#"House Of Exile"
iweb-rdc001 · 11 months
Musique : Lucky Dube, 16 ans déjà dans l'au-delà !
Le 18 octobre 2007, assassinat du musicien sud-africain Lucky Dube. Ce jour-là, dans la périphérie de Johannesburg, Lucky Dube, alors âgé de 43 ans, accompagne ses deux enfants (âgés de 15 et 16 ans) chez un oncle et marque une halte sur une aire de stationnement. Il sera assassiné sous les yeux de ses enfants lors de la tentative du vol de sa voiture. Des inconnus s’étaient approchés pour lui…
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Hokuto: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~
Kenta, recording: This is so cute.
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armenelols · 1 year
For after the Last Battle and the overthrow of Morgoth, when the Valar gave Elros and Elrond a choice to belong either to the kin of the Eldar or to the king of Men, it was Elros who voyaged over sea to Númenor following the star of Eärendil; whereas Elrond remained among the Elves and carried on the lineage of King Elwë.
Note 19 - And also that of Turgon; though he preferred that of Elwë, who was not under the ban that was laid on the Exiles.
- Problem of Ros, HoME XII
Every once in a while I remember this passage and am sent spiralling into the orbit.
Elrond saw the disaster that were the Noldor and went 'nope, I am staying out of that drama. Sindar, here I come' and he's so valid for it. Living up to the as wise as a wizard. He looks at the elven side of his family tree, goes 'do you think I am stupid' and chooses the least problematic branch.
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lilacstro · 2 months
Essential Dignity and Debility in Astrology
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This post is LONG and hurt my fingers so much but would certainly help those who wish to study astrology rather seriously.
There are five different kinds of essential dignity that a planet can have and they are domicile, exaltation, triplicity, term (or bounds) and face (or decan). I would also be covering an important accidental dignity in this post. Each one impacts a planet in a different way by affecting the kinds of support and the amount of support a planet has access to.
look at this chart below: (credits: lilacstro on tumblr)
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Let us start with
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domicile (+5 points)
Ok, so think of it as the literal meaning, someone who is at home. To add more clarity to it, this would be the prime minister of a country, someone who is responsible for managing all the work and does all the major responsible things.
Some ancient astrologers use a scoring system to quantify the influence of planetary dignities. When a planet is in its own domicile, it receives a score of +5, which can be further enhanced by other dignities that we'll explore later. While this scoring system can be initially helpful, it's important not to rely on it exclusively for understanding dignity. A planet's condition is also influenced by its house position, aspects, speed, solar phase, and other factors. The scoring system is just a starting point, and I encourage you to trust your own judgment once you grasp the basics.
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debility or detriment (-5 points)
A planet is in it’s detriment when it is placed in the sign that opposes it’s domicile. For example, the Sun rules Leo and is therefore in detriment in Aquarius, the sign that opposes Leo. The scoring system will tell you that a planet in exile is worth -5, but I’m not too sure about that, since again this would be like painting things black and white and that is not what we are doing here.
Think about it, you are out of your home, like far away from your home BUT you have the knowledge about the place you are at, you can speak the language and you have some rebel inside of yourself. You can say you are in your fight mode, you are not comfortable, you are not at ease, there is restlessness to be precise. Planets in detriment are forced to do things differently than they normally would, which can make them feel like outsiders.
Think about
Now is it the end of the world? No.
I think, was it with professor charlie obert at Kepler? If I am remembering it right? He quoted the example of Muhammad Ali (who was a heavy weight champion), who had Mars in Taurus. And now, he made this his entire career, and you see, Mars here gave him a restlessness, a competitive spirit, which he utilized to go where he went. So you see, it indeed is not impossible and no detriment or fall placement is a handicap.
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Exaltation (+4 points)
Ah, exaltation is the president of the country. While he does not do much important work like the prime minister , he is extremely important and well regarded. Or think of him as an esteemed guest in a friend's house, though it is technically not his own house, he is still happy and comfortable there. I hope I am making sense
Planets in domicile have a bit more responsibility, which makes them more powerful but less relaxed at the same time — they have affairs to manage and duties to tend to. Exalted planets get to enjoy the experience a bit more, which might make the experience of exaltation more subjectively favorable than the experience of a planet in domicile. So this point system again feels doubtful.
Now, if you will look at the chart above, you will see I have mentioned some specific degrees at the chart above, now what I mean by that is, if you have degrees at that planet and sign, the exaltation is even more intense. In fact, the earliermost concept of exaltation were based on degrees. But in my own opinion, this would add more intensity only when the planet is in the exalted sign and not others. For example, in my own opinion, I would rather not consider a Moon in Gemini at 3 degrees to be exalted.
Traditional astrologer lily, relates it to psychological exaltation, saying people with exalted planets, often tend to have some high opinions of themselves, and it is somewhat true in my practice.
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Fall (-4 points)
The opposite of exaltation is fall, which is often cited as being the most difficult condition for a planet to be in, which is not really like that. It more so is you need to work hard to bring those skills up, but harder than when the planet would have been in detriment. Now like I said, it is like being restless being in detriment, it is more so feeling lost and somewhat helpless with the planet being in fall. Now psychologically, having planets in fall can sometimes lead to a low self esteem or opinion of yourself around that area in life. Like say, your Moon is in fall in Scorpio, so you may feel like disregarding your emotions, not really wanting to believe or trust them. It can feel like at working odds with oneself.
In greek writings, fall was considered the prison, where one is supposed to oppose and fight, while exaltation was the throne, where one is considered prized. (it lowkey rhymes lmao)
When a planet is in fall, it encounters conditions that hinder its ability to thrive, making it less effective in managing the topics it signifies in a chart. These areas may be more challenging for an individual to engage with, but they also highlight where people are likely to make entirely new paths. The easy routes that exalted planets enjoy are not available to a fallen planet — they must create their own trails through persistence and determination. This process requires grit, effort, and perseverance, which is why fallen planets are often experienced as more difficult. They represent the harder aspects of life but also offer opportunities to break new ground and explore uncharted territory.
Again an example of how planets in fall may work out is comedian Lenny Bruce, who had his Sun and Jupiter hard aspects and both of them in fall, and that was the kind of comedy he did, basically ridiculing, coming in your face in kind of stuff and this is one of the many examples of a fall placement, being ridiculed or feeling off, humiliated, dishonored, disgraced, not being listened to (damn it got too much but I am just trying to explain).
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Triplicity (+3 points)
This is not that major, but still a good add on strength to your planet. It is like, having a small support group, maybe of friends or people who just support you. For people with fall and triplicity:
It is like let us say you have lost your day job, but your patreon followers support you. What I mean is, if you have some fall planets, but their having a triplicity in that planet, it is having some support.. It might not be easy or comfortable to do so, but the resources they seek are dependent on others. Let us say you have Venus in Virgo, which is fall(-4 points). However, Venus also has triplicity in Virgo (+3 points), meaning it does get some support in Virgo. Of course, a wholistic Astrological interpretation is not as simple as being reduced to a points system, but it can help conceptually
Venus does not rule Virgo in the day. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, regardless of the time of day. However, Venus is the triplicity ruler of Earth signs (including Virgo) during the day, which means Venus has a supportive influence in Virgo for daytime charts.
The benefit of Venus being the triplicity ruler of Earth signs in a daytime chart is not limited to individuals with a Virgo Sun and Virgo Venus. It applies to any chart where Venus is in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) in a daytime chart.
In a nighttime chart, the Moon is the triplicity ruler for Earth signs. Thus, Venus in Virgo would still be in fall (-4 points) but wouldn’t receive the +3 points from triplicity rulership since the night lord is the Moon.
Whereas for people with no fall placement, but a triplicity think of it as situations where a friends appears to lend a helping hand in times of need. This is the friend who drives you to the airport, the technologically-proficient relative who can fix your computer and so on.
It is however, important to consider the sect of the chart (wheather it is a day chart or night chart basically, I will be posting sects just after this, so it can help maybe)
image source: two wanders
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the above rulers are further classified as day lords, night lords and co operating lords. For example, for someone who has a scorpio sun and was born in day, their day lord would be Venus, the night lord would be Mars, and the co operating lord would be Moon.
Now you may ask, what is day lord for a night chart? and why night lord for a day chart? well, these lords in both the sects reveal information about each of the houses that give so much extra information. So, do not confuse yourself at the moment. Just know, in your are born in the day, the rulers are so and so, and in night the rulers in a chart are so and so.
EDIT: check the post on sects out too if you are confused :)
Example: Someone is born in the daytime with a Mars in Taurus. Mars is the cooperating lord of Taurus during the day, Mars in Taurus receives +3 points and for being in detriment, -4? so it becomes a -1 overall.
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Bounds (+2 points)
The terms refer to unequal subdivisions of the zodiac signs that are ruled by the non-luminaries in the Egyptian schema. These confines can be thought of as rooms in a planet’s house each one being sub-ruled by one of the 5 classical Planets (minus the luminaries). They are a method of categorization in the Essential Dignity schema of a Planet to ascertain its level of strength or weakness, or comfort within a Sign at a particular degree.
image source: Moongal via X
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One way to conceptualize this is to think about the planet that rules a particular term as the supervisor of any planet that falls within that bound. The exaltation lord is like the CEO, the domicile lord is the Big Boss, the triplicity rulers are your coworkers and the term lord is your immediate supervisor. All of these play a role in your experience of getting work done and having a job, but in vastly different ways. This is how dignity works — it is a complex form of interrelated principles that all affect one another.
This influence can be easily seen in the example above where a domiciled Planet can be interpreted as the CEO, but really it is the supervisor (Planet in its bound) that has more of an impact on your day-to-day job satisfaction! How often do you encounter the CEO? Although the CEO would ultimately have the last say, generally you would go to your supervisor first for any issues (then the manager).
Astrologer Kyra Ryberg (I hope this was the name), explains this with help of Miley Cyrus' Chart. I cannot quote her word to word but will explain it from what I remember reading.
Her Saturn is at 13 degrees Aquarius in her 10th house, placing it within the bounds of Jupiter.
In Aquarius, certain degrees belong to the bounds of Jupiter, and this is where Miley’s Saturn is located. Both Jupiter and Saturn are diurnal and part of the sect in favor, with Jupiter overcoming Saturn by trine. This aspect and Jupiter’s influence help explain Miley’s significant success. Saturn limits and restricts, even with benefic influence, and she has often spoken about the challenges of breaking free from her Disney star persona. When Jupiter bounds in Aquarius, such individuals are “careless of their reputation" and I do not think I need to elaborate more.
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Decan (+1)
Called “decanic” dignity or “dignity by face” and it refers to a planet being in their own decan. The decans are 10° subsections of the zodiac signs that help differentiate between the beginning, middle and end of a sign. The ancients gave them a score of +1, but I have found them to be more descriptive than anything else. The faces tell us what kind of narrative or storyline a planet will encounter in a given sign.
There are two different schemas of decanic rulership, one that follows the triplicity order and another that follows the Chaldean order.
image source: astromax on facebook
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the inner wheel has the orders by triplicity while the outer wheels have the chaldean order. Look at the 0-10 degree for the 1st decan, 10-20 for the second and 20-30 for third in each sign
When a planet is in its own decan( for example: Mars in Aries between 0-10 degrees), it is said to gain a special kind of superpower. While it won’t be skilled at everything it’s responsible for, it will be particularly good at specific things. Austin Coppock says that it “unlocks a particular raw potency” that enables the planet to be “empowered by their own merits, abilities and efforts.” It’s not nearly as powerful or resourceful as a domiciled or exalted planet, but it does have a very profound impact on the way a planet does it’s Thing.
One extra clarification, When Mars is in 10°-20° Aries: Mars is still in its own sign, but now in the Sun’s decan.
There is an amazing tip for those who study tarot and astrology both. Now I have read this at multiple places so I do not know who to credit. But, here we go,
In more modern times, decans have become associated with the minor arcana cards of the tarot.
Each element corresponds with a suit in tarot: earth is pentacles, air is swords, water is cups, fire is wands. The cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer) correspond with the 2, 3 and 4 of a given suit. The fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio) correspond with the 5, 6 and 7, while the mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces) are connected to the 8, 9 and 10 of a particular suit. For example, if you wanted to know what the first decan of Pisces represented, you would look to the 8 (first decan of a mutable sign) of Cups (Pisces is a water sign). By using this shortcut, you can look up the associated tarot cards of each decan and begin to contemplate and understand the territory a planet is living in or transiting through. The journey through the decans tell a story, and it is rich, vibrant and full of symbolic meaning.
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Peregrine planets (-5 points)
Planets without dignity, debility and rulership, are called peregrine. Like for example, Scorpio Sun, the Sun is neither exalted, debilated, or in domicile or anything at all with the sign of scorpio.
For planets without dignity, look at their rulers. Planets which are not at home depend on the ruler of host to function. The word “peregrine” comes from the the Latin peregrino, meaning “to wander,” or “to travel”. Like a voyager in a foreign land. Demetra George describes peregrine planets as “a person without a home or who is outside his homeland” which increases their potential deficits.
And again, that point system atleast for me is not important when looking at the peregrine planets, and I would not say that the planet is an orphan of some sorts at all. This is just a traditional astrology thing which I just mentioned, and its on you and your practice to take it or not. The placement and aspects these planets make are very important. It is brutal for the traditional astrologers to give them a straight -5 lol.
for example aries moon is purely peregrine, aries mercury is also pregrine except between 12º-20º, where it has dignity by bound
similarly, taurus mercury, Taurus is not the domicile, the exaltation or even fall or detriment of Mercury so it is peregrine, except for 0-10º(triplicity order)// 10-20(chaldean order), where it has dignity by decan and between 8-14º where it has dignity by bound
now lastly,
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accidental dignity
This is very powerful in understanding the placements of a planet while delineating a natal chart. The four pivot angles in the chart (basically the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th), are points of visibility and power of the influence of the planet.
source of image: kepler college
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so we understand that angular houses, which are 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th, amplify the visibility of the planets too.
and then the visibility is less in the succedent houses which are 2nd, 5th, 11th and 8th
followed by the least in the cadent houses, which are 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th
Let us see a last example of how this may play out
For example. Bob Dylan had his mercury in gemini in the 7th house, and his venus 12 degrees in gemini in the 7th house and it just even further amplified how good of a lyricist he was, even though Venus in Gemini was not that strong with just being dignity bound at 12-17 degrees, however you may pay attention to the fact that his neptune was in virgo, and his mercury was in 7th, so the ruler of neptune was in 7th which amplified his artistic skills even more, since 7th house is kind of an accidental dignity.
Let us take another example, a person with Sun in scorpio at 4 degrees, is peregrine, but if the Sun is placed in any of the angular houses, it becomes stronger and the person would show qualities of leadership, strong ambition etc. and even better if the Sun has tight positive conjunctions with benefics (especially jupiter) or the ruler of scorpio lies in any of these angular houses.
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this is an extra sheet of information for anyone who may like to look at it more,
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phew it was long and confusing I know, but I hope this helps someone out there. I love you all
paid readings are open :)
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beaconfeels · 5 months
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“All my heart is yours, sir: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever.” —Jane Eyre
Stiles has a buzzcut, ten bucks to his name, and a ten year plan to woo Lydia Martin when he meets Derek’s uncle.
“You must be Stiles,” Peter Hale says, stretching out a hand.
Neck, Stiles’s brain unhelpfully supplies. Thankfully his body reacts on autopilot and he shakes Peter’s hand. It’s warm and strong. It makes Stiles’s mouth dry.
Fully out of his control, Stiles’s eyes trace the line of muscle down the side of Peter’s neck to the hint of collarbone visible through the v in the neck of Peter’s white button-down shirt.
The sleeves of the shirt are rolled up, revealing strong forearms with a dusting of hair.
Hnnng, Stiles’s brain says.
“Stiles. Yes. That’s me,” Stiles blurts out. It’s loud. It would be loud in a room full of humans, and this is not that. This is a room full of werewolves.
Stiles wipes his sweaty hands on his pants.
Peter smiles. His teeth are pointed.
All the better to eat you with, my dear, Stiles’s brain quotes. This should frighten him.
It doesn’t.
It has been one year, two months, and eleven days since Stiles met Peter Hale.
It has been ten seconds since an angry werewolf took a swipe at Stiles, and found himself on the ground, with an angry Peter on top of him.
“Peter, stand down,” Talia says calmly. “He wasn’t going to actually hurt him, were you Felix?”
”No,” Felix says, “Get this psychopath off me. Unless you want to destroy the accord our packs have shared for generations.”
Talia raises an eyebrow, like she might be considering it. “No, but your mother will be hearing about this,” she says.
Felix groans, and Peter gets off him, dusting the dirt off his pants and smoothing his hair back into place.
He tilts his head, his eyes roving over Stiles for a moment before he strides off toward the house.
Stiles shivers in delight.
Stiles’s hair is long enough to curl down around his neck, he has a new tattoo on his shoulder, and sparks coming from the tips of his fingers.
“Focus,” Peter says. His arms circle around Stiles’s waist, pulling him in against the warm wall of his body.
Stiles breathes deep and thinks about his love for Peter, how it pulls at him pleasantly, tethering him to the here and now. He thinks about Peter’s blue, blue eyes, and the way that even though he can’t see them, he knows they’re focused on him, that he has Peter’s full and undivided attention.
“Good,” Peter says, and Stiles comes back to earth, to the flattened trees and the dead bodies.
His knees shake.
“You did good,” Peter says. His lips brush against the back of Stiles’s neck. “You protected your pack. We are grateful. Come back to us now.”
Stiles turns around shakily in Peter’s arms, and holds on tight, his face pressed into Peter’s neck.
There’s still a supernova building inside him, but this time the light is warm and golden. He lets it engulf him.
The moon shines through the tall window in the Hale family library. Her face looks benevolently down on Stiles as he kneels at Peter’s feet, his head resting on Peter’s thigh.
There are fingers running soothingly through his hair, and the voice he loves so much is reading:
Once upon a time there was a very brave boy…
Stiles drifts.
The moon smiles.
“Mine,” Peter says.
“Yours,” Stiles agrees.
His mate pulls him into a passionate kiss, his warm hands hold Stiles’s face, stroke down his neck, pull him in ever closer.
Husband, Stiles’s brain croons.
The gold band on Stiles’s finger glows and warms.
“Again with the rings?” Peter asks, but he’s smiling too.
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dalishious · 3 months
Ramblings on "Eight Little Talons"
The Talons
One of the most interesting things about the Tevinter Nights story, “Eight Little Talons”, is how it portrays the relationship between all the different Talons.
The very first paragraph features Viago reflecting on how important decorum was, because he does not want to be shown up by the others. He then goes onto think about how unusual it is to have such a gathering of Talons, and that they will need to put aside their differences if they want to accomplish their goal of a united front against the Qunari invasion. The quote, “while all Talons were peers, the same could not be said about their resources and influence,” paints a picture of how even though they are all individually powerful, yes, there is still the ladder of supremacy based on First Talon to Eighth Talon. As such, they are all stuck playing a game against each other to keep or advance their positions on that ladder. Additionally, Dante refers to a competition that exists between the north and south of Antiva.
This is, ultimately, their downfall. It’s what Emil claims motivated him to take them out. He admires the noble origins of the Antivan Crows, and dislikes what they’ve become. He tells Teia, “Now, it’s all about family. Blood. Instead of a claw working as one, we fight over scraps. Eventually, we’ll all starve.” And in the end, he says, “It’s always money with all of us. That’s the problem. In the beginning, we were protectors. We fought for Antiva—for the people. Then somewhere along the way we chose profit over patriotism.”
Viago de Riva
I love how Viago proficiency with poison is both a blessing and a curse for him. On one hand, it makes him very good at his job. But on the other, he is profoundly paranoid about being poisoned himself. He has memorized how different ingredients react and can be hidden in different foods, and refuses to consume anything handed to him without either testing it first or preparing antidotes. He dresses to show the least amount of skin possible, and is anxious over any form of contact with another person. He takes a daily micro-dose of Adder’s Kiss to develop an immunity to it.
Another interesting thing about Viago, is how bitter he is about being a bastard son of the Antivan King. When Teia wonders about his past, she knows better than to actually ask him any questions. Viago was only given two choices in life because of the circumstances of his birth: either live in luxurious exile, or join the Crows. He resents all his half-siblings who chose the first, and he resents the king himself. Viago may be more powerful than them all, even the king, but he is now stuck in this life. Had he not been, he thinks he could been a better ruler of Antiva.
While Viago is certainly skilled – he firmly believes he could kill every Talon at the summit if he wanted to - it’s easy to infer that it was nepotism that earned his rank, or at least that’s the reputation he has, based on the comment from Dante: “Your daddy will protect you”.
Viago sees himself as a recluse. Teia says his reputation is that of a curmudgeon, and in her defence, he himself says he doesn’t care about being liked, he just wants to be respected and feared. I think the fact that he was raised in a “gilded cage” with a mother whom he remembers only for her wine-stained teeth had a lot of influence on this. He’s been alone all his life.
Andarateia “Teia” Cantori
Just like Viago, Teia has an unconventional speciality as well. While Viago observes that she weaponized her beauty, I would propose that Teia’s real mastery is manipulation. Using her beauty is certainly part of that, but in examining the way she responds to each and every character differently shows that she is playing a far subtler game. She shoehorns Viago into riding with her in a gondola, so that the others will gossip about how their houses must be in an alliance – the goal being to give them more power in the discussions. She calls Caterina “Nonna”, which Caterina points out that not even her actual grandchildren do, as a way of disarming the First Talon. And when she interrogates Dante, yes the serum he’s under helps, but it’s her cunning persuasiveness that does the leg work.
Viago remarks that at twenty-eight years old, Teia is the youngest Talon in history. Perhaps this is a contributing factor to why she has a different perspective than the others, when it comes to her dislike of “the bottom line” – the obsession with making coin for their kills. She also has her own set of rules the others do not follow; for example, she refuses to kill servants unless absolutely necessary. And she displays the ability to sympathize with people in a way that the other Talons do not. So you could call it naivety, sure. But I believe it’s more to do with just the type of person she is. We know from Zevran how the Crows work hard to burn out everything except murder in their recruits, but the fact that Teia holds onto her compassion speaks of how strong it is.
It’s also worth mentioning that Teia had to accomplish a hell of a lot to get where she is. “An elf born in an alley with no family or connections, Teia and her rise to power had caused quite the controversy. The Antivan Crows always told new recruits that anyone could become a Talon, but it rarely happened.” She tells Viago that she does not let where she comes from define her, nor is she ashamed of who she is. I love that. I love how unapologetic Teia is about herself.
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buttercuparry · 2 months
I am genuinely requesting you all to get Siraj as close to $20k, if not to 20k itself by today please. (this is his short term goal)
The weather is unimaginably cruel in Gaza right now. There is debris dust and chemicals mixed in the air. There are flies and insects and these pests hover over the bodies of martyrs who couldn't be given proper burial. They hover around tents too...that is both physically and psychologically damaging.
Siraj's godundme matters as much as the gofundmes set up for evacuation! I have told you that this is his resistance. My friends have told you that as a journalist, he still continues to give you updates regularly via his blog. He doesn't talk much about himself, for he says and I quote word for word "Do not be sorry, this is our path in Palestine, today or tomorrow, the end will be martyrdom"
What remains to be said after this? In October last year we were all sharing resources of knowledge. One of the sources were Leila Khaled's book , "My People Shall Live " and she says in it that her Palestinian father never wanted to leave Haifa, no matter what. He was forced to leave when Zionists took over his house!
This is the same!! This is exactly the same!
Siraj does not want to leave Gaza! He does not want to be in exile!! He wants to rebuild in Gaza no matter what. So please please BOOST AND DONATE!!!
ONLY $980 CAD TO GO. You helped him get this far, please help him go the rest of the way to $20k CAD
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soothingmoonlight · 4 months
It never ceases to amaze me the number of the times Tolkien mentioned Finwe's love for Fëanor. I think there are no other fathers in the legendarium whose love for their son or daughter is as talked about as is Finwë's love for Fëanor.
In that time was born in Eldamar, in the house of the King in Tirion upon the crown of Tuna, the eldest of the sons of Finwe, and the most beloved. Curufinwe was his name, but by his mother he was called Feanor, Spirit of Fire; - The Silmarillion, Chapter 6, Of Fëanor and The Unchaining of Melkor
All his love he gave to his son; for Fëanaró was like his mother in voice and countenance, and Finwë was to him both father and mother, and there was a double bond of love upon their hearts. - Morgoth's Ring, The Later Quenta Silmarillion (II), Laws A
...Yet the shadow of Miriel did not depart from his heart, and Fëanaró always had the chief share of his thoughts. - Morgoth's Ring, The Later Quenta Silmarillion (II), Laws A
... And in spite of all that later happened his eldest son remained nearest to Finwë's heart. - The Peoples of Middle-earth, The Shibboleth of Fëanor
Thither also came Finwë the King, because of the love that he bore to Fëanor. - The Silmarillion, Chapter 7, Of The Silmarils and The Unrest Of The Noldor
There is a different version of the last quote in Morgoth's Ring which I personally prefer to the one we got in the published Silmarillion. The way it is worded gives a clear answer to the question why Finwë followed Fëanor in exile to Formenos.
With him went his sons, and Finwë his father, who would not be parted from him, in fault or guiltless. - - Morgoth's Ring, The Later Quenta Silmarillion (II), Later Chapter 6, Of The Silmarils and The Unrest Of The Noldor
Finwe did not follow Fëanor in exile because he felt like his authority as King of the Noldor was diminished by the Valar and they got involve in a situation that should have been Finwë's to handle.
He also did not follow Fëanor in exile because of some sort of guilt related to the fact that he is Fëanor's only parent and his son has nobody else left.
Finwë willingly followed Fëanor in exile because he would not be parted from him, in fault or guiltless. It was never about Fëanor being right or wrong in this particular situation or any another. That is irrelevant to Finwë and it does not effect his decision. Finwë would follow Fëanor always regardless of whether his son was guilty of any transgression or not.
It's worth pointing out that Finwë did not hesitate to part from his kingship, from his people, from Indis, from his and Indis' children. But there is only one person Finwë never wants to be parted from and that is Fëanor.
... and I love that!
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bladesmitten · 1 year
wyll and ulder ravengard's timeline pre-baldur's gate 3
1468 DR: wyll is born <3
1475 or 1476 DR: wyll sees duke stelmane for the first time and gets smitten with her
1476 DR: wyll, 8y/o, gets caught sneaking into the counting house when he'd heard it held mythical treasure
sometime before and until 1482 DR: blaze ulder ravengard works as grand duke abdel adrian's right hand man. (abdel is notably a bhaalspawn.) as blaze, ulder served as warden of wyrm's rock fortress
1482 DR: abdel dies, ulder ravengard gets promoted to flaming fist marshal, wyll is 14 years old. this would also be the same age wyll first drank alcohol and "got so tipsy from wine, [he] puked in dillard portyr's bushes".
1483 DR: wyll gets his first kiss in the blushing mermaid!
on or before 1485 DR: ulder ravengard becomes grand duke of baldur's gate
1485 DR: ulder gets called away to elturel to settle a dispute, cult of the dragon attacks baldur's gate, wyll ravengard signs a warlock pact to stop them and gets exiled from baldur's gate </3
1485-1492 DR: wyll travels the sword coast as the blade of frontiers
1492 DR: start of baldur's gate 3, ulder gets dragged down to avernus while he was in elturel, wyll gets tadpoled while hunting down karlach, you know the rest!
more fun facts:
ulder would often send mini-wyll to deliver messages to sharess' caress. wyll did not know the place was a brothel.
wyll has a fishing spot under wyrm's rock bridge, he didn't catch much and would get scolded by his father
wyll has been to waterdeep as a kid when he and his father visited
wyll has a thing for mermaids, he'd swam around the docks to look for them and apparently saw one
totally not relevant to the last point, ulder has at least one trashy mermaid smut book, one that wyll can quote verbatim
source: forgotten realms wiki, in-game dialogue
feel free to add more info/any corrections <3
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mellorphic · 1 year
TommyInnit’s Dream SMP Finale Summary
It was Hannah and Bad’s idea
This was Tommy’s splash text
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This was someone’s first dsmp stream in Tommy’s chat
He started farming as soon as he logged on, like always
Tubbo got in a boat and span around again. Tommy used autotune to sing ‘you spin me right round’
Tubbo nearly shot Shroud
This is what How To Sex says
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Tommy and Tubbo blew up the Hotel which also resulted in McPuffy’s getting blown up and Puffy was shook
Tommy set shroud free
I skipped over most to the stuff with Dream but Tommy was given op and he spawned ghasts on tubbo and Sam
He went to Techno’s house and found a Cat disc in one of his chests. This broke me.
Tommy spoke about how logsted felt really grungey and different to the rest of the server because of how there was nothing there
George nearly slept through it
In True dsmp Fashion getting the end portal to work was scuffed
Callahan kept spawning withers in The End
Tubbo got the final hit on the ender dragon
Tommy and Tubbo met in vc2 at the bench and listened to music
Tommy has an irl ‘your tubbo’ compass
Exile was one of his favourite arcs
His favourite quote is ‘I have The Blade’
His only question for us is if we have ever sat and chatted to our friends about it
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This server has been my hyperfixation since the beginning of 2021. Unfortunately I joined ag the end of the ‘golden age’ as it were. But I’ve made hopefully lifelong friends through this stupid block roleplay, and the characters and story mean the world for me and will forever. I know this fandom is going to get smaller now. I know people will move on. But I think I’ll be here for a few more years.
Dream SMP, thank you for helping me fall in love with stories again. Thank you for helping me grow in my own writing and in my artwork. Thank you for being here when I needed you, thank you for getting me through these last few years. Thank you for giving me characters I could love and relate to, who feel more real than anything else. And thank you for introducing me to creators I will forever love.
I’m so glad I was here.
o7, everyone.
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iweb-rdc001 · 11 months
Musique : Lucky Dube, 16 ans déjà dans l'au-delà !
Le 18 octobre 2007, assassinat du musicien sud-africain Lucky Dube. Ce jour-là, dans la périphérie de Johannesburg, Lucky Dube, alors âgé de 43 ans, accompagne ses deux enfants (âgés de 15 et 16 ans) chez un oncle et marque une halte sur une aire de stationnement. Il sera assassiné sous les yeux de ses enfants lors de la tentative du vol de sa voiture. Des inconnus s’étaient approchés pour lui…
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anartisticdreamer0 · 2 months
i have been reminded of how i love and loathe c!bedrock bros.
i will now talk about it for a while
I think especially when rewatching their argument during doomsday you really hear both of their sides and realize: “oh, oh if only” tommy is just kinda bad at articulating his point while techno literally refuses to even try and listen to it because as far as he sees it, it doesn’t matter.
in c!techno’s mind, c!tommy’s point doesn’t matter because it sympathizes with the people who have hurt him and gone against him multiple times. which is a valid stance. it just sucks that he refuses to really think about why tommy would want to be with L’manburg.
now, i shall now comment on c!tommy. he was in a position where really his only option had been to work with c!techno. but as soon as he was presented with another option he took it, why? because he realized he isn’t happy. do i think that he made a good decision? no, but i understand it. he didn’t want to betray techno, he just wasn’t happy. now, granted, we know as an audience that this decision won’t make him happy either, but he doesn’t. and as such he picks what is familiar and what has only failed to make him feel worthy once.
i also really love that there is this moment between them where tommy is unsure about destroying l’manburg and so techno says “you don’t have to help me” (not a direct quote but basically he says that). and when the betrayal happens in the community house he brings it up saying that perhaps he didn’t make himself clear, “when i said you don’t have to help me, i meant you could sit it out! not switch sides!” but here’s the thing. hadn’t, by that point, tommy already helped? like short of spawning the withers and attacking his former countrymen, he basically helped techno prepare for this attack. (of course help is a strong word but they did do most of it together) they got techno’s weapons and armor terrorizing the country along the way, they found and bred the dogs that would later make up the hound army, they did all sorts of things to prepare to attack l’manburg. tommy had already helped! so really what good does it mean if he were to “sit it out” he already helped you do most of the damage!
“i’m worst than everyone i didn’t want to be.” now THAT is a statement. a statement no one really talks about. when he was exiled he was compared to the country’s og founder turned terrorist and was upset by this, we can assume he definitely doesn’t want to be dream after everything and yet he says he’s worst than at least both of those people. you know i would love to ask him “how?” because how does he see himself as worst than an actual traitor terrorist that blew up the entire country and his own fucking abuser. makes you think
he even apologizes for betraying techno after admitting that he knows what he’s done and he hates himself for all that he’s done.
now, back to c!techno, before tumblr silences me, immediately following tommy’s betrayal c!dream (who we know had orchestrated this entire thing by blowing up the ch then blaming it on c!tommy) starts berating c!tubbo. and c!techno? who could use this distraction to escape? stays and even joins in. as much as i love c!bedrock bros, this why i loathe the c! part of it. because c!techno’s biggest flaw in this relationship is that he doesn’t see c!tommy or c!tubbo as kids. he sees them as adults or at least the equivalent of adults, which means he treats them the same way and he holds them to the same standards. he in a different stream comments that tommy had to have deserved exile because that is the consequences of his actions. that of course he deserves it after all the problems he’s caused. (unfortunately with the way this conversation is worded it’s hard to tell if the in character or ooc but still) which admittedly is both deserved also a flaw of every adult character on this server.
you know, actually, the more i watch the beginning of the bedrock bros arc- techno really lays it on heavy on them teaming up. like tommy is straight up walking away saying “no i’ll get my discs back myself” and techno keeps convincing him until it works. even saying they don’t need to be friends that it isn’t an option. “you’ll help me destroy the government” “i won’t help you destroy the government but you’ll- you’ll let me-“ “tell you what we’ll do some terrorism from where the government- you know what tommy we’ll work out the details on the way.” this was never going to work. tommy definitely didn’t want to go as far as techno wanted to go and that alone destined this friendship for failure.
to conclude, c!tommy is a traumatized character who absolutely refuses to deal with his issues until the worst possible time and then makes it everyone else’s problem. while c!techno struggles to see any pov outside of his own and presents their alliance under false pretenses and with soured feelings towards tommy. their friendship is one of tragedy as it was never going to work, but they do care about each other. and they will continue to until the server’s end.
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mamadarama · 3 months
Off topic from previous ask but you ever look at how ridiculour Madara's stats are? You telling me this guy is born and he's just physically gifted strong? Tall? Buff? Okay whatever... Next you know he can play multiple instruments and it's the least you expect of him. Him playing a cello??? Violin??? Okay he can't get any more ridiculous right— he's fluent in multiple languages, English only being one of them. You're telling me this guy likely knows my mother tongue because our language is just somewhat up there in the list of languages japanese people learn. You're telling me he'll take me anywhere and boom he goes "yeah I speak the local language I can read this Chinese menu for you. Italian? Piece of cake. Norwegian? Ahh a little hard but (speaks fluently)". And then you learn about his multiple seacraft and aircraft licenses like my man can drive a MILITARY HELICOPTER?.??????? A BOAT???? YOU'RE 20 WHEN DID YOU HAVE THE TIME TO DO THIS???? (Then again I haven't been able to access his older stories so there might be a mention where he was just taught to as a kid of the Yakuza whatever. And you remember this man, out of all things, is an IDOL. He's a solo one too and a fairly decent one at that, enough to hate being compared to because he's skilled. HOW DOES HE HAVE THE TIME FOR THIS. YOU'RE NOT EVEN 20. Okay he might be barely 20 now BUT STILL.??? HE'S RIDICULOUS. DONT GET ME STARTED ON BEING A SUCCESSOR OF ONE OF THE 5 ECCENTRICS REI MOTHERFUCKING SAKUMA... He's... An explosive...
- Madara yume anon 🍀
OK SO HERES THE THING WITH THAT. obviously hes a swiss army knife of a man, jack of all trades, etc that much is clear. but its fully his choice to be this way. some stuff is coincidental of course, like his body type is just like that (although he does still work out) and some of his skills he learned as a necessity of being kanatas caretaker/bodyguard (martial arts probably, smuggling magazines for kanata to read), and traveling alone as much as he does, being fluent in multiple languages is not optional. but then theres stuff like operating heavy machinery.... and fighting with weapons... and basically everything else. why would he need any of that? well thing is, he hates himself. his self worth is entirely reliant on his ability to be useful to other people .
when you have a long term relationship with someone, especially if it spans a part of both your childhoods, you grow into each other like a skin graft. if one person is cut away from the other because theyre unable to be there for some reason, the place they occupied will eventually heal over.... and when they come back, there will no longer be a place for them. theyre replaced by new skin, or something like that. like, when madara was exiled and forced away from kanata, he eventually met chiaki, who filled every role madara used to fill (including the one in his family— i believe chiaki and madaras mother are on good terms but dont quote me on that i dont remember where i got it from) and when he managed to get back to japan, he was superfluous, which is a fate worse than death to him. so he learns how to do anything and everything, hoping that at some point one of his skills will be useful to someone and hell have a reason to live again.
tldr; madara knows how to do so much on purpose because the more things he can do, the more opportunities there are for being able to help people. and the more obscure skills he knows, the more irreplaceable he becomes, safeguarding him from becoming unneeded in his friends lives despite his constant absence .
as for the successor thing we still dont really know what rei means by that, cuz according to ritsu madara has been coming over their house for "successor business" for years, even before the war (i think) so it very well could have absolutely nothing to do with idol stuff . maybe its just an excuse to have crazy gay sex idk lol
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goodqueenaly · 8 months
Forgive me if you’ve addressed this before over the years. You’ve covered a lot.
As far as is know, is Betha the only Queen of the Seven Kingdoms to, based on her familial background and upbringing, likely keep the Old Gods? If so, do you imagine this was a factor raised at the Great Council by lords aligned strongly with the Faith against Aegon?
That’s actually a great question, and one I haven’t considered! 
Yes, as far as we’re aware, no other queens during the Targaryen kingdom in Westeros (and obviously not under the Baratheon dynasty either) worshipped or otherwise honored the old gods. (This conclusion obviously does not count de facto crown princess Sansa, of course.) Granted, we know very little about the personal piety of virtually any of the Targaryen queens (Betha included); Naerys, and to a much lesser extent Alysanne and Aelinor Penrose, represent pretty much the only queens about whom GRRM has given any insight regarding their personal religious feelings. However, given that there were no queens from the North, nor any other Houses (besides House Blackwood) which are specifically noted to worship the old gods elsewhere (of which House Blackwood is really the only certain one anyway), I think it’s fair to say that none of the other Targaryen-era queens worshiped the old gods. 
Whether Betha’s religious feelings (real or presumed) would have factored into the debates at the Great Council of 233 AC and even beyond … maybe. Certainly, Westerosi politics historically has been no stranger (no pun intended) to criticisms of religiously unorthodox figures and their supposedly negative influences, from Lelia Lannister during the Hoare dynasty on the Iron Islands to Larra Rogare during the Lysene Spring under Aegon III (and indeed, I’ve suggested such criticisms may have been leveled against Jeyne Manderly, wife and perhaps widow of Rickon Stark). Too, according to Yandel, that “most outspoken of [Aegon V’s] foes” specifically referred to the “gods-given rights and liberties” of which the king allegedly sought to deprive his vassals; however, the quote does not mention which “gods”, old or new (or both), to which the speaker referred, nor the source of the complaint, leaving the potential religious context to the issue unclear. We also do not have a strong understanding of the relationship between the Faith and the crown in 233 AC (or, indeed, during Aegon V’s reign afterward), although there certainly had already been intriguing intersections between the two entities: consider, say, the High Septon under Daeron II, who used the Faith's prejudice against bastards to explain and criticize the rebellion of Daemon Blackfyre, or the nameless septon who used specifically theological arguments to denounce Bloodraven (and was executed for doing as much), or even my speculation on the installation of the office of High Septon permanently in King’s Landing (in its Avignon-esque exile from Oldtown). More directly, the fact that the High Septon of 233 AC was willing to absolve Aemon of his maester’s vows so that Aemon could become king might, perhaps, suggest a desire on the part of the Faith to support the surviving son of Maekar who had no troublesome ties to the old gods, rather than the son whose wife worshiped those strange and ancient gods. 
Again, none of this is explicit canonical evidence, but all of these ideas and suggestions may indicate that Betha’s familial religion was used as an argument against Aegon V’s kingship , at the time of the Great Council and/or during his reign. How could Prince Aegon be trusted as a prospective defender of the Faith, so the argument might have gone, when his own queen worshiped god who were, to borrow Yandel’s phrase when describing the Andal Invasion, “little more than demons”? How could the Faith support the succession princes who may well, so these Faithful might have feared, have been raised to worship those same old gods, and been encouraged by their no-good-very-bad mother to turn away from the light of the Seven? Would Betha have been assumed to share the penchant for sorcery and evil popularly associated with that other Blackwood-blooded old gods worshiper, Brynden Rivers? For those perhaps already inclined to distrust the hedge knight-trained "half a peasant" Prince Aegon, the fact that the prince's wife and the mother of his heirs worshiped gods other than the Seven might have been useful ammunition in their arguments against his accession, or during his reign afterward.
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doublehex · 11 months
Powers Greater Than Hatred
There are two passages that are often quoted of Daenerys from A Game of Thrones. The first, and most popular, are the final sentences in the novel.
As Daenerys Targaryen rose to her feet, her black hissed, pale smoke venting from its mouth and nostrils. The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.
It’s easy to see why these final lines are so often quoted within the fandom. They are poetically powerful; this is an impactful arrangement of words that have an emotional punch. The final chapter stands as some of George’s most poetic writing he has ever done. It is filled with mythology that has been lacking in the novel up to this point; for most of A Game of Thrones, the supernatural is related to long dead legends or psychedelic visions that make it hard to grasp exactly what they were meant to entail. The final chapter, the return of the dragons, turns the supernatural from vision quest into a tangible, real thing. And most importantly, this passage uplifts the book; it showcases that there is a reason to hope, that the dark turn after Eddard Stark’s execution is not what the series is about. Instead of leaving on a melancholic note, the novel ends with hope and wonder for what the future will bring.
I am not going to talk about that passage today. I want to talk about the second passage, one that I feel speaks much more closely to the themes that George is trying to hit with the series. This is from one of the final paragraphs of Daenerys IX, in the moments that build up to when Daenerys must euthanize Khal Drogo. Even when Daenerys is so full of despair, George still give us reason to hold onto hope:
She told herself that there were powers stronger than hatred, and spells older and truer than any the maegi had learned in Asshai.
The second half of the passage is directly rooted in the emotional context of the scene. Mirri Mazz Dur had used shadow magic to both rob Khal Drogo of all sentience and intelligence, as well as killing Daenerys’ son Rhaego in the womb. Most of Khal Drogo’s khalatar, his army of warriors that was the mightiest and largest in all of Dothraki recent history, had splintered and broken apart under a dozen different warlords. Daenerys is lost and alone for allies save for the exiled Westerosi knight Jorah Mormont, who has his own selfish wants in staying close to her. 
It is the first half that George establishes an important thread that he weaves throughout the series. Evil has its limits. Hatred, corruption, all of the sins of the world, there is a point where they are undone. This theme is manifested in the fourth book of the series, A Feast for Crows. Tywin Lannister has been murdered by the son he has abused for all of his life, and the Lannister regime that he betrayed and murdered to build is falling apart. The book is not just a reference to all those that have died over the course of The War of the Five Kings, but to the Lannisters. House Lannister itself is the feast for crows. It is a tower of dominos and it has started to crumble. All of the petty evils of that house is finally crashing down. Evil has limits. Evil is undone. There are powers greater than hatred. 
Paint that contrast with the Starks and the Targaryens. The swords of the North are riding to rescue “Ned’s precious little girl”. They don’t know that the little girl is not Arya Stark but Jeyne Poole who has been forced to masquerade as her to preserve her life, but that doesn’t matter. The fact that the Northern lords, even after being decimated at the Red Wedding, even after being forced to submit, will ride and fight and die in memory of Eddard Stark, that matters. Even after Daenerys flies away from Meereen on Drogon, her people are fighting against the masters in her name. It matters that they believe in her cause. It matters that the freemen will fight and die to make sure their children will never know what it means to be a slave. 
A Song of Ice and Fire is often painted as a cynical, bitter response to fantasy. It is the forefather of the grimdark subgenre. That is an erroneous attribution. The books remind us that there are powers stronger than hatred. Of course there are scenes that have grit to it, and it can be bitter at times, but the saga is never cynical. It doesn’t say that there is no meaning to the good fight.
If watching the fall of House Lannister should say anything, it would be that evil will always devour itself in time, and eventually, good and decent people will pick up the pieces. 
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bleue-flora · 2 months
correct me if im wrong but people claim c!Tommy is obsessed with c!Dream, but if yo ulook back at the aftermath of l'manberg exploding, c!Tommy says "our stories over", while c!Dream says "our story will never be over you're just too fun" Which makes it look like that c!tommy is the one wanting to leave c!Dream alone while c!Dream is doing the opposite.
That and the mini truce they had in early dsmp days if that counts because directly after establishing they were allies, c!dream proceeded to hunt c!tommy for the discs. I dont doubt your perspective, but I've seen far too much instances of c!Tommy trying to end this feud with c!Dream while c!Dream continues to drag him back down into it and rarely have seen the opposite. Curious on your opinion on that. I do consider majority of his focus on c!Dream post-exile being out of paranoia that c!dream would harm him again so he wants to kill c!Dream to avoid that perceived torture but ig that would still count as an obsession.
Well, I mean not sure which war you were talking about originally but if it was the first war he says imediately that he’s going after Dream for the discs once they have recovered [clip], but I think you actually meant Doomsday based on your quotes [clip], in which case I’d like to note a couple things. Firstly, it’s important to highlight that this is right before the staged finale, which means he’s purposely trying to sound evil and malicious. So his, ‘this was fun’ is part of that. (Though I do think even Tommy and his affinity for griefing would probably enjoy blowing things up but that’s besides the point). Secondly, the way Tommy says ‘it’s over.’ And ‘it’ll be over soon’ is I’m pretty sure as a threat, not him saying he wants to stop the fighting, but it seems to me that he’s basically promising to kill Dream for the discs. To which Dream says ‘our story will never be over, it’s too much fun’ again ‘fun’ here is his villain persona feeding Tommy’s image of him being a bad guy, but I think if Tommy is threatening to kill Dream, which based off context and even the tone of voice I’d say it’s likely, then Dream’s response makes a lot of sense considering he has the revive book. So it’s two fold, half is just truth - it will not end because neither Dream nor Tommy will stay dead because of the revive book - and half is his persona setting the scene for staged finale. So in either, scene whether after the first war where he gave Dream the discs for L’manberg or in Doomsday, I don’t get the impression Tommy intended to actually end their feud. And after the first war, Tommy highlights “taking back his discs” when it is true, as Dream points out, Tommy did give them to him. In a way, everytime after that happens, as Dream points out in Daedalus, it’s kinda Tommy taking Dream’s discs, almost like giving a present then trying to steal it again.
I’m not sure which specific truce you are referring to specifically and don’t feel like or have the time to watch all the early stream to find it, but it is important to know, that Dream in the beginning is loyal to keeping everyone happy, he changes sides depending on who’s being wronged, which changes from fight to fight. So sometimes he on Tommy’s side, sometime he’s against Tommy, depending of the situation and who might be in the wrong. And while I’m not sure which truce you mean, I’m fairly certain Dream didn’t just go after Tommy without reason, it’s just not his style unless he’s trying to play a persona like around the Doomsday era in which case, technically that is still a reason, but it just may not be obvious because it could be that Tommy hurt someone other than Dream.
Just as references, here are some instances where Tommy has provoked Dream: Burning down George’s house after winning the war, Hitting him with a mine cart and stealing his stuff, Stabbing him while fixing a hole in his Tommy’s own yard [clip], teaming with Sapnap to kill him while he’s just waking down the path [clip], killing him again after the war has ended and Tommy’s stuff have been returned [clip], stealing his items after falling into a trap [clip] just to name some examples I can think of off the top of my head and have watched recently.
And if the logic is that after prison Tommy is targeting Dream out of paranoia and fear, does Dream not get the same respect? Was he not specifically targeted by Wilbur and Tommy in the very start of L’manberg? (Their constituention literally says “suuuuck it green boyyy!”) Were his friends not hurt because of association with him? Were his items not taken multiple times? Even after prison, is it reasonable to say he’s once again put his persona of scary villain to get him to leave him alone, after Tommy broke in and tried to kill him when he was already defenseless and locked up?… Yes at some point, maybe it did become more mutual, maybe Dream did start conflicts too, but at what point can we not say that it’s prevention instead of obsession. Clearly, he holds onto being murdered repeatedly at the start of the discs wars all the way till the finale, even after we know his memory was suffering [post].
And yes, post-prison I hope we can all agree that Tommy is definitely stalking and obsessing over Dream, while Dream could care less (the disc in his basement being the one thing he does in provoking Tommy, which again I file under intimidation to keep him away.)
Anyways… I’m just saying, it seems to me that whenever Tommy logs on we don’t hear Dream say, ‘oh look it’s the child again’ or whatever but when Dream does, it’s ’oh look it’s the green bastard’, so where is the line between obsession vs prevention and retaliation…
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