A vaporwave sun but there’s a cloud infront of it
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Hey is Jonathan from the classic movie franchise Hotel Transylvania featuring Adam Sandler (for the first three movies) called Jonathan after that Jonathan Harker bloke from that book/email service everyone seems to be subscribed to at the moment?
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I can’t tell if I’ve got seasonal depression, regular depression or both
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Wow a full year of random crap
It shall probably continue for a long time to come
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Pickles am I right?
Am I right?
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At the moment I’m just tired of life.
Not in a I want to die way but in a I want to freeze time for a couple of weeks just to catch up on sleep and do some things for myself kind of way
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I don’t know if this is an achievement to be proud of or ashamed of but I have got to the stage where I can read explicit smut with a straight face in the same room as my mother
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Feel free to send any complaints via carrier pigeon
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Wow really? I didn’t know
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A curse of being queer I feel obligated to always get an iced drink at Starbucks 🧋
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I genuinely forgot that Tobey Maguire was in The Great Gatsby movie. He plays Nick one of the main characters and I forgot he was in it. In my brain he is spider man and like nothing else.
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I’m non-binary they/them but I want to be a 1920’s style twink in a waistcoat and bowtie but also I want to be a butch lesbian in a checkered shirt with black ripped jeans and red boots.
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Among us is the plot of Alien just highly simplified
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Harry Potter only ever uses expelliarmus to defeat people.
Every dual he gets in is just:
Death Eater VS Wand YEETer
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Me making an OC that is the version of myself I strive to achieve with both personality and life complete with my preferred name and pronouns:
Look at this fictional character! :) Good bean but fake bean that can’t exist! :))) Look at my boy that totally isn’t a thinly vailed projection of my dreams for myself! :))))) What a nice guy I have here! :’)
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Time is relative.
I’m late for your birth but I’m early for your funeral.
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