#&. gil grissom : headcanons
ur-fav-is-autistic · 2 days
Gil Grissom from CSI
Gil Grissom from CSI is Autistic!
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lilfantayshia · 4 months
CSI Headcanons
Hello, friends!
First thing, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! YOU ARE ALL VALID! (LESBIANS, BISEXUALS, TRANSGENDERS, QUEER, INTERSEX, ASEXUAL, AROMANTIC, ETC...) I will adopt every single one of you if you were traumatized, were told it was a phase or need to be cured, anything. I'm your aspec auntie.
Second thing, it's been a while since I posted headcanons. This time with CSI. I liked CSI because it's more science even though, they are boring in real life and the show is so much fun. This time I'll do OG because I already did Maimi last year.
Let's get started, shall we?
They're all queer. Not surprising, aren't you? (Gil is trans and demisexual, Catherine is bisexual, Warrick is bisexual with a preference with men, Nick is bisexual, and Sara is bisexual with a preference for women.
Gil and Warrick are dating, don't change my mind! This is my time to shine! Oh, and Nick is also dating Greg.
Almost everyone has a thing for Warrick. Those damn green eyes did something to them.
If they feel stressed or need something to calm them down, Sara knows! A dog shelter, where everyone can see and pet the animals to relieve the stress!
Nick would make the best damn Texas chili. Why? because I'm southern, that's why!
Gil would make the best brownies (and vegans for Sara).
Gil is very timid in the bedroom. He also blushes at the complaints from Warrick, mainly because he's insecure in the relationship.
Despite being a lab tech, Greg would make a good gifter.
Gil would bring them food to the meeting. (He's a good damn supervisor, I tell you what!)
Warrick is so damn good at massages. If you have a bad muscle, he is your guy!
I believe that's it. I'm sure there are more. However, if there's some modification, DM me!
Thank you and enjoy this post!
Also, happy pride month, once again.
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starsspin · 8 months
grissom + mannerisms
(again i will have to do a proper rewatch and pay attention to the small details to make a full list.) but he talks with his hands, and if his hands are full he ends up waving around whatever it is he has in his hands. his glasses, case files. etc.
he likes to lean back while he reads rather than lean forward. (which is why he doesn't like to read things on a computer.) but this somewhat goes for conversations too. if a conversation is more relaxed gil leans back in his chair, if it's more serious he leans forward. you also know when you have his full undivided attention because he takes his glasses off.
when deep in thought or reading he tends to mindlessly fiddle with something, normally a pen, since he has them everywhere.
though he hasn't had any issues with his hearing since his surgery he will still tend to focus on people's lips just out of habit, sometimes he does his best to be subtle about it, but other times he doesn't even notice he's doing it unless someone catches onto it.
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originalpinkranger · 2 years
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Speaking of Csi headcanons, Gil Grissom and Lady Heather did (performed?. I don't know the word) a dom/sub scene. You know, just for science.
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chippdhearts · 5 months
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CSI and LGBT+ Headcanons ↳ Gil Grissom ✦ Asexual/Demisexual
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positivelybeastly · 2 months
What does beast sound like in your head when you read?
So, I go back and forth on this, and it does sort of vary depending on the verse I'm writing and what era I'm reading? Some verses, I don't have voices locked in for, others I do.
Verse: hated and feared (aka X-Men '97)
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He's George Buza. He just is. George is a perfect voice for this era of Hank, mature and reasonable and kind and compassionate, a stalwart of the team. I wouldn't change this voice for the world. I also feel like every time people tell me that they can hear Beast's voice when I write him, this is the voice people hear - which is great, honestly, I take it as the highest form of flattery. If I had to pick a single voice for people to think of when they read Hank's dialogue, this is the one I'd pick!
That being said, it's not the voice I hear unless I'm writing this verse - it's a very specific voice, and TAS/'97 Beast, while near and dear to my heart, isn't the Hank I know most intimately or best. Comics Hank is always who I reach for first, and comics Hank doesn't quite sound like this, apart from that stretch from '91 to 2000 that inspired TAS.
verse: getting by (2013-2018)
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I have a headcanon that Hank's voice changes every time he mutates, so I like to think that he doesn't sound the same through every form. I think this form's emotional baggage and tiredness and self-ruminating lends him to something a little less centred, and a little less emotive - so I always hear (and occasionally faceclaim him) William Petersen, who you might know better as CSI: Las Vegas' Gil Grissom. Especially at 0:19. I can hear so much Hank there.
verse: another time and another place (aka Dark Beast)
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I know that, logically, he should have the same voice as classic Hank, but I honestly hear a lot more of a Jeremy Irons style voice for Dark Beast. He's just a conniving little fuck, and he's almost always portrayed as a schemer, as having that sleazy, 'telling you what you want to hear' air to him, which comes through a lot more here. I also feel as though, given he's 20 years older than Hank (relatively speaking), he should sound older.
verse: earth's mightiest! (aka Classic Beast)
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This one was tricky, honestly, because he's so different to all the other Hanks, and yet so intrinsic to all of them. It's (maybe) the closest to who Hank actually is, when he's not performing or buried under trauma or changed so completely by time, so what does he sound like?
And . . . he sounds like Tom Lehrer. He has the intelligence, the wit, the humour, he sings? He's perfect.
verse: default (feline Hank)
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This is the one I struggled with most, because he's the nearest and dearest to my heart, and thus it's important he sounds right. He should be able to sound low and guttural and growly, but he should also be refined and funny and able to turn a phrase like nobody's business. I feel like there should be a faint unnatural reverberation to his voice at almost all times, a feeling that he isn't speaking with a voice box that's wholly human.
Now, Fred Tatasciore, who voices Hank in the X-Men Anime, which is one of the few adaptations of this version of Hank, does, I'd say, an admirable job? He voices Hank in a few projects. He's very good, but he's not quite perfect, imo.
Nah, for me? The perfect Hank voice . . . is Jeffrey Wright.
Tell me you can't hear it.
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hollygl125 · 8 months
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On taking a risk:
I love these two. Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom. Jorja Fox and William Petersen. I love them both. I love them all. (If you’re following this blog, this probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you.)
I love these two moments. I love these moments for Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom. I love these performances by Jorja Fox and William Petersen.
In discussing the new song for which she co-wrote the lyrics, Jorja Fox said (slightly cleaned up by me), “It’s worth taking a risk to get to love someone and be loved.” In “Girls Gone Wilder,” (CSI, 15x05), Sara Sidle says, “I mean, to be with somebody who really gets you, who loves you for who you are—I don’t know. I think it’s worth the risk.” In A History of My Brief Body, Billy Ray-Belcourt (a writer and academic from the Driftpile Cree Nation) writes, “To love someone is firstly to confess: I’m prepared to be devastated by you.”
And I love these two moments because, to me, they both really show that risk—the risk of devastation, of being devastated by someone.
Based on what we see in the first scene, I’ve always believed Sara didn’t know Grissom was coming to the rainforest for her. Maybe after his initial non-answer answer he believed she deserved such a sweeping gesture; maybe he believed she’d be less likely to reject him in person. But he goes after her. During his trek through the rainforest, he’s eager to find her. Then finally he does, and, in that moment when he stands there, before she turns around, I think there is anticipation but also clear awareness of that risk.
For years he feared he might put everything that was comfortable in his life at risk for Sara only to have her ultimately reject him. It’s a risk that, in “Butterflied” (CSI, 04x12), he initially described himself as having been unable to take. But now, here, he’s really done it: he has given up his job and everything comfortable and safe, and he still risks Sara’s rejection. But now he knows—he knows that the risk is worthwhile—it’s a risk he is willing to take, because he knows what it is to love and to be loved by Sara.
In the second scene, I also think Grissom does not know that Sara is coming after him. She looks a bit worried when she gets out of the cab and scans the marina for him, she hurries down the ramp, but then she looks pretty calm as she’s walking down the dock to him. He has, after all, just declared (albeit not directly to her) his love for her, that she’s been his best friend, that she’s restored his faith in the human being, that he’ll miss her for the rest of his life. So our girl should be pretty confident in her endeavour. But, then again, the man did divorce her, and she’s just 100% given up her new job (if you use the deleted scenes as your headcanon, which JF would have to have been doing at the time) to come after him.
So she looks pretty calm heading down the dock, but then there’s that moment where she’s standing in front of him, waiting for him to do something—your move, buddy. And she does this little intake of breath at the end, and I feel like that’s the moment where you really feel how much she is putting her heart out there; she is risking everything, like he has done before. It’s that little intake of breath that seems to jar him into movement. But it’s in that moment that I really feel how much she is willing to put herself at risk for this man, how she is willing to risk her heart—but, of course, this is Sara, so I think she has always been willing to risk everything for this man.
At different times in the series (Sara in “Girls Gone Wilder” and Grissom in “Immortality”), both Sara and Grissom speak of love and their relationship with the other in a manner that shows they both thought their relationship was worth the risk even when they thought it didn’t have a happy ending. (Cue the tears.)
@addictedtostorytelling has some relatively short meta on that subject, and you should probably go read it if you want to feel weepy for a bit.
In chapter 13 of my current fic, I let the characters themselves discuss the same. (I’ll probably leave you less weepy. I just went back to look at that chapter, and honestly I made myself a little weepy. I’m pretty much non-stop tears and anxiety, though, so you probably shouldn’t let me be your gauge.)
The events that necessitated the events of “Immortality” should never have happened; they were a complete betrayal, and I will never think otherwise. But I do love the parallels that were created in the end: both characters giving up what had become a very comfortable existence for a chance—a chance—at happiness—a chance (no guarantee, still the risk of rejection) to go off on an adventure with the one they love. They are both willing to risk that utter devastation, and I love it, and I love them.
So, yes, I love these two and their story, and I love these performances.
Also, GSR Day is tomorrow (except it’s actually today—February 9—because I always end up posting things after midnight). Since this is nothing but the first of my completely made-up GSR holidays, I will probably do nothing but reblog my first GSR Day post and post a completely unrelated GIF-set and maybe re-read my “how they met” fic. Actually, now that I think about that last one, I’m kind of excited for it. So happy almost-GSR Day. Did I mention I love these two? 😉
(I have to add that, according to Zuiker, they did not have much time or money to shoot “Immortality,” and it definitely shows in the lighting on Jorja Fox’s face in parts of that final scene. So, for the second gif: it’s not me doing odd things; it’s the source material.)
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*siiiiiigh* Soooooo, first of all, I would like to apologise to @jencsi for taking so long to answer the ask. But then of course when I want to answer it, Tumblr has it made it disappear. So anyway I'm posting as a post. This is for the character asks thing. Jen asked all questions for Gil Grissom.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Sherlock Holmes 🤷🏻‍♀️
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I know that I'm the resident Linkin Park fan, and I'm all over 9x05, but, LOATR is just about one particular aspect of his life.  It doesn't encapsulate the full depth of him.  And, honestly, that's what I really hope that I captured in my video.  It's basically a marriage proposition to him at this point.  I hope I did the song and him justice.
(I am using Leave Out All the Rest this year though (:  )
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Autistic.  Hearing impaired.  Misanthropic humanist.  I love bugs because of him.  I'm learning to sign because of him.  I got into CSI because I love bioscience.  Ghost/social outcast until we find the right people.  Struggle with emotions and relationships, and ultimately learning to choose love over fear (which is, one again, something I learned from him. If he can do it, so can I. The fact that my role model is a fictional being). Bullied because of being nerdy.  Bullied because of "weirdness" aka autism.  We're uncomfortable around people but care very deeply about them, especially if they're our loved ones.  Honestly a lot of it is the autism and everything that comes with it.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Lemme just say, boy am I glad I am on the we want to fuck that old man website.  Because, at first, I was embarrassed and self-conscious that I was in love with someone much older than me (hence why I love GSR; it gives me so much more confidence), but then as I got into the tumblr fandom I saw that I'm not alone.  So thank you everyone.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
When people hate him overall for the way he treated Sara well in the early seasons.  Like, hello *gestures to his whole development arc*  you see this?  Or were we not watching the same show?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Oh my god it's gonna be so fucking quiet.  For once in our lives we'll have someone who'll actually respect our sensitivity/stimulation needs and not belittle us.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
We're two of a kind.
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
His father's name is Arthur, since that's his middle name, and it's not uncommon for catholics to make their first name the middle name of their child.  And irl Billy's dad is named Arthur Edward Petersen, and his brother is Arthur Petersen Jr.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
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15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Someone jokingly tagged a post with [#otp: i have bugs in my office] and while I'm glad it's not an actual ship...yeah I'm glad it's not.  It gave me fucking whiplash.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Grillows.  I'm actually multiship.  I ship GSR, Grillows and Kessom.  I've even been okay roleplaying Grissom/Nick with someone in the past, and I'm also okay with Warrick and Greg being shipped with him.  Hell I even find him being dopey with Teri Miller cute XD
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Catherine.  #brotp: it will play our song forever
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
I wanna say Ecklie but that's like, everything about him
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
If not Cath then Heather XD
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love loving him.  I write my stories with him with so much love and care.  And I'm proud that my audience say it's obvious how much I love him.
I don't like him being hurt so I never write it.  Like, I'll just say it:  I'm glad it was Nick who got caught in Grave Danger and not Gil.  If it had been him I...I don't know what I would've done.  Even though I'd have known  that he was gonna be fine in the end, during the process I'd break down, no matter how many times I've watched it.  The thought of him being hurt just...I can't say it.  Sorry Nick, I love you too but Gil...Gil is the most special to me.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
I love when people write about his disabilities.  His hearing impairment, how he signs, his experience speaking both English and ASL.  His social and emotional struggles because of his autism.
My dislike would be when people write him as allosexual...  💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Sherlock Holmes
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
First impression:  wow he's so cool and smart and good at science.  I wanna learn from him.
Now:  Will you marry me?
26.  Freebie question.
Extra headcanon:  along with riding a rollercoaster with someone every 9 years and 34 days because that's how old he was when his dad passed, his favourite is the Mosaic because his parents took him on it for his 9th birthday.  Then a month later Arthur kicked the bucket, so Gil likes the memory of his father.
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fixomnia-scribble · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Oh gosh! This is going back a long way. And all but a few are unfinished novels, because Me.
Shekhinah (CSI, Grissom/Sara, E).
We meet awkward little Gibbie and his doting parents, and bright little Satya and her loving but terribly ill parents. They age up to about twenty one (Gil) and twelve (Satya / Sara). Then I jumped straight for the smut challenge prompts and into Season Six, and never really went back to fill in the rest. Anyway, if you want a backgrounder on how they grew up and why it was so damn hard for them to get together...
Rhapsody For Two (CSI: NY, Flack/Angell, E)
A New York un-Fairytale. Three short years in the lives of two detectives trying to make a difference in the world. A literary love song to two of New York's fictional finest: Don Flack and Jess Angell. This novelette has a Choose Your Own Timeline split, so you get to decide whether Jess Angell lives or dies in your headcanon! (BRING HANKIES.) TW for death.
Noise and Signal (X-Files / Wrinkle in Time / Contact, Mulder/Scully, Ellie/Palmer, T)
A cross-crossover that I still dream about, that I would need a year to research properly and write. It's 2004. The alien race from Vega (Contact) makes contact again, and this time they want to visit, and to help the Earth fight the colonization of the virus-born aliens (X-Files) . But what is their true intention? What is the Divine or Demonic nature of the Spaceship that everybody wants, and to whom does it rightfully belong? Is the Earth just a chessboard, or does Humanity have a greater role to play (Wrinkle in Time series)?
Detour Ahead (Blue Bloods, Jamie/Eddie, E)
Another novel that, as its name implies, ran away from me. I would still love to finish it, but the writing in later seasons unfortunately just made me fall out of love with the show. But this was SO MUCH FUN. Eddie and Jamie get together over Season 8, and try to keep up an actual grown-up functional relationship among a backdrop of shady underworld NYPD politics, impossibly nosy Reagans and Eddie's painful family past.
The Long Game (Lie to Me, Cal/Gillian, T, gonna be E soonish)
A challenge fic! Cal, Gillian, Alec and Zoe have been playing out a decade-long dance of partnerships, family, marriage, divorce and desire. When Alec passes away, the music stops and everyone is forced to see how far they've come, and what the dynamic of the future might look like. TW for drug abuse and death.
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Hi! I hope this ASK finds you well.
I have always been curious on the possible conversations between CSI Team Graveyard when they found out about GSR after Sara's Rescue (Living Doll/Dead Doll). I have read a couple of fanfics but I am interested in your headcanon.
Do you think all of them readily accepted GSR as a couple or there is/are person/s that might blame Grissom for Sara's abduction? If Grissom isn't dating Sara, Natalie would not have kidnapped Sara.
Do you think Catherine or Brass would have been upset that Gil did not tell her/him about GSR even though they have been friends for a long time?
Will there be someone who will remember a memory that confirms GSR has been ON for a long time?
Will Team GY help in confronting Ecklie not to be stringent regarding lab policy when it comes to GSR? so Ecklie will not fire GSR...
Will Team GY found out that GSR is living together?
Will they be shocked about GSR living together?
Is there anyone in Team GY including Brass/Robins/Super Dave that have suspicions and has proven that they/he/she is/are correct?
Do you think Brass would have mentioned the interrogation scene in Butterflied (04x12), in which he will tell to Team GY as evidence of Grissom's deep love for Sara?
Do you think Catherine would have been horrified with her Lady Heather scoop to Sara during TGTBTD since she found out about GSR?
Do you Greg/Nick/Warrick will be jealous or resentful to Grissom because of GSR?
Who will pry Grissom away from Sara's hospital bed so he can get food and sleep?
Do you someone will go to GSR home to get clothes/toiletries for Sara/Grissom and make sure Hank gets a dog sitter? If yes, will this someone do a little snooping inside GSR's home?
Will anyone confront Sara for not telling them about GSR since they can't confront their Boss Grissom?
Do you think Ecklie has a prior conversation with Grissom before Ala Carte (08x02) since Grissom would need approval for his LOA to take care of Sara during her recovery?
Do you think Hodges will be full of himself telling anyone who can hear that he knew all along about GSR?
Do you have headcanon dialogue about my questions?
Sorry about my very long ASK.
I always appreciate your response
hi, @hiei29!
so in order to tackle this litany of questions, first we have to acknowledge that not only does canon not give us much information to go off of regarding the issue of “the team finding out about and reacting to news of grissom and sara's romantic relationship following sara’s abduction” but what little information it does give us is more complicating (and confounding) than helpful.
obviously, in the moment when grissom blurts out that natalie is targeting sara in order to take away “the only person [he] ever loved” as an act of retribution for the death of ernie dell, we only briefly get to see team graveyard's stunned (silent) expressions before grissom then immediately remembers the detail about forum user noturlittlebisquedoll and rushes out of the room, leaving both the team and the moment behind, after which point both the investigation and the episode move on.
from then on, there is never really a second of pause in the desperate rush to rescue sara until she's actually found and safe, so the team can't really afford to take any time to react or process the news of grissom and sara's romance, much less ask questions about its logistics or try to retroactively fit pieces of the puzzle together, until the events of episode 08x01 “dead doll” are concluded.
unfortunately, because the episode ends with sara's rescue—and even her rescue still in progress, as she has yet to arrive at the hospital at the point when the episode actually concludes—we are never then given access to the immediate aftermath (if there is any) to grissom's gsr revelation to the team, and particularly not as, within the universe of the show, there is over a four-month time jump between the events of episode 08x01 “dead doll” (which takes place, in-universe, on 05.18.07) and the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart” (which takes place, in-universe, on 10.04.07), which purposefully skips over any kind of fallout there might be during that timeframe.
however, while it might be natural for us as fans to assume that there is fallout during that four-month period of time that we simply don't have access to, the show itself then complicates this notion by what it presents in episode 08x02 “a la cart,” when sara first returns to work and we are shown our initial glimpses of how things have shaken out for team graveyard in this new “post-gsr reveal” era.
as i talk about here,
in some ways, the idea that sara is away from the lab (and grissom away with her, for the most part) for over four months seems very viable, but in others, it’s difficult to accept.
on the one hand, it does make sense that after enduring such intense physical and psychological trauma—severe dehydration; broken bones; shock; severe sunburn; numerous abrasions and lacerations to the face, hands, and arms; possibly internal injuries and organ damage; etc.; to say nothing of the ptsd—sara would not return to work for several months, and particularly not as her job is one that requires lots of stamina and dexterity to fulfill.
however, on the other hand, if over four months really do elapse between those two episodes, then sara should, by all accounts, be much farther along in her physical recovery process when she returns to the lab than what we’re shown, specifically in terms of her facial injuries...
moreover, one would think that there would have been more discussion about her and grissom’s relationship by their coworkers in the time while they were away from work than what little there seems to have been.
are we really to believe that in over four months of knowing about grissom and sara’s romance, nick and greg have never discussed the subject with each other and compared notes prior to the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart”? if so, it seems odd that they haven’t.
from a storytelling perspective, it’s understandable that the writers wanted to save some of the questions surrounding this “brave new world” of grissom and sara’s romance being a known entity to their teammates and employers to be answered at a point when the audience was actually around to hear what got said rather than just dropping us into a situation where the answers had already long been given, as doing so allowed them to play off of the anticipation and curiosity we felt in a productive way in-episode.
i mean, that moment when we first start to see sara walking toward ecklie’s office but we’re not shown her full person right away is just a fun tease, you know?  
however, the fact that said questions are shown to still be lingering four plus months after the fact in show time is also, frankly, weird and does in some ways strain credulity, just in terms of human behavior.
had the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart” taken place six weeks after sara’s rescue, that would’ve been one thing, but since they take place over four months later, that’s another.
by that point, it’s just odd that there seemingly hasn’t been any larger conversation among the members of team graveyard regarding grissom and sara’s romance. it’s odd that ecklie apparently hasn’t been able to pin grissom down to talk since his return to work. it’s odd that whatever disciplinary action the department is going to take against grissom and sara for their violation of lab policy hasn’t already been decided upon and implemented. it’s odd that everyone is just starting to determine how they feel about grissom and sara being a couple, as if they’d only found out about that they were one very recently.
and all that oddness makes it difficult for us as viewers to figure out how to interpret the whole situation.
there’s so much that just plain gets skipped over, falling into the time gap between those two episodes, never to be brought up again.
there’s so much that given the existence of that time gap just doesn’t really make much “real world” sense.
and even beyond what is skipped and what is nonsensical, there’s also this—i don’t know quite how to describe it—but almost outright refusal on the parts of the writers to see some of the plot hints they’d made previously through to their logical narrative conclusions, as doing so would require them to place more mainline focus on a romantic relationship than they were at that time comfortable giving.
in s7, it is consistently implied that grissom and sara have good reason to fear that various teammates (including nick, warrick, and catherine) might, once they found out about it, be upset with them for lying about their relationship and/or not approve of said relationship, given the fact that they work together. however, come s8, we are never given any indication that anyone on team graveyard is at all upset to learn that grissom and sara are together and that they’ve been lying through their teeth to everyone about their entire lifestyle for the last 2+ years. there’s no sense that anyone feels at all betrayed or confused or offended or even has any professional qualms about the potential legal implications of their actions.
i mean, what grissom and sara did is something their friends could have reacted to both personally and professionally, possibly taking issue with it on the level of “we’re supposedly friends, but you guys lied about something super important for a very long time. how are we going to trust you after this?” AND/OR on the level of “you guys lied about something that affects us all professionally. your relationship status might call into question the legitimacy of cases we solved together. it could lead to overturned verdicts. lawsuits. hurt the overall reputation of the department. affect the future of our team. and you guys made us complicit in this whole mess, just by virtue of our association with you. you unilaterally decided that you were okay taking on these risks without giving us any opportunity to weigh in on that choice, let alone decide for ourselves. what right do you have to play with our work and our careers that way?”
and yet the show never got anywhere close to broaching these issues or depicting these potential reactions, despite having raised the possibility for them previously.
see, for example, in episode 07x13 “redrum,” sara and warrick’s conversation about how sara hates deceiving people and warrick hates being deceived, which obviously has some big potential gsr implications and yet is never followed up on in any way after warrick becomes aware of grissom and sara’s deception following episode 07x24 “living doll.”
in a way, it’s like the writers were saying, “grissom and sara were worried that their friends would be mad if they found out. but guess what? they weren’t! of course everyone is just happy that they’re happy. yay love! good guys would never be against love.”
—which would maybe be a fine conclusion for the storyline to have arrived at eventually; a kind of “all’s well that ends well,” “eventually everyone came around to it” kind of beat.
but the thing is, not only do we not see any exploration of any more complicated feelings about the gsr reveal play out on our screens in episode 08x02 “a la cart” or later episodes, but there’s really also no suggestion that such feelings may have existed at any point during the time gap between episodes 08x01 “dead doll” and episode 08x02 “a la cart,” either. there’s no indication that anyone ever had to “go on a journey” to arrive at the point of being okay with everything that happened.
and the fact that there isn’t is, again, given previous characterization cues, frankly, odd.
while in general, the writing of the early seasons is solid, this place is one where i personally find it weak because there was story there to be told, but the writers deliberately avoided telling it because they didn’t want to delve into something that could potentially be messy or awkward.
this is one place where they dropped the ball by not probing deep enough.
and that’s not to say it’s entirely unrealistic that the team would eventually be accepting of gsr, and especially not four months in to them having found out the truth, but it is to say that the show doesn’t even bother to justify why everyone is being so cool about the issue; it just presents it as a given that they are. 
there’s really no characterization work done to show how characters who had previously expressed opinions that at least suggested that they might be opposed in principle to two of their coworkers having an illicit office romance—for example, catherine, who had always been outspokenly against the concept of “fishing off of the company pier,” or nick, who has always gotten his feelings hurt when lied to (see episode 07x13 “redrum”)—could have plausibly come around to accept grissom and sara’s coupledom by the time that the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart” are taking place.
it’s all just very much glossed over.      
what we get is a complete nonreaction from the team going both backwards and forwards across the narrative line.
the storytelling just plain “doesn’t go there,” either to justify why it is that everyone is okay with what happened OR to show that maybe everyone isn’t so chill with how things were handled after all.
there’s nothing to show that it currently is or even ever that it might have been difficult for greg, who has always had a crush on sara, to come around to the idea of her being with grissom or that catherine might resent grissom for jeopardizing the integrity of the team in order to date one of their subordinates. it’s just assumed that everyone finds the situation copacetic (and that they always have) because, really, why wouldn’t they? the narrative acts as if the question doesn’t even need to be asked, let alone answered.
the subject just basically gets dropped after the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart.” from then on, it’s just accepted that grissom and sara are together and that everyone is cool with the fact that they are.
the new normal is already firmly in place, bearing no residual evidence of how it came to be that way to begin with.
all of the above is to say, answering your questions is going to be difficult because there is such a dearth of discussion in canon on this topic. very little is even actually implied, and, really, we have more questions than answers.
the best we’re really going to be able to do is to wildly speculate.
with that disclaimer in place, if you’re interested in wild speculation, discussion after the “keep reading,” below.
we’ll take your questions one at a time, okay?
do you think everyone on team graveyard readily accepts grissom and sara as a couple? is anyone upset either about them getting together or the manner in which they did so?
as per what we see in canon, it seems like everyone does accept grissom and sara as a couple—or at least we’re not shown anyone who outwardly objects—by the time the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart” are taking place.
that said, as i mentioned above, just because “blanket acceptance” is what we seem to see in canon at that point doesn’t mean a) that’s necessarily what we should see—or at least that it’s not what should be shown to us without some explanation—OR b) that things necessarily always were that way.
there is actually a lot of canonical evidence to suggest that various members of team graveyard could or even should have been upset with the news of grissom and sara’s relationship for various reasons, at least to start out with.
certainly the show itself never touches on the issue, but the possibility does exist that at least somebody—if not multiple somebodies—might’ve been upset with grissom and sara initially and we just didn’t get to see it during that four-month time gap. 
as mentioned above, catherine has frequently over the years expressed her patent disapproval of workplace relationships, opining that they never work in the long term and often foment awkwardness in the workplace when they inevitably flame out (see episodes 04x12 “butterflied,” 06x03 “bite me,” and 07x23 “the good, the bad, & the dominatrix”), so it stands to reason that she at least potentially might not be thrilled with the idea that two of her coworkers had been having a romantic relationship on company time—and especially not when their doing so could possibly have ramifications for the team, their cases, and even her own career trajectory. 
she also just might not understand the relationship itself as a concept.
by s7/s8, catherine and sara have finally developed a pretty good working rapport with each other and certainly get along much better than they did when sara first moved to vegas. however, that’s not to say catherine would necessarily get why grissom would choose sara for his romantic partner and/or approve of his choice.
as i talk about here,
specifically for catherine, while she has over the last few years come to respect sara a lot more than she did when sara first arrived in vegas, she has also always had this kind of view of sara as a “kid,” remaining highly aware that she’s got 10+ years of life and work experience up on her.
in all honesty, though she has come to view sara as a friend on her own terms, she’s never quite understood grissom’s attraction to sara and has only been able to rationalize it as a kind of “okay, well, he’s obviously going through a midlife crisis” deal; otherwise, it hasn’t really computed for her why someone his age might want to be with someone who’s still so incredibly young (and, in her view, oftentimes markedly immature).
while i can see paths down which catherine could eventually be persuaded to support the relationship—in the 20+ years of their friendship, never has she seen grissom so happy, and the fact that he is is worth something to her—and even to accept that her general opposition to “fishing off of the company pier” as a practice notwithstanding, gsr is somehow an “exception to the rule,” i don’t necessarily think it would be automatic for her to feel entirely at ease with the situation.
yes, in episode 08x01 “dead doll,” she is going to reassure grissom of the chances of sara’s survival and play the part of the good, supportive best friend, showing up to help him find the love of his life with nothing but words of encouragement and actions of aid, and she’s definitely going to be thrilled and relieved and happy when sara is eventually rescued, but in the days and weeks afterward, might she wonder what the hell grissom was thinking in getting involved with a subordinate (and especially one fifteen years his junior)? could she possibly be pissed that grissom and sara had undermined the work of the team and the lab through their reckless behavior? might she be somewhat judgmental about their choices? feel just kind of bewildered that they of all people had ended up together? just plain not see what appeal sara would hold for grissom as a life partner, given her youth and (seeming) immaturity? 
sure. certainly. no doubt.
i mean, i’m not saying she’d be actively anti-gsr or that she’d hold a grudge about what happened (and particularly not forever), but i am saying there is at least the potential with her for some more complicated feelings about the issue than what the canon narrative actually depicts.
she might have to process some things. make a conscious decision along the lines of, “you know what? i’m just gonna have to let this go because done is done. they did what they did, and now whatever happens, we’re all just gonna have to deal with it.” just take a deep breath and move onto the next thing.
i mean, it’s a real possibility that she wouldn’t just immediately be on board with this whole sea change.
the same goes for warrick, who, as mentioned above, has in the past expressed his resentment at being deceived and who might then experience at least some initial upset that grissom and sara had not only lied to him and the rest of the team but had done so for so fucking long.
while i think he’d be less perplexed at the fact of the relationship itself than catherine might be—he has a good enough read on grissom and sara both to recognize some of the more deep-seated ways that they’re compatible—he still might not feel as if grissom and sara were justified in playing roulette with everyone’s careers and the integrity of the team in the ways that they did. much as is the case in episode 07x13 “redrum,” he might be offended that they had essentially chosen to make him complicit in something that could potentially affect his future without giving him the choice to opt out.
again, that’s not to say that there’s no way he might ever forgive them or that he couldn’t eventually come around to see why they felt they had to do things in the manner that they did, but it is to say (once again) that it’s not necessarily a foregone conclusion that he might take some umbrage to the way they’d chosen to conduct themselves.
he very much could be annoyed that they’d lied and he might require an apology before he could be expected to come around to them being together as a concept.
he might be somewhat hurt that they’d felt the need to lie in the first place (i.e., “we trust you with everything. why couldn’t you have trusted us with this?”).
along those same lines, out of everyone, nick has the perhaps the greatest potential for upset about gsr.
again, looking to episode 07x13 “redrum” as a guide, we can see that nick takes it hard when his team family lies to him, not only on a professional level but also on a personal one. 
he might really have a hard time understanding how grissom and sara could justify going to such extraordinary lengths to keep everyone ignorant of their living situation—it’s no small feat to hide the fact that you’re cohabitating from your team of trained observer coworkers; there’s some real and deliberate planning that would go into maintaining that kind of illusion for as long as they did—and find that it was difficult for him to trust them going forward, questioning how much he really actually knew them at all.
he might be angry that they felt they couldn’t trust the team to have their backs and keep their secret for them or at least support them in bringing the truth of their relationship to the administration.
he might start to second-guess significant moments from his history with the two of them, wondering how many of their interactions with him were really “real.”
while, again, i don’t think it’s entirely unrealistic that eventually he could come around to being okay with the whole situation—and especially after he got to see “gsr in action” and realize that grissom and sara were still basically the same grissom and sara he had always known, not significantly different as a couple than they were “individually”—he might be the member of team graveyard who needed the most time to cool off in the wake of everything; the hardest sell, as things were.
either before grissom and sara got back to work or afterward, he might end up having some kind of outburst of the “how could they/you lie to us like that, man?” variety. then afterward, he might be standoffish with them for a while, acting curt toward one or both of them when they were forced to work together.
eventually, he might end up having to hash it out with one or both of them, confronting them about the breach in trust.
like warrick, he might require an apology before he felt things were okay.
of course, canon gives us no indication that nick is at all upset by grissom and sara’s choices or that he ever was, as he is (quite literally) the first person who greets them in their public debut as a couple in episode 08x02 “a la cart” and is nothing but warm and accepting toward them when he does so.
but that’s one of those areas where i feel like the show glossed over something that maybe should have been interrogated more.
certainly, nick’s prior characterization to that point suggested that he of all people might find it especially difficult to swallow not necessarily grissom and sara’s relationship itself but definitely the way they’d gone about conducting it.
as for greg, while i don’t think he’d necessarily be shocked to learn that gsr was a thing—as i talk about here, he of everyone on the team has perhaps had the most “up close and personal” view of grissom and sara’s dynamic over the last several years, so once he actually figures out what’s what, he can probably look back in retrospect and identify a lot of previously ambiguous evidence for what it actually was—i also don’t think he would necessarily be thrilled to learn the truth that they were together, either. 
while he might not be as annoyed about the principle of thing as catherine or as personally hurt about as nick, i still think the news that grissom and sara were together might kinda knock the wind out of him, just given his feelings toward sara.
as i talk about here, sara has always sort of been greg’s dream girl and while after s4/s5, he has mostly given up on ever having any actual chance with her romantically (settling comfortably into the position of being her platonic best friend), i still think it’s probably a situation where learning that she is with grissom throws him for a loop.
much like catherine talks about in episode 06x01 “bodies in motion,” the great thing about a fantasy is “the possibility that it might come true,” so having that possibility taken away “sucks.” 
sara has always kind of been greg’s fantasy, so it might potentially be a bit rough on him to realize she was “off the market,” and especially in such a serious way—and particularly given the grissom of it all.
knowing that his long-time crush is in a long-term, committed relationship with their boss, whom he thinks of as a father figure, probably messes with his head on freudian levels. like. if he was having anxiety dreams about having sex with sara while grissom was watching/scrutinizing him before (see 05x16 “big middle”), one can only imagine what he’s dreaming about now.
ultimately, while i don’t think his hurt/upset would run very deep, it still might cause him to act a bit squirrelly around grissom and sara once they got back to the lab after their leave, at least at first.  
as for brass’s reaction, i think of everyone he might be the most understanding.
after all, he has himself in the past had an “office affair” of his own (see episode 05x20 “hollywood brass”), so i think he’d very much get that when two people in a high-intensity job work together closely for a long period of time, sometimes sparks fly. 
while he might be confused that grissom would have looked at sara as a potential romantic partner rather than as something more like a daughter figure—after all, brass and grissom are about the same age, and that’s certainly how brass thinks of sara himself—once he knew they were together, i think his reaction would be to just shrug and say, “sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants, you know?” secretly, he might even harbor a “you know what? good for them” kind of attitude, taking some comfort in the idea of two lonely people finding companionship in each other.
though he wouldn’t be ignorant of the fact that their flaunting of department policy could have potential ramifications for the team and even for the lvpd at large, i think that he’d get that people are messy, and especially when it comes to love.
all of the above said, while i don’t think it’s a given that any member of team graveyard necessarily would oppose grissom and sara’s coupledom or be upset about how they’d hidden their relationship for so long, i do definitely think it’s possible that at least some of them could have done so, for the reasons previously outlined.
that said, i do also think that it’s likely that even if some of grissom and sara’s teammates did initially disapprove of their relationship or at least how they’d gone about conducting it at first, they would for the most part all eventually come around to the idea and support it in the long run, given the passage of time and their increasing exposure to the grissom and sara as a couple.
i don’t think it’s likely that this reveal would have been a “deal-breaker” for any of them when it came to their friendships with grissom and sara or their willingness to work with them going forward.
it just might be a case where maybe there was slightly more pushback at least at first than what the show allows us to see.
the whole process might have been much more dynamic than what canon seems to suggest.
does anyone on team graveyard blame grissom for sara's abduction?
personally, i somewhat doubt it.
certainly, the show never suggests that such is the case during episodes 07x24 “living doll” and 08x01 “dead doll,” but even beyond the issue of what canon does (and doesn’t) show us, i just think, from a character perspective, that it’s unlikely that they do.
while grissom—notorious self-flagellator that he is—likely does blame himself, thinking that if only he’d caught natalie sooner or hadn’t been so handsy with sara in public, sara might never have become a target, i believe that most of his and sara’s friends, if asked, would remind him that no one is ultimately responsible for natalie’s actions except for natalie.
claiming that grissom is responsible for sara’s abduction makes about as much sense as claiming that any of natalie’s other victims had brought their own murders upon themselves.
while some of them were repugnant people, none of them deserved to get brutally murdered or brought their murders upon themselves; they just had the unfortunate experience of being in proximity to a serial killer and her bleach kill-trigger. it wasn’t their faults (or the faults of their friends and family members) that they got killed. 
it was natalie’s.
no matter how the various members of team graveyard might feel about grissom and sara being together or their secrecy regarding their relationship, i think all of them have been doing their jobs well enough to know that both grissom and sara are victims in this case; i don’t think any of them would have hard feelings toward anyone but natalie for what had happened.
grissom was already doing everything he could to solve that case as fast as possible, and he and sara were being about as discreet about their relationship as two people could be.
after all, they’d successfully hidden it from their teammates for years.
there wasn’t really anything he or they could have done differently to change the situation, and especially not knowing what (or whom) they were really up against. the members of team graveyard are all practical enough to realize as much.
do you think catherine or brass would have been upset that grissom didn’t tell them about their relationship even though they have been friends for a long time?
as talked about above, while i do think catherine might have reason to be upset once she learns the truth about gsr, i don’t think she’d be upset for this particular reason. 
imo, catherine knows grissom well enough to realize that he was probably never going to confide in her about his love life, regardless of whom he happened to be dating. 
for all of the ways in which their friendship is a very close one, that topic has just always been a one-way street for them; catherine may tell grissom about her adventures and misadventures with dating (and even complain to him about her “dry spells” on occasion), but grissom is never going to do the same with her, and she knows as much. it doesn’t offend her. she gets that that’s just the way things are with him.
she might even understand that in this particular case, he perhaps felt it was important to shield her from the truth so as to insulate her from potential professional fallout in the event that said truth was discovered by their superiors.
(after all, had she known about grissom and sara’s relationship and not “turned them in,” she could have gotten in trouble with the administration just as much as them. “aiding and abetting” in this instance could be a fireable offense.)
so of all the reasons she might be pissed at him for his behavior in this situation, i honestly don’t think this one ranks very high on her list.
the same probably goes for brass.
again, having himself had an office romance in the past, brass is aware that it’s just one of those things that one keeps to themselves. the more people one tells, the more likely the secret is to get out and the more potential damage will be done once it is.
he’d probably understand grissom and sara’s reasons for keeping this particular secret to themselves.
i don’t think he’d take it too personally, knowing that they did so not out of dislike of or distrust of him, per se, but just because that’s just how “secret affairs” are typically conducted.
once they learn the truth, do any members of team graveyard recall past events that now in retrospect seem to be obvious indicators that grissom and sara have been together for a very long time?
oh, yeah, definitely!
probably everyone on the team has at least one or two “looking back now, i definitely should have known!” type memories where gsr is concerned (and even some, “wait. were they together even way back then?!” type ones, too).
i mean, the truth is, grissom and sara have never exactly been subtle about their feelings for each other—and in fact, that’s kind of the reason they’re able to “camouflage” their relationship from their teammates for so long.
it’s the type of deal where because they have always in many ways acted like a couple, no one actually noticed when they became a couple officially, but then once they were a couple officially and finally “out,” their friends could look back and go, “oooh! so that’s the reason they were acting that way.”
i mean, warrick might remember a moment like the one where grissom brings sara the veggie burger in episode 07x01 “built to kill” pt. i and go, “oh, shit, i get it now!” or, thinking about it, nick might suddenly have an epiphany about how there was probably a reason why sara seemed a bit down/distracted during the four weeks that grissom was out of town on his sabbatical last year.
i’m sure everyone can think of some flirtatious exchange or weird interaction between grissom and sara that they’ve witnessed over the years that now, upon reflection, takes on a whole new significance, given the knowledge that grissom and sara are in love (and have been for a long time).
i’m sure there is a “5 + 1” fic to be written on this topic for anyone so inclined.
would team graveyard lobby for ecklie to be lenient with grissom and sara in terms of the rules violation?
eh, i don’t really think so.
i mean, regardless of what their personal feelings on gsr might be, i think the members of team graveyard know that the lab has the policies it does re: romantic relationships between team members for a reason.
there are a lot of serious ethical issues that could arise from two members of the same criminalistics team dating each other, and particularly when one of them is a boss and one of them is a subordinate, in terms of potential for the exertion of undue influence, and the legal liability in such a situation is very real. regardless of whether or not grissom ever did pressure sara to perform her job duties in certain ways in order to please him/earn his favor, just the possibility that he could have calls into question the validity of all of the work they did together.
i mean, even without them actually being in a relationship at the time, we see a defense attorney employ this very tactic in order to discredit sara/team graveyard’s work in episode 03x02 “the accused is entitled.” nora cross also gestures toward a similar point in reboot episode 01x04 “long pig.”
so while i don’t think anyone on team graveyard is happy about things having to change, i think they all understand that the fact that they do is somewhat inevitable.
grissom and sara can’t both keep working as supervisor and subordinate as long as they’re still in a romantic relationship together, and while maybe it might’ve been possible to shift the hierarchy of the team in order to allow them to still both remain working on the same shift together had they been more proactive about reporting their relationship rather than reactive about doing so—as ecklie suggests in episode 08x02 “a la cart,” perhaps catherine could’ve become sara’s supervisor or something along those lines, had they just come forward earlier—the fact is that, ultimately, they did break the rules, and there has to be some consequence for them doing so.
honestly, they’re actually lucky that neither one of them got fired or demoted.
in the scheme of things, sara having to switch shifts is a relatively minor punishment, given both the nature of their deception and the scope of it.
for as much as their teammates might not like sara having to move to swing, i don’t think anyone would argue that ecklie is being unreasonable in making her do so. like grissom and sara themselves, they probably realize that this outcome is one that they just have to accept for what it is.
does team graveyard find out that grissom and sara are living together at the same time they learn about their relationship?
i mean, considering that grissom takes four plus months off from work to stay home and nurse sara back to health after her ordeal, there’s really no avoiding the fact of their cohabitation.
would team graveyard be shocked to learn that grissom and sara were living together?
to my mind, the most shocking revelation in this situation would just be the fact of the relationship itself, so once they knew that grissom and sara were a couple, i don’t actually think it’d be that surprising to them to also find out that they were living together.
that’s just what people in long-term, serious romantic relationships (most often) tend to do.
that said, i do think they might be a bit incredulous that grissom and sara had managed to hide their living arrangements for as long as they did. 
the amount of work that must have gone into them keeping up the charade that they had separate lives/residences must have been extraordinary—to the tune of them purposefully leaving the lab parking lot in different directions at the end of every shift, staggering their comings and goings from work, maintaining a separate address for sara somehow (likely still paying rent on her old place so that they could tell hr that was where she lived), hiding the fact that they had a dog for whom they shared care responsibilities together, never eating leftovers for lunch in the breakroom lest someone notice they had obviously had the same meal for dinner the day before, remaining silent when the other person answered work calls while they were at home together so that no one could recognize their voices on the other end of the line, just never slipping up and saying to each other “see you at home” when someone else was around to hear them, etc., etc., etc.
it’s not easy to pretend you don’t live with the person you live with, and especially not when you work with a bunch of trained observers whose job it is to notice details.
they would have had to be so fastidious in order to keep their secret secret, and i think that’s the thing their teammates would find shocking: not the fact of their cohabitation itself but that they managed to pull it off for two full years.
is there anyone in team graveyard (including brass, doc robbins, and/or super dave) who might have had their previous suspicions about grissom and sara’s relationship status proven correct?
mine is an unpopular opinion, but i honestly believe that prior to the events of episode 07x24 “living doll,” no one on team graveyard knows that grissom and sara are in a relationship or even has real suspicions that they are.
while at various points throughout the early seasons, some members of team graveyard might suspect that grissom and sara have feelings for each other of some kind (or that at least one or the other of them does so) and while some of them might even suppose that maybe they had some kind of prior romantic history together before sara moved to las vegas, i don’t think anyone actually realized that they were dating between 2005-2007.
for my money, here’s how things shake down:
catherine is dead convinced that grissom and sara were having a sexual relationship prior to when sara moved to vegas and that they then continued to have one for a brief period of time after she moved, as well. however, by the time the events of s7/s8 are taking place, she figures that their “thing” is ancient history, so she is completely blindsided by the revelation that they are currently together. while learning that they are a couple might seemingly lend some credence to her suspicions about grissom and sara’s past, i don’t think she was savvy enough to their “present” to be vindicated in that sense.
as i talk about here, “we don’t get much information regarding what warrick knows about gsr, except that in episode 01x20 ‘sounds of silence,’ he states that sara doesn’t like it when grissom has other women in his life—a statement which reveals that, at the very least, he is aware that sara is attracted to and possessive of grissom. in s6, warrick is part of a group that teasingly refers to grissom as ‘single boy,’ which suggests that warrick is oblivious to the fact that grissom is dating anyone at the time, let alone that grissom is dating sara (see episode 06x23 ‘bang-bang’). in s7, he witnesses grissom and sara acting coupley around each other in the ‘i got you a veggie burger’ scene in episode 07x01 ‘built to kill,’ pt. i. however, the show gives no indication that he picks up the vibe that grissom and sara are throwing down. (and, in fact, part of the joke in the scene is that warrick asks ‘where’s the love?’ without knowing that it’s right in front of him, between grissom and sara.) given warrick’s reaction to grissom’s revelation in episode 07x24 ‘living doll,’ it seems that he is probably fairly oblivious to romantic gsr prior to that point. so to sum up: warrick may have known that sara had a crush on grissom early on, but the thought that grissom and sara were in love with each other and in a committed relationship probably never crossed his mind prior to the big reveal.”
nick is straight-up clueless. he tells us so himself in episode 08x02 “a la cart.”
meanwhile, while greg suggests to nick that he was knowledgeable of gsr prior to s7, i don’t he actually was. to quote from the same post linked previously: “i’ve always been of the opinion that greg is kind of messing with nick and bending the truth when he says that he had special knowledge concerning gsr prior to episode 07x24 ‘living doll.’ he’s not lying, exactly—but he is taking what is probably his nebulous sense that something was going on between grissom and sara from 2005 to 2007 and making it sound like he had an absolute knowledge of their dating relationship during that time, even though he almost certainly didn’t. if you look at the way nick and greg’s conversation plays out, nick asks if sara ever said anything to greg about her relationship with grissom. nick asks this question knowing that grissom would be unlikely to disclose personal information about himself to anyone on the team, though sara might confide personal information about herself in someone, and especially greg, who is her best friend. nick’s question seems to take greg somewhat by surprise; greg’s body language shows uncertainty. ‘not in so many words,’ he hedges. his answer suggests that, at the very least, he has never had an actual conversation with sara about her and grissom’s love life (i.e., that sara has never actually sat him down and confided her and grissom’s secret in him), and, even more likely, that if he knew anything pre-reveal about gsr at all, it was all things he read between the lines—clues that only really make sense to him in retrospect, now that he knows the context for them. nick senses greg’s hesitation/equivocation, so he presses greg’s answer. ‘so you knew about the two of them?’ he asks, annoyed that he somehow may have missed something that greg was able to pick up on. greg shrugs—a gesture which suggests that he is again equivocating and maybe even stretching the truth. ‘yeah,’ he says awkwardly. based on greg’s responses and body language in this scene, it seems to me that greg probably didn’t know anything concrete about grissom and sara being together before grissom made his big reveal at the end of s7—he just wants nick to think that he did because he knows nick will be miffed about having been ‘kept out of the loop,’ and greg and nick never miss out on an opportunity to razz each other. sara never sat down with greg and said she was dating grissom, and greg probably didn’t know anything about gsr for certain until after grissom revealed that he is in love with sara and the truth about their relationship became public when natalie davis had sara kidnapped.”
i’m also maybe the one person in the fandom who doesn’t actually believe brass knows about gsr pre-episode 07x24 “living doll.” you can find my reasoning here.
i also don’t think either doc or super dave know just because it’s never even hinted at that they do.
so all of the above said, while i do believe that various members of team graveyard might’ve been able to say, “hey! i was right: sara has always had a crush on grissom!” or “oooh, so when i thought that one interaction between them seemed ~weird~, it was,” i don’t think any one of them can truthfully say that they believed grissom and sara were dating each other prior to the big reveal.
to me, that’s part of the whole joke of s7.
they’re all so close to the truth and yet so far.
would brass mention the interrogation scene in episode 04x12 “butterflied” to anyone else on team graveyard in order to offer proof of grissom and sara’s longstanding and deep love for each other?
personally, i don’t think so.
while he may himself realize in retrospect the significance of that particular moment, i think if he does, he also realizes just how deeply personal it is and knows it isn’t his place to talk about it “out of school.”
grissom was essentially “unburdening himself to the void,” and brass just so happened to overhear it.
grissom had no expectation that anyone in that room would understand what (or rather whom) he was really talking about.
just like he had no idea that sara had listened to him make his confession, either.
brass knows as much, and he’s discreet enough to keep what he is aware of to himself.
do you think catherine is horrified when she realizes the implications of her whole “wears the chaps” spiel speculating on grissom and heather’s possible past sexual involvement to sara in episode 07x23 “the good, the bad, & the dominatrix”?
honestly, even once she learns about gsr, catherine still might believe that grissom and heather had slept together at some point in the past (just like many csi viewers do), so i don’t think, given that she is generally a fairly shameless person, that she’d feel at all bad about speculating to that end—even given that she now knows that sara is grissom’s current girlfriend.
hell, she might even think the situation was funny, in retrospect—her going on and on about grissom and (in her view) his past lover’s sex life, all while grissom’s current lover was standing there, unable to say anything a damn thing about it or even let on that she had a vested interested in the topic. kind of hilarious, no?
in catherine’s mind, it’s a fair game subject to speculate about, particularly considering that sara, as grissom’s girlfriend, probably is already aware of his sexual history anyway (at least the way she sees things).
do you greg, nick, and/or warrick are jealous or resentful toward grissom once they find out that he is with sara?
i don’t think nick or warrick ever has any kind of legitimate attraction to or romantic feelings for sara period*, so i doubt that they care about grissom dating her, at least on those grounds.
* while they may both play-flirt with sara at times (and she with them), it’s always done in a very jocular way. at least to me, i don’t think there’s ever any serious intention behind it.
however, as someone who has always had a crush on sara, greg, on the other hand, might be a little jealous and resentful, not to an extreme degree—i don’t think he wishes ill on grissom and/or grissom and sara’s relationship—but to the extent that he might wonder exactly what sara sees in grissom that she doesn’t see in him and (as discussed above) feel a little bit disappointed that his dream girl is no longer available to him.
fwiw, i do think we see at least a hint of this jealousy/resentment in play with greg’s curtness toward grissom in episode 08x08 “you kill me,” when he seems to blame grissom for “causing” sara to leave vegas in a way that no one else on the team does.
who on team graveyard pries grissom away from sara's hospital bed so he can get food and sleep?
no one.
the end of hospital visiting hours forces him to leave eventually.
does anyone on the team go to grissom and sara’s place to get clothes and toiletries for grissom and sara and make sure hank gets to the dog sitter? if yes, does this someone do any snooping inside grissom and sara's home?
i don’t think anyone does go to their house, as
no one would have needed to deal with hank, as he would’ve already been at the sitter’s at the time of sara’s abduction anyway, given that she had already left for work by then (stopping to grab a quick bite at a restaurant on her way to the lab, as per what is shown in episode 07x24 “living doll”) and grissom was already at the lab himself during that interval, as well,
and, as stated above, grissom would eventually have to go back to the condo himself anyway once visiting hours in the icu were over, at which point he could procure everything he and sara needed himself without having to direct someone else to do it.
to my mind, the first time anyone gets a glimpse of “grissom and sara’s inner sanctum” is in the deleted scene from episode 08x12 “grissom’s divine comedy,” when catherine shows up at the condo to talk to grissom about the case of the day. 
certainly, her snooping behavior in that scene tells us that she’s never been to grissom and sara’s place before, and if she hasn’t, then i doubt that anyone else on the team has, either. 
does anyone confront sara for not telling them about her and grissom’s relationship since they can't confront grissom as their boss?
i don’t personally think so—or at least not in an angry, aggressive kind of way.
while that’s not to say that no one potentially would have hurt feelings toward her, i tend to believe that in a lot of ways the timeline of events plus her status as the victim of a crime helps to spare her any kind of truly fraught conversations.
of course, at the moment when grissom reveals the truth to their friends about their relationship, sara is not present to be reacted at. 
then, even after her initial rescue, she’s in the hospital, where her teammates only have very limited access to her, probably in much worse shape than we as viewers are even shown, for a long time hovering in critical condition and then even afterwards still banged up and busted enough that it would take a kind of truly heartless person (which of course none of her teammates are) to show up in the icu or step-down unit and chew her ass for previous duplicitous behavior. 
even once she’s discharged, she’s on leave, which means she probably a bit difficult to pin down.
while other fans may (and probably do disagree), i tend to think grissom and sara don’t really invite anyone over to their place while sara is convalescing, probably for myriad reasons; in all likelihood, they just “drop off the grid.”
all said, for four plus months, no one really probably has much of a chance to give sara a piece of their minds, no matter how much they might be inclined to.
during that timespan, i’ve got to believe that a lot of the initial kneejerk reactions her teammates have to learning the news temper and eventually even dissipate as the months wear on. for however mad they may have been at her (and grissom) initially, the more time passes and life continues, the more they get over having been lied to, and especially because, at least insofar as we’re shown, there never does seem to be any real professional reckoning for grissom and sara’s actions for team graveyard—i.e., no cases of theirs ever do get overturned, no lawsuits are ever filed, nobody gets fired or demoted, and sara is the only one who ends up having to change shifts in the end—meaning that for all their fear of what might happen when “the other shoe drops,” the drop doesn’t actually ever occur. it just becomes a moot point.
ultimately, for as reckless as what grissom and sara did was, it turns into a “no harm, no foul” situation.
that so, i tend to suspect that by the time sara does finally come back to work in october, her friends have mostly moved past the point of even wanting to confront her; by then, they’re all just happy to see her alive and well (which is certainly what canon seems to depict in episode 08x02 “a la cart”). any anger or resentment there had been has long since been muted.
and especially because it’s probably difficult to feel anything but sorry for sara, considering that she is still pretty hurt, even by the time she finally does come back to the lab. it’s hard to yell at the girl with her face all cut up and her arm in a sling, you know?
while there might be some conversations along the lines of “you could have told us, you know”—i can particularly imagine this type of discussion between her and warrick or her and greg—i don’t think that when/if they happen, they are had in anger. i also think that when sara explains, at least in part, her and grissom’s side of things (“we didn’t want to drag anyone else into it. it was our thing”), her teammates accept the reasoning/intentions behind the action, even if they don’t necessarily agree.
as for whether or not anyone ever confronts grissom: i think it’s more likely that he gets confronted than sara does, even though he is the boss, both because he comes back to work earlier than she does—we’re not told how much earlier exactly, but we’re clearly shown in episode 08x02 “a la cart” that he’s already back to working cases while she’s still making arrangements to make the switch over to swing—and because, unfortunately for him, in some ways he is the less sympathetic party in this case.
i also don’t think that grissom is necessarily the kind of boss the members of team graveyard would feel too intimidated to confront. i mean, they’ve always called him out on his bullshit in the past (see, for example, their comments to him in episode 02x15 “burden of proof” or nick’s heated conversation with him in episode 04x11 “eleven angry jurors”), so it stands to reason that they’d be comfortable doing so in this situation, as well, particularly given how his actions might potentially impact them/the team/the lab.
whether or not anyone actually yells at him, i don’t know. possibly they could, but even if they don’t, i do think it’s likely that maybe his reception upon his return to the lab is a bit frosty or that someone makes at least some kind of comment to him indicating their displeasure at some point.
(my bets would be on catherine or nick.)
do ecklie and grissom have any kind of conversations regarding grissom’s leave of absence after sara’s rescue and prior to the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart”?
the show completely glosses over the logistics of grissom taking leave, but the fact is that he would have to communicate with both ecklie and catherine in order to coordinate with them while he was away to make the situation work.
based on the statements sara makes in episode 04x23 “bloodlines” indicating that she has (at that time) ten weeks’ worth of vacation on the books, we can calculate, based on her having worked at the lab for four years by that point and never having taken a vacation to date aside from maybe attending a short conference or two here or there, that the csis each likely receive between 2.5 and 3 weeks of vacation time per calendar year. 
considering that by the time of sara’s abduction, grissom has worked at the lab for about twenty-two years and has seldom taken any of his pto to date, he likely has well over a years’ worth of vacation time available to him at that point to take—and, legally, if he requests to take it, the lab has to let him.
that so, i think it’s likely that he flat-out tells ecklie, “i’m not coming back to work for the next few months,” and ecklie just kind of has to deal with it.
and especially because sara was injured more or less on the job by someone on the lab’s payroll.
while it wasn’t actually the lab’s fault that sara was abducted, it still would have been a bad-faith move with potentially damning pr implications to deny grissom the opportunity to stay home and tend to her. 
however, even though grissom can basically take as much vacation time as he sees fit without ecklie being able to say boo about it, he still probably has to communicate with ecklie enough to hand off his cases and supervisory duties to catherine and potentially other shift supervisors—somebody from day or swing or even ecklie himself likely has to step in while grissom’s away in order to give catherine her nights off—and make sure that his team isn’t left even more in the lurch than they inevitably are, missing both him and sara for several months on end.
it also might be the case that on occasion, he would have to come back to the lab in order to prep his substitutes for upcoming trials or even to take part in said trials himself.
for as much as he’d be loath to leave sara home alone while she was recovering, i’m sure she’d be the first to tell him, “i don’t want you to let murderers walk free for my sake. please go testify in this case. you’re the only expert entomologist at the lab, and your findings are the only thing that’ll put this guy away where he belongs. i can have one of our neighbors come sit with me. i’ll be okay for a few hours without you. i promise.”
all of that so, i very strongly believe grissom probably has spoken with ecklie—and probably even regularly emailed with him and had phone conversations—prior to the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart.”
it’s just that they haven’t yet talked about the elephant in the room by then, you know?
—probably as much due to grissom’s dodging as ecklie’s own awkwardness about broaching the subject.
say what you will about ecklie, but i genuinely believe that, as he indicates in episode 08x02 “a la cart,” he takes no pleasure in administrating this particular issue. he probably doesn’t want to discuss grissom and sara’s looming disciplinary action while they’re both still away from work, particularly as he knows sara is still very much in recovery. chances are, he’s only too happy to put that conversation off until they both return to work, knowing that until then there’s really not much to be done anyway.
part of him probably wonders if they’ll even ever come back to work at all (particularly sara), especially in the immediate aftermath of the abduction. he’s probably wondering, “is this the kind of deal where what starts out as an extended leave of absence just turns into them never really coming back? am i gonna be looking for their replacements a few months from now?”
would hodges be full of himself, telling anyone who’d listen that he knew all along about gsr?
i mean, potentially.
certainly, that would be one way to write his character in this situation, and i don’t necessarily think it would be ooc to have him behave in that way.
that said, i think it’s maybe a bit more fun to imagine a more nuanced version of his behavior, where in the aftermath of sara’s rescue, everyone keeps kind of expecting him to play that “of course i knew all along” braggadocio role, but he kind of just, well, doesn’t.
imagine a scenario where the news of grissom and sara’s romance has started to spread around the lab, beyond just with the main players on team graveyard. now it’s the hot gossip. every tech and trainee and secretary is playing the “well, did you know? what tipped you off? did you see when x, y, or z thing happened between them?” game, sharing their own “close encounters of the gsr kind” stories with their friends, trying to pin down the logistics of the whole affair.
rumors are swirling—“grissom only hired her because they were an item before she moved from san francisco, you know;” “did you hear they have a secret love child? he’s eight and he already goes to harvard;” “someone told me that they got married a few years back during that time when sara got suspended;” “they’re into all kinds of bdsm and have threesomes with lady heather on the reg;” etc.—and everyone is just wildly speculating about their sex life and their home situation and which of the other members of their team actually knew about them and when.
at some point, the lab rats are all going on about it over lunch in the breakroom and hodges is uncharacteristically quiet. archie tries to get him to contribute to the conversation, but he just kind of demurs. henry even goes as far as to tease him (“he’s sitting over there all quiet and mysterious-like, just hoping we’ll ask him what he knows so that he can pretend that he knew all along”). but hodges just gets up and leaves.
while the other lab rats suppose that he’s just being a sore sport because he can’t actually to pretend to have known anything more than they did—“he was just as clueless as the rest of us”—wendy gets up and follows him and asks him to explain himself.
at first, hodges just tries to brush it off, but wendy is nothing if not persistent, so eventually she gets him to open up.
turns out that hodges is kind of shaken.
grissom is his hero, and after what happened with sara, well—
hodges just can’t get that look on grissom’s face out of his head; how haunted he looked, how small.
maybe while everyone else is treating grissom and sara’s love life like a cypher to be decoded, hodges is just worried because “if something like that happened to the woman i loved, i don’t think i could come back to work at the place that made it happen. i think i’d have to walk away.” 
of course, wendy can’t promise that grissom will be back—and hodges does actually make a good point; it would be difficult to willingly return to the darkness that had almost swallowed your true love whole—but she can reassure him: “if grissom and sara do walk away, i don’t think it’ll be a sad ending.”
“i don’t think it’s ever the wrong thing to choose love. and besides—”
she touches over his fingers where his hands rest on the desk. “—this lab will still be in good hands.”
do i have headcanon dialogue about your questions?
i tried to pepper a little into my answers here and there, but honestly these scenarios are not ones to which i have devoted a ton of brainpower to imagining, not for any particular reason—i mean, i’m certainly not averse to this part of gsr history in the same way i am the later seasons of the show—but just because i haven’t.
i don’t really have concrete headcanons about how everyone reacts to the news—like i’ve said, i could pretty easily be convinced that certain team members have much more complicated reactions (at least initially) than what we’re shown by the point that the events of episode 08x02 “a la cart” are taking place, but i could also believe that maybe they’re all fairly quick to accept the new status quo, as long as a convincing enough rationale was provided as to why so they did—and i especially don’t have fully mapped out scenes in my head for everything that happens.
thanks for the questions! please feel welcome to send more any time.       
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disasterfandoms · 3 years
Sex with Gil Grissom || CSI Headcanons
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@rafaelina-casillas​ requested: “Hiiiii! I'm sorry for the bother but would you please write some smut headcanons for Gil Grissom from CSI? Basically what having sex with him would be like? Thank you in advance and have a lovely day!”
A/N: I never thought I would be making smut headcanons for Gil Grissom but here we are. ALSO IM SO EXCITED FOR CSI: VEGAS! Sorry these are short!
- Sex with Gil would be slow and sensual, most of the time. He likes to take his time, making sure you’re feeling as good as he is in every moment
- He loves to give head. He likes seeing you whither beneath him, eager for his tongue on you. He loves watching your squirm and beg for more
- He’s slightly into BDSM, and for some reason I think he’s a soft dom. He would kindly remind you of his instructions, and then punish you appropriately for breaking the rules.
-He’s an ass man. He likes to spank you, and prefer positions where he can see your ass slapping against his body.
- He loves to be a tease, as long as he knows he’s going to deliver on his promises. Calling you pet names while doing foreplay, stopping right before you cum to listen to you beg, only to let you cum as soon as he would be satisfied hearing you need for him to finish you off.
- He moans during sex, semi-loudly. He’s definitely more vocal than others, especially if you had mentioned before that you enjoy hearing him enjoy what is happening.
- Slow sex is usually in the morning with him, taking his time, making sure you feel every single stroke, and every single thing he does to you to make you feel good.
-Gets good at quickies, especially since he gets called in all of the time. Gets called in in the middle of sex? Flips you over, makes you cum, and goes on with his night.
- Would be into bondage, and blindfolds. He’s tie you up so you couldn't touch him, then blindfold you so you couldn’t see the pleasure coming, creating an enhanced sense of suspense and pleasure.
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starsspin · 8 months
grissom + attire?
at some point i will probably do a full deep dive on this, but that requires a full rewatch with me like taking notes. since outside of a few key things (his baseball cap and then his sun hat) i haven't really paid too much attention to his clothing options in terms of like color and fit, textures of fabric.
however what i can say, based on things we do see and details i can remember off the top of my head. gil is a man who prefers comfort and practicality over fashion. he's not a fan of wearing suits, can't tie a bow tie, doesn't like wearing ties in general. his clothes fit him but they are super form fitting.
now this just might be because we don’t see gil a lot wearing other things outside of the csi attire. but going off vibes, gil wears a lot more earthy tones. dark blues, greens, grays, and browns. when he’s outside he always has sunglasses and a hat of some kind. (i want to say there’s a switch from when he wears the baseball cap to the sunhat, because i don’t think he goes back to wearing the baseball hat afterwards but don’t quote me on that) he’s also often seen wearing long sleeves, which leads me to believe that the lab is just cold for him all the time. he's also not a big jewelry guy however sometimes (and this is my own headcanon) he will sometimes wear his father's signet ring which was gifted to him by his mother
but unless he needs to, or is asked to, gil very rarely ventures outside of what is most comfortable for him.
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Gilbert Arthur “Gil” Grissom from CSI
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grissomesque · 3 years
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Other than that, I'm great.
CSI 6x21 | CSI:V 1x07
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personagensautistas · 2 years
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O personagem autista do dia é: Gil Grissom, da série CSI.
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