ravenclawbunny · 10 months
Harm Happening Around the World
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Please note that there are actually more humanity crisis situations happening about the world.
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ravenclawbunny · 1 year
Mine too😂😂
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ravenclawbunny · 1 year
Mitsuri is a great character actually... we don't see a strong female character who embraces her femininity. I'm pretty sure Gotouge was pressured by the editor to make Mitsuri more fanservicey by giving her the 'boob-window', hence why she added that 'shitty glasses' tailor in the extra illustrations, who tries to dress the female corps members as the same way as Mitsuri's (Shinobu burnt the uniform in front of him and gave matchsticks to Aoi and Kanao to do the same).
one really cool thing about mitsuri kanroji’s story as a complex female character who is allowed traditional femininity in a male-centric environment is that while she is the Love Hashira and her power would supposedly come from elements of romantic love, and her motivations start from that, in the end the meaning of love for her is all encompassing - she loves being a demon slayer because it gives her friendship, and purpose, and belonging, and respect, something she thought she would only receive in a marriage. and instead of saying “oh well she’s badass she doesnt want that romance shit now”, she still wants to find romantic love, but on its own merits, not because she thinks its her only option. being the Love Hashira means her power comes from platonic love as well as romantic, which, in keeping with all the inspiration her character design, action animation, and powers take from many magical girls, makes total sense. magical girls wield almost infinite power fueled by the power of friendship, in addition to still wanting romantic love.
truly the only downside to her character is the sexist character design in the Breasting Boobily situation, which takes away from all the cool other choices and references in her backstory and character design. i know there are in-universe explanations for it, but i think it detracts from what makes her unique, her ability to embody traditional femininity and power at the same time like a magical girl. and they still could’ve made her on the “sexier” side or even with a low cut shirt or something if they wanted to. ironically, the rest of her character design isn’t THAT fanservicey. her skirt isnt the shortest, her socks are more cute than sexy, she’s even wearing long sleeves. it almost makes the front situation worse.
anyway, justice for mitsuri ❤️ you’re such a cool character and i will defend you from stupid character design choices
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ravenclawbunny · 1 year
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Perhaps we need to understand more what it is we’re fighting to achieve, not only what we’re fighting to destroy. — Ona, you’re a dreamer.
Women Talking (2022) dir. Sarah Polley
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ravenclawbunny · 1 year
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ravenclawbunny · 1 year
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ravenclawbunny · 1 year
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I just came across this radical feminist graffiti from the 70s. I can’t place where it’s from. Does anyone know?
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
woke up and someone spilled vanilla extract all over my dash, so as punishment you strange little beasties are getting all the VANILLA FACTS i know:
vanilla is the 2nd most expensive spice in the world (2nd to saffron)
which is why more than 99% of what we call "vanilla extract" is actually vanillin (vanilla's dominant flavor compound) and is not extracted from real vanilla.
luckily, even professionals struggle to tell the difference when it comes to things like baked goods. but there is a distinct difference in non-heat treated products like vanilla ice cream. real vanilla has a more complex, individualized flavor profile.
why is vanilla so expensive? because it is a ridiculously delicate & demanding crop. complete primadonna.
vanilla beans come from vanilla orchids. these crazy flowers bloom for A SINGLE DAY and have to be HAND-POLLINATED in a process that is exhausting, delicate, and requires specialist knowledge passed down over generations.
then, if you're lucky, you get vanilla beans.
which then require months of further specialized treatment.
the entire process takes about a year and can go wrong at any stage
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vanilla has been cultivated for over 800 years (possibly much longer). the first known cultivators are the Totonac, an indigenous people of Mexico.
the Aztecs used it as a sweetener to balance out the bitter taste of cocoa. it was popular in a drink called xocolatl--the precursor to modern hot chocolate!
it is only pollinated by a very specific orchid bee!!!
which is why no fruit could be grown outside of Mexico until the 1800s
Edmond Albius, born into slavery, invented the pollination method we still use today--launching a global industry when he was just 12 years old.
today, the majority of the world's vanilla is grown in Madagascar
if you want real vanilla, read the labels carefully--it's harder to find than you think!
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in conclusion, those tiny black specks you see in fancy vanilla ice cream? those are vanilla bean seeds! itty bitty orchid seeds!!! they are delicious and also a PRISSY BITCH!
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
emotions aren’t masculine or feminine. they’re human. normalize them.
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
What do you think lesbians are attracted to in women that we can’t be attracted to in men?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives exclusive woman-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait women have that men can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
If I tell the truth, I have no idea... I've never thought about it. I've never dated anyone and I'm confused about my sexuality, so I don't know for myself. Yes, I have had lesbian, gay and bi friends, but I never asked them what they see in their partner, or rather, why they are attracted to the person of the gender as same as them.
To me, love is love. Love considers no race, class, caste or gender (not supporting zoophilia, pedophilia or necrophilia tho). It's the society which draws the boundary of love. So if you're asking for my opinion, I have never bothered myself about it.... to me there are two persons, in love with each other.
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
Please everyone, donate as much as you can.... even the smallest aid can make a huge impact 🌱
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We have too many losses, There are over 13k dead, and this number is increasing as the hours pass. WE NEED YOUR HELP!! 
 Pls help TURKEY, and share this post! 
In my opinion and many of us, Ahbap is the most reliable charity in Turkey. 
Here is Ahbap’s link : https://ahbap.org/disasters-turkey
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
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“Shout Your Abortion” author Lindy West on the dangers of criminalizing abortions.
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
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Right on the soul.
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
What happens when you don't report pornbots
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What you can see here are among the most popular posts of the last month for the convin (Connor/Gavin Detroit Become Human) tag for the last month. And presumably popular in lollipop, cityscape, rick day, eva long, dostoyevsky, and all the other random, unrelated tags added to these posts.
You can see two identical posts made by separate bots that feature a bit.ly (so, disguised, you don't know whether the address is safe/where you're going) link to a website that contains an image of a pretty young women (but who knows what else).
Each post is liked by about a dozen other bots, and only bots. (I reported them all, so can confirm their profiles were obviously those of bots/porn bots.) Some of them even use the same image in the pfp. Some are developed blogs full of porn images, some are clearly newer and don't even have a pfp yet. They are all gaining legitimacy from each other by the likes which act as links to their Tumblrs, and adding legitimacy to the post they have liked, which links to their ultimate goal: the site where they make money in undoubtedly dodgy ways.
They are doing this to legitimise their websites for search engines like Google, but if you don't care about that, it has the same effect in your Tumblr tags.
If we don't stop them, ALL your favourite hashtags are going to be full of meaningless posts like this, and probably porn you don't want to see (very different from porn you DO want to see).
This is why we report and block, lads. Not just because they are annoying and irrelevant to us, but because if we don't stop them they will take over this hellsite, and they very clearly do not understand the nature of the hell in which we live.
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
Both! Both are good.
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I don’t see how either of these is a bad thing! Much love, my witches! (Not OC)
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: Being intelligent isn’t an excuse for being unkind.
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ravenclawbunny · 2 years
Get yourself a fabric store that will light your fabric on fire for you
No but legit I asked what the fiber content of something was and the guy didn’t know so he cut a chunk off and lit it on fire and felt the ashes and was like. Yeah this is mostly cotton with a lil bit of silk. And that was the moment I knew. This is it. This is the fabric store for me. Also that guy is marriage material. Not for me but damn some person is gonna be so happy with him.
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