I have some immediate gay thoughts on Taylor Swift’s new song Question…?
I understand the implication of the song was that she kissed the person she’s talking to now at a party and then that person left. However, the first time I listened to it the line
“Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?
sounded more like a someone asking “have you ever done this hyper specific thing (that I’ve definitely done)? Let’s talk about it as a hypothetical”. Because the whole song came across pretty defensive like you are still thinking about that girl who kissed you at a party years and years later.
I don’t know if I’m explaining it right or if anyone else interpreted it this way.
Also, according to genius lyrics that line might be a reference to the song dress which to me is very gay. Also, the line about “fuckin’ politics and gender roles”. It just came across really gay to me.
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I think something that is so intrinsic to the queer experience is staying up all night, reading or watching a gay love story on your phone, holding back sobs. Knowing that you could have this one day, that you could be this happy one day. But for now, you have the same four scraps of hope. And while they can be badly written, or unrealistic, and sometimes not even meant for queer eyes; they are yours. And for the night you can hold this hope in your hands and pretend that you are entitled to your own love story, outside of the screen. And you don’t have to be so afraid until the morning comes.
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i think what’s most stunning to me about a league of their own is that i’ve never seen these stories - my story, our beautiful queer stories - in media like this before. it’s an indictment of our media ecosystem (and yes, a consequence of choices i make in what i read or watch or listen to) and something that has absolutely rocked me to my core. 
i turn 30 this year, and i’ve never seen characters more closely capture my own lived experience with gender and sexuality. the pressures of the world the wishes we didn’t exist. the joy of being a part of a team and a part of a community that understands you. the pain of being rejected by family and society. the challenges of not having a “possibility model” and needing to chart my own path with little to no guidance from those who came before me because they were forced into invisibility, or worse. the incredible reality that just 80 years after these people were living their lives, the “entirely different world” greta mentions is here – i’m queer, genderqueer, and have an almost 2 year old – but still so far away – my family was heckled and called “fucking f*****s” by a group of angry men down the street from our home in this alleged bucolic gay haven of suburban vermont just a few months ago.
i heard an interview where co-creator will graham talked about this show holding up mirrors (plural) for us to see elements of our own story in, and it could not be a more accurate description. while no one character matches my story, i think it’s better because of that. because pieces of our story are universal, but there is no single truth of what it means to be queer. i am amazed that a show about an era so far away can feel so true to my life today, but it is also so clear to me how it’s possible. not because it was made with the benefit of modernity and hindsight, but because to be queer is to grow in more beautiful ways because of and despite the pressure we face at every turn when we try to be a more true version of ourselves. and every time you think the show is done introducing queer people, queer lives, queer stories, queer spaces – they drop another incredible set of nuanced, complex, beautiful, pure queerness, not just in the gender or sexuality way but in the post-modern queer theory kind of way. it’s genuinely stunning to bear witness to.
and then there is the absolute resistance to let this be a story of white saviorship. because white women and queer folks absolutely did not show up for Black women and queer folks then, and rarely do now. certainly not in the kind of genuinely impactful systemic ways that we need to. and i am glad that the writers never took the easy path when creating this show, instead pushing white viewers to reflect on what allyship actually means, and how often we fail communities of color and Black communities especially.
i am so grateful for this show. i have so many thoughts that i cannot begin to capture. but those are some thoughts for tonight.
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Another A League of Their Own 1x06 + The Wizard of Oz parallel I haven’t seen anyone point out yet: When Carson visits the gay bar for the first time she says to Vi, “Sounds like a dream… Like Oz.” And then the scene cuts to the next day where she’s telling Greta about the bar, saying “She was there, she was there.” And it’s a parallel to when Dorothy returns from Oz and says “But it wasn’t a dream, it was a place. And you and you and you… and you were there…” god I love this show so much
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I haven’t been able to consume new content in several months, but I did so spectacularly last night. Thus, today I have some thoughts and feelings about the new A League of Their Own television series. Obviously, spoilers ahead!!
Excuse my language, but my first reaction is holy fuck! I am feeling the heavy weight of historical queerness again and it’s so powerful. I’m going to make a couple posts about this show but first, let’s talk characters!
So talking about characters here is somewhat difficult as there are so many good ones.
First, I would do anything for my lovable queer duo Joey and Greta going through life with each other’s back. I worried it was going to stray into a jealousy narrative, but it moved in such a better direction that told us so firmly that we have to look out for each other. It was such a refreshing narrative!
Carson, who had to realize the futility of her white lady tears, came through for me as a protagonist (I wasn’t sure at first). She was a lovable misfit who was consistently called to examine her privileges. It humanized her in a way that traditional tv quirkiness doesn’t quite manage. Also, she reminded me so strongly of Megan from But I’m a Cheerleader in a way that I cannot quite fathom is unintentional.
Max, first things first, you looked incredible in your waistcoat. I loved this character with all my heart. I loved the way she was so singularly focused that she made a lot of mistakes and would hurt people along the way. This is true protagonist behavior - she hurts people but not because she doesn’t care deeply about them (always has a genuine apology for all her real mistakes). Oh this young lesbian, I wished so much that I could reach through the screen and protect her. Also, her passion was so relatable - she was passionate, rightfully angry, and still figuring things out. Despite being less often cast as the comic relief character, she remained wickedly funny and I could watch her and Clance just go on adventures all day long.
My girl Lupe, I was so prepared to dislike her character, just for overplayed aloofness, but the narrative actually subverted that so well. She wasn’t just humanized in just a single dramatic moment of breakdown (that would expose her true gooey center), but in subtle moments throughout the series. She remained fundamentally herself throughout and I appreciate that the experience changed her but did not try to change who she was. She and Jess represented the struggle and specificity of historical butch lesbians, but the context and story allowed them space to be whole people too - it’s a rare narrative. I loved her in the end for loving the team and her friends and Esti. (Also, just shout out for the line “Carson from the farm with the hubby at war?!” for being hilariously delivered and making me realize she played the original Joan in the musical Fun Home)
Maybelle, Maybelle - oh my autistic queen! She is my main autistic headcanon for this show. She was so particularly loved for her autistic traits - her interruptions, her passions, her extreme awareness and unawareness in social situations. It was refreshing to see that she doesn’t get really embarrassed when she misses a social que and just kind of expects everyone else to come with her trains of thought.
Poor poor Shirley who just needs someone to help her cope with her OCD. It was interesting to see her homophobia heal a bit with time, but again subverted the traditional narrative. Carson’s speech certainly helped, but in the end Shirley was the only one who could do the work of changing her own mind. I do a little wish she was a little less cartoonish in her OCD and anxiety traits.
Clance, honestly another autistic headcanon. Clance is the best possible friend, she is delightfully awkward and passionate, and she is so in love with you nervous dork of a husband. Oh Clance, please never change.
Shout out to Uncle Bert, for reminding us of a future that is just a safe house, loving a beautiful woman, and making up a plate. We honestly never dreamed it possible.
I love these characters so much and this show. This show proved over and over and over that the troupe of just one or two queer character is a farce and should probably be done. It was such a fundamentally queer show (no one was policing how many lesbians is “unrealistic”) and as it wasn’t necessarily advertised as such, I felt like my community was centered in a way I so rarely see. It made straight people watch a fourth or fifth queer subplot just like we have had to do with straight narratives for so long.
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Just honoring the history of butch folks who were tough and brave and who allowed me the space to be a soft, earnest masculine instead. By breaking the rules of gender, they made it so my softness has a place in queer masculinity. Thank you.
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Plus, it’s important to note that, while the audience knows Adam really well at this point, Crowley and Aziraphale don’t really know him at all. They spent 11 years with the wrong kid. It’s important to understand how quickly they realize that Adam is just a (super powerful but ultimately human) kid and their love of humanity instantaneous includes Adam too.
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GOD there are no words to describe the feeling this scene gives.
I actually think the problem is that there are many, many words that describe it when you use them all together, but the most succinct way to put it is "GOD there are no words to describe the feeling this scene gives".
First of all, Crowley sometimes gets an unfairly bad rap for the whole "I'm saying you could kill him" and "SHOOT HIM HE'S RIGHT THERE" lines, like he doesn't really care about humans (usually specifically kids). Okay, to be fair, it's not an opinion I see often - I see plenty of meta that goes the other way and insist that's not to be held against him.
But you know what I don't really see mentioned super often? To Crowley, Adam isn't even really human. He's the antichrist. Baby of Hell. Supernatural entity meant to bring about the end of Earth and all the creatures therein, including humans. Boy with an automatic defense thingy like ducks have with water. Honestly, I think it shows MORE caring for humans that he's so adamant about killing the antichrist even if it's obvious it makes him uncomfortable (beyond, you know, the whole Hell getting pissed off thing).
But the main thing is that once they realized that Adam chose humanity... Like, dang, look at that. They look so powerful and protective standing next to him. They aren't just standing with him, they are making their stand with humanity as a whole, drawing their line in the sand against Heaven and Hell. It's such a powerful but soft and caring moment. They are empowering humanity to take their fate into their own hands.
Also, I like how they're both raising their wings over Adam. It makes a nice parallel to Aziraphale sheltering Crowley from the rain, only this time it's both trying in some way to shelter humanity from Heaven and Hell. The most terrifying moment of their eternities, I'm sure, but if the ship is sinking they're going to go down with it and with the humans.
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college is catered towards the able bodied and able minded. school applauds people who can stay up all night, skip meals, and work endlessly. that kind of extreme contribution is expected. why are disabled people being squeezed out of academic institutions? why should I feel inferior because of some arbitrary and ridiculous standard?
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you've gotta understand i don't post on here to gain followers i do it to empty my mind ruthlessly each day so i dont go insane . me posting about a character is just me shaking my brain upside down to make sure everything comes out
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i think we should start taking beloved archetypes for male characters and using them to make female characters. this woman is an asshole with a heart of gold. this woman is a loveable goofball. this woman is a cool but scarred lone wolf who just wants to protect people. this woman is a badass con artist who is always seen wearing an immaculate suit. this woman is a dilf
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“I felt such a profound sense of isolation my whole life despite trying so hard to be a part of the team” -Hannah Gadsby
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CW: Trauma (no details) and Depression
I know all the ways in which trauma can cause depression as that is well documented. However, I’ve been thinking that my experience of being depressed may have been traumatic for me. Sometimes I think about the time that I was depressed and it’s like I’m reliving it in my body. I think about all the things I lost in that time - friendships, identity, time, hope. I know I’m doing a lot better now. I believe that my symptoms do not qualify as depression, but I am still deeply haunted by my experience at that time. Just some things I’m thinking about. I’ll probably talk about it in therapy this week.
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I had the sudden realization that I can wear suits to all formal events in the future. It strikes me as wonderful to know that, to believe that. I get to be who I am and dress how I like for the rest of my life! I am so lucky!
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Yay! The internet agrees with me
Paris x Rory headcanons
Because I’m bored.
- the first time they have sex they both freak out a bit before hand bc they’ve never slept with another woman. Paris shows up with diagrams and Rory is like “wow you’re prepared” but she’s hiding her pro/con list of positions behind her back
- after Lorelai finds out they’re together she wears a “I LOVE MY GAY DAUGHTER” shirt for a month. She buys one for Luke and he actually wears it every now and then.
- they both have high stress jobs but they have a weekly dinner date. they usually end up staying in and having Chinese takeout and watching crappy reality tv.
- if Rory’s experience at a restaurant is less than ideal you know Paris is gonna be pissed. How dare they treat RORY GILMORE, THE AMAZING RORY GILMORE, LIKE THIS. Afterwards Rory says she forgot something and leaves the waiter a huge tip and apologises. She’s the only reason they haven’t been banned from every restaurant in the area.
- Paris goes to Lorelai to give her a heads up that she’s gonna propose to Rory at the next family dinner. “I’d like to make it very clear that I am NOT asking you permission to marry Rory. That’s archaic misogynistic crap, Lorelei. I’m just saying, maybe bring a camera.”
- while she’s telling Lorelai this she slowly has a breakdown saying “she won’t say yes, I’m not good enough for her!” and Lorelei hugs her and pats her on the back and reassures her that Rory absolutely adores her
- Paris starts crying before she can even finish the proposal but Rory’s already saying yes and Lorelai’s cheering in the background like “whooooo! Yeah! Get it!” and Luke is outright sobbing into a napkin
- they try to have a big wedding but they both go crazy with the stress. There are charts and diagrams everywhere. Rory fills multiple notebooks with pro/con lists. Paris is almost arrested for assaulting a florist. They decide to keep it small after that.
- they have a daughter and one Halloween all three of them fight over who gets to be Hillary Clinton
- Paris shares a craft table with their daughter
- Rory likes to sit on Paris’s lap
- one time they have a huge fight and they’re both like “I need to get away from you!” but they both end up going to Lorelai’s ahdjdjhsjsjsbsdjw
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I’m sorry, but Paris Geller is just a lesbian. You cannot convince me otherwise.
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I want this on a poster!
defend my thesis? like with a sword?
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Just reblogging this because this is so important! I did a post a while back on the expectation of standing in way too many situations and it kind of reminds me how abled expectations can make even seemingly idle activity exhausting.
People love to talk about whether or not disabled people can work
but if you can work just fine and your disability is destroying your ability to have a life outside of work (because work takes all your energy and more)
Dead silence. Nobody cares.
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