negpos-comments · 12 hours
i refuse to fucking elaborate
Do you know how easy it is to get lost?
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negpos-comments · 12 hours
sounds like someone's a coooooooward
you're not gonna disappoint us are you?
actually you totally would
hey puki, if its not too much trouble, im curious to see what the oldest ask in your inbox is!
I would like to know too, unfortunately there’s zero way of getting to the bottom
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negpos-comments · 3 days
So do we really need "ph" ?
Like, name ONE time swapping out a 'ph' for an 'f' would cause mass hysteria.
we dont even use 'ph' that often do we?
phone -> fone
phony -> fony
photo -> foto
phantom -> fantom
you see where im going with this?
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negpos-comments · 5 days
Does "the internet" count as a fandom?
We should make "the internet" a fandom
im talking like if youve got like a fic with a buncha different chars from a buncha different sources
just put "the internet"
we should totally do this
i was scrolling through ao3 and saw some fic with a buncha different chars from various different fandoms and i was like
"we just need like one tag to just say 'randos from wherever i feel like'"
thats the whole post
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negpos-comments · 12 days
Do you know how easy it is to get lost?
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negpos-comments · 20 days
This comic has so many layers its like an onion
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Bro has no privacy
Ink belongs to Comyet
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negpos-comments · 20 days
amino has escaped the confines of the picture and is rapidly approaching thine location
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negpos-comments · 20 days
my favorite part about this is that amino isn't even in the confines of the picture like
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negpos-comments · 20 days
why did this get more notes than the ones i actual put a bit of effort into
Ok so I dont know the first thing about homestuck other than megalovania was in it, but From what i understand about kismesis, hazbin hotel's fandom basically said Alastor ♠ Lucifer.
Like, I'm probably wrong, considering I have consumed a net total of 0 homestuck content, but like
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negpos-comments · 21 days
Ok so I dont know the first thing about homestuck other than megalovania was in it, but From what i understand about kismesis, hazbin hotel's fandom basically said Alastor ♠ Lucifer.
Like, I'm probably wrong, considering I have consumed a net total of 0 homestuck content, but like
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negpos-comments · 24 days
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negpos-comments · 24 days
If we're trying to find Ashley, wouldn't it make more sense to make people named Ashley reblog?
instead of
getting everyone not named Ashley?
reblog if your name isn't Ashley.
2,121,566 people are not Ashley and counting!
We’ll find you Ashley.
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negpos-comments · 24 days
I got motivation to start writing out of nowhere and now you're stuck with this
As the sun sets, the armies of the Holy Kingdom of Venalia have set up a camp deep inside enemy territory. Looking to bring glory to the Kingdom, their name, and their gods, they have declared war on those they considered heretical barbarians, the neighboring Byllians.
For 2 score and 3 years the two realms were at war. Entire states which had been caught in the crossfire had been raided, ravaged, and razed.
The Byllian Republic had fought valiantly, yet it was no match for the fighting spirit of the armies of Venalia. Now, Venalia is preparing for a massive attack on the most symbolic city of the republic: Istantinople, the city the heretical republic had risen from, and, if all went well, the city whose fall would mark the end of Byllia once and for all.
The battle raged on for eternity. Each army sent their divisions, hour after hour, day after day. Swords clashed, spears and arrows rained down from the heavens, red splattered everywhere. The smell of blood filled the air as the armies went into battle, side by side, children of their nation. The Repears were very busy that month.
Both nations were down on their last legs. They had sent everyone they had to the Bloodbath for Istantinople. The world had deemed that month Mensis Sanguinis, the month of blood. But the Byllians had protected their most sacred city.
The final army of the Venalians had only one member; a small figure, a child, no more than 12 years of age. The Byllians were confused and horrified: How could they send a child to the frontlines, and was he really ready to die so stupidly for this senseless war? The Byllian Commander stuck his sword into the ground and went to the child. He took his helmet off and offered peace.
The child then proceeded to pull out two automatic assault rifles powered by the sun and shot them all down with laser guns.
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negpos-comments · 24 days
What happened when I tried to use that joke in my discord server;
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he's brought me so much pain on my time on discord I've elected to start committing murder and framing him for it
A snake walks into a bar
And the bartender says, “how did you do that?”
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negpos-comments · 25 days
Side plot regarding Yahoo:
Yahoo was the face of the town. Everywhere you went, Yahoo was there. His charming smile had captivated the populace, and everyone wanted his face on their products.
That all changed when a little upstart known from the Alphabet Inc. Family known as Google came along. Suddenly, Google had replaced Yahoo in every way. Yahoo had become irrelevant.
Since then, he had been trying to find a way to get some semblance of importance, but nobody wanted to talk to yesterday's star. And when his girlfriend, Tumblr, left him, he finally broke. He turned to alcohol, and all the money he had from his glory days had been thrown straight into the garbage compactor.
He stayed with an old friend, AOL, who had been dating Verizon. He had heard a bit about Verizon before, but nothing of importance. But the two helped him get his life back together, and Yahoo could not be more thankful.
(This tale was recounted by Yahoo! himself, so some things may be skewed to favor him. For example, he had actually started drinking and wasting his money while still dating Tumblr, whom he begged to stay with him.)
I'm sorry I saw something and I just couldn't help myself.
You know what would be peak cringe that could keep Twitter users off of here?
Anthropomorphized social media platforms.
Playing off of the old Tumblr X 4chan stuff, Tumblr used to be a bit of a crazy girl who went wild in her youth and had serious far right tendencies. But while 4chan OD’d on Nazism, tumblr weaned herself off of it, and after breaking up with Yahoo, and hooking up with Verizon who tried to turn her into a different more upright person, she finally settled for Automattic.
She was expecting Automattic to be her last BF, and that she’d run herself into the ground for them, but it turns out they’re not that bad and Tumblr’s been getting back their mojo.
Now Tumblr is the in-universe equivalent of a fandom old, running a coffee shop while everything else burns around them.
Major plot developments would be getting something approaching a sex life after Verizon tried to force her to be celibate, desperately begging Twitter to stay with her when she realized that Elon was even more abusive to Twitter than her last BF, and going to 4chan’s funeral/getting into fights with all of 4chan’s kids who drove him to an early grave.
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negpos-comments · 25 days
Is it possible to prove that PM Seymour is real?
Like, maybe he's just a shared hallucination.
Maybe that's why we all read tumblr posts in his voice.
PROVE ME WRONG! DO IT! YOU CAN'T, CAN YOU? He's a larger than life being that encompasses our time on tumblr of course he's not gonna be real!
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negpos-comments · 1 month
Let us NOW commit war crimes in the name of our lord and savior, King Bomborlasdofa
We shall bring glory to our lands and our names!
In the name of the end of the world!
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