simplygreek-blog · 10 years
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simplygreek-blog · 10 years
Can I go back to the beginning?
This feeling’s so familiar; I remember every breath
And every word caught in my throat at the happy lump you left there
The need, attention, memory retention
And yearning for every part of my day, of me
And I remember reading into the spaces
Every inch of the boxes you drew around me with your poems, and promises
And passing words
I remember the worries of “them”s
And of “her”s
I remember the thinking, and wasting time, and penciling the thoughts in letters I would never deliver
Words I would never say
And maybe this is a winding path and it leads back to you with each fork in the road I take
But maybe its rocky terrain is keeping me from an even larger mistake
But maybe it’s just a broken path back to where we were before
And maybe I don’t know if I want to keep going
Or keep tracing circles in the sand
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simplygreek-blog · 11 years
I am a furnace
I am a furnace
Filled with fears and desires
Built to warm and fuel
Built to burn and destroy
I am a furnace
Never cold
Forever warm and needed
Never icy and alone
But since I am a furnace
I am a receptacle
A place for those to discard their fears
Their worst memories
Their mistakes
It is for me to conceal them
Carry them
Destroy them
Burn them
I am a furnace
My warmth is not my own
Too hot to touch
Burning from the inside out
Filled with people’s hate
But never love
Never love
I am a furnace
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simplygreek-blog · 11 years
Take Two
I guess I'd forgotten the feeling
The quiet ache of the absence of it all
That nagging feeling that you've left something behind
I left something important behind
And there is a reason, a good reason
I tell myself.
But I guess I'd forgotten the feeling
Along with all of my reasons for telling myself it was all wrong
In the first place
All I know is the feeling I get when you look at me
And remember the feelings we shared
All it takes is a familiar word to send us both over the edge
Or maybe it's all in my head
But even so, I am terrified
What if I did it all wrong?
In battle with my better judgement, there's no way for me to win.
But I guess I'd forgotten the feeling
And all I can feel is you
That much I hadn't forgotten
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
You’re the one who pulled the trigger But you barely had to lift a finger I set out to leave my life disfigured, Whatever the intention
But I missed the target of my fear and shot the one that I hold dear Now I’m left with the remains of a promise I shattered And you, with the consequences
And even though perfection is what I desire As cynical as my life transpires You’re the one to accept the faults And I succeed to shade in the spaces
I make mistakes as fast as they present themselves Lose races I “ready, set, go” against myself And somehow I won the final prize And the loser wants to destroy it
So here I am in spatial contradiction Posing a lament on a self-inflicted affliction Using fear to fuel my apologies Apologies you accept with faith
And yet I can’t help but fear that a pattern emerges What if in the future I succumb to my urges? Against my better judgement In selfishness, I hold on to you
So hear me say for the final time I don’t know how to believe that you are mine When I continue to shade in the spaces And you continue to shine.
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
Love In All Its Agony
You lay me down to sleep
In tender ties you keep
My poison heart strung up
         Before the beat
I fall before the feet
A thorn amid the rose
A grain of sand amid the tide
         A stain on your purity
And yet again in tender ties
You string up my poison heart
Hold it amid the angels
         Rotting in the beauty
Down again you lay me
And pray you never lose me
I pray you only use me
And break my poison heart
          Before it ties you up
Before it breaks the beat
Before I break your perfection
And lay you down to sleep. 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
The Cosmos
Who’s to say who matters?
A speck of dust can’t outweigh a stone
We lost our humanity when we were born
Into a world filled with the terminally alone
We seek love in all the wrong places
We please so we can be pleased
We say there’s no one worthy of our love
When really we’d take the very least
So who’s to say who matters?
In a world where the shunned shun for fun
An eye for an eye leaves the broken hearts blind
And in retaliation we hurt everyone
So who’s to call a stone a planet?
Who’s to punish us for our inherent lust?
When we’re all just creatures of interpretation
When we’re all just tiny specks of dust.
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
Snow Globe
People always say that they're "on the outside looking in".
But I don't agree.
I'm on the inside looking out.
I'm trapped under a sea.
A sea of possibility.
You can shake the world at it's foundation.
Till the snow falls all around.
But in my glass bubble I'm safe and dry.
I can't be lost, I'm always found.
The glass is spotless like the sky.
It's breeze calm and sweet.
The breeze I create inside my head.
Will never be complete.
The world can rage and thrash and kill.
But always I'll be here.
Inside my little bubble.
A prison I have made myself.
A prison clean and clear. 
In my globe I have no snow.
I have no friends.
I have no pain.
In my globe I've nothing to lose.
And even less to gain. 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
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This may be my favourite thing I've ever written. 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
The Dream
There once was a story of a girl Who was right in all the wrong places She wasted away her time Losing breath in all the wrong races
She looked to the stars for her answers Cursing every morning light And she longed for the kiss of infinity In a world that is terminally finite
She never lost sight of the improbable It was all she could bear to achieve In a world where nothing was impossible Was a possibility she'd never believe
There once wa a story of a girl Who was right for no one, it seems So she wasted her days thinking of a him And all the perfect things he'd say in her dreams
He told her tales of perfection He saved her from many an unseen foe He never forgot all the things that she was Even the things he couldn't possible know
She got so caught up in the romance That she'd forgotten the him that was real She missed every smile, every blush at her mention And he slowly forgot her appeal
He would move on, he knew it And he'd probably be okay But he looked in her eyes, and anger flared At the things she'd refused to say
But she remembered the him she'd created And a smile spread across her face She could live forever and never be touched But she'd live forever in his phantom embrace
She'll never come out of this reverie She'll never be able to feel And while she sat playing at make-believe She'd missed the impossible that could have been real. 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
I found you in my dreams and in my dreams you'll stay a solitude I forged myself  so in my dreams you'll stay 
I see you, and my tummy knots and a smile spreads across your face if you'd only known my dreams of you as a smile spreads across your face
But vision is just confusing for the you I love is in my heart and your face still gives me butterflies but the you I love is in my heart
and I know this is all make-believe because you'd never love a wreck like me so I'll close my eyes and go to that place where you could maybe love a wreck like me 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
Surprise, surprise You got caught in your lies Demise that hides in your heart of alibis It's always sweeter than the preemptive strike To rip someone clean of their cowardly disguise 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
The Fall For You
I wade in anticipation I prepare for the ascent I strike back, assess the leap Compose a hasty lament
The fall is far, but certain Like the end we all must meet And the winds breaks for no man But it lends our ears discreet
Because we need no cause for cowardice When we find the one that could last And words are the last things going through our minds When the final die is cast
And like death, your voice, it asks of me Asks the truth, the things I hide away My mind runs wild with ferocity As my lips compose the words I'll never say. 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
Iron Ties
I watch in all your wonder In awe I'm under cover Afraid to speak Afraid to move In fear of your seeing the mask I'm under
You speak without a care You know that I am there But under protection You see the reflection Of the feelings I'm willing to share
My love for you is hidden Illicit and forbidden A simple smile All the while Can leave me nearly bedridden
Because you took me by surprise When you looked at me with those eyes And said "you're strange, Don't ever change." And secured my heart with iron ties. 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
Fall settles in its slumber Tucks in the dreams of summer Wraps the world and all its wonder In blinding shades of colour
But hues of gold hold promise Where dreams are all but honest They lay deep where the heart is With regards to all that fall is Where summer dreams are fleeting Blood pumps and hearts quick beating Autumn love is about the needing Our deep desires demand a feeding Before winter freezes us to the bone And demands that our broken hearts atone The autumn leaves will have it known That we won’t take the fall alone.  KN© 
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
You ask me little questions, They mean the world, you see When you ask these little questions You ask the truth of me You want to know my secrets And I want to know yours too And every answer you release Brings me closer to loving you 
 © Katy Nicholas
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simplygreek-blog · 12 years
"I don't believe there's an atom of meaning in it."
And all at once, Wonderland comes crashing down. And all that remains are the bloody remains of a dream on the jagged ground. A whisper is all but screamed in your ears as reality cuts like a knife. If only Alice had known you need to be mad like a hatter to make it in thistwisted life.
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