FLoaE Concepts (Continuation)
The essence is a matter that all people hold, most with a characteristic that shape the people who hold them, some strong, others passive, but essences can be replaced with another at any time. The types of essences availiable to use however depends on the essence that a person first starts off with. A human with an essence of peace cannot use the essence of combat, and vice versa. Such are the rules of essence. Awakened too have essences special to them, and humans who arrive also are introduced to a new essence besides their essence in their world depending upon the person's traits upon arrival. The Legend It was always questioned of beings above us, and was told the land they roamed was empty, so they filled the land with biengs much like them, but only had an essence of them. Upon this realization, this beings needed a host, or better yet, a partner to bond with to transform into the beings that created them. They are said to roam the land, in search for a match, to populate the area above. There were matches found, and once the pair was made, they transformed into a being with powers far above our own. They are said to be in land above, alongside the sole beings who were there in the beginning, and that if you find The Way, you will reach it. So that's all the basic concept of FLoaE summed up, hope you like it and enjoy what is coming after, becuase now we will continue basic character introductions, hopefully with pictures this time :D
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Sorry if the basic concepts of FLoaE part 2 hasn't come out, with the recent passing of my step-grandfather I haven't been im the best of moods to write, the gloom still lingers, but it's not that much anymore, I think I cam still write, it will have to be later though
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Basic Concepts of FLoaE
The world of humans is as average as ours, however they speak legends of those who were once human like them, but met with known as Awakenings, who are rumored to bring any human beyond the limitations of one’s humanity if they were to, as the name entails, awaken into this new being.
They refer to those beings simply as the Awakened, and have power beyond human comprehension and roamed amongst other humans for only a little while.
Humans, in their paranoia and fear, were always cautious of Awakened, until one day they vanished both out of the land they once roamed as well as the mind of the people who knew them.
Yet the legends still remained of their existence, and how they live in an elevated plane of reality just above our own. As years passed however, people have no longer passed those legends for some criticized the legend to be both illogical and childish. Only those who remember the story once told know.
Miiight need a second part, there I’ll talk about the legends themselves and give light about an essence. Due to some inactivity on my part, the second part will be coming up today as well. It’ll have to wait until after I’ve had breakfeast X)
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Character Introductions: Gaia
Gaia resides in the forest of Sevile, and is the guardian of all nature contained within the area. The forest is a sancturay to all, with various of the creatures roaming freely alongside all the Awakened and Awakenings [will be explained in a later post]. If someome were to even break a branch, she will know of it. She is like a mother to all who are in the woods, even the occasional travllers who pass by.
Though forced to stay in the forest herself, those whom she’s close with visit her often, and enjoy the beauty of the nature she has preserved so well.
Sooo.. yeah, just realized I should have explained basic concepts of the world before the characters >_
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Thing I Want to Say
Listening to the soundtrack I imagine Forgotten Legends of an Essence and I'm just like
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Forgtten Legends of an Essence
-There was a legend once told of a place above our own, of beings who were once like us, but have elevated to a higher level.
-It was once passed from generation to generation, long since forgotten. Any mortal who arrive there only find it a dream and wish to leave.
-However, one sole mortal remebers the legends, and remembers the stories told as to how to get there.
-That mortal, who goes by the name of [player name here], arrived, in search for an Awakening.
-So begins their quest of enlightenment.
This isn’t exactly a “story,” but rather a a simple plot for a basic rpg (though it’s just scratching the surface of the true story). If it sounded like the beginning for an average rpg, then that means I started off well!
[Some time this week: Basic Introductions to Characters]
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So, it's been a long while since I've been here, but now I have an idea just wantung to burst so I decided to let it all out here. I may have no audience yet, or anyone that actively reads my posts, but it doesn't matter! I have an idea that I want written and I'm going to have so much fun with it!
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Bubu making amazing art as always, seriously, more people need to see this art! Thanks a lot bubu! :)
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Request from @intellectualdetective TERA character request by a cutie
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Conspiracies,Secrets, & Organizations
Chapter 1
She was sitting in front of her laptop in the library, where her professor told his students to do research on a topic of their choosing of anywhere in history. The girl in front of her computer with others who were doing their own research was researching of the technologies had throughout history, coming out with stupendous results from all around the web with first hand documents though it was strange as to how she found so much information. The girl was very advanced in technology, knowing all of computers who was named Accalia.
Accalia stood at a mere 5’4, has russet, almond shaped brown eyes and sable, wavy brown hair. She wore a diamond shaped face with a slightly turned up nose, sharp lips, and having a highly modulated voice. Though not talkative towards to just any stranger, to those she knows a bit or well, she is able to talk up a storm that refuses to cease and gives motivation whenever she sees that no one is willing.
Meanwhile, there was another girl in the table in front of her sitting by herself, book to her right, laptop slightly to her left. She would spend just 3 or 4 minutes on two pages before she flipped to the next, then would look at her laptop to the background history. From what Accalia gathered on her, her name is Avril Malisius, and was researching of topics containing controversy throughout history such as Nazi medical experiments and the Roswell incident.
Avril stood 5’8 tall, with stone blue, slightly downturned eyes and sooty, curly black hair. She had an inverted triangle shaped face, a straight edged shaped nose, thin lips, and a dead voice, almost monotonous. She was strictly reserved, speaking to only 2 or 3 people overall, but besides them, she sees no need to speak. She only speaks a short, to the point sentence that is not any longer than 8 or 9 words.
The professor ends the class for the day, and calls upon the two girls before they left.
His name was Mr. Carrington, who was fairly young for a world history professor being only 29 years of age and had an oval shaped face with a sharp nose and round, ruddy brown eyes. His straight, earth brown hair was combed back and spoke in a very matter of fact manner. He was also recently assigned as the coordinator of the graduation ceremony.    
“I need to have a word with you two,”
“Mr. Carrington, I’m sorry if this sounds rude, but can you make it quick? I have many other things to do so how about we just make this short and to the point for I would not care if it’s just useless information that does not benefit anyone,” Accalia was pacing back and forth, lecturing the professor.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s nothing bad I assume,” Avril said with a yawn.
“You’re right Avril, it’s just that since you two are so close in rank, it was decided that you two are both going to be the valedictorians, so I expect for the two of you to prepare a speech.”
“Well, I see no wrong in that, after all being the best doesn’t really matter to me, especially when the competition is close. I don’t mind sharing the glory in the slightest. How about you Avril?” Accalia asked, smiling at her.
She shrugged, her stone expression still chiseled into her face, “I don’t care, as long as it’s fair.”
“That settle things then, thank you for your time girls.” He saw them off and the two began walking side by side through the hallway towards the exit.
“What do you think of a valedictorian Accalia?” Avril asked.
“It’s nothing but a mere title, just like Lord, King, and President. It passes, and then what? What are they besides humans with a name? Does their title make them more than what they are? I don’t care, to be honest with you.”
“How funny, neither do I. We think alike,” Avril broke out of her normal lack of expression and smiled.
“Yeah, I guess we do, yet we hardly ever talk to each other.”
“That can always be changed, like now.”
“Well, you do bring up a good point, let this be the start of a good relationship then,” Accalia grabbed her hand and shook it.
“Indeed. I wish the same.”
They parted ways, and so marked the end of their school day. However, as it has been noted by various citizens within their little town, they couldn’t help but notice some strange happenings and individuals that live in the little, somewhat urban city of Haven.  There are many organizations within Haven, some well-known, while others remain in the shadows and are rumored to only be active in night.
Haven was indeed a strange little town, it lives up to its name by being a haven to those who feel rejection in any other normal city. It is highly known for its “no questions asked” kind of environment where what may stand out as odd for a tourist or new resident that calls for a need to investigate, they are highly discouraged by the regulars there to not bother anyone here. As their motto states, “A safe haven is here to those denied one anywhere else.”
It’s because of this that much diversity is had in the town, spanning from people of all cultures, races, and identities, from professional, specialists, to just average people and farmers or others from all different kinds of occupations. Each have a different background and reason as to why they went to Haven and most, if not all, feel safe within the boundaries of this town.
There are many organizations around the town, some friendly, others controversial, and even some that aren’t all open to the public. However, since the town prides itself on freedom of assembly, it encourages this and does not apply restrictions on these little gatherings. Though some in the end are indeed quite odd, especially the nocturnal ones.
“Venquin, we must speak with you,” a message in the online chat said.
“What is it Leson?” “How has Operation Shadownet progressed?” “Currently, over 200 subjects have been located, and are now published for the public and authority to see.”
“Perfect, now they shall think twice before committing such activities. Continue the operation, for we are far from done yet. There are many sick and twisted people Venquin, and my wish is to capture them all.”
       “It is not only your wish Leson, many of us, the entire public, they all would want to punish depraved individuals like them.”
“You have a point, I was right to place you in charge of this area.”
“There is no need to flatter me. I do not see myself as a commander, nor even as a leader, for I merely do what the people ask for. I am simply the person who takes action on their behalf.”
“I always did like your mentality Venquin, but there is one more operation I will place you in charge of: Operation Omniscient. You will need to listen very carefully to the instructions you will be given.”
Although not all organizations joined together through impersonal means, there are some who meet in the most discreet locations of the town, one where only residents who have known the town since their birth would know. Not just anyone can join whatever organization they choose, for it takes a few standards to meet in order to join. There is one in particular that is not accepting of just any average person, and the people in there are not so normal, especially when the majority of them are wearing the most expensive of clothing.
“Meras, are all preparations done?” He asked.
“Yes Bishop Devon, all is laid out, you are allowed to continue,” Meras bowed.
“Thank you Meras, before we continue however, I have a request of your leadership.”
Meras’s eyes darted from left to right, “Though asking leadership on my behalf is indeed an honor, may I receive word as to what my leadership is in need for?”
       “I have heard of tensions increasing within the town for new technologies and ideologies are being brought into it. These invading thoughts come alongside the elections with candidates mostly from outside of the city. Our ‘safe havens’ will be put into jeopardy if such trends continue.”
“Who do you speculate to be the cause of this sudden invasion Bishop?”
              “It matters not for me to investigate, there are many who have put us under scrutiny prior to these events. My order is that you seek out as to who has been causing such radical ruckus, and insure that they are stopped. Understood?”
“I understand fully Bishop Devon, in the sun’s break, I shall search.”
“Then go Rook Meras, if the task is complete, it matters not how long you take, if completed you shall receive a promotion to King. King Mortem has been seeking for a successor, and he highly values my recommendations and is actually waiting upon my response so he could promote said person instantly. Do not disappoint. Now off you go.”
              After the night passes, the town returns to normal once again, for it is known of the townspeople to not leave their homes and leave all lights off in fear that they spot the “Nocturnals.” The Nocturnals have been known to “negotiate” with the people who spot them, whether seen through their windows or spotted by casually walking around, it is the one and only ominous warning given to newcomers or tourists to never leave their house or have lights on after the sun sets.
       The alarm began blaring, the sound getting slightly less distant, and seeing the blurred snooze button, Accalia presses it and rubs the weight off her eyes. She outstretched her arms to the air and inaudibly yawned. She grabbed her phone to see the time was 8:21 in the morning. She then began browsing through various websites on her phone for a few minutes before she got up from the bed and made her way into the kitchen.
       She had an apartment as large as an average living room, her bedroom directly next to the bathroom with the living room and the kitchen which shared the same space. Though she only had few appliances and silverware, she was able to manage quite easily. She made herself some eggs and ate before she had to get ready for class around 9:40.
       Huh, usually I wake up later than this, oh well, I guess that means I have more time for myself, Accalia thought. After she had finished eating, she washed the dishes and went to go get her laptop. She sat on the couch with her laptop then turned on the TV as she was browsing for some games to play for a while when a news report suddenly came in.
       “This just in, according to one of our reporters currently on the scene, a body has just discovered as they were on their way to interview the mayor about the upcoming elections,” the news anchor said. Upon hearing it Accalia closed her laptop and sat at the edge of her sofa, murders were rare, especially in Haven.
       “As you can see right here, we discovered this body right here on the sidewalk, the police are here and confirmed this body to be that of the mayor’s wife. According to reports, she was last seen at around 11:30 when she went outside after hearing signs of someone forcibly entering their home. We were also able to get a few words from the mayor.”
“It could only have been one of those wretched Nocturnals. It has been brought to my attention time after time how much the people of Haven were skeptic about them, but the only reason I did nothing was that they did no harm. Now not only did they break into my house, one of them killed my wife, and we all will hunt them-“
       She turned off the TV and checked her phone to see that the time was now 9:20, she changed clothes, got ready, and headed off towards school. As she was walking through the hallways, a voice beside her said, “Have you seen the news?”
She turned to see Avril walking beside her, “Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there Avril. Yeah, I saw it.”
       Avril sighed, “So, do you think it was one of the Nocturnals?”
“There are the only ones that are out that time at night. Whoever it was, it’s obvious that they are a part of one of those shady organizations out there.”
“Well, I guess you’re right, there’s no reason as to why normal residents would be out there at that time.”
“Let’s go inside before Carrington gets mad at us.”
They went into the classroom and sat in their designated spots, but they couldn’t help but notice how Mr. Carrington was sitting at the edge of his desk with his arms crossed. He didn’t speak for a while, whereas usually he gets straight into the lecture as soon as everyone sat down. Accalia raised her hand, catching Mr. Carrington’s eye, yet his face was still fixated on the ground.
“What is it Accalia?”
“I guess you heard the news too huh? Otherwise you wouldn’t be acting like that, I mean, he is technically your uncle right?”
He finally lifted his head to look at Accalia, as were the others, “Did I make it seem that obvious? How can you tell he was my uncle from just this class?”
       Accalia shrugged, “Well, it’s just whenever you tell us stories during your lectures, you mention the mayor a lot, and if he was just some average guy to you, you wouldn’t even mention his name. Just like how you mention your mom and dad a lot.”
Mr. Carrington chuckled and finally stood upright, “I guess you’re right. You’re very intuitive Accalia, so much so it shocked me for a second.”
“My father was always good at interrogating, he always noticed the subtle things. I guess I got that from him.”
       Mr. Carrington gave one long sigh, then went up to the podium that he had just steps below from his desk which the entire class could see no matter where they sat, and spoke, “Well, due to the events that just transpired and with the victims involved being family members of mine, I want to lecture about something different. I want to lecture you all history, just like I always have, not world history, but rather the history of Haven, the history of the Nocturnals.”
       Upon hearing the word Nocturnals, almost everyone’s face in the classroom lit up instantly and they all sat at the edge of their chairs with their eyes on the professor. Though much is known about the daytime organizations, almost little to no information is had about the Nocturnals due to how reserved they all were.
Mr. Carrington smiled, “Well, this is certainly a first, I would appreciate for you all to pay as much attention to the rest of world history, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers.”
       “As we all know Haven has prided itself in the amount of community activities it holds and highly expresses the right to free assembly so much so that all sorts of organizations sprung. However, the first of the Nocturnals began quite early in the town’s history, as early as 1881, 6 years before the founding of Haven. Not only that, but in all honesty, I found it quite difficult to find any sort of information on them as they aren’t registered in archives nor are they regulated as to what they do or for what purpose it is being made for. However, oddly enough, this was not the first case like this here in Haven caused by the Nocturnals.”
       Avril raised her hand, “Yes Avril?”
“If this is not the first, how many other cases have you found like this?”
“Well although this is the first reported murder, there are various disappearances and occurrences that are known to be linked with the Nocturnals.”
“Do you know how many organizations are considered as Nocturnals?” Accalia asked.
“Well from what I was able to gather, there is currently around ten, but many of them don’t have a considerable following.”
“What are they? What do they practice? Shoul we even trust them?” Many students began asking.
       The professor raised his hand, a common gesture he does to silence the whole class, “As I previously stated, I have only bread crumbs of information, so as your homework for tonight, you will need to search the names of at least one of the Nocturnals. Not only is it for some of you to actually do very detailed research, since the mayor knows some of the top students in the whole town are in my class, he is asking this as a favor as well. Find at least one name and I will take out any bad grades in my class.”
Mr. Carrington dismissed the class for the day, and all the students were chattering about the new project and took the opportunity to improve their grade. Avril and Accalia walked together out in the hallways filled with more excitement than the usual groans and mutters.
“Well, it seems we are in charge of investigating this case,” Avril said.
“Isn’t that always left up to the police? Even though I know the police here are useless in a case like this.”
“It’s because they can’t help that I’m asking you all,” his loud, grave voice stopped all conversation, and they all saw Mayor Orwell standing at the entrance. The mayor was a heavyset man, who wore round glasses for his deep-set hazel eyes. He had a round face with a hooked nose and combed black hair. His voice was a stentorian one that echoed through the town. He is often nicknamed as Haven’s Winston Churchill due to a few similarities between them.
The students all stopped and stared at him, and watched as he walked up to Accalia and Avril.
“May I have a word with you two, if I am not wasting your time,” he asked.
“Not at all, what is it Mayor Orwell? Is there something you need?” Accalia asked.
“If this is your wife we’re talking about, then we can easily make time.”
       He walked with them outside the building, then asked for all the students to remain inside until he finished, “I heard you two are the brightest girls in all of Haven. For that I congratulate you, my nephew spoke much good things about you two.”
“Thank you sir,” they both said.
“Now, as he told you, my wife has been killed, and I am certain it was by one of those Nocturnals, and I personally want to ask you to find the exact person who did.  My nephew has you searching for names of the Nocturnals, but I ask of you two to find the name of the person who killed my wife. I will pay highly if you do, so please, could you two be able to accomplish it?”
“No problem Mayor Orwell, I am sure we could catch them in no time, you have no need to worry. We will try our best, right Avril?”
“Yes, calm down sir, we will have the issue resolved. Count on us.”
“Thank you girls, you don’t know how grateful I am,” he hugged the two girls, staining their shirts with his tears.
He wiped his eyes, “I’m so sorry.”
“No need to cry, we’ll find that Nocturnal, alright?” Accalia said. He nodded and let the girls and the rest go on their way home.
 Decided to post the 1st chapter up here cause why not? Hope you find it interesting! :)
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Little update to cover (literally just colored the white of the tie above the ring) just because it bothered me XD
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Close up image of all symbols in the ring for my book cover. If artists can include those logos I would appreciate it. :)
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UPADATE: Book Cover Artists
So far, I have a few artists willing to make the cover for me, to which I say thank you. :) I’m still accepting any other artists, especially those good with making book covers, to see if anyone is interested in making a cover for me. Free or commission, I will happily accept and pay if commission.
All background info as well as how I would like the book cover to come out is in my blog, thanks once again for your time, and keep being amazing artists, all of you. I really mean it, there are some AWESOME artists here, and though I wish I was as good, my art just can’t compare to everyone else, never have been good at drawing. Have a wonderful day, I wish you the best in your artistic endeavors for I know how hard and time consuming it may be at times. Hope you’re interested, thanks :)
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Conspiracies, Secrets, & Organizations Info
I know I did a lot of posts regarding this story but didn't fully explain about what it's about. It takes place in a small town named Haven, where it is a "haven" for many kinds of people and have many organizations there. Here Accalia and Avril go to college almost ready to graduate, both being valedictorians as told by their professor, Mr. Carrington. However, a certain incident popped up involving the organizations. Among them are some organizations only active at night, referred to as "Nocturnals." A news report then suddenly announced that a Nocturnal supposedly broke into the mayor's house yesterday night, finding the body of his dead wife the morning after as they were on their way to interview him. Knowing the brightest of Haven were in Mr. Carrington's class, and knowing the uselessness of the police, Mayor Orwel asks the students to investigate, and assigns Accalia and Avril to discover who murdered her wife. And that's all I can say without spoiling too much, though I hardly spoiled anything at all. :b Seriously though, I personally like where I am going with this story, and have been REALLY inspired. Hope this serves as good background info. :)
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The rough draft of my book cover (my version). Artists should use this as a reference for this is how I would prefer the cover to look like, if asked I will also draw the individual symbols in the ring so that they get added as well :) If any more artists are interested please give it a try, for free or comission it doesn't matter as lo g as the quality is good, thank you :)
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Very very VERY rough draft of what I imagine the cover would look like, I will make a larger picture with some edited details. Still looking for artists interested I will do whatever so pls help :)
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The cover page for my new book. For those artists willing to make the cover, the fonts are Endor and Creator Camotype scmp and I would prefer that the cover had those fonts :)
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Formal Announcement
I will now go back to what I wanted to make of this blog and continue writing. I am no longer undertale trash so let me dive once again into the creative breach :)
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