# you should go follow this blog of pure sexy
conchoronzon · 8 days
So, in my time so far playing the role of Connor, the submissive prey who writes a lot of vore erotica both on here and on Smashwords, I've mostly made a point to avoid connecting Connor to the other parts of myself. You won't find selfies or any of the like on my tumblr. It's mostly reblogs with added captions or photos other people send me. There was less risk there. And the world is scary.
Micky is a different role I play. The other day I was a bit silly and I linked Micky's twitter here. I got some vore followers on my non-vore account. When I sobered up, I thought about regretting that... but I didn't.
So while I will continue to mostly post vore captions on the Connor blog, I think I might sometimes share Micky here, too. Especially when the two might intersect. For instance, Micky made a 26-ish minute video where I transformed someone into a pair of socks that I cum inside. This brief preview (forgive the robot voice) comes from that video. Micky has plans to shoot a bunch of TF stuff. Next on my list is cock TF, jerking off and telling the viewer how good they feel as my cock, stuff like that.
Anywho, you can totally ignore Micky's existence and continue with purely viewing this as the blog of Connor Choronzon, the prey slut who should be churning away inside you already.
Or... well: here are all my links excluding Voreplay/discord (Micky, Connor, Luca, Dante)
The TF videos will go up on the OnlyFans and JFF
And feel free to hit up Micky's twitter (as your vore or non-vore self) and maybe use my posts there for vore fodder if you want - in my DMs, on twitter, as pics to caption on here or elsewhere (link/tag Micky if you do?), comment lewd things at me.
Okay! Back to the sexy work :p can't wait to be churning away inside you all
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im sorry but so much music, including some albums you've posted here, promotes misogyny, so your rule about no hateful albums is kinda limiting
so the conversation that goes with this question is so much bigger than one i can really have right at this moment, but i'll try to do my best with what i do have. hopefully that works for you.
⬇ rest of it down here
from a purely functional perspective, i'm unfamiliar with the vast majority of albums that are submitted to this blog, so unfortunately i'm not the best equipped to detect when albums are promoting bigotry, and there is absolutely not enough time in any of our days to go through the lyrics for every single submission (especially when some might not have been transcribed anywhere) to check for any bigotry.
then: there is the threshold. if we're aware of something that might be an issue, at what point does it become too much? for example, i have, in particular, given leeway to certain uses of un-reclaimed slurs when the date of usage may precede knowledge that those words are harmful, especially if the works are considered culturally significant (either in general or in the genre/movement itself). it's rather uncomfortable, but all things in their context.
the threshold is particularly relevant when talking about things that are deeply normalized in this cultural context. did this songwriter set out recreate violence or is it a really unfortunate reflection of the beliefs of the society the song was created in? obviously intention can only "protect" one so much since you have to look at the practical effects as well, but if you look at an album and can see that it was created to intentionally push hateful messaging, then that would be an example of something we wouldn't want to have on here without question.
you would be right to say that not allowing any discriminatory anything at all would be extremely limiting. most album covers with sexy women on them, i'm sure, are a reflection of societal misogyny. that's why, when we're aware of it, we have to judge things based on that context and hope that the people submitting albums also thought about this before submitting. we don't have so large a follower base that i'm particularly worried about malicious actors.
general criteria for stuff that i would consider over the threshold include (but aren't limited to): active use of dog whistles, especially in the titles, connection to a hate group, calls for violence (toward a vulnerable population), album art that is meant to make vulnerable populations feel afraid
the thing is, i have to be careful that if i'm going to reject an album submission, i have to be sure that any of my own unidentified biases aren't potentially causing me to do so. this is, i think, particularly relevant when minority/oppressed subcultures reflect bigotry that only exists in those communities as an end result of imperialist pressures. this is a difficult line to walk because i don't particularly want to participate on that side of, say, pinkwashing and its ilk. because of this, i tend to err on the side of permissiveness when it comes to subcultures that i'm not part of or familiar enough with.
anyway, if anyone thinks we might have missed something with an album that we've posted, please feel free to reach out and explain why we should take it down. please do this clearly and in a way that won't be easily misinterpreted, though. sending an ask off anon is the best way. again, it's really, really easy to miss stuff at the scale we have to do things at.
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chinzhilla · 11 months
Do you have any fave Thai BL series? If you do, what's your top 10?
hiiii thank you for the ask! 💙 and oh yes of course i do!! i'm not gonna actually rank these but here are my top ten thai bls in no particular order (with commentary bc i always have to be the most verbose person in the room):
The Eclipse - i think this one goes without saying if you’ve been following me for long. it's the first bl i watched live, before this blog even existed, and i imprinted on it like a duckling. that's the firstkhao effect i guess, and also my penchant for repressed sadboys and characters who are so attracted to each other and so mad about it
Manner of Death - may be surprising since i haven’t posted about it much but this drama is just. perfect. one of these days i’m gonna do a rewatch and i’m gonna be SO annoying about it. tension and release doesn't get any better than this, and the entire time the plot is plotting and it's fantastic!!
My School President - this one should also be obvious given it's the source of my url and also basically the reason this blog exists. this is the show that escalated my bl obsession to critical mass and left me with no choice but to make a sideblog about it. the soundtrack is banger after banger, every character is lovable, there are such genuine touching moments, and gemini and fourth just kill it the whole time
A Tale of Thousand Stars - i don't think any show has made me cry more. i was warned but nothing could have really prepared me cause it's like this drama was made in a lab specifically to target all my emotional weak points. i related a ton to tian and his need for escape and agency, and his growth and redemption over the course of the series is really just beautiful
Bed Friend - this show is a bit of a sexy comfort watch for me. to watch uea go through absolute hell and come out the other side getting the love, respect, and devotion (and cat ears) he deserves is just sooo satisfying. and did i mention how sexy it is?
La Pluie - closest i ever came to writing actual meta was while watching this show. its take on soulmates is so refreshing and thought-provoking and i really appreciated its emphasis on family and the trauma it can bring even when everyone loves each other. also gorgeous chemistry from the leads and lomfon and tien had me in a chokehold for weeks
Only Friends - obviously the show has been very polarizing but y'all all know where i stand. i'm not without my criticisms of how THAT storyline ended but there are far far far more positives than negatives for me. and in terms of pure entertainment they DELIVERED
Not Me - another one i don't talk much about but absolutely adored. every relationship in this show could have essays written about it (which i'm sure has been done) and the seanwhite first kiss is actually one of my favorites
Laws of Attraction - charn wasn't on my screen for a minute and i was already in love with him. this is another one with a great plot, good chemistry, and a captivating side couple. the only thing it doesn't hit right on the mark for me is the physical intimacy (especially bc i couldn't help but compare it to mod) but it makes up for it with hot lesbians (silvy pls give me a chance)
I Feel You Linger in the Air - no it's not over yet and yes i'm two (almost three) episodes behind but listen unless they really screw the pooch right at the end this one absolutely deserves to be here. once again the chemistry is chemistrying and the setting and mechanics are FASCINATING. however i have a feeling it's gonna join the ranks of atots as dramas i adored but might not everr watch again due to emotional devastation
honorable mention to Shadow which is currently airing and which i am obsessed with so far. if i ever do another version of this list it may well be on there
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sansloii · 2 years
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@hhemeraa | send me a number
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10. anons
Imma be real honest--i don't use anon much anymore. anything i send, i usually just... send as is. mostly because tumblr is weird and will eat things without explanation so it makes more sense to not use anon so i have the option of following up and be like "hey, i sent you an ask. did tumblr eat it?" if i need to. if you send it on anon... kinda defeats the purpose of anon if you have to ask about it ( thus revealing yourself ). i'm also of the belief that if i send something to you, i want you to know it was me :) it's probably very obvious anyway but still.
i don't mind getting anons though! sometimes, stuff has to be sent through anon ( such as asks from rp sideblogs and such ) so i keep it on for myself purely 'cause of that.
19. smut
when i started this blog waaay back in... 2016/2017 (it's one of those years) i was not at all confident in my ability to write it at all. it was one of those things where i was like "oh i can't write it well and it's gonna be on the dash and everyone will see it and judge me" or some shit like that. i didn't even write it on skype ( which i still had at the time ) or discord ( i think i had one in 2016 but barely used it ) and just kinda like... alluded to the fact that some spicy things had happen.
fast forward a couple years and meeting my lovely, lovely friends on this hellsite and now I don't care as much about the insecurities i had in the beginning because i realized we are all struggling with the same things. if it's not a generalized "what the fuck is anatomy?", it's "how many ways can i describe this body part that doesn't make me want to toss my laptop out a window" or "did i write that already? lemme go back and see if i did." or "i don't have enough adjectives in my vocabulary or mental brain power behind my eyes to intricately write muse a gave muse b a sloppy toppy."
we're all struggling. we're all trying to make our muses sexy. it's okay. we can struggle together!
i can totally understand if someone is not comfortable with writing it for a myriad of reasons and honestly, more power to you. do what makes you comfortable and i honestly don't care if someone does or doesn't write it. or chooses to just write it in dms with specific people. if that's more your speed, then fly down that highway.
29. blocking
as someone who is a former "blocking is mean. what if i hurt their feelings? i can just ignore it" type of person, i will tell you that the block button is your best friend. some of the weirdest/worst people i have ever met have come from this site and after being here for just under a decade and going from one blog to another and just... settling here? i have no patience for nonsense that really gets on my nerves. i am here to mow ass and eat hay and if you disturb that, you need to go
that isn't to say that i use it liberally or that my block list is a mile long, though. it's more that i know the block button is a tool the site provides for you in order not see anyone you don't want to see or don't want to have in your space. and so, i am going to use that tool when i see fit and so should you. i have people i don't like and don't want interacting with my posts. i'm sure someone somewhere doesn't like me and doesn't want me interacting with their posts. block button fixes all that.
i also use blacklists to reinforce this little wall i have up so me? I am a happy camper here. i have my bubble, my space, and i'm content with that.
the only time i can say where it really sucks is when... someone i'm actively talking to and thinking i'm getting along with blocks me. it hurts and i get a little sad about it... but again, they're well within their right to do that. whatever is going on in their head and caused that, however, is another complicated story that's between them and god unless they wanna talk about it.
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pleasantanathema · 4 years
Pleasant’s Writer Recs!
I’ve gotten a few asks in my inbox over the past few weeks asking me for writer recs, so I thought the best way to do this was to compile a list of my fav authors on tumblr and rec my favorite fic of theirs! A lot of these amazing authors are moots—I’m very lucky to call many of them close friends. This list could be much longer, and I could go on for days about every single author, but I’ll try to keep it brief. Most all of these authors, like myself, write 18+ only content. Hopefully this can be a useful tool for authors and readers alike looking for amazing fanfic 💕
@bakatenshii | Angel is so phenomenal with her writing that I almost can’t put her style and amazing ability into words (but I’ll try). Angel’s work is beautiful, masterful, full of poetry, elegance, and smut that will all leave you gasping. Fav Fic: Blitz [Ushijima x Reader]
@blahkugo | Sunnt, Thunnth, Sunny, whatever you call her, she is brilliant. No one writes Tsukishima quite like she does. She is beyond creative and her writing style flows like the sexiest water, it’ll make you thirsty and quench your aches. Fav Fic: Tower [Tsukishima x Reader]
@deathcab4daddy | Tay is all about details, details, details. She fills in every gap and paints gorgeous, sexy pictures and situations for the reader to feel immersed in. Fav Fic: Cerulean Blue [Akaashi x Reader]
@dymphnasprose | Dymphna is all about fun, sex, and slowly filling out her holy bible of smut. She’s amazing at creating realistic sub/dom relationships and her smut almost always comes with a healthy dose of build-up. Fav Fic: Green Scrunchies [Ukai x Reader]
@enjifuckersupreme | Ketsl reigns supreme over pure, unadulterated porn. They are phenomenal at making me the reader wet, and every fic is crafted with so much care. Enji fuckers should bow down at their feet, no one loves and writes Enji like Ketsl. Fav Fic: Attitude Adjustment [Enji x Reader]
@hisoknen | Raph is one of the first dark blogs I ever started reading, and she never, ever disappoints. She writes pieces that chill you to the bone, but warms your sex- her writing is casual, smooth, and realistic, always giving you everything you need, but leaving you wanting a little more. Fav Fic: Sleeping Beauty [Dabi x Reader]
@hoe-doroki | Ana is one of the sweetest writers I know. Every time I talk to her, she’s working on comfort requests or beta-reading for other people. Her writing is such a pleasure to read, as you can tell she pours love and consideration into every fic for her readers. Fav Fic: Can’t Find My Breath [Bakugou x Reader]
@joyousandverywarlike | Zo...holy fucking shit. Zo is a writer who consistently blows me out of the water with her skill. This woman is a novelist blessing us with juicy, rich smut and love stories like no one else can. She is incredibly poetic and her writing is an absolute joy to read; she also writes amazing fics for black readers and has an amazing voice that she uses for asmr audios! Fav Fic: How We Met [Ushijima x Reader]
@lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten | Leah is an author who takes immense care with her work. She works incredibly hard to craft sexy, healthy bdsm fics for bnha. She is a great blog to go to for bdsm education, and she’s also got a side blog @lemonlordleah-extra-sour for all you extra naughty readers who like the darker side of fanfic. You should also check out her Patreon! Fav Fic: Between the Evergreen [Aizawa x Reader]
@linestrider | Nyki’s work is like smooth water, it’s calming, refreshing, but she also adds a nice, chill bite to it as well with her darker style. Nyki puts such an impressive amount of care into her work; a word is never out of place, every sentence has meaning, every paragraph gives you something new. It was very hard to choose just one fic to recommend. Fav Fic: What’s Said is Said [Hawks x Reader]
@lookslikeleese | Leese is one of the most fun writers on Tumblr, and by that I mean you just have a shitload of fun reading her fics. They are like little, sexy treats to take in right before bed and feel a little more full than you were before. She is also the Cucking Queen. Fav Fic: Cola [Enji x Reader] 
@messwriting | Lee is also another fun writer! Her writing is exhilarating to read, and you’d never guess she’s a sexy Brazilian whose second language is English based on how well she writes. She’s a little sex goddess who will give you everything you want and more in every fic. Fav Fic: What We Could’ve Been [Tsukishima x Reader]
@mindninjax | Marquie is a full on sweetie with a sexy side. She. Is. So. Creative. Every fic of hers is so unique and her masterlist is a whole reading experience. She writes Bakugou Katsuki so damn well, she’s a master at characterization, even in au’s. She also writes beautiful fics for black readers. Fav Fic: Bound to You [Bakugou x Reader]
@nekokoafanfictions | I first found Ai on Ao3, and then was fortunate enough to come across their blog here on Tumblr! I’ve said this before in previous rec lists, and I’ll say it again, I still read their fics some nights to fall asleep to, they are just that good, every fic will have you coming back at some point to read it again. Fav Fic: City Lights [Enji x Reader]
@present-mel | The. Queen. Of. Dialogue. Mel is a master at making her fanfic feel real, gritty, sexy, and beautiful all at the same time. This woman pours her heart and soul into fanfic, especially into her Erwin series Fragments of Memories. I was so captivated by her work that I just had to become her friend, her work is enchanting and thrilling. Fav Fic: Until the Fire Played [Enji x Reader]
@rat-suki | Annie makes me horny. Like, real horny. Her smut is fantastic and are often little thrill rides within themselves. Fuck rollercoasters, just go to Annie’s masterlist to find a joy ride. Fav Fic: Hell Fire [Enji x Reader]
@rivendell101 | I’m such a big fan of Alisha, that I sent her a request months ago before we even became friends. This author knows how to craft a story, her work is very meticulous with details and her plots are always so spot on. Fav Fic: Sweet Thing [Natsuo x Reader]
@smutbardpeach | Smutbard is the most accurate title for Peach, as her fics read like poetry and song, filled with beautiful language, imagery, and allusions to the brim. If you’re ever looking for something romantic, sensual, delightful, and just overall magnificent to read, this is the blog to go to. Peach’s work is like reading poetry and classics right off the shelf. Fav Fic: Truth in Wine [Hizashi x Reader]
@spicyness | Are you thirsty? Do you like fun, sexy headcanons? Ness is the author for you. Ness is so, so fun and sweet, and is active with her followers and is always posting something new and creative for us to nibble at. Her blog is full of fun thirsts and she’s always a joy to see pop-up on my dash. Fav Fic: Pride [Bakugou x Reader]
@sugardaddykenma | Lin has the most amazing brain. I wish I could just...see and understand how she thinks. Her blog is full to the brim with hilarious, iconic, and down right fucking true headcanons for haikyuu characters. Many nights I have stayed up laughing my ass off and saying “why is that so true?” while reading through her astonishingly creative work. Fav Fic: Haikyuu on Drugs
@thewheezingwyvern | Wyv is a writer who gets straight to the point; her words are poignant, meaningful, and always paint a very clear picture. She is a Shinsou and Aizawa lover/fucker all the way to her core, and she’s amazing at bringing those characters to life in her work. Fav Fic: Salt Lines [Aizawa & Shinsou x Reader]
@thisisthehardestthing | Claudia is one of the most talented writers I have ever met. Period. She has a vocabulary, a depth, an ability to craft the most intense, alluring, and magnificent fanfic you’ve ever read. Most of her work doesn’t even seem like fanfic, it reads like love letters stuffed into the pages of a book that stand the test of time with her marvelous writing abilities. She always awes me, as every single fic is unique and powerful it its own way. Fav Fic: Tocka [Tanaka x Reader]
@tomurasprincess | The Queen of Darkness herself, Mari is amazing at fulfilling all of your dark desires. I’ve never met anyone else who is as active as she is with her followers, as she’s constantly pushing herself to answer requests and give people exactly what they want to see. She has such an expansive masterlist, any dark fic lover can find something worthwhile from her! She’s almost made a Shigaraki fucker out of me, almost. Fav Fic: Wraith’s Touch [Shigaraki x Reader]
@undermattsun | Miki taught me what a skate rat is. Do I understand it yet? Not really, but I fucking like it. Miki is so much fun and is always active with her followers, giving out awesome thirsts, visuals, and headcanons for her fav haikyuu characters. Fav Fic: Flavor of the Month [Matsukawa x Reader]
@vixen-scribbles | Vixen is someone who cares about everyone around her, and her blog reflects that. Amongst all her amazing writing, you’ll always find her recommending her friends and supporting other writers. Her writing is fucking sexy, she knows her way around the bedroom when it comes to fics, and she’s got a lengthy masterlist to fawn over. Fav Fic: Take All of Me [Ushijima x Reader]
@whats-her-quirk | Truly, the best has been saved for last. June’s work is the heart and soul of classic, fucking amazing fanfic. I can’t even explain how much I love her fics, like they will put the biggest smile on your face and have your thighs rubbing together in anticipation. June is writing her fantasies and having fun, and we are privileged to enjoy the ride with her. She knocked kinktober out of the fucking park, with each fic being a new, fresh delight. Fav Fic: Once in a Blue Moon [Karasuno x Reader Gangbang]
This list could honestly be twice as long, and perhaps in the future I’ll make a companion to it as I meet new authors and read more amazing fanfic. Please give all these authors a follow or at least check out their blogs. 💖
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tipsydipsydo · 3 years
The laundry hamper [M]
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 2.2k 
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
AU: College AU!; Roommates2Lovers AU!; Friends2Lovers! AU
Warnings: Dirty Language + slight Dirty Talk; sweet and shy but naughty Jungkookie; Mentions of Masturbation in the shower; Scent/Smelling-Kink; Panty-Sniffing; Masturbation; slight Voyeurism; Teasing; Petnames; soft sub! Jungkook & dom! Reader undertones; Mentions of mutual Masturbation; Mentions of 69-Position 
Summary: Jungkook has a crush on you since you moved together for college but the poor boy is way too shy to confess his feelings to you... rather he would search through your laundry hamper to get a shirt which smells after your very personal scent and tries to calm his racing heart... and other nerves. He didn’t thought to get catched by the person who already stole his whole heart in the most embarrassing situation...
A/N: Happy first year friendship anniversary with my dearest @borathae​!! I love you to death my sweetheart and I thought today would be the perfect occasion to finally finish this Oneshot I started 10 months ago and waited to get finished until today on my IPad... especially because you  was the person who gave me the inspiration to write this idea... I hope you like it!! 
Status: halfway edited bc I was stressed I wouldn’t finish it on right time- 
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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He knows it's bad and that he shouldn't do it. Well... honestly, already before this thought, which is haunting him since two weeks, he wasn't any kind of "well mannered" anymore. ...before you apologized for taking so much space with your shower untensils in the shower basket and then decided, to take your Shampoo, Conditioner and Bodylotion to your room.
The thing you didn't know was that you took with this decision, Jungkook's one and only opportunity to properly jerk off, with you.
God, just when the poor boy thinks about it... the thought alone gives him a rosy-red blush all over his cheeks, which almost reachs his ears and leave him completely flustered and ashamed.
How to explain it... your quiet, adorably awkward and super shy roommate, who has a crush on you since two years (or even longer!) tend to use your hair shampoo as a little "fantasy kick". How could he resist the opportunity to smell something so familiar which reminds him of you, so close?
How he used it you ask yourself?
While he was showering, he sniffed on the opened lid of the shampoo bottle like a fucking dog in his rut and jerked off to the smell of English Wild Roses. Yeah, even Jungkook himself is absolutely sure that he reached a whole new level of freakiness. Who else jack themself off while sniffing on a damn hair shampoo bottle?!
Jungkook has simply a thing for scents... especially for everything that smells like you. Whenever something of you comes in contact with his nostrils, he immediately pops a boner.
Really, it's not funny anymore when you feel that your dick is going hard just from getting a whiff of your crush's parfum when they're passing by.
Anyway, not your parfum or shower utensils are giving Jungkook a problem now, it's much more your laundry hamper which suddenly developts a really strong seductive affect on him.
Both of you having a seperate laundry hamper in the shared bathroom and also a laudry bag in your room. It's easier to have these two opportunities to put your laundry than walking always with an arm full of dirty clothes through the whole apartement.
Especially when friends of the other person are over and a pair of Kook's boxer briefs or one of your bra's found their way to the floor, unnoticed. Okay, 'unnoticed' as long as one of your friends are yelling that there is dirty underwear in the hallway. Of course not without dropping some stupid and teasing comments.
Yeah, it's really better for Jungkook's and your own peace to have a laundry bag in your room and a laundry hamper in the bathroom. Even when Kookie wouldn't mind it at all to be the one who would've found your lingerie...
...and that's the point. Since this one incidence with your dessous, Jungkook is haunted by countless absolutely filthy and indecent thoughts. At first he was still able to control them and to shove them away into the last corner of his mind. But after you took your shower stuff with you to your room, these fantasies returned really, really fast and his interest in your laundry hamper grew endlessly.
It absolutely didn't help that he pretty aware of the fact that you showered just a half an hour ago.
You made yourself ready to go to the movies with some of your friends. That means, he would be completely alone for the next few hours with the clothes you've worn before and are now own your very personal scent. How the hell should he survive this silently for him screaming seduction?!
Okay, okay, even when he'd took something off your hamper... just as a hypothetisch thought... it would be definitely only something completely innocent, like a shirt or something else. Really, he just loves to smell your wonderful personal scent. It's calming his wild racing heart... and in some way his unsatisfied desires as well.
Once again he takes a glimpse through the slightly opened bathroom door into the hallway which leads to the front door. Everything is silent, he is indeed completely alone in the apartement.
Now or never. Maybe he should take one of your worn out T-Shirts you always wear for house chores and isn't one of your favourite piece of clothing anymore. Maybe then you wouldn't notice that's even gone... for a longer time.
He shouldn't debate any longer before he reverses his opinion and pull back... he would slap himself if he'd let such an opportunity slip through his fingers unused...
As soon as he opens the lid of your laundry hamper, all his 'good and pure resolutions' are thrown out of the next bathroom window. Hebshould have guessed it, he should have known it... that your underwear is the last thing you take of your body before showering. Well, in conclusion, your panties are the first piece of cloth which is greeting Jungkook's eyes.
He's gulping harshly. Fuck, his brain knows that what he's doing here is bad and dirty, that he shouldn't do it... but his body and especially his dick is literally screaming and begging him to reach out for exactly this piece of lingerie.
Those tiny little wheels starts turning in Jungkook's head when he scans through your latest outfit. He remembers which Sweater and Sweatpants you wore. How could he forget those cute socks with this adorable avocado print on them.
...but no Bra.
Fuck... Jungkook can't explain himself why he finds the thought of you, being so comfortable in your shared apartement and around him, that you decided to not wear a bra underneath and let your tits bounce around freely, so god damn attractive...
Before he even realized it, his greedy hand took your used panties already out of the laundry hamper and lets the soft fabric slip through his fingertips.
It's a plain black cotton panty with a lacey border which has a beautiful flower pattern. Others would say it's boring, unspectacular underwear but for Jungkook it's already beautiful and beyond belief sexy lingerie. To imagine that you walk casually around in those panties everyday... Jungkook feels how his dick is already leaking precum in his boxer briefs.
With every second he holds this pair of panties in his hands, his poor, needy cocks hardens even more in his grey sweats. He gulps again. He shouldn't do it... but your panties are tempting him and his short patience.
Before he can control what he's doing, his nose is already buried in this piece of cloth and takes a deep breath.
If his other hand wouldn't already disappeared beneath his waist band and squeezed the base of his cock, he would've already blown his load right here in his sweats.
He's panting, his breath fast and ragged, trying to take as much as possible of your intoxicating scent into his lungs when he yanks his sweatpants down to his knees and lays his hand in a firm grip around his red, swollen and angrily leaking cock. He's literally dripping, so it doesn't take long until his whole palm is lubed thoroughly with his own precum.
Jungkook's mind is clouded, he can't built any proper thought anymore, your delicious smell makes him salivating and he knows, he feels it in every fiber of his body, that he already got addicted to the smell of your panties... your pussy.
He can't believe that you smell so good, like that fucking good that he almost blew his load already in his pants. Untouched.
His mind is spiralling, dirty thoughts get exceeded by even more filthier ones, every secret and forbidden fantasies which he hold under control for so, so long are crashing down on him.
God, what would he do to be the lucky person who gets you on top of him, queening him, his whole face buried into your pussy, your juices smearing all over his chin and cheeks and getting a good whiff of your perfect cunt first hand. He would happily die between your legs, suffocated by your thighs which you would've squeeze so tightly around his head that it would literally crushed him. He would die as the happiest man in the whole universe.
To imagine how you'd whine, whimper and growl at him... praising him for doing so good, pleasuring you so well, tugging at his locks because you can barely handle the pleasure you receive from his tongue and lips...
His fist goes faster and faster, his wrist will hurt so bad in the exam tomorrow... but that's Jungkook tiniest problem right now, he needs to cum so fucking bad, his balls are already hard and tight, feeling like they would burst if he wouldn't cum and time soon.
"Tz, tz, tz... what do we have here? I didn't thought you'd be such a naughty boy as someone who's so sweet and shy, Jungkook... sniffing your roommates panties and jerking off to them...", you snicker and smirk, even though bis back is still facing you. The later flinchs noticeably and lets a surprised and equally terrified yelp out, almost jumping around to you.
He's trying to save to situation and his pride, throwing your panties back into your open laundry hamper and pulling his pants up as quick as possible.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, I am so, so, so, so sorry, it will never happen again, I am so sorry that you have such a disgusting roommate like me, I am so sorry, I didn't knew you'd come back so early again- oh fuck... I am so sorry, I am a disaster", Jungkook chokes out in a trembling voice and glassy eyes, a tiny little sob leaves him as well. He is truly ashamed and mortified to death.
Your heart breaks when you look at him, he looks so sorry and embarrassed, he couldn't look at himself in the mirror again. Slowly you start to shake your head 'no'.
"Oh Jungkookie, I didn't mean to shame you... I... I just was a little surprised to catch you here in the bathroom... having a little fun time with yourself... I realized halfway to the cinema that I forgot my wallet and I came back to get it... then I saw you and just wanted to tease you a little bit... ah shit- I think I just messed the things up as well... okay okay, stupid question from a stupid person who has a big, fat crush on you since months, if not even years... wouldyoumindmetohelpyoutocum?", you ramble nervously, now are your cheeks equally beet-red.
Jungkook's eyes shoot up to your face, your red cheeks, your big, questioning eyes and your lip biting is sending a new rush of exitement down to his softening cock, making him harden all over again.
"W-What? ...what?? You- you too? I-I am crushing on you since we moved in together and now you're telling me that you- ...oh my god, yes... yes... yes please... please help me. I am so needy and horny right now and your pant- you always smelled so good and it's driving me crazy... I am so horny for you, Y/N."
Jungkook couldn't control his blabbering mouth anymore, everything is just blurting out of him with such a force like the Niagara Waterfall.
You sigh in relieve and a bright smile is forming on your lips as you walk over to your crush and lay both of your hands on his cute and round cheeks, so you can look each other into the eyes.
"Jungkook, I would like to ask you if you're comfortable with the thought of me kissing you before I will... devour you?"
Just to hear the two words 'devour you' out of your mouth made his knees almost buckle. His head is moving by itself, nodding vehemently. But to his confusion you're shaking your head no.
"Babyboy, I need your verbal confirmation. Consent is key, alright?", you say in a gently yet firm voice.
Oh God, you'll be his death... calling him 'Babyboy' alone made a whimper slips past his lips which is why you hum very appreciately.
"Oh God, yes, yes, yes... please... please kiss me and devour me, Mistress- ugh, s-sorry, I- I didn't mean to say that", Jungkook coughs out all flustered again, don't dare to look you in the face.
Such a good, perfect babyboy he is already for you.
"Don't be shy, Baby... I like the title you gave me. When you like it, you can continue to address me with 'Mistress'. ...what about we change our location to your or my bedroom? I'd love to let you smell and taste my pussy... not just through worn fabric. I would take great care of your aching cock... I saw how swollen, red and leaking it was already. What about you eat me out while I take your cock into my mouth and jerk you off with the panties I wear right now. Hm, sounds good?
Jungkook's head is already spinning again when your lips finally meet, your mouth and tongue already taking the control over him and devouring him.
Yes, you'll be definitely the death for him.
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the32ndbeat · 3 years
𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐣.𝐲𝐧 - [ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟛 ]
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pairing: stalker!jaehyun x fem!reader ( ft twice’s tzuyu, loona’s haseul )
word count: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, alcohol consumption, mentions of sexual harassment, mature themes, mentions of drugs, smoking, extreme views, misogyny, yandere themes
a/n: unedited! it’s been forever since I updated this but also considering if I should turn this into a tbz series at my tbz writing blog so we’ll see how this goes.
taglist: I don’t have one yet and I’m seeing how this does since I’m thinking whether I should convert it into a tbz series. Please do lemme know if you guys want to see this continued!
disclaimer: everything written here is FICTIONAL and I am in no way saying that the mentioned characters act like that irl!
(inspired by netflix’s you and the book of the same name by caroline kepnes)
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The first thing that registers in my mind is how fucking loud this place is. Seriously, what is it with college parties and their inherent need to blast music loud enough to wake the entire neighbourhood within a five mile radius? Before I even step within the premises or even make it to the front yard, the whole fraternity house seemed to shake from the loudness of the bass-boosted music when viewed from a distance away. I even had to squint as I approach, the strings of fluorescent party lights draped all over the place glowing so brightly it almost hurt to look straight.
A few drunk college frat boys stumble past me, their hair sticky and messy with sweat and their breaths reeking of cheap alcohol. Their steps are wobbly and I can even see drool and remnants of vomit hanging at the corner of their mouths. My heart clenches with pure disgust and I grit my teeth as I watch them laugh out loud over nothing, their brains a pink, unintelligent mush in their skulls, probably rotted by endless drinking and fucking. All part of the college frat experience.
I wonder if they enjoy being a complete waste of space while wasting mummy and daddy’s money to put them through college.
I look away and ignore the growing irritation in me. This is the sort of party your friends wanted you to go with them to? I thought your friends were bad influences but scratch that, they’re fucking horrible. They taint you, taint your innocence and put you at risk around such dangerous men who do not deserve to be even a mile within your presence. As I walk closer, the house looks even more hideous up close.
It’s decorated in the worst way I’ve seen a house decorated. It’s as if someone threw a bunch of random fairy lights bought in the brightest, blinding neon colours that simply do not go together over a sloppy looking house and the front yard is littered with empty, red plastic cups and is that a discarded bra I see over there?
I tiptoe over the trash laying around on the grass and try to avoid the gyrating bodies of college students who clearly have no sense of rhythm. My skin feels grimy within just a few minutes of being here and I can’t wait to leave but there is no way I’m leaving when I know that you will be here. The thought of you being surrounded by such vermins makes me sick to the stomach and I want to get you out of here. The only place you should rightfully be, is at my place where there are no revolting men who only love to drink cheap alcohol, party till sunrise, get high off smoking a blunt, yell ‘turn up!’ every few minutes as if it’s muscle memory in their tiny, almost non-existent brains and do anything but be a productive member of society.
As I push through the double doors, the nauseating smell containing a mixture of intoxicating alcohol, smoke and cheap cologne almost knocks me backwards. My hand grips tighter to the wooden door and I force myself in. Inside, the house is dim but bright at the same time with disco and laser lights. A massive boombox and a pair of equally large loudspeakers sit at the corner of the room and some hip hop tune is being played while people dance and drink and smoke to their hearts’ delight. You’d never believe these kids were supposed to be the future.
Oh, how disappointed their parents must be.
A girl in skimpy shorts and a tube top looks at me with unadulterated want and beckoning in her eyes while staring at the varsity jacket I’m wearing, no doubt replaying fantasies of fucking a college athlete in her mind and trying to guess which sport I supposedly play. I gaze blankly at them before turning away and I can see her shift from the corner of my eye, obviously bothered by the lack of attention. It’s like I can almost see the gears whirring in her brain. Did she not show enough cleavage? Is more skin needed to get my attention? Sometimes people are so predictable and readable that it’s almost pathetic.
Other times, I might have lowered my standards and settled for a casual fuck with someone like that but not today. Today, I’m a man on a mission. A mission to look out for you.
My eyes scan the room but it’s too dim to see anything within four feet in any direction. The flashing lights threaten to overwhelm me along with the stink of the place and booming music and I can feel my annoyance evolving into anger. I repress the urge to slap the shit out of a guy in a red bandana who screams ‘turn up’ all of sudden, practically effectively bursting my eardrums.
I almost bump into a couple eating each other’s faces out when someone yells out at me.
“Hey, you!”
The music is so loud that I almost don’t hear it. I whip around and sure enough, it’s tube top girl making her way over to me. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Not only do I have to find and save you from this sleazy place and have to squeeze in with a crowd of sweaty, brainless college kids who know nothing but party in a tiny, dirty, smelly frat house but now I also have tube top girl hot on my heels?
The things I do for you, y/n and we haven’t even properly gotten to know each other yet.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Tube top girl smiles and up close, I can see that her mascara is smudged and her hair is slicked back with an unholy amount of gel into a tight little bun which only makes her face look wider and her forehead exposed with a sheen of sweat covering it. Her lipstick is reapplied and I know for a fact that she has done it to impress me. Her top is also inched a little lower, as if that makes her anymore appealing.
I smile in a dismissive way, in a way that showed that I cared, but not really.
“Hey,” I reply flippantly.
“Crazy party huh?” She grins, satisfied that she’s got my attention now. Women.
I let my eyes drift to her breasts and look back up at her expectant, puppy dog eyes that are so eager to please it’s actually embarrassing.
“What’s your name? I’m Meg.”
“I’m Jaehyun.”
“You part of any sports team in school?” And just like that I know that tube top girl must have had fantasies of fucking a college athlete.
So predictable.
“Yeah, I’m on the swim team.” I say and her smile widens, a playfulness in her eyes as she leans her chest in closer in what was meant to be a sexy gesture.
“Oh, is that so? I’ve never really talked to a competitive swimmer before,” she replies in a sultry voice and I smirk.
“Well, here I am. Am I every bit of the guy you imagined a college swimmer to be?” I whisper in an equally sultry voice. Let her think she has me wrapped around her finger. It’s easier that way. Better for her to think I’m enthralled with her and her breasts than let her cling onto me the entire night.
“Mhm,” she says, “of course.”
I’m about to reply when something catches my eye. From the window, I see you and your friends stumbling and swaying down the sidewalk, away from the party. Internally, I feel my rage simmering again but not at anyone. At myself.
How was I so late that I didn’t manage to stop this from happening? How are you already drunk? How did this happen?
A million questions are racing through my mind and my vision almost blurs with white hot anger as I imagine a slimy frat guy placing his greasy hands on you while you sit there, drunk and uninhibited in that dress that seemed to accentuate your every single curve. You look simply gorgeous in that dress and I fucking hate to think that other guys in this whole house may have made a pass at you. Why was I so late? Would I have been just a little bit earlier if tube top Meg didn’t stop me? I should have left the moment she decided to strike up conversation. This is my karma for letting other temptations get in the way. I vow to myself that this will never happen again as I extricate myself away from Meg’s clutches (“Hey! Where are you going?” She calls out and I ignore her).
I shove people out of the way and do not care for their protests and yelps. Fuck them and fuck this entire shithole of a house. I scramble through the door and maintain my distance as I follow you and your friends down the pavement and past the buildings within the campus. I watch and cringe as you seem to crumple under the weight of your friends’ arm and quickly realise that you aren’t drunk. Your friends are. Stupidly drunk.
I feel my heart relax and my stomach unclench. Of course, you wouldn’t be. You are good. And smart. Too smart to get drunk in a place like that. You know what are the risks and you are above such parties. Your friends though, I couldn’t say the same. Which brings me back to why you need better friends but that’s besides the point. I can see a few guys hanging at the other side of the street who leer at the group of you, clearly getting their dick hard at the thought of a group of vulnerable girls roaming these empty streets at night.
It’s dangerous. But that’s what I’m here for. They see me next and they look away.
I will do what I can to protect you, y/n. Even if that means protecting your good for nothing friends in the process.
All of a sudden, I see you trip and it’s like everything is in slow motion. You fall forward and I take long strides over, my legs stretching out and rushing to help you. Before your knees can hit the rough ground, I have you in my arms, encircled around your waist as I hold you up. I have your other friend, Haseul upright with my other hand tugging at the collar of her jacket. Your friend Tzuyu is not so fortunate and falls flat but she barely notices it, smiling tipsily to herself instead.
You glance up at me with those large eyes and I could get lost in them right there and then. But as quickly as we have our moment, you move away and I see a hint of suspicion in your eyes. We separate and the moment you extract yourself from my arms, I already want you back. Your touch feels addictive already. What have you done to me?
“Thanks.” You say curtly and I admire the fact that you have boundaries, not like Meg. You are hard to get and that’s what makes you so appealing. You are to be earned and respected.
You help Tzuyu to her feet and as you turn to leave with your friends, I call out, “is there any way I can help?”
You regard me with caution and open your mouth to reject me but then suddenly, the tenseness in your eyes relax.
“Do I know you?”
You remember me. Halle-fucking-lujah! I want to wrap you in my arms again but I play it cool.
“I… don’t…?”
Your eyes grow wide and the recognition seeps in.
“Wait! You’re from that hardware store right? Jaehyun?”
I pretend to be surprised when I’m actually fucking overjoyed.
“Yeah, wait… You’re that girl with the rope right?”
You laugh and it’s the most melodious thing I’ve ever heard in forever.
“Yup, that’s me. Kind of mortified that’s how you remember me but sure,” you say and your eyes twinkle but then you continue with a more subdued tone, “what are you doing here?”
I pat my chest good-naturedly.
“Friend of mine is a student here. I just came over to visit and he gave me his varsity jacket so I could try feeling like a college student for once. Never been to college so… yeah. I thought I’d like to try it out for fun.” I reply and shoot you an awkward smile, the kind you do when you try to get someone to favour you and think of you as ‘adorable’.
It works and you smile gently.
“That’s pretty cool, you’ve got a good friend.”
And you haven’t, I think but don’t say.
I gesture towards you and your friends.
“Need any help?”
You look at your drunken friends and back at me and I sense you thinking. Finally, you decide that you do need my help and chuckle, “We live right at that block over there and I think I might die halfway there. I’m not fit enough to hold 2 people.”
That’s so like you. So compassionate over friends who clearly didn’t give a shit that you didn’t want to go to some god forsaken party, so caring over friends who get drunk and don’t take responsibility, so helpful to take care of friends who literally do not give a fuck about you. You are not beautiful on the outside but on the inside too and as I loop Tzuyu’s arm over my neck and hold her, I wish I was holding you instead.
We amble over to the front of your block and we part, you thank me and we say our goodbyes and it’s all too soon. I want to be with you for longer, I want us to talk and I want you to invite me to your room but reality is often much less exciting and more boring.
“I’ll see you!” You call out, smiling as I walk away and I wave back, my heart soaring.
Today is a good day, I think and as I round the corner to the next street, I slip the keycard out of my pocket and feel the hard plastic under my finger.
Wasn’t difficult honestly. Your friends should really learn to keep their valuables in safe places, not the back pocket of their jeans.
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absolutebl · 4 years
Manner of Death - It’s A Murdery Series
Episode 1 Analysis
I’m not sure I can do my normal flippant BL tropes analysis + pop culture crit with Manner of Death. Because: 
This is not BL, it’s romantic suspense 
Different tropes for different folks 
We are also in cozy mystery city, sweetheart
Or should I say cozy mystery small town?
Romantic Suspense in a BL blog? 
This is MaxTul and I have been waiting YEARS for them to appear in something decent, so sure, here we go...  
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What’s romantic suspense? 
Romantic suspense is a literary sub genre of romance fiction in which both the romance AND the suspense/mystery/thriller elements are integral parts of the plot. This means that if you remove the romance thread the story would fall apart. And/or if you remove the crime element the story falls apart. It’s primarily consumed by romance readers. 
Why do I think Manner of Death qualifies as Romantic Suspense? 
Well at first I thought we were getting a cozy mystery with a gay romance sub-plot. (Which means if the romance element is removed, the story could still occur.) But after watching episode one, I think it’s actually romantic suspense because:
So much of this episode was built using romance tropes as well as mystery tropes. 
The gaze of the filming lens was very romance-driven in terms of lingering on longing glances and shirtless Dr Bun. 
We followed Dr Bun into his bed. Suspense (even cozies) rarely follows the protag into household intimacy zones in the first episode. (Victims = yes, protags = no.) Romance almost always does. 
Finally, we have got a kiss in the first installment for Dr Bun, plus a lot of screen time spent on their meet cute, and that kind of pacing indicates romance. 
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Why is it EXCITING that Manner of Death is romantic suspense? 
Well, romantic suspense is a HUGELY hot genre amongst readers that has gotten VERY little attention from Hollywood. (Something like True Romance qualifies as do a few others but there isn’t much out there...) There’s also little to NO queer rep in suspense films in general (except as plot drivers and victims). 
Generally speaking, the Hollywood film industry prefers straight up suspense in which the heterosexual love story, while it can be present for the protagonist, doesn’t drive plot and usually doesn’t end happily (think Mission Impossible franchise). Or the alternate which is cozy mystery TV series, which I’ll address in a moment. 
In short? This is a massive untapped market in visual media. 
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Cozy Mystery 
Cozy mysteries, AKA cozies, are a sub-genre of crime fiction in which:  
sex and violence usually occur off stage (AKA don’t be too graphic)
the detective is an amateur sleuth 
the crime and detection take place in a small, socially intimate community.
While I think Manner of Death is demonstrating all core elements of a cozy, I don’t think it is going to be a cozy because they wouldn’t have hired MaxTul if they weren’t going to give us some serious skinship (violating the too graphic rule above). And it has already gotten a bit violent for cozies. 
That said, it’s a REALLY smart thing to put a romantic suspense into a cozy framework because...
Cozy mysteries are SUPER popular, often times with exactly the same demographic that tends to watch BL and read romantic suspense. Which is to say: mostly straight women of a certain age. (What Hollywood calls the apple pie demographic. Don’t blame the messenger.) 
Also cozies are more popular as TV series, rather than one-off films. And what do we have with Manner of Death? A SERIES! 
So I’m calling Manner of Death as:
A gay romantic suspense series in a cozy mystery framework. 
And if they can stick to that, and have done their marketing properly, they could have a run away hit on their hands. 
There are some things to be wary of: 
The lingering gaze and romantic lens can upset mystery watchers, who are probably going to be coming to this show fresh (expecting a cozy) not understanding what it is. 
Also the captioning of the medical terminology and awkward phrasing of certainly dialogue may turn these viewers off. They are less forgiving than BL watchers. 
The director is going to have to tread a VERY thin line with romantic suspense to keep new (non-BL) viewers. As is the script - the mystery is going to need to be executed well. Finally, much as we like Dr Oak and the comedic element, that style of humor probably won’t translate well to a mystery audience, so I’m hoping they pull back a bit on that. 
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Some stuff I really loved? 
The soundtrack. It’s way more mature than BL and I am really happy to hear music that doesn’t interfere with my enjoyment or beat me over the head with its mistrust of the actor’s ability to execute emotion.
The filming style, they have left off triple shots and other BL fillers. 
The lack of comedic sound effects. I have learned not to mind them in BL romantic comedies but they have no place in romantic suspense. 
Lack of product placement. Although I worry about how they are funding this baby. 
Tul’s acting. I seriously did not think he had it in him and I am really excited to see him carry this thing. I was confused as to why they gave Dr Bun to him and not Max, but now I totally get it. Tul has a soft sweetness to him that Max doesn’t and it’s perfect for this character. I am already very worried about him. That’s one of the dramatic tensions of a cozy - fish-out-of-water driven concern for the protagonist. 
My Feels?
This is going to be a wild, crazy, sexy ride. Even if it jumps the shark I’m excited to see where it fails. And I mean that lovingly. 
From a purely academic perspective it’s so cool to watch something totally new, yet based on so much trope-riddled history. 
And on that note... TROPES! 
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Mystery & Suspense Tropes  We Got In Episode One 
Opening on a murder
Fridge girl (see women in refrigerators) 
Nosy reporter 
Medical evidence explained 
Female friend in danger
Amateur sleuth 
Small town sins AKA the dark underbelly  
Public argument
Zoom in on clues 
I know the victim 
Murder disguised as suicide 
Love interest is a suspect 
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Romance Tropes We Got In Episode One 
Meet Cute 
Sexual tension 
Secretive brooding love interest 
You can’t go home again 
Witty banter & innuendo 
Everyone wants the protagonist 
Get his shirt off ASAP 
First kiss in under 10%
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BL Tropes We Got In Episode One 
(what you thought I’d just forget my one true love?) 
Faen fatal 
Baby is a floppy drunk 
Proximity alert 
Post-it love note 
Touch my lip and think of kissing
Head touch (the ”you have something in your hair” variant) 
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In conclusion Manner of Death may be the death of me, but what a way to go. 
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Dance With Me
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Pair: Draco Malfoy x Reader; he/him.
Summary: Draco really wishes he asked you to the Yule Ball. He wishes his father wasn't such a prude. He wishes you were on his arm, not Potters.
Warnings: Swears, like usual, small homophobia??
Notes: Requested! Bisexual! Harry is the only Harry in this blog. Also, Harry is supportive and I shamelessly put some Blaise/Ron in this but it’s like the smallest mention possible. Anyway, enjoy!
Draco watched on with a glum expression and prayed to whatever wizard gods are up there that it wasn’t noticeable. He glanced down at his polished shoes before shifting weight across between his feet. He cleared his throat, and rolled his shoulders back, trying to shake off the jealousy he felt deep down. This was the very last place on the entire planet he wanted to be standing in. He did not want to have to stand here next to Pansy Parkinson, listening to her go on and on while his rival danced and laughed with his long term secret crush.
He really should’ve asked you. The thought kept spiraling in his head, causing him to white knuckle the glass in his hand. He really should’ve ignored his father and just asked you. His icy eyes watched Potter dunk you playfully- since when did that git learn to actually fucking dance? His eyebrows furrowed when he saw your laughing expression and Harry’s sly smirk into a similar grin. The blonde really wanted to gag at the sight.
“So then (L/n) tried to do this stupid spell and it only blew up in his face, literally. Stupid mudblood really shouldn’t have been excepted into this school.” Pansy went on, giggling at the story. “He really is pathetic, isn’t he, Draco?.. Draco?”
“Don’t call him that.” Draco grumbled. He wasn’t fond of his ‘date’ talking smack about the male he’d rather be spending time with. 
“Oh, please. Don’t tell me you actually think he’s got talent or like.. Potential.” She was giggling again and the sound was almost more annoying than watching the pair dance and laugh.
“I don’t- Just- Oh for fucks sake, go get a drink or something.” Draco rolled his eyes, fixing his suit collar. He didn’t even watch his date strut away in her dark green cocktail dress. Instead, he turned from the sight and slammed his glass down on the table behind him. He resisted his urge to run his fingers through his perfectly combed hair.
“It isn’t too late, ya know.”
Draco didn’t have to look to know it was Zabini. The blonde sat down in his chair before grumbling back a response.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Draco really just didn’t want to be here. Every time he closed his eyes he saw you, clad in a suit that he desperately wanted to tear off you, dancing with The-Chosen-One. Merlin, he felt his heart ache.
“Draco.” A hand came to rest against his shoulder. “We know you took Parkinson just because your dad is a little traditional.” 
“A little?” Draco couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “My father is far from only a little traditional, Zabini, we both know this.”
“While it’s true, I think you should talk to him. The dance doesn’t end for a good few hours, mate. I’m sure he’d be down for at least one dance with you.” A silence fell over the friends for a few seconds before the blonde spoke up again.
“You don’t hate me? For liking a muggle born?” Draco clarified with clearing his throat.
“Draco.. For a Slytherin who gets O’s on almost all his exams, you sure can be dull sometimes. I’m your friend, like I have room to judge you.” 
“Oh, right, Weasley-”
“Anyway, have fun whooing him. Invite me to the wedding.” 
Draco watched his friend retreat into the crowd, choosing to ignore the blush burning into his cheeks before turning his attention back to the pair dancing. He watched you shed the top coat of your suit, sliding it onto a chair and rolling up your sleeves. The heat must be getting to you.
Draco knocked back the rest of his drink. Merlin, it was hot in here, or maybe it was just you. The blonde subconsciously licked his lips as he watched you go back to the dance floor. He just when a drink slid across the table and Pansy sat down next to him, effectively blocking his view of you.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, sipping her own drink.
“Do you wanna dance, then?”
“Not particularly.” Draco didn’t bother hiding the venom from his words. He wanted you on his arm, you asking him to dance, not her. It was always you. You should be tired with how often you run through his head.
“Fine, I’m going to find Blaise.” the Slytherin female stood up, watching Draco’s face for hints of any emotion.
“He went off with his date, good luck.” He shrugged, simply turning back to his drink. With a groan, Pansy left once again, taking her drink with him. His blue eyes went back to you for the umpteenth time that night, desperation hidden behind the irises. 
The blonde could imagine the look on his father's face if he ever brought you around. He could practically hear the disapproval and the pure disgust in his voice, stating he no longer had a son when it shouldn’t matter.
His happiness should be what matters the most. He wasn’t happy with Pansy, he was happy with you. He didn’t want a pureblood witch ready to follow him like a lost puppy. He wanted the muggle-born wizard who was now slow dancing with Potter. His eyes followed Potter’s hands that seemed to be heading south far faster than they should be for a slow dance. That was what snapped the final straw. 
He set his glass down, adjusting his suit once more before making long strides over to you. Harry noticed him first, his face scrunching up in confusion, causing you to turn around and look at the blonde. The way you innocently titled your head should be considered a criminal offense.
“Malfoy.” Harry spoke up.
“Potter.” Draco spat out as his icy eyes trailed up and down his rival.
“(L/n)!” You shouted, throwing your hands in the air, trying to disperse the awkward tension. You knew Harry was holding back a giggle. “Are we good? Did I defuse the tension good enough?”
“Like a professional defusing a bomb!” Harry chuckled out, his hand going around your waist.
“Say, Potter.” Draco spoke up quickly, his eyes glued to the hand on your hip before moving swiftly to meet your eyes. “May I steal your dance partner?” Draco held his hand out to you, his other going behind his back as he bowed, like the gentlemen he was.
“If that’s what he wants.” Harry tried to hide his grin. He’d known how you felt about the blonde for a while so he was so down for this interaction to take place. After all, he only danced with you to get Draco’s attention. Once Zambini became a low key friend, he’s gotten to know the Silver Trio a lot better from a distance and about Draco’s little crush on you. The whole plan was just made Draco jealous; fair and simple.
“Hmm, I’m not sure.” You teased, biting your bottom lip as your eyes trailed along his monochromatic suit. He looked good. In fact, he looked down right sexy- Holy shit- He should wear white more often. 
“Dance with me, (Y/n). Wouldn’t want to ruin my reputation would you?” Draco smirked, clearly joking as he pushed his hand closer to you.
“Oh, so polite and totally not self centered!” You placed your hand in his, doing a pathetic curtsy in your dress pants. You tried to ignore the primal urge to just hold the man's hand, maybe gaze under some stars with him. “Mom always did say it would be rude to say no to anyone who wishes to dance.”
Draco smiled and whisked you away. He led you into a spin before pulling you back into his chest, quickly taking the lead like his mother taught him too. One hand was resting gently against your waist while the other gripped your hand. 
“So.. Um.. What’s up?” You asked as the two of you began to sway to the music. Your cheeks were starting to hurt from the grin.
“Not very good with small talk are you?” Draco snickered out. He hated to admit it, but he really should’ve fucking asked you to dance sooner. Your body fit perfectly against his and he couldn't stop staring at your sparkling eyes.
“Well, you are quite intimidating.” You giggled out when he spun you around again. You couldn’t stop the blush from spreading across your face when he pulled you against him, but his chest was pressed against your back.
“You don’t have to be scared of me, love. I don’t bite.” His sultry voice whispered right by your ear, causing you to shiver.
“I never said I was scared of you, Draco.” You craned your head to glance at him over your shoulder. I actually like to think you're not as tough or bad as you play out to be.” 
“Wha-” Draco blinked a few times before spinning you back around and tugging you roughly against him. “What do you know about me?” He couldn’t help how his grin morphed into a sneer or how his hands tightened their grip on your waist.
“Draco, come on. Everyone knows you got shit going on at home.” Your hands were running through his hair, ruining Pansy’s hard work, not that he cared. He loved feeling your hands run through his hair so much he didn’t notice himself sighing. “See? You’re just a misunderstood softy stuck between a rock and a hard place.” You giggled out. It was cut short when Draco was suddenly pushing you back, forcing you to walk backwards by the grip on your waist. He didn’t stop maneuvering you backwards until your back bumped into a wall, leaving you stuck between the male and a hard place. You stared into his icy eyes, your hands pressed against the wall to steady yourself.
“I’m not a softie. I’m not a teddy bear! I’m a bloody Malfoy! I make my own bloody choices and I do what I want!” Draco pressed his chest against yours as he spoke. It was clear he was trying to intimidate you. His mood shifted a bit when your arms moved to wrap themselves around his neck.
“So kiss me.”
“What?!” His eyes got wide, his pale cheeks tinted a soft pink. He opened his mouth to speak again, but you were already going.
“It isn’t exactly a secret you fancy me, Draco. You’ve been staring at me since the dance began.” You smiled at his shocked expression. “That and Blaise told me. So, if you truly do what you want, you’d kiss me and maybe take me back to your dorm room.��
Draco stood shocked, his inner battle event on his face. Go against his father, his own bloodline and everything he’s been taught just over some feelings? You were a mudblo- muggle born wizard for fucks sake. His parents, his father, would disown him for the wizard bit alone! 
But did his dad have to determine everything he did? Did he really have to follow this bullshit code that should’ve died ages ago? Did he really have to be a pawn in his father's stupidity? 
His eyes watched your tongue trail across your lips and he made his decision. Draco’s hands tightened their grip once again on your waist before he quite literally slammed his lips against yours. He pressed his body harder against yours, if it was possible when you kissed back and shuddered when your fingers threaded through his ruined hair.
You truly didn’t know how badly he wanted you. You didn’t know the inner turmoil the poor male had been fighting since the stupid ball was announced, but the kiss. The kiss helped Draco express his passion for you, his love. He would charge into battle for you, put up with Potter for you, hell, fight his father for you. He’d ignore the stares of shock from the crowd and the unamused expression of his forgotten date.
You got under his skin and stole his heart. You were worth more than the stars in the sky and he wouldn’t let anyone separate the two of you. That night, he made sure you knew how much you meant to him.
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supop · 3 years
Did you see Jimin fans were cursing out the members for not posting get well soon messages and not posting about him/giving updates, most of their anger was directed at Tae 🥴 they even went in the hyungline's dms to threaten and mock them. Doing all that like Jimin was giving us daily updates and well wishes when other members had covid. Aside from that one time with yoongi, I don't recall jimin ever doing that publicly either. These are the same fans who accuse other members of bullying him, call them incels, curse them out whenever they even mention him for anything they don't think is positive, what a bunch of freaks
My blog was originally made to repost cute BTS gifs. But Jimin stans felt the need to go rabid late last year, so here we are. Why they think they can bully, curse and attack people unprovoked without facing any sort of consequences is beyond me.
Truly their breed of stans are bold af for no reason. It’s to the point one would think they’re operating on pure gas and not actual brains. Another anon sent me photos of the following tweets made by a notorious Jimin stan:
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Apparently all they do is cry all day about why Jimin has no solo work :( no studio :( no solo MV :( no spotify profile :( no anything :( It’s fucking embarrassing. At this point what are they even stanning?
Everyone: “Jimin pick up a pen”
Jimin stans: no :( how could you tell jimin to do that :( how dare you ask jimin to do that :( how dare you expect a musician to make music :( jimin is our idol IT boy :( he has no actual musical skills :( his job is just to stand on stage and act cutie sexy lovely :( just because the other members can make music doesn’t mean our jiminie can and should :( jiminie needs help and he needs someone to walk him every step of the way :( someone should write all his songs for him, then take him to the nearest studio so he can record it with auto tune :( but don’t get it wrong, just because jimin can’t write, produce, or sing doesn’t mean he isn’t the most talented member in bts and all of kpop okay :( it’s been almost a decade since the start of his career and he could’ve learned a thing or two about making music, but he chose not to and that’s okay becasue jimin is a perfectionist and park jimin = pure talent :(:(:(
Pjms are truly the bottom barrel of all solo stans. Every day they prove just how pathetic they are. Jimin would be so embarrassed if he read that person’s tweets. His stans genuinely operate as if they have worms for brains. This is why the only thing they have to brag about are a fake popularity ranking chart and their purchased streams for his 3 solo songs. They drag down other members becasue that’s the only thing they can do to bridge the gap between him and them, while covering up for his notorious lack of talent. A tragic group of fans. It’s funny because I’ve seen Jimin get dragged by every fandom (western and kpop), yet I doubt you’d see them barking under those tweets. His fans are so problematic. When (if) BTS disbands, they’ll surely be receiving a wake up call.
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operationcavill · 4 years
Garden Party - Part 2
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You guys were so kind about this one and lots asked for a follow up, so here’s Part 2!
Read Part 1 here.
He kisses her again, this time with much more passion. Her tongue feels like velvet and he can’t help but give her bum a small squeeze. She moans and he stops, “I’ve got to leave or I’ll be in this hallway all night.” Her hands grip the fabric of his shirt, mouth open but nothing comes out. “Tell me to go.”
“I can’t.”
He clicks his tongue, “You should.”
She brings her brows together, “Why?”
“Because I have to be up very early,” he has his way of silliness about him, which is a dangerous trait for Y/N. “You invite me in and I won’t get a wink of sleep.”
She rolls her eyes, “And why is that?”
“I would be quite busy.”
“Busy, hmm?” Oh?
He leans in again, pressing his body to hers, “Mhmm.” He squeezes her backside harder, earning him a moan, “Shh, let’s not alert the neighbors.”
“On the count of three, you let me go and I run inside,” he smiles and nods. “One, two, three,” instead of letting go, he picks her up and slams the door behind him. “Henry!”
He mocks her in a high pitched voice, “Y/N!” Henry plops her down on the couch, then gets on top of her.
“I said on the count of three,” she kisses him between words, gladly accepting the weight atop of her.
He doesn’t skip a beat, “I was always terrible at maths.” His mouth sucks on her neck and he grows hard as her legs widen for him, allowing him to get even closer to her.
Y/N states, breathlessly, “Thought you had to be up early.”
“I’ll be late,” he could kiss her until the sun comes up.
“Henry,” she enjoys his eagerness but doesn’t want to get in the way.
“Saying my name like that will only make me stay longer.” He begins kissing lower toward her breasts and groans when her hips roll into him, “Unbutton this, let me see.”
She unbuttons the dress to her waist to reveal no bra, just her soft skin, “you’re turn,” he pulls his shirt over his head in record speed, showing off his sculpted body, “Are you serious?”
He looks down at his chest confused, “What’s wrong?”
“You look like that,” she scans her own body, “and I clearly can’t say no to mac & cheese.” He opens her dress further to fully expose her chest, he smiles and kisses just above her nipple.
“You look delicious, even more than Mac & Cheese,” she can’t help but burst into laughter.
“You’re ridiculous,” she closes two buttons so her tummy isn’t exposed.
“You are, what are you doing?” He moves her fingers and slowly unbuttons every single closure on her dress, leaving her completely bare except for her underwear. “Let me look at you,” he can tell she’s nervous and self conscious, “I see nothing but beauty. I see a woman that I can’t seem to keep my hands off of, someone who looks good enough to eat.” His bottom lip drags across her nipple and she shudders, “you’re beautiful, sexy,” his tongue licks the hard nub, “and sweet.”
Her nails feel so good digging into his scalp that he can’t wait to do more for her, “God,”
“Feel good?” If he enjoyed anyway, it was praise for his... talent.
“Yeah?” He sticks his middle finger in her mouth, causing I got her eyes to close, “Can I make it feel better?”  
She gets out a muffled, “Yes,” and finds his hand in her panties and his mouth on her nipple, “oh my god,” Henry wasted no time in pleasuring her. His finger rubs her clit in circles and loses himself in her heavy breathing.
“Get on your knees.” Y/Ns eyes pop open, “Please, love, just a little bit,” he’s desperate and is already panting before she can unzip his jeans. “S’good.” He puts her hair in a makeshift ponytail and rests his head in the back of the couch, “fuck.”
If he wasn’t in her mouth, she’d be smiling. Her hands are placed in his thighs and he whimpers each time she licks his balls. She enjoyed that Henry was not shy about his moans and groans, it only encouraged her further. She pops him out of her mouth and strokes him, resting her cheek on his thigh. His chest is rapidly rising and falling and she cutely smiles up at him when he looks at her, “Hi.”
He almost looks angry but it’s pure lust due to how dirty and adorable she is, “Oh, you’re gonna get it.” She raises her eyebrows and he grabs her chin to make her stand. He sits there, staring at her while he strokes himself, “come get it.”
She grins, bending down to his face, “give it to me.” She pokes his chin and laughs as she runs off to her bedroom. She’s left him bewildered on her couch but he doesn’t hesitate to follow her.
He grabs her before she can make it to her bed and he spanks her before getting her pressed into the bed. He spits in his hand and rubs himself before sliding into her, “Fuck that cute grin right off your face.”
Y/N immediately feels that burn of being stretched, she was convinced that Henry was something she dreamed up, that this might not even be happening. “Come here.”
“You like it when I talk like that, don’t you?” He kisses her once more before continuing, “You wanna hear me talk about this perfect little cunt?” He feels her squeeze around him, “Mmm, I’ve never had a pussy as sweet as yours.” He thrusts into her harder, making him more prideful than before. “You want more of me?” She nods, “Naughty thing, are you?”
She licks her lips, “What are you gonna do about that?” He can’t believe this angelic being can say such things. She winks at him, “open that drawer.” He raises an eyebrow, briefly stopping his hips to lean over to her night table. He laughs when he sees a wireless wand.
“You just think of everything, don’t you?” He gets her on top of him then clicks on the vibrator. He spreads open her lips, placing the toy directly on her clit. He smirks as it touches her, knowing she was full of him and that he also controlled the vibrations on her pussy, it was addicting. Henry feels her begin to shake and he presses the toy down, allowing the vibrations to become stronger. The way way ground herself down on him was a treat to watch. He loves to watch a woman unravel like this.
Y/N comes with a smile and unknowingly giggles. Henry loses it, flipping her to her back, he pounds into her. She whines and he can feel that delightful twitch again. He presses his nose to hers, making sure she can’t avoid his eyes, “Tell me what you want,” She only gives him small cries due to her sensitivity, “Come on, Y/N, I know you’re gonna come again, Tell me what you want.”
She grabs the back of his neck and says something he never expected, “Just shut the fuck up, Henry,” he smiles as she kisses him. Her free hand grabs his bottom, pulling him into her further.
He feels himself tense and he shuts his eyes, he makes a noise he doesn’t think he’s made since he was 20 and, “Fucking hell,” she squeezes her walls around him and feels a tingle building in her clit. He was right, she was going to come for him again.
“Gonna come. Gonna come again,” Y/N buried her face into his shoulder and he grabs the headboard. She comes even harder than the first time and her nails dig into his bum.
That was more than he needed. He feels hot and lightheaded. He lets out a loud grunt as he pumps into her a few more times before pulling out, and laying his head on her chest. “Are you some kind of sex witch?”
She laughs, “What?”
“I came so hard that my dick hurts.”
“I’d say I could make it better but I’m exhausted.”
“Well, I don’t think it even works anymore.”
She slaps his forearm, “Oh, stop it.”
“You’ve made me less of a man, Y/N! What have you done!” He fake cries but only to distract her so he can grab her breasts and suck on each nipple.
“I though I made you less of a man!” Henry gives her a terrible excuse of a wink and bites down in her nipple as he jokingly bares his teeth and growls. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m playing with your tits.”
“I can see that.”
“Mhmm.” This man is insatiable. He kisses up her neck and rests his head beside hers, “Can I stay with you?”
“I had hoped you would,” she shifts her body so she’s laying her head on his chest now, “You’re comfy.”
“Let’s lay here for a bit, then,” he kisses the top of her head and shuts his eyes, feeling completely content and strangely at home.
[Tagged: If you’d like to be tagged, just shoot me a message or ask!]
@igotkatiepowers  @xxxkatxo  @lunedelorient  @heartfelt-pen  @omgkatinka  @viking-raider  @summersong69 @hell1129-blog @lilzebub  @mansaaay @henryobsessed @harrysthiccthighss @cavillshmavill
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“Please forgive me if I end up breaking your heart.”
jimin x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 3.2K
a/n: I hope this isn’t too much of a mess :( as I was editing I ended up changing things and adding a bunch so I’m not sure if it flows all that well but nonetheless, here it is. This takes place a week after Jimin and Dear define their relationship in “I think we should avoid overthinking.”  I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading! :))
p.s. Happy Jimin Day! I love this sweet, one of a kind man so much!! I hope he had an amazing birthday <3 
p.s.s. Happy birthday @thatredwine​!!! <3 Jimin’s birthday twin :( thank you so much for all of the support you give me and my writing. It’s unreal and I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you found this blog. I love having you here and I just adore you. 28 is going to look amazing on you. I hope you enjoy this drabble, it’s for you <3 (it also features a bit of Joon bc you deserve it) 
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WITH his hand encasing yours, fingers intertwined, he dragged you through the hallway, you giggling as you he told you to hurry up.
“We have about thirty minutes, maybe more,” he told you, turning the corner, Namjoon’s studio door in sight. “Gotta hustle, Dear.”
“You’re gonna yank my arm out of its socket,” you joked, Jimin scoffing as he looked back at you with a fond smile.  
“So dramatic,” he teased as he pulled you against his chest, wrapping his arms around your body and leading you backwards toward Namjoon’s studio, your hands enclosing over his slim waist as you giggled. “Remind me to get you a crown.”
“Huh?” You asked in confusion, Jimin smirking.
Suddenly, he halted, his arm leaving your body momentarily to knock on the door. “Drama queen,” he told you simply, you huffing as you rolled your eyes, Jimin letting out a light chuckle.
Knocking on the door again, Jimin’s eyes pulled together in question. You both waited in silence for a moment, hearing no “come in” or “one second”; just complete silence, which would have been fairly normal for Yoongi’s studio, but not Namjoon’s. Jimin knocked again, you both waiting for a response, still receiving none.
“Should we just walk in?” He asked, you shrugging against him. Waiting a couple more seconds, Jimin tried the knob, and when it turned, he shrugged and pulled the door open, turning his back to it as he walked backward into it, you peering over your boyfriend’s shoulder to spot Namjoon’s new but very close friend shaking out her hair as Namjoon straightened his posture in his chair, spinning around to look at his intruders.
“Oh?” You said in surprise, Jimin quickly letting you go as he turned around in suspicion.
“Oh, sorry,” your boyfriend immediately said, both of you staring awkwardly at Namjoon as he sat in his chair, his hair slightly disheveled as his friend stood beside him, her hand on her hip as if to look nonchalant. “I didn’t know you were here, my bad,” Jimin explained, the girl shaking her head as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“What are you two up to?” She asked, trying to act normal, despite you and Jimin nearly catching them in a… compromising position, despite the duo’s claim to be ‘just friends’.
“Ah, not much, I just finished recording for a bit,” he told the girl. “We’re actually just heading to do the thing I told you about,” Jimin said, directing his comment to Namjoon, the man’s eyes widening as Jimin spoke. “So I just thought I’d let someone know in case they need me sooner than they expected,” he explained to Namjoon, the older man clearing his throat as he nodded.
“Oh, yeah, cool,” Namjoon continued to nod, his friend holding back a smile. “Have fun,” Namjoon added, smirking as he caught the girl fighting her amusement.
“Yeah,” Jimin said, grabbing your hand. “You too,” your boyfriend noted with a teasing tone, Namjoon snorting as his friend slapped his arm. Leading you out of the room, Jimin chuckled to himself, you following along with an amused smile of your own.
Shutting the door behind you both, you and Jimin looked to each other with knowing expressions. “They’re just friends,” you told Jimin innocently, the man throwing his head back in laughter, falling against you adorably.
“Ahh,” he yelled out, pushing you down the hallway, “so awkward,” he did a little wiggle to physically express his discomfort at catching them as they were up to something.
“Oh shush,” you giggled, “they’re cute. And they’re taking things at their own pace, which we know all about, now don’t we,” you told your boyfriend, the man smiling as he nodded.
“Points,” he noted, you scrunching your nose at him. “Now come on, we got places to be,” he told you, you giggling as he led you to god knows where. Reaching the elevator, you gave him a skeptical look. “Just trust me,” he giggled. “Close your eyes.”
With a bit of hesitance, which was just to tease him, you shut them, allowing him to press the floor number without you watching. Stepping behind you, he placed his hands over your eyes to shield your vision from his pending surprise.
“Where the hell are we going?” You asked through your massive grin, Jimin pressing a kiss to the back of your head.
“Patience,” he whispered into your hair.
“I have none,” you added, Jimin giggling as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
When the elevator dinged, the door opening, he gently guided you out, you both taking a few steps forward before stopping. “Ok,” he breathed out. “We’re nearly there.” Spinning your bodies 180 degrees, he continued covering your eyes. “Any guesses?”
“I literally have no clue,” you admitted, just as Jimin’s giggles intermingled with the sounds of a door opening, street noises soon joining the mix. Hit with a rush of cool air, you gasped. “Oh my god, are we on the roof?”
Uncovering your eyes, Jimin stepped back from you as you turned around to see him standing with his arms open, the Seoul city lights shining behind him. “Surprise,” he told you softly, you shaking your head in disbelief.
“Jimin,” you cooed. “This is so cool, oh my god.” Looking around in surprise, you wondered why you had never been up there before. “Wait, I didn’t even know there was access to the roof, since when is this allowed?”
Letting out a light chuckle, he reached out for you, pulling you into him as he held you in a hug, your arms easily wrapping around his waist. “Honestly, I don’t know if it is allowed, which is why I had to tell Namjoon where we are so he can tell me if I’m needed. That way we can hurry down without getting caught,” he chuckled, you pulling away to shoot him a look of shock.
“You’re so bad,” you smiled as you teased him. “Sweet, and unbelievably amazing, but so bad.”
“Thank you,” he smirked. “Come here,” he told you, grabbing your hand and leading you further into the space, allowing you to see the little picnic basket, which you immediately recognized at Jin’s.
“Chim, oh my god, what have you done?” You asked, the man laughing in amusement by your surprise.
“We’ve been a couple for a week now, and I haven’t had time to take you out on a proper date yet,” he told you, turning to look at you. “So I thought maybe this would be a decent alternative until I can take you out.”
With the moonlight and the Seoul skyline reflecting off his face, you were able to make out his bashful expression, his nervousness etched into his pretty features. Driven by pure love and appreciation, you wasted no time in placing your hand to the side of his face, pressing your lips to his as you kissed him passionately.
Since deciding to take the step from friends to lovers, there had been a lot of kissing between the two of you, but this one felt different as you tried to pour every ounce of love and admiration and gratitude you’d developed for him, not just in that moment but over the course of your entire time knowing the man.
No man had ever respected you and cared for you the way Jimin did, and you found it easy to open up to him, which was rare for you. You’d been in love with him for so long, you forgot what it felt like to not love Jimin. And that’s what you wanted to tell him with the kiss.
You were afraid that words would never be enough. Or that you wouldn’t be able to speak the words as you meant them.
Pulling away just slightly, you pecked his lips once more before whispering, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express to you how much I love you, and I’m sorry for that.” Tears began forming in your eyes as you spoke. “But please know, you’ve changed me and my life, and I couldn’t be more grateful for you and your existence.”
Jimin let out a breath of air, as if he had been holding it in, scared of missing a single syllable of your confession. “I-“ he started, searching his overwhelmed mind for the right words. “This really isn’t much, Dear,” he downplayed the thought he put into the evening.
“It’s everything, Chim,” you assured him. “Thank you.”
“I love you,” he told you before kissing you repeatedly, you giggling at the action, the kiss becoming perfectly messy, riddled with laughter and smiles. Pulling you against his frame, he hugged you close and tightly, you exhaling into the embrace as you melted in your boyfriend’s arms. “Do you want to see what I brought?” He whispered in your ear, alluding to the picnic basket.
Pulling away from him to look at his face, you nodded. With a stunning smile, he turned away from you, releasing you from his hold as he crouched down next to the basket. Pulling out a bottle of wine, he gracefully used his other hand to model it, you gasping in appreciation.
“Is there even food in there or is it just wine,” you teased, Jimin giggling as he pulled out some insulated lunch boxes. “Wow, my boyfriend, everyone,” you noted, looking around at the city. “Incredible.”
“Jin helped me,” he exposed himself, you giggling as Jimin set the food and wine down. “I did however forget wine glasses, because I’m an idiot,” he told you as he pulled out a pair of plastic cups. “So I stole these from Yoongi’s studio.”
“Resourceful,” you complimented with a grin. “That’s sexy.” With a snort, he put the cups down, grabbing his phone and connecting it to a Bluetooth speaker before starting some music. “You really did plan everything out,” you appreciated, Jimin smiling shyly as he worked on uncorking the wine.
The song that echoed across the rooftop, fading into the night sky, was ‘Sweet’ by Cigarettes After Sex. As you swayed to the song, Jimin pouring the wine into the disposable cups, your eyes were set on him. Looking up at you, he smiled before standing, holding out one of the cups to you.
You know that I’m obsessed with your body
But it’s the way you smile that does it for me.
Jimin’s smile. There really was nothing quite like it in the world. You were obsessed with it; especially when it was directed to you, his expression full of love.
Taking the cup from him, you tapped it against his own. “To us,” you spoke softly, Jimin’s smile only widening, his eyes turning to crescents.
“To us, Dear.” Both of you took a drink of the wine, the swallows a bit larger than what most people would take. And as soon as the slightly bitter liquid slid down your throats, Jimin’s arm was wrapped around your waist, pulling you to his body as he swayed with you.
“I still can’t believe you did all of this,” you told him, Jimin’s gaze scanning over your face thoughtfully.
Cocking his head to the side, he pulled his eyebrows together slightly. “Of course I did this for you,” he told you sincerely. “I want to do more for you. I want to give you everything.”
“You love me in a way that no one ever has,” you whispered. “With my dad,” you started, Jimin nodding in understanding, making it so you didn’t have to elaborate on your father’s absence in your life since you were young. “And my dating history,” you added, your boyfriend’s hand sliding from your lower back to your side, squeezing comfortingly. “It’s hard for me to feel worthy of you sometimes.” The admission had him shaking his head slowly at you.
“You’re worth more than what I can give you,” he assured you while also revealing one of his own insecurities. “But thank you for allowing me to try to love you the way you deserve.”
“Jimin,” you started, your boyfriend talking over you.
“I’m always going to be trying,” he told you firmly. “I promise.”
“I wouldn’t ask you for more, Chim,” you assured him. “What you can give me is more than enough. Never doubt that.”
Leaning toward you, Jimin caught your lips with his own, kissing you passionately, expressing unspoken promises into the action. You knew Jimin was very much in love with you, and though you loved him just as deeply and devotedly, you were still learning to trust yourself with someone as generous and sensitive as your lover.
Resting his forehead against your own, your hand met the side of his face as you cradled his soft cheek. “Jimin,” you breathed out shakily. “Please forgive me if I end up breaking your heart.”
You weren’t sure where the words came from. Perhaps it was the song’s bridge, repeating the lyric, “And I will gladly break it, I will gladly break my heart for you,” and your knowledge that Jimin would do just that for you. Or perhaps it was your internalized belief that you could never treat someone like Jimin the way they deserved to be treated. You didn’t mean to speak the words, but you realized how truly you felt them. If you broke his heart, you wouldn’t just lose a boyfriend, you’d lose your best friend. Your favorite person. Your soulmate. And it would be all your fault.
“Hey,” he interrupted your thoughts, placing a sweet peck to you lips to bring your attention to him. “You won’t break my heart.” Before you could protest, he shook his head. “No, I trust you, Dear.”
You hoped he was right.
Nodding, he smiled comfortingly at you. “I love you,” he told you for the second time that night, your lips curving into a small smile that you just couldn’t hold back.
“I love you, Chim.” The phrase had been exchanged frequently between you both but you didn’t think you’d ever tire of hearing them, or saying them.
As the song faded out, the next one starting, you rested your head against his shoulder, nuzzling your nose against his neck in a way that made him squirm from being ticklish.
In that moment, the man who owned your heart blissfully happy, you could see the accumulating moments throughout your friendship that led you to this rooftop with him. It was as if it was playing back in your mind like a movie montage on one of those old film reels…
Your first meeting with Jimin on that October night, his birthday, his smile as bright as the street lamps and neon signs shining in the night sky; the time he brought you body wash, handing it to you as you showered, you splashing his face with water, teasing him about sneaking a peak at your naked frame; the countless times he had brought takeout and wine to your apartment after work asking you all about your day as you both downed the bottle, becoming increasingly touchier the more the alcohol influenced your actions; the night you first told him about your childhood, opening up about the absence that had impacted you throughout your life; dancing with him in the studio a few weeks prior, nearly kissing him for the first time before Taehyung barged in cluelessly, asking if you wanted to go get pancakes at 11 pm; and the night you and Jimin finally crossed the line of friendship, just a week ago after two years of holding back, hands feeling every morsel of flesh as you tried to grasp onto the reality of the moment, feeling rushes of excitement and relief, Jimin’s stunning features glowing in the low light of your bedroom as his darkened eyes focused on you and only you.
With the past two years of experiences with this man running through your head, you realized that maybe you didn’t completely trust yourself with loving him quite yet, but it was Jimin. And as much as no one had ever loved you like Jimin did, you also had never loved anyone like you did Jimin.
Placing your trust in the universe that led you into one another’s arms, and more importantly, in Jimin, and his unwavering faith in you, you realized that was enough. This moment, him, it was all enough. Relaxing in his arms, you kissed the side of his neck tenderly.
“I think you’re the end of all my endings,” you whispered, Jimin smiling as he soothed his hand overtop your hip.
“I know I am,” he said simply, you giggling at his surety as he lifted his cup to his lips. Downing the wine in a few gulps, he nodded to you, you smiling before doing the same. Taking the cup from you, he dropped them to the ground, grabbing your hand to pull you against him, leading you in a proper dance as he hummed along with the melody of a song you didn’t recognize.
Soaking in the moonlight, every touch Jimin placed upon your body felt like home while simultaneously sending a rush throughout your frame. Spinning you under his arm, you threw your head back in laughter at nothing but the bliss that came with being with Jimin in this way. Carefree and in love. So fucking in love.  
Draping your hands over his shoulders, his find your waist, you sighed contently. “Thank you for always believing in me,” you sincerely expressed your gratitude for the man. His gaze was kind as he watched you carefully. “You help me see the good in myself.”  
Jimin’s soft eyes scanned your features, a smile forming on his pretty lips. “I won’t stop until you see what I see,” he told you with a grin. “And even then, I won’t stop.” You giggled at the comment, Jimin pressing his lips to your cheek. “Do you think there’s another us somewhere in the world?” He asked thoughtfully, his orbs staring into yours.
Lightly chewing on your bottom lip, you hummed. “No,” you answered simply, watching as the smile on your boyfriend’s lips widened, his eyes crinkling. “Maybe that’s naïve,” you shrugged, “but I don’t think there’s anyone else on the entire planet quite like you,” you told him. “And I think we’re special.”
“I agree with that last statement,” he nodded cutely. Giggling at his adorableness, you pulled him into another kiss, the man easily falling into step with your lead, arms wrapping fully around your waist as he pulled you flush with his own stature.
With the music humming in the backdrop of the chilly night air, you basked in the rareness of your union, your lips moving against his own. It was that moment that you vowed to always fight for Jimin. Fight for your us. You promised yourself and you promised the man, though he was unaware of it, that you would battle anything that tried to come between you both. Even if it was your own mind. You wouldn’t let him slip away.  
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tomorrowsdrama · 4 years
2020: A Year in Thirst
In 1985, Gabriel Garcia Marquez gave the world Love in the Time of Cholera.  In 2020 (er, I guess it’s now 2021), I give to you, Thirst in the Time of Covid-19 or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace the Thirst, a brief recap of all the dramas I watched in 2020 and whether such dramas made yours truly parched..  
The list contains dramas that premiered in 2020, but also dramas from previous years.  If I watched it or attempted to watch it in 2020, it’s on the list.  
EDIT: Ok, I’m going to have to do this in multiple parts because apparently I watched more dramas in 2020 than I remembered and talking about them all in one post would just be too long.
This also serves as a sort of greeting to all the people who recently followed me.  I don’t know how or why, but thank you for being interested in my thirst, and also so sorry for everything you have/will witness here!  I started this side blog last December 2019 as a place to dump all my fangirl feels and thirst with unbridled abandon and let’s just say, the thirst REALLY ramped up in 2020 during quarantine and all the political chaos/uncertainty.  The state of the world may be uncertain, but my thirst will always be a comforting constant!  LOL. If you want to thirst or fangirl/boy together, I’m all ears.
Anyway, let’s start with the drama that was partially the inspiration for this list. 
1. The Wolf
Brief Summary: Sweet hot boy raised in the wilderness/by wolves meets sweet beautiful girl and they fall in love.  Shitty evil people do shitty evil things to them to cause a misunderstanding and they are separated for years.  Sweet hot boy is given the “Sexy Bloody Tormented Killer Makeover” TM and turns into a VERY VERY BAD HOT Wolf Man after being tortured/brainwashed by an evil asshole king who “adopted” him.  Bad Hot Wolf Man reunites with sweet beautiful girl but because of third party machinations in the past, he thinks that she betrayed him so he is suuuuuuch an ass to her (while still maintaining hotness).  But even beneath the asshattery (and sexy jerky smirks), he can’t help his love for her and it’s just *chefs kiss*. The angst, the pining, the mutual sacrifice for each other, the torment of wanting to be together but not being able to be together because of external forces/circustances, oh I am getting in a tizzy just thinking about it.  I won’t reveal anymore so as not to spoil the drama, but just know the ending may destroy you.
Is she thirsty? Am I thirsty? AM I THIRSTY?  Oh honey, if you don’t know the answer to that, then you must either be new here or you haven’t been paying attention to any of my posts in the past few weeks.  Look, from the first moment the camera panned to Darren Wang’s very well-defined and tan chest and windswept hair, all semblance of shame and dignity I ever tried to feign on this tumblr was immediately thrown out the window.  The feelings that he inspired within me were purely primal.  My cavewoman ancestor from millennia ago stopped gathering food in the harsh wilderness for a brief second to transmigrate into my body and go “me want big strong man!”
I mean, below is literally our introduction to Wolf Boy.  Am I supposed to just witness this and not feel anything?  The director knew what he/she was doing.  Anybody who worked on the drama who says they didn’t intend to exploit Darren Wang’s assets is a BOLD FACED LIAR. And this isn’t even Wolf boy in his hottest form.
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That would be this:
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Damn, your girl needs a moment here.  When Wolf Boy turns into Bad Hot Wolf Man, wheeeeewww.  The things that came out of my mouth and the thoughts that popped up into my head.
Examples of shameless fangirl drooling can be found here: https://tomorrowsdrama.tumblr.com/post/636986055498792960/dangermousie-this-should-be-illegal-i-mean Here: https://tomorrowsdrama.tumblr.com/post/637238885944033280/dangermousie-i-am-fucking-dead-the-end-this Here: https://tomorrowsdrama.tumblr.com/post/637793196830769152/dangermousie-wolfie-acquired-a-kid-omg Here: https://tomorrowsdrama.tumblr.com/post/635272988321775616/dangermousie-i-dont-know-about-you-guys-but and here: https://tomorrowsdrama.tumblr.com/post/637621638524977152/dangermousie-hnnnnnnnngh-i-am-beginning-to-forget
Honestly, just check out The Wolf tag on @dangermousie​ tumblr and you won’t be disappointed.  Prepare to become obsessed, horny, and heartbroken.
Would I watch it minus the thirst traps? Have you ever thirsted so much that you couldn’t separate what reaction was hormonal and what was objective?  Like the guy is so hot to you that when your friends ask you what do you like about him, the first 10 things you can think of are “he’s hot!” and then you try to remind yourself that you’re not a shallow person who actually cares about things other than looks but at the same time you can’t for the life of you think of a non-hot based trait that you like about the guy  Yeah, that’s what happened here so sorry, I can’t give you an objective opinion.  It’s not that there’s nothing objectively good about The Wolf, it’s just that my judgment is too clouded by Darren Wang’s abs and big hands.  But from what I can tell by other people’s posts, even if you didn’t thirst for Darren Wang (Are you made of stone?  But also, can you please teach me your magic so I can go back to being a semi-functional working woman?), The Wolf is still a very enjoyable drama with its own non-Darren Wang related merits.
2. My Beautiful Bride
Brief Summary: A drama about a strait-laced banker who wears a dorky backpack and rides a bicycle everywhere while wearing the dorkiest looking helmet ever and his beautiful bride-to-be whom he is hopelessly devoted to.  This being a kdrama, and an OCN drama at that, things aren’t all what they appear to be.  Yes, you read that right, an OCN. ROMANCE. DRAMA.  Turns out the beautiful bride-to-be has a dangerous past that soon comes back to haunt her and she mysteriously disappears one day from strait-laced banker’s life in the typical kdrama way to protect him.  Part of the reason she leaves him is also because she doesn’t want him to know about her past because she doesn’t think she’s good enough for him.  Little does she know, he knows everything about her past and accepts it all.  The only reason why he doesn’t bring it up is because he knows she doesn’t want him to know about that part of herself and he loves her so much he’s willing to do anything to make her happy.  But also, another thing she doesn’t know is that underneath that boring but perfectly ironed suit, is a finely chiseled, super efficient fighting machine who did his mandatory military service in the special forces.  He is like the terminator meets Liam Neeson’s character in Taken.  He has a very particular set of skills and will stop at nothing to get his bride back.
Is she thirsty?  Please just watch this video and you will have your answer: https://youtu.be/Ut9MhxWadHM
Prior to The Wolf, My Beautiful Bride was probably the most thirst-inducing drama I watched in 2020.
I mean, just look
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at this
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at all of this
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I don’t’ know how Joo Young saw that body and never questioned whether he really was just a banker.  The writers of the drama must be super heterosexual men who are blind because so many of the characters in the drama question why someone as beautiful as Joo Young would ever want to be with someone like the banker. Um..Um...aside from the fact that he is financially well off, treats her well, is loving and respectful of her, and prioritizes her over everything else, JUST LOOK AT HIM.  I was so thirsty for Kim Mu Yeol in this role that I would accidentally tag this drama as My Beautiful Banker sometimes.  The banker was on a relentless one-man mission to take back his bride and turn me on in the process and ooooooh boy was he successful on both fronts.  He is seriously sex on legs every time he beats up a baddie in his quest to find answers about Joo Young’s whereabouts.
Would I watch it minus the thirst traps?  I binged the first six episodes of this drama in one afternoon partly because of my thirst, but also partly because it’s a very well made crime-action-gangster drama.  This is an OCN drama so you can expect a competently made production with well choreographed/bloody action scenes and a solid script.
3. Scarlet Heart Ryeo / Moon Lovers
Brief Summary: IU plays Hae Soo, a modern woman who is somehow transported back in time to the Goryeo period.  There, she gets entangled with a group of royal princes.  Her two main love interests are Wang So (played by Lee Jun Ki) and Wang Wook (played by Kang Ha Neul).  The princes vie for the throne and some of them for Hae Soo’s affection.  Lee Jun Ki does what he does best, which is play a sexy tortured deadly man who looks way too good with blood splattered on his face.  Kang Ha Neul is the seemingly kind prince/daddy long legs character who turns out to be not so kind or daddy long leggy.  Hae Soo is...well IU did the best she could with what she was given (which was a hot inconsistent mess).
Is she thirsty? Scarlet Heart Ryeo is like the honeypot of thirst traps.  It’s essentially a reverse harem set up with a prince for everyone.
Like them young and cute?  Then try the 10th prince, Wang Eun.
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Want them big, tall, and kinda dumb?  Here’s the 14th prince Wang Jung for ya.
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Want an evil bastard with an affinity for guyliner?  Try out 3rd prince Wang Yo.
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Tall, slender, and scholarly? 13th prince Baek-ah will fill your needs.
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Is a kind/gentle man who will ultimately disappoint you because he doesn’t show up when you need him most more your speed?  Well, let me introduce you to 8th prince, Wang Wook.
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Kinda scary but oh so hot and with a ton of baggage?  We’re talking, I overpacked and brought 10 overstuffed large suitcases levels of baggage. 4th prince Wang So is the guy for you.
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And if you prefer someone with no personality, presence, or memorable traits, I got a two-for-one deal for you in the crown prince Wang Mu and 9th prince Wang Won.
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Would I watch it minus the thirst traps?  There is political intrigue, scheming, romance, fluffy hijinks (my least favorite parts of the drama), angst, beautiful costumes, and pretty decent fight scenes.  Scarlet Heart Ryeo is a pretty solid fusion/fantasy sageuk mostly thanks to Lee Jun Ki.  The only person who has ever carried a larger load on his back is Atlas.  I’m not saying all the other actors are horrendous. It’s just very clear that the one elevating the material beyond the inconsistencies/messiness/elementary politics of the script is Lee Jun Ki.  Your enjoyment level of the drama will likely increase if you are a fan of any of the main actors.  
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bitchesgetriches · 4 years
Noble citizens of the aspirationally decadent Conglomerated Nation of Bitches Get Riches: let’s have a lil’ chat, shall we? It’s been a while since we chatted about our favorite topic: ourselves!
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We hope you’ve enjoyed season two of the Bitches Get Riches podcast. Recording it was a bright spot for us during this dumpster fire of a year, so thank you all for listening.
As we wrap up another season, we had a few notes to share with you. Including some more personal reflections about how we’re doing, where we’re at, and what the future holds.
Let’s get into it!
Merch is back online
If you visited our Etsy shop in the last few months, you might’ve noticed the physical merch—tee shirts and coffee mugs and tote bags and such—wasn’t listed anymore. Basically, when lockdowns started, it caused a lot of disruption and delays on orders. Not wanting people to be stuck waiting for stuff, we decided to take it all offline, and only offer digital merch.
As of today, we’ve reactivated everything! But please keep in mind that there may still be delays, depending on what’s happening in the world! We appreciate your patience, if patience is indeed called for.
Visit Our Etsy Shop
Season one transcripts
Next, we wanted to let you guys know that we now have transcripts available for season one of the Bitches Get Riches podcast!
We’re committed to making BGR as accessible as we possibly can. We know that some people can’t hear, or struggle to absorb information aurally, so transcripts were something we’ve always wanted to offer.
… But, you know, at the end of the day, we’re just two people! Transcribing and editing audio is time- and labor-intensive work, and there just aren’t enough hours in the day for us to do it along with the fifteen million other things we have to do.
We were able to offer season one transcripts thanks entirely to A Purple Life, a peerlessly talented and wonderful fellow blogger who selflessly made it happen. (If you don’t already read her stuff, you’ve already disobeyed us, as we commanded you to in 10 Rad Black Money Experts to Follow Right the Hell Now. And for that, we’re strongly considering smiting you.)
We’re incredibly thankful to Purple for her hard work on this. But we also feel strongly that this DESERVES to be paid work! So the release of season two transcripts is dependent on getting more Patreon donors to offset funding it.
Season 1, Episode 1: “Should I Tell My Boss I’m Looking for Another Job?”
Season 1, Episode 2: “How Should I Behave on My First Day at Work?”
Season 1, Episode 3: “My Parents Have Bad Credit. Should I Help by Co-signing Their Mortgage?”
Season 1, Episode 4: “Capitalism Is Working for Me. So How Could I Hate It?”
Season 1, Episode 5: “I Don’t Love My Job, but It Pays Well. Should I Quit—or Tough It Out?”
Season 1, Episode 6: “I Lent My Boyfriend Money. He Took It to a Casino.”
Season 1, Episode 7: “I’m Terrible at Budgeting. Do I Suck It Up—Or Is There Another Way?”
Season 1, Episode 8: “My Mother Demands Information About My One-Night Stands.”
Season 1, Episode 9: “I’ve Given up on My Dream Career. Where Do I Go From Here?”
Season 1, Episode 10: “I Want a Pedigreed Dog. She Wants a Rescue Mutt. It Turned into a Fight… and the Fight Got Ugly.”
Season 1, Episode 11: “I Feel Cornered by a Friend Who Keeps Asking to Borrow Money.”
Season 1, Episode 12: “Should I Believe the Fear-Mongering about Another Recession?”
Bonus Episode: Merry Bitchmas! The 2019 Star-Studded Holiday Spectacular
For transcripts, scroll to the bottom of each episode and click “episode transcript.” Or read them directly in the podcast player of your choice!
Podcast reviews
We also super wanted to thank all the people who’ve etched their names in blood upon the dusty pages of our dark grimoire written reviews for the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and other places!
We are beyond flattered by the kind things you guys have said about us. Like MoonPetalLily, who described us as “the snarky older sisters [they] wish [they] had.”
FunshineKelly said our “advice helped [them] land a $20k raise and a signing bonus without crying even a little bit.” GOOD! We don’t support tears in the workplace! Not even in the sanctity of your car parked way in the corner of the parking lot. Keep it together!
And God bless MelHubbs, who said, and I quote:
They’re prepared, and still relaxed; informative, and still light-hearted; comforting, and still sexual. It’s everything you could ever want in a podcast, in an internet personality, in your sisters-in-arms against the terrible war between capitalism and what humans actually need to survive & thrive. One of my favorite things about them is that they don’t have any corporate sponsors or ads, so you know what they’re saying is what they mean, not what their advertisers want them to say. If you’re able, support them on Patreon! If you’re not, listen to their podcast, take their advice to heart, reflect on your options, make your moves, then, with your newfound financial independence, become a patreon!
MelHubbs, you joyful sonnet!
Your review is so good that it reads suspiciously like something we paid you to write! But we’re too cheap for that—IT REAL!
Bitches Get Riches at the crossroads
All right. Time to level with you guys.
In keeping with 2020’s overarching theme (“everything is pure shit”), this year has become a real “shit or get off the pot” moment for the two of us.
Although I’m comfortable and doing fine, Piggy is still unemployed. And last week she received the last unemployment check she’s entitled to. It sucks. And it’s scary.
Being a partnership is awesome in almost every way. But one way that it sucks is that we have to earn double the amount of money to be truly profitable! (And no, before you ask, it’s not possible for us to only pay Piggy. Believe me, that was our original plan—but it turns out that’s not allowed in a 50/50 legal partnership. We must pay ourselves equally, or Uncle Sam will spank us. And he doesn’t do it in the sexy way—only the traumatic way!)
Piggy is doing okay for now. She has freelancing work, and an intact emergency fund. But understandably, anxiety and worry take their toll. She’s pushing through it, but it’s hard. Creativity and passion can’t thrive for long without some measure of safety and stability.
During these scary times, our Patreon community has been a lifeline. As more and more of you have joined us, it’s slowly crept up from grocery money to grocery and utility bill money! So thank you, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts thank you to those who’ve stepped up and joined.
But we’re kind of at a crossroads. Because of Piggy’s situation, we really need it to become “paying the mortgage” money. And it’s gotta get there pretty fast. Otherwise, it’s just not fair to ask Piggy to invest so much of her time in Bitches Get Riches, when she could be taking on higher paying freelancing work to keep herself afloat.
And trust me, you do not want a BGR that’s too Kitty-heavy. I am longwinded af, slowly losing my abilities to think and spell, and take every possible detour to inject disgusting sexual comments wherever they are least germane (although idk maybe you’re here for that).
Our new goal for ourselves, and you
With all of that in mind, we have a new goal: to produce season three of our podcast, we need 500 total Patreon donors.
Today we have… 294. So that’s, uhhhhh… a really ambitious goal!
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It’s probably too ambitious. We’re probably gonna fail. Who cares, it’s 2020! The planet is on fire and god is already dead, so we have no reason not to give it our all!
We are leaving this in your hands. We—Piggy and I—believe that the world would be a better place if people could hear reliable, relatable financial wisdom funded by regular people, untainted by corporate sponsors with deep pockets who want us to push their capitalist crap upon you. And 294 of you have already demonstrated that you believe that too. Thank you, thank you, infinity thank yous to all of you who are already a part of our Patreon community. You are shining stars that smell faintly of vanilla.
For the rest of you: if you like what we do and you want us to keep doing it, please show us that you believe in it too. You can do that by joining us at the Bitches Get Riches Patreon.
We hope to be back soon for a third season. Until then, stay safe, stay sane, wear your masks, triple-check that you’re registered to vote, and save room for dessert. (What’s for dessert? So glad you asked—it’s the rich!)
For now, Bitches OUUUTTTTT!
Join the Bitches on Patreon
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Join the Bitches on Patreon
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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➳ Wolf Hybrid! AU
➳ Impregnation/Breeding-Kink
*Prompter’s choice of Situation/Location and Kink
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 980
Genre: Smut!
Rating: 18+
Warnings: HEAVY Dirty Language + Dirty Talk; a little bit Pet-Play (the reader wears lingerie with dog ears ;D); some verbal Degradation; Praising; Body-Worshipping; Pussy Exhibitionism; vaginal Sex; strong Breeding-Kink + (consensual) Impregnation; Knotting; Mentions of Pregnancy Sex
A/N: Well, how to explain that... I don't really know if I ever want kids in my life (for real!), but omg I'm so fucking down for Hybrid Smut and Breeding and Knotting Kink! That's why I loved this request really much!🙈💕
I hope y'all filthy bitches like that too~ 🐺💦
BTS Smut Drabbles
My official Masterlist!
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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He growls so deep, it's a real animalistic one when you turn around in the new white lingerie you bought for him, wearing it together with a matching pair of fluffy dog ears. It's illegal to look so cute and sexy in that 'innocent' outfit, you dressed yourself up as a little naughty mate for your fiancé. Your eyes dropping to the floor in a nonchalant way, biting your lip. "A-Alpha? Can you please h-help me? My Body is feeling so hot... I-I think, I'm in ovulation time right now..."
The first few seconds Jungkook just stared at you in disbelief, he already noticed the change in scent when he came through the front door. When you let out a desperate 'Please...' , he didn't let any unneccessary time slip away, comes directly over to you.
Big hands grabbing your half lacy covered ass cheeks, putting you on the dining table in the living room, mouth latching yours. God, his kiss alone shows you what you're doing to him, he's hungry. So, so hungry for you as if he's a starving man. Like a starving wolf, needy for his little bitch.
He's standing between your legs, grinding shamelessly his big but still growing bulge against your sweet, drenched center.
"I'm going to breed my lil doggy bitch, wanna fuck my thick cum in that delicious pussy of yours, want to shoot so much semen into you until your womb is full with my little pups. Until your sweet hole is gaping from my fat knot and your cunt is leaking of all my creamy cum!"
You start to whine, god you love when he's talking to you like that. So filthy, so primal and so so dirty.
"Come Baby, into the bedroom. Your nest is waiting for you, I'll take care of my fertile Babygirl, make her womb really happy and satiesfied with my little babies..."
The seductive lingerie and all other clothes are gone long time ago, they found their way to the floor unnoticed. Now you are completely bare and in an almost vulnerable way spreaded open, just for your Jungkook's hungry eyes.
Your thighs don't hide anything of precious center anymore, they're laying sideways on the bedsheets and exposing your Alpha's most desired prey so deliciously.
You start to squirm under Jungkook's heavy breath, his nostrils are flaring. The smell of your aphrodisiac-like arousal activiates all of his urgest primal instincts and you can imagine, how incredibly difficult it is for Jungkook to control his animalistic behaviours.
Because you're fertile. Since Jungkook and you met years ago, today it's the first day for him to smell the scent of your pure fertile arousal.
You never informed your mate about your decision to stop taking the birth control pills, this here is your personal way to show him that you're ready to start a family with him.
Your pussy is so fucking drenched in sweetest juices, you're overflowing and your honey is literally dripping onto the mattress.
Your hand trembles a little bit when you part your swollen pussy lips with your right index and middle finger. Letting him know, how ready you already are.
There is no need to waste time for foreplay or so, you should use the following hours properly to breed a proper litter of pups into you.
"Seems like, here is someone so fucking damn desperate to get bred! Hmm, just look at you, your gorgeous body prepared everything for me and my cum. Such a wonderful healthy body to feed my babies so good while they're growing in you. Letting them grow so strong and well-nurished with all the things they need in your womb. A wonderful tummy to keep them safe, those pretty hips and look at this perfect pelvis! That's a pelvis to bear my babies in the most comfortable way ever~", growls your fiancé in the deepest timbre into your ear and sucking gently on your soft throat.
His voice is low but so smooth, lovingly praising you, his mate, with filthy words how good you prepared your body for his seeds. God, when he just looks at her and smelling her mind-numbing scent... everything screams at him, to bury many pups into her womb.
"...and then these big heavy tits, perfect for all this milk you need, to nurse my babies good. Let my babies grow to wonderful persons... fuck, you have the perfect body to get bred!", wispers Jungkook almost tenderly when he slides teasingly with his thick cock between your puffy pussy lips. Playing a little bit your clit and circling gently your entrance with his crown, looking at you in a loving way... but still bold and all teasy.
He knows about your concerns of pregnancy, body changes and having a family together. You mentioned them to him when he had his first rut after you officially get together into a relationship.
But your Alpha wants you to be proud.
To be proud of getting pregnant with his babies, to be proud to become a mom for his childrens, to be proud of having a family with him. Not to be shy to show that beautiful pregnant body.
"Baby, when I've impregnate you today, then I want you to ride me the next months with your growing baby bump! You should cockmilking me with your sweet pussy, comfort your already fed womb with a bit more cum. When you do that for me, I'll stroke your round belly, gently carressing our growing babies in your uterus. Hmm, fuck... I want to watch you so badly like that! How my beautiful fertilized babygirl is riding me with her sexy Baby Bump.", he grunts, finally sinks slowly into you and filling you completely up to the cerfix.
"Hm, Baby? Do you want that? Wanna have even more Sex and Breeding when you're already impregnated? In my opinion that sounds really great~"
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Smut Prompts: 18+
18+ only: This isn’t done to dissuade minors from exploring their sexuality in fic in their own spaces, everyone should be able to do so freely and, most importantly, safely. But to prevent any dodgy interactions from occurring, this list of smut prompts is purely 18+. I recognise fully that it’s incredibly easy to simply lie about age, and I’m not gonna personally go digging into everyone’s blog to figure out if you’re an adult, but I would ask that you not engage with any of these prompts if you’re a minor. Ultimately, I can’t stop anyone from reading whatever fic they want, but the following smut prompt list is created with the assumption everyone using one is over the age of 18.
I also want to point out that fics created with these prompts may feature things that aren’t to everyone’s taste, including potentially kinks and fetishes. If reblogged, they will be done so with appropriate warnings based on the Ao3 tags, so please tag any smut fics created on the site approprately.
One of them has a kink, the other is curious to try it out
Sex on the Beach
One of them has a kink, the other has never heard of it before.
“You’re gonna put what where?!”
First Time
Interruption of Sexy Times
Teasing. So much damn teasing.
Horny at an awkward time
Sex Toys
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