buumbaby · 27 days
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merthur, but theyre dogs and cats
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bokettochild · 5 months
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The Legend brainrot is real
Violet star Dancing on bloodied golden goddess fingertips Forged to suffer Forced to fight even as light bleeds from your existence Goddess child Broken by cruelty in world of endless pain Heartless one They mark you despite your effort and ceaseless strain Where is rest When for all you give and give and lose forever Where is love When for their joy your heart repeatedly you sever Rabbit heart Sacrificed for them on stone of past sacred grounds Broken soul Happy child that was, to where have you disappeared now?
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livwritesstuff · 4 months
another episode of robbie being exactly like eddie and it being steve’s problem
Steve is in the car one day with his three-year-old daughter Robbie when she pipes up from the backseat, “Papa, we gotta go to the store.’
“We do?” he asks, and he glances in the rearview to see that she’s looking idly out the window.
He allows himself a moment to ponder if they might actually need to stop for something that he’s forgotten about – it wouldn’t be the first time his kids’ memories had out-performed his own. He’s pretty positive they don’t need to stop for anything though.
“Yup,” Robbie replies.
“Why do we need to go to the store?”
She goes quiet long enough for Steve to wonder if maybe she got distracted looking at something out the car window and forgot she’d been asked a question, but then she says, “I wanna buy something.”
Steve pauses because – for one – her little toddler voice turns something into som-ping, which is so stinking cute, but also because it’s yet another reason this kid is exactly like Eddie.
To a damn T.
He sighs.
“What do you want to buy?”
“Ummm…” Another long pause, “I wanna buy something for…for…I wanna buy something but I don’t remember anymore.”
“Hm,” Steve hums, “Wonder where you got that one from.”
She got it from Eddie and all the times he comes back from Walmart with a receipt longer than their daughter is tall saying, “Shit, totally forgot what I was there for.”
“I just wanna buy something,” Robbie continues.
Steve lets out another sigh, pretending as he does that he doesn't adore the way that Robbie is turning out to be just like Eddie (because he loves Eddie, even if his relationship with money is a little questionable).
“Okay, you and Daddy are not allowed to go shopping together,” Steve tells her, “Ever.”
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Link yes
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sabertoothwalrus · 1 year
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skulltula man
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lanevra · 10 months
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Earth-1610 development art for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse by Peter Chan (Twitter)
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chisutofu · 3 months
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no you don't understand how i couldn't stop thinking about the 'OverThink' easter egg where you can faintly hear a voice saying "lu guang, you are so pitiful" when the phone beeps and before the song starts
edit: you can listen to it on twitter or bilibili
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The most anticipated link and zelda, cartoon verse of course
No funny page tho, just imagine excuse me princess echoing in your brain chamber
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honeypawsart · 10 months
*combines my two favorite pieces of media* what are you gonna do about it?
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goldensunset · 10 months
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O you, who at the world's far-off end dwell,
I know your wish- it is my wish as well.
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
So Steve obviously loves Valentine’s Day.
This didn’t ever come as a surprise to Eddie, and in the years between when they started dating and when their kids were born, it was something that never changed.
When Steve walked in the door fresh off the afternoon carpool route with their three daughters in tow and said, “Dude – I swear to god this has gotta be the best Valentine’s Day ever,” Eddie wasn’t exactly taken aback, more just unsure what could have happened so early in the day that had him this confident that V-Day of 2012 would be the best one ever.
“Why?” Eddie asked suspiciously.
“When I dropped off Ava, David invited me over to watch the basketball game,” he replies, still with a massive grin on his face even as their daughters dump their backpacks and jackets and shoes all over the ground instead of hanging them up like they should be doing.
Eddie made a face – David, one of their neighbors and an unfortunate addition to the elementary school carpool circuit, is notably a total fucking loser. 
He’s also obsessed with Steve (and not even in a gay way, which Eddie could at least understand – no, it’s in this weird, loser, ex-jock who peaked in high school kind of way).
“I know, right? I’m pretty sure he’s that fucking desperate for something to do tonight that isn’t his wife,” Steve continued.
“What’s wrong with his wife?”
“Ed, believe it or not, it gets even better.”
“Tell me,” Eddie demanded, finally getting that Steve’s got a whole-ass story for him.
“I’m going to, man, holy shit,” Steve shook his head as he stepped over the mess their kids left behind (because one of them would be corralling them all back downstairs to deal with their shit like they’re supposed to)
So Eddie listens as Steve launches into a retelling of the conversation he apparently had with David, who, predictably, acted like a total fucking loser about how Steve actually wanted to spend time with his family on Valentine’s Day.
“What does this have to do with his wife?” Eddie asked when Steve reached a stopping point, “Other than how incredibly sad it is for her.”
“Right – so get this. David ended up telling me that his wife is going out tonight with Chris, and I figured he meant Chris, like Christine, Liam’s mom, because I know they’re friends, but it’s not. It’s Chris, the divorced dad on the PTA, and apparently they hang out all the time.”
Eddie’s eyes widened as he pieced together what Steve was implying.
“No fucking way.”
“Right?!? And, look, you know I think cheating is wrong, but…I dunno, I really hope she has a fantastic Valentine’s Day.”
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hehosts-moved · 2 months
i have moved! like this post if you would like me to follow from the new blog. be warned: i reposted and reblogged a lot of headcanons and posts, so your dash will be flooded when first following me. sorry in advanced! i wanted the blog to be completely set up before launching it.
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esther-dot · 9 months
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Jonsa Reunion
Safe and Sound 1k (I just have to highlight that this was posted in 2014)
Sansa escapes Baelish and finds her way to Castle Black.
Kiss of Undeath ficlet by @haraways
Sansa brings Jon back with a kiss.
Without You I Am Nothing 1k by @asbestosmouth
Castle Black is monochrome, but Sansa blazes like the fires of Rh'llor. Jon cannot help but burn.
Gifsets: Jonsa Hug by @joanna-lannister, Jonsa Hug by @c-sand, The Girl in Grey, Jonsa Hug 1, 2 by @kitnjon
Art: Jonsa Hug, Jonsa Hug by @vierverdeen, Jonsa Hug by @themarmic
Jon Comes Back Wrong
grave-dirt 3k by @charmtion
The edge of the world. The yawning dark. In his chest, a strange sluggish beat.
back in the pulse 2k WIP by @chispas-and-broken-bindings
(Who are you?) A dead man. A monster. The mistake of many and one. (And what have you lost?) Everything. (And what have you found?) You. (And what will you do with me?) Protect you. Always.
Made of Echos and Ice 1k by @thewolvescalledmehome
Ever since coming down from the Eyrie, Sansa has had the same dream. A wolf with white paws pacing in the snow. When she learns of the betrayal at the Wall, Sansa decides to do something about her dream.
i fall to pieces (when i'm with you) 70k by usuallysunny
"Go North. Only North. Jon is Lord Commander at the Castle Black. He'll help you." He'd had good intentions, this broken shadow of a man who used to be Theon, and he couldn't have known. Sansa finds a Lord Commander at Castle Black. He has steel-grey eyes, her father's eyes, and a dark beard framing a strong jaw, and he looks and sounds and moves like Jon... But he's not Jon.
Always Her ficlet by @temporal-tempest
Jon Snow came back darker, unreachable until her hand touched his face. This is what happens when you threaten that which has become the only warmth in a dark heart.
At Castle Black
My eyes were wide open 10k by @eruherdiriel
She hesitates, then reaches for his free hand, his other still tangled in Ghost’s fur. Their palms meet, hers warm against his chilly one, and the relief that rushes through him at her touch almost makes him close his eyes and forget the throbbing pain. “Do you remember what happened?” All he recalls are knives in the dark and cold, bitter cold. * It is in dreams that Jon begins to remember who he is.
Kisses Remembered, Kisses Forgotten 2k by QueenOfSloths
She remembers the kiss that he took. The only thing she doesn’t remember is him taking it. There are times when she is almost certain that she gave it willingly.
'cause i know that it's delicate 4k by @noqueenbutthequeeninthenorth
Set during "Book of the Stranger," immediately after Sansa arrives at the Wall. He goes to build the fire back up, and for a few minutes he stays silent, kneeling at the hearth, not looking at her. Finally he clears his throat. “I know,” he begins, “it’s not exactly what you’re used to — ” “You’d be surprised what I’m used to.”
make your fingers soft and light 10k by @ladyalice101
Jon goes quiet again, and his hand retracts, but just as quickly he is touching her again, oil on his fingers. He works methodically, moving from one wound to the next, one scar to another, from the base of her back to the top of her spine. It’s so gentle, so caring, and the longer it goes on the more Sansa relaxes, the safer she feels. Her eyes dip close under his rhythmic ministrations, and her mind goes blank, and she starts to feel the familiar lull of sleep edge around her mind. “This is supposed to make the scars fade?” Jon asks as he finishes up, his warm hands leaving her back, making her feel cold and startling her from her reverie. “Yes.” She isn’t sure she imagines the tightness in his voice when he speaks again. “If you are to do this every night, then I will gladly assist you.” // Jon rubs a soothing balm into Sansa's scars every night. But that's it. Nothing more. Definitely not. He's just there to help her do what she can't do herself.
as the night came down in a Nordic sky ficlet by @miazeklos
During her first night in Castle Black, Sansa reunites with the true North, and Jon welcomes her home.
Cold Nights at Castle Black ficlet by @estherruth-jonsatrash
They were grown now, childhood behind them. Yet they had been sharing a bed more like children, with the cold at Castle Black leaving them in need of warmth. At least at first.
How I wish you would take me for granted ficlet by @trollslanda
Sometimes her hands would shake- Solely in private, when she broke her quiet surface to gasp for air. Around others she still had a mental block, passively guarding her, bringing out the Stark iron. It made her keep her back straight and eyes steady, put up a solid front. Sometimes it felt like she was rusting from the inside and her brittle bones would never be whole again. --- Set shortly after Sansa has arrived at Castle Black, when she's still learning to feel safe. As it turns out, Jon is really good at that kind of thing.
Remedy ficlet by @wildflower-daydreamer
The night Jon and Sansa reunite at Castle Black.
To break and to mend ficlet @dreams-for-spring
In those moments nothing else matters and they forget what they have lost; in those moments they are more than the sum of their broken parts.
In the quiet of the night 4k by dreams-for-spring
It becomes a habit; each night she unlatches her chamber door, and each night Jon enters just as bashfully as before. Some nights he brings terrible sour wine, and others bitter ale for them to share as they sit around the hearth speaking of everything that has happened–everything except what has passed between him and his black brothers. She knows that is a topic he is not ready to share. Still, she does not find sleep when he leaves, but at least for those brief hours she is not alone, and something small inside of her begins to burn brighter with each night that passes. She tries to ignore the voice that tells her it is hope; hope is a dangerous thing for people like them.
Tous Deux On est Repartis dans le Tourbillon de la Vie 1k by @melimelo-ao3
He couldn’t even begin to picture what she had endured, what she had lived through. Yet, hearing her pleading in the night, he would give anything to know, to be able to understand her, to soothe her. He had only ever wanted to soothe her.
Gifsets: Where Will We Go by c-sand, Brienne Reacts to Jonsa, New Dress by @jonstarks How Could We Know, Sansa Tries Ale, Where Will We Go, Sansa Making Jon's Cloak, I Made This for You by kitnjon
Traveling the North
Five Times They Touch 1k by @justchunkit
She doesn’t touch him for days. Weeks. They travel from keep to stronghold, living in close quarters as they’d never done even as children. She is so close, but an icy veneer has covered the exhausted girl he’d started to know, and they can hardly exchange a good morning without it evolving into an argument.
Some Love Stories Need a Little Help 2k @graceverse
Or how Tormund effectively makes Jon share a tent with Sansa
Unnatural 2k by @amymel86
Once he is close enough, she leaps at him, arms wrapping him up and his nose buried in her copper hair. The shuddering exhale he expels is the most amount of sound he’s made in days but all he can hear is Sansa’s sniffling and the way their two hearts talk to one another in beats of the same song.
Gifsets: Arguing, Eye Contact, Jon Reacting to Sansa by jonstarks Side by Side by @baelerion
Pre Battle of the Bastards
we may only have this night 2k by wearycities
She summoned an image of Jon in her mind. When he saw her, at Castle Black. His eyes, his face. His hands letting go of the railing, like it had burned him. She could not stop thinking about his hands. She had turned the memory over and over in her mind on countless sleepless nights, wondering what it meant. After her argument with Jon the night before the Battle of the Bastards, Sansa returned to his tent.
The Madness of Dead and Broken Things 1k by @estherruth-jonsatrash
The first time, Jon tells himself it’s the last time. Jon gives into his feelings for Sansa the night before the Battle of the Bastards, telling himself he'll die the next day. He isn't prepared for the after of survival.
the night before the fight ficlet by @sailorshadzter
jon & sansa spend a night together before the battle of the bastards. pre parental reveal hookup, read at your own risk. nsfw.
Before the Storm 1k
Snowflakes fell from the grey sky, covering the ground in white even more than it already was. Grey and white, Sansa thought to herself. The Stark colors.
A gaze across a field 1, 2 ficlets by fedonciadale
Sansa's thoughts as she contemplates the possible outcome of the battle.
Gifsets: Arguing, You Don't Have to Be Here, I'll protect You I Promise by jonstarks, Pre and During BotB by baelerion, Jon Pummeling Ramsay by kitnjon, Jon Pummeling Ramsay by c-sand
Post Battle of the Bastards
Bloodstains and Stitches Chapter 1 and 2 by @trollslanda
Two scenes set after Battle of the Bastards: 1. In the courtyard, Jons pov. Post-battle calmdown and fluff I guess but also there's dead bodies and stuff. I dunno. 2. Sansa cleaning his wounds and stitching him up, her pov. A pretty sweet scene where they get a moment to breathe.
A Little Friction ficlet by @justchunkit
“You don’t know anything about me.” “Because you won’t tell me anything!” After the Battle of the Bastards, Jon and Sansa try to get to know each other.
Of Justice and Ghosts 1k by @lurikko
He knows his sister is watching him carefully like they are the only two humans left in the world, as they in a way are, and that makes his every remaining piece crumble.
Ghosts that We Knew 7k @the-prophet-lemonade
In the wake of the Battle of the Bastards, and the proclamation of the North's fealty to the Starks once more, Jon and Sansa see the ghosts of their family all-around. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to separate the past from the present when so many that they love are dead. A series of vignettes based around "nostalgia", and Jon & Sansa compared to Ned & Catelyn and the rest of their family.
they say that we’re out of control and some say we’re sinners 14k
Doesn’t have enough time to reminisce on the past because she’s turned around, and he’s seen her face, and it’s her. Can’t be anyone but her even underneath all that smudged dirt on her pale cheeks. Would know the red of her hair anywhere, he thinks. Doesn’t linger on the why, and instead descends down the steps and towards her. She’s turned her body so she’s facing him now, her eyes tracking his every move, his doing the same. They’re so in sync it’s terrifying, really.
Five Kisses 1k by @ben-barnes-is-my-husband
The five kisses that Jon and Sansa have shared.
Undisclosed Desires 4k Nina36
“Why did you stop?” She asked. I was ashamed. He was yours. I was terrified that you saw who I am. He was yours to kill. It was what you needed.
bet you didn't know that i was dangerous 4k by @ladyalice101
“I mean that your brother took a woman to bed, and when he had his way with her, he said your name into her ear over and over again.” // In which Littlefinger tests for Jon's weaknesses, and discovers a secret.
Soiled 5k by @orangeflavoryawp
"'Talk to me, Sansa,' he pleads, voice wavering, and she shuts her eyes to the sound. Like a gale. Like a mountain coming down. This is how it empties from her. 'What do you want me to say?"' she bites out, voice quaking." - Jon and Sansa. The start of their descent.
Dark in Bloom 8k by orangeflavoryawp
"His gravity wavers, the axis of his world tilted to the measure of her lips." - Jon and Sansa. The stain of desire bleeds slowly between them.
Hallowed 5k by orangeflavoryawp
“’Tell me,’ he growls, more demand than he’s ever given her – crown or not – and the feeling is heady in its fervency. Sansa stares him down, mouth a harsh frown. She doesn’t resist his hold, doesn’t ease into it either. ‘He says your affections for me aren’t… brotherly.’” - Jon and Sansa. An encounter with Lord Baelish brings the truth of their desires to light.
but still you stumble, feet give way, outside the world seems a violent place 3k by @parkersedith
When she looks at him, she cannot see anyone other than Jon, especially with him wearing a simple breeches and tunic, divested of all ornaments, even Longclaw. She can only see Jon, not her bastard half-brother, not the King in the North, not the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, not a wildling, but only Jon, the Jon who took Winterfell back with her, the Jon who fought their battle, the Jon who has been there, at her side, ever since she found him again. or; instead of roaming winterfell when she cannot sleep, sansa goes to jon, and to jon's bed. it's not quite as illicit as it sounds, and gives them a chance to finally, truly, talk
In the quiet of the night 4k by @dreams-for-spring
It becomes a habit; each night she unlatches her chamber door, and each night Jon enters just as bashfully as before. Some nights he brings terrible sour wine, and others bitter ale for them to share as they sit around the hearth speaking of everything that has happened–everything except what has passed between him and his black brothers. She knows that is a topic he is not ready to share. Still, she does not find sleep when he leaves, but at least for those brief hours she is not alone, and something small inside of her begins to burn brighter with each night that passes. She tries to ignore the voice that tells her it is hope; hope is a dangerous thing for people like them.
love is more than telling me you want it 2k
When he smiles at her, she feels warmth flooding back into her bones. She’d almost forgotten what it feels like, she’s been cold for so long. Sansa and Jon learn to be something other than ships passing in the night.
Gifsets: Jon Looking at Sansa by jonstarks, Sansa Looking at Jon by baelerion, Forehead Kiss by joanna-lannister, Winter Is Here by kitnjon, Forehead Kiss by c-sand
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ok-pop-1 · 1 month
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i claw my way out of the busiest month and a half ever to draw @sapphicseasapphire's wonderful boyo
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Earth 1610 development art for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse by Peter Chan (Twitter)
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