mycandylovedaily · 4 years
where are you from? im LOVING your blog! xx
Heeey, I hope you're fine! I'm from Brazil :D
I'm very happy to know that you like my blog. Receiving your support is very important to me 💖
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
It is my first request, i love how you write the headcanons ✨ What would the boys' reaction be like when they saw candy pleasing herself 👀
Hey babe, thanks for your ask! I'm happy that you like my hc's 💖
I believe that this is not a problem for Castiel. He jerk off frequently. So, when he sees Candy in this situation, he is in shock not because she is masturbating, but because he didn't expect it from Candy. You know, she is his little girl.
Castiel's reaction is probably a shocked expression and he stands there for a moment, trying to assimilate what he is seeing. When Candy starts trying to cover herself with the sheets, that's when he finally comes out of his trance and closes the door without saying a word.
Castiel will tease Candy about it later, saying things like: "You know, little girl, if you need help, just call me" and then he winks at her and keeps that little smile on his face.
(It is likely that he jerk off thinking about the scene of Candy touching herself).
Nathaniel will definitely be embarrassed. Due to the rigid upbringing he had, I bet he rarely masturbated for fear of being caught by someone in his family. Of course, over time, that has changed and now he is much more relaxed.
But still, it will catch him off guard. When he opens the door and finds Candy completely naked, with her fingers between her legs, his face turns red and his hands shake a little, unsure of what to do. He lowers his head and stares at his feet as he apologizes and closes the door.
Nathaniel will look for something to do as soon as possible, so that he gets distracted and forgets what he saw. He probably won't bring it up with Candy and will pretend it never happened.
Oh, that poor boy is going to be a completely mess. He definitely didn't want to interrupt Candy's moment. Lysander is very discreet and private, he would not want to be caught in the act in an intimate moment, so he imagines how uncomfortable Candy must have felt.
As soon as he realizes what's going on, he mumbles something like: "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." and immediately closes the door and walks away as quickly as possible. Obviously, the sight of Candy naked does not leave Lysander's head. Sooner or later, he jerk off thinking about it and feels extremely guilty.
When he meets Candy again, he'll be redder than before. Because in addition to seeing Candy in an intimate moment, he also masturbated thinking about the scene in question. Doubly ashamed. It will be difficult to look him in the eye for the next few days.
In my opinion, Armin is the boy who would handle this type of situation best. After all, he has a brother who is very intromited (no offense), so he is probably used to being caught in the act by Alexy. This is normal for him.
So when he sees Candy pleasuring herself, he definitely likes what he sees. In fact, if she allowed it, he would stay there and watch until the end. It's no secret that he finds Candy hot and thinks of her when jerk off.
I imagine him saying: "Wow, someone's having fun around here.", with a look full of lust and his mouth watering at the sight of Candy naked.
Despite this, Armin has good sense and will close the door and let Candy finish what she was doing.
He probably got an erection after that.
Like Lysander, Kentin will be embarrassed, his face totally red. However, he has an erection instantly. We know that he always liked Candy and probably has a lot of wet dreams about her, so seeing her naked caused an immediate reaction in the poor boy.
The wetness between Candy's legs makes him want to go into the room and help her satisfy herself, but he doesn't have the courage or daring enough to do that. Then he will apologize several times and will close the door, walking away as fast as he can (the erection in the middle of his legs doesn't help at all lol).
Kentin will try to forget what he saw anyway, but he just can't. Not even a cold shower had been able to help him. He ends up surrendering and masturbating. Unlike Lysander, Kentin is used to it, so he doesn't feel guilty about it.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
What about the guys taking Candy to meet their parents?
Hi! Thanks for your ask!
Although Castiel does not like to be with his parents for a long time, we know that they do not hate each other. Castiel just finds all these formalities unnecessary. The first reaction he had when he heard that his mother canceled the flights she was going to work on next week just to come home and meet Candy, was to roll his eyes. She is super excited to meet Castiel's girlfriend, while Jean-Louis remains restrained, but still, making it clear that he enjoyed meeting Candy.
Castiel doesn't say much, just when they mention his name. He lets Candy and his mother conduct most of the conversation. He is a little sulky at first because, again, he finds all the fuss his parents made to meet Candy unnecessary. In the end, it ends up being quite fun. They loved meeting her.
Okay, this is a sensitive subject for Nathaniel. We know that he doesn't have a good relationship with his parents and just keeps talking to them politely, as they have nothing good to add to Nathaniel's life.
I believe he is very hesitant to take Candy to meet his parents. Even though he already talked about it with Candy, Nathaniel always ends up saying that "he will solve this later". But that moment never comes. Therefore, I imagine that Candy's meeting with Nathaniel's parents happens by chance. Totally unplanned. As in a school event where parents are called, for example.
Their reaction is quite negative. Adelaide has always made her distaste for Candy clear. She thinks Nathaniel could find someone much better to be his mate. Francis... Well, he doesn't have the greatest affection for Candy after she reported him to the police. They both don't like Candy and don't support Nathaniel's relationship. However, it is clear that Nath does not let their opinions interfere with his courtship with Candy.
Oh, I imagine it would be really cute! Lysander's parents are extremely attentive and kind to Candy when they meet her. Lysander's mother prepares a multitude of treats to receive her. And they want to know everything about her! They ask several questions about Candy's life and ask her to take care of Lysander, as they know how distracted the son is.
It is a very pleasant and cute moment. Lysander's parents 100% support his relationship and ask to see Candy more often. They even invite Candy several times to spend a weekend at the farm.
I imagine Armin's parents as being super-jovial, modern parents. They have the same mood as their son and are relaxed.
When Armin takes Candy to meet them, they probably prepare a "pizza night" and tidy up the whole house to make a good impression. They are very receptive to Candy and are concerned with making her feel comfortable.
Armin's mother had long been suspicious of dating. She is a very observant and cunning woman. Unfortunately for Armin, she insists on asking Candy how her son behaves at school.
Alexy spends all the time making jokes about Candy and Armin, teasing his brother in a way that only he can do.
The twins' parents welcome Candy and treat her as if she were a member of the family. She can count on their support whenever she needs it.
This is a very important moment for Kentin, as he is sure that Candy is the woman in his life. That's who he wants to marry. He has loved her since childhood and having his parents' approval is very important to him. Therefore, the entire meeting is planned in advance.
Kentin's mother is very sweet and friendly with Candy, asking if she wants something to eat or drink, how she is doing, how her studies are going, etc. While Kentin's father spends most of his time quiet, just watching Candy and the way she behaves. He is very protective of his son.
Kentin and his mother are responsible for making the weather lighter. They never let the conversation die and treat Candy very kindly. Despite seeming to the contrary, Guy supports Kentin's relationship with Candy. After seeing the way Kentin seems to feel extremely good next to Candy, there was no way to oppose it.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
Hi! I read you post about Castiel ❤ was great and now I really would like to read your headcanon of how Nath realised he was in love with Candy? And when he decided to conquer her heart? ❤
Hey! Thank you so much for those sweet words 💖
Nathaniel never had many friends. There weren't many people who wanted him around. Most of the other students respected him and spoke to him because he was the president of the student body. But he didn't have a best friend. The closest to that was Melody. But we know that she wanted to be much more than just Nathaniel's friend...
But with Candy it was different. And he knew that. Candy has always shown herself to really care for Nathaniel's well-being. She wanted to approach him. She wanted to get to know him better and find out what was under that "good student" facade. Now, Nathaniel finally had someone he could open up to, someone he could trust. Falling in love with Candy was a slow process for Nathaniel, due to his suspicious and closed manner. He needed to learn to let her into his life. He had to learn to deal with her too much curiosity. But in the end, it was not a difficult process. Because there was finally someone beside him. In time, being in the company of Candy just as a friend was no longer enough.
Nathaniel knew he was in love with Candy from the beginning, he is a smart boy. But he chose to ignore that feeling for a few months. He didn't want to end the friendship he had built with her.
I imagine Nathaniel spent nights thinking about it. In declaring himself to Candy, but there was a fear of being rejected. When Candy denounced Francis, it was very difficult for Nathaniel. He was in a mixture of anger and relief. At the same time that Candy had destroyed his family's harmony, she had also removed him from all that hell he had lived in since childhood. And it was at that moment that Nathaniel realized that Candy really cared for him. Betting on Candy was the same as betting on his happiness. She was so much better than he could have dreamed of. She was the first person he could turn to for support. Candy was the missing pillar to support Nathaniel and all his anxieties.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
Hi guys! How are you?
I know I was quite absent here, but I hope you understand my creative block. I couldn't write and I didn't want to post something badly written for you. So, I took a break from Tumblr.
I am back now and will keep my message box closed until I have answered all the asks (or most of them).
I love you 💖
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
Probably a bit sad but how do you think Castiel and Nath broke up with Candy before Campus Life ? Why and how ? Did they thought about her after it ?
We know that the break between Candy and Castiel was an agreement between the two. I imagine that Castiel made this decision with a broken heart, as he loved Candy. He opened up to her and let her into his life, as he hadn't done in a long time.
When Candy told about having to move to another city, this left him devastated. Because Candy and Lysander left at the same time. And Castiel was alone again. The only sources of support he had were far away.
I like to think that Castiel fought for courtship with Candy as much as he could. But it is clear that the distance affected the relationship VERY. Castiel is someone who needs to be with the loved one, not in a sticky way, but in a way that he feels that she is there with him for whatever comes. And, deep down, Castiel likes to be pampered, to receive affection and attention (since his parents are always absent). And with Candy being away, that was impossible. Even if they saw each other occasionally, it was not enough. Castiel is someone who values ​​physical contact, he likes to be able to look and touch Candy while talking to her. Phone calls and video calls were good, but they didn't even come close to the feeling of having Candy in his arms.
So Castiel thought a LOT before coming to that decision. It was not fair for the two to remain stuck in a distance relationship, with little contact and several jealousy discussions and crises (as revealed in UL).
The breakup with Candy was painful for him. Castiel missed her very much and all he wanted was to be with her, but he thought that the breakup was the best option. But he did not handle it well. It took him a long time to overcome and move on. So much so that, a few days later, he called Candy while he was drunk and said that breaking up was a bad idea. He was definitely not happy with that decision.
And even after spending a few years after breaking up with Candy, Castiel was not able to date someone else. He just couldn't do it. No one made him feel the same way Candy did. No one aroused such interest in him that he wanted to invest in that person. When Candy and Castiel reencounter each other again, he remains single. Candy was Castiel's last girlfriend. After that, he only had affairs for one night. Probably to satisfy the need he felt for sex, or even for a little affection.
It is more than obvious to me that Castiel was still thinking about Candy. I mean, he wrote a lot of songs about her and their past, right? I think this is a clear sign that he was never able to forget her. At the same time, Castiel was also hurt and heartbroken (you can see that when in one of the Crowstorm songs he says he doesn't like to rummage through the past). The things between him and Candy did not end in the best possible way, it is clear.
Four years later, Candy returns to the city and this catches Castiel completely off guard. He thought he would never see her again. I imagine it was because of this that he ended up being a little hostile to Candy in the first few conversations with her after she returned to the city. Castiel automatically raised defenses around himself and his heart. Because he didn't know what to expect from Candy, he didn't know how much she had changed or how she would react when she saw him. Just as he didn't know if she was already with someone else. All of this was unexpected. And Candy is the only one capable of leaving Castiel disconcerted and taking him out of his comfort zone. At the same time, he missed her and didn't want to have to walk away again, so the day after seeing Candy at the Crowstorm show, Castiel went over to the Coffee where she works and discussed it with her. He wanted to know about her, about her life, what she was doing and if it was still the same Candy he met in high school.
Anyway, as we know, Castiel wanted to get back together with Candy. He always wanted to. He never forgot her. Candy was very important to him. She was one of the main sources of love and support in Castiel's life. He never wanted to lose her.
Like Castiel, breaking up with Candy left Nathaniel heartbroken. When she suggested breaking up, Nath asked if this was really the best decision to make. But of course he wasn't going to force Candy to stay with him.
After the breakup, Nathaniel felt alone. He felt that Candy was the only person who understood and accepted him as he was. And although Nathaniel and Amber's relationship had improved, he didn't want to be a nuisance to his sister.
For a few months, Nathaniel isolated himself and the only company he had with him was his cat, White. He didn't feel like going to college, going to the gym, or anywhere else. Amber and Kim noticed his absence.
And it was during this time that Nathaniel became involved in the drug trade. He felt that maybe a little adrenaline could make him feel better. Setting up sales pitch strategies also helped him to be distracted and momentarily forget about Candy.
Nathaniel kept thinking about Candy. He constantly remembered her when he came across pictures of the two of them in the gallery on his cell phone, or when he saw something he knew she liked. He missed Candy, missed her advice and how she made him feel safe. Candy was a very important person for Nathaniel's maturity and helped him to start a new phase in his life after emancipation. It is almost as if Candy guides him on the path of good.
When Candy returned to the city, Nathaniel wanted to be with her very much, even if it was just as a friend, but he didn't want to put her at risk. However, memories of the time they were together became even more frequent and it was practically impossible not to think about Candy. And Nathaniel knew he wouldn't be able to forget her. She ended up becoming a vital part of his life.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
hey! can i do a request? the boys eating Candy out, pleeease?
Hi! I appreciate your ask. In fact, I did a hc like this a while ago:
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
can u please make 1 8 20 22 about rayan? i don't know if ul characters are acceptable but I'm curious. thanks anyway
1) What was the first erotic thought he had about Candy?
Probably after spending all day avoiding looking at Candy and avoiding talking to her during class, because she deconcentrates him. Then, when he is finally alone, he allows himself to be led by thoughts. Among them, the image of Candy's legs exposed due to the short skirt. And then he starts to imagine what the rest would be like 👀
8) What he likes to try in sex?
Oh, I imagine Rayan would like to try anal sex? Yep, and that ends up being an answer to question 11 xD
I also feel like Rayan has a Daddy vibe? He's not going to take that into his day-to-day life, of course. But during sex, he would like to hear Candy calling him Daddy.
20) What part of Candy's body does he like to cum?
On her ass, or on her back.
22) Oral? (Does he like to give or receive?)
He likes to give. To me, Rayan seems to have a skilled tongue. And he likes it when Candy pulls his hair out while he's between her legs.
Also: the sensation of his beard against Candy's skin causes chills. It's sexy.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
Tumblr media
Loool I was going through my very old photos and I forgot I made this 👀😂😂😂
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
Hey, your hc's are amazing 💖 can i request a hc about how it wold be get married with Castiel and Nathaniel? Like, proposing, planning the wedding, honeymoon, etc. Love you 💖
Hey, babe! I'm very grateful for your support, love you 💖
• Castiel will be hesitant to propose to you, as he is afraid of rejection.
• You are the woman he loves and he cannot imagine himself marrying anyone other than you. So, if you reject him, he will be devastated.
• Castiel buys a ring to order. He knows you don't care about it, but he wants to impress you.
• He will do this when the two of you are absolutely alone at home. He doesn't like an audience in that kind of situation.
• Castiel will be face to face with you and will look you in the eye intensely. A few seconds of silence will pass before he finally makes the request.
• "Will you marry me, Candy?" He asks in a slightly shaky voice as he opens the small box containing the ring.
• If you say yes, then he will be the happiest man in the world.
• Castiel will hug you while whispering sweet words in your ear. He's very grateful to have you in his life.
• I imagine that Castiel will let you decide most of the details.
• He will only want to give his opinion when it comes to the playlist that will play at the wedding.
• Still, if you ask him for his opinion on something, he will help you choose.
• Castiel will spend a lot of time thinking about whether or not to invite his parents to the occasion. Finally, he ends up deciding that he does.
• The suit that Castiel chooses is composed only of dark colors. And, even though he doesn't feel comfortable with this type of clothing, he struggles because it is a very important date.
Wedding day:
• Lysander is Castiel's best man, of course. There is no way to be someone else.
• Despite trying to disguise, Castiel's hands tremble as he waits for you at the altar.
• Lysander mutters a few words of support to try to calm his friend down.
• However, all of this becomes useless when Castiel finally sees you walking to the altar, accompanied by your father.
• He definitely believes that this is the most beautiful sight he has ever had in his life. You are completely stunning and Castiel starts to wonder what he did so well to deserve an amazing woman like you.
• This is one of the rare times that you will see Castiel blushing.
• The kiss you share is slow and passionate. He holds the sides of your face gently.
• Castiel's mother is extremely emotional and she does not hesitate to crush you in a hug, wishing you both congratulations.
• His parents commented on a number of places you could both go, given their travel experience.
• Castiel leads a very hectic life due to the Crowstorm, so he prefers to spend his honeymoon in a more peaceful place.
• You both visit all the sights and attractions that the city can offer.
• In the end, Castiel ends up buying several useless objects along the way simply because he wants a reminder of that very special moment.
• He also buys one of those matching bracelet pairs and asks if you would like to wear it. Of course, he's embarrassed and thinks he's pathetic, but those feelings go away when you say yes.
• Even though he hates photos, Castiel makes an exception for this occasion and you two quickly fill the camera's memory with pictures making funny faces and poses.
• You two make love almost every night. Only this time it is much more romantic and calm, almost as if you were made of glass. Castiel is totally in love with you.
• I feel that Nathaniel is a guy who plans things well in advance. He wants to make sure that everything goes well.
• So, he has been thinking for a long time about what would be the ideal time to propose to you.
• He decides to create the perfect atmosphere and occasion for the order. So, he invites you to dinner at his house.
• Despite being extremely cliché, I feel that Nath would spread candles and rose petals on the floor. He really wants to impress you.
• He cooks the dinner. And it's delicious.
• When you least expect it, Nathaniel holds your both hands over the table and looks you straight in the eye. He's freaking out inside, you can feel it by the way his hands sweat. Poor kid.
• "Candy, I... Maybe you think it's too early, or that we're not ready, but I feel like I can't wait any longer. I love you and I would like to make you my wife. Do you want to marry me?"
• After placing the order, Nathaniel feels much more relieved. It is as if a weight has come off his shoulders.
• When you accept, he hugs you tight and refuses to let you go so soon.
• Nathaniel is fully engaged in preparing for the ceremony. As I said before, he likes to make sure that everything goes well.
• He opines in the colors of the decoration, in the flowers, in the music, in the buffet... In everything, basically. But without imposing his opinion, of course. You two come to an agreement and decide together.
• The marriage is simple, but at the same time, extremely well done and delicate.
• I feel that Nathaniel would choose a beautiful garden as the venue for the ceremony.
• The guest list is small, only the people closest to you and Nathaniel.
• Like Castiel, Nathaniel spends a long time considering the idea of ​​inviting his parents to the wedding. Especially Francis.
Wedding day:
• The suit chosen by Nathaniel is an intense blue, with white details.
• Although everything is perfect, he cannot stop himself from being nervous. There are several pairs of eyes over him.
• Nathaniel's best man may be Armin, if the two are still in contact. Or even Eric, due to the friendship they created over time.
• When Nath finally sees you walking to the altar, it's like everything around him is gone. He automatically calms down and focuses only on you. Your presence is reassuring to him. With you by his side, Nathaniel is sure that everything will be fine.
• He holds your waist discreetly while waiting for permission to kiss you.
• Although short, the kiss is intense and sweet. He kisses your forehead too.
• Nathaniel would like to go somewhere full of history to tell. Like Rome, or Paris.
• You both visit the city's libraries and museums. Nathaniel is in the clouds.
• I feel that Nath would also like to go hiking, or just walk through the city parks.
• You will both stay in a luxurious hotel, in one of those suites with a bathtub.
• And speaking of a bathtub: get ready to take several baths together. He loves to see your body covered in foam.
• You two constantly order wine in the hotel kitchen and share the bottle throughout the night. You must already imagine how it ends...
• Nathaniel is much more intense and shameless. He doesn't hesitate at all to make it clear what he would like to do with you in bed.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
✨ 2020 Masterlist
Hi guys! This is a masterlist where I gathered all my headcanons done so far.
I will update the list from time to time.
*Those ones from "NSFW list" are tagged with #nsfw list.
• Headcanons
Random NSFW headcanons about the HSL boys
The boys drunk
How the boys would react to receiving an intimate photo of Candy
The boys doing dirty talk with Candy
Candy cheating and the boys reaction
Candy suffers an accident
Candy doing a blowjob on the boys
Candy receiving a oral from the boys
Getting caught by Candy parents during sex
Angry sex with the boys
The boys getting jealous
Make-up sex
The boys fetish
The boys associated with two deadly sins
Candy blackout in the middle of the school
The boys reconciliation after a fight
The boys kissing/making out
The boys reaction if Candy gets jealous
Biggest fear of the boys
The boys turn off
Candy having amnesia and forgetting about the boys
The first "I love you" from the boys
Transguy!Candy with Lysander
How and when was the first time that Castiel realized he liked Candy
Random hc's about Kentin in Campus Life
Body shot with Castiel, Nathaniel and Armin
Proposing, wedding and honeymoon with Castiel & Nathaniel
• Oneshots
Make Poetry Of You (Lysander)
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
6,7 and 12 with Nathaniel!!!😍😍😍 Please!! I love your headcanons and your blog!💕
Thaaaank you so much 💖🤧
6) Would he participate in challenges like "No Fap September"?
Maybe. I feel that challenges like this would not be a problem for Nathaniel, since at UL we saw that he always had a girl to satisfy his wishes 👀
7) Favourite Position?
Any position he is on top of, or has a good view of Candy's ass.
12) Toys?
Definitely yes. Especially those vibrators that he can control via bluetooth.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
1,3,14 and 23 for Eric (if you can do it that would be awesome, and as you can see, I have a taste for drama) 😊❤️
1) What was the first erotic thought he had about Candy?
Okay, maybe that might sound like an asshole, but I think Eric may have thought of Candy while he was with his wife in an intimate moment. For example, imagine Candy in place of his wife.
3) Jack off thinking about Candy?
Rarely. Eric refuses to do this because, in his mind, this is wrong. He is a married man and he and Candy have a big age difference. All of which makes Eric tense, so he tries to repress himself as much as possible.
14) Things that Candy does that he finds sexy?
He likes it when she ties her hair because he enjoys the view of her exposed neck. He also likes it when she wears tight jeans that mark her curves.
23) What would be his reaction if you two were caught having sex?
Assuming he is a married man, he will definitely freak out. I imagine that Eric is a discreet and reserved man, he would never want to have his intimacy exposed.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
Heey I love your tumblr gurl 💕 Can you please make a scenario where at a party the guys got to do something on candy (or she do on them) for a challenge, just like a body shot or something like that, like they playing the bottle game and then they get challenged. If you could do Cassy, Armin and Nath, but if it’s just one by request just Cas. Thank you so much, keep writing, you make my day (and I believe not just mine) soo much better ❤️
Awwn, thank you so much! Your support motivates me and makes me a happy writer 💖
I love write for you guys 💖
• Okay, Castiel is not the type to go to parties. He prefers to stay at home, composing and playing the guitar.
• However, when he heard you were going, it gave him a motivation to go too. Totally falling for you, argh.
• Initially, Castiel just watches you dance with your friends while having a drink.
• When Alexy proposes to play the bottle game, immediately a large number of people agree to participate.
• Virtually all the party guests are sitting in a circle now, on the floor. With an empty bottle in the middle.
• Castiel sits across from you. He really hopes to be able to take a step forward with you tonight and he's betting everything on the bottle game. You are the only person he wants to kiss.
• After a few rounds, the bottle finally points at you. When it is spun again, it points to Castiel.
• Rosalya challenges Castiel to a titty shot, as she named it.
• The challenge was for Castiel to drink a shot of tequila in your breasts.
• There is a momentary silence between the players, while Castiel seems to consider the idea. He watches your reaction, to make sure you are comfortable with the situation.
• Finally, he accepts the challenge and animated exclamations are heard from the other players.
• Castiel doesn't want to look like a pervert, but he just can't look away while you take off your shirt, just wearing a bra. He really likes what he sees.
• Rosalya spills a certain amount of tequila on your breasts and in the valley between them. You shudder involuntarily because of the chills caused by the low temperature of the drink.
• Even though this is part of the game and you have accepted, Castiel cannot help blushing slightly. The situation is quite lewd and there are several looks on the two of you.
• Castiel approaches you. Automatically, his hands hold you around the waist while his face plunges into your breasts.
• You feel Castiel's hot, moist tongue slide across your skin, taking the tequila with her.
• He traces the path of the valley between your breasts, licking it until it reaches your neck, where he could smell the sweet aroma of your perfume.
• When Castiel turns away from you, there are several faces with shocked expressions, some flushed and others that seemed to be very hot after what they saw. Rosalya, on the other hand, seemed satisfied with her work.
• Perhaps Castiel will avoid talking to you for a while, as he feels that the two of you have skipped several steps and he definitely doesn't want to look like a pervert. Afterwards, he will return to normal conversation with you, as if nothing had happened.
• Despite the fame that Nath has in UL, we know that he has "business" to deal with, so he is not often seen at parties.
• Following the same context as Castiel, Nathaniel wanted to have the opportunity to spend a few minutes with you, so he agrees to go to the party.
• When someone comes up with the idea of ​​the bottle game, Nathaniel immediately thinks about denying it and stays out, just watching.
• However, when he sees you agree to participate, he is surprised. He decides to join the game too, curious as to where this could lead.
• To Nathaniel's satisfaction, he is challenged with a body shot. In that case, the next person the bottle points to is you.
• Nathaniel is not at all ashamed to face fixing your chest covered only by the bra.
• Your belly is the part chosen for the challenge.
• Nath does not delay in sliding his tongue across your abdomen, licking every drop of the drink.
• He takes longer than necessary, approaching the waistband of your pants a few times.
• His golden eyes remain glued to your expression at all time. And it is impossible to remain indifferent to his touches.
• Definitely, after this challenge, Nath feels that going to the party was a great idea.
• The next day, he will probably tease you about what happened. Dirty boy.
• Oh, I can bet it was Alexy who convinced Armin to go to the party, since he doesn't like to leave the house very much.
• Initially, Armin's plan was to just drink with Kentin and Alexy and leave as soon as possible.
• However, when Priya proposes playing the bottle game, it arouses Armin's sporting spirit. He loves challenges and hardly denies one.
• When the bottle finally points at Armin, he is challenged by his twin brother to take a body shot with the next person to whom the bottle points.
• And that person is you.
• For Armin, it just makes things even more interesting.
• Alexy wets the skin on your neck with drink and gives Armin permission to meet the challenge.
• When approaching you, Armin pulls you around the waist until you are sitting on his lap. The other players seem to like what they see.
• After moving your hair away from your neck, Armin licks the entire exposed skin area.
• You can feel that it also sucks your neck discreetly a few times.
• His right hand pulls the strap of your shirt away so that he can reach your shoulder.
• Caresses are warm and not at all hesitant.
• Before things got worse, Armin walked away, giving the challenge as done.
• Everyone seems to look at you both with malice.
• You and Armin have just become the newest shipp of the group of friends.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
Hi, how are you~? Do you have some headcanons about Kentin in Campus Life and/or Love Life? I miss my boy so much
Hi! I'm fine and hope you too 💖
• I believe Kentin would go to veterinary university, given his love and care for animals.
• He always wakes up early so he can accompany you to the university.
• When you come home, he accompanies you too. He wants to make sure that you arrive well and safely at your home.
• When, for some reason, Kentin's class ends earlier than yours, he is waiting for you in front of your classroom.
• Even though it still causes some shame in Kentin, he has learned to handle glasses better. So sometimes, you will find him wearing glasses while reading a book in the library.
• The girls in the veterinary course find Kentin super cute and careful. They are all delighted with the way he is affectionate towards animals.
• He keeps working out and going to the gym in his spare time. So Kentin has beautiful abs now and strong arms too 🤤
• He has a little facial hair. Usually, he shaves, but sometimes he just doesn't care about it.
• Every time Kentin's roommate spends time out, he invites you to spend time together and alone.
• He likes to watch you studying or talking about your course, as he loves the passionate way you talk about the things you love.
• It is very common for Kentin to end up sleeping while you both study.
• He ALWAYS has some food for you to snack on while attending classes. And he doesn't mind sharing it with you.
• Even though Armin is in another city, Kentin and Armin are still in touch and usually see each other on vacation.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
can you tell how and when was the first time castiel realized he liked candy back im hsl?
I believe it was during the arc with Deborah, around episode 15. Of course, Castiel had been loving Candy for some time now, but he only realized it when Candy did everything to help him realize who Deborah really was. After these events, Castiel's feelings for Candy intensified. Finally there was someone on his side, who seemed really concerned for him and willing to support him. And Castiel knew that Candy's intentions were good and without malice. She did not approach him out of pure interest (as Deborah did), but because she saw something about him that made her want to be his friend. It was inevitable that Castiel would fall in love with Candy. Deep down, he always liked to receive her attention and care. Candy was always someone who really cared about Castiel. And Candy's empathetic and altruistic way, even though she was a bit clumsy and nosy, won him over time.
It took Castiel a while to accept that he loved Candy. In his mind, it didn't make sense, because the two were very different from each other. Castiel was also afraid of not being enough for Candy, not being the kind of boyfriend her parents would like to meet. But he decided to take a chance, as he felt Candy was worth it.
Castiel started to spend more time in her company, his jokes and teasing became more frequent and he started to notice Candy more, in the way she dressed, in the way she behaved, etc.
When she invited him to a romantic dinner, Castiel thanked her internally, as he didn't want to have to take the initiative. This would make it very explicit that he was in love with her.
Candy was the girl that Castiel really loved and cared for, who taught him the meaning of "love". What they had was very special and intense for both of them.
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mycandylovedaily · 4 years
I love your headcanons, you are amazing ❤️❤️ Can i request hcs about transguy!Candy with Lysander? Like coming out, some relationship hcs, just romantic maybepls?
Hi! Thank you very much for your support and your ask. It motivates me a lot. I am very happy to write to you 💖💖💖
• Even if it is a sensitive issue, you never need to be afraid to talk to Lysander. He is extremely understandable and is the last person who will judge you for being who you are.
• I imagine that his reaction to coming out will be as smooth as possible. Of course, he may be a little surprised, as he doesn't know what it feels like to be uncomfortable with his own gender, but he will listen carefully to everything you have to say. Lysander may end up asking some questions, such as: When did you find yourself trans, how did you find out, if your parents know, etc.
• After that, Lysander will become a more protective boyfriend towards you. He knows how some people can be intolerant and he really doesn't want to see you suffer for being trans. Therefore, one of his hands will always be around your waist when you are both in public. He will also frequently check that everything is fine with you and will place a kiss on your forehead.
• Lysander will also start looking for more about the trans community. He rarely uses technological means, such as a cell phone or computer, but he would be totally willing to do it for you, to better understand what you are going through and thus be able to help make you feel more like yourself.
• He is very attentive to pronouns. Whenever he misses, he immediately corrects himself. Lysander doesn't want you to feel, in any way, that he doesn't respect your transition.
• With each new step you take in your transition, he will be there to support you.
• He wants you to feel loved and accepted, so he always compliments you, saying things like: "You look so pretty today, sweetheart", "I love your eyes", "You are incredible, honey".
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