negpos-comments · 4 months
Ok so I dont know the first thing about homestuck other than megalovania was in it, but From what i understand about kismesis, hazbin hotel's fandom basically said Alastor ♠ Lucifer.
Like, I'm probably wrong, considering I have consumed a net total of 0 homestuck content, but like
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negpos-comments · 2 months
So i'm not sure if someone has created a multifandom!helluvaverse (hellaverse?) but I've got some stuff written down in a google docs document I'd like to share. also, as it turns out, I don't actually know that many fandoms, so I'm requesting input from you lot. SOOOO, Introducing my take on the
MF!Helluvaverse (WIP)
everything about this is a WIP including the name i just thought it'd be funny cuz it kinda looks like it says MotherFucker!Helluvaverse-
Few Notes: I am a big Undertale fan and I tried to curb that here but i kinda made all the rings of hell UT/UTY Locations Im sorry- There are some ships that will result that are, hm, odd, to say the least. I tried to curb that a little bit. I'm trying to go with personality matches here, but i will have to be flexible with a lot. That flexibility will actually show up a lot, but as long as the basic concept can stay the same I'll allow it.
With that said...
Charlie Morningstar - Frisk (Undertale) Razzle, Dazzle, Kiki - WIP Vaggie - Chara (Undertale)
Ok, so the Frisk and Chara interpretations are based off of fanon rather than canon, since there's not much we know about Frisk and Chara's behavior in canon. I feel like I don't need to elaborate much here? I mean, I thought it was clever with the Vaggie-Chara thing, since they both fell from the victorious/more powerful world above, don't like talking about it that much, etc. etc. Charlie-Frisk i feel makes a good bit of sense. This does mean Charisk is a ship in this AU but considering I ship them I'm cool with it. If you don't like it maybe they're not in a relationship but are just good friends/see each other as pseudo-siblings? Any suggestions for Razzle, Dazzle, and Kiki? I had the inclination to use temmies but i feel like i used enough Undertale (especially looking later on with the rings)
Alastor - Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Niffty - Peridot (Steven Universe)
So. Alastor-Bill Cipher I feel needs no explanation. They're both tumblr sexymen with cool powers and evil tendencies (personally I feel like Pilot!Alastor is a tumblr sexyman and S1!Alastor doesn't but that's a can of worms for a different time). Niffty-Peridot is the one out of the initial six i spent the most time trying to think of, because I couldn't really think of anyone for Niffty, but then i remembered that she's kinda socially inept/unaware, and then I just thought of Peridot.
When Bill last went up against [Vox], The [Vees] had managed to place a spell on him, draining him of most of his power. The one he made the deal with lent him some power in exchange for his soul. His motivation is to defeat the [Vees], break the spell, and end the deal.
The Spell would be like the Magic Barrier in Gravity Falls, preventing Cipher from spreading his chaos beyond the town, except instead of limiting where the power extends to, it just limits how much power.
Angel Dust (Anthony) - The Ink Demon (Bendy) (BATIM/DR) Fat Nuggets - Boris (BATIM/DR) Husk - Cuphead (Cuphead)
Get ready for some real creative liberties on my part. So. Bendy would act more like the Bendy from that Hell's Kitchen AU rather than a canon version of Bendy. He's basically done with making films (whether you want that to be cartoons or porn films like in HH is up to you) but he still has to do it because of the contract. Meanwhile, I considered how Cuphead went to that casino and gambled his soul away. I also drew a bit of inspiration from the Casino Cups AU and how in that AU Cuphead ended up working for the Devil's Casino serving drinks and stuff. So, we've got a Cuphead who gambled his soul away to Bill and is at a very low point in his life. Because HH is gravitating towards HuskerDust, that would mean that in this AU BendyxCuphead is a ship. Uhh, take with that what you will. If you don't like it maybe they're not in a relationship but are just good friends or smth. Actually you can do this with all of the ships. Boris would be more like a small wolf/dog Bendy has as a pet rather than an actual person/character
Sir Pentious - Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) Eggs - Perry the Platypus Clones (Phineas and Ferb)
This one is the one out of the main cast im most iffy about. Pentious and Doofenshmirtz are both science geniuses that try to be evil but fail every step of the way. Eventually they get redeemed. uhh i just chose lil perry clones cuz i thought'd be funny
Cherri Bomb - Harley Quinn (DC, Harley Quinn)
Chaotic, Fights for the people they care about, i think you can see the connections here
Zestial - Golden/Shadow Freddy (FNAF)
They're spooky people we dont know much about. That's all there is to it
Mimzy - Spinel (Steven Universe Future)
Now, when I say Spinel, im not talking about the Spinel from the Movie. The characterization of Spinel is drastically different between the movie and the epilogue series. Future paints Spinel as just an overly annoying and excited character that doesn't feel like that's what Spinel should be after the events of the Movie. SUFuture!Spinel feels like a good fit for Mimzy (plus they have the same voice actor, innit?). SUMovie!Spinel doesn't. I just wanted to clear that up here.
Emily - Crowley (Good Omens) Sera - Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Now, when I say Crowley, I mean Pre-Fall!Crowley, like the one we see at the beginning of S2 creating those stars and stuff. They're both really loving life and trusting of Heaven's plan but then they find out some stuff and things go awry. If you believe Em's gonna fall later in HH there's more parallels. Aziraphale believes in Heaven's plans and all that jazz, sticking to those beliefs and stuff, which I feel kinda mirrors Sera's insistence on the current plan Heaven is using.
Lucifer Morningstar - 10th Doctor (Doctor Who) Rubber Ducks - Mini K9's (Doctor Who)
Originally I was debating on whether or not to use the 10th or 11th Doctor, but i eventually stuck with the 10th. Sure, 11 is more silly, but i feel like 10 is just kinda angsty-filled while still retaining that charm and silliness. Plus, I liked the idea of having K9s as Rubber Ducks
Other Stuff
Heaven - Gallifrey (Doctor Who) Hell - Underground (Undertale/UTYellow) Exterminators - Red Guards (Squid Game) Ring of Pride - Ruins/Dark Ruins (UT/UTY) Ring of Wrath - Hotland (UT/UTY) Ring of Gluttony - Dunes (UTY) Ring of Greed - Snowdin (UT/UTY) Ring of Lust - Steamworks (UTY) Ring of Envy (No appearance yet) - Waterfall (UT) Ring of Sloth - New Home (UT/UTY) Belphegor (No appearance yet) - Medic (TF2) Blitzø - Dave Miller (DSAF)
WIP/Needed I'm still brainstorming and lookin for ideas. If you've got any suggestions for these (or for any of the others), let me know!
Upper Angels Pentagram City Imp City Satan (No appearance yet) Queen Bee Mammon Azmodeus Leviathan (No appearance yet) Moxxie Millie Luna Cherubs Dhorks Stolas Stella Octavia Fizzaroli Striker Crimson Adam Lilith Eve Roo (No appearance yet) Lute Happy Hazbin Hotel Razzle, Dazzle, Kiki Carmilla Carmine Odette and Clara Cannibal Town Rosie Vox Valentino Velvette
Welp. That's everything. I'll be taking any feedback
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negpos-comments · 1 month
uhh i got bored so a few hours later i have this
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i dont know who this is or what their deal is but they're my little goober and i love them
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negpos-comments · 3 months
New Series Idea
so once upon a time i was looking back at like modern European history with like world wars and cold war and napoleon and french and indian etc and i was thinking
really feels like its a tv show.
ww1 was the first season, ww2 the second. there's some extra pieces of media for the interwar period. then they make a prequel in the American Revolution, and then that prequel has a sequel in the Napoleonic Wars. BUUUUUUUT that has France and Britain fighting each other instead of being friends, so it became somebody's job to figure out how to get them to be friends.
Meanwhile another studio gets the rights to make a sequel to the original series, but that sequel series (Cold War) kinda sucked, got way too convoluted, and had an overall lack of flair, so it got canned with the dissolution of the Soviets.
An epilogue series was created, which was supposed to end in 2012, but it was popular enough (nostalgia wave maybe?) that it got continued
SO, Here's the new series idea.
Giant Magic School (like Hogwarts), there are different Houses with different Leaders, and those Houses are in active competition with each other (like more than in Harry Potter). sometimes the students or Houses will have fights which blow up into full blown crises.
Except the entire plot is just Modern European History.
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negpos-comments · 1 month
I'm not really good with art but I just had to put this down.
this is for my multifandom!helluvaverse au frisk (undertale) - charlie chara (undertale) - vaggie
i still need to finish it, and if yall have any ideas please just gimme some i think you can find my og post about mf!helluvaverse somewhere on this blog
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since this au is in its infancy stages some things are subject to changes
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negpos-comments · 2 months
Dreams I had about Mario
So this post just details a buncha dreams i had regarding Mario Games.
So when i was younger I was an avid enjoyer of Galaxy 2, and I would occasionally watch some content related to Galaxy 1 and 2. Back when it was around I had gotten a copy of 3d All-Stars, which allowed me to play Galaxy 1 for the first time. While playing I was reminded of a few dreams I had when I was way younger.
The first one I can remember was about an addition to Galaxy 2. If you used Cloud Mario in a specific way on Spaceship Mario. you could get to a floating ship. (This would be after completing the rest of the game, i think, green stars and all). This ship would be like a basic pirate ship, but it would be empty except for a launch star at the front of the lower layer that would take you to different levels. Strangely enough the layout of the first world greatly resembles Yoshi's Sinking Island from Odyssey, just more compact, no rising lava, and with different textures like clouds instead of lava. The enemies and such would be different too, of course, but that's really all i remember from it so like. After you beat a galaxy for the first time a specific slot on the ship would open up with a warp star to the galaxy as well as some pictures or collectables or whatever. I remember just messing with Cloud Mario, seeing how far up i can go. Then the Reveille that was the alarm woke me up and i was irritated that it wasn't real. Actually for a time i thought I had stumbled across some modded content that i happened to dream about.
The second one to talk about is a dream about Super Mario Galaxy 3. As of today I can't remember all that much about it, just bits and pieces of the first level and the "final bowser fight level." Something I remember from the first level is that when you start there was a tree stump you'd land on, and next to it was a hollow fallen tree which you'd go inside and traverse, kinda getting newcomers acquainted with the mechanics of the game? I don't really remember anything else from the first level (or i didn't end up dreaming it). I remember that the hub world would be Rosalina's Comet Observatory again, except it would function way more like Spaceship Mario to the point where it was basically just Spaceship Mario again, just reskinned to look like the Comet Observatory. Npcs and Little Awards would show up as you progress, and the way you progress is a lot more linear than Galaxy 1, while still having a lot of options to choose from. The level leading up to the Final Bowser fight (i.e. the last level of world 6) would be kinda like a rehashing of the first galaxy but with the difficulty cranked up to 9, invoking a nostalgia of the first level while giving the player the ability to use their skills and a buncha powerups while having them face off a buncha tougher enemies to really make them feel like this is the end of their journey (of course there'd be bonus levels but we dont talk about that). The part leading up to the final Bowser confrontation would be a buncha colored and Galaxy-reminiscient blocks in a weird arrangement that would make a left onto a platform where bowser stood. Im not sure if i explained it in good detail but its the best I could come up with
The Third One is less of a dream and more of a I thought of the basics in a dream and then started daydreaming about it once. Paper Mario Galaxy, where you utilize the Paperiness to make interesting levels, and then Mario Galaxy 3 would act like M&L Paper Jam, where Paper Mario and Mario team up in a Galaxy style adventure. We can just skip over this one, prob not even gonna put something for it in the tags
i think there was more but these are just the ones i remember
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negpos-comments · 4 months
Let us NOW commit war crimes in the name of our lord and savior, King Bomborlasdofa
We shall bring glory to our lands and our names!
In the name of the end of the world!
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negpos-comments · 14 days
Undertale Dream
because the last time someone had an undertake dream it got decent traction and also because i haven't had a dream in so long.
Snowdin and the Dunes swap places in the Underground. Like Geographically. When Sans and Papyrus “show up one day” they show up in the Dunes. The Dunes acts more like a Mesa than a desert. There’s still sand, but… ‘Snowdin’ no longer has any snow Starlo + Feisty(j) 5, Dina and Ceroba are in the Dunes. Dina’s business means Grillby works somewhere else (probably ‘Snowdin’) Sans is just naturally popular, while Starlo struggles to achieve Sans’ popularity. Instead of wanting to join the Royal Guard, Papyrus attempts and succeeds in joining Starlo’s crew. Sans doesn’t really care. (note: Sans and Alphys still had their whole scientist thing going with Gaster, that part doesnt change. Sans also has existential nihilism and shit)
Due to ‘bad influences’ MK lives in Waterfall, still looking up to Undyne. New Home/Capital is more lively, think TS!Ruins, but WAY BIG, to the point where there’s a tour guide. Capital is also very buggy; characters can fall into secret rooms underneath the ground or just clip out of bounds. This is apparently a feature?
There is a cavern somewhere in the Dunes that has Kindness’ Frying Pan on a pedestal. Actually all the Fallen Humans’ items are in secret places, hidden by the humans, instead of just dropped. The Patience Knife was in a room that marked the location of the Kindness Pan. There is no barrier preventing movement from Dunes to Ruins.
Frisk was the 7th fallen human, with the ghost Chara still being linked to them. They carried with them a violin case, which had a violin, bow, and Toy Gun. They die, and when Clover falls Frisk and Chara start to haunt Clover. Before they died they buried the case in a secret underground room in the Capital Chara told them about.
Clover has the Cowboy Hat and the Stick. Frisk had the Bandage and the Toy Gun.
According to some sort of official guide (of this version of Undertale), it says Sans and Papyrus never die. Like they just don’t die. While some have taken this to mean the genocide route isnt canon, by looking out of bounds, you see Sans and Papyrus just leave the scene and are replaced by another set of Sans and Papyrus, thus meaning there are two Sanses and two Papyruses. This is important, because the 1st set of brothers ends up trapped in the cavern with the Kindness Frying Pan after the entrance to the cavern crumbles, meaning the second set of brothers are free to do whatever they want. (also for whatever reason in this dream i never bothered to get the Frying Pan so idk what would happen if clover tried to get it)
One last bit about the dream is that when Clover enters Capital and glitches off the trail, they are able to help Asgore, who is stuck in a secret room underneath a tree and a patch of grass. Interacting with the tree will cause the tree to ‘fall’, opening up the secret passageway. After Asgore leaves the room he gives you the violin case belonging to Frisk, after which you pick up the toy gun no matter what. The player doesnt get an option Clover just picks it up.
I think Waterfall, Hotland, and Core are mostly the same mostly cuz I dont think about those areas a lot so i dont end up dreaming about them.
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negpos-comments · 2 months
I like to think when we leave the internet behind and move on to the next big thing (maybe some sorta telepathic version of the internet) we'll leave behind some things that should stay behind as part of the original internet's legacy.
As the internet shuts down for the last time, those still remaining to give a proper send-off will hear Hatsune Miku singing Porter Robinson's Goodbye to a World
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negpos-comments · 2 months
blue skidoo we can too musical the musical the series hawaii part ii part ii part two electric boogaloo
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negpos-comments · 2 months
someone should make an undertale mod where the only difference is if you do x number of genocide runs something changes, like maybe the disbelief events play out, or last breath, or dusttale's various takes
So just in the code if its the 30th genocide run (or 29 completed geno runs and then a 30th non-aborted genocide run) the game will force the Mystery Man Encounter no matter what FUN value it is, and then when you reach sans you're met with the Last Breath fight.
or something like that idk that'd probably take way too long
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negpos-comments · 3 months
I really feel lie this is a tv show but idk if it is
so my half-baked idea comes in a few parts.
A. 5 kids get thrown into a magical world. for whatever reason they want to stay
B. Their mentor/keeper (barely an adult, very klutzy) inherited a giant magical house that is just really weird in every conceivable way. Said mentor/keeper never actually wanted it and so never went in, but since its the only house that could fit that many people, the mentor/keeper decides to reside in that house with the kids.
C. This house is basically just a buncha weird rooms scattered in the air with their own magical aesthetic, but connected via thin wooden corridors. Some weirdly shaped looking mother fucker like this, with a cabin on the ground. and everything just fading into a tree the farther you go up. So this house isn't normal
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D. The cast of characters just get into a whole heap of trouble over and over, finding themselves in more dangerous situations each time. Maybe they start out with defending the house from some fire-breathing birds and gradually evolve into multiple-episode conflicts against threats like the sea serpent or the magic world equivalent of the government there for child endangerment and whatever charges they can pull out on the house IN GENERAL, all culminating into a multi-episode season finale preparing for the fight against the Demon King.
E. New Season! Starts out like the last season with just weird antics, but things go wrong sooner or later. There is a basement to the house. Nobody knew about it until they just randomly found a secret spot activated by a sigil or smth. They go inside and are met with a figure kinda like the Collector from the owl house in that shadowy trapped form. his personality is basically just like the Collector's; just goofy little gremlin. but then they release this figure from being trapped. At first he doesn't seem that bad but as time goes on they realize this ultra mega powerful sadistic freak that gets off on doing cruelties is actually the DEMON PRINCE. So they get into a whole argument about what to do, and the Prince overhears the conversation and turns on the family when he hears they killed his father.
Feels like smth
Really feels like smth
OH yea this is sposed to be like a 8+ series ig? bsaically its stealing the vibe from the Owl house with goofy shenanigans and fantasy and all that jazz. Sposed to be targeted towards younger teenagers ig?
Uhhh this isnt really sposed to have like a theme or a message or anything its just supposed to be goofy fun
tho ig you can add your own theme about becoming someone or smth idk i leave that up to yall
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negpos-comments · 3 months
Undertale Au where the surface doesn't get reset/the humans on the surface remember the timelines.
I just think this au would be hilarious because every time monsterkind is freed from the barrier the humans would just be like "yea, yea, we did this already, we have a space for you already, come on."
idk i thought it was smth
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negpos-comments · 3 months
Another question about Roblox Censorship to the Science Side of Tumblr (Because you're still the only ones smart enough to figure it out.)
So the word "republic" is now being censored.
Sci Side, please explain?
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negpos-comments · 3 months
So do we really need "ph" ?
Like, name ONE time swapping out a 'ph' for an 'f' would cause mass hysteria.
we dont even use 'ph' that often do we?
phone -> fone
phony -> fony
photo -> foto
phantom -> fantom
you see where im going with this?
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negpos-comments · 3 months
Does "the internet" count as a fandom?
We should make "the internet" a fandom
im talking like if youve got like a fic with a buncha different chars from a buncha different sources
just put "the internet"
we should totally do this
i was scrolling through ao3 and saw some fic with a buncha different chars from various different fandoms and i was like
"we just need like one tag to just say 'randos from wherever i feel like'"
thats the whole post
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