’s like thinking in stereo.
Toriel: I’m not positive, but I think I know someone similar….
Vs. The Flash (Barry Allen)
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
The Flash: Can’t run from a fight, can I?
Toriel: There’s no shame if there are better options, Barry.
The Flash: I gonna say, I’m amazed at what Frisk has done.
Toriel: I’m sure they’ll be happy when I tell them you said that.
The Flash: After this bout, I might save you the walk home.
The Flash: Think you’re fast enough?
Toriel: We both know ‘slower’ opponents have hit you before.
The Flash: Can you be intimidated? Just this once?
Vs. Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick: This old timer could teach you some things.
Toriel: I’m much older than I look, Mr. Garrick.
Jay Garrick: Then let’s see what you got to show for it.
Toriel: So you rely on speed? Not much else?
Jay Garrick: This’ll be over quick, chum.
Toriel: Even Frisk needed more than speed to get past me.
Vs. Reverse Flash
Toriel: Your pointless cruelty ends today
Reverse Flash: Tormenting people serves a purpose.
Toriel: “Then I think I’ll enjoy seeing that ‘purpose’ reduced to ash.” Or “The line won’t fly with any judge, Thawne.”
Reverse Flash: Even in my future you monsters have been a pebble in my boot.
Toriel: I’m guessing you’re here to wipe us out?
Reverse Flash: It’ll be a small comfort for being stuck in the past.
Vs. Gorilla Grodd
Gorilla Grodd: Humans must disgust you.
Toriel: If they did, why would I adopt Frisk?
Gorilla Grodd: They’d serve better as a slave than your ward.
Toriel: I can’t ignore the blood on your hands.
Gorilla Grodd: Man has oppressed apes for centuries.
Toriel: Apes hardly fare better with you around, Grodd.
Vs. Green Arrow
Green Arrow: I left my universe for this?
Toriel: I’m guessing you don’t have monsters where you’re from?
Green Arrow: At least not of the cuddly pun-loving type.
Toriel: Your choice of weaponry is most curious, Oliver.
Green Arrow: I know where to place my shots.
Toriel: I’ll just have to keep my guard up, then.
Toriel: Your choice of weaponry is most curious, Oliver. 
Green Arrow: Dinah thinks my weapon is just fine.
Toriel:Then unlike your foes, I’ll trust her judgement.
Vs. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice
Hal Jordan: Here to see the master at work?
Toriel: More like ready to put you through… the ringer (giggles slightly)
Hal Jordan: I guess you heard; Guardians want Frisk as a Green Lantern.
Toriel: You can tell the Guardians Frisk’s mother said ‘no’.
Hal Jordan: Pretty much the reception I expected.
Vs. Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Toriel: It suddenly occurs to me I rarely see professionals as superheroes.
John Stewart: You ain’t exactly a seasoned crime-fighter yourself.
Toriel:  Fair point…
John Stewart: Where did you come from?
Toriel: My people were sealed underground for millennia.
John Stewart: I’m almost afraid to ask why…
John Stewart: Frisk would make an excellent Green Lantern, Toriel.
Toriel: You can tell the Guardians Frisk’s mother said ‘no’.
John Stewart: That’s gonna be a problem….
Vs. Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn: Hey good lookin’!
Toriel: Surely you could go for better than an old goat like me..
Harley Quinn: Learn how to take a compliment, sweetie!
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
Harley Quinn: How about slaps and tickles in ten paces?
Toriel: (nervous laughter) hehe.. interesting idea, I think?
Harley Quinn: I’m workin’ for Batman now!
Toriel: No need to convince me, Quinn, I already trust you more than Diana.
Harley Quinn: Hah! Makes me wish she heard that!
Vs. The Joker
Toriel: What a miserable creature..
Joker: Could you be any more melodramatic?
Toriel: I’d take it over your sick jokes any day.
Joker: That’s quite the petting zoo you live in.
Toriel: Except you can’t afford the price of admission.
Joker: How adorably misinformed…
Vs. Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy: I know about Flowey.
Toriel: Whatever you’re planning with him, I won’t allow it.
Poison Ivy: You don’t have a choice in the matter.
Toriel: I can’t ignore the blood on your hands
Poison Ivy: The Green must be restored.
Toriel: Batman has my sympathies for putting up with you.
Vs. Robin
Toriel: Care to justify betraying your father and his code?
Robin: Because he’s spectacularly wrong!
Toriel: And what if you might be wrong?
Robin: You’re burning the wrong bridges.
Toriel: I’ll burn more than that if it keeps the Regime down.
Robin: Not as long as I’m around.
Toriel: So what kind of mother was Talia?
Robin: No woman could surpass her.
Toriel: I wager it’ll be easy to best her in disciplining you!
Vs. Scarecrow
Scarecrow: The humans you failed to protect still haunt you?
Toriel: I can’t dishonor them by lying, so yes, Scarecrow.
Scarecrow: I can work with that….
Toriel: (coughs from accidentally inhaling fear gas) What…. is this…?
Scarecrow: Welcome to your nightmares made real!
Toriel: Then forgive me if I make this quick.
Vs. Supergirl
Toriel: Kara… your name sounds similar to the first human I adopted.
Supergirl: That a problem?
Toriel: Let’s just say I’ll try to keep this professional.
Supergirl: I’m still learning my way around.
Toriel: Then we have that in common at least.
Supergirl: Let’s see what else we have in common.
Supergirl: So you monsters attacked Frisk, then adopted them?
Toriel: We already resolved that problem, Supergirl.
Supergirl: I’ll be the judge of that.
Supergirl: So you monsters attacked Frisk, then adopted them?
Toriel: Didn’t your cousin declare war on the planet that adopted him?
Supergirl: Kal didn’t set the best example….
Toriel: If you want, I can take you in, Kara.
Supergirl: Thanks, but the Kents already volunteered.
Toriel: That’s a pity, Frisk would’ve liked having you around.
Vs. Power Girl
Toriel: (distracted) That outfit… is most.. interesting……
Power Girl: Eyes up here!
Toriel: I messed this up, didn’t I?
Power Girl: What Earth did they snatch you from?
Toriel: My people were sealed underground for millennia.
Power Girl: Aren’t we a couple of misfits?
Vs. Superman
Toriel: So you must be Superman
Superman: You sound disappointed.
Toriel: Frisk told me you used to be better than this.
Toriel: You still have much to answer for.
Superman: Who are you to judge me?
Toriel: A mother of a child whose heart you broke!
Superman: I took one life to save millions
Toriel: Even one death can be too much, your Regime is proof of that.
Superman: Do you even know who I killed?
Superman: I took one life to save millions.
Toriel: Care to explain your attacks on Gotham and Metropolis then?
Superman: (voice gradually trails off to suggest doubt) I needed to stop insurrection….
Toriel: You made a mistake killing the Joker.
Superman: I did it for Lois!
Toriel: “And look what you’ve turn into!” or “That same rage nearly made Asgore like you.”
Superman: Your magic doesn’t frighten me.
Toriel: Keep up that thinking, and you’ve already lost.
Superman: (condescending tone) Is that so?
Toriel: I look at you and suddenly think I’ve been too hard on Asgore.
Superman: What give you that idea?
Toriel: Unlike you, Asgore’s trying to redeem himself.
Vs. Bizarro
Bizarro: You Bizarro new worst friend!
Toriel: (tries to imitate Bizarro’s speech) Uh… Me dishonestly prefer being new best enemy?
Bizarro: Bizarro-vision make you happy!
Toriel: I’m not sure how to deal with you.
Bizarro: Me fight for lies, injustice, a-merry-can way.
Toriel: Talking like that is just one reason you’re hard to help, Bizarro.
Vs. Swamp Thing
Toriel: You’ve got to let us monsters rebuild, Swamp Thing.
Swamp Thing: Not at the expense of the soil.
Toriel: “Then know you’ve left me little choice” or “Frisk told me you were a compromiser!”
Toriel: I thought all monsters were sealed in Mt. Ebbot.
Swamp Thing: I’m of no relation to your people.
Toriel: Guess I should’ve figured as much.
Swamp Thing: Keep your distance from me.
Toriel: Something the matter?
Swamp Thing: Fire is no friend of mine.
Vs. Wonder Woman
Toriel: Hippolyta desired peace for the world.
Wonder Woman: As does her daughter.
Toriel: On her behalf, I’ll reteach you what you’ve forgotten.
Toriel: Frisk used to be a big fan of yours, Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman: ‘Was’ a big fan?
Toriel: You disappointed them when you lost your way.
Wonder Woman: You’d be wise to surrender.
Toriel: (incredulous) Does it look like I care what you think?
Wonder Woman: You’ll care when I make Frisk kneel before Kal.
Wonder Woman: The Regime created peace.
Toriel: Humanity living in fear is NOT peace!
Wonder Woman: You’ll learn to see it our way.
Toriel: You betrayed humanity AND Frisk’s faith in you, Diana.
Wonder Woman: Would it be so hard to trust us again?
Toriel: Forsake the Regime if you want to talk trust.
Vs. Darkseid
Toriel: Are you here to hurt Frisk?
Darkseid: Whatever I can’t control, I must destroy.
Toriel: (in a low, yet angry tone) Then I’ll see you endure achieving neither, Darkseid.
Darkseid: I will break you for Granny Goodness.
Toriel: My fire has other ideas.
Darkseid: Mine is the fire that forges stars.
Vs. Red Hood
Toriel: You’ve been walking a very dark path, Jason.
Red Hood: I’m the cure for a sick, sad world!
Toriel: You sure it’s not the Lazarus talking?
Red Hood: Ra’s Al Ghul saved my life.
Toriel: I suspect Ra’s sees you as a pawn.
Red Hood: Not on my watch.
 Vs. Starfire
Toriel: I don’t like having to fight, least of all having to fight children.
Starfire: I think we both know reluctance won’t help with this fight.
Toriel: Then forgive me if I make this quick.
Starfire: You know, I think Papyrus and Frisk would make good Titans.
Toriel: That’s kind of you to say, Starfire, but I should still say ‘No.’
Starfire: You’re not the first mother to say ‘no’ to Titans, Toriel.
 Vs. Sub-Zero
Sub-Zero: The Lin Kwei would benefit from your powers.
Toriel: I somehow find that insulting.
Sub-Zero: You misunderstand my intentions.
Toriel: Fair warning, my fire magic can hurt your soul.
Sub-Zero: It will be met with unrelenting cold.
Toriel: Then forgive me if I make this quick.
Toriel: I can’t ignore the blood on your hands.
Sub-Zero: Only bloodshed will save this realm.
Toriel: “The Regime already proved folly in that line of thinking” or “Just ask Frisk, there are always better options.”
Vs. Black Manta
Black Manta: What the hell do you want?
Toriel: After seeing the people you’ve harmed, what do you think?
Black Manta: I think you just dug your own grave.
Toriel: I’ve lost loved ones too.
Black Manta: I buried my heart with my father.
Toriel: There are better ways to deal with grief.
Vs. Raiden
Toriel: Seems now we both bear the burden of protecting our worlds
Raiden: It is a burden few are fit to carry.
Toriel: For Frisk’s sake I’ll bear it as long as I have to.
Raiden: I sense great power within you.
Toriel: Power I intend to use to keep Earth out of both Brainiac’s and Superman’s hands.
Raiden: You require training to defend it.
Vs. Black Lightning
Black Lightning: We’re both teachers and parents, Toriel.
Toriel: And if what I’ve been doing is any indicator, we’re technically both superheroes.
Black Lightning: What else do we have in common?
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
Black Lightning: Can’t pass up a chance to learn.
Toriel: “True, even teachers should know when to be students” or “I know I shouldn’t either, Black Lightning.”
Vs. Hellboy
Toriel: Did the B.P.R.D. send you after me?
Hellboy: Gotta do what I gotta do, pal.
Toriel:  Then know you’ve left me little choice...
Hellboy: How do you plan to beat me, lady?
Toriel: Simple, is your soul fireproof?
Hellboy: Guess we’ll see about that.
Hellboy: You should meet my friend, Liz.
Toriel: She from the B.P.R.D too?
Hellboy: You’d love her, she’s a real fire-starter.
Toriel: You’ve lived peacefully among humans, yet you feel like an outsider?
Hellboy: Never been sure where I belonged.
Toriel: Perhaps you can find a home among my people, Hellboy.
Vs. Atom
Toriel: (half-jokingly) I’ve got a ‘small’ thesis i want to test, Dr. Choi.
Atom: (chuckles slightly) And what might that be?
Toriel: That I can track your soul even when it’s sub-atomic.
Atom: Fighting is easy if you know physics.
Toriel: Never thought about that, but it does make sense.
Atom: Allow me to demonstrate, Toriel.
Vs. Enchantress
Toriel: Release June before I make you do so!
Enchantress: Would you rather be my new vessel, Toriel?
Toriel: Even if I lose, you‘ll only get a pile of dust for your trouble.
Enchantress (June): I can’t help it, she has to be let out!
Toriel: (in a resassuring tone) Stay calm June, I can get you out of this.
Enchantress: Okay hero, let’s play ‘save the world’.
Vs. Leonardo
Toriel: So where are you from, exactly?
Leonardo: The New York of a different Earth, why?
Toriel: Just wanted to know if you were a monster or not.
Toriel: Batman insisted we practice.
Leonardo: Sparring always starts on time.
Toriel: (slightly reluctant) Some of us are less accustomed to this than others, Leonardo.
Leonardo: I’m guessing you’re a mutant too?
Toriel: My people were born from magic, not mutation.
Leonardo: That’s a new one...
Vs. Michelangelo
Toriel: I can safely say I didn’t see this coming.
Michelangelo: Think it’s time to reboot your console.
Toriel: Whatever that’s supposed to mean...
Michelangelo: Let’s skip this, I’m starving.
Toriel: Tell you what, I’ll bake you a pie after this bout.
Michelangelo: Sounds awesome! count me in!
Vs. Raphael
Toriel: Need anything before this bout, Raphael? a talking to? a slice of pie, perhaps?
Raphael: I’m complicated, alright? lay off me!
Toriel: How curious, Chara once said the same thing....
Raphael: New York pizza is the best, am I right?
Toriel: (teasingly) I don’t know, Frisk always told me I make the best pies.
Raphael: You’re definitely gonna have to show me and my bros!
Vs. Donatello
Toriel: I can safely say I didn’t see this coming.
Donatello: Or maybe you’re sleeping off a pizza coma?
Toriel: If so, I’m not letting Undyne pay for dinner at Supah Salty again.
Donatello: How are you engineering a win?
Toriel: Simple, is your soul fireproof?
Donatello: Seriously miscalculated that one...
Mirror Match Intros
Player 1 Toriel: I can safely say I didn’t see this coming.
Player 2 Toriel: This whole multiverse thing does feel surreal, doesn’t it?
Player 1 Toriel: Just looking at you feels hard to wrap my head around.
Player 2 Toriel: Need any help with Frisk?
Player 1 Toriel: Don’t you have your own Frisk to look after?
Player 2 Toriel: Yes, but I think they can have a duplicate for a friend…
Player 1 Toriel: So, what’s different in your universe?
Player 2 Toriel: No Mount Ebbot, and I’m raising a teenager named Kris.
Player 1 Toriel: Now I’ve got to know more.
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