#ingredient focus
pastafossa · 1 year
The next chapter... is at last... fucking
Granted it's a mess because my brain is still swiss cheese post-Covid and I can't remember fuck all so there's a lot of placeholders like 'WHATSHISNAME' and 'CONFIRM THIS IS ACCURATE' and 'INSERT SNARKY REMARK HERE', and the sentences are really convoluted, but I don't care because IT IS WRITTEN, AND IF IT IS WRITTEN IT CAN BE EDITED, I CAN WORK WITH THIS, IT HAS WHAT I WANT IN IT, IT'S THE WHOLE OUTLINED CHAPTER, I CAN WRITE, I CAN WRITE, I CAN WRITE, I CAN WRITE, MATT AND JANE ARE BACK, MY BELOVEDS, I'M SO GD HAPPY.
It won't be done by this Tuesday cause god DAMN does it need editing, at least 3 or 4 rounds, and once I'm done I'm going to have a friend look it over (I don't particularly trust myself atm), but next Tuesday's looking VERY promising.
I needed this with *waves* things going on. I missed them. I missed this. TRT's been my lifeline, my distraction, my stress reliever, for YEARS now. I'm SO happy the thoughts are all still in my head, even if they take a big longer for now to come out. I haven't lost my ability to do this. And if I can improve this much, I can keep improving until I'm back to where I was.
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jegulily-stuff · 1 year
the backbone of jegulily poll to me shows that james is really just the ‘and ken’ of it all
Lily: this barbie saved the world with the power of love
Reg: this barbie, uh, *tried* to do that as well
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enthesea · 8 months
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Dungeon Meshi enjoyers. hear my plea...
This is Isekai Omotenashi Gohan, a manga about a girl who gets summoned to another world to save their world!
...But mostly about her sister who accidentally gets summoned along with her. The story follows Akane as she cooks for a slew of unusual guests, and finds out she has more in common with them and this world than she expected!
It's not as action packed as Dungeon Meshi, but the heart and spirit of cooking is such a huge theme that I'm sure lovers of the series will enjoy this read just as much :]
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become-a-robot · 6 months
I love learning the name of and sound of a specific instrument, it gives me a fresh new appreciation for songs where I didn't previously notice it before. It's just like birdwatching
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wolfeyedwitch · 5 months
!? ("What do you do when stuck on a scene") for the ask game! And we hope it's something that works for me bc I'm stuck atm lol
As you may be able to tell from how long it's taken me to answer? The answer seems to be "procrastinate".
In a more useful and less bang-head-against-desk-repeatedly fashion, I try to take a step back and determine what I'm trying to do with the scene. What am I trying to convey? Is it a character interaction? A plot point? What's the biggest thing about this scene that absolutely needs to be there, and then from that decide what else to include.
As an example, I'll talk about a scene I'm trying to write for WBOH.
I am working on a scene that bridges the gap between Bailey telling the heroes what happened to them, and Icarus remembering that it was Bailey who attacked him and put him in the hospital. So I need someone to talk to Icarus to spark his memory a bit. For the character interactions side, I want it to be Zera who talks to him, because Zera is the most sympathetic to Bailey and that makes for interesting dynamics.
So there I have the gist of what needs to happen: Zera informs Icarus about what they've learned from the villain who surrendered into their custody. The characters involved shape how that will go. In this case. Zera is furious about how Bailey has been treated and is going to go to the gym to punch something. Icarus, who is there working out, is going to ask wtf because that isn't how Zera normally operates. Icarus will hear them out and be skeptical for no reason that he can clearly articulate....
And then later he'll have his recurring nightmare of the day he was injured. But this time? He'll see the face of his attacker: Bailey.
Given that it has been like a solid year and I still haven't written down the actual scene? Your mileage may vary. I hope this helps at least a little for ya!
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motherhenna · 1 year
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guess who was craving indian food but didn’t want to grubhub it lol turns out chicken curry is actually pretty doable for beginners! I’m sure mine isn’t nearly as good as what you could get at a genuine Indian restaurant but I think it tastes pretty darn good all the same ~
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batz · 1 month
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desperatecheesecubes · 3 months
Every time I see a post making fun of people being afraid to get into comics I think about how when I was first getting into comics I thought it would be fun to read Infinite Crisis because it was a HUGE event and it would give me an idea of what a whole slew of runs and characters were like. I made a post about some panel pretty early into the event (I think it was a build up comic that wasn't even officially part of the Road To Infinite Crisis so EARLY early) and some blog I didn't know made fun of me for not knowing the greater context of the panel I was commenting on. And while I was naively typing up a quick little 'ah sorry I'm new to comics and didn't know that. Thanks for the context!' they had gone through my blog and started doing the same for a bunch of other comics I'd read, and then mocked me for reading IC when I clearly new so little about comics.
Now, obviously, that behavior is ridiculous, and I just blocked them, but it did stick with me. It was one of my earliest interactions with comic fandom and I never forgot it. Most of the people I've intereacted with have been lovely. Even when I have gotten comic cannon wrong corrections are normally very kind. But not all of them are, and the ones who aren't are so vocal about it.
So i actually don't think it's the comics themselves that make getting into comics an unappealing prospect.
#Think about how people have to defend their newness to comics when asking for clarification.#'Help I'm new to coimcs' you shouldn't have to defend that to get an answer actually#I think the people who act like you NEED to be an expert on a character before saying you're a fan are just wrong to be clear#I can be a fan of a character without having read every issue their in ever#You can write a fanfic for a character without knowing their entire history if you want. It's fanfic. The actual authors dont bother#And sometimes you just gotta remind yourself of that#Reading a fan comic with a scenerio that would never happen in canon isn't a sin if it's fun for the people involved.#I've said before that I really like post resurrection fics that focus on Jason and Bruce's relationship because it lets me live vicariously#through jason in having parents who accept me for who i am despite our differences and still loving me#That's pretty explicitly not the relationship they have in cannon and thats fine#I can still look at their relationship and go 'oh damn this has some ingredients to make this scenrio really emotionally satisfying'#Like yeah yeah the concept that comics themselves are gate kept is a little ridiculous when reading comics online is so easy#but how many times have you had a negative experience in a real comic shop#because I know that i have!#How many times have you seen a blog get aggresive about someone being perceived as a non comic reader like thats a slur#I love comics. Obviously because I run ablog where i talk about them all the time.#but I'm not gonna dox someone who only watches the movies or the shows#there are forms of media where I've only consumed the adaptations#So when people say 'you're gate keeping comcis' REALLY think about how you talk about people who haven't read many comics#Becauase as far as I'm concerned if you constantly treat people like shit unless their in your little pre approved circle of#'Actual Comic Readers' then yeah you are gate keeping comics and its fucking weird#mine#No way in hell I'm tagging this as anything lmfaooo#sorry for the rant in the tags I have many feelings about this#not me going off in the tags
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thewickerking · 11 months
its almost been 6 hrs. Mmmm yummy midol in me tummy soon
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veinsfullofstars · 5 months
my kingdom for more darkroach fics
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Update for the few interested in my writing:
Next chapter of Perseverance up tomorrow
Hoping the next chapter of Fortune (yeah Ik, right) is up by next week
My goal is to finish Perseverance by early September at the latest, and to have a second chapter of Fortune up by mid September
Starting the full on writing process of the Casino AU by early September, first chapter likely up by October 👍🏾
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yousseferqa · 7 months
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"PrimeShred" a fat burner for men, enhances natural fat burning, boosts energy and focus, reduces fat percentage, promotes lean muscle. Made in the USA, vegan, soy, gluten, and dairy-free, with no artificial ingredients. "Please click on this link to get the product or to get an idea about it."https://shorturl.at/ditJP
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ilovedyouinsecret · 9 months
One of my favorite (if not my absolute favorite) parts of watching international/non-US white American shows is seeing the food rituals. Like. It’s different everywhere but also the same. Love and history and humanity is stored in the food
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bylertruther · 2 years
random will-centric headcanons: he knows how to make sugar cookies from scratch!
jonathan got the recipe from joyce. she worked a lot so he was the one that would always make them. will insisted on helping, but that always made such a big mess and produced such uneven cookies that jonathan eventually learned to let him help only by sprinkling the dyed sugar on top afterward, which was good enough for will lol.
it's a super simple recipe, so will learns it really quickly.
he and mike have made them a handful of times in the dead of night during sleepovers. they're trying their hardest to be quiet, shushing each other and giggling like the little rascals that they are. will insists that he take care of the flour despite mike telling him he can do it, which of course leads to will dropping or knocking over the sack and generally making a mess. mike tries to wipe some off of will's cheek and just makes it worse so will retaliates by booping some onto mike's nose and so on n so forth. they wrap themselves in blankets, huddled together on the couch afterward, and eat one-too-many before trudging off to bed. it gives them a tummy ache, but the giggles n sugar were worth it. mike takes some home after in a brown paper bag that will decorated for him.
will teaches el how to make them in lenora! it's in the beginning, when they're both grieving and trying to get to know each other, all while adjusting to a new environment. it's late, they have nothing to do, and el says she's craving something sweet. they have no waffles, will's pancakes are atrocious, and they already ate all the ice cream. thus, it's sugar cookie time. he writes down the ingredients and when they get to it, el takes to baking rather naturally. she's more precise than will is, more uniform and careful. they don't have anything to decorate or top them with, but he vows to mention something to mom for when she goes grocery shopping. they eat some together, thank each other for their company, and go to bed later that night feeling like something between them just changed for the better.
when he's older and living with mike, he finds himself making them sometimes when he feels especially homesick. he knows he could always call any of them and they'd pick up and talk his ear off, but sometimes... that just feels like too much. he knows that if his mom asks him how he is a second time, he'll just burst open and it'll all come pouring out. so.. he turns to the pantry and starts getting out the ingredients. he's better at this now. he likes making them into cool shapes. he could probably whip up some kind of icing to really decorate if he wanted to, but he just wants something sweet, warm, and soft to make him feel better. it doesn't have to be pretty—nothing in his life or about his home ever was—it just has to be made with love. mike comes home to their apartment smelling of sugar and vanilla and immediately knows why. he has one, then two, and eventually will has to put them away or else mike won't have any room left for dinner lmao. mike calls joyce later that evening for a quick chat and fills will in on the "hot goss" that is never actually hot (thank god).
will also learns to decorate and shape the cookies into whatever he feels like, mostly star wars characters / objects or whatever fits the season.
he becomes a more graceful baker as he gets older lol, but mike still watches him and the flour out of the corner of his eye 👀. (which will HATES because THAT WAS LITERALLY ONE TIMEEEEEE WE WERE TWELVE AND IT WAS DARK AND I WOULDN'T HAVE KNOCKED IT OVER IF YOU'D JUST GIVEN ME SPACEEEEEE) (to which mike goes hey. 🤨 bc he doesn't quite like the implication that he has always been this clingy thank u) (and ofc will just gives him the most unimpressed look Ever bc please be serious, michael. please be fucking serious rn)
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
Sam Winchester, sitting outside somewhere chatting up a girl he met while jogging: The revolution begins in the mind.
Dean Winchester, wearing yellow gloves, an apron, and carrying a mop: The revolution begins in the kitchen.
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greeds · 1 year
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this is essentially what set off my breakdown this evening :(
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