mer-ka-ba · 10 years
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you fucking salmon
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mer-ka-ba · 10 years
Practice makes perfect! Love getting lost in this instrument. Sitar = my musical meditation.
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
At 19, I read a sentence that re-terraformed my head: “The level of matter in the universe has been constant since the Big Bang.” In all the aeons we have lost nothing, we have gained nothing - not a speck, not a grain, not a breath. The universe is simply a sealed, twisting kaleidoscope that has reordered itself a trillion trillion trillion times over. Each baby, then, is a unique collision - a cocktail, a remix - of all that has come before: made from molecules of Napoleon and stardust and comets and whale tooth; colloidal mercury and Cleopatra’s breath: and with the same darkness that is between the stars between, and inside, our own atoms. When you know this, you suddenly see the crowded top deck of the bus, in the rain, as a miracle: this collection of people is by way of a starburst constellation. Families are bright, irregular-shaped nebulae. Finding a person you love is like galaxies colliding. We are all peculiar, unrepeatable, perambulating micro-universes - we have never been before and we will never be again. Oh God, the sheer exuberant, unlikely face of our existences. The honour of being alive. They will never be able to make you again. Don’t you dare waste a second of it thinking something better will happen when it ends. Don’t you dare.
Caitlin Moran (via scatteredandshining)
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
do you ever just want to grab someone in one of your classes
and pull their face close and whisper
“I am ten times smarter than you will ever be, your opinions are both ill-informed and unoriginal, the career path you are headed on is so overdosed with barely competent imbeciles like you that you will be incapable of finding a job, and incidentally your shoes are clashing with your outfit in a way that cannot even be called deliberately bad. so shut. the. fuck. up.”
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
[to be read in dark, self-loathing tones, preferably in the rain, barefoot. sobbing. while wearing black. faded black. in the wrong size, with broken zipper.]
desecrate me.
what am I? a shuffling disease, terminal spirit of toxic sorrow. I wear my defects. I am...
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
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Yogic Breathing
One Minute Breath Yogi Bhajan specifically recommended that women practice the One Minute Breath in order to create a deep experience of relaxation. Yogis also practice this breathing sequence to calm anxieties, fear and worry, open the intuition and activate the entire brain.  Inhale: Breath the air very slowly into the lungs for 20 seconds Hold: Sustain the breath as you relax the chest and shoulders for 20 seconds Exhale: Release the breath very slowly for 20 seconds. Continue this sequence for 7-11 minutes daily.
The following breathing techniques support your mental and emotional balance.
Left Nostril Breathing: Relax Description: Left nostril breathing activates the Ida Nerve Ending in the left nostril, which relates to calmness and relaxation. Left nostril breathing is associated with the moon energy, which is changeable, feminine, yin, giving, and cool. Breathing through the left nostril for five minutes can calm you and lower your blood pressure.
Breath: Sit in Easy Pose. Close your right nostril with your right thumb, your other fingers are stretched straight up as antennas. Your left hand is in Gyan Mudra (illustration) on your left knee. Close your eyes and concentration at your 3rd Eye. Begin to breathe long and deep only through your left nostril. Continue for three minutes.
Right Nostril Breathing: Active  Description: Right nostril breathing activates the Pingala Nerve Ending in the right nostril, which relates to alertness and activity. Right nostril breathing is associated with the sun energy, which is a constant, masculine, yang, and hot. Breathing through the right nostril for five minutes can energize yourself and raise your blood pressure.
Breath: Sit in Easy Pose. Close the left nostril with the left thumb, the other fingers are stretched straight up as antennas. The right hand is in Gyan Mudra (Page XX) on your right knee. Close your eyes and concentrate at your 3rd Eye (Page XX). Begin to breath long and deep only through your right nostril only. Continue for three minutes.
Yogi Tip Throughout the day, we  predominately breath through one or the other nostril. Your body regulates your energy and emotional states by switching your dominate nostril every 90 or 150 minutes. When you want to switch your energy, breath through the nostril of your choice.
Alternative Nostril Breathing: Balance Description: Alternative Nostril Breathing creates a relaxed, harmonious feeling, as it balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Practice before bed or when tense.
Breath: Sit in Easy Pose. Your left hand is in Gyan Mudra (Page XX) on your left knee. Close your eyes and focus at your 3rd Eye. Breathe relaxed, deep, and full, as you practice the following sequence, for 3-5 minutes.
Inhale through the left nostril (Close your right nostril with your right thumb)
Exhale through your right nostril (Close your left nostril with your right index or ring finger)
Inhale through your right nostril (Close your left nostril with your right index or ring finger)
Exhale through your left nostril (Close your right nostril with your thumb)
Sitali Breath: Cooling Description: Sitali Breath, or Sitali Pranayam, cools and relaxes. It also “clears your head,” lessens heart burn, and aids digestion. If your tongue tastes bitter when you practice Sitali, it is a sign of detoxification. Just continue.
Breath: Sit in Easy Pose. Relax your hands in Gyan Mudra on the knees. Close your eyes and concentrate at your 3rd Eye. The tongue is rolled in a “U.” Breathe long and deep for 3-5 minutes.
Inhale through your rolled tongue
Exhale through your nose
photo source: http://www.muxdemux.com/tag/breathe/
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
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mer-ka-ba · 11 years
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mer-ka-ba · 12 years
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mer-ka-ba · 12 years
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Happy (Almost) Spring
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mer-ka-ba · 12 years
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mer-ka-ba · 12 years
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Masonic Ritual Skull with Hinged, Silver and Ivory Mounted  with fitted red velvet interior with accoutrement for ritual use  19th century
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mer-ka-ba · 12 years
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Masonic Ritual Skull with Hinged, Silver and Ivory Mounted  with fitted red velvet interior with accoutrement for ritual use  19th century
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mer-ka-ba · 12 years
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