riseoftheblossom-ff · 8 months
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riseoftheblossom-ff · 11 months
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riseoftheblossom-ff · 11 months
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riseoftheblossom-ff · 11 months
I got another request, this time it's from the great Riseoftheblossom asking for it. I hope i made my senpai proud.
Here's a little bit of a sneak peak.
Tears Fall by me, Shikabootay.
Naruto Fandom Sakura x Itachi No warnings Rated T
"The Uchiha watched as Sakura wiped her red rimmed eyes in front of him. “Let me guess, you’re going to say the same thing Tsunade told me.” Itachi shook his head no. “How can I? I don’t know what is wrong.” He shrugged. Without warning, Sakura got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around Itachi. He was shocked at first but he relaxed under her touch, making sure to wrap his arms around her waist. “Would you like to talk about it?” Itachi questioned, Sakura shook her head no, though Itachi knew that if he wanted some information from her, to be persistent. He pulled away and held on to one hand to lead her to her bedroom. The walk was quite short, but Itachi already knew what he was going to do. He sat himself on the bed, facing Sakura. He patted the spot beside him, signaling Sakura to come and sit down. She obliged, sitting close to him. The Uchiha then gently pulled her closer, moving her so they both could lay on her bed. Sakura knew what he was going to do and laid her head on his shoulder. She sniffled a little, but kept silent most of the time. Itachi then began to play with her hair." ...
If you'd like to read the rest, check it out here https://archiveofourown.org/works/5071082
If you'd like a request, either get ahold of me on here or check out my tumblr post here. My tumblr post has the rules to it
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riseoftheblossom-ff · 11 months
Head's up: only on-going stories are going to be posted on fanfiction now and once they're finished, I will be posting exclusively on AO3. There's already one-shots on there that you won't find on FF.net, so feel free to go check them out!
Sadly, the site just isn't the same anymore and it's borderline impossible to speak to admin about issues we're having. I held out in the hopes things would improve, but it's not looking likely.
Thank you to everyone supporting this story and all my others! I really appreciate the time you guys take writing reviews or sending messages!
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It pitifully didn’t take Itachi long to develop feelings towards the woman who had become not only his assistant, but his constant companion.
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A little perspective
For those who don't know, over the last several years there's been doxing of several big names in the Naruto fanfic writer fandom.
And every time someone from a very specific group of people gets 'upset' by something, the group jumps on the person (big name) involved and they group-harass that individual for a perceived slight.
I've seen it happening to a few different big names, and now, after another writer (with ties that group) crosses my boundaries and refuses to respect my request, and I speak up about it, the group of pussy anons jumped at me.
For those who may not be on Discord, and including those who are on Discord, y'all may wanna start asking yourselves if you want this group of individuals around, or if you want to be associated with them.
Because it was more than a little strange to be suddenly *flooded* with Anon hate instead of people who usually try to mediate and help me 'see reason'. Like, flooded. My kids laughed at the e-mail dinging when I pointed it out to them.
This was a planned, coordinated attack on me when I "gave them" a reason (their crossing of my boundaries and refusal to respect my consent/request).
Also notice that they all went fucking silent when I deleted my fics from AO3.
Funny thing, me following through and doing the very thing I threatened to do for years if this behaviour happened again.
If anyone would like me to share the names and Discord handles of the individuals responsible for this, and other harassment of other big Naruto fandom names, I'm sure it can be arranged.
Or their friends can expel them from their peer groups, you know, with some integrity, and show them their behaviour is innappropriate.
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I'm glad to know that you answered my message, you're reading again, and I was asked a question, how long has this mess developed, with Sasuke, itachi, ino, should Sakura feel a lot of pressure? as also, how long until sasuke finds out what Itachi and sakura have, and that everything goes to hell? It will be in that event that Sakura will run away from everything and everyone. hugs and kisses
Hmmm. It's hard to say really, because it's not just one mess—everyone's bringing their own trauma to the party and setting it loose on the others. The Uchiha issues are more or less lifelong, whereas the others vary from months to years. But yes, Sakura is one who's being dogpiled by it all and will be feeling the pressure.
I'm not sure about Sasuke discovering the truth yet, simply because I haven't gotten that far in planning. I have my outline, just not the details 🙈
Thank you for taking the time to ask these things!
Take care 💕
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Hello, good morning, I stopped by to tell you that you write wonderfully, I love Red String of Fate, I love the psychology of the characters, which also makes me desperate, I love that love triangle, but please give us more of Itasaku, it would also be good if Sakura disappears for a while without saying anything to anyone like Nana Osaki and when she is physically and mentally well, to return, although I also want her to disappear so that everyone desperately searches for her and cannot find her
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Hi thank you so much for the support!
She definitely needs the distance, doesn't she? 😅
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i just wanted to ask if red string of fate is on hiatus... every day i look forward to an update but i hope that you're healthy and happy
Hiiii! No, RSOF recently came off hiatus, but life is a bit difficult at the minute and I've been struggling finding the time to write.
It's definitely the next story to be updated though. I'm currently about halfway through the next chapter! 😊
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riseoftheblossom-ff · 2 years
Hi!!! Just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE ure work!! Especially the recent HashiSaku story 🔥 just curious, will u be continuing the Hawks x Sakura series? Its one of all time faves 👀💕 thanks!
Aaaah thank you so much!! 😍
I really hope I can once I've finished a few of my ongoing stories. There's a few snippets in my phone for Hawks x Sakura waiting to be continued 🙈
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riseoftheblossom-ff · 2 years
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riseoftheblossom-ff · 2 years
At some point she must have blacked out, or managed to escape by nothing more than her subconscious will to survive. How else could she wake up in an unknown area with the attacker nowhere in sight?
To top it all off, she was also delirious from the poison she’d yet to extract. Had to be.
Why else would she be staring into the concerned features of a young Senju Hashirama?
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riseoftheblossom-ff · 2 years
✨ Prices dropped on my Kofi for one-shots and line art commissions! ✨
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