lifewellnest · 3 years
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You might not see it, but you are so much greater than you think you are.
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lifewellnest · 3 years
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We are the ones who set a limit to ourselves. Dream big!
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lifewellnest · 3 years
How To Be Assertive Without Being Obnoxious
Have you ever found yourself in a position where you couldn’t do anything? Or do you find yourself agreeing to something, even though it goes against your beliefs? To solve such circumstances it is important to understand that value of assertiveness.
So What Exactly is Assertiveness?
Assertiveness is the ability to effectively communicate and negotiate. It entails speaking up for yourself and what you believe in. It includes asking for what you want in a relaxed, positive, and courteous manner.
Let’s see how assertiveness can be a valuable life skill. Here are some tips about how you can become more assertive.
#1 Switch to the language of Assertiveness Pay close attention to the way you construct your sentences. A variety of simple communication strategies are available to you. Starting with “I” statements is a good place to start. To express points and take a strong stand, use phrases like “I want,” “I need,” or “I feel”. It’s important not to leave any space for misinterpretation. Use those “I” statements to express how you feel to the other person. Maintain a simple and straightforward approach.
Your own body language can actually project confidence. Stand straight, steady, and directly facing the people you’re addressing. Maintain proper bearing and allows eye contact to show your strength and confidence.
#2 Assertiveness is NOT Aggressiveness People react differently, they can respond negatively which is truly uncomfortable. Make sure you’re not holding yourself responsible for how others respond to your assertiveness. You’re more likely to respond aggressively rather than assertively when you’re angry or defensive. You become more competent and capable of effectively dealing with any challenge or obstacle when you remove any rage, fear, tension, or other powerful negative emotion.
It is always important to remain on track and in touch with the situation. This behavior will help you deal better with the situation, easily manage the same and make you more in control.
#3 Develop Empathy Always make an effort to consider and appreciate how the other person sees the situation. After considering the other person’s point of view then you can address the issue or the situation. It is very important to maintain eye contact, being engaged while discussing with the other person about how you are invested in the issue. The effect of your messages is enhanced when combined with effective gestures, a well-modulated speech, and good timing.
#4 Respect Yourself and Your Rights To become more assertive, you must first develop self-awareness. This includes confidence in your worth and the importance you bring to this world and to this life. This self-belief serves as the foundation of assertive behaviour, for it will make you understand the treatment you deserve. It will give you the courage to stand up for your rights and boundaries. And at the same time, staying true to yourself, your wants, and your needs.
#5 Be Open-Minded When expressing yourself assertively, it is completely normal to receive both positive and negative feedback. If you don’t agree with the criticism you’ve received, you must be willing to express your dissatisfaction without being defensive or angry. You don’t have to express your insights in a negative or aggressive manner as it shows defensiveness. Instead learn to respect the viewpoint of others as it is their right as well. However you disagree with them, it is always better to deliver your disagreement or dissatisfaction in a well-mannered way. This is where the importance of discussion comes into action.
The Key Points!
Finding the right balance between passivity and aggression is assertiveness. It is definitely a beneficial life skill. Assertive communication means saying what you want to happen while not hurting the other person’s feelings. It promotes a situation where you and the other party are both okay!
Assertiveness is about valuing yourself and your needs, but don’t overlook the importance of other choices. Because being assertive doesn’t mean acting in your own interest without considering other people’s feelings and opinions. Remember that assertive people are pros at finding “win-win” solutions to problems.
Assertiveness will make you a successful manager and leader! Always remember just like any other skill, learning to be assertive requires time and practice. So what are you waiting for? Stand up and assert!
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lifewellnest · 3 years
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Realize the power and ability of your mind
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lifewellnest · 3 years
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Make choices that will bring you closer to your dreams!
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lifewellnest · 3 years
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Strive for the best then enjoy the rewards!
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lifewellnest · 3 years
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Let’s continue to seek ways to live our lives to the fullest!
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lifewellnest · 4 years
Forgiving but NOT forgetting
To Err is Human, To Forgive Divine….a biblical passage that explains why we should learn to forgive because God in his greatness forgives. But what is inevitable is to forego the ability to forget. Once a mistake have caused immense pain then we naturally succumb to its effect. The consequence of being prone to hurts and pain. Machiavelli have pointed out how humans are naturally evil, that we often inflict pain on others as a response to how these significant others have inflicted pain on us as well. Psychology have reiterated our brain’s propensity to remember those sad and painful moments in our lives and naturally cultivate it.
How can then we possibly forget the faces and the names as well as the persona of those who have caused frustrations and confusions in our brains? It is easy to push one to forgive and then forget but such is easier said than done. And so if you say that you’ve forgiven but never have forgotten then such is pure mediocrity for we can never forgive if we have never forgotten!
No worries my dear because as the passage above have stated….to err is human, to forgive divine…we can never be divine but we will be forever human…prone to mistakes and immensely vulnerable!
The GIFT however that was given to us is the ability to think and decide….your susceptibility to errors is overpowered by your intellect….something that made you way superior than all the creatures in this universe.
Hence use that power to prevent errors and regrets in the future….logic my dear…simple logic!
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lifewellnest · 4 years
Confusion Before Enlightenment
Why is Life Full of Sufferings?
Often one questions his God and the supernatural beings (like saints and angels) as to why his life becomes a journey of pure suffering, confusion and deception. Though never did one desire to travel the path as Christ have taken but it seems like every step is a step to a chaotic beginning leading to a more mind boggling end. Are we human designed to live this problem-ridden life? Were we created to suffer before we can achieve what we really want in our lives?
What Must We Do?
Confronted with all these issues and woes, what must we do? Should we just dive into the pit of confusion? Or must we rise and fight our ‘demons’? When do we learn to realize that life is a big battlefield and each of us is tasked to overpower these unseen enemies? We face challenges in two ways, either we ‘fight’ or we ‘fly’! These ‘flight or fight response helps us to resolve  our accumulated woes in all areas of our existence. Whether we decide to fight our problems ‘head on’ or we opt to ‘run away’ from it is completely a personal decision. The ultimate result is simple… the learning that we derive from these responses will shed light on our questioning mind and give clarity to what are these things that really matters to us.
In a Nutshell
Enlightenment is attained only after liberating yourself from the malady of  ‘not knowing and not understanding’. Indeed one can never appreciate what is cold if he has not felt what is hot; never give importance to peace if he did not experience violence; appreciate happiness if he did not experience being in despair and understand what is being loved and accepted without being rejected.
Confusion is just a stage to enlightenment, a juncture that we undergo to learn to accept and ultimately be happy.
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lifewellnest · 4 years
Thoughts Become Things
Mind & Body
Many of us think that what our mind believes, our body conceives. It is a given and accepted fact but not many are aware of another truth. This truth is that the mind  does not affect the body alone, rather it impacts our life and future as well.
How is that Possible?
The mind creates a reality  that can significantly affect what we have in our current life. Constant thoughts of a certain object, event, and person can make things happen. Flooding your mind with what you desire allows it to materialize. When  you passionately allow your brain to focus on the perceived goal you are unconsciously setting the path to its attainment. This phenomenon is in accordance to what we often say  as  ‘the Law of Attraction’. Whatever you think of…. you attract into your life!
As we look deep into the feasibility of making ‘wishes, hopes and dreams a reality’, a revelation is made. It is clear that as we continually focus our mind, our senses and our heart onto something we really want, the same will consequently manifests itself. A surprise is definitely coming your way. Be awed with how the universe will rearrange itself to grant what your heart desires.
Final Thoughts
Indeed it is possible to acquire a perceived reality. It follows that if you believe in yourself, in what you can do and what you can share to this earthly life then all of your thoughts will  materialize. Creating a vision board which has images of objects, people, and feelings that you want to attract in your life will help you focus more.
Remember that you are a unique person with unique abilities. Focus on the good things that you desire and the universe will deliver it right to your doorstep!
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lifewellnest · 4 years
Art is Life : Life is Art
Art is a concept which basically provides colour and substance to human existence. Life without art is dull and without meaning. Art stimulates our senses and cognitive abilities as it allows the expression of emotions and the subjective self.  It is a tangible manifestation and product of human activity that allows the expression of individuality through a set of skills. As a form of expression it requires creative skill and imagination that can produce a thing of beauty and power. It shows not only the artist’s skill and thoughts but it may represents as well a larger community as it reflects the life, culture and history of a group of people in a given time and space. As a way to convey insights and emotions it assigns meaning to forms, colours, shapes, lines and movements.
As a therapeutic tool art can be a brilliant way to manifests our sentiments, our emotions and insights. It can salvage us from boredom, sadness, anxiety and other negative thoughts in a creatively productive manner.
In moments of failures art can be our refuge, our haven. Let art serve as your tool to appreciate the beauty and mystery of life.
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lifewellnest · 4 years
Freedom = Power
Power & Responsibility
In the movie ‘Spiderman’, Peter Parker had his famous line “With great power, comes great responsibility”. Regular people like us possess no special powers like Spiderman does but we actually have ‘Freedom’. Freedom is power and we all tend to over use it while at the same time overlook what it can do to us and to others.
We must educate ourselves about this basic human right we all call ‘Freedom’ because it is a necessary element to achieve self- determination. Freedom guarantees liberation from the shackles of ignorance and medieval thinking. It provides us with an opportunity to discover our abilities, our unique talents and eventually our expertise.
Freedom & Choice
Freedom provides us the right to choose between what is best for us. It facilitates us with the use of our ‘will’ to “do or not do” even with the presence of pressure from the ‘significant others’. Life is confronted with tons of decisions that can make or break us. Gladly we have ‘freedom’ which provides us the opportunity to weigh things before we dive onto our judgment.
As thinking creatures facilitated with cognition we can optimize the use of our ‘Freedom’ to achieve ‘self-determination’. It allows the attainment of what you pursue in your life. Whether your life goal is to earn the degree you are working for; choose the career path you have planned for; earn the income you desire; or even achieve the life status you longed for.
But Wait….There’s More!
As Freedom is considered as an innate power let us instill in our heads that ‘Where Freedom Ends, Social Responsibility Begins’. Our freedom to express ourselves and to decide on relevant matters always has its consequent impact onto the lives of others. Let us be mindful of how our decisions will impact the lives of other people in our community and our society.
Like life, ‘freedom’ can be short-lived if improperly handled.
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lifewellnest · 4 years
WFH: The New Reality
Computers and communication technologies complement the paradigm shift brought about by the changing environment of economies. Working is no longer confined to the workplace as the daily grind can now take place in the confines of your own home and workspace. Whether it is referred to as ‘remote’, ‘work from home’ (WFH), ‘home based’ they are all but online jobs requiring understanding of changes in your usual routine.
Technology Facilitates the Shift
These technologies utilize communication infrastructures that are both global and up 24/7. Interaction between employers and employees has become stronger through the advancements in control mechanisms. Use of computerized monitoring systems such as ‘Time Tracking productivity tools’; ‘Project management tools’; and ‘browser-based word processors’ facilitates greater productivity among workers even if they are working from the confines of their home.
These software or online tools allow real-time collaboration made possible with an Internet connection. Remote workers can actually create, edit and share files while giving instructions through ‘screen-sharing’ features from their laptops and desktops.
Change is Good
Surprisingly even barriers to upward and downward communications are minimized across different status levels through emails and team chats. Modern messaging apps have resulted in more uninhibited communications between supervisors and subordinates which results to better and collaborative output.
The importance of distance is reduced by computers and communication technologies as telecommuting is allowed in a remote set-up. Workers can now perform most of their work at home rather than in a centralized workplace. This is very advantageous to workers as it reduces everyday expenses, work on flexible schedules and even multi-task. These developments will surely reduce job stress while increasing job satisfaction. It can also speed up work and increase productivity through the utilization of online tools.
Whilst this reality is taking place WFH will possibly replace some jobs. Surely there will be the creation of new jobs that requires new skills and aptitude. This may include ability among workers to communicate proficiently as well as engage in the use of updated technologies.
Evidently as new practices are being adopted in the world of work, the convergence of media, telecommunication and computing technologies is creating a new paradigm which every member of the labor force must understand and accept.
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lifewellnest · 4 years
The crisis brought about by Covid-19 across the globe has become so imminent. As the global pandemic, based on the classification made by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020 continues to affect every citizen of the world, misinformation is aggravating the already serious situation.
Myths and misleading ‘truths’ about the ‘coronavirus’ are spreading like wildfire in varied social media platforms. This is not helpful in providing understanding of this health issue which is now critically affecting not only human health but also economies around the world.
While doctors, researchers and medical scientists are finding their way to the in-depth understanding of this virus let us try to give help by trying to be truthful about the how this virus is transmitted and how it works in the human body.
Let factual information debunk these myths circulating on social media and beyond.
Let Us dissect these Viral Myths
Myth #1: Coronavirus symptoms manifest at early stages
Truth: Coronavirus show a wide range of respiratory symptoms which includes fever, cough, and runny nose which can in severe cases result to pneumonia. However, it is surprising that those infected with COVID-19 show no symptoms at its early stages
Myth #2: Only older people are susceptible to the virus
Truth: As the corona virus pandemic have affected mostly all countries around the globe data reveals that anybody, regardless of age, race, and gender can be infected by the coronavirus. Anyone can catch COVID-19. Recent studies however suggest that younger individuals seem less likely to suffer from the severe effects of the disease.
Myth #3: Face masks are efficient in protecting you from the virus
Truth: Masks can help infected people from spreading the virus when they expel droplets. It cannot however protect you from getting the virus. These standard surgical masks are not effective in blocking viral particles that can invade the body. These masks can only serve their purpose of blocking droplets from infected people coupled with proper hygiene practices.
Myth #4: Coronavirus can be transmitted by mosquitoes
Truth: So far NO study or evidence suggest that the new coronavirus can be transmitted by mosquitoes. This virus spreads through droplets expelled by infected people. Studies show that discharges from the nose and droplets from the saliva of infected people is basically what spreads the virus.
Myth #5: Coronavirus can be transmitted by pets
Truth: Though pets may be vulnerable to getting the new coronavirus from infected humans, these animals do not fall ill or even show symptoms of the disease as revealed by health experts. So far there is no evidence that will prove that our pets can actually transmit the virus to their fur parents (but be sure to wash your hands after snuggling with your pets).
Myth #6: Higher temperatures can ‘kill’ the virus
Truth: Higher temperature (Higher than 25C degrees), sunny or hot weather does not prevent the spread of the coronavirus. This fact means that those people coming from countries with hot temperature are equally threatened by the virus.
Myth #7: Alcoholic beverages can protect you from the virus
Truth: Alcoholic drinks can never protect you from COVID-19. It can actually pose danger to your health as this can result to other illnesses and further aggravate health issues. No scientific study suggests this measure to protect anyone from the effects of the coronavirus.
Myth #8: Alcohol and chlorine can kill the virus
Truth: Once the coronavirus have entered your body, no amount of spraying of alcohol or chlorine substances can kill the virus. These chemical substances can be used to disinfect surfaces to prevent the spread of the virus. It cannot however eliminate the coronavirus , which may be incubating in your body. Alcohol and chlorine substances are good for preventive measures but not as a ‘cure ‘to the disease.
Myth #9: Vaccines against pneumonia and the seasonal flu are effective against coronavirus
Truth: Vaccines against seasonal flu as well as those against pneumonia are not effective to protect anyone from COVID-19. This new coronavirus needs its own vaccine which, is still unavailable. Several scientists, organizations and researchers from different countries across the globe are working their ways to develop the effective vaccine against the coronavirus.
Myth #10: Antibiotics can be used against the coronavirus
Truth: Antibiotics can eliminate and kill any bacteria but not viruses. Antibiotics can never work against the virus though it can be used for bacterial infection only under strict medical supervision.
Myth #11: Garlic is a good cure for coronavirus
Truth: Garlic is a healthy food and it actually possesses antimicrobial properties according to the World Health Organization (WHO). However there is no evidence that garlic can help cure people from the ill effects of the coronavirus. Garlic will never improve the condition of anyone infected with the coronavirus as this is a dubious medical advice circulating social media
Myth #12: The virus is part of a biological warfare tactic made by the Chinese
Truth: Covid-19 resembles SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV which triggered outbreaks in the recent decade. Both viruses came from animals and jumped onto humans. These viruses naturally occur among animals found in varied environments. Hence, it logically means that Covid-19, our ‘unseen enemy’ is definitely NOT man-made as no evidence to date will attest to this assumption.
Myth #13: Covid-19 means death to anyone who contracts it
Truth: COVID-19 is NOT a death sentence. Available data reveals that only around 2.3% of those who have the virus expires due to complications caused by underlying health issues like hypertension, diabetes etc. Majority of those with the virus are of mild cases which means they are less likely to develop into uncontrolled severity.
Myth #14: Coronavirus has a lifetime effect on the body
Truth: Those who are infected with the virus and suffering from the ill-effects of COVID-19 will recover as soon as the virus is eliminated from the body. Respiratory symptoms like coughs, colds, and fever demands supportive care at the early stage. Treating the symptoms through supportive medical care can positively impact the body.
Myth #15: If you are able to hold your breath for around 10 seconds or more it means that you are free of the virus
Truth: Breathing exercise can never confirm the presence of the Coronavirus in your body. Only a reliable laboratory test can show evidence as to the Covid-19 disease. The early signs which include fever, lethargy and consistent dry cough can be a basis for the early detection of the virus in the body.
Final Thoughts
Understanding the truth about the Coronavirus liberates our mind from further negative thoughts and gives us ‘inner peace’. Somehow being able to know the science behind it mitigates its impact on our daily lives. It will also be useful to check on a  useful guide about improving mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As for now the proper use of a face mask, sanitizing, eating right, exercising and ‘social distancing’ are the foremost guidelines set by every government to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Let us be all aware of our responsibility to ourselves and our fellow men.
It really pays to know!
Credits to:  World health Organization (WHO) https://bit.ly/36roLgp
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lifewellnest · 4 years
Essential Tips : Working From Home
Work is no longer confined to the workplace
Whether this system is referred to as ‘remote’, ‘work from home’ (WFH), or ‘home  based’ they are but online jobs which requires an understanding of changes in your usual routine. Now don’t be afraid of learning something new as change at this time is truly inevitable. Learn to adjust and I am very certain that you can be very productive even while working from home.
Consider these #WFH tips to enable you to smoothly adjust to this new normal:
1. Since working remote means using technologies, then you need to master the use of project management tools which assist  individuals or teams to efficiently organize and manage tasks and projects;
2. Learn to adapt to the use of computerized monitoring systems such as ‘Time Tracking productivity  tools which measures or tracks your speed in accomplishing your tasks by recording quantity of the mouse clicks and keyboard stroke you make . This software also ‘screenshots’ your work as well as creates online reports, and activity descriptions.
3. Master the use of ‘browser-based word processors’. This is an online ‘word processor’ which gives user the ability to create, edit, save, and access your documents from anywhere. This software allows sharing of documents, tracking changes and  even revert to earlier versions while collaborating with team mates.
4. Learn to communicate using emails and team chats. Modern messaging apps have resulted in more uninhibited communications  between supervisors and subordinates which results to better and  collaborative output.
5. Do research on best practices from reliable Internet sources like forums, blogs and other credible sites. This will surely provide you with the knowledge about the latest trends in your field which surely you can apply in accomplishing your tasks.
6. Be sure to get a reliable and stable Internet provider. Your connection must be Ethernet, wireless is a no-no in an online job. It is also probable that employers will require you to do some ‘speed test’ to check if you can serve the purpose of working online. Your productivity is highly reliant on this as well.
7. Prepare a quiet place that is conducive to work within the confines of your home. Most employers require  a work station that is free from ‘domestic distractions’ like pets making noises; children running around etc. A quiet, noise-free work environment is very necessary especially during video calls.
8. Prepare your desktop or laptop with at least 1.6 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM and 40 GB free space. A backup laptop is also important just in case problems arise (such as power outage). A good headset is also essential for scheduled meetings.
Let’s Wrap-up
These technologies utilize communication infrastructures that are  both global and up 24/7. Interaction between employers and employees has  become stronger while it minimized communication barriers. The uninhibited communication  between supervisors and subordinates resulted to better and  collaborative output.
And while distance is reduced by computers and communication, workers can  now perform most of their work at home rather than in a centralized  workplace. This has become very advantageous to workers as it reduced their everyday  expenses, they can now work on flexible schedules and even multi-task which consequently reduced job stress and increased job  satisfaction.
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lifewellnest · 4 years
Avoiding Stress While Working From Home
Working from home is really delightful as it only implies zero commute time. And of course less travel time means more time to catch that precious sleep! It is surprising however that  several studies revealed that almost 50% of  those people who are ‘highly mobile’ and possibly ‘working from home’ are highly stressed. This is in  comparison to 25% of office-based workers who are suffering less from negative stress.
Common sources of stress for those working remote or working from home includes the lack of an organized structure and boundaries as it is a lot difficult to identify the area of work within the home. It is a fact too that there are really a lot of potential distractions around you. This happens when you are tempted to constantly check on your social media account; pick up those phone calls; give attention to the demand of children, family and friends while you are currently focusing on  a work task. Whew! Indeed very challenging to serve several masters!
Key Tips to Enjoy Working From Home
Though it really takes a lot of discipline to get organized here are some unique and totally awesome ways to enjoy being at home while working!
1. Be Proactive, Learn Something New
There are many activities around you at your disposal. Those who work from home may be proactive by finding and engaging in new activities which was never tried before. These innovative projects may range from building paper scale models to making origami or maybe working on DIY sewing projects and planting veggies in your backyard. These are all awesome and I bet there are thousands of tutorials available online to guide you in these noble pursuit.
2.Initiate ‘Brainstorming’ Sessions with Your Kids, Siblings or Friends
You are not alone in experiencing stress at home and this can be a good way to ‘open up’ and ‘speak your mind’ about current situations. People at home and online have something relevant to say about this. I bet they are just waiting for you to make the first move.
3.Get Rid of those ‘Extra Things’ to Create More Space at Home
This is the best time to declutter. Once you are done with specific tasks at work then you can start moving around and getting rid of those nausea-inducing sight. It may take days, weeks, or months, but surely this will help you create more space at home as well as give you a breath of fresh air.
4.Try Some New and Exciting Recipes
You have been eating lots of ready-to-eat, preservative-ridden food. Why not try a new recipe to cook and taste? Whether it’s Korean, Japanese, Italian they are surely all worth the effort just to satisfy your taste buds! Glad that tutorials are found everywhere on the Internet. Remember good food excites not only your senses but it can also motivate you to work,work,work!
5.Catch Up with Activities that You Have Started a Decade Ago
I bet you have tried reading a novel or maybe play a favorite video game around last year or maybe worst…a decade ago! But you are such a busy person that is why you have not touched that book again nor that expensive gaming console. Be glad because now you can start multi-tasking and exclaim “these are the perks of working from home!”
The Bottomline
Engaging in these unique tasks can spice up your day and create ‘Eustress’ or positive stress while working from home. Your productivity will give you a sense of accomplishment while it energizes you all throughout the day!
Learn to set the boundaries and make time for everything. Remember you definitely have more time now since you are already at home! No need to endlessly choose the right outfit for the day or even spend time traveling from home to office, no more toxic office mates and that is really great!
Eventually you will realize that working from home offers a pleasant experience as you get to spend more time with your loved ones. Most of all it helps you reconnect with yourself and get to know more about the things that you really love doing at this phase in your life. Truly a respite from the usual….
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lifewellnest · 4 years
Missing Out?
FOMO or the Fear-Of-Missing-Out is a real phenomenon that was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. It is an anxious feeling you get when you feel other people might be having a good time without you. It becomes a “pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences while one is absent”. Some consider FOMO as a psychological process that has an underlying issue on social media use.
Considered as a stressor FOMO can affect just about anyone as it is a source of anxiety as most desires to stay continually connected with what others are doing. It creates a sentiment of regret as one fails to engaged socially. FOMO is negatively impacts one’s mental health and well-being.
FOMO can happen when you realize that you missed a conversation or a significant event or even being unable to discover a new restaurant. Being overwhelmed by the amount of information needed to stay up-to-date results in a feeling of relative deprivation and dissatisfaction. This creates a negative social and emotional experience and as a consequence creates a negative mood while lowering life satisfaction and self-esteem. FOMO-sufferers has the uncontrollable urge to constantly check on social media posts again and again. Just so they don’t feel out of the loop and don’t feel left out.
So How Do We Break the Vicious Cycle and Minimize FOMO?
The need to curb FOMO is something we need to work on as studies have shown that FOMO can stem from unhappiness and life dissatisfaction. We need to understand where the problem lies to be able to alleviate feelings of FOMO.
#1 Develop an Attitude of Gratitude Never focus on what you lack and focus on what you have. As much as possible do not read on posts of people who brag so much about what they have because it creates a feeling of deficiency in you. Try blocking people who are not supportive of you and surely this will lift your spirit.
#2 Join Communities or Groups Who Enjoy Similar Interests Change your feed and fill it with those that can trigger happy responses. Joining groups or communities which has similar interests can help you enjoy your moment checking on your social media feed. Identifying what makes you happy minimizes the feeling of FOMO.
#3 Keep a Personal Journal As everyone posts almost everything on the social media, how about keeping some to yourself through a personal journal? Photos, memories and experiences can be kept on a journal or a paper until you start shifting from posting public to posting on a personal journal.It is common to post on social media to keep a record of the fun things you do.
#4 Root for Private Approvals and Affirmation Focus on private appreciation of the things that make your life great. Start getting out of the social media cycle and divert your attention to getting happiness from what you do and what you have right here, right now.
#5 Create Real Connections Try to be more logical to understand as well as appreciate that real connections are not found on the social media. Greater connection is established through belongingness. You need to feel loved, appreciated and affirmed but this is not derived from your thousands of online followers.How about making plans with some of your old, good friends or maybe plan a trip or even a tea party? Intimate connections are great connections that foster emotional satisfaction to the mind and spirit.
The Takeaway!
Everyone feels a certain degree of FOMO at a certain point in their life. This may either happen online or otherwise. But what is important is to understand that happiness comes from within us and it is NOT something that we derive from external things. The anxiety that we feel from “missing out” on anything is just a creation of our mind based on how we compare ourselves from others.
Remember you don’t need to compete with anyone as you are uniquely different from all others. The key is happiness with what you have and soon you will attract positivity in your life!
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