sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Update : my mom just came to my room to scream at me through the door. She has no idea I'm crying my eyes off and I'm planning on never telling her and disappear when I go to college because thanks mom for the trauma
Hey. Sup.
Hello everyone,
It is 19h37 here in Algeria, my mom just took over the preparation of the cakes i was making. Do you know why? Because I'm having a ✨mental breakdown ✨. Why exactly am I having a mental breakdown? Because I'm not good enough to do anything. Even simple chocolate cakes.
What a wonderful time to be on earth.
Happy new year you guys!
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Hey. Sup.
Hello everyone,
It is 19h37 here in Algeria, my mom just took over the preparation of the cakes i was making. Do you know why? Because I'm having a ✨mental breakdown ✨. Why exactly am I having a mental breakdown? Because I'm not good enough to do anything. Even simple chocolate cakes.
What a wonderful time to be on earth.
Happy new year you guys!
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
🌿 Reasons to stay alive:
1) Discovering yourself (you are worth discovering)
2) How silly people get when they're sleepy
3) Sitting in hammocks
4) long hugs
5) Going to the zoo
6) Carving pumpkins
7) cute baby animals
8) kissing in the rain
9) singing
10) The smell of baking cookies
11) picnics
12) Warm blankets when it's cold
13) you are so loved
14) octobers
15) staying up all night and sleeping in
16) water balloon fights
17) making babies smile
18) movie marathons
19) foreign cities, languages, people & food
20) Those "this never leaves the room" moments
21) rainbows
22) you will be missed
23) Drinking hot chocolate/coffee/ & tea
24) Binge-watching a series
25) Slow dances
26) you are never alone
27) meeting new people
28) traveling
29) Watermelon in the summer
30) sunsets
31) naps
32) road trips
33) Finally understanding what something means
34) late-night phone calls
35) Listening to rainstorms
36) Cuddling
37) climbing trees
38) Going for walks
39) Doing crazy things with your best friends
40) getting married someday
41) Kind comments from others
42) tears of joy
43) drawing
44) cartoons
45) laughing really hard
46) making other people happy
47) sleeping in
48) jumping in puddles
49) Flowers
50) you are needed
51) fireflies
52) undiscovered forests
53) art
54) Really good books
55) finding love of all kinds
56) jumping really high on a trampoline
57) hugging
58) full moons
59) crunchy leaves
60) Seeing yourself recover
61) concerts
62) stargazing
63) kissing
64) secrets and promises
65) Autumn leaves
66) knowing all of the lyrics to a song
67) orgasms
68) the smell after rain
69) Getting handwritten notes in the mail
70) Halloween
71) Clean sheets
72) The first snow of the winter
73) petting puppies
74) City lights
75) late night walks
76) Building forts
77) Smiling in the middle of a kiss
78) people care about you
79) you are important
80) bonfires
81) thunderstorms
82) having kids if you want
83) sunrises
84) When a baby holds onto one of your fingers with it's whole hand
85) going to comic con
86) kind strangers
87) bowties
88) treehouses
89) music
90) slow dance parties in your room
91) new video games
92) long drives
93) being awake when everyone else is asleep
94) eye sex
95) smiling at strangers
96) onesies
97) you could save someone's life
98) The sky and it's beautiful colors
99) walks on the beach
100) sitting on rooftops
101) paint fights
102) There will be a time you'll see that you're glad you didn't do it
103) pillow fights
104) lying on grass and watching clouds
105) you matter
106) watching fireworks
107) graduating
108) snow cones
109) bay windows
110) silence that isn't awkward
111) messy hair
112) Your pets wouldn't understand why you're not around
113) warm showers
114) making smores
115) when you start smiling and can't stop
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Hey. Sup.
So I think I just lost my best friend.
A few days ago I told her I might be bisexual and at first she was super supportive and for the first time in forever I felt safe and accepted. But a few minutes ago she sent me a text "I've changed my mind" and now my worst fears became true. She said that she didn't accept the lgbtqia+ community because it was against our religion. I tried to explain to her my beliefs but she said that she didn't care if they got murdered, raped and burned and then I told her that I was disappointed and she told me that it wasn't her problem to fix so I told her that she was against me.
And now I'm so scared that she's going to tell everyone else. I'm terrified.
So thanks for coming to my Ted talk I guess.
- kaira
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Baby Harmonia: Daddy, let’s play princesses.
Ares: No!
Baby Harmonia *on the verge of tears*: Why not?
Ares: Because I didn’t raise any princesses, I raised a queen. We’re gonna go play queens!
Baby Harmonia: Yay!
Artemis: ...I’m proud of him.
Athena: He has earned a fraction of my respect.
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
The fact that Artemis is usually portrayed as the lesbian god and not Athena confuses me. Artemis doesn't want sex or romance because she doesn't want to deal with all that while Athena can't have sex with a man bc if she gets pregnant the child will be the downfall of the Olympians. It's more likely that if anyone was seducing beautiful women it would be Athena. Also, Artemis's hunters are co gender it's just that men were less likely to take the Big Ol' Vow of Virginhood. Idk but Artemis seems very aroace but maybe I'm biased. I like to think that as same sex marriage gets more widely expected Artemis will continue her single life while Athena scores a beautiful wife, gods know she deserves it.
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
s a m e
I have just decided that I will now be disappearing under mysterious circumstances.
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Hey. Sup.
It's me again. I'm currently having my second mental break down of the day, as I do every day, and I'm crying because I can't take it anymore.
So I've come to the conclusion that I'm a dumb pathetic bitch who deserves nothing and at this point I should probably kill myself or something because I'm honestly exhausted and I can't talk to anyone because none of my friends understand what it's like, my brother and I are not close at all and my parents are the cause of all of this. I mean I'm the cause but they're making it so much worst.
So now onto the reason why I'm a dumb pathetic bitch who deserves nothing in life.
I keep choosing people who do nothing but hurt me. My mom who keeps choosing my brother who is her favorite child even though she says she loves us both equally. My dad who's as emotionally unavailable and cold as ice. My best friend who knows nothing about the real me but who I can't let go of because I'm terrified of trying to find people who will genuinely care about me because I would rather be accepted than thought of as a freak. And this boy who keeps breaking my fucking heart and because I'm a dumb pathetic bitch I keep letting him in even though I know that he's going to hurt me again and there will be no one to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart.
So yeah. I'm a dumb pathetic bitch who deserves nothing in life and at this point I should probably kill myself.
What a great day for self loathing, right?
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
That's something I wish I had known before
unwarranted piece of writing advice for today: get acquainted with writing short oneshots that have a full arc/narrative!! you improve at being concise, fitting a story's worth of emotion into a very small space, and writing a wider range of dynamics, emotions, and styles. doing a lot of quick drabbles (from a prompt list or otherwise) makes you overall a more versatile writer, a quicker writer, and far less one-tone !
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Omg right 😂😂
having undiagnosed adhd was fucking hilarious i’d be like “hey you know that feeling when you get into something so hard you can’t think about literally anything else and it consumes all your higher brain functions to the point where it’s almost viscerally frustrating and your life has begun to center around this one topic or piece of media and it’s also the only way you can experience joy most of the time and all your emotions are tied up in it to some degree and now it’s part of your identity until suddenly it’s not and you feel horrible and alone and understimulated and it’s kind of the worst but that’s just showbiz ain’t it” and everybody would be like what the fuck? NO?????? and i would just be like. Huh! Wacky! and keep on livin ig 
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Hey. Sup.
If you read my previous post, you probably know that I have been diagnosed with ADHD for like 2 weeks or something but I don't have any medication because I'm too scared...
So like I would be very grateful if someone told me what adderal feels like because I don't know and I'm scared to find out...
Thank you very much
- Kaira
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
You guys 😂😂 I just realized the funniest thing.
I have ADHD (no that's not my realization) and suddenly my whole life makes sense 😂
I am now 17, have been diagnosed for like a week or something and everything just makes so much sense. When I was a kid I would just constantly zone out in class. I could never focus on anything (I mean I still can't) and I wouldn't stop doodling, fidgeting and I could never stop moving but I was in class so obviously I had to.
I was messy but also the "quiet good kid" and my copybooks were so messy and filled with doodlings (doodles???? Idk) that my teachers would constantly yell at me and my dumbass would zone out while they were yelling at me 😂
Also I HATE silence. I just can't stand it and I can't do anything if I don't feel and hear the people around me. So one time (because I'm a writer) I was being interviewed (it was on radio) and someone who knows me pretty well was with me and he told that story about how we met "we met at a bookstore. There was so much noise but she was at a table and she was writing like no one was around. And then I saw her choose book after book and it was like nothing could bother her." And it turns out I actually have ADHD and everything I have been doing my whole life isn't normal and I'm just laughing joker style 😂
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Random 1:36 am thought :
How come I can attract guys but I can never keep their attention?
Idk if anyone will get this or relate and maybe it's just nonesense but here's the thing :
- I'm hot enough for them to be attracted to me. I'm hot enough for them to want to linger their fingers on my skin and play with my hair for a couple of hours but not hot enough for them to want to stay.
- I'm interesting enough for them to go on a couple dates with me. I'm interesting enough for them to laugh at my random thoughts and my bad jokes and I'm interesting enough for them to want to spend a few hours with me but not enough for them to want to date me.
- I'm spontaneous enough for them to want to go on that first crazy adventure I'll ask them to go on with me but not enough to stick around for the next.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but if you know maybe just tell me? Please?
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
I'm girls
girls be like “im going to bed” and then just cry for 2 hours
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
In honor of suicide awareness month and all the people I've lost to suicide.
I love you and I miss you so much
Reasons to Be Alive
I’ve noticed lately that many people across social media (mostly Facebook) have been saying that the most important reason not to kill yourself is because “you are someone’s child/friend/sibling/partner etc”. Their intentions are good, and caring about your loved ones is wonderful, but today I’m going to tell you that when it comes to finding reasons to survive, it’s okay to be selfish! It’s okay to want to be alive because of your own happiness! So here’s a few other reasons to be alive tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that!
You might hear an awesome joke tomorrow.
You might see a cute animal!
That show you’re super into? The finale’s probably going to be heckin awesome.
Your favorite director/studio is probably working on a super cool film right now.
If you’ve been thinking about a project lately, I’m sure it’s going to be incredible when finished.
Do you want to learn sign language? How about Korean? Go for it!
There’s still time to meet someone you look up to.
Remember that book you haven’t finished yet? The end is the best part.
If someone doesn’t believe in you, stick around just to prove them wrong.
You have so many good naps left to take.
Want to travel? Can’t travel right now? Maybe one day soon, you will!
What if you see someone super cute tomorrow?
You still have time to change the world, in any way!
Make art make art make art make art make art
Someday you’ll be in the perfect position to make that pun you thought of in the shower last week. Don’t let a great pun like that go to waste.
Guaranteed you’ll hear a new favorite song soon. It will get stuck in your head, but you’ll love it (for a while).
There are tons of video games you haven’t played that you would love!
Live because you have so much happiness left to experience.
Live because you have so much happiness left to experience.
Live because you have so much happiness left to experience.
There are literally millions of super shiny pennies just waiting to be found. Like holy shit.
Please feel free to add to this list! I encourage it! Just please keep the positivity going. :)
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Just because your fyp page or your IG or Tumblr feed is back to normal doesn't mean black lives and black transgender lives don't matter anymore.
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sweetstrangersworld · 4 years
Hey. Sup.
So I was on Facebook like 10 minutes ago and I saw a post.
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Here it is.
And I was like " okey but maybe don't spank your children like wtf lady" and someone replied to my comment like " gotta love seeing a child tell us how to parent"
--' really?
First : if you hit your child I'm going to tell you how to parent. Let me tell you if you do this you do not deserve to be a mother.
Second : Just this comment tells me I have better parenting skills than you do. By saying this you're implying that kids don't know much about parenting which I doubt because let me remind you that I'm a kid. I know myself, I know where my parents fucked up and where they did the right thing and I parent my brother you dumb bitch. Also it's really disrespectful to imply that because of my age I don't know much so fuck you.
Third : may I remind you that it's assault. Like hello? You know that your child could take your ass to court for that right? And not only for hitting them but also for the emotional damage. Also why do you think it's wrong to hit someone else but it's okey if you hit your child? Where's the difference? Your child isn't your property.
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
- kaira
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