swiftdove · 1 year
pairing: taylor swift x fem!reader
word count: 1191
warnings: angst (kind of?), comfort
summary: you knew what you were in for when you started dating the world-renowned pop-star, but you'd underestimated the feeling of inferiority that would come with it.
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No matter how hard you'd tried to, you couldn't ignore the uneasy feeling that had settled in your stomach over the past few weeks.
You had always prided yourself for your laid-back nature, but as of lately, you'd been feeling neglected. The millions of people thirsting over your girlfriend wasn't doing you any favors either.
You'd known what to expect, dating a world-renowned popstar. You'd known what being in a relationship with her came with. Rest assured, she'd always made clear that she was no better than you in any way, but that was hard to believe when she was earning millions a night whilst you were rotting away in your bedroom, watching another rerun of Gilmore Girls.
You knew you shouldn't be. You should've been happier by now. Healthier. When you'd first started dating Taylor, you felt at the top of the world. But even then, the slight feeling of inferiority crept in. You'd never say anything about it. How could you? And even if you did, what could she do about it? You knew she wasn't about the end her entire career for you, and you didn't expect her to. There was no balance in your relationship, no matter how hard you tried. You'd always the the inferior one, the weaker one, the mundane one.
Which was exactly why you hadn't made your relationship with her public. The backlash would've been ruthless, and you couldn't put Taylor through that. You'd been the one to make that decision, but the way she'd agreed to it just a little too excitedly still lingered in the back of your mind.
You weren't doing this again.
With a reluctant groan, you slipped out of your bedsheets and drew open the blinds. You were immediately met with the sun's unwelcoming gaze.
You stumbled back, just managing to catch yourself on the corner of your bedside table. The sharp corner jabbed into your skin, pain shooting up your bone.
A small wince escaped your throat as you instinctively jumped away. You could feel the blood pooling around your wound, but you couldn't bother to clean it up. It's not like there was anyone around to impress, anyways.
You could practically hear Taylor gently admonishing you inside your head. Handling you like you were going to break at any second.
You cringed at the thought, pushing it to the back of your mind. Instead, you directed your attention to Meredith.
"What shall we do today, hm?" you asked, sliding open your closet door. "Go to the mall? Go on a run?"
You swiveled around, only to be met with an unamused set of blue eyes.
"Come on, Mere," you groaned. "You're really not helping here at all."
Instead of acknowledging you, she chose to march off instead, leaving you to decide on today's activities by yourself.
A ping! noise vibrated off your phone, distracting you from the incredibly difficult task of choosing an outfit to wear today. Your eyes lit up at the sight of the name on your screen.
Taylor: Hey babe, I'll probably be here in around ten minutes. Can't wait to see you!
Your brows furrowed, confusion overtaking your features. It was only until you spotted the date on your lockscreen that you finally remembered.
"Shit," you groaned.
You'd forgotten that your girlfriend was coming back home today.
After what seemed like hours of mindless panicking, you'd finally managed to calm down. You'd gotten the blood off the nightstand, and had managed to tidy up the bedroom. All you had to do now was wait.
You'd changed into a floral sundress and had done your skincare for what was probably the first time in months. You'd quickly whipped up a batch of cookies, which were baking in the oven. For someone who was spiraling just an hour ago, you cleaned up pretty nice. You were just hoping that your girlfriend would fall for the illusion.
Just as it seemed like she was never coming, the door creaked open. Your eyes widening in excitement, you ran towards the entrance, a smile plastered on your face.
"Taylor!" you yelled, embracing your girlfriend in a tight hug. The blonde popstar laughed, placing down her bags.
"Hey, baby girl," she said, kissing you on the forehead.
"I missed you," you whispered, practically melting into her.
"I missed you too, baby, so much."
Finally, you pulled away, watching as Taylor got settled back in.
"How long are you staying for?" you quipped.
She sighed, hanging her coat by the doorway. "Just for a few days. I have to be in Los Angeles soon."
You tried your best to hide the disappointment in your voice. "Oh. Well, it's great to have you back."
Taylor barely acknowledged your comment, instead turning towards the oven.
"Oh! You're making cookies," she exclaimed in delight. "Can't wait to try them."
You gave her a small smile, before following her up to your bedroom suite.
You're like a lost puppy.
You grimaced at the voice in your head, the same voice that had haunted every dream of yours for the past few months. You'd tried to shrug it off at first, but the more you tried to ignore it, the louder it got.
"Babe? Are you listening?"
Taylor's voice jolted you out of your train of thought, her cerulean eyes boring into yours.
"Yeah," you answered shakily, forcing a smile back onto your face.
You could practically feel the atmosphere drop. The look in your girlfriend's eyes told you everything you needed to know.
"I'm fine," you snapped, turning away from her. You couldn't bear to look her in the eyes right now. You couldn't face the same soft-spoken words, the way she'd coerce you into her arms again.
"You're not fine. What happened, baby?"
You hated it. You hated when she talked to you like this. You didn't know why this was such a trigger for you, but you knew that you didn't like it.
Yet then again, it was exactly what you needed. A push. You'd been growing distant, and it hadn't gone unnoticed by Taylor. She had only come back for one reason, after all.
"You can tell me. I'm here to listen."
That was the final nail in the coffin. You could feel the tears burning in the back of your eyes, the red flush returning to your cheeks.
"I just missed you, that's all," you rasped, but even you didn't believe yourself this time.
You could feel Taylor's fingers glide over your jaw, gently forcing it upwards so that you were facing her.
"I love you," she husked. "You know that, right?"
The silence that followed confirmed her suspicions.
"Oh, baby girl," she sighed, her hand finding it's way around the back of your head. She pulled you closer, your face just inches above her breasts. "You can let go. I'm here."
With a final, shaky breath, you relented, letting go of your body. Taylor led you towards the bed, pulling you up onto her lap.
"Everything's going to be okay," she murmured, running her fingers through your hair.
And just for one moment, with your head on her lap and her calloused hands delicately caressing your skin, you truly did believe her.
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swiftdove · 2 years
pairing: wanda x reader
word count: 1335
warnings: dark!themes, dark!wanda maximoff, lazy ending
summary: what you had originally thought to be dreams turn out to be something way more real.
a/n: kind of unfinished, might write a part two if requested
Screams escaping your throat, you thrashed uselessly against your restraints, tears sliding down your face. Your eyes were red and puffy from the hours of begging and pleading the witch to let you go. Your attempts were futile, and it had done nothing but amuse Wanda more.
You weren't even sure if this was Wanda. This couldn't be. Wanda wasn't like this. She wasn't a monster.
But one look at the witch's satisfied face made you beg to differ. She quirked an eyebrow, before walking over to you purposefully. 
"Quite a fighter, now, aren't we?" she lulled, her Sokovian accent dripping through her words. 
You bit back a sob, trying to stabilize yourself. Panicking wasn't going to get you out of this mess.
"What do you want?" you hissed. 
Wanda tilted her head slightly, taking in your body in front of her, completely at her will to do whatever she pleased with it. "Don't cry. I'm not going to hurt you," she said softly. You shook your head, chuckling sourly at her words.
"Then explain this," you spat, gesturing towards your restraints. Wanda sighed, circling the alter she had placed you on. 
"I'm sorry," she murmured. "I just couldn't resist. I was dying for a preview." 
A smirk tugged at her features as she placed the tips of her fingertips over your face, caressing your cheek gently. "Oh, you have no idea what I've done just to get to you. It took so long just to find a universe where I wasn't here for you," she hummed. "It was all worth it."
She leaned over you, her cerulean eyes boring into yours, mesmerized, before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Now, hush, darling, this is nothing more than a mere dream."
"A... this is a - a what - I don't -"
Wanda pressed her lips together, a look of disappointment washing over her features. "Quite disappointing, hm?"
You shook your head, trying desperately to cling onto the bits of information the witch had just told you. You weren't sure which state you were in, but it definitely wasn't a sober one. 
"Aw, don't worry your pretty little head over it," Wanda said gently. "All you have to do is wait."
She sighed once again, glancing at her wrist. "I'll see you soon."
You started thrashing against your restraints again, confusion flooding your mind. "What do you mean?" you yelled. "I - I don't... I don't understand."
Your surroundings started to glitch, and you watched in fear as the stone walls became concrete white, your back suddenly pressing against a soft mattress. Panting, you sat up, and found yourself in your bedroom.
"It was a dream," you whispered to yourself, cradling your head in your knees, tightly wrapping your arms around them. "A dream. It wasn't real. It - oh my god, I'm truly going insane."
You reached for your phone, sending a text to your therapist scheduling an appointment for later today, before rolling out of bed. It was still dark outside, the only source of light coming from your lit up phone screen. 
You dragged yourself over the the bathroom, feeling the tension in the air dissipate as the cold water hit your back, thoughts racing through your mind in a crazed frenzy.
You shook your head, pushing the thoughts aside. You weren't crazy. Your therapist believed every word you said, taking concern in your recurring nightmares.
Calm down, you admonished yourself, squeezing your eyes shut. She'll understand. Your therapist will understand.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It turned out that your therapist, in fact, did not understand.
"You have to believe me," you said, "she's coming after me."
You were well aware of how crazy you sounded, but you needed closure. You needed someone to tell you that you weren't going insane, that it was all real.
"Y/N," Dr. Lee said, a pitiful look on her face, "if you want, I can prescribe you meds. All I can tell you right now, is that all of this is in your head."
You crossed your arms, leaning back on the sofa. "You know, I'd have thought that you'd be more understanding," you snapped.
Dr. Lee looked taken aback. You were acting completely different today, and your usual soft demeanor had almost diminished entirely.
"It's the best I can do. I can see that these... nightmares are affecting you. It's a common trauma response, imagining things that aren't real. But Y/N, we both know that Wanda's dead. She died whilst fighting Thanos."
"Yeah, but what if that's what they want us to think. What if - you know - she's manipulating my mind?" you exclaimed, waving your arms around in exasperation.
Dr. Lee placed a hand on your shoulder, taking in a deep breath. "Look, Wanda's dead. She's not coming back. No matter how hard you try to believe that she's alive and coming for you, she's not."
You groaned, pushing the therapist's hand off you. "Whatever. I'm leaving."
"Y/N, please -"
Rolling your eyes, you stood up and stormed out of the room, not even bothering to close the door. 
You were going to find out what was going on with you.
But before you could do that, you needed to collect the keys that you had accidentally forgotten in the therapist's office.
"Way to ruin the dramatic exit, Y/N," you mumbled, walking back to the room. "Hey, Dr. Lee, I seemed to have -"
You were caught off guard by the dead body that was laying on the floor. Dr. Lee was crumpled on the tiles, blood seeping out of her head, her eyes rolled back, a gun in her hand. Your breathing quickened, panic rising in your bones. 
A yellow sticky note that had been stuck to the floor next to the therapist caught your attention. You cautiously walked over to it, tears burning at the back of your eyes, trepidation looming over you. On the note, in gorgeous calligraphy, were possibly the most terrifying words you had ever read, written in what seemed to be your therapist's blood.
I'm coming for you <3
You swiftly swiped the note of the floor before crumpling it and tossing it into the bin, your attention still fixed on the dead body on the floor. Plus, it wasn't like the heart that she drew at the end of the note made it any better. 
You grabbed your phone, your fingers jamming against the buttons desperately as you dialed the police. The sound of ringing filled you ears, only managing to contribute to the sudden overload of emotions and noises.
"Hello, 911 speaking?"
You physically relaxed at the sound of the telecommunicator's voice, sighing in relief.
"Hello, yes, this is Y/N. I'm calling to report a dead body," you said. "I - I found my therapist dead. I'm at Sunset Room therapy center. Please, please send help."
Your words were met by static. 
"Hello?" you yelled into your phone, your eyes scanning the room frantically.
More static.
"Please, hello? I - hello?!"
"Yes, ma'am, sorry, there seems to be a disturbance in your -"
The telecommunicator never managed to finish his words, cut off by screaming. 
"Are - are you okay?" you asked.
"Hello, Y/N."
You dropped the phone in shock at the voice. Her.
You instantly bolted towards the door, only to find it jammed shut. You shut your eyes, bile rising to your throat. Your breaths were now ragged and short as you scrambled across the floor.
"It's okay, darling," Wanda cooed. You slowly crawled towards the phone, your hand clasped over your mouth to stop you from screaming. "You'll be safe and sound with me."
The words escaped your lips before you could stop them, and you could hear the witch chuckle on the other side.
"Like I said, don't worry about it. I love you, and I'll see you soon."
"What - I - Wanda -"
Before you could get another word in, your phone exploded, bursting into flames. The door swung open, and you ran outside, as far as you could, before sliding down against the wall, tears streaming down your cheeks.
You knew she was coming for you, and you knew that when Wanda truly desires something, she'll stop at nothing to get what she wants.
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swiftdove · 2 years
☼ = fluff
❖ = dark fic
⚲  = non-binary reader
♣ = angst
wanda maximoff x reader
home ❖♣
flashes of red ♣❖
enough ❖
natasha romanoff x reader
never good enough ♣
disappointment ♣
wandanat x reader
attention stunt ♣
love quinn x reader x joe goldberg
foul play ♣
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swiftdove · 2 years
pairing: wanda/reader
word count: 1071
warnings: dark!wanda, slight MoM spoilers, manipulation, angst (kinda), toxic undertones if you squint
summary: wanda wants you back, and despite your earlier resistance, you soon realize that there's nothing stopping the witch from getting what she wants.
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It seemed that the further you ran, the closer she got.
Your hands were on your knees as you tried to regain balance, your breaths coming out in short, rapid puffs. You should've known it would've been impossible to outrun one of the if not most powerful people that inhabited this universe. The only reason you had made it so far was because of Dr Strange, but now, stuck in the vast multiverse along with America Chavez without his sling ring, he was rendered useless. You could only hope that the young Latina would learn how to harness her powers and swoop in to save you from the monster that you used to call your lover.
You were well aware of the lengths that Wanda went to, just to find you. After being struck down by Thanos back in the war, you had been declared dead. Nobody cared enough to actually check if you were alive, with Wanda still grieving the loss of Vision. Vision. The name left a sour taste on your tongue. He was the man who had managed to steal Wanda's heart, the man who had whisked her away from your hands. She had left you in the most cruel way possible, and had left you to collect the remains of your heart that she had so carelessly shattered.
And now she was after you. You weren't sure what she was going to do to you if you fell into the witch's hands, but you were 97% sure that it involved your demise. 
Just as you were about to take off again, you felt a slither of magic crawl up your ankle. You swiveled your head around so fast that you were almost certain that you had cracked it.
And there she stood, in all her glory, slowly descending onto you. You shook your head, refusing to believe that this would be how it ended. 
"I told you not to run." 
Her voice sent shivers down your back. She had completely given up on trying to mask her thick Sokovian accent, and the anger lacing her words was unmistakable.
Regaining control of your breath, you held your stance. "What do you want from me?" you asked, your voice wavering in fear, your words coming out softer than you had intended.
You were taken aback from her words, trying to decipher whether or not this was a cryptic way of telling you that you were doomed, or that she was...
No, she couldn't be. She didn't love you. You were simply a footnote in her story, nothing else.
Red flashed in your mind, and you grimaced when you realized that the witch had read your mind.
"I'm not going to kill you," she said, her cerulean eyes fixed on yours. "I... I would never hurt you. Never."
You almost chuckled at her words, shaking your head. This was just plain hypocrisy. "You're a fucking liar," you spat harshly, even shocking yourself with the intensity of your words. "You - I - you can't - you -"
You were cut short by the look in her eyes. The red had returned, accompanied a mist of tears. You bit your tongue, fear returning to your body as she stalked towards you. 
You could practically feel her hot breath on your neck. The redhead halted just centimeters in front of you, before gently cupping your chin in her hands. When you tried to jerk your head away, you realized that you couldn't. Memories of your past relationship with Wanda flooded your mind, tears welling in your eyes as you reminisced the happier moments of your life, and you immediately melted into her touch.
A smirk tugged at the Sokovian's lips when she dove into your head once again, filling your head with more memories of your relationship. Her favorite part about this was that it was all real. Every memory, the emotions that came along with it, were all real. 
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I truly am. I never... I never meant to hurt you," she whispered. You looked into her eyes, a tear sliding down your cheek as you searched for any signs of insincerity. 
You took a shaky breath. "I don't want to believe you," you murmured, your pained expression hitting the witch right where it hurt. 
"Please," the witch whispered, her voice hoarse, as she fell to her knees, and this time, you knew that she was being genuine. You felt uneasy looking at her on the ground, practically begging you to take her back. Wanda was usually so dominant and assertive. You were so distracted by the gesture that you hadn't noticed the chaos magic that had infiltrated your mind, or the witch's subtle hand movements.
She loves you.
You felt as though you were going insane, shaking your head desperately as you tried to get the voice out of your head. 
She only wants the best for you. She never meant to hurt you.
The memories started flashing in your head again. You and Wanda, sitting on the sofa, watching movies, the two of you on picnic dates, all the times she had been there for you when nobody else was.
You breath hitched when you comprehended the fact that the witch had once again, permeated your mind.
"Get out of my head," you yelled, panic arising in your throat. The witch only stared, emotionless, tears still falling from her now red eyes. "Get out, please, get out of my -"
Then, suddenly, it all came back to you.
You were now sitting back at the compound, curled up in your bed with a box of tissues next to you. Wanda was next to you, gently coaxing you.
"It's okay, love," she whispered, delicately stroking your hair, handling you as if you were a porcelain doll that could easily break with the wrong choice of words or the slightest touch. "I'll always be here for you."
"I just - I - I'm so - I'm just so sick of myself. How do you even put up with me?" you asked, turning to face the redhead, who looked at you pitifully. 
"Why would you ever ask that?" she said. "You're gorgeous, dear. You always manage to make me laugh, even when I don't feel like it. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
You only sniffled in response.
"You know that I'll always love you, right, Y/N? You're home now."
That was the word that finally broke you. In a flash, you returned back to where you were before, Wanda watching you intently as you came back to reality.
"Home," you whispered, and Wanda smiled, knowing that she had won.
Slowly standing up, the witch grabbed your shoulders, looking directly into your eyes. 
"That's right. You're finally home."
With a flick of her hands, your surroundings changed, and you suddenly found yourself in a suburban house, sitting on a juice-stained couch, snuggling against Wanda, two boys on the either side of you, fast asleep. Snow White played on the television screen, her voice drowned out by the thoughts occupying your head.
You were finally home.
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swiftdove · 2 years
Never Good Enough
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader Synopsis: You had told yourself that words couldn't hurt you. You had convinced yourself that you were strong enough to endure the challenges life threw at you. You were wrong. TW: Suicidal thoughts, implied suicide, angst, dark!ish Natasha if you squint.
Your head was pounding, and you stroked your forehead, trying to soothe the throbbing pain. Tears stained your cheeks, your mascara smudged and blood dripping out of a cut from your arm. You brought your knees up to your chest, hiccupping sobs as you desperately tried to calm down. You couldn't bear to let Natasha see you like this.
The thought of Natasha lead you to hyperventilate even more. Just imagining the look of disappointment on her face was enough to have you in tears. You scowled, hating your desperate need for validation from others. You cupped your face in your hands, wiping away your tears.
It was stupid. Attacking a random stranger. You had soiled your own reputation, and had affected Natasha's as well. It had become a regular occurrence; people insulting you on the streets. But after last night's horrible date and the string of body-shaming texts that had been sent from strangers, you were in no mood to be insulted.
You had known from the very beginning that Natasha had deserved better than you. You were a mess, with crippling anxiety and your depressing self. You sometimes wondered what Natasha had seen in you.
You reached for your phone, tapping on the pink and orange ombre app, your eyes fixed on your recent post. You quickly deleted it, and pondered on whether or not to delete your account entirely.
Just then, another notification came through. And another. And another.
None of them were positive; they were the opposite. Another body-shaming comment, another comparison leaving you insecure. You had been educated at a young age about what social media could do to you, but you had ignored your parents' words. Oh, how you wished you had listened now.
Your train of thought travelled back to your suicidal thoughts. Would anyone care if you disappeared? The media certainly wouldn't. You weren't even sure if Natasha loved you anymore, after today's incident and the countless other times you made a fool of yourself.
A knock on your door jolted you back to reality.
"Detka? Are you okay? What's going on?"
Natasha's soothing voice didn't belong in the horrendous mess you had made of your life. She deserved to be somewhere else, somewhere she deserved to go.
"I'm fine," you hiccupped, your voice quivering involuntarily.
"Please tell me what's going on."
You swallowed thickly at the sound of Natasha's voice. How gentle she sounded. How calm she could be. She was the exact opposite of you. You were reckless, and didn't think things through. How you were together, you'd never know.
"Nat, I'm fine," you whispered, banging your head against the door.
Giving in, you reluctantly opened the door handle, and was met with a pair of cerulean eyes. You mentally prepared yourself for the long lecture, and the guilt that was to follow.
"I'm sorry," you whimpered, your voice barely audible.
Natasha caressed your cheek, her eyes softening. "I just want you to tell me what's going on."
You shook your head, backing away until the back of your legs hit your bed. You folded your arms, shaking your head.
"I'm sorry," you said again.
Natasha eyed you, her forehead creased in worry. "For what?"
"For not being good enough."
"You're good enough. You'll always be good enough; you're better than good. You're perfect," Natasha rambled, sitting down beside you. Her hands tugged at your arm, and you plopped down on the bed beside her.
"No, I'm not," you argued. "I'm a shit person and we both know it. You deserve so much better."
"Y/N -"
"Please, Natasha, don't lie to yourself. I... I'm a mess. I can't take even a bit of criticism, I'm reckless, and I'm stupid. I never thing my actions through, and no matter how hard I try, I'm never good enough. I'll never be."
"Don't say that," Natasha said.
"It's true," you whispered.
Natasha wrapped an arm around your shoulder, running her hand through your hair as you silently sobbed. It was pathetic, but you found comfort in that moment. Knowing that someone cared about you.
Yet, even at that moment, your thoughts got to you. You didn't deserve this. You didn't deserve her warm embrace and welcoming arms. Your mind trailed off the the many other great people that you knew that would be a much better match for Natasha.
You closed your eyes, and shoved Natasha away, before standing up.
"Natasha," you said. "You deserve better."
Natasha's eyes widened, shock flashing across her features. "Y/N, what are you saying?"
"I'm... not going to keep the privilege of being your girlfriend anymore. Nat, you deserve so much better. And I'll never be able to satisfy you."
You stood up and trudged to the door.
"Y/N, please."
Gulping, you opened the door, and let yourself out. "I'm sorry, Nat. I love you."
Natasha's face morphed into one of anger, her brows furrowing. "You're breaking up with me, Y/N? Seriously?"
"I'm sorry," you breathed.
"Well done. You've officially pushed away everyone that's ever given a fuck about you."
With that, Natasha stood up and brushed past you. You winced and rubbed your arm, trying your best to stop the pain shooting up your arm.
You took a moment to collect yourself, before walking out of the house, your car keys in your hand. The Volkswagen beeped as you unlocked it, and you secured yourself into the car, fresh tears still streaming down your face.
And then you drove, to the only place you knew. The place where you'd gone to when life got tough, the place where you had made life-changing decisions.
Magnolia's Cliff.
The car ride was silent, and you were wary of the cameras flashing and the people pointing and snickering. You ignored them. There was no point in acknowledging them, not when the media would soon realize that they had finished their work. They had finally pushed you to the very edge.
You slipped out of your car, slamming the door shut and dropping the keys on the concrete. You walked towards the edge, your eyes blazing with determination.
And there you stood, at the very edge of the cliff, your eyes cast down towards the unknown below the cliff, covered by a layer of fog.
Meanwhile, Natasha put your phone down, her mouth agape, tears pearling in her eyes, guilt clawing at her insides. Finally, she stood up, and ran towards her car, her car keys jingling in her hand. She aggressively pulled the car door open and sat in the driver's seat, her hands clenching the wheel as if her life depended on it.
"I'll save you, Y/N," she whispered, her voice an octave lower. "I'll kill anyone who's in my way. I'm coming to get you."
At the edge of the cliff, you stood.
You whipped your head around to face a stranger. His skin was olive and his aquiline nose was coated in grease, a couple of freckles dotted across his nose. You turned your head back around.
"I don't have anything else to live for," you said.
"I thought that too. And I -"
The man was interrupted by a gunshot, and you swiveled around, fear creeping up on your features.
A certain redhead stood beside him, a gun in her hand. Her mascara now matched yours, and her dark red lipstick was smudged. A soft smile tugged at her lips when she saw you.
Your eyes wandered back to the cliff's edge, and back to Natasha.
"Y/N, please. Don't do it."
You shook your head, fresh tears springing out of your eyes. "I'm sorry."
That was all you said. And with that, you jumped.
You hadn't expected what was to follow next.
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swiftdove · 2 years
Foul Play
pairing: love quinn x reader x joe goldberg warnings: established kidnapping, dark themes
Love had never intended for you to find out.
Everything had been going perfectly - you were too busy indulging yourself in writing your new book to notice the recent murders, and when you did, you barely acknowledged them. You couldn't be bothered to read the news, and if you did, you'd probably be safe now.
It was only until last week when you decided to read the news, after a long writing session at the park. Henry was asleep in his carrier, Love was out buying groceries and Joe was working at his new job at the bookstore.
Your eyes skimmed past the headlines, most of which were clickbait and futile attempts to make celebrities look bad. Sighing, you took a sip of your coffee, before scrolling down further.
A certain headline immediately caught your attention. Folks are evacuating after another murder in Madre Linda: what is going on and who is behind all of this?
You clicked on the headline, which lead you to an article written by some woman named Mallory Campbell.
Another woman, aged 25, was murdered in the streets of Madre Linda last night. The body was found by her husband, Hunter Lee.
Kendall Colson was a beloved citizen of Madre Linda, a mother to twins, and was the granddaughter of the founder of Colson School, a private school in which 79.2% students have gone on to university. Kendall Colson was rumored to take over the job as the principal of the school. Police suspect foul play from her siblings, Aretha Colson and William Colson.
"We are going to find justice for Kendall. Whoever did this is going to pay," Hunter Lee stated when interviewed last night.
Your heart skipped a beat. Another? Did that mean that there were many more murders going on whilst you were busy writing your book? If so, you weren't sure if you wanted Henry to grow up in such a dangerous environment. Your mind drifted over to what Love and Joe would think of the situation.
Love and Joe. Your lovers. Well, you weren't sure if they were your lovers anymore. Joe had been spending less and less time with you, and Love had almost cut you out of your life completely. You couldn't shake off the horrible thought that you might have just been a random hook-up to rekindle the spark in their relationship.
Closing your eyes, you leaned back, returning to the Google Docs tab. And there you went again, writing to escape your problems, like you always did.
However, your insecurities started taking over. What if you really were just a one-time fling? What if you were becoming a problem in Love and Joe's relationship? It was a sickening thought, and you closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself down.
You went back to the news article, and thought of Kendall Colson. You knew her. Yesterday, you and her had met in the coffee shop and had easily gotten along. Kendall was even kind enough to offer to send Henry to her school once he grew older. Everyone who you knew seemed to be disappearing out of your life lately.
Your eyes widened in realization. What if the murderer was targeting your circle of friends, or even worse, family? You immediately went to the search bar and typed in all the names of your friends.
Roger Chang, Elizabeth Ryans, Isobel Torres, Lotte Svensson... the list went on and on. Trepidation loomed over you, sending shivers down your spine. You slammed your laptop shut, squeezing your eyes shut. Taking in a deep breath, you stuffed your laptop back into your bag, and eyed Henry, who was still sleeping peacefully. You couldn't bear to see him being murdered by some prolific serial killer who was loitering around Madre Linda, and you had to warn Love and Joe. Which somehow lead you to this very moment.
"What are you exactly accusing us of?" Love asked. She was sitting at the mahogany table that you had picked out, stabbing her fork at the roast she made.
"I don't know, it just seems so... weird. Everyone who I've met is dead. And I told you two about Kendall, and the next night, she's dead," you proclaim, crossing your arms.
Joe rested his hand on your shoulder. "Honey, have you ever taken into consideration that this might just be some horrible coincidence?"
Your eyes met his, a scowl tugging at your lips. "No! Isobel, Elizabeth and Roger are all dead, and they all seemed to die a few weeks after I've met them! It's just a bit suspicious, that's all. After all, I only told you two about Lotte, and where is she now? Oh right, she's fucking dead."
Joe's hand tightened on your shoulder, and Love stared at you menacingly.
"Don't talk to Joe like that," Love chastised, her brows dipping.
You returned the same look she gave you. "No, I'll talk to him however I fucking want. It's not like he'd notice anyways - he's been ignoring everything I say and do for the last month. So have you, Love, so I'm going to say whatever I want. I have every right to."
You shrunk under Love's gaze, instant regret washing over you as soon as the words slipped out of your mouth.
"Joe," Love said, and the two shared a knowing glance. Your gaze hardened, watching them silently communicate.
As you watched them, everything slotted into place. Realization washed over your features as you noticed how easily the two managed to communicate telepathically. You had seen how skilled Love was with a knife, and it hadn't occurred to you that most of the victims were stabbed. And Joe... he was crafty, alright. He knew exactly how to plan a surprise without you knowing, and had a way with words. You knew that the couple were too good to be true.
"Fuck," you muttered, standing up. "I have to go. We can talk about this later."
The couple's attention was immediately brought back to you as you walked towards the exit, tears forming in your eyes at the horror of it all.
"Love, no -"
You felt a surge of electric shock, and immediately fell to the floor in pain. You turned to face Love, and saw her holding a remote in her hand, Joe standing beside her.
"I can't let you go," Love whispered, and she almost looked guilty.
You started inching your way towards the door, trying your best to ignore the electricity surging through you. A pair of calloused hands wrapped around your waist and you were met with sorrowful brown eyes.
"I'm sorry," Joe whispered, and Love stood beside him, a rolling pin in her hand.
That was all you remembered before you blacked out.
Groaning, you turned to your side, fluorescent light shining on your face as you reluctantly opened a bleary eye. You sat up, a shot of pain erupting from your skull. You clutched your head in a useless attempt to stop the pain.
You scanned the room, taking in your surroundings. You had been confined to a glass box about the size of your childhood room. You were lying on a mattress, a couple of books lying on the corner of the room. Love sat beside you, clutching her knees to her chest.
"Murderer," you croaked, the back of your head hitting the wall.
"You mean lover," Love corrected you, smiling at her joke.
"Fucking hell. What happened?" you snarled, closing your eyes.
Love ran her fingers through your hair as she kneeled beside you, her hands tugging at the knots in your hair. "I'm sorry. I couldn't... I... after Forty, James and... I couldn't lose you as well."
"The sight of you makes me sick. I'd rather be dead than with you right now," you rasped.
Love's grip on your hair hardened, and you yelped when she tugged your hair harder.
"You don't understand. We're protecting you. I know that we weren't the best partners to you before, but Love and I are willing to prove that we've changed. We're sorry."
You turned to face Joe, who had slipped a tray of food through the small contraption. His facial expressions seemed sincere, but you weren't going to fall for his tricks this time.
"Sooner or later," you began, your eyes never leaving Joe's, "you're going to realize that I'll never love you. You'll give up, and will have to kill me, or risk the chance of getting caught by the police. You know, I'd rather you kill me now than force me to endure this torture."
Love released her grip, and began stroking your head in a patronizing sort of way.
"We love you. You'll understand soon enough," Love whispered, her voice laced with poison. If you knew any better, this almost sounded like a threat.
"So this is it?" you asked, turning to face the chef. "You're going to keep me here forever? You know, Love, how many more innocent people have to die to make you realize that I don't love you?"
"Love, we should.. I mean, look at her. She's clearly in pain. We could let her go in the house," Joe said.
Love laughed sourly. "And risk the chance of her escaping? I'm not flipping a coin to decide whether or not I'm going to jail tonight." She stood up, and headed towards the door. "She'll stay. And she'll learn. I'm willing to do whatever it takes."
She slammed the door shut, walking over to Joe before pecking him on the cheek.
Love turned to you, her eyes scanning your features. Sighing at your stoic expression and your puffy red eyes, she walked over to the door, shaking her head.
Before leaving, she threw her head over her shoulder and glanced at you one last time.
"I don't want to kill anyone else. But the longer you resist, the more people I'll have to pick off."
With that, she left the room.
You'd understand why she did what she did, right?
She only wanted the best for you, after all.
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swiftdove · 3 years
Flashes of Red
pairing: dark!wanda maximoff x reader inspired by a tiktok quote: "everyone can become a villain if you push them far enough
Your hands were wrapped around a bottle of vodka, your head still hungover from last night. A blanket was draped over our body, empty pizza boxes scattered across the wooden floor of your apartment. The sound of contestants on the television was drowned by the pitter-patter of the rain hitting the roof.
You knew that shutting everybody else like this was unhealthy, and you knew that your spiraling alcoholism wasn't fixing anything.
It had been three days since your last argument with Wanda. Your fists tightened at the thought of her name.
Shaking your head, you reluctantly got up and dragged yourself over to the kitchen, debating on what you should have for breakfast, before settling on the box of cereal tucked in the corner of your shelf.
Your attention was drawn back to the TV when you heard some jazz music playing with the credits rolling down the screen. Humming along to the music, you poured the last portion of cereal into the ceramic bowl.
The music faded as a woman appeared on the screen, a corny theme song playing.
"Welcome back to ACB News, I am Courtney Alvarez, sitting next to me is Mike Robertson and it is 4:02am on this lovely Saturday morning. Today we'll be revisiting the Civil War that took place between the Avengers, the heroes who have saved us countless times before."
You scoffed, chomping down on a piece of bread that you had found in the fridge. "Right," you murmured. "Heroes. Of course."
You shook your head, before carrying your bowl of cereal to the couch. A couple of pictures flashed on the screen, and you recognized them as Natasha, Steve, Tony and Vision. Then, a few pictures later, your girlfriend, Wanda, popped up on the screen. You weren't even sure if you could call her your girlfriend anymore, or if she even considered you as hers. If she did, she would've realized that her feelings weren't reciprocated by now, especially after the last argument you had with her.
Sometimes, you wondered what had happened. You wondered how your love for her had fizzled, how you had simply fallen out of love. You weren't going to justify your actions - you had been a terrible girlfriend. The first time you realized you no longer had the raw, burning passion to be her girlfriend anymore, you had simply decided to fake it all, fully aware that your girlfriend could read minds. You had tried controlling your thoughts, but with work and everything that was happening in your life right now, you couldn't stop them. With a flick of Wanda's hands, she knew everything, and a heated argument followed. Your eyes trailed to the bruises and cuts on your arms from when Wanda had thrown a glass of wine at you. You tried to convince yourself that it was for the best. You were too toxic for her sweet, loving nature.
A knock on the door jolted you out of your thoughts, and you walked over to the door, wondering who could be at your apartment so early in the morning. You gently opened the door, and was met with a pair of cerulean eyes.
Wanda stood at the doorway, her hair in a loose braid, and the mascara running down her cheeks indicated that she had been crying. But that wasn't what caught your attention. You were focused on the blood that was splattered on her clothes, and the knife that she held tightly onto.
"Wanda," you breathed, her name tasting like a foreign word on your tongue. "Is - is that blood?"
Fresh tears spilled out of Wanda's eyes. "I... I don't... I..."
"Wanda," you said slowly, trying to regulate your breathing, "what did you do?" Behind your back, you tried your best to send messages to your friends asking for help.
Your eyes widened as Wanda sent the phone flying to the corner of the room. Your fight or flight reaction kicked in, and you pushed past your girlfriend, running towards the elevator and desperately jamming the buttons.
Wanda quickly caught up to you, and slammed you to the nearest wall. Her eyes were blazing red with indignation.
You were lifted up into the air and transported back to your apartment, where Wanda slammed the door shut. Trepidation loomed over you as you scrambled around, trying to find a weapon.
"I want to talk."
Your gaze was brought back to your girlfriend, who was slowly making her way over to you.
"About Thursday night," Wanda continued. "I want to ask you some questions."
You nodded, unable to speak in your state of fear.
"Which part of me wasn't enough?"
You were caught off guard by the question, and the tremble in her voice.
"I... Wanda, it wasn't you, and I -"
Before you could finish, Wanda continued. "Did you ever realize that you were hurting me? Or did you just not care?"
You were never given a chance to respond.
"When did you stop loving me? Was there anything about our relationship that was genuine?"
"Wanda, I -""
"What did I do to deserve this?"
"Wanda, I don't want to talk about this right now," you mumbled.
Wanda crouched down in front of you, and you could practically feel her breath on your neck. "I do," she said. "Because I'm not sure if we'll ever get the chance to talk about this again."
Emotions took over your mind, and before you could control yourself, words spilled out of your mouth that you could never take back. "Does it ever occur to you that I am done talking? That I am done with reflecting upon my words and action? Can't you just take a fucking hint that I'm done with you? I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I want you out of my house, Wanda. Now."
Wanda's eyes narrowed, and her face hardened. "I see. Y/N, I just want to let you know that I really did try to give you a chance. To change."
"What do you mean?" you asked, your voice quivering involuntarily. "Are you going to kill me?"
Wanda laughed, but this time it wasn't the sweet, cheerful laugh you'd gotten useful. This time, it was menacing and sour, and it terrified you. "Oh, princessa, of course not! I only kill people who get in between the way of us."
"Wanda, you're insane," you said, slowly standing up. "Please rethink what you're about to do."
Wanda's smile dropped. "I've already thought through what I'm about to do about a million times. I just want you to love me."
"I hurt you, Wanda!" you exclaimed, exasperated. "I'm toxic for you, and you deserve better. Please, don't do what I think you're about to do."
"I don't want anyone else. I want you."
Your eyes scanned the room for possible escape routes as Wanda advanced on you. In a sudden movement she had you pinned on the ground, her eyes glowing red. She gently wiped away a tear from your eyes.
"Don't worry," she murmured. "You'll love me. You'll have to, if you ever want to make it out alive."
Her fingers touched the side of your forehead. "I'd do anything for you. I've lost everyone I've ever loved, and I'm not going to let you be one of those people."
As the room began to spin, you desperately tried to scream for help, only to be muffled by Wanda's hand.
"I know it'll take some time, but I'm sure you'll get used to being my girlfriend soon. You don't have much of a choice, I suppose."
She laughed, and her voice started to distort. You could only make a few words.
"I love you."
Then, in a flash of red and black lights, you succumbed to the witch's spell.
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swiftdove · 3 years
requests are open :D
requests are now open!
can request from this list here or make your own request. i can write for anyone from any fandom
make your requests here
what i will write anything as long as it isn't in the list of stuff i won't write
what i won't write incest mdlg or ddlg age play or age regression underage reader x character or character x underage, characters will always be over the age of 20 bathroom related kinks child!reader x parent!character
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swiftdove · 3 years
prompt list
1. “i don’t love you anymore.”
2. “if anyone ever tells you they’re interested in you beyond getting laid, they’re a fucking liar.”
3. “i’m not yours. don’t call me yours.”
4.“you know what? fuck you.”
4. “i cheated. many, many times. and i regret absolutely nothing.”
5. “please, don’t shut me out.”
6. “you’re not okay! stop telling me you’re okay!”
7. “are you bleeding?”
8. “just go.” “but-“ “leave, now!”
9. “did you ever realize that you were hurting me? or did you just not care?”
10. “oh my god, what the hell are you doing here?”
11 “you aren’t the person i fell in love with years ago.”
12. “we should take a break.”
13. “how could anyone ever love you?”
14. “i don’t believe you. not one bit.”
15. “you lying piece of shit!”
16. “what happened to us? really, what the fuck happened?”
17. “they’re dead.”
18. “i want you out of my house. right now.”
19. “i’m exhausted.”
20. “you were supposed to be there for me. and you weren’t. you weren’t there.”
21. “i never wanna see you again.”
22. “if you ever think about calling me again, don’t.”
23. “i’m disappointed. really.”
24. “who? ..wait, you’re talking about [name]? honey, they died a couple months ago.”
25“you’re amazing, really. but i love them. not you.”
26“you are the most inconvenient person ever.”
27“frankly, i don’t give a fuck.”
28“do you have to be such a damn nuisance?”
29“don’t look at me like that.” “like what?” “like you care about me.”
30“it was so incredibly easy to manipulate you.”
31“i always wondered why you chose me.. now, i know. it was all a lie.”
32“no, there is no second chance! you lost every single chance with me when you thought of our relationship as a fucking bet!”
33“don’t think for one second that i ever cared about you. you’d be lying to yourself.”
34“please, even if you’re lying, just tell me you love me.”
35“i’d rather die than look at you for another second.”
36“don’t you have somewhere to be? other people to fuck? or do you only do that when you’re in a relationship—“
37“when will you get the hint? i don’t fucking like you!”
38“you aren’t coming back, are you?”
39“it’s been a year since they died, and it still feels the same. like i’m being suffocated.”
40“god, no wonder your ex-partner left you.”
41“i didn’t think you’d be the one to break my heart.”
42“i’m not the type of person you should fall in love with.”
43“if you walk out of that door, i’ll hate you for as long as i live.”
44“i wonder why people care about you when you’re not worth the stress.”
45“don’t come any closer.”
46“i only have a couple days left.”
47“you didn’t mean that, right? right?”
48“how many times do you expect me to forgive you?”
49“ i wish i'd known when you were born that you were going to betray me like this. ”
50“ i never expected this from you. ”
51“ have you hit your head? ”
52“ are you in your senses? ”
53“ are you doing drugs? ”
54“ what have i done to deserve this? ”
55“ i raised you like my own child and this is how you pay me back? ”
56“ why would you betray us like this? ”
57“ you've disgraced me. ”
58“ our reputation will be ruined. ”
59“ we're going to be the next talk of town. ”
60“ you will make a fool out of us. ”
61“ you have made a fool out of us. ”
62“ have you no respect for us? ”
63“ we expressly forbade you . ”
64“ i'm so disgusted i can't even — ”
65“ you will cut all ties with her . ”
66“ no more. you will stop this now, you will stop meeting with her. ”
67“you don’t have to tell me. but if you do decide you want to, i’ll be here.”
68“you’re being way too nice to me.”
69“relax, i won’t hurt you.”
70“i had to clean up your mess. again.”
71"you can't expect me to apologize."
72“Why can’t you just learn to let the fuck go.”
73“Did it over occur to you that I never wanted this to begin with?”
74“Why can’t you just look at me for one god damn second!”
75“Let go of my hand.”
76“I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
77“Why are you — saying all these things —”
78“You know what? I was wrong. You never really meant anything to me. You’re broken, you’re beyond fixing, you’re not something I want to take the time to handle. Simple as that.”
79“You’re a god damn mistake, that’s what you are.”
80“I never wanted anything to do with you to begin with.”
81“This, us, was a fucking mistake and I should have known the second things went further than planned.”
82“I can’t do this anymore.”
83“I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”
84“If anything, you were a fucking waste of time.”
85“I just don’t feel anything anymore.”
86“Looking at you I see nothing but something I need to put an end to.”
87“Oh? Really? You thought we had a future? What gave you that idea.”
88“Is this even going anywhere?”
89“Why can’t we just talk about it —”
90“Does it ever occur to you that I am done talking? That I am done with reflecting upon my words and action? Can’t you just take a fucking hint that I’m done with you? I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”
91“We’re through. I don’t want to do this anymore.”
92“You were broken to begin with.”
93“I don’t need, or want help, what I want is for you to get the fuck away from me.”
94“You’re damaged goods and I can’t find the patience to take on you as a project.”
95“I just wanted you to love me.”
96“Don’t you dare touch me”
97“You let them do this to me!”
98“You don’t deserve this pain”
99“Why don’t you go crying to them then, huh? That’s what you did last time”
100“I can’t kiss you knowing that they kissed you too”
101. “Leave”
102. “I told you to stay away from me”
103. “I can’t believe you forgot”
104. “All you care about is yourself”
105 “I thought I told you to never come back here”
106 “I can’t even look at you”
107 “This is what your selfishness did!”
108 “You are evil, cruel, foul and you break everything you touch”
109 “It’s okay if you don’t blame yourself because I sure do”
110 “Please don’t leave me here”
111 “Every time I try to fix something I just make it worse”
112“I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”
113 “You really don’t get it, do you?”
114 "No! You said you wouldn't do it, and yet here we are!"
115. “tell me, which part of me wasn’t enough?”
116. “their blood’s on your hands, even if you can’t see it. and you can never wash it off.”
117. “i’m sorry i’m not what you signed up for.”
118. “I’m not worth it”
119. "Well done. You've officially pushed away everyone that's ever given a fuck about you."
120. “When did you stop loving me?”
121. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
122. “How did things go so wrong?”
123. “When did things fall apart?”
124. “Which part of me wasn’t enough?”
125. “How do I make you love me again?”
126. “Please answer me.”
127 “Nothing ever goes right!”
128 “Why do you have to ruin everything?!”
129 “Why do you hate me so much?”
130 “Things will be better this way.”
131. “I swear to god if you jump-”
132 “I trusted you.”
133“I never thought this would happen.”
134 “This is all my fault.”
135. “You’re supposed to be yelling at me! And… and hitting me! Why aren’t you doing that?!”
136. “The body is what gets us caught”
137. “I’m not flipping a coin to decide whether or not I go to jail tonight.”
138. “That’s not on me, it’s on you.”
139. “I’m not the person you think I am. And I can’t tell you what that means or what I’ve done.”
140. “What did you do to him?”
141. “And that makes it okay?”
142. “Are you afraid to die?”
143. “What would you do if I didn’t come back?”
144. “I just wanted a family.”
145. “So pick. Who do you hate more? Me or the man who killed your father?”
146. “Can you really blame me?”
147 “How could you do this?”
148 “Can you be the one to do it?”
149. “Does this mean what I think it means?”
150. “Are you leaving?”
151. “How do we fix this?”
152 “Would you hate me?”
153 “Do you want to die?”
154“How many more innocent people have to die?”
155 “Can you promise me no one else has to get hurt?”
156. “ stop doing that— stop trying to hide your emotions from me. ”
157 “ i can’t make you trust me. but i’m gonna stick around long enough for you to realize you can. ”
158 “Don’t just run off like that, you scared me.”
159 “ not everyone is just gonna become another scar. some people will stay, if you let them. ”
160. “ i feel like i’ve been living in a storm for so long, like i’m just drifting from wave or wave hoping i won’t drown. ”
161 “ what happened to you? what made you so scared to stay still long enough to let someone in? ”
162 “ i don’t wanna be scared anymore. ”
163 “Admitting that I’m right is always a good option.”
164 “ even when you smile, your eyes are still sad. ”
165 “ you’re safe with me. you can let go. breathe. ”
166“ every time i touch you, there’s a moment where you look like you think it will hurt. ”
167 “ why aren’t you scared of me? ”
168. “ you’d accept a caress from the same hands that leave you bruised, just to feel warm. ”
169. “ i’ll kill anyone that makes you hurt like that again. i’d kill them just for taking your smile. ”
170. “ i want to keep you all to myself. i don’t want anyone but us to know the things we do in secret. ”
171. “ yes. i killed them— but i did it for you. ”
172.“ i had to do it. no one gets to make you sad and get away with it. ”
173 “It’s too early to get up. Let’s stay a little longer.”
174"Hey wait a minute, is- is that blood?"
175“i think i’m depressed but who knows.”
176 “I thought you were better than this.”
177 “Please come home.”
178 “I wish I didn’t miss you anymore.”
179 “Did you ever really care for me?”
180 “Was there a time when you weren’t laughing at me on the inside? You lied the whole time..”
181 “Liar! How could do you this do me?”
182. “I spent every day thinking about you..”
183. “Did you really have to do that to me?”
184. “How do you expect me to forget what you’ve done!”
185. “You need a break from all that work. Come lay down.”
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swiftdove · 3 years
Dark!Wanda Maximoff x Reader Warnings: kidnapping, a little bit of angst
Wanda had always been a people-pleaser. Whether it ranged from simple acts of kindness or sacrificing her own happiness, it didn't matter. Because they never seemed to appreciate what she did for them.
When she had started training as an Avenger, she would wake up early every morning to cook an elegant breakfast for her team, only for them to ignore it, as they had more important things to do.
Only you had cared. You had smiled at her and thanked her, before digging in to her scrumptious meal. Afterwards, you would compliment her on her cooking skills and leave her flustered before going on to complete your daily errands.
Other than that, nobody else really cared. That was why Wanda found comfort in you. You always appreciated her and made sure she was always included. One night, when Steve had accidentally forgotten to inform Wanda about Movie Night, you had decided to go up to her room and watch movies there while eating buttered popcorn. You had always had a way with connecting with others on an emotional level, so whenever Wanda was upset and nobody else noticed, you would always comfort her and go out of your way to make her happy again.
Maybe that was when her romantic attraction to you had began. You weren't exactly sure when it had started, but over the following few months, Wanda grew a crush on you.
So, naturally, she wasn't as happy as you were when she found out that you had a crush on a girl you had seen at the coffee shop.
Wanda didn't sleep that night. She tossed and turned under the covers, thoughts crashing into her head. She had contemplated trying to talk you out of asking the girl out, but had decided that your happiness was more important than hers.
If only she had known the repercussions of her decision.
You had decided to ask the girl out. Violet was the perfect girlfriend. To say that she was gorgeous was an understatement. Her widows peek was as sharp as a knife, and her loose brown curls drooped past her ear and rested luxuriously on her shoulders. Her olive skin gleamed in the sunlight, and whenever you looked into her sage green eyes, you were always caught in a trance.
She had her future planned, and was studying to become a lawyer at Harvard. Violet was attentive and caring, and would do anything for you. She was everything you wanted in a partner.
Wanda had watched from the sidelines. She had seen you slam your lips against Violet's as you passionately made out. She had received the messages you sent her telling her you were unavailable tonight because you were hanging out with your girlfriend.
One day, late at night, Wanda broke down. Tears stained her cheeks as she quietly sobbed about you. The person who she loved.
You were drifting away from her, becoming more and more immersed in your future with Violet.
Wanda had decided to let you be happy. That was all she wanted for you. But letting you be happy was going to be harder than it seemed.
Her patience was running thin, and it was getting tempting to get into your head, but Wanda stayed true to her morals.
The next day, Violet proposed to you. She had written a message for you informing you to come to the beach in a silky white dress. You had followed her directions and had happily accepted her proposal.
That was Wanda's last straw.
That afternoon, after Violet's proposal, she had paced around her room angrily, dark thoughts running through her head. She was tired. Wanda wanted to be happy as well, and she had decided that the only way she could be happy was with you.
Later that day, whilst you were walking down the street running errands, Wanda waited stealthily in the corner of the alleyway. You were texting on your phone, a small smile tugging at your lips, completely oblivious to the events that were going to occur next.
Your eyes widened as you felt rough hands grabbing you from behind as you were pulled into the darkness. You jerked your head around, your eyes meeting with a pair of glowing red eyes, and you immediately recognized who they belonged to.
"Wanda..." you breathed, barely able to choke out her name.
A sinister smile twisted Wanda's features, and your fight or flight reaction kicked in as you tried to knee her in the stomach.
Wanda's smile immediately dropped as she pushed you off of her and you tried to scramble away, only to be lifted in the air.
"Enough," she said, stalking towards you. "I've had enough, Y/N, do you hear me?"
You could feel her breath on your skin as she circled around you, and it sent chills running down your spine. As she walked in front of you, you searched her face for any sign of the girl you once knew.
But with one glance at her expression, any chance of her retaining her sanity slipped away. You cowered under her gaze, tears stinging the back of your eyes as you were roughly pulled towards her.
You were mere centimeters away, and no matter how hard you struggled, you couldn't get away.
The last thing you heard before your vision turned black was Wanda, her Sokovian accent dripping from her words.
"You're mine."
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swiftdove · 3 years
Attention Stunt
Wanda x Natasha x You Warnings: Angst, implied smut, cyberbullying
"I love you."
"I love you even more."
Your eyes wandered over to the two redheads who were snuggling together on the sofa. Your girlfriends were practically devouring each other with kisses, igniting a flame that hadn't been lit since forever.
Jealousy clawed at your insides as you felt your fists clench. They didn't even try to hide it anymore. They didn't need you in their relationship. They were perfectly fine as they were.
After all, you had been the one to ask them out. They had probably said yes because they didn't want to hurt your feelings.
You tried to push the negative thoughts out of your head, but there were no happy memories to fill in the missing space.
It had been a week since they had last talked to you, and it was starting to get to you.
You weren't even sure what you did wrong. Maybe you just weren't enough for them. Or anyone.
You shook your head and gulped down a glass of alcohol, the thick liquid sloshing down the back of your throat.
"Alcohol at 11AM?"
The voice jolted you out of you thoughts, and you swiveled your head around to see Tony staring at you with an eyebrow raised. You would've laughed at his expression if you weren't feeling so worthless.
"You know what they say, alcohol makes the pain go away," you stated.
Tony rolled his eyes. "No one has ever said that." He grabbed the bottle of wine out of your hands, much to your dismay, and placed it on the top shelf. "Wait until the party tonight to get wasted."
A low chuckle escaped your throat as you searched your pockets for your phone. Finally, your fingers skimmed the cold metal and you pulled it out and opened Instagram.
A small red circle at the top of the icon indicated that you had received a few messages. You clicked on the first message that appeared and your smile instantly dropped.
kaya.avenger_2: kys u dont deserve to be with nat and wanda. ur an untalented freak and nobody likes u. ur no help and ur probably just a liability in their relationship. stop being selfish and break up with them and end their misery u bitsh
Shaking your head, you exited the chat and decided it would be best if you caught up on what was happening in your friends' lives.
You scrolled past cat photos and pictures of expensive wines at luxurious hotels. However, one post by your girlfriend caught your eye.
wandamaximoff: Went on a hot date with my Natty today :) 20,398,481 likes and 13,295,247 comments Posted 5 hours ago
jadedfreak93: did they break up with y/n?
➟ avengakat3: lmao probably y/n is wayyyyy out of their league (in a bad way)
➟ simda2001 replied to avengerkat3: stfu ➟ avengakat3: am i wrong tho
➟ gorgie: ew y/n ➟ ella_sparton replied to gorgie: W
➟ carieeetta: y/n's a fat bitch who nobody likes soooo
natasharomanoff: Love you my loml xx
➟ grauce3: ya dey broke up ➟ jakehallman: its obvi y/n didnt even comment
clintbarton: LMAO!
➟ liladabartonfrog: dad, thats not how u use it.
➟ clintbarton: Oh. LOL!
➟ liladabartonfrog: omg
Your eyes scanned the comments, and found nothing but negative comments about your relationship with the two Avengers.
A small giggle was heard and you jerked your head around and saw Wanda passionately making out with Natasha. Groaning, you shoved your phone back in your pocket and walked out of the living room and headed towards the bathroom. Perhaps in the shower you could relax.
The emerald green dress you were wearing fit you perfectly. It accentuated your curves and brought out your gorgeous complexion. Your hair was in an elegant knot and your lips were painted vermillion.
Your girlfriends looked even better. Natasha was wearing a black minidress and Wanda was wearing a dark red halter top and a black miniskirt, complete with a golden necklace hanging around her neck.
You downed a shot of vodka, the alcohol burning your tongue. It had been an hour and they still payed no attention to you.
"You're alluring, and I couldn't resist. What is your name?"
You looked up and faced a gorgeous women. She had a widow's peak as sharp as a knife and her black curls sat above her ears, her chocolate brown skin gleaming in the artificial light. She wore a gold dress and her makeup was done perfectly. You were almost drooling at the sight.
"I - oh, I'm Y/N," you smiled, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach.
The woman returned the gesture. "I'm Hannah. Care if I join you?"
"I - uh, sure," you stammered, your words coming out more shakily than you had intended.
Hannah sat down and ordered a mojito, before placing her hand on your thigh. You could practically feel your girlfriends' gazes burning through your skull.
"God, you look gorgeous," Hannah said, eyeing you up and down.
"Thanks," you smiled. You could see the fire burning in Natasha's eyes and you knew that you were playing a dangerous game. She didn't get jealous often, and when she did, she often hid it. But it didn't matter. You were finally getting attention.
"D'you want to join me in the -"
Before Hannah could finish her sentence, you were pulled back by an invisible force, and the red swirls surrounding you was a dead giveaway. You grunted as you fell back into Wanda's arms, and she grabbed you by your arms and forced you up into the corridor.
"What the fuck, Wanda!" you exclaimed, turning to face her.
"We should be the ones asking you that," she said, her Sokovian accent dripping from her words. "What were you doing, flirting with a stranger?!"
"At least Hannah actually cares about me!" you said.
A sarcastic laugh tumbled out of the Sokovian's lips. "Huh, really? Well, her mind was full of lust and greed, so I don't know about that."
"I don't care," you said. "She actually talked to me, which I'm sure you guys can't relate to."
You were prepared to storm off when you felt arms snaking around your waist, its iron grip keeping you in place. The other hand was clasped around your neck.
"Say that again, котёнок."
Natasha's lips grazed against your lips, and you resisted the urge to melt into her arms.
"So you want attention, huh," the redhead said. You could feel her warm breath on your neck. "That's what we'll give you."
Her hands tightened around your neck. "You're going to behave for us tonight, do you understand?"
You could barely choke out an answer, but you replied with a 'yes'.
"Good," Natasha said, her hands trailing down. "You're going to have our full, undivided attention tonight, котёнок."
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swiftdove · 3 years
Synopsis: You and your mother have always been close. Well, you used to.
TW: Self-harm, suicide, bad grades, depression
You and your mother had always had a great relationship. Had. Not have. Past tense.
You used to watch movies with her every Friday night, and she would bake cookies for you just to cheer you up. You were her miracle - quite literally.
It had turned out that your mother's sterilization didn't happen, and that she did have a chance of getting pregnant.
She loved you dearly, and she always knew how to cheer you up.
Well, before she started to drift away.
You weren't sure what you did wrong. You tried to be the perfect daughter, you really did. Natasha was a great mother and you were appreciative.
But nowadays, it seemed like Natasha didn't even love you anymore. She would brush you off whenever you tried to talk to her, and would always refuse to come to your big life events. It was always I'm too busy Y/N, or Y/N, I have work.
You had always been good in school, and Natasha prided herself for your success. So, when you came home with a C+ in Geography, she was upset.
You weren't sure if her words were intentional or not, but damn did it hurt.
"Y/N, I've been working my butt off for months to provide for us but you come home like this? God, sometimes I wish you were Peter."
Peter. Of course.
You hated it. You hated how she would always praise the teenage boy. You hated how she always stared at him longingly like she wanted him as her child, not you.
Last week, you had sat down for movie night, and had left a place for your mother to sit. Instead, she had sat between Peter and Steve.
You couldn't help but feel down. They looked like a perfect little family. A great mother, a smart father and a perfect son.
You tried to hide how sad you were that night. You feigned a smile, not caring how much it hurt you to do so. Every time she ignored you, a little piece of you broke inside.
A few days ago, you had tried to get your mother to hang out of you.
"Hey, mom?" you had said.
"What?" she had snapped.
"Do you want to hang out later -"
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I have work."
You had seen her and Peter playing Minecraft later that day. Peter was laughing as he taught your mother how to place a block and kill animals. You had felt your blood boil at the sight of it. He wasn't meant to be the one teaching her that. He wasn't her child, you were.
Now, you woke up. You blinked open a bleary eye and was overjoyed when you remembered it was your birthday. You were turning sixteen!
Milestones had always been an important part of you and Natasha's life. You were a very sentimental person, and when it came to special birthdays, you loved them.
You jumped out of bed and put on a beige turtleneck with a thin-strap black dress over it. You did an elegant half-up.
On your birthdays, your mother had always brought you breakfast in bed. It was a tradition.
So, you sat there. For almost an entire hour.
You had walked down to check what was wrong, and when Natasha asked you why you were up so late, you understood.
She forgot.
Maybe it was because she was planning a surprise party, you thought to yourself. You had sat down on the island counter and had eaten the soggy cereal that had been poured an hour ago.
You tried to push the negative thoughts out of your head, but they wouldn't stop coming back.
She doesn't love you anymore.
She thinks you're a disappointment.
You're a fucking disappointment.
You had walked back into your room, and had sat down on your bed. Later that day, you would try to get Natasha to hang out with you.
So you did.
"Hey, mom?" you asked, stopping your mother as she walked down the hall.
"Do you think maybe we could -"
"Y/N, I told you I have work. Can you please be respectful of that? I don't always have time for you."
Tears sprung to your eyes. "You never have time for me!"
Natasha scoffed. "Y/N, you're being dramatic. Maybe you should use your time to get better grades."
"But Mom -"
"God, Y/N, can you please leave me alone? I'm busy, for god's sake!"
You had bit back a snarky reply and had heard the words your mother had uttered under her breath as she walked away.
"I wish she was Peter."
She had forgotten. There was no way that there was surprise party or anything. You had ran to your room and had slid down the wall, before grabbing the razor out of the cardboard box beneath your bed. You didn't care. If she didn't want you in her life, maybe you didn't deserve to live.
You're a disappointment.
Blood dripped down from your fresh cut, and you relished in the pain. Maybe because it made you feel something other than the mental pain you felt. Maybe because it was physical.
You didn't stop after that. You couldn't stop.
Nights became sleepless. Dark bags were visible under your eyes. But it didn't matter. You didn't matter.
You wore long sleeves everyday now. You didn't eat. You wanted to be perfect.
Why couldn't you be perfect?
You punched the wall, tears stinging your face. Why couldn't you be the perfect daughter Natasha deserved? Why did you have to be such a disappointment?
Natasha didn't notice.
Of course she didn't.
Part of you wanted her to. Part of you wanted her to embrace you in her arms. Part of you wanted her to soothe you as you cried into her shoulder.
Whenever you thought of that, you mentally chastised yourself. Don't be an attention-seeker.
You hated being this. You hated cutting yourself, but you just couldn't stop. It was like an antidote to life.
You weren't even sure if you enjoyed life anymore. The picture of the smiley girl plastered on the wall no longer existed. You weren't her. She was gone.
It had been six months since your birthday. You had gone into a downward spiral, and you weren't getting out of it anytime soon.
Your eyes glazed over as you downed a bottle of vodka, knowing that it was bad for you, knowing that Natasha would disapprove.
Who cares about Natasha's approval anymore, anyways? It's not like she loves you.
Your eyes fixated on the suicide note you had written a few days ago. That had been the worst day of your life.
Your hands were shaking, and the words on the page were jagged and had been traced over multiple times.
Dear Mom,
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I wasn't the child you wanted.
I'm sorry I'm a fucking disappointment.
Trust me, I hate myself too. I hate how I cry myself to sleep, and I hate how I act. I hate how I wear long sleeves everyday, and I hate how I need alcohol to fix my problems.
I'm sorry I became your problem.
I'll fix it.
I promise.
And you were going to fix it. After all, the only way of fixing a problem was getting rid of it.
Your eyes wandered over to the bottle of pills that was on your drawer. You grabbed it and poured the pills into your had, before downing it with the few drops of vodka left.
Your vision became fuzzy, and you were aware that death was ready to take you into their arms.
A small smile graced your lips as blackness began flashing. A few words tumbled out of your mouth before you took your final breath.
"I love you, Mom."
You were aware of your mother screaming for you to keep fighting, and the sound of worried voices flooded the once calm atmosphere.
And with that, you fell into the dark abyss, never to wake up again.
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