sir3nofth3s3a · 2 years
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sometimes u just need a witchy frog
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sir3nofth3s3a · 2 years
đŸ•ŻïžCandle Colors & Their Magickal CorrespondencesđŸ•Żïž
White: cleansing homes, purifying spaces, creating harmony, invoking spirits, improving communication with others, summoning guides and angels, for use in every situation
Blue: promoting restful sleep, finding out the truth, gaining wisdom and knowledge, invoking psychic visions, calming down emotions, suppressing anger, meditation aid, moving into a new house, becoming more patient with others, curing a fever, gaining insight, protection
Red: promoting strength and vigor, rejuvenating energy and stamina, conjuring willpower, summoning courage, inciting passion and sexual love, sparking enthusiasm, prompting quick results, warding off enemies, becoming more attractive to others
Pink: healing emotions, attracting romance, becoming more caring, inviting peace and tranquility, healing rifts, banishing selfish emotions, protecting family and friendships, invoking spiritual healing, being more compassionate
Green: accumulating money and wealth, promoting prosperity and abundance, accomplishing goals, growing plants, attracting luck, negotiating employment matters and finding new jobs, hastening conception and solving fertility issues, casting out greed and resentment
Yellow: increasing activity, resolving health matters, nurturing creativity and imagination, passing exams and learning, aiding concentration, controlling mood swings, protecting yourself when traveling, persuading others
Orange: increasing energy and stamina, improving the mind and memory, promoting success and luck, developing business and career, helping those with new jobs, clarifying legal matters and justice, selling goods or houses, capturing a thief or recovering lost property, removing fear
Purple: summoning spirit help, bringing peace, tranquility, and harmony, improving psychic ability, aiding astral projection, healing, easing sadness, improving male energy, summoning spiritual protection
Brown: attuning with the trees and the earth, promoting concentration, helping with decisiveness, protecting animals, amplifying assertiveness, aiding friendships, bringing material gain, gaining mental stability, connecting with nature, studying and learning
Silver: drawing down the moon, connecting with lunar animals, purifying female energy, improving all psychic abilities, aiding clairvoyance and the unconscious mind, ridding yourself of negativity, developing intuition, interpreting messages in dreams, banishing bad habits
Gold: healing and enhancing well-being, rejuvenating yourself, improving intelligence, bringing financial gain and wealth, winning competitions, attracting love and happiness, maintaining peace in families
Black: protection, strength, banishing, reversal, hex-breaking
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sir3nofth3s3a · 2 years
Hey beautiful beings!
I will be continuing my reading for tonight until I go to bed, and tomorrow night. I can do tarot, or Oracle reading. My asks are also open for any questions relating to spirituality, witchcraft, deities , etc.
Peace light and blessings 🔼
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sir3nofth3s3a · 3 years
Hey beautiful beings!
I will be continuing my reading for tonight until I go to bed, and tomorrow night. I can do tarot, or Oracle reading. My asks are also open for any questions relating to spirituality, witchcraft, deities , etc.
Peace light and blessings 🔼
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sir3nofth3s3a · 3 years
Hey beautiful beings!
I will be continuing my reading for tonight until I go to bed, and tomorrow night. I can do tarot, or Oracle reading. My asks are also open for any questions relating to spirituality, witchcraft, deities , etc.
Peace light and blessings 🔼
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sir3nofth3s3a · 3 years
HeyđŸ‘‹đŸ» so I haven’t posted in awhile but I have been wanting to break into my new tarot and Oracle deck! I will be doing free readings for the next hour! Send me an ask or PM for a reading. Please specify your initials (first, middle and last) zodiac sign, and whether you would like an Oracle or tarot reading. Peace and blessing💕
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sir3nofth3s3a · 3 years
Could I have a tarot reading? Pertinent info: ZFO, Sagittarius.
I did a three card reading for you!
Your cards were:
Knight of Wands upright
This card indicates that it is time to take actions on your ideas or projects. Once you start you will find that things are starting to pick up quickly, and propel you in the right direction. Be confident in yourself, pay attention to your intuition and act accordingly without hesitation.
Ace of swords upright
This card signals bright ideas , mental clarity, and need for swift action. This card represents the first step in an exciting process. Trust your intuition to guide you.
Six of coins upright
This cards asks what is your relationship to giving and receiving. Giving brings you a sense of joy, but sometimes receiving can make you feel unworthy. Or undeserving. Don’t feel obligated to give back, since they are already satisfied with the acting of giving. Remember these moments of kindness, and return it to others when the opportunity arises. The more comfortable you are with receiving, the more abundance with flow into your life!
Thank you for sending me this ask, I enjoyed doing your reading.
Sending peace, light, and positivity your way💕💕
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sir3nofth3s3a · 3 years
HeyđŸ‘‹đŸ» so I haven’t posted in awhile but I have been wanting to break into my new tarot and Oracle deck! I will be doing free readings for the next hour! Send me an ask or PM for a reading. Please specify your initials (first, middle and last) zodiac sign, and whether you would like an Oracle or tarot reading. Peace and blessing💕
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
Found on tarotandwitchcraft.com !!
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
October Week 4: Do The Things!
This week is going to be more practical works as we prepare for the last week of this month, and the last two months of the year. We’ve come so very far together, and done so much, but we’re not done just yet. So! Let’s do all the things! IF you don’t perform the practical prompts this week, that is okay, just prep them for later, as we’re approaching Samhain and Yule and the end of the year. 
Monday: Spellwork
Research/ New Page/ Practical - So, if we’ve done our research through the prompts, we should be aptly prepared for this one. Pick a type of spell, the ingredients and tools for the work, and at least flesh out a rough draft of your spell. Is it to get money? To bring joy into the end of the year? To bind a bad habit? Whatever it is, draft it, then tweak it. And if you have time, perform it! 
Journal - After you’ve performed the spell (now or at a later date) journal everything you can about the act. The emotions, the weather, the phase of the moon, anything that was pertinent to spellwork. That way, in the future if you repeat the spell, you’ll have a stepping stone to improve your work. 
Gem Study -  Again, make a new page or a new note about a specific gemstone. What is it used for in magic? What is it used for in non magical applications? Is it associated with any myths, legends, or deities? Where on earth is it found? What are its other associations? What element and zodiac relations does it have?
Tuesday: Ritual Work
Research/ New Page/ Practical -  Like with the above prompt, we’re going to be working on a ritual. Something grander than a spell, a house cleansing, a larger routine of magical or devotional work. Pick the tools, time, purpose etc and draft it out. Once drafted, flesh it out. When you feel like you’ve got it all done and made to your liking, perform it, or save it for another day. 
Journal - Like with the spell prompt, you should journal everything about the ritual after you’ve performed it. Your feelings, the date, time, moon phase, everything and anything that could influence the work or had anything to do with the work. 
Herb Study -  Make a new page or note about an herb you have not studied yet. Look up its origins, how to grow it, its culinary, mundane and magical uses, along with its various associations. How was this herb used and thought of throughout history? Does it have any relation to myths and legends? What elemental relationships?
Wednesday: Make a Tool
Research - If there are any magical tools that you can craft and have always wanted to try crafting, look it up! If it’s a candle or incense, or a corn doall, a brighid’s cross, anything! Look up how to make it and what you need. What method are you using? Everything, look up as much about how to make it as you need to. 
Practical - Do it! Make the candle! Make the incense! Make the doll or poppet! 
Divination Prompt -  Perform some divination! A tarot or rune draw, a scrying, anything! Find a tarot spread here or elsewhere, or just do a single card draw. Once you’ve begun, journal the entire process. From the question you ask, to the card/ rune/ etc that you pull or see in your scrying, and the result of it all. That includes your feelings and thoughts on what the reading reveals.
Thursday: Divination/ Devotional Work
Practical Divination - This will be grander than the above divination we perform weekly. This one is going to be larger reading or scrying. Draw more cards or runes, do a longer scrying or meditative introspection, anything. Whatever your method of divination, perform a much larger version of it for this prompt. Journal about the experience afterwards. 
Practical Devotion - Write a prayer, perform a ritual or offering, do whatever you can to appease your deity if you work with one. If you’re asking for their blessing, remember to give something in return. Devote a piece of your work, art or music to them, a dumb supper, whatever you can. 
Deity/ Power Study -  Look up a deity or source of power you work with. What are some ways to show devotion to that deity/ thanks to the power source? What offerings do they prefer? How and where are they generally worshiped? What are this deity’s associations?
Friday: Rest/ Catch Up Day
Take today to relax if you’re feeling stretched thin from the weight of this week’s prompts. If you don’t rest, you should use today as a catch up day for any of the above or previous prompts you’ve missed out on. 
Here we are folks, one more week this month! And with Samhain here as well, we have a lot going on. Remember that this time of year is about harvesting, both literally and metaphorically. We plant seeds in our lives all the year long, changes we wish to make, investments in ourselves and others, generally gardening our lives. This is the time to see the fruits of that planting come to life. The time to take what we have earned by instilling those changes in our lives. We’ve got a ways to go still and again I’m so glad you’ve come with me this far!
-Mod Basil
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
The Harvest Moon
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The September full moon is called the Harvest Moon (AKA the Full Corn Moon, the Barley Moon, or the Vine Moon). What’s interesting about this moon, however, is that it is not tied to a month as much as it is tied to the Autumnal Equinox. The Harvest Moon appears to herald in the fall season. (This means that on some occasions, the Harvest Moon may actually take place in October.)
What does it represent?
Historically, this moon is associated with the harvest of grains and corn as well as below ground crops, hence its name. It also typically provides a ton of moonlight for late night fall harvests.
This moon is a spotlight for working on your fall preparations. Take its time in the sky as an opportunity to think about what emotions you need to “harvest” and what things you have cultivated through the summer that are now ready to be used.
Correspondence cheat sheet: insight, completion, gratitude, harvest, release
Herbs, Flowers, and More
Here are some herbs, flowers, colors, and symbols to use in your Harvest Moon spellwork:
Herbs: Wheat, Witch Hazel, Rosemary, Mint, Chamomile, Sage
Flowers: Aster, Lily, Morning Glory, Narcissus
Colors: Brown, Green, Orange, Yellow
Crystals: Quartz, Citrine, Peridot
Spells and Rituals
Make Moon Water
An obvious choice for every full moon, make some moon water and label it with the Harvest Moon’s correspondences to use when you need it later.
Green/Earth Magic
Make a growth charm with some rich soil, a piece of green cloth, and some of the herbs above. This moon is a time to harvest things from the earth. Think about what you might cultivate from this moon.
Start a Fire
While a fire is a wonderful way to welcome fall, you don’t need to go into the woods and start a bonfire if you don’t want to. Start thinking about how you might light magical fires to prepare to keep yourself warm as the months get colder.
Take some time to journal about the things you are grateful for and what you think you have “harvested” at this point in the year. What insight have you gained that will make you stronger in the new season?
🌙 Don’t let this seemingly chill (pun intended) moon pass you by! The Harvest Moon is a chance to reflect and think about the end of cycles and preparing for new journeys with the knowledge and resources you have collected so far.
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
School Witchery
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Magic resources for all my student witches out there! Remember, magic isn’t going to save your grades if you don’t also put the effort in. But it can certainly support you through your journey as a hardworking student <3
General tips and advice:
To the witches who are going back to school
Magical school tips
Back to school witch tips
Tips for high school witches
School witch tips
Herbs and crystals to help with school
Kitchen witchcraft for school lunches
University/college witch tips
Everything you need to know about being a college witch
College witchcraft
College witch tips
Little tips for the college witch
Dorm life:
Dorm friendly offerings & altars
Dorm hacks for the college witch
Dorm room witch tips
Dorm witchery
Living magically with roommates 
Kitchen witchcraft for the dorm
Candle/incense alternatives: [X] [X] [X]
Witch study tips
Study candle spell
Study sachet
Spell for focus on homework
Stay strong and carry on study spell
Student witch hacks for focus and concentration
Back in focus spell bottle
Studying tips for witches
Tests and exams:
“I can do this!” motivation bottle
Cramming for a test spell
A charm to help you succeed on exams
Using sigils on your tests (tip)
Sigils masterpost for finals week
A spell for finals week
Focus for finals spell bottle
Final exam spell
Other spells:
A spell for good grades
Back to school success sachet
School success sachet spell
Knot spell for doing well in school
Sweet school year spell
“Leave me be” spell
Spell to banish anxiety and get a good mark
Restful sleep spell jar
Spells for back to school (masterpost)
Sigils for school, study and education (masterpost)
You may also like:
Magic to Replenish Energy 
Rejuvenating witchcraft 
Housewarming magic (dorm)
Sick witchery 
Periods suck. Witchcraft helps.
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Drink Magic Masterpost 
Bath Magic Masterpost 
Bedridden witch series
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
Ten Magical Tips for Resetting Your Spirit and Your Space ♡
Our personal living areas add so greatly to our energies. Not only do they reflect our souls’ creativity and unique personalities, but they serve as a place for both work *and* play! As such, our living spaces are wholly suceptible to absorbing our energies - both the good and the bad. If you’re feeling a bit out of sorts with your magick, why not take some time to refresh the area which most often surrounds you? Additionally, adding renewed energies to your ~spirituality~ will help to upkeep your sacred spaces’ own cleansed air, and add a special aura of protection. đŸ˜ŒâœšđŸ•ŻđŸŒżđŸ™đŸ» ~
1). During a good moment of privacy, remove any makeup you may be wearing and gently wash your face. Cleanse the day from your skin. (Even take a long bath or shower, if you’d like! Make it your goal to wash away the energies and influences your form has absorbed over the days’ hours, leaving behind nothing but your natural self.) Then, feeling clean and purified, stand before your preferred sacred space - be this an altar, the spot where you keep your plants, or even the middle of your bedroom - and state, “I believe in my practice, I believe in my Magick.“ I now declare this space to be as cleansed as I!” ♡
2). Place your shoes beside your bedroom door. Arrange them so that each one is facing the opposite direction of the other, so as to “confuse” hazardous or ill-intentioned spirits and/or influences ♡
3). Wipe down your desk, windowsills, surface tops, and baseboards with a Tea Tree (promotes harmony), Citrus (promotes abundance + protection), or Lavender (promotes relaxation + peace) based all-purpose cleaner ♡
4). Burn a Vanilla-scented candle to bring forth positive forces and calming purity. Dab skin-safe Vanilla Essential Oils (or lotions!) onto your inner wrists, the center of your chest, and the back of your neck; furthering the possibility of love-centred vibrations coming your way - and strengthening the revitalizing of your spirit ♡
5). Open all the drawers, doors, and/or cabinets in your bedroom. This will allow the ‘flow’ of the air to reset, encouraging any pent-up energies to escape from their hiding places within your realm. Draw in fresh air by opening up the curtains and windows! ♡
6). Sleep with an Amethyst stone and/or Lavender sachet beneath your pillow. Allow for their calming energies to influence your rest, resetting and recharging you for the forthcoming dawn ♡
7). Fill up a glass container or bottle to place in the fridge overnight. Drink the chilled water first thing in the morning, right before letting some fresh sunshine into your room + stretching out all of your limbs and muscles (to release any tension built up whilst sleeping), and blessing your space with your days’ worth of intentions ♡
8). Write little notes to place upon a sacred altar or in a special bag/jar/drawer. Write things like your personal wishes, your hopes for the future, your favourite mantras or quotes, or even a short letter or prayer to a favoured deity or element - and seal them with a kiss or a stamp of your fingerprint. Believe in the flow of energy from your mind to your hand to your pen; visualize these dreams as manifesting just as clearly as words when written on paper! ♡
9). Take out any trash or recyclable items from your bedroom, and immediately place a fresh bag in the wastebasket. Take away any dirty laundry to be done (including sheets,) even if you simply set it in the laundry room for later completion. Cleanse the air surrounding the areas that your trash can + laundry basket occupy (safely using Sage, Palo Santo, or a favoured incense scent) ♡
10). Using a few drops of Mint Essential Oil + some warm water to soak a cloth or paper towel, wash down your bedroom door; or hang a small bag of dried Mint leaves on the doorknob (to promote protection within the home! ♡)
~ L-PF ♡
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
hey jsyk im really frickin gay
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
Witchery for the hearth.
Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to drive away evil.
Put thyme in your last meal of the day to have pleasant dreams.
Place coins and cedar chips in a box for an easy money spell.
The bark of the willow tree is a natural painkiller.
Put almonds in your pocket to recover a lost object.
Light candles throughout the house regularly.
Sprinkle oats over your garden (especially herbs) to ensure good growth.
Honey is a natural antibiotic and antibacterial. Got a cold sore? Put that stuff all over that. Got a cold? Eat a tablespoon every few hours.
Place lilacs all over the house to get rid of unwanted spirits.
Drink cranberry juice to get a good detox when in need of grounding.
Hang dill over your door to keep people who wish ill on you out.
Place half an onion in the room with someone who is sick to draw out disease.
Place morning glory seeds inside your pillow to get rid of bad dreams.
Pour salt in your bath (or shower floor if you don’t have a bath) to cleanse and ground yourself.
Use chili peppers to break a curse.
Plant rosemary next to your front gate or door for a little good luck.
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
If you are a worshipper of Earth, dig your heels into the softness of the grass. Smile at every flower you come across, and take a moment to tightly wrap your arms around a favourite tree. Run your fingers gently over a mossy bridge or stone. Hold crystals in your palms, and experience the flow of their natural energies. Water and speak to your plants, and think of how thankful they are for you doing so. You, too are a part of this planet; sharing the soil with the forests and gardens: You are home.
If you are a worshipper of Air, step outside to take the biggest breath that you possibly can. Go on! Now, doesn't that just feel like the most wondrous gift? Let the oxygen fill up your lungs and cleanse your inner spirit. Frolic through a meadow or upon a grassy hill; allow the fresh air to caress your hair and your skin. Wave incense or sage amongst your bedroom, drawing hearts or pentagrams in the air. Whisper your secrets amongst the winds, and let them become entangled amongst this beautiful, invisible force: They are safe within.
If you are a worshipper of Fire, light a candle in a wax shade of your most treasured colour. You are that hue, and that flicker amongst the velvety darkness. Listen to the crackle of a fireplace, and succumb to the melody of its seductive spark. Observe the powerful flames of a bonfire as they dance and twist and come alive against the sky - allow for your spirit to become enticed by a sight as stunning as this. That is your soul: For always, you, too have held such radiance.
If you are a worshipper of Water, replenish. Drink a tall, chilled glass of clean water first thing in the morning. Worship it when it runs down your clothesless body as you take a shower. Submerge your barefeet when you are standing amongst the tides of a sea or lake. Collect river stones, appointing them to be your good-luck charms. Believe that you can hear the calls of the ocean from the seashells, and whisper back. Your soul is a force as natural as the ocean; your spirit just as vast as its depths.
~ L-PF ♡
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sir3nofth3s3a · 5 years
witchy morning routine
🍄brew a FAT pot of tea
🍄make magickal breakfast! toast w cinnamon and honey, a bagel with almond butter and thyme, whatever your intent is for the day!
🍄plan the rest of the day! any spells or rituals, or if your into kitchen magick you can find a nice recipe to try!
🍄wash your face! buy an herbal scrub or make your own
-combine sea salt, honey, green tea
🍄enchant your makeup!!!! if you wear makeup
🍄go outside!!!!!! even for a little bit!!!!!! no matter the weather!! ground yourself!
🍄do some sunrise magick! light an orange candle, speak your intent for the day
🍄if youre a productive person, unlike myself, plan the whole week! i dont really follow schedules bc im a gemini but if they work for you then go for it!!!!!!!!! plan spells and rituals based on the moon phases and the days of the week
🍄cleanse yourself! in the shower, visualize all the bad energy dripping off you as you step out of the shower. say a chant while your washing your hair !
if youre not a productive person,, its okay!!!!! im really lazy in general and its hard for me to do things, but its okay to do even one of these things! you ARE a witch, no matter how lazy or productive you are.
blessed be! đŸ’«
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