joster150-blog · 11 years
IWANTTOSEETHEHOBBIT2NOW...but I can't...waaaaaaaaaaahh
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joster150-blog · 11 years
Dat 1980s Friday the 13th was...err...great... Have to say the new ones pretty awesome though
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joster150-blog · 11 years
Is it weird that I find this one screemo song oddly calming?
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joster150-blog · 11 years
Tumblr gifts should be classed as a drug...Crazily addictive, have great fun watching them, realise a lot later that You should have been doing a lot more useful shit. Meh I love em!!!
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joster150-blog · 11 years
How shit goes down.  You have 1 hour to do the work. 50 minutes later you realise that you've been listening to music and just mindlessly staring at a page. 10 minutes later and you've writen down random horseshit and you know atleast you can give something in so you can't get in trouble immediately...I'll leave this for future me to deal with...
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joster150-blog · 11 years
For the thousandth time I'm pescatarian not vegetarian! Gawd get it right ! And it's not because I love animals it's because I hate vegetables...hehehe
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joster150-blog · 11 years
Important question guys... If you have xray vision can you see with your eyes closed? So will you continuously see even if you blink?
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joster150-blog · 11 years
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Forgetting a password, trying for 5 minutes to remember it and then realizing you typed the fucking email as .com when it’s .co.uk
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joster150-blog · 11 years
Also I think an awesome pet would be a mole! You could train it to make elaborate tunnel systems to hide a Minotaur in, have it sneak into people’s houses and piss people off by making it make mole hills in their gardens! Win win
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joster150-blog · 11 years
Music is just awesome. When I wanna get psyched I listen to music, when I wanna calm down, wallow in self pitty or just pass the time music is there. Thanks music!
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joster150-blog · 11 years
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joster150-blog · 11 years
Oh oh oh I got another one.... Only when shut in dark will we truly see!!!
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joster150-blog · 11 years
It is within silence that we hear the most....Damn Im philosophical!
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joster150-blog · 11 years
So yeah I have had god damned migraine for the whole of today! Oh and how did I get it? From sleeping last night! The cheek!! Hahaha
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joster150-blog · 11 years
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joster150-blog · 11 years
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So yeah praying mantis women bite the head off their mate after sex...daym that's romantic...
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joster150-blog · 11 years
The awkward moment when people realise SANTA IS REAL!!
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