manaheart1 · 10 years
I just want to say thanks to my five whole followers that have stuck with me. you guys are pretty great. You can also follow my other blog which i post on much more frequently. 
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manaheart1 · 10 years
I've played up to level 20 in WOW now, and I've decided I'm too stingy to pay for the game now. Guess I'll be playing at level 20 for a while. 
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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I answered the cry pants call with a simple design that I think makes sense. Hey just look at those bear slippers…bear feat…heh…I’ll just be over here
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manaheart1 · 10 years
Still crying because Assassins Creed Unity won't be available for ps3 (noooooooooo!) *sobs*
However, bless ubisoft for releasing this . 
I mean...it's not Unity....but it'll do, I suppose
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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Cptnwiggles is at it again.
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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Super Danil
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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Grumps epic chalk adventure. Cptnwiggles
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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1up bitches. Cptnwiggles
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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Kitty loves pizza by cptnwiggles
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manaheart1 · 10 years
for all your E3 needs
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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Squids from Nintendo’s upcoming shooter Splatoon! The game looks pretty cute and it’s nice to have a different kind of shooter for once.
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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Really late to the game but I finally made it through Portal. I should really try harder to update this more...sorry about the lack of content lately.
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manaheart1 · 10 years
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Video games can teach you some pretty valuable lessons.
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manaheart1 · 10 years
Don't trust a demon (spoilers!)
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So, I downloaded Magical Diary from a Steam humble bundle sale...and I played through the Damion Story in one day...and fuck. God damnit Damion...I trusted you. I literally screamed "Damion NOOO!!!" I don't think I can trust men ever again. They might try to sacrifice my soul and eat me. 
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HOWEVER! The Donald story is fun and adorable and I highly recommend playing that path instead of Damion. Bro only breaks your heart and takes your soul. Donald is where it's at. fo sho. 
I HIGHLY recommend this game, it's a lot of fun and there's a lot of different ways it can end. Just be prepared for a lot of reading. But the story is good and the characters are fantastic. 
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manaheart1 · 11 years
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New Videogame Phrases and Idioms For Everyday Life
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manaheart1 · 11 years
first one
So, i sent in my story ideas for the week, and i got my alignments aaaand it looks like one of the stories i wanted to do, i was not assigned. SO, my first article I'll be posting here is......(drum roll)....
The Best Worst Nerdy Pick-up Lines
Can you feel the excitement? because i can. Already have a list of a few good ones. I'll be out sometime early next week or by the end of this week.
If you have any awesome nerdy pick-up lines send 'em my way and I'll add them and credit you. 
Thanks guys! 
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manaheart1 · 11 years
hey guys, super PUMPED here because well, here's the thing...I write for a magazine here at my school. I have a small amount of "nerd" articles i write for the online portion. Sad news...not all of my awesome ideas get chosen...[insert sad face] Here's the awesome part: the articles that DON'T get published...I will post on here! [waiting for applause]
Mostly short pieces just for fun (quickies) but i just really want to get my stories out there because I love to write and hey, this is my life =)
I'm so excited to get started! =)
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