mutteringmarigolds · 7 months
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A Storm is Brewing
the sea swells
throbbing like a bruise
against a steel-gray sky
and as clouds boil before my eyes
each thought becomes a pebble
grinding in my gizzard
the waves are crashing to shore
and churning in my stomach
they foam into bile behind my teeth
but I choke them all down
because parting my lips
and screaming them into the abyss
would be a waste
I am not stronger than the rocks
worn down to sand by the ocean
nor more powerful than the cliffs
crumbling into her arms
and the tide would wash 
the vomit from my clothes
just the same
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mutteringmarigolds · 9 months
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the water swallows the house
thick and black, it seeps in through the walls
like ichor from a god that cannot bleed
and soon the memories begin to flood
ardent and cruel, they caresses your lungs
like a mother's fingers on your temple after her fury has passed
the furniture peers through the murk
bearing witness from the shadows as you sink
like spiders with hunger gleaming in each set of 8 black eyes
and you, O precious little fly
you, O beautifully drowned rat
will remain here among the wreckage 
preserved in the adipocere prison your forefathers built
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mutteringmarigolds · 9 months
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Positive Feedback Loop
you put out your cigarette on my tongue
igniting the kerosene that drips from my teeth
now my smile is an explosion
and dark eyes are pits of flame 
there is glass everywhere
shards of my skull piercing your feet
until your blood is as gasoline soaked into the carpet
and everything we've built has become fuel
the flames burn hotter and hotter
devouring the house and the flesh
until all that is left is an after image 
burned into the ground where we once stood
and a pile of ashes so poisoned
that not even a phoenix could rise from them
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mutteringmarigolds · 3 years
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rainer maria rilke, sonnets to orpheus: sonnet i,4
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
the ground bucks beneath
just a little tip, but still
a glass of water trembles with the aftershocks
I am conditioned to crack foundations
when the earth will not oblige
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
poetry problems
I see a lot of posts about “artist struggles!” or “writing problems!” but never ones about poetry, so here we are! shout out to all my fellow poets haha :) (also these are just from my personal experience lmao) enjoy!
- when you have a Vibe but it just… isn’t translating. like the words just aren’t coming. you wish you could just project the images in your head onto the computer screen and have it put it in words but. you can’t. obviously. >:(
- when it SOUNDS so FLAT and DISGUSTING but it won’t get better no matter what you try
- you’re swimming through poem fragments and incomplete stanzas you wrote that have a ton of potential but you just. can’t. finish them. so they just exist… floating…. unmoored… and you feel so BAD because they are GENIUS but that was the extent of your creativity and that inspiration is NEVER coming back 
- scrolling through your notes app trying to find that ONE POEM but it’s buried
- bad, flavourless metaphors
- bland imagery
- reading your poems to non-poets and them staring blankly at you like “okay… what does it mean tho…” or even wORSE “uh….. i didn’t like it :/” and both ways you feel CRUSHED
- not writing for months then BOOM ten new poems
- the poems are always in your head and you can’t stop analysing them and picking apart their flaws
- thinking of a really good poem idea or specific line when you don’t have the opportunity to write it down so you forget it… wasted potential :(
- words just floating in your head at all times. you can’t get your brain to shut up.
- something mundane happens and your brain narrates it with a line of poetry that’s just. kinda lame and you gotta be like “NOT! NOW!”
- feeling unable to call yourself a writer even though you’re constantly writing bc you never have to deal with like. the problems story writers complain about, like worldbuilding, characterisation, plot, etc so you just kinda feel. :(
- not having the commitment for full length stories so instead you just write some nice Vibes that look a lot more like poetry than anything (you can’t escape!!)
- “wow it’s really late and i should be sleeping.” *starts letting thoughts wander* “oh hey! poem idea! need to write it down!” *starts writing* “hm this is going well! :)” *a few hours pass* “oh no”
- hearing/reading someone else’s poem and feeling kinda inadequate :( even though you know shouldn’t do that :( it just. kinda happens :(
- someone telling you you’re so good at poetry and you doubtfully glance at your tons of bad poetry like “you sure??”
- “okay! poetry time! time to write a poem! time to do it. yep! time to,,, write… a poem. now,,, time for poem. time for….. time for. poem. yep. uh huh. uh huh. hhhh” *can do anything but*
- “okay! time for a task that is pertinent! time for that task! it is due soon! time for it! time to do. the task. time for the task. time for…. yep. mhmm. task time.” *starts writing poetry instead*
- but even with all that still having a great time bc you really like doing it and it’s fun to feel ~fancy~ bc you write ~poetry~
- :) anyways yeah haha might do a part 2 of poetry positives if this one gets a good reaction or if I get bored so stay tuned lmao
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
A bitter rose with precious petals
Hangs low and sickly on the fence
Vines and stems weave through the border
And yet the flower faces west.
It has turned its gaze from the rising sun
To watch instead its evening death.
The leaves tremble and the thorns prick
As it curses the horizon with every breath.
But can one really blame the delicate thing
For being so indignant and spiteful?
All that it knows is the darkness that grows
On the line between daylight and nightfall.
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
Mama always told me 
Not to trust the moon
For she is changeable 
Moods ebbing and flowing 
Winking in and out of existence.
That's why when I tell you
That I see the night in your eyes
There's a spark of fear in mine
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
I am a gnarled oak
With skin like bark and arms like boughs 
A wind whispers through my branches
"Come home," it begs me
But what is home to a tree?
What is a bed to a tower?
I Iike to feel the rain on my leaves
The suffering reminds me that I'm alive
Pain is honest, in its own little way
Sometimes I even miss it
"Carve into me," I plead
"I want to feel something,"
My leaves shudder with the shame
And yet still the desire remains
Silver hot and steely soft 
There is no reply
We both know the answer anyway;
I'm already home and I've already been carved
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
All I Heard that Day was the Cicadas
a city made of paper
dissolves under a sky of fire
ghosts begin pouring into the river
melted arms outstretched 
as though pleading for the mercy of god
but there is no god here
there is only poison
and the memory of the agony burned into the walls
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
The Evergreen that Lost its Leaves
A flock of birds
A swarm of bees,
A silent stand of ancient trees,
A single light,
In darkest night,
Floats on the ocean breeze.
Is that the moon above the bay?
The sound of wind and sea?
Or is it the sound of something far darker
Much crueler, much nastier, unclean?
There are monsters in the forest.
There are ghosts down in the deep.
And though there are plenty of fairies in here,
It is still not a safe place to sleep.
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
Inscrutable Object
This place
At once a graveyard and a birthing suite
Breathes again
As it gasps for air 
The phase of the moon changes 
The shape is new and dark
A future unnamed in the infinite space
The wail of the infant and the gasp of the dying
Ring together in the gap
Phasing in and out
Until one is indistinguishable from the other
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
I would not tell you that I was sad 
So that that tears you shed 
Would remain your own.
But really it's a trap, my little flower.
I am a barren field and a starving calf
In the guise of a verdant garden.
I tried to cultivate a bed for you,
A safe place to bury your roots.
But the soil was bad I suppose.
No matter how I watered,
No matter what fertilizer I bought,
Each seed planted became a rusty nail
Sitting uselessly in the earth.
You should really find a better garden.
There is nothing for you here in mine.
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