hello my lovelies, my requests are OPEN!!!
I'll do imagines (written and gif), au's, moodboards, or any format you see on my blog!!!
It doesn't have to be about a show/film I've posted about! Just give me a message
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you want to be alone? we can be alone together, 
Stiles Stilinski wasn’t born a hopeless romantic, but he had studied hard to pass as one. For several weekends before he asked you on a date he watched every cheesy rom-com that he could. Starting with the 80s movies, leading all the way up to his personal favourite Letter’s to Juliet (something about the enemies to friends trope excited him). So when he finally asked you on a date he had it planned perfectly. First he would take you on a mini road trip, no where too far, but you would head towards the beach. Listening to a mix-tape made up of songs like The Less I know The Better by Tame Impala and Blinding Lights by the Weeknd. Whilst they were playing, Stiles would look over and take little memory snaps of you dancing or singing, as if he were creating a rom-com styled montage in his brain. When you arrived at the beach, the first plan of action would be pizza, the second some wine, well grape juice (Stiles was driving). His vision was to watch the sunset whilst eating pizza on a sandy beach with you. Then after that he would take you to the pier, and after winning you a teddy bear he’d take you on the ferris wheel. Which is when you’d have your first kiss, whilst the fireworks were going off in the background.
So, Stiles wasn’t a hopeless romantic, but he sure made it seem like he knew what he was doing. 
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after neil, 
Todd was distraught and rightfully so, he had just lost the first person in the world who ever truly understood him. Todd became restless, never being able to sit still, never being able to settle and it was because of Neil. Neil made him feel welcome and at home. So how did Todd deal with it? He travelled, he went to all the places Neil ever talked about. New York, Rome, Berlin and finally Edinburgh. Todd finally settled in Edinburgh, he struggled to understand the locals at first but soon he was spending Burns night reading poetry and drinking beer with his new found friends. He got to wander the streets that Neil once described as peculiarly captivating, they wound round and round in circles, lined with book stores and art shops, shops that had little nicknacks that Neil would have gone crazy over. Slowly but surely each of the Dead Poets came over to visit, staying with Todd in his studio apartment filled to the brim with books and plants. On these visits Todd would take the Dead Poets to Arthur’s Seat, and they would marvel at the view of Edinburgh. Sitting and talking about their lives for hours on end reminiscing about Welton made Todd feel even more at home. As much as he missed the Dead Poets, he felt connected to Neil in Edinburgh; he wasn’t sure whether it was the endless roads of quaint cafe’s and businesses or the friendly locals, but Todd had finally found Neil again. 
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'pranks' "Scott c'mon, lets duct tape Liam and toss him in the shower again" "Sure man."
i agree Stiles would have come up with it, but as a joke and Scott would have gotten latched onto it not realising
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A Liam Dunbar Imagine. 
REQUEST: Can you make an imagine where Y/N starts to date Liam but Y/N is Scott's little sister. Scott and Stiles start to mess around with him like pranks and stuff.
Acting normal was the easy part, stopping the butterflies that invaded my stomach every time I saw him was the hard part. Liam Dunbar, the new wolf on the block, he has these gorgeous eyes and the most perfect boy next door bone structure. Oh and his smile, his smile, it somehow manages to tell you that ‘Saturday is for the boys’ and ‘you’re the only thing I need in this world’ all at the same time. It’s not these feelings that are the problem, it’s the parasite that’s feeding on the romantic feelings that I let slip, otherwise known as my big brother Scott. 
‘You can’t leave it alone, can you?’ I said to Scott, as he slowly pulled into the school’s parking lot, making sure to wave in a cheesy manner at Liam as he walked by. ‘I’ll leave it alone when you ask him out.’ Scott looked at me with a smug smile, knowing that I would never ask him out. I just groaned and unbuckled my seatbelt, opening the car door and swung my legs out before turning back to Scott 'I'll ask him out when you leave me alone’ and slammed the door behind me. 
As I was making my way across the parking lot to the pearly gates of hell, that was school, I was stopped in my tracks by none other than Stiles Stilinski, if my big brother is the angel on my shoulder, he’d be the devil. ‘Hey Y/N, discussing ways to stop drooling over Liam. You know, you take after your brother, you should have seen him when he first saw Kir-’ Stiles was interrupted by a punch to his gut. His response being a solitary ‘Dude!’, I took this as a chance to walk ahead but was yet again stopped by Stiles, ‘Dumb and dumber, tell me what you want, because I would like to get to class before it starts’. I looked at them expectantly, ‘Now would be lovely.’ Scott looked at Stiles and then back at me, ‘If you don’t ask him out, then we’ll just have to mess with him a little. Maybe we replace his water at practice, or hide his clothes so he has to wear lost and found kit.’, at this point Stiles chimes in ‘yeah, or maybe we convince him that he’s being stalked, we anonymously call his phone and write him letters saying that we know all his secrets.’, it was Scott’s turn for the solitary ‘Dude’. I directed myself towards Scott ‘So what you’re saying is, that if I don’t ask him out, you’re going to play pranks on him until I do?’ Scott nodded at this. ‘And we’re going to write him anonymous lette-’, ‘dude, we’re not going to write him anonymous letters.’ I walked away, leaving tweedle dee and tweedle dum to bicker about the prank warfare that they were going to unleash upon Liam. 
I took my seat in my first class of the day, it was history with Mr. Yukimura. It was an interesting lesson, well what I was paying attention seemed interesting.  I spent most of it staring out of the window, deciding whether or not I’d let my brother and his “hench”man start pranking Liam. Surely Stiles and Scott wouldn’t do anything dangerous to him, they aren't that stupid are they? Although I felt unsettled and slightly worried about what they might do, the jury’s verdict (the jury being my last three brain cells) was to ignore it. They must have been trying to intimidate me into asking Liam out. So for the rest of the school day I did exactly that, ignored it and by home time I had forgotten about it. 
It was a Tuesday and that meant Scott, Stiles and Liam all had practice. So there were no chances of me running into any of them or their shenanigans. Tuesday for me, means that I don’t have a ride home. But on the upside, I do get thirty minutes of pretending I'm walking in a coming of age movie, whilst listening to fun indie music. I arrived at my front door, the sound of HAIM, buzzing softly through my earphones, I opened the door slinging my keys to the right onto a little dish and my bag onto the floor, next destination, the fridge. With HAIM still buzzing slowly into my ears, I searched through the fridge to find some leftover pizza and then headed up to my room. 
My room was like any other teen bedroom, photos of my friends littered on the walls, random souvenirs that I had saved from day trips and concerts and receipts from nights in diner’s after Scott’s lacrosse games. I flopped onto my bed, stuffing the pizza into my mouth, earbuds still buzzing and let time roll by. Time doesn’t feel real when you have pizza, music and homework, it sort of feels like a montage at the beginning of a cheesy high school movie. 
Hours went by, soon it was well after dark, but the music was still my soundtrack to the mundane routine. I checked my phone, it was 7pm. Which meant it was time to reheat the lasagne that was probably in the freezer from a week ago. As I made my way to the kitchen I heard a sort of thumping sound. At first I thought it must have been in the background of my music, but I soon realised it wasn't. It was probably Scott being a clumsy mess. I got to the kitchen and put the lasagne in the oven. I took out an earphone and breathed in, preparing myself for the monstrosity that was about to leave my lungs. ‘SCOTT, IM MAKING LASAGNE, HURRY’. I waited for a response, instead I heard more of that mysterious banging and what sounded like Stiles attempt at whispering. I rolled my eyes, charging towards the idiots who seemed to be hanging out in our bathroom. ‘Scott, you know the deal. I make dinner you set the table and your little friend Stiles isn’t getting any garlic bre-’, as I turn the corner into the bathroom I skid to a stop. Apparently in the time it had taken me to do my homework and put dinner in the oven, Scott and Stiles had turned into Reggie and Ronnie Cray. And how did I know this? It had something to do with the Liam shaped body that was duct taped in my bath. 
'What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’ I yelled at the pair, who stood idly in the bathroom. ‘Oh hi, Y/N, fancy seeing you here. What are we doing? Oh we’re, you know, just doing the usual. What do you think we’re doing?’ Stiles blurted out, doing the over-talking thing he does when he’s nervous. ‘It looks like you’re having a tea party in here, without me’, Stiles mouth hangs open and he looks at me as if to say “what the?”. ‘You guys are actually idiots. Do I have to actually say it to you? Why the hell do you have Liam Dunbar bound by duct tape in my bath?’ I give them both a look asking for an answer. After what felt like ten minutes of silence, Scott decides to give me an answer, ‘We told you what we’d do this morning.’ My eyes roll back into my head and my hands flail about at my sides telling the boys that they are in fact stupid. ‘I thought you were joking.’ I shouted at them. ‘Never underestimate the power of Batman and Robin. Now you should tell him why he’s here’ Stiles looked at me with the same look that I had given him moments ago. ‘For god sake. Why are you punishing me.’ I whispered underneath my breath. ‘Untie him you idiots.’ I scowl at them, folding my arms. ‘Not until you tell him’ Scott imitates me. ‘Ugh fine.’ 
I approach the bath tub looking down at a somewhat scared and confused Liam. ‘My brother and his idiotic friend, who are definitely not Batman and Robin, brought you here today because they want me to grow some balls and ask you something.’ I turn to look back at Stiles and Scott who are both now invested in my every word, Liam is staring directly into my eyes at this point and the butterflies are back. I take a short breath in to prepare and finally say ‘Would you like to go on a date, with me?’ there’s a silence in the bathroom as we all wait for a response. Liam writhes around a little, his words are just sounds. ‘Oh, yeah, sorry. This is going to hurt a little.’ I rip off the duct tape from his mouth. ‘What’s your answer dude?’ Stiles shouts a little too eagerly. ‘Yes, I'll go on a date with you. But you didn't have to kidnap me to do it.’ Liam finally exclaims. ‘Trust me, I had nothing to do with it.’ I turned around to look at Stiles and Scott, who are both smiling at me. 
I roll my eyes yet again and head towards the door, turning back to yell ‘Untie him you idiots’ at Stiles and Scott who both stumble around clumsily trying to let Liam out. As I make my way out into the hallway I look back at them ‘Dinner’s almost ready and neither of you are getting garlic bread.’ 
A/N: I haven’t written anything in years for this Tumblr. I hope you enjoy it (and i’m really sorry to the anon who requested this ages ago.  I also went a little rogue with the plot line. But all the basics are there. 
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A three part colour story: 
Purple, dignity & mystery. 
 Blue, wisdom & loyalty. 
 Red, dominance & passion. 
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Running away from my problems like:
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oh I just want you to dance with me tonight
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you r my favorite person
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Can you make an imagine where Y/N starts to date Liam but Y/N is Scott's little sister. Scott and Stiles start to mess around with him like pranks and stuff.
Ofcourse, I'll get it up as soon as possible
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When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously.
1. Making people laugh or smile especially if im working on till.2. My friends ofcourse, where would i be without them3. This may sound weird but my English teacher, because he's just so great, i mean he took over a shit teacher and now i enjoy english again. 4. The art department in my school; they're all amazing people and they're people i want to surround myself with 5. That feeling you get when a teacher reads out your work or yses you as an example in class.
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(Using gender neutral pronouns (they) ) 
Contains Self Harm and Depression
Life hadn’t been the same for the past few years, but he had made it better. He was a little ray of sunshine in my life and he didn’t even realise. That’s why I couldn’t tell him about it, I couldn’t tell him that I was standing here, in the bathroom we share, shirt rolled up, blade against stomach. That’s why I get changed with the lights out, thats why things happen with the light out. 
I just don’t know what would happen if he found me here, doing this of all things. I don’t know how it came around, fate, possibly the depression, but most likely habit. ‘I’ll try anything once’ I used to say, it used to be something I lived by, but I mean trying something once could lead to something bad. However trying something once could lead to something great, I mean that’s how me and Newt found each other. I love him… I think. Well whether I love him or not, he would not approve of what I’m doing now, come to think of it, would anyone? I drag the blade across my skin a couple more times, watching the blood slowly find its way to the surface, then wipe away the blood and do it once more. Drag. Look. Wipe. That’s the routine, one of my many routines that I do not share with Newt, I don’t want to scare him off after all. 
Newt’s P.O.V
Work is hard but it was worth it, knowing I get to come home to y/n everyday makes me happy. The way they smile just lightens up my day. Today wasn’t any different. Walk home. Fumble for keys. Unlock door. Walk to the bedroom. Wash hands. However when I went to wash my hands, as being a teacher can be dirty work, something was different. Y/N was standing there, shirt rolled up, blade against their stomach. They did the same three actions, drag, watch, wipe. As soon as my eyes realised what they were seeing my mouth shouted ‘Y/N! STOP IT!’. Y/N’s eyes darted upwards, yet their hand stayed on the blade. ‘Why should I’ Y/N’s eyes stared straight at me, sending chills down my spine. ‘Because you shouldn’t be hurting yourself, you don’t deserve it.’ I walked towards Y/N, putting my hand on theirs and removing it from their stomach. Y/N immediately dropped the blade and closed our bodies together. Quiet sobs could be heard from Y/N, yet there were two sets of eyes crying in there. Mine slowly releasing shitty tears, that aren’t actual tears. Y/N sobbing quietly into the unbuttoned white shirt I was wearing. 
‘I just can’t help myself, I know it’s wrong, but I can’t stop. It’s become routine now.’ Their voice quivered and their sobs stopped. ‘Well routines are made to be broken, and I will help you with that. You’ll get through it, it won’t be quick and clean like most people think it would, it’ll take time and effort and tears. But it’ll be worth it in the end, everything will make sense in the end, because we have each other and that’s all we need.’ 
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\Scarlet Witch Icons
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Dating Stiles
Dating Stiles would always be fun. He was constantly throwing sarcasm and that cheesy romance from the movies at you. You could tell it was love and he knew it to. Although neither of you said the 'L' word, you both showed it. Whether it was running your fingers through his hair or him kissing you goodnight each and every day, the love was there.
[ click on the gifs to expand ]
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