#gendered slurs
whump-tr0pes · 4 months
Honor Bound 6 - 30
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, Honor Bound 5, and the prequel Vera.
Contents: attempted murder, strangulation, sort of generous use of the word 'bitch', past death, pretty ungenerous thoughts about the death of a partner on Vera's part, Gray lore drop, past abuse of a minor, attempted restorative justice
Vera was across the room with her hand planted in the center of Rosa’s chest before anyone else could move. She shoved Rosa hard enough that her back slammed against the wall. Rosa’s eyes went wide, the smirk erased in a moment of shock and fear. Vera couldn’t even find the space within herself to enjoy it. There was no room for anything but cold fury that enveloped her like a second skin. She cursed herself for leaving her gun and knife behind. In the same moment, her hands curled around Rosa’s throat and pressed down, hard. Rosa’s eyes went wider. Her fingers dug at Vera’s hands.
“—no!” Kali’s admonition reached Vera through the ringing in her ears. Kali’s small hands curled around Vera’s wrists and pulled. Still, despite her wiry strength, she couldn’t make Vera’s hands budge. Vera’s jaw clenched. She leaned harder on Rosa’s throat. Her mind felt as coldly clear as when she had ripped her teeth through Joseph Stormbeck’s throat, and fired a bullet into Colleen Stormbeck’s forehead. She stared into Rosa’s reddening, bulging eyes without any mercy whatsoever.
You should never have hurt Isaac, she thought viciously.
“Vera, stop,” Kali barked. Vera felt rather than saw Kali’s gaze flick from her to Gray and back. Gray was silent where they stood behind Vera.
“You have about ten seconds to give me a good reason to stop before she passes out,” Vera said flatly. “And maybe another twenty after that before she’s dead.” She felt Rosa’s throat spasm under the relentless pressure of her palm.
“We don’t let anyone stay who harasses, intimidates, or—” Kali yanked at Vera’s arms again. “—goddammit, kills someone else here!”
“That’s fine,” Vera murmured, her lips barely moving. “I haven’t really unpacked yet.”
Rosa’s eyes rolled into the back of her head.
Kali let out a cry of frustration. She looked behind Vera. “Gray,” she gasped. “Please.”
Gray let out a huff of breath. Then, slowly, they said, “Tori won’t be happy if you make her leave, Vera.”
Vera stood perfectly still, the only sounds in the room being the squeaks coming from Rosa’s collapsing throat, and the weak shuffles of her boots against the floor. Vera’s hands spasmed. Then, despite the furious ache in her chest, she loosened her hands and let Rosa go.
Rosa crumpled where she was released, coughing and massaging her bruised throat. Vera spat indelicately and took one step back. She fixed Kali with a loathsome glare.
“Fine,” she said, her lip curling. “You bought that bitch twenty more seconds.”
Kali wasn’t looking at Vera, though. She was staring, wide-eyed, at Rosa. She trembled where she stood, hands at her sides and open as if in supplication. She wet her lips and whispered, “Rosa. What did you do to these people?”
“N-nothing,” Rosa croaked. Her voice itself sounded bruised. “I just—”
Vera stepped forward to kick Rosa in the face with a heavy boot. Gray pulled her back this time, holding her firmly by their side. Vera glared at them. They weren’t looking at her, though; they were looking at Kali.
“This is the second time someone in their group has met you and… well, tried to kill you straight off,” Kali said softly. “I don’t condone the behavior, but… Rosa, Jesus Christ, you did something to Isaac Moore, didn’t you?”
Rosa pushed herself onto her hands and knees. “I did something to him?” she snarled, raising her head to fix Kali with a hateful glare. Vera could see bruises in the shape of her handprints already forming. Her stomach roiled.
“You’re shitting me, right?” Rosa bit out. “You’re fucking shitting me. This has to be a joke. He killed my fucking partner, Kali, he killed Jordan. He—” She flinched back when Vera lunged forward, held back only by Gray’s iron grip on her upper arm.
“Tell her the truth,” Vera hissed through clenched teeth.
Rosa trembled as he glanced between Kali and Vera. “Kali, I’m not having this conversation in front of this fucking—”
“TELL. HER. THE. FUCKING. TRUTH,” Vera bellowed. The tiny corner of the building shook with her rage. Her eyes blazed as she stared down at the woman cowering at her feet, and she tried once again to throw off the hand that held her back from ending Rosa once and for all.
Kali drew in a deep breath, slowly pushed it out. Then, she stepped between Vera and Rosa. Vera’s rage flared and she tensed, ready to shove this newcomer out of the way so she could handle the monster cowering behind her—
Her fury was tempered for the briefest moment by the unflagging kindness in Kali’s eyes. Even as Vera’s muscles braced to attack, even as her face contorted in an expression of rage, Kali looked at her patiently, unafraid, her posture open, her hands down by her sides. Vera’s jaw clenched harder.
“She’s not being fucking honest with you,” Vera said stiffly.
“Yeah, I’m getting that,” Kali said.
Vera blinked.
Rosa scoffed. “You’re fucking kidding me,” she mumbled to herself, every word dripping venom. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. He killed my fucking partner and—”
“Who fired the shot?” Gray ground out. Vera felt her fists relax, felt her shoulders begin to drop from where they hovered around her ears.
Rosa raised her gaze to Gray for the first time since Vera had choked her. “I feel like you should know that you don’t have to be the one to fire the shot in order to be responsi—”
“A syndicate guard fired the shot that killed your partner,” Gray said, a steely calm finding its way into their voice. “And who sent your team into that compound?”
“Isaac was supposed to watch our backs on that mission,” Rosa snarled. “It’s not my fault he failed, it’s not my fault he’s a fucking failure of a human being who—”
“I’ll fucking kill you—” Vera growled.
“Who is the one who organized that mission?” Gray continued tightly, their lips thin. “Who is the one who failed to adequately plan for the guard rotations? Who is the one who purported to lead your team and therefore held the responsibility for such things?”
“You know what? Fuck you,” Rosa snapped. She pushed herself fully to her feet and wobbled when she got there. “I don’t have to fucking listen to this. My partner died because of someone on your crew and now I—”
“Who is the one who went rogue on that mission in the first place?” Gray said, their voice growing in volume but not wavering once. “Who is the one who decided that collaboration wasn’t in the spirit of whatever the fuck you were doing in your little personality cult, and decided that instead of going forward with twinning the radio taps placed on the Defense Corps antennae, like what was supposed to happen, you were just going to blow it up instead?”
Vera paled and glanced at Gray. Old rage and resentment hung on their face like a shadow as they glared at Rosa. She fell back a step, even as Gray stood firm and unmoving.
“Who is the one who ended up causing dozens of deaths with that little stunt?” Gray breathed, hands in fists at their sides. “Who is the one who invited syndicate retaliation against rebel groups that weren’t even involved with that plan? Who is the one who set our cause back months, because we had to scramble to find another way to track their radio signals without that tower? Go ahead and answer. I’ll wait.”
Rosa opened her mouth. Tears of rage shone in her eyes. “I don’t have to fucking listen to this,” she hissed.
“Of course you don’t,” Gray snorted. “Of course you don’t want to listen. You’ve been telling yourself for the past seven goddamn years that your every little problem is Isaac’s fault because it’s easier to tell yourself that than admit to yourself that—” They took a forceful step forward, brushing past Kali as she raised a half-hearted protest. “—you’re the one who fucked up a mission, misjudged a syndicate guard’s rotation schedule, sabotaged the entire rebellion’s cause, and got your partner killed.” Gray’s eyes narrowed to hateful slits. “Because it’s easier to blame someone you had been abusing and conditioning since the age of fif-fucking-teen.”
“Fuck you,” Rosa growled. She whirled and stalked out the door, taking special care to slam it as she went.
For a long moment, the sound was the three of them breathing. Vera could hear her pulse pounding in her ears. She turned to look at Gray, who stared at the door as if Colleen Stormbeck herself had just walked out of it. She wet her lips to speak.
Kali beat her to it. “Gray,” she croaked. “I had no idea.”
“I know,” Gray said. “I was going to talk to you about it soon. Just not… today. I was hoping for more time to think about what I was going to say.”
“She…” Kali took a deep breath. “While I understand your frustration, we can’t hold a botched mission against her. I’m sorry that it affected your—”
“I don’t hold the mission against her,” Gray said coldly. “The cause attracts all types, even the stupid. We can’t all have a knack for considering how our actions affect others.” Their lip curled with contempt.
Kali tilted her head. “Not sure if I would have put it that way, but yes. We all make mistakes. Her treatment of Isaac Moore, on the other hand…”
“I’ll work on Isaac,” Gray said flatly. “I’m working on it. Forgive me. I know he’s… trigger happy. But his partner was almost just killed by Daniel Schiester and now he’s dealing with—”
“Gray,” Kali said gently, with that same unflagging kindness. “I understand. What I’m trying to say is that… her treatment of him is unacceptable.”
Vera’s breath caught. Her gaze flicked from Kali to Gray and back.
Gray betrayed no movement as they stared down at Kali. They wet their lips. “Define… unacceptable,” they said delicately.
Kali wiped her hands on her jeans. “I mean, clearly there’s some abuse there. Clearly she mistreated him. And, given how she’s reacted whenever she’s seen your crew… no accountability, and calling the Uriah kid a, a pet…” Kali threw a look of disgust at the door. “I’ve never seen her use language like that. But the way it just rolled of her tongue…”
“I can absolutely fucking guarantee that’s how she talks when she’s not here,” Vera sneered.
Kali heaved a sigh. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to let our minds go too far down the road to speculation. But…��� She braced her hands on her hips and stared at the ground as if something profound was written there. “I… I’m not going to say that we should just let bygones by bygones. Obviously she deeply hurt one of yours. And that’s not something that just goes away.”
“She had him trained, Kali,” Gray said, their voice low and intense. “She took him off the street at the age of fifteen and turned him into a bodyguard for them. His life depended on keeping them safe, and keeping her happy. That’s how you treat a goddamn plaything. And… I’m telling you, it wasn’t his fucking fault that her partner died.”
“I know,” Kali said with a distracted wave of her hand. “I know.”
“Then what do we fucking do about it?” Vera cut in. “No offense, I’m sure this place is great, but I’m not going to fucking stay here if she lives here, too. And I’m not going to ask Isaac to, either.”
Kali’s eyebrows pulled together. “What? No… Rosa doesn’t live here.”
Vera froze. Gray blinked.
“Sorry… what?” Vera croaked through dry lips.
“No,” Kali said. She glanced at Gray. “Rosa doesn’t live here. She was just passing through. She does that from time to time, gets her mail here. What I was going to say was, maybe I should have a talk with her about letting us know when she’s coming through so people here can, ah, prepare.” She gestured at Rosa’s empty mail bin. “Maybe collect her mail in another town.”
Vera found herself leaning toward Gray. She glanced up at them and met their eyes for a long moment. They returned her gaze with an unfathomable expression.
Softly, they cleared their throat. “We…. don’t want to make any kind of imposition,” they said, forming each word carefully. “We’re very well aware that we just arrived, and Laporte has been running for a long time before we got here.”
Vera bit her tongue against the flood of protests that threatened: fuck that, Gray, Rosa doesn’t deserve to be breathing my fucking air let alone living in the town I’ve just settled in. She can find somewhere else. I’ll run her out of town myself.
It’s not like she has a life to move with her, she’s made that perfectly fucking clear. I guess that’s Isaac’s fault, too. Couldn’t possibly be her personality that’s the reason she’s still single.
Guilt rushed in behind the venomous thoughts, and behind that another wave of hatred followed.
Fuck that bitch and everything she’s ever done. I don’t give a fuck what happens to her. She could defeat the syndicates for good and I’d still want her gone.
She shuddered against the rage inside her and forced herself to listen as Kali opened her mouth to speak.
“Laporte is built on the notion that people can make mistakes and still be good people,” Kali said carefully. “But it’s also built on the fact that everyone deserves to be safe. And Rosa… doesn’t seem interested in looking at her mistakes. Or letting Isaac feel safe.”
“I’m not super interested in letting her feel safe either.” The words slipped out before Vera could stop them. Gray’s hand landed on her shoulder and squeezed.
Kali chewed her lip and met Vera’s gaze. “We don’t condone violence here,” she said patiently.
“If you let her stay, you condone more than just violence,” Vera seethed. The back of her neck prickled with sweat, and she fought the urge to throw Gray’s hand off her shoulder. “You have no idea how much she fucking broke Isaac.” She was horrified to feel tears stinging her eyes as she glared down at Kali.
Vera squirmed under Kali’s gaze as Kali looked up at her, gaze soft, contemplative, composed. “How about this,” Kali said. Vera let out a breath when Kali dropped her gaze and looked at Gray. “I’d like to try and mediate this, if possible. It’s obvious a lot of damage has been done. And my top priority is making you feel safe.” She leaned in. “You,” she said softly. “Because you live here. This is your home now, and I don’t want you feeling unsafe. Especially after… everything you’ve been through. As a group.”
“Part of what we’ve been through is her,” Vera snapped.
“That would be very gracious of you,” Gray said raggedly. They squeezed Vera’s shoulder again, then let go entirely. “If it’s alright, though, I’d like to bring that suggestion to Isaac and see if that’s something he thinks he could… handle, right now.”
Kali let out a heavy breath. “Of course,” she said, her shoulders relaxing. “I understand. It’s been a stressful few days. Please let me know when you’re ready, and we can perhaps set up a time to meet? Somewhere neutral, where we can talk things out.”
“Sure.” Gray nodded. The movement was jerky and stiff. “Thank you, Kali.”
“Any time,” she said. She reached out and squeezed one of Gray’s hands in both of hers. “Any time.” A tired smile pulled at the edges of her mouth. She turned to Vera and seemed like she was about to say something, then thought better of it.
“I’ll… head home and tell him your suggestion, then,” Gray said, moving toward the door. Vera found herself following them, suddenly exhausted.
“Of course,” Kali said. “Take care, both of you.” The crow’s feet at the edges of her eyes deepened as she looked at them both. “And we’ll make this work.”
Even as bitterness curdled in Vera’s throat, the kindness in Kali’s eyes seemed as real as the floor under her feet, or the air she passed through on her way to the door. Even as her anger drove her toward the door so she could go hunt Rosa down and beat her to death in the street like she fucking deserved, Vera somehow knew that Kali meant every word she said.
She had never known that she could trust someone so implicitly before. Except for Gray. She had felt this before, when she first met Gray.
She swallowed hard and let her feet carry her to the door. “Yeah,” she said roughly. “Okay.”
Gray pushed the door open, and she followed them out.
Continued here
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minecraft · 1 year
Did y'all know that Elon Musk's Twitter recently added LGBTQ terms (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Transgender, Queer) to it's "offensive words" list - meaning that links to tweets with words containing them aren't previewed in twitter DMs and are generally de-boosted (shown to less people) by the website? Did you also know there exists a character called the zero-width non joiner that you can copy and paste in-between letters of any keyword so that the keyword visually looks the same but isn't automatically seen by the algorithm as containing a keyword?
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littledemonlorne · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Original Male Character/Original Male Character Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Zombie Character(s) Additional Tags: gay orgy, Older Men/Younger Men, nippleplay, excessive sweat, sex marathon, Multiple Orgasms, partner switching, Body Worship, Pit Play, Lots of Sex, alleged future threat Summary:
They couldn't believe they were the sole survivors of what had happened. It was the most horrifying thing they could have ever come against. But, they were grateful it was over.
Or is it?
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taliabhattwrites · 1 month
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Okay, on a very fundamental level I *need* people to be able to articulate and understand the difference between "theyfab" and "shemale". I know that you know there's a difference, and I refuse you believe that you straightforwardly, non-maliciously consider these two terms to be equivalent and identical.
So, floor's open.
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vavuska · 2 years
The only woman I call bitch/slut/hoe, etc. is my mom. I hate that bitch!
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bunnyboy-juice · 2 months
#personal#i am emotional yes#over the years ive had this blog I've made a few posts abt being femme#nd whether they're serious or jokey..... inevitably someone in the tags goes “ohhh yeah bc pink”#or in the case of what inspired this post: someone going “what about the pink ones” on my praying mantis post#and im just.#sick of it. im sick of femme being equated to pink and frilly girlie behaviors.#im sick of femme being equated to skirts and heels. to makeup. to skincare. to pristine nails exactly almond shaped.#im sick of ppl acting like All femmes aspire to this shit. im sick of femms being reduced to this shit.#and i love pink! i love pink! my phone theme is quite literally just black and pink all over.#im just. so tired of any expression of Femme identity being shoehorned into being a Specific type of femininity#especially as someone who DOES get dysphoric wearing skirts. wearing dresses. embodying the femme aesthetic yall are so set on making#if u guys wanna rb this i truly dont care#i just needed to scream#and this is one small thing#but the 2nd largest category of anon hate i have gotten since making this blog is str8 up homophobia from other “queer” folks#saying i cant be femme bc of how i present. calling me slurs (and using them as such) bc they cant understand femme as anything but that#my wife and i have our users in our personal discord server set as 2 different things of anon hate ive gotten#i have had OTHER FEMMES tell me i am not femme. femmes who Know im femme who still call me butch. femmes who ive corrected and been blocked#-by bc of it. the number 1 largest demographic of queerfolk who have me blocked rn is TME femmes who embody pink also#and i dont think its a coincidence at all. (and i know this bc i go to try and follow these ppl bc they get rbed on my dash & i cant)#and ik their blogs arent deleted bc some of them don't block my wife (tall. white. butch) and it cant be politics cause her and i rb#a lot of the same political shit (fuck. i think she rbs More than i do even. this is genuinely mainly a nsft blog)#and usually i don't say anything but im having a bad day so i get to be angry about this and if anyone fucking tries me i will block u#idc if we've been mutuals 4ever. im judt so tired of feeling like i am not Enough as a femme bc i dont embody this shit#im sick of this lameass lip service to he/him gnc femmes etc when the thin white 50s housewife femme is still what is preferred and loved#im sick of this lamesss lip service when y'all feel entitled to theorizing on other femmes genders bc u cant conceptualize a femme who does#wanna be hypetfeminine. im sick of it. im sick of it. im sick of it.#celebrity bun
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guiltguilding · 4 months
All the ppl in my feeds wishing TERFs a very unpleasant pride month when a hefty chunk of TERFs are lesbian or bisexual...
...While cheering on 'queer' content that's just heterosexual ppl acting a bit gnc...
...And talking about the need to "de-center" gays during pride month...
Yall are either ignorant or homophobic or both, and what you definitely are NOT is progressive and pro-gay rights
I wish yall an enlightening pride month
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transgender activists: we're the good guys :) we're the biggest ally to gay rights!
a lesbian: if it isn't too much trouble... i'd like to have 1 (one) boundary in my personal life. the boundary is that i don't want to touch any penises ever, because i am not attracted to men... hopefully this is understandable to an ally like you-
transgender activists: of course its not alright you nazi bitch. either fix your disgusting predatory fetish for AFABs or fucking kill yourself
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dwllie · 3 months
🏳️‍🌈 𓂃 FAG(GOT)FREAK 〰️
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— FAG(GOT)FREAK : a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a fag(got) and a freak; a fag(got)freak. this gender is only to be used by those in the lgbtq+ community that reclaim the slur fag(got).
coined by us ♡ requested by no one ♡ genderfreak by @losergendered ♡ tagging @accessmogai for a flag id
[PT: fag(got)freak~ fag(got)freak: a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a fag(got) and a freak; a fag(got)freak. this gender is only to be used by those in the lgbtq+ community that reclaim the slur fag(got). coined by us. requested by no one. genderfreak by losergendered. tagging accessmogai for a flag id. /END PT]
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daisylark · 1 year
Interesting how TIMs who claim to be lesbians get upset when actual lesbians do not see them as women because “it’s about the person not the genitals” but when married TIMs are left by their straight wives after coming out because they actually see them as a woman, she’s a bitch who should’ve stuck by them and changed her sexuality for them. Males will always expect the world to fall at their feet.
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eldritch-metalhead · 4 months
trans men are men and trans women are women and non binary people are non binary people. ily my fellow trans peeps <3
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dailytransitiongoal · 4 months
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transition goal<3
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trillscienceofficer · 4 months
I begin reading a post about Winn
"boy do we love to hate this bitch"
thank you for telling me straight away that I don't care about your opinion and I never will goodbye
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tra-archive · 1 month
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TQ+ being blatantly homophobic and getting away with it.
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sare11aa11eras · 1 month
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Alleras and Sam are very excited to be starting the new school year!!!!
[Image Description: Full-color drawing of two people to the knee. On the left-hand side is Alleras and on the right is Sam Tarly. They stand against a blank background. Alleras wears a light green cape over a dark green jerkin, brown breeches, and brown boots. He wears gold earrings with red stones in his ear lobes. He beams at the viewer and his left arm is around Sam’s shoulders. Sam is smiling but still looks a little anxious. He wears a long grey tunic with black decorations at the collar and dark grey pants. His right arm is behind his back and he waves with his left hand. /End ID.]
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kiddphel · 4 months
happy pride months to self shippers and their masc lesbian f/os. their femme gay man f/os. their gnc f/os. happy pride to selfshippers with canonically trans f/os and f/os they headcanon to be trans. happy pride to the masculine f/os who wear makeup.
happy pride to self shippers and their f/os and whatever gender expression makes them happy
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