mylilcomfycorner · 2 months
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Obsessed with this orcanized crime mug by smoollovepottery
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mylilcomfycorner · 9 months
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Green eyed cats are my favs 😻 by Soup_n_sammies
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mylilcomfycorner · 9 months
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not for sale
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mylilcomfycorner · 9 months
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The confusing draft next to the organized sheet that will stay on my binder
I had some time at work, since it's a slow season, and took the opportunity to study some mandarin.
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mylilcomfycorner · 9 months
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What I’ve been up to- work in progress!
Testing the waters with a bit of sgraffito after the last attempt cramped my hand. This time it cramped my eyes, but I had a much smaller surface area to cover. I slept very well, thank you. Looking forward to firing this soon!
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mylilcomfycorner · 9 months
People's faces
I’ve always been curious by nature, always observing my surroundings. Whether it was something, someone, somewhere, anywhere. I used to pay attention to even the smallest of details, a detail added to a specific drawing, something different on the ground, a discreet smile line in someone’s serious face, even a little speck of dust be whistled by the wind.
One of the things that I was particularly draw to when I was younger was to observe the expressions on people’s faces while on public transportation. I would see someone staring blankly into nothingness, sometimes a tired face, a tightened face, or even a depressed look in their eyes. Just people who looked unhappy in some way or another, clearly just hoping for that horrific day to come to an end.
I would always look at those people with sadness, empathy, sometimes even pity; I would look at their exhausted faces and think to myself: “What could possibly be so terrible to the point of making someone look like this?” “Wow, they must have a pretty demanding job, I want to grow up and work with what I love doing, they look miserable”. “I don’t want to grow into a person like this”.
The years passed by, I’ve graduated school, started going to college, found someone to love and cherish, people I love spending time with, hobbies, everything was working out for me.
I couldn’t stop thinking about how amazing it would be once I was done with college and started my professional life. Just the thought of doing what I love the most, with the people I cherish, and being able to fulfill my simple dream of working quietly and diligently on the area I so much adore.
The truth is, by the passage of time, I’ve stopped noticing the people on public transportation and their expressions.
After graduating, I was jobless and without the motivation to find jobs and prospect clients, I found a job at a glamorous and important place, I thought that even though it was not on the plans, I would still be able to network and get to know interesting people along the way, besides, every experience is welcome.
The job isn’t abnormally demanding or extremely hard, it’s just a matter of spending a huge amount of time a day doing the same repetitive thing, over and over and over again, thinking to myself “C’mon, keep smiling, you have to smile so people like you and give you a job in the area you want. Just. Keep. Smiling.”  “Oh, did this person just yell at me? It’s okay, people told me it’s part of the job.” “This coworker that is not my supervisor wants to boss me around and there’s nothing I can do about it? That’s okay, I won’t stay here for long, so I can take it.” “I’m exhausted and- oh, a person, smile, smile, smile, be natural, be cool”.
Until, one day, I look at a reflection on the metro’s glass door. Just a sad, tightened, depressed looking face. My face. Mine. My eyes were lifeless, my dark circles were even deeper and darker than they have ever been, my eyebrows were tensed up, and my posture was completely closed. I couldn’t recognize myself anymore…I was exactly what I’ve been avoiding my whole life. I couldn’t scape despite all of my efforts to pursue happiness and professional fulfillment instead of money. I’ve failed.
I then proceeded to look at my face in the reflection, and started thinking to myself about what little me would think of this image before them?  Would they be disappointed? Would they try to console me?
Would they understand? Would they…forgive me?
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mylilcomfycorner · 11 months
By 小梨同学
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mylilcomfycorner · 11 months
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Artistic Representation of a Recent Personal Tragedy
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
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Trying to practice some perspective~~
You know, when I was a child I was fascinated by drawing, I would draw all day if u'd allow me to. So because of that, my mom offered to put me in drawing classes.
Poor little me, was too scared of failure and not being able to draw, so I said no
Now, years later, I still draw a lot and even tho I understand little me's mind, now I know that the only way to be good at something is that, first, u need to be bad at it hehehe
So now I'm trying to challenge myself, and even if it's not what I want yet, I can see some improvements here and there. I hope I'll be able to draw in the way I want to someday!
Anyway, let's all aim towards our goals, not...not fearing failure, but knowing that it's okay if we can't do it in the first, second, third times, let's just keep trying!!
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
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Trying to draw lately
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
I'm a beginner at crochet and for almost a year I was with the mindset of "oh, before I make anything I need to learn how to do a perfect square, cause that will mean that I'll be good at the stich stuff" and, ofc it didn't work cause who wants to keep on trying to do perfect squares with no goals?!
So through the months I would grab the yarn, try to do a perfect square and then give up and not touch it for months
I really wanted to try to crochet stuff and I was getting frustrated because of it! And I thought "This mindset doesn't make jacks***t of a sense!!!" So I've decided to throw that idea through the window and start doing the stuff I wanted!!!
I wanted to start small, so I literally made...a small hat for my duck lamp
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It was far from perfect but hey, cute! Aaaaand I finally made something!!!!
So I've decided to make a matching, bigger hat for myself!! But it was too small for me and it looked like a baby's hat hehe
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It looked cute on my dog thooooo hehe
So this time I've decided to follow a complete tutorial (yep I didn't do it before cause me lazy)
And theeeeen tcharaaaaaammmmm
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囧 It's too big for me thoooooooo ㅠㅠ
So I'll just give it to my sister-in-law cause it fits her hehe but hey, in a matter of days I went from not being able to do a single thing and now I can already say that I've crocheted two (and a half cause that one is smol) hats!!
My goal now is to make one that actually fits me hehe I'll update once I finally get to do that!
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
I've been trying to learn how to paint with acrylics, it's been a nice and very relaxing process for me, sometimes I try following tutorials and other times I just paint whatever comes to mind
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Also, I've learned this trick of using washi tape on TikTok and I think it's really fun to take off the tape after hihihi
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
The process of paint my house's mailbox
I know I know, the box is not in the best conditions but we'll replace gates soon so I asked my mom that, since we wouldn't have it for long anyways, if I could paint the mailbox just for fun! So here it is
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
Tried watercoloring on a different paper so my bullet journal's page wouldn't get all wiggly
It was kind of hard to make the colours pop out and I almost ruined the paper hehe but all in all I've really liked how it turned out
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
The process of making a lil bee pillow for my mom!
She loves bees because of her name's meaning so I've decided to try out and I think it looks kind of cute idk
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
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Watercolor on normal paper (yep it got all wiggly as u can imagine)
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mylilcomfycorner · 1 year
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The process of embroidering the lor scripture for my bf as a Christmas gift last year
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