scotts220 · 2 years
I have an essay due in six days and I still haven’t started it. It is a fairly easy essay, just about plastic. That’s the only prompt my professor gave the class.
“Write a 15 page paper about plastic. GO.”
I can’t do it. I don’t know why, I just can’t. I would rather do anything than that paper. I got a one-week extension on it because I didn’t start it last week, either. We have had this assignment for a month now, and it was on the calendar previous to a verbal assignment. Why is it so difficult?
So, here I am, writing about my struggle to write. Writing about my desire to write about how I can’t write this essay instead of writing the essay I can’t write. I have done more difficult things, like a 25 page research paper on drugs in ancient mummies, but I got to choose that. I chose that because it was interesting, and I was given creative freedom. This? This is awful. It’s sad, and as much as I like to focus on world issues, this is not what I have ever written about.
But, this is college. I just need to get over it.
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scotts220 · 2 years
To nobody in particular:
I’m just doing this for fun. I don’t really know what came over me, but I suddenly decided I wanted to restart on my tumblr. This is more of a “professional twitter.”
This is a new blog, my old one is still floating. I have never really blogged before, and I would like to try it. I think I will tag these posts for a little bit, just to get traction and maybe some new friends.
My name is Scott, I use he/him pronouns. I am bisexual, from the US, (almost) 18, and I have a girlfriend of two years. Her name is Elise and uses she/they pronouns. I am an INTJ-T, a pisces sun, cancer moon, and a libra rising (if you care about that kind of stuff).
I am a huge writer. I play viola, I love public speaking, I’m a cat dad to one, film fanatic, and a college student. I am double majoring in psychology and sociology. I might be starting a podcast within a year.
My DMs are always open, feel free to leave a message.
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scotts220 · 2 years
an actual, not joke guide to tumblr for new users
tumblr as it stands is VERY anti-capitalist. most brands and celebrities that come here should just be ignored and left to rot. the only person i know of that seems to defy this rule is neil gaiman but thats mostly because hes been here for so long
that being said, this rule DOESNT apply to small, user owned businesses. If you have a small business like something on Etsy or Redbubble, promote it.
tumblr doesnt really run on algorithms the way twitter does. you need to go thru tags and actually find people you like and want to follow. otherwise, this website will be VERY EMPTY. you can follow tags which will recommend you random posts from random blogs in that tag youre following, but otherwise you NEED to curate your own tumblr experience
Most users will block empty blogs that have no icons. this website has a bot problem, and a lot of bot blogs will be empty with no icons. If you dont wanna be blocked, you need to update at least sometimes and have a bio with an icon and maybe a header.
If you use tumblr on desktop, GO GET TUMBLR SAVIOR/X-KIT RIGHT NOW. this will make navigating tumblr on desktop SO MUCH BETTER. You can block certain posts if theyre annoying without blocking op, you can turn off ads, you can turn on quick-reblog to make reblogging shit easier. its so fucking good
Blocking someone on here will not stop their posts from popping up on your dashboard if theyve been rb'd by someone else, so to prevent this you need to go to account settings, go to content you see, go down to "filtered post content" NOT FILTERED TAGS and add ops username. If you have Xkit be sure to turn on tweaks, and select "hide filtered posts entirely". this stops working when OP changes their username but its better than nothing
While twitter did have the option to turn off replies, it did not have the option to turn off quote retweets, but you can turn off reblogs here and turn off replies!
tumblr has a LOT of different kinds of communities, some of which have rarely breached this website. If the idea of someone who thinks theyre Naruto or a dragon reblogging from you makes you upset, either build a good tolerance from some of the "weirder" aspects or use the block button and filters to your advantage
tumblr doesnt have the same policies as twitter does when it comes to 18+ content. Tumblrs CEO has already made a post describing why. people still post adult content anyway with different tags
Tumblr does not have the same censorship rules the way twitter does. Yes you can use the words like "death" and not have to use something like "unalived" or "d3ath" to prevent your post from being suppressed or having your account shadowbanned/blocked entirely. its actually ENCOURAGED you use the original words so tumblrs filtering system will pick it up
i have been on this website for the last 10 years across multiple accounts. If any newbies have questions, PLEASE ASK, and i will do the best i can to answer. Fuck the gatekeepers, welcome to tumblr, twitter refugees!
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scotts220 · 4 years
I am so sick of being sick of who I am.
William Chapman (via boyirl)
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scotts220 · 4 years
Tumblr media
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scotts220 · 5 years
once my brothers friend walked into his room and just started sniffing the air and went “oh i smell a quarter” and then walked over to a pile of clothes and moved it and picked up a quarter and i literally can’t stop thinking about it it’s been like a year and it haunts me to this day
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scotts220 · 5 years
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scotts220 · 5 years
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both of these are how ur cat feels about being in ur bedroom
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scotts220 · 5 years
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scotts220 · 5 years
Y'all vape :/ why you do that shit to your body…the chemical. Smoke cigarette it’s a plant
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scotts220 · 5 years
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08/19/78 (follow our twitter)
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scotts220 · 5 years
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sorry my english was bad to write this
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scotts220 · 5 years
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scotts220 · 5 years
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scotts220 · 5 years
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Spiderman GIFs
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scotts220 · 5 years
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cheers i’ll drink to that bro
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scotts220 · 5 years
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cheers i’ll drink to that bro
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