redwitchlovesbooks · 5 years
Vers of the Day #4
The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17 KJV
If you invite God into your life and into your heart, he will show you his love for, his joy he feels because he knows you, he will sing you songs as you have sung for him!
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redwitchlovesbooks · 5 years
Vers of the Day #3
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:   Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:13‭-‬14
This Vers talks about the broad way of destruction. Many Christians believe this to be the "worldly" path. However, I believe a path that'll lead into our own destruction is following a path that isn't ours! Each and everyone of us leads their own life. Everyone has their very own path. Impersonating someone else's walk will lead us into destruction because it isn't our path!
It's so important to be your own person and follow your own path, not the path of another person or the path someone else wants you to follow. You are your own.
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redwitchlovesbooks · 5 years
Vers of the Day #2
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17 KJV
Throughout life we will meet people. Every single one of them will affect our character, our perception and they will be part of our history. We grow together as children of God. We will change the world and the world will change us.
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redwitchlovesbooks · 5 years
Vers of the Day #1
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV
I don't need to be scared but go through life with courage and confidence. With every step I take God is with me and won't forsake me. God will never fail me ever. I can live free spirited, never feeling alone but embraced in the love of God!
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redwitchlovesbooks · 5 years
Bible Impulse #3 Mt. 5; 38-42
Do you remember the good old days in school or uni? On some days people have a bad start in the day and forget something at home. I know that feeling since I forgot my folders, my pencilcase or worse both at home. I was always so grateful when people would lend me a pen and I made it a habit to do that for my classmates. So anytime somone would ask me for a pen I would give them a pen and a eraser.
Jesus always said to help people, who need help. So no matter how small the deed may seem, it is important to help your peers! If we all do something small we can change the world around us for the better.
Who did you help today or this week?
Like in the example I lend a classmate a pen and I gave a new student important notes for our English class.
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redwitchlovesbooks · 5 years
Bible Impulse #2 Mt. 5; 13-16
Salt is a very important ingerdient in every single kitchen! We all need a little bit of salt to give our food the right flavor! Jesus said, that we are like the salt! We are a part of God and can be ourselves because that’s what makes you unique, what makes you special. Everyone of God’s children are unique and special!
When the sun sets and darkness starts to take over you most likely start to turn on the lamps in your home. But for what do we need light? Simple: we need it to see! So we place the lamps somewhere so the light can shine! We don’t hide it and neither should we hide ourselves because we are the light! Christians are supposed to represent God on earth so we should let everyone see who we are!
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redwitchlovesbooks · 5 years
Bible Impulse #1 John 14
During Jesus last meal with his diciples he told them: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You trust in God, now trust also in me.”(V. 1), and later: “I am the Way.”(V. 6). Jesus is our way to God because God is praised through Jesus and our love for him! You trust in the Lord, now trust in Jesus. God is so great, we can trust him and lay all of our worries onto him and ask him for help, strength, and guidance. We don’t need to be afraid of anything! One of my favourite Christian Bands called Skillet wrote a song called “What I believe” and one line goes like this: “Chase all the fear away everytime I speak of it”. In prayer we can tell God everything without being scared. He gives us our strength to move further than we ever did before!
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redwitchlovesbooks · 5 years
This is me
Hello Everbody,
I am Red and I’m a student from Europe. I always loved to read and write and finally decided to use a tumblr as a platform to express myself. One of the things I want to write about are (christian) impulses and rants about random things.
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