#/ but honestly who gave abbi a sword?
rae-arts777 · 4 years
I’m Your Mother Now
Summary: (inspired by Escaping Neverland mother) Akemi won’t let Makoto leave her. She won’t lose HER son
Note: ok, but I was honestly thinking they were going to give Akemi that type of Mother Gothel, or Mother from Escaping Neverland vibe towards Makoto, that’s just my thought.
The fake FBI surrounded them. Makoto was getting ready to walk over to team confidence side, but pain struck him in the leg.
He laid on the ground screaming, tears running down his face. Looking down, his leg, it was snapped.
Akemi stood over at him, looking down at her crying son “oh my poor baby..”
She had moved so fast, one second she sat in her chair, the next, team confidence watched in horror has Akemi swiftly snapped Makoto’s leg in a single chop.
Laurent and Oz stood there, afraid to move, in fear Akemi would hurt him again.
Abby shook with anger, Cythina tried to keep her calm, but was feeling anger build up in her as well.
Kudo had dropped the case out of shock, frozen in place.
Akemi slowly kneeled down and laid Makoto’s head in her lap humming. “My sweet sweet boy..” she stroked his hair humming “it’s ok, there is no pain, no pain”
As she cooed him Makoto continued to cry, it hurt, it hurt so bad. A part of him wanted to shove her off, another part, didn’t want her to let him go.
“Ishigami, your tie, give it to me” Akemi demanded.
Ishigami quickly took off his tie and gave it too her.
Akemi took the sheath of the sword and it and the tie as a makeshift split for Makoto.
She leaded down and placed a kissed on his head “do not cry my son, it is ok, it was a clean cut, it will heal in a few months. Don’t you worry, mother will take good care of you.” She proceed to stroke his hair again “you will stay with me ok?” It was not a request this time. “Mother will take such good care of you”
“What kind of mother hurts their child.?” Laurent finally spoke “if this is the way you treated your last son, no wonder he left” poison dripped from Laurent’s lips, everyone watch as they saw true anger wash over his face.
“A mother would do anything to keep their child with them. Even if it means hurting them” Akemi spoke. “Plus, what kinda of friend makes their friend believe they were responsible for their other friends death? That they killed their father? What was it that those girls said...”we’re not friends, we’re not family”” she smirked a bit “that is your saying, don’t try to call him your friend and family now, plus, he’s only in this pain because of you. He is my son. And he’s not leaving”
Makoto sniffled shaking, the pain clouded his head, he couldn’t think straight. He couldn’t even register what was happening anymore. His vision was blurry from all the tears, he could barely hear what was being said. He could do was curl up and move closer into the arms holding him.
“Home...” he slowly choked out
“What was that my baby.?” Akemi cooed him “speak louder sweetie, you know mother hates it when you mumbled”
“I WANT TO GO HOME!!” Makoto broke down crying again. He just wanted to be home.
Akemi smiled and rubbed his head “Good Boy, don’t you worry, we’re going home now”
“Like hell we’ll let you take him.” Laurent glared at her “if I have to kill you..I will” he took a step closer towards her.
Akemi chuckled lowly, she took the katana and held it close to Makoto’s neck.
“A mother will do anything to keep her child with her..” she looked at Laurent with an insane smile “go ahead, at least my son and I will be together in heaven”
Laurent froze, he wanted to hope she was bluffing, but didn’t want to chance it. He growled lowly and took a step back.
“Good choice.” Akemi smiled. “Gentlemen, shall we?” She turned to Liu and Yao
They nodded and joined her side.
Yao picked up Makoto who was still a shaking and sobbing mess.
With that, the child trafficking ring walked out, taking Makoto with them.
All of TC stood there in a disbelief. It was dead quiet.
Laurent broke the silence with a loud angry scream. He punched a wall, making a hole through it. He broke down, Makoto...
He was hurt...and gone forever, and Laurent knew it was his fault.
No matter how hard TC may try, Akemi would never let Makoto leave her.
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phenomenal1500 · 4 years
The Azblida | The 100
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Chapter 7: ~Welcome To The Capital~
For Chapter 6: ~Another Universe~ click here
It would be best if she was alone next time, not to be accused of being from another crew by her people since he knew they hated his and his theirs, but it wouldn't stop him from meeting her if she's willing to see him again.
[Meave Collins]
Meave felt very watched once she had entered Polis, but that was probably because they, as Skaikru, had just arrived at the Grounder's capital so it didn't bother her that much. Instead, the woman had a little laugh with anyone who was kind enough to wave at her and it truly felt delightful to be somewhere else for once. These people were very friendly, different from the people she knew, and it felt good to be 'accepted' like this. Abby, on the other hand, was a little embarrassed, she didn't know much Trigedasleng and she wasn't very good at saying no either so luckily Kane was very immersed in their culture and he could do the talking instead.
Meave had left them to roam around the market and stopped by a blacksmith to look around for a moment. There was one sword that stood out to her the most there since it reminded her of someone. It was long, made of iron, light weighted, and it laid perfectly in her slender hand. There was a handle wrapped in black leather and in the center where the sword split into three pieces was a beautiful wolf logo located that was made out of iron.
It really appealed to her and she was definitely willing to pay for it, but the man shook no and pointed at her old sword.
"Ai gaf in dei de. Disha gon ste kom azgeda, ai don't fig raun an Skaikru gon don dei de. Ge ai?" [Give me that! Though before you pay... this weapon is from Azgeda, I don't think an Skaikru wants that. Get me?]
"Ai ge yu, ba ai gaf em even taim en's kom azgeda. em suits ai. hir hon daun my gon." [I get you, but I still want it, even if it is from Azgeda. It suits me, so here is my weapon.]
The blacksmith looked surprised and confused at her wanting a sword even after knowing its background, but still handed her over the new sword.  She also gave her sword in the process and she honestly didn't even mind giving it away.... it wasn't as strongly made and it was old enough to break soon, though the man seemed to know about the quality and also didn't care about that fact.
Amused by her old sword, the man waved her goodbye while she returned the wave and she then turned around to walk away. However, right before she wanted to leave, a female warrior tried to attack her from behind, but the woman had already noticed it and stepped aside, warding off the swing with her new sword.
"You've picked up a lot of fighting in the last few months." Meave smiled at the compliment and had put her sword away while the female warrior looked fascinatingly at her new sword disappearing in its holder. "Too bad I wasn't the one who taught you."
"Indra, it is good to see you again." She held out her hand to the woman and she grabbed her forearm as she did the same.
They always greeted each other like this.
"Hello, my friend."
"Since when do you let your Dark Angel roam around freely?" Meave crossed her arms and shook her head playfully while suppressing a chuckle.
"Since I demanded it." Indra raised her eyebrow while smiling at the woman's stubbornness and afterwards she switched her gaze at Abby.
"Chancellor Griffin, welcome. I hope you're enjoying the capital."
"I am. And thank you for ensuring my daughter's safety."
"The commander did that. You can thank her yourself at the summit tonight."
"I would like to see Clarke-...."
"Soon." Kane knew exactly what Abby wanted to do and had cut her off before she could ask it again. The action made them intensely stare at each other and Meave lowered her head. Indra had probably already seen her exhausted face before she did so and bent over to whisper something in her ear.
"You want to leave, don't you?" She whispered, staring at the two others debating.
"So you can read minds now as well?" Meave responded with a smile and she then nodded.
"Follow me." Indra signed for her to start walking when a huge crowd passed them and without speaking, Meave was guided away from Kane or Abby who didn't notice anything happening. Then the two warriors walked past a few Skaikru guards to sneak her out of the crowded market, afterwards ending up at the highest tower of Polis where normally the commander resides and Indra brought the woman inside.
Everything was made out of various types of grey stone, making the building feel more welcoming than using just one type or material. The hallway was lit up with candles and torches which gave the halls a warm atmosphere and everything was beautifully laid out with red carpet in the center of the hall. The walls were also decorated with two large flags to show the Heda was from Trikru.
"I can imagine you having a house like this with your symbol on the walls." Indra spoke up jokingly and Meave furrowed her brows, stunned by Indra making a joke instead of being so serious all the time.
"It really appeals to me indeed.... It somehow feels familiar, if that doesn't sound strange." Indra couldn't suppress a smile and it automatically was painted on her face as she grabbed Meave's shoulders.
"Unbelievable that you are not easily liked.... you are talented in a lot of ways. Who has taught you to fight?" She asked and Meave shrugged.
She remembered everything she did to survive on her own way and preferred not to open up about it, making her cut the real story in half.
"When we landed on the ground, I had a strange premonition that something would go wrong." Indra looked curious, but she was also still wary if someone wanted to eavesdrop then. "Everyone knew who I was and what I had done on the Ark and since some of my actions were unforgivable, many people avoided me.... except Bellamy, Murphy and Atom's group. I joined them on the ground and went wild with fighting even though I knew that one day that was no longer a good solution to win a war. With the alliance we had with your people, I stopped being so wild and started training with Anya, who I remember had insisted on teaching me how to fight when she saw I had potential."
"Indra!" The female warrior quickly stepped away from Meave and folded her hands behind her back, lifting her chin up as well while the new commander was escorted into the hall. "Gouva yu klin." [Explain yourself] She pointed at Meave and looked unbelievably stern, yet also calmly at Indra.
"I can understand your people, you know. Lincoln almost taught me everything your people know." She shrugged and stared at the Heda ahead of her.
"What's your name?"
"Meave Collins, The Dark Angel."
It seemed for a few seconds that Lexa knew her when she mumbled a few things about her towards her guards.
"Free up a room for her on the top floor, she's reliable.... Now!" Lexa looked back at the woman familiarly after ordering her guards around to make a chamber ready for her to.... stay?
"Thank you....?"
"Call me Lexa if you want.... welcome to your temporary home, Meave Collins." The Heda gave Meave a small forced smile before leaving with Indra, the two having a conversation that the woman was too tired to try to eavesdrop.
She was left alone in the huge hall until an unknown woman came to pick her and began to escort her to her room and Meave groaned when she saw that the elevator was being used. Together they had to climb up all the staircases and Meave was so exhausted she tripped over her uncooperative legs a few times.
Once they arrived at the top floor, the woman stopped and turned around, facing Meave while taking in a shaky breath.
"Disha ste yu hou. Snap up, Clarke stays hir kom bida moun skaikru, em wkom oso a idea gon kep in yu hir bilaik os, bilaik an gona. the heda sad in em. Ai sen in en's mou os dan yu kriken hou, yu ste nou bilaik emo. [This is your home. Fast explaining, Clarke stays here with a few others of Skaikru, it was the idea to keep you here as well, as their warrior. The Heda decided it. I heard it is better than your old home and that you are not like them.] Without looking up at the woman because she was afraid she'd pissed her off or something, probably knowing her background, she pointed to the large glass but strangely enough not transparent doors.
"Don't confuse the doors next to yours.... someone else stays there temporarily and it's better if you don't cross him."
"You know-...." Meave interrupted the shady woman. "First question out of all the other ones I want to ask is why in the bloody hell are you suddenly talking English when you clearly spoke Trigedasleng before?"
A 'sorry' was all that the woman mumbled and without any further explanation the mysterious woman had taken her leaving at a fast pace, almost running even.
She was somehow extremely afraid of her, and Meave was left alone again in front of the big and beautiful doors. Meave pushed the heavy doors open and she was very pleased with the sight of her room she had received instantly while softly closing the two doors behind her again.
Sunlight was shining through the transparent white curtains and then onto her face while she opened them, revealing the breathtaking view ahead of her. The woman had the whole capital in her sight and the training ground as well. From where she was she could see a few sweaty men and women doing their best to win the competition that was going on and the market grew increasingly empty as the sun slowly set as she watched. Meave then turned around and looked around her room, trailing her fingers over her huge soft bed. It was a beautiful fading black coloured bed with white sheets and animal fur in different colours on top of that.
This was way better than back in Arkadia.
The room here was also three times the size than her room back in their camp and there was much more ambience with the two nice big chandeliers and the candles around the black and white room to light up the place. The walls were beautifully decorated with flags with all the crews' symbols on there to make it more honorable and respectful towards the people from the other clans who stayed there for the night and the ground was covered with carpets of a beautiful blood red color.
Finally having her attention back after examining her room, she walked back to her balcony and stared at the beautiful view until the sun went completely down, making room for the moon to shine over the city. Meave had actually lost track of time when she got distracted by the sight of the moon appearing behind the small houses and she suddenly heard the commander's guards order her to come downstairs after they entered her room without knocking.
Getting up from the balcony's outdoor couch, she grabbed her black and white jacket that she had laying over a soft chair in the corner when she went inside and she ran down the uncountable stairs.
The woman had completely forgotten about the planned summit and once downstairs, it was actually beautiful for her to see all the different groups come together to have a gathering with each other, no hatred to each other for now to keep it peaceful.
She saw Kane proudly nod at her for her being there too even though she hated being very social with new people that she didn't trust yet and he held out his hand to her, making her hook her arm in his.
"Meave.... are you ready m'lady?" He asked politely and Meave laughed, shaking her head.
"Indeed I am ready, shall we go?" Kane let out a soft chuckle as well and both of them walked through the beautifully decorated doors.
Once inside, they had let go of each other and Meave scanned the large alluring room. It looked like a ball room straight out of the 18th century, but then with a little bit of an apocalyptic tone to it.
The woman intended to follow Kane who was greeting their own clan at the moment, but was interrupted by a strong hand that found her wrist. Meave froze in the moment and her heart began to pound in her chest rapidly.
Who the hell dared to touch her?
Slowly she turned her body around, her head following, and she faced the one who was holding her wrist with such a tight grip.... her mouth falling open while her hazel eyes grew wider when she noticed who it was.
"Roan?" She mumbled softly and he released her when she calmed down, him lifting a finger to his mouth as a gesture to tell her she should be more silent because of the other Azgeda warriors inside the room.
He probably didn't want to cause any problems with his clan.... again.
The man then unnoticeable to the rest grabbed her shirt and lifted it up a few inches, showing a clean scar that once was a stab wound the time they had met.... probably to check if she was healed completely and if she was okay.
He didn't look at it for long though and lowered her shirt again because of all the people surrounding them.
"Hainofa, is the Skaikru bothering you?" A tall and broad man came out from behind Roan and looked at the small woman sternly, gazing her up and down in disapproval while resting his hands on his swords.
"No.... chil daun!" [No.... stand down.] Without any discussion the man had turned himself away from them with an hateful expression and then joined the rest of Azgeda, still confused over the fact a Skaikru was talking to their prince.
"Prince?" Meave tilted her head like a curious puppy and he sighed, very focused on his surroundings after glaring at her.
"I'll explain later."
"You really are a man of mysteries, aren't you?" A smirk spread across his handsome face and he pulled her closer to him when he noticed nobody from Azgeda was paying attention.
"Bringing Wanheda back to Lexa was my way back to Azgeda, she broke that deal however."
"And now what? You're kept here?" Meave whispered as softly as possible.
"Indeed.... though I doubt that I will find that unfortunate, knowing you are staying here as well." He winked at her and then narrowed his eyes when he thought about what he had said. "Why?"
"The Heda thought it would be fun that I should stay here for my people without discussing anything with me." She rolled her eyes. "Apparently Clarke and Lexa see me as some sort of pawn in their little game that they just can pass on without asking the fucking pawn what she wants herself." His eyes narrowed in a dominant way and his jaw clenched tightly when he heard what happened and he looked around again, him suddenly noticing that Kane and Abby were watching them, Meave following his gaze. "Prince Roan, I think I should go across very soon before more people start to notice us."
He nodded and looked back at the woman in front of him, the dominant glare still resting in his blue eyes as he did so. It made her grow weak and he smirked a little, slowly letting go of her waist that he had held onto after the incident with the other tall man.
Now she was free she could finally turn around, her back facing Roan after she did so. She began to make her way towards the rest of Skaikru only to be stopped by the same strong hands grabbing her again, this time him holding her hips firmly, and he pressed her back against his muscular chest. "I know you want it-.... to let yourself free without being restrained as some soldier of theirs." He was nuzzling her neck, softly growling into her ear. "Tonight, top floor, second pair of doors left. We'll talk and I will explain everything.... without having to be bothered by orders and judgements."
Meave swallowed nervously while listening to the offer.
It sounded like a dream.
His hot breath on her neck disappeared after he released her and she missed feeling him instantly. Her cold body urged for his comfortable and warm one and definitely after him pressing her against his chest because it actually made her warm up from the inside for a small amount of time. Sadly she had to live with the fact that she couldn't get close to him from now on in this summit because of all the different clans. Stepping across the room, she repeated one sentence in her mind that stood out the most. 'Second pair of doors left.' That meant he was sleeping right next to her.
"He's the one you talked to me about, isn't he?" Kane suddenly questioned, making the woman who had joined Skaikru jump up.
She was completely lost in her thoughts and so it took a moment for her to answer.
"Mhuh." She hummed, watching Roan smirk at her.
He probably knew this was about him.
"I see he took you completely off guard." Kane let out a soft laugh and she elbowed him gently, a sign for him to stop which he didn't listen to. "What did he say?"
"Nothing.... just shut up please."
"The summit's a trap! We need to get you out of here."
"What the hell is going on?"
"I don't know."
"It's the Ice Nation." Bellamy growled and Roan raised his brow at him, his eyes holding a hateful glare towards him by the sudden accusation.
"People, hold up! Can we not go around and accuse people who've been here the whole time? Because if we're going to do it like that, we can accuse literally everyone in here." Meave shrugged and Roan surveying her with a somewhat proud gaze while Kane looked a little disappointing. Probably because she was siding with a man she had met only a few months back, but to be honest.... she didn't side with anyone at this moment. Everyone knew that the woman was right about not accusing someone or a particular clan because they don't quite fit in well since that was just bad.
She knew how that felt.
It wasn't fair....
"These allegations are an outrage. The Ice Nation never stormed this summit with weapons, breaking our laws, that was the Skaikru."
"We're right about this. The two guards you left behind are dead already. We need to go now." Meave narrowed her eyes, recognising the man who suddenly spoke up by his voice.
Though the only thing she remembered about him was him trying to teach their class earth physics before he harassed Murphy for no reason, she never really trusted him.
"How did you come by this information?" Lexa asked sternly and the Skaikru group that had interrupted the summit inspected the room.... them all looking shocked and confused once they noticed the one who was supposed to be with them not being there.
"Where the hell is Echo?"
Right on the perfect time, Raven had contacted Bellamy as well, stating that Mount Weather had been blown up and everyone inside the building had passed away.... including Bellamy's girlfriend.
Without listening any further, Meave felt an empty void grow after hearing that only Sinclair, her former and most important engineering mentor, and Raven were victorious with surviving the attack.
"You should have never moved your people back into Mount Weather. Azgeda did what Lexa was too weak to do." The same tall man that had spoken to Roan about Meave was the one who took the spotlight once again.
"Wait!" The woman followed the two men who were dragging Roan away from the summit, but she was stopped by Roan himself shaking his head at her.
"Leave it." He didn't want her to get involved in all this, but to their surprise, the two guards did stop taking him away and let her speak to him with them from a distance.
"Nothing will happen.... I will just be taken to my room." He tried to reassure her. "The deal still stands-.... I'm a man of my word after all."
With that said the prince was grabbed by the shoulders again and was dragged away without letting her talk or react to Roan.
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chain-unchained · 4 years
December 12 - Part 3
This one’s long and dramatic. And it’s still not over. Longest. Day. *Ever*.
The elevator continued its descent; the rocky surfaces all around them began to shift in color, going from light muddy browns to burnt umber and musty reds.
“Holy shit, Ashe, how far have you been digging in here?” Sebastian could hardly speak, Sam was so tightly wound around his neck.
The farmer anxiously rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. “Not far enough, honestly. And I can’t take all the credit for this,” he fiddled with the scarf around his neck, contemplating whether or not to remove it for the time being, “Percy’s been coming down here a lot lately too.”
“I think it’s cool.” Abigail reached out and let her fingers brush against the moving rockfaces. “You get to actually fight real monsters and stuff. Like looking at you, no one would think that you’re actually a badass warrior.”
“I-I’m not though, really. I try to avoid the monsters as much as I can.”
“Whaaaat? Okay, that’s kinda lame.”
Sebastian flicked her forehead. “Not everyone is as bloodthirsty as you are, y’know.”
“I’m not bloodthirsty!” Her cheeks puffed out in a puff as she rubbed the red spot left behind. “I’m just so bored of the quiet country lifestyle. You have to be bored of it too, right Ashe? You used to live in the city after all.”
“Actually,” he smiled bashfully, “I really like how peaceful it is here. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
Her pout intensified. “Well—well, you’re just saying that cos you get to cheat and come kill monsters whenever you want. And your farm work keeps you super busy, too!” She pointed a finger at him. “You’re just a big cheater.”
“Uh—“ At a loss, he gave another awkward smile, “sorry?”
“Hmph.” She turned away and folded her arms across her chest. “Cheater.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes as the elevator came to a shuddering stop at the bottom of the mine shaft. “Okay Sam, we’ve stopped moving—you can stop suffocating me now.”
“We are? Oh thank Yoba—”
Both Sam and Abby fought to be the first ones off of the elevator. It was dark and warm where it let them off, dimly lit from the torches that Ashe had put up from his last visit.
“I’m never getting back on that death machine ever again,” Sam wheezed, knees buckling from the legitimate fear that had been gripping him.
“Well that sucks for you,” Sebastian jerked his thumb back towards the elevator, “cos that’s our only way out.”
“Noooooo…!” He dropped to the ground in a heap of despair. “I can’t, my heart can’t take anymore of that…!”
“It’ll be okay, Sam.” Ashe knelt down beside him and patted his shoulder gently. “We’ll distract you the whole time so you don’t have to think about it. Okay?”
“No, not okay,” he sniffed with a shake of his head, “but… okay.”
Ashe helped him back to his feet and brushed some of the dirt from his knees. “Alright. You guys all stay behind me, and stick close. There are some really nasty monsters roaming around down here.”
“Laaaame…” Abigail took her hand off of the hilt of her sword with a dramatic sigh. “You gotta at least let me get the first kill in. I need this.”
“Abby,” Sebastian put his hand on her shoulder, “you need to calm down.”
“More like you guys need to get more pumped up!” Despite what Ashe just said, she pushed her way to the front of the group. “C’mon, we’re exploring a real life monster-filled mine! And Ashe has been coming down here by himself all this time, why are we so freaked out when there’s four of us here?”
Ashe hesitated. “That’s… a good point, actually…”
“Right?” Abby fell back enough to walk beside him and flashed a wide grin. “We can take on anything that comes our way with the power of friendship! And anime! But not Yoba. That asshole can stay out of our way.”
“Pfft—” The last bit was enough to make Ashe dissolve into a fit of laughter. He didn’t realize just how badly he needed to laugh.
“There we go! That’s much more like it.” Her grin got even bigger as she began to walk backwards—it was easier to talk this way. “Seriously, you’ve been so down in the dumps lately that I thought you’d forgotten how to laugh.”
“Yeah, we noticed that too.” Sam wrapped an arm around the farmer’s shoulders. “What’s been on your mind?”
“N-Nothing—it’s nothing—oh no, I can’t breathe—” He had to stop walking, doubling over and hugging his stomach until the laughter began to subside. A few giggles lingered as he straightened up and wiped the tears from his eyes. “I-I don’t know why that got me so good… ahhh… I’m okay. I’m okay, really.”
“You sure about that, buddy?”
“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “And really, nothing’s been on my mind lately. It’s just that winter’s a bad time for me.”
Abigail put her hand on her hip. “Because your mom died around this time, right?”
“Abby!” Sam and Sebastian were appalled. The smile faded from Ashe’s face.
“What?” She asked.
“You can’t just say that kind of shit.” Sebastian rubbed his face. “Have some goddamn tact or something.”
“Life’s too short and we could die down here, so what’s the point of beating around the bush?” She turned back to Ashe. “It’s not hard to put 2 and 2 together. Look, if you need someone to talk to about it, you can talk to us. Or Shane. That’s not the kind of shit that you should keep bottled up.”
“I-I don’t—”
“Like seriously, you should know this since you’re dating him and all. Isn’t this the kind of stuff that you had to beat into his head?”
“That’s not—”
“Just how long do you think you can keep going like this? You’re just going to get depressed next winter if you keep ignoring it like you have been—”
Ashe didn’t mean to explode, but that was exactly what he did. His voice rose uncontrollably, bouncing off of the narrow corridor they stood in as his friends stared at him with wide eyes and slightly slack jaws.  
“Uh… y-yeah, sure, go ahead.”
With shaking hands Ashe rubbed at the lower part of his face. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he said simply, his voice and chin quivering with each word. “I don’t—it’s still too painful.” His voice broke, and his eyes stung with tears desperately fought back as he whispered, “I d-don’t want anyone to see me cry…”
“Aww, Ashe…” Sam pulled him into a hug, and Sebastian shot Abby a dirty look. “C’mon, it’s okay. This is what friends are for, y’know.”
“N-No—please, I don’t—want—”
It was too late. The floodgates had been opened, and just as he had dissolved into laughter not five minutes ago he dissolved into sobs that were muffled by Sam’s shoulder. It was embarrassing. There was nothing that felt good about breaking down like this in front of others. But there was nothing that he could do to stop the tears, or the emotions that brought them on.
“That’s it, just let it all out.” Sam patted his back with a faint smile. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Just know that we’re all here for you.”
It took everything Ashe had in him to eventually stop the tears, and a minute later he pulled back from Sam to rub at his reddened eyes with a sniff. “Sucks… S-Sorry, I tried so hard…”
“Hey, there’s nothing to apologize for.” Sebastian took a puff on the cigarette he’d lit. “Sometimes you just gotta cry.”
“Oh?” Abby elbowed him with a smirk. “That something you have a lot of experience with, Seb?”
“Fuck off.”
The exchange was enough to get a half-laugh, half sob from Ashe.
“Hey, there’s another laugh.” Abby’s smirk softened to a smile. “So do you feel any better now?”
“N-No, not really…” With a shuddering sigh, Ashe dried what was left of his tears on his sleeves and did his best to smile. “But I really don’t like to cry, so. I’m okay now.” He moved to the front of the group and unsheathed his trusty sword. “Besides, there’s no time to waste. We’ve got monsters to slay and loot to find! FOR THE G!”
“Hell yeah!” Abigail was right there beside him, her own sword drawn as they led the charge. Sam and Sebastian had to break into a brisk jog to keep up with them.
 It wasn’t long before they ran into trouble. A few red-tinted slimes, some magma bats, nothing too major. It was largely disappointing for Abby, who stood off to the side pouting as the others dug into a fat gold vein.
“This sucks,” she huffed, “I was promised monsters and all I’ve gotten are weak level 1 mobs.”
“Y’know,” Sebastian grunted with the swing of his pickaxe, “most people wouldn’t be complaining about that.”
She flicked her hair over her shoulder. “Yeah, well, I’m not like most people.”
“’I’m so quirky, I’m not like other girls’,” Sam teased.
“Hey, that subreddit doesn’t apply to me because I’m actually not like other girls.”
“That’s what they all say, you know.”
Having fallen largely quiet in his concentration on mining, Ashe just sort of listened to them playfully argue. It was fun to just be a party to the conversation, and it helped with keeping his mind occupied.
‘This should be enough to trade for some better tools, I think.’ He picked up a few chunks of mined ore and inspected them with a hopeful glint in his eyes. It was more cost-efficient to trade materials like this for upgrades instead of paying for them outright. ‘Would be nice if we could hit a gem vein while we’re here—’
The conversation lulled, and in the brief moment of silence Ashe heard a strange noise in the distance. It was a noise that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
“Get down!”
Once more his voice reverberated around the space as he tackled his friends to the floor. Not a second later, a giant flaming fireball whizzed over their heads, ricocheting against the walls and bouncing all around before it exploded a few feet away.
“Holy—” Sam coughed as a thick smoke filled the air. “Where the hell did that come from?!”
“Keep your head down,” Ashe pushed him back down, straining his eyes to see through the smoke. He could faintly make out a round form hovering in the air at the far end of the tunnel. “Marlon calls them ‘squid kids’. It won’t notice us if we stay still.”
“Oh, to hell with that.”
Against his warnings, Abigail scrambled to her feet. With hand on the hilt of her sword again, she darted right towards the monster.
“Abby, don’t!!!”
Letting out a battle cry that would make any warrior proud, she drew the sword and cleanly cut the Squid Kid in two before it had a chance to get off another fireball. The three stared in stunned silence as she skidded to a stop, coolly sheathing her blade and turning to look back at them.
“C’mon, it was one mob. We’ve got the power of friendship and anime on our side, remember?”
Ashe let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding—only for his heart to stop in his chest again as a shadow moved behind her. He was on his feet in the blink of an eye, racing towards where she stood triumphant. There wasn’t time for him to yell out a warning. The others did it for him.
“Shit—look out!”
Sebastian and Sam scrambled to follow in his footsteps as the shadow fell over Abigail. Realization dawned on her face, and she turned to find a pair of angry beady eyes glaring down at her from within the amorphous blob that was Slime EX.
After a second, she turned to look back at the boys racing towards her. “Really, guys?” She asked, wholly unimpressed. “You’re panicking over a slime? What’s it gonna do, squish me to death?”
Almost as if her words caused the Slime deep offense, its entire body jiggled with a gurgly roar—the sound was enough to send dust crumbling from the ceiling above. The color started to drain from her face as it jumped, much higher than she thought it could.
There wasn’t enough time. The slime came down on top of her before any of them could reach her, absorbing her into its gelatinous center as they came to a screeching stop just a short distance away. It was horrific, watching her clutch at her own throat as the Slime’s insides slowly suffocated her.
But the Slime wasn’t content with just one meal, and its sights shifted to the three still standing before it. It leaped again, and they began to backpedal as quickly as they could—but it wasn’t fast enough. There wasn’t time. Sam grabbed hold of Ashe by the back of his shirt and hurtled him backwards, a split second before the Slime squished down on him and Sebastian too.
The throw was enough to send Ashe through the air, and he hit the ground in an unceremonious heap. “Oh my Yoba—GUYS!” He screamed, picking himself up in time to see them swallowed up.
With each jump, the Slime’s massive size had sent tremors throughout the mine. The second time, the quaking didn’t stop, sending chunks of the walls and ceiling tumbling down all around. The entire mine was starting to collapse.
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groves · 4 years
anyway i have. a variety of thoughts re: The Last of Us Part II, and i wanna get them out, so beware spoilers below the cut
i don’t wanna go the absolutist route of saying this game was incredible or this game was total bullshit - there were things i liked and things i very much did not
druck has been saying from the very beginning that this game was supposed to be about hate and cycles of violence and what trauma can do to a person and like. listen they achieved their goal with that - that being said, personally, i’m very over torture porn
let’s start with the good, shall we
i loved the gameplay! obviously very reminiscent of the first game, but i like the new add-ons of the ability tree, the new items you could craft, the variety of much bigger, more intricate, and interesting maps was hella fun
holy shit the standing/crouch/prone mechanic was smooth as shit and so much fun. i don’t think i’ve ever played a game where you could go prone like that, let alone with that much ease and versatility. it made a lot of the battles really fun and more versatile than they would have been with just boxes to hide behind
abby’s hair?? i don’t think i’ve ever played a character with hair animated past their shoulders/upper back?? she had a long braid that moved seamlessly as she moved - i’ve always assumed long hair on a player character was something that was deceptively difficult to animate (like characters taking off clothing, which ND were the first to achieve in Thief’s End), so idk if any other tech/animation people can confirm or deny that abby’s hair is kind of an animation breakthrough?
the similarities and differences between ellie and abby’s gameplay based on their strengths/weaknesses, materials, and training was a good touch
i know a lot of people didn’t like her, but abby grew on me a lot. do i love her as much as ellie? not by a long shot, but playing as abby for so long was very effective in driving the theme of cycles of violence home. As in, these are two girls who otherwise would have no reason to be enemies, neither of whom are inherently evil, but they keep doing things to hurt each other and brew this hatred in each other, neither of them feeling like they can stop
i loved a lot of our new cast of characters
i would die for dina, who could have seen that coming
i really liked jesse! i wasn’t sure how i was going to feel after the pregnancy reveal but he was just. super solid the whole time and i appreciated him
yara and lev. my children. “i’ve never heard a scar curse before” “that was my first time” an angel
increased diversity! (which is. a double-edged sword, see below) canonically lesbian ellie, bisexual and jewish dina, trans lev, many more characters of color, you love to see it
listen this is just me being a lesbian talking but despite all the bad it’s just nice to play a canon lesbian with a girlfriend in a mainstream, non-rpg game, okay
the genuine portrayal of trauma, PTSD, and triggers. it was, uh, very hard hitting
JJ. the entire domestic scene at the farm. we’re ignoring the rest of the game, that’s where it ends, happy farm gays and their beautiful baby boy
....and the bad
the obvious one - joel’s death. i went into this game fairly sure he was going to die, but it was just so SOON and abrupt and really didn’t do the character justice. i’m extremely grateful we got to see more of him and ellie through flashbacks, but the literal entire purpose of his death was to traumatize ellie and that’s shitty. he was fridged.
i realize this is a very violent and traumatic game/franchise, and the more minority characters you have, the more likely they are to be victims of that violence. HOWEVER, you can’t help but notice when most of the minority characters are killed, mutilated, or repeatedly traumatized.
killed: jesse, yara, manny, nora, isaac (along with owen, mel, and joel)
mutilated: yara, ellie
repeatedly traumatized: ellie, lev, dina
i love to see a young trans character played by a trans actor, but it would also be nice if his story wasn’t like. entirely about being shunned and targeted bc he’s trans y’know
all of this begs the question of bad/subpar representation vs no representation at all and quite honestly i don’t have an answer to that
i said before that i appreciate the narrative and gameplay risk they took with having you play as abby as almost a deuteragonist, but i missed ellie, who this game was supposed to be about. 
FIGHTING ELLIE?? i died like 5 times bc i was sitting there screaming “i don’t WANT to hurt her??”
again, i appreciate The Point, that neither of them are inherently evil, but have been caught up in this cycle that has made them enemies of each other. ellie has gone down a dark path and lost her way. it was very effective naughty dog i get it okay pls don’t make me hurt my child again
i’m not entirely sure what the point of the seraphites was besides the aesthetic™ tbh
not that anyone’s complaining about the aesthetic™ tho
the whole santa barbara sequence felt. unnecessary and tacked on. again, i get it, ellie choosing to continue the cycle when she could have let it go, but i feel like that also could have been driven home with a little extra time in seattle
finally, the ending:
liked: that ellie didn’t kill abby. by the time we got to the final fight on the beach i very much didn’t want to kill her. the game proved its point. i just wanted her to get to a firefly base with lev and be safe, and break the cycle.
disliked: the seeming hopelessness of ellie’s story? they gave us a crumb with the fact that she was going to try and reconcile her relationship with joel before he was killed, and honestly, i don’t blame dina for leaving, but even a HINT that ellie was going to go find dina and make it up to her and hopefully settle down and have a loving life with her girlfriend and son and recover would have made it so much better. and i guess it could be open to interpretation, but leaving her guitar and all her artwork of her family doesn’t paint a pretty picture.
overall, i had a fun time playing it for the most part, but it’s left me feeling sad and mournful and hurting. which, again, might be the point. but if it is, i don’t like that point very much.
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labyrinth-runner · 4 years
oop ok abby can i please get more to pirate!obi finding reader in the brig & bringing her onboard? you've honestly given me serotonin from your answer haha love you!
Kara, because I love you, I did this a day earlier that I had planned.
As of rn. This doesn’t have a formal name
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Gif from:https://thecl0newars.tumblr.com/post/619119447899357184/obi-wan-kenobi-that-thing-he-does-i-love-him
Scenario: Based off this ask Kara sent me earlier this week. ALSO PLEASE COME TO ME FOR PIRATE!OBI Y’ALL  
Word count: Little under 1700
No Warnings
Obi-Wan smirked as he swung from his ship to the one they were boarding. The dread pirate Hondo had been terrorizing these seas for so long. Obi-Wan was going to take back what was rightfully his, specifically a compass that would lead him to his heart’s desire. He had lost it after a drunken night of poker. By the time he woke from his drunken stupor, Hondo, his pants, and his compass were gone. Talk about getting fleeced. He’d been tracking Hondo ever since, determined to take back what was rightfully his. He’d finally caught up with him in the Corellian sea. The sea battle had been fairly limited, and now they had attached grappling hooks to board. There was always a sense of excitement in the air as he swung from his territory onto someone else’s. His men were diving into the battle, which was good. They’d distract the crew long enough for him to find what he needed and get out of there. He tried not to tangle with other pirates, you know, the Code and all. He did have some honor… for a pirate.
He snuck his way through the battles, delivering blows here and there as he needed to clear his path. Eventually he made it to the Captain’s quarters. He found it surprisingly empty. He assumed Hondo must be engaged elsewhere. Swiftly, he searched for his compass, eventually finding it in the man’s desk with other broken objects.
“Oh, Hondo, you never were very good at determining something’s worth if it had no monetary value,” he smirked. He tossed the compass in the air before catching it and tucking it into his pocket. “Now, time for some fun.”
Obi-Wan dashed into the fray, sword a-swinging. For all his grandeur, he really was one of the best swordsmen to sail the seas. It was almost second nature to him, his sword an extension of his arm. He made his way around the ship until he heard banging coming from down below.
“Skywalker, cover me!” He yelled to his first mate as he went down below. Below decks was empty of pirates, but he heard clanging, as if metal were striking metal. Odd, he thought, but then he saw you.
You were so thoroughly done with pirates at this point. You’d been captured by Hondo a few ports ago. Apparently he thought he could sell you to some wealthy dignitary, but you had been too much of a handful. That was how you found yourself bound, gagged, and placed in a cell. You had been stripped down to your knickers, Hondo figuring that at least your clothes had value, even if you didn’t. His intention was to maroon you on the next island he found. Instead, you were praying to the maker that you weren’t hit by a stray cannonball as you saw them cut through the hull of the ship around you like nothing. You wondered if perhaps you were being rescued by the royal navy. Oh yes, that would be wonderful. Surely your father’s friend, Admiral Yularen, would be a sight for sore eyes. You found the metal water cup in your cell and started to bang it over the bars to attract attention. You cried out, voice muffled by the gag of course, when you heard footsteps approach.
This was it. This was your savior!
This… was another bloody pirate.
Who was continuing to come your way, while staring at you. Lovely, you thought, he clearly has no manners.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” he smiled, leaning against the bars. He reached through to tilt your chin up. “It appears there’s a little bird in a cage. Would you like to be set free?”
You closed your eyes. Go with this pirate who at least wants to free you for some reason, or stay here with Hondo and be marooned? Well, there was not much of a choice to be made. You nodded.
“Alright, then,” he nodded back. He found the keys over on the peg across the room and unlocked the door. Without warning, he hoisted you over his shoulder. You let out an indignant sound as you started to hit his back. How dare this ruffian man handle you? You tried to yell at him to put you down! However, nothing resembling words could be heard around the gag.
He playfully whapped your butt with the broad side of his sword.
“Careful, Lass, wouldn’t want to make me drop you,” he replied. You could tell by the tone that he had a smug grin on his face as he took you up the stairs and back into the midst of the on-going battle. He took hold of a piece of rope, wrapping it around his hand as he stood on the edge of the ship.
“Ehhhh, Kenobi! What are you doing with my prisoner?!” Hondo called out after him. He turned to face Hondo and gave him a little salute.
“Finders Keepers, mate! You know the rules!” He yelled back before swinging back towards the Negotiator.
He unceremoniously dropped you on the ground.
“Alright, men, fall back or fall behind!” He yelled as he started to cut the grappling hooks free with a smirk. The ship lurched forward, already sailing away from the battle.
You heard footfalls as the men landed back on the ship. You were surrounded, and suddenly very nervous as they leered at you. A man with longer hair that the others came up to you, spinning you around to get a better look.
He let out a whistle. “I wasn’t aware we were taking treasure, Captain.”
You scoffed.
“She’s a woman, Skywalker, not a prize to be won or stolen. Never joke about a lady’s heart. The only way you can get that is if you earn it, and if you do, well… you best be treasuring it,” Obi-Wan replied, strolling back over to untie all your bindings.
“What are you to do with me?” You asked.
“Nothing yet, Lass,” Captain Kenobi smiled. “What happens next is up to you.”
He nodded to Anakin who proceeded to place a plank down on the deck, half over the water. Your eyes widened.
“What’s that for?”
“For you. You can either join my merry band of men or you can walk the plank. It’s bad luck to have a woman aboard, and I’m not entirely fond of dead weight, am I boys?” He called out to the crew.
They responded with a cheer. You swallowed. Well, you weren’t just about to jump off a ship after being rescued from another. That would just be foolish. But, you still felt the need to ask. “Why save me if you were just going to throw me overboard?”
“Ah-ah, darling,” he said, wagging his finger at you, “I’m not throwing you overboard. I’m giving you a choice, something that Hondo didn’t. Now, lass, what’ll it be?”
“Well, clearly I’ll join the crew. I don’t have a death wish,” you replied.
“Good. Although, you’ll have to find a change of clothes. Walking around in your underwear is rather distracting and affects the work quality of my crew,” he smirked, earning a bunch of wolf whistles from the crew. Captain Kenobi offered you his hand. “Come with me.”
You cautiously placed your hand in his, following him into his cabin. He dug around in a chest, presenting you with a baggy pair of red and white striped pants, a belt, and a billowy pirate shirt before shoving you behind his changing screen. You swiftly dressed before stepping back out into the room. You smirked, seeing his eyes widen and a slight blush creep up on his cheeks above his beard.
“Like what you see?” You purred.
“Be careful about stoking fires around here, little one, you’ll set the boat ablaze and be trapped on it,” he winked.
“Some like it hot,” you smiled back.
He chuckled, “I think I’ll enjoy having you around, lass. Now, you’re free to go where you like. I’m needed above deck.” He whipped out a compass from his pocket, smiling at it before leaving the cabin. You followed him out, walking to the bow as he walked to the stern. You leaned over the edge, noticing a figurehead there. You almost did a double-take looking at it.
“Admiring the view?” The first mate, Skywalker, asked.
“She’s beautiful,” you murmured, looking at the carved woman.
“Aye, that she is,” he said, a weird look on his face. “Looks a bit familiar, don’t you think?”
You tilted your head, leaning out a bit further to get a better look. She looked like you. “Who’s it modeled after?”
“That’s the thing,” Anakin said, “Obi-Wan, the Captain, doesn’t know. He had it commissioned based off a sketch of his soulmate that he got from some fortuneteller after they hooked up on the island Mandalore.”
“Is that so?” you murmured.
“Land ho!” A voice shouted from the crow’s nest. The crew around you, once idle, now began to work in a fury, readying to dock at the island coming up on the horizon. This could be your chance to find your way back home. You looked down at the ring your fiancé, Rush Clovis, had given you. You’d hidden it away in your clothes so that Hondo wouldn’t take it. Your life with him would have been comfortable, yes, but that wasn’t what you wanted. It wasn’t what you craved. No, you wanted adventure, and a love that consumed. You turned your head, locking eyes with Captain Kenobi. He gave you a smirk that lit a spark. You bit your lip, looking down at the ring in your hands. No, you wouldn’t be going home. Not today, not ever. With one flick of your wrist, you hurled the ring into the clear blue depths of the ocean below. A sense of freedom enveloped you, fresh as the sea breeze. It would be a pirate’s life for you, and somehow, it didn’t seem all that bad.
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S3 E4
quarantine dairies: june 28 2020
season 3 episode 4: “watch the thrones”
why is the title telling me to watch the thrones? are they going somewhere? or like are they like the furniture in beauty and the beast? tell me the thrones talk in this world.
look lexa gave clarke her own little throne and right next to her
ice queen does not look epic at all. i was expecting katara and they give me this. this is my own fault for setting to high expectations
there’s so many coups in this show that they’re not surprising anymore
agni kai they said
lexa said no one fights for me. she be like im my own champion. ok lexa i respect that
woow its mister tall tan and beautiful. was bellamy just standing there waiting for the meeting to be over?
look at those teary tears. awww sad boi bellamy activated
monty my boy and jasper. still trouble in paradise i see
when you’re the only healer of your nation but there’s too many patients so you need to go to another nation for help. poor nyko
ooo a monty-jasper one-on-one adventure yes please.
I really dont like clarkes hair rn and what the heck is she wearing
look at lexa being smart having a backup plan if she dies
ronan is wannabe jon snow especially with that hairstyle and the fact that theyre also ice nation aka essentially the north. ronan even uses with a giant sword like jon snow. bitch this is guy is a watered down jon snow and you cant convince me otherwise
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who let clarke out of the tower?? and literally what was with that stupidass hood clarke?
roan as king? bitch this better not happen
back onto clarkes hair: are those blood highlights? 
is that millers boyfriend or nah? cuz its kinda unclear
the writers said mass funeral/memorial
aww bellamy but he really said cheesy ass line “gina was real” was she tho? like we didnt get any proof of this
noooo he did not just stone Lincoln. that piece of shit. lincolns been through enough. yeah bellamy go help lincoln. bellamy is a loyal king and i love him for that. but also lincoln has a strong head like he be headbutting people
monty should you be snooping around in jaspers stuff? but also ashes...a tooth. is that maya? tell me he did not. wash your hands monty. also please dont tell me that jasper has one of those strange addictions in which he eats his dead girlfriends ashes
no charges bitch lincoln you should press all the charges but lincoln be the bigger man like that
sidenote/question: does lincoln shave his head everyday? 
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seriously tho who is doing octavia’s hair??
ooo clarke you thought you could pull off killing the ice queen that one bitch sensed the murderous vibez 
lol they really had clarke’s actress just lay there and take the drops of fake blood on her face. i wonder how many takes this took
really clarke you couldnt have wiped your face a little bit now you have dry crusty blood on your face. 
ooo clarke talking about how she doesnt want lexa to fight...looks like someone caught feelings
so arkadia has a bar. glad to know that the ark has its priorities straight you not worried about putting people under abby to learn how to become a healer.
i gotta know does lexa does her own makeup does baldy do it for her? but also who did roan’s face?
clarke what is with that sad excuse of a hood. also talking off the hood was not a big reveal like we could clearly see her face under the hood
ugh this lexa vs. roan fight is weak honestly medial times has much better fighting sequences than this. like these blades dont even look sharp. is this the shows attempt to make lexa look cool bc sure she’s cool but ANYA i miss anya that was a badass bitch
clarke with that blinking..she is turned on. 
lexa was that allowed?! what a shot tho. i also gotta this ice queen is weak to die this way bc jasper survived worse that. but maybe its just because jasper has that super radiation blood he has crazy vitality.
“i have always done what is best for us”...i dont know about that bellamy remember the radio but i guess we can pretend that that didnt happen because hey bellamy had good intentions we cant expect him to be tall tan beautiful and smart
also since when did lincoln talk to harper or monroe like i know that they were there for his little training session but they didnt seem buddy buddy
sidenote: how the heck do no one notice bellamy just taking out these guns and handing them out? and if they did why did no one stop him?
kane really didnt tell his people about the mocking. i gotta say that pike bring up the branding and it being something they do to live stock was a pretty compelling argument
PIKE FOR CHANCELLOR?! “pike. pike. pike” nice chant bellamy. aah i miss the good old days when it was just the 100 on the ground and bellamy led all those chants.
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FINN!!!! jasper stole finn’s ashes?! idk if thats better or worse than them ashes being maya’s
monty said im not fine. aww monty :( i like how they actually address this in the show tho i thought they were just gonna let it fly by like they did charlottes suicide
“float you” said monty...let these kids say 
“i miss my best friend” “he died that day too” my heart cant handle their bromance breaking up. nope i refuse this. the writers better remedy this soon.
welp there goes finn. what did jasper trip on tho like the ground was relatively flat
sooo uhh is clarke not gonna get with lexa or not cuz the tension was there doing that let me fix your wound scene
I love how pike looks at bellamy right after kane tells him that he won the election like he was looking for bellamy’s affirmation. pike be taking a lot of offical actions all at once. he does not quit 
ok kane but thats pretty bold of you to assume that you’re on the right side cuz youve done some questionable stuff yourself buddy.
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simplyslytherin · 4 years
The mirror part 2
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The next morning she dragged Barnaby to the gryffindor table and sat him by Ben. Ben seemed to notice her eyes where red and as soon as she said the name Talbott he was on his feet. "I'll kill him," Charlie and the rest of the quidditch team had to swarm Ben to pin him to the ground, "Barnaby kill Talbott. He made Claire cry," Barnaby sprung into action anger contorting his face, "wait don't kill him I'll kill him," Ben said while struggling under Charlie.
"Mr. Copper, I won't condone violent behavior," professor Mcgonagall said sharply, "the same goes for you Mr. Lee."
"It was my fault professor,"
"Don't be ridiculous, Miss Reyes."
"You didn't ask these boys to go murder their classmate." Both of Ben and Barnaby started fighting even harder to get away.
"Please don't punish them, I can talk them out of it."
"I would like to see you try Miss Reyes."
"I broke up with Talbott!" She felt her face heat up as both boys stopped fighting.
"Y-you did?" Ben asked.
"But your eyes are red," Ben said
"You must of been crying," Barnaby added.
"I have allergies!"
"I stand corrected," Mcgonagall said amused.
And that was the end of that. She didn't tell Ben how she felt. The mirror though a wonderful fantasy was just that fantasy. Why would good, sweet, noble, brave Ben want a deatheater's daughter?
She decided that she would just keep curling up in his robes when the dormitory felt particularly empty, it was enough. She wished Rowan was here. Rowan was the smart one she would of known what to do. Just being Ben's best friend was enough. She didn't deserve him anyway.
It wasn't till Barnaby one morning slammed his orange juice down rather violently things changed. Both Claire and Merula jumped in suprise. "You need to stop it Claire. I'm sick of it. I've been more than patient with you," Barnaby said.
"Stop what?" She looked to Merula for support but she just shrugged. However, she was wearing her, 'I know what he's saying but I can't tell you' look.
"You need to tell Ben how you feel!" He yelled face turning red with frustration.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what your talking about." Claire defended eating her toast.
"Don't lie to me." He glared at her, "I know you better. Your head over heels for him."
"I'm not! He's my best friend!"
"Oh yes you are," Merula said, "you cuddle up in his robes when your upset. And you must of invented some sort of charm to keep them smelling like him cus you sniff the sleeves!"
Claire's face burst into flame. If she could die on the spot she would of gladly done so. Perhaps she could ask the bloody baron to drive her through with a sword. "Y-you know about that?" Her voice cracked a bit.
"Oh yes I do, you've been doing it since he gave you that robe in sixth year!" Merlua said indignantly.
"You've probably been in love with him since first year," Barnaby added, "you looked like you wanted to cry when he kissed Abby." Abby as it turned out was the gryffindor girl from charms she hadn't recognize during the mirror incident.
"She was using him," Claire defended.
"Yes, using him to snog," Merula said sarcastically.
"Even if I do like him-I'm not saying I do, he's dating Abby, I couldn't just ruin his relationship he's happy."
"Does he look happy to you?" Merula asked.
She looked across the tables to see Ben hunched over his charms notebook, Abby was trying to get his attention but he ignored her continuing to work on a new spell she guessed.
"I don't know." She said finaly.
"You know," Barnaby said softly, "Abby looks a lot like you minus some key differences."
"What are you saying Barnaby?"
"It could be completely possible that Ben fancys you and is just using Abby as a place holder." He said expertly.
"When you go up to Ben he always gives you his full attention does he not?" Merlua asked.
"Yes but-"
"When you were in a coma in the hospital wing, for a week he would vist you every day and read to you, he even snuck in a slept by your side once,"
Barnaby said. Claire felt her face get redder she didn't know that.
"So why not tell him?" Merlua gently prodded.
"I don't deserve him. Its my fault Rowan-and who in their right mind would want a deatheater's daughter?"
"That's Ben's decision," Barnaby said softly. "If you don't tell him we will."
"You wouldn't."
"We already have it arranged."
"Please just a little more time-"
"Two days," Merula said firmly.
"Okay," she tried to enjoy the two days but it was hard. Ben kept hovering over her saying she was sad and it was worrying him. He had done so much to try and cheer her up, Honeydukes, her favorite tea, he even told her about a cheer up charm he was working on, (the others he used had no effect). How was she supposed to tell him that she was sad he would no longer want to be her friend? That in two days time he would be disgusted by the very sight of her. He wouldn't want a deatheater's daughter after all.
It was after dinner when she made her way to the artifact room, she had told Merula and Barnaby she would confess tonight. She held his robes as she waited for him smelling them one last time. This was it. The moment all conact with Ben would end, but at least it was on her terms.
Ben open the door smiling apologetically, "sorry Abby was a nightmare to get away from. Are you gonna finally tell me what's made you so sad?"
She shoved the robes in his arms, "I'm sorry, but I love you" and she ran. She ran out down the floors out the front doors past Hagrid's cottage all the way to the forbidden forest. Out of breath she reasoned she was far enough away to stop. Tears came quickly, she wiped them away. She couldn't bear to hear Ben's rejection, running away seemed like the best option. Cowardly yes, but it hurt less.
Suddenly a warm pair of arms wrapped around her. She fought back, she was not going to be kidnapped by a mystery person and killed, no not today.
"Its me, its okay," Ben's soft voice cane to her ears. No not Ben, she fought harder to get away. Ben was that last person she wanted to see, he was going to deliver her rejection right here and now. Eventually Ben had managed to pin her to the ground using his size and superior strength to keep her still. "Claire please stop struggling," he said gently.
"No!" She shouted trying to wriggle free, "let me go Ben please!" She begged
"Just listen to me only for a moment."
"No!" she started beating her small fists against his chest as if it would make him move off of her.
Gently he took her arm in one of his large hands, "Claire-"
"No! Don't say it!" She turned away from him.
Suddenly she felt a warm sensation on her cheek then her forehead and her chin and her nose. She wanted to die on the spot when she realized what he was doing.
She turned her head to face him, to say something anything, tell him to stop perhaps. When suddenly the warmth was on her lips. Was Ben Copper kissing her? What a strange world it was. Well, she could enjoy this while it lasted he was probably only doing it to calm her down after all. Ben's tongue seemed to be determined to maker her think otherwise, it explored her mouth not leaving a single thing untouched. Until he started to wrestle with her own tongue. When they needed air he pulled away from her face scarlett and buried his head in her neck, he said something muffled.
"What?" She asked runing her fingers through his hair.
"I love you," Ben said breathlessly in her ear.
"What about Abby?"
"We snogged once, then she thought she was my girlfriend. She's been a nightmare honestly. She keeps going on about how she saw up in the mirror and it's fate or something."
"Ben can I see what you saw in the mirror? I'll show you mine."
"I suppose so," he breathed out moving above her.
She started to gently prod his mind. "Ben think about the mirror it will make it easier," he nodded and she found it.
Ben was standing in front of the mirror and suddenly Claire appeared from behind him. She was wearing his scarf instead of Talbott's. Suddenly without prompting mirror Claire yanked on his tie and kissed him. After she finished she looked at him with adoration, mirror Ben returned the look. They had started holding hands.
Gently she started to show him what she saw in the mirror.
"You want- with me?" She just nodded, "wow, I think I could get behind that eventually."
"Ben can I do something?" He nodded and she kissed his neck before biting down, she did this till a large bruise started to form. "Abby should leave you alone now."
"Yeah, let's get back up to the castle, your a prefect, you should be getting in trouble." Ben's face turned scarlet.
"Have you met me?"
Slowly he got up off of her then helped her up. They walked back to the castle until she said, "sit with me tommarow morning."
"Of course."
It was quite amusing when Abby realized where Ben was, Claire saw her storming to them before Claire decided to have a bit of fun. Grabbing Ben's tie she pulled him down for a kiss, Ben was all to happy to oblige. She could distantly hear Abby yelling something but she didn't really care.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
May 21: The 100 2x11 Coup De Grace
It’s late, my computer’s more tired than I am (and hardcore hates me and very well may decide to eat this entire post who even knows), and this is probably a bad idea but I’m gonna do it anyway.
Or at least start.
Another episode, or partial episode, of The 100.
This opening torture sequence makes me so uncomfortable. Which like I get is the point but tbh I’m just not into ‘look how unflinching we are at the realities of Bad Stuff.’ Especially when my tired computer is skipping and the sequence becomes, like...trippy. Trippier.
This is probably a super bad idea because my computer literally cannot handle video lol. I am going to restart it.
It’s actually kind of nuts that Monty’s been missing for 2 days and Harper even longer and Jasper and Maya are like ‘this is weird and upsetting but I guess we’ll find them somewhere!!’ Well, Maya more than Jasper. Mount Weather isn’t THAT big.
“You have to look like nothing’s wrong. Like everything’s okay” is so sad. I think it’s situations like that that make S2 my favorite, just b/c I’m a sucker for scenarios of enclosed tension. Like, forget war and blah blah blah, I want this, like... secretive, spying, being spied upon, uncertainty. That’s the real horror in a satisfying way.
Gosh his haircut is awful though.
When does Clarke learn to ride a horse?
I have literally no idea what’s happening bc I rewatch these eps so infrequently.
Clarke just got “yes ma’amed.” I find that semi-hilarious, not because she’s 18 but because you knew Grounders used words like “ma’am.”
I love Clarke’s single-mindedness. “We can’t stop for water. We can’t stop for anything. We’re on a mission. And Bellamy might have called!” AWWNH!Clarke is so OOC lol but she has a different background okay?
I’m not really in the mood to trust Abby about anything. Does she... actually make good decisions? I feel like you’d have to track her through all of the seasons but I am inclined to say...perhaps......not.
So the Mountain Men tried to assassinate Clarke and Lexa. Completely forgot about that.
The introduction of Echo. I just... I just have no opinions on her, I guess. Literally my only opinion is that she should have been the Ice Queen and, not being the Ice Queen, she’s just not interesting to me. I will say, she couldn’t have been in Mount Weather long if she knew who the Sky People are, as they’ve only been on the ground about a month. But also...why does she hate them? They were only fighting with Trikru, and Azgeda territory isn’t even, like, in the vicinity.
I love Dante but he has some major balls looking Jasper in the face and saying he doesn’t know where his friends are. I mean, he doesn’t, because Cage stole them, but how do you just MISPLACE people in a 600,000 square foot bunker? Where COULD they go?
I’m sure I’ve said this before but as someone who went to a high school with a uniform I find it HIGHLY unrealistic that all these teenage boys tuck in their shirts and keep them tucked in all the time without exceptions.
Jasper being protective of Monty <3<3<3.
So it was MW that told them there were no Ark survivors. Did I know that? Did I forget that? Not that it matters as my Clarke/Maya fic is done lol.
Dante is the most Hilarious and Wonderful of all of the attempted father figures on this show I said what I said--they’re all terrible but at least he bring the Weird Father Figure energy to 11. I’ll lie to you but it’s to protect you, call you son (always weird), super good at self-defense--ah-ha! sword at at your neck!
“This is not a toy.” If the sword is in MW it’s probably Important and Famous.
IMO and I completely stand by this assessment, it’s harder for Jasper to be brave than it is for other people, and he was really brave, and it worked, and I’m proud of him.
I realize this is also a problem with the literal world but we actually do know that torture isn’t effective so Indra being all upset that she’s not allowed to torture Emerson is just so....exhausting to me. Like Clarke isn’t suggesting not torturing him bc she loves the high ground and must walk it at all times. She’s suggesting not torturing him bc the last time she tortured someone, she got 0 good information. And even though neither of them know it, it was the shit information garnered from torture that led Finn to TonDC! Also if they had let Emerson die, the Grounder would have also still died--it’s not that they chose to use resources on one and not the other. They had two different types of wounds. I mean I guess if they’d brought them in faster without patching up Emerson in the field? That’s probably what she meant. However the Grounder Death Cult and their complete willingness to declare their fight over at the merest papercut makes me again less sympathetic to this point of view.
I’d literally already forgotten that someone tried to assassinate Clarke like an hour earlier. Abby doesn’t need to be concerned about that, lol, Clarke’s used to it!
Okay first I did have a longstanding headcanon that Echo had a crush on Bellamy going way back--I mean that’s practically canon, yeah?--but now I’m super convinced because in their second scene together, he sacrifices himself for her using information she gave him (that MW takes the loud/strong looking ones), even though she greeted him by spitting in his face, and actually, that was very heroic and selfless of him. I’d fall in love too.
Second, I thought she had no tattoos because she’s a spy or w/e but I CLEARLY see tattoos on her legs. And they are not white either.
I don’t think I ever realized that Maya found Bellamy because she was in the infirmary/harvest chamber looking for Harper and Monty. I do not have a good memory for each scene leading into the next. AND she think she’s found them when she sees how fast the random patient’s treatment is working, because that has to be a Sky Person and she would never guess Bellamy.
They really do just talk about their little torture machine casually all the time. “I need to go over the treatment schedule so I know how many cages to clear.”
Hey so like how did Maya get in if she’s not cleared for this facility?
What a wonderful time to remember yet again that if Bellamy knows who Maya is from her reference to Jasper, Clarke, who saw Maya and Jasper flirt like ONE TIME, must have told him about them, which is cute and funny all at once.
Maya: “I wanted to see what was so special about him, but... he’s dead.” Bellamy: Ah yes! I’m dead! * immediately closes his eyes * Why am I laughing so hard at this?
Good thing they take dead bodies down slowly instead of just thunking them on their heads.
Maya, Bellamy, and Echo v. Lovejoy is a pretty satisfying fight. Also, what did Clarke just say about Emerson talking b/c they saved his life? Echo helps Bellamy because he saved her life. Sometimes you get more flies with honey.
I tend to forget that Bellamy literally strangled this guy with his bare hands. Like it was self-defense to some degree, in that this had to be a fight to the death, but it was also just pure fucking rage. Like he said, he (like Clarke for a while) wants to kill everyone in the Mountain.
And then he thanks Echo and asks Maya if she’s all right. A True Catch. Tbh I could see something forming out of Echo and Bellamy here, but not after some of the later twists and turns in the later narrative.
Honesty, I’ve always loved Maya but... let’s just appreciate her, shall we? That was horrific, seeing someone she knew killed in front of her--and helping, because she knew he was on the wrong side, even though that was the same side she’d been on her whole life. Is she completely in the moment, or is she already seeing that there’s no way out for her here? That the people they’ve brought into the Mountain are really going to destroy it?
Bellamy coming out in Lovejoy’s clothes looks like a kid trying on new clothes at the mall before the new school year. Except he’s just dumped a body down a trash chute.
Like “I’ll come back for you, I promise”--I can see a basis for a ship in that. So far it is 100% built on how Echo would have to be dumb not to fall in love with Bellamy but still.
This Maya and Bellamy scene is amazing. I love every aspect of it.
Lemme just...watch that Jonty hug on repeat.
Honestly they even ended the scene with them walking out the door together even though there’s no way anyone could have moved Harper that fast and there’s also no indication of who moved her or how. Guess she’s...not that important...?? LOL??
Kane has only two modes: fairly ineffectual bastard or utterly ineffectual neo-hippie. “You’re not grasping the situation! We’re nice! Be nice to us!” I probably shouldn’t mock him bc he is me lol, I also would not know what else to say to Emerson other than ‘please????’ but still. Common sense and peace and love would be great but those aren’t shared values I guess.
And then he goes 180 to ‘let’s torture him then?’
What you should be doing is good cop bad cop. Or like, wearing him down with repeated questioning? I heard that’s an effective interrogation technique, although here Emerson has a certain advantage of time and that his interrogators are way more easily annoyed than he is easily worn down or confused.
Anyway I remember now. Clarke ultimately solves this problem with that ultimate BDE moment, sending him with a message and 6 hours of oxygen. She really is just the Smartest.
At least Kane acknowledges that the Chancellorship is a completely random title since Abby literally just kinda stole it? Like Jaha is the rightful Chancellor and Kane is the second-most-rightful Chancellor and she’s just sorta...there? But it also doesn’t matter because as established, Clarke is the one actually in charge.
This Bellamy and Maya elevator scene is also the kind of tension that I like. Is Bellamy...legitimately considering shooting him? In the elevator? That would end badly lol. He has this idea to just start randomly offing people in public/enclosed places, while Lexa is all like ‘we can’t save TonDC bc it would blow Bellamy’s cover!’ like the irony.
I wonder if the MW classes are like...to some end, like, mandatory schooling that must be completed, or if they’re just like for funsies? I think the second, partially because it’s an “Expressionist class” which doesn’t seem like the Three Rs and partially because this dude doesn’t seem upset that Maya didn’t show, like he’s just vaguely wondering where she was.
“We’ve accomplished great things” in that tone is like the MOST American thing I have ever heard. (I can say this because I’m American.)
“We’ve been bleeding people to stay alive for generations. That’s our legacy” is true in the sense that Dante’s line in the sane is...truly in the sand. But also has it been ‘generations’? I’m not sure you understand how time works, show-as-a-whole. I mean maybe this is technically true? They probably discovered Grounders like....50 years ago? Which is sort of “generations.” But when you say it like that it makes it sound way longer.
You wanna root for Dante over Cage because he’s on the side of our heroes but in terms of like bitter logic Cage has the advantage. What they’ve already done and what Dante has managed to rationalize to himself is bad enough. They’re already Doing Bad Things, doing yet more bad things isn’t going to bother anyone. Especially when these extra bad things (1) come out to the same--torturing/killing people and (2) lead them to a permanent home on the ground.
I wonder if Dante/MW justified what they did to Grounders with stories of them being like...irradiated mutants. Like literally inhuman. So it ‘doesn’t count.’ I mean objectively they’re wrong of course but I mean in their heads. And then for Dante the line is so obvious between killing radiation casualties and killing just normal humans like themselves, whereas for Cage--who sees the Grounders more because of Cerberus, and knows they don’t look that much different, that they are also just people underneath the masks and big clothes--sees no difference between the Grounders and the Sky People, and if he’s already sullied himself by using one set, he can continue sullying himself, for a greater cause, by using the other set. It’s just a question of which story you’re telling yourself and how much you’re willing to lie.
The plotting of this season is, overall, very good. Especially in the second half.
I think Clarke’s default mode when stressed is order giving. It’s part of the control thing. She’s okay if she has everything under control, and if she knows everything, and when she has all that knowledge and control it just...spills out of her, directing people with what they need to do and where they need to go.
Whereas Raven’s in full ‘falling out of love with Clarke’ mode.
Also I think Clarke is very quick to comfort people and she is genuine in this but because she ALSO has her agenda and her strident tone and her controlled demeanor, it can look like manipulation. Or at least, if I were her friend, I would always wonder if she really cared or if she just wanted me to calm down so my emotions weren’t in the way of The Plan.
My 15 second Raven, Clarke, and Octavia scene. Lemme just rewatch this a bunch of times too.
“Jackson found genetic marker anomalies that can only come from someone born on the Ark.” Remember when people were theorizing that this was a big deal in some way? The Arkers were genetically modified to withstand space? I remember that being a theory. Anyway in retrospect, it’s just a Plot Device. Possibly a Pseudo-Science Plot Device I would not know.
Never mind. “We were genetically engineered. They weren’t.” So it is in fact canon, just meaningless canon. HOW IS THIS SOME RANDOM THROWAWAY LINE?
Clarke’s feral moments are the best.
It’s cute how Abby continues to think Clarke isn’t in charge.
Having Bell run into Lovejoy’s son is cheap but effective. I still remember that scene and I can really feel the full effect on him through Bob’s acting and the music. I also always remember that line “What did you expect you’d find here?” Because the answer is obviously ‘monsters.’ They had their simple narrative too: about how MW were the bad guys and thus they could destroy them all and it would be vengeful and feel good. But it’s more complicated than that: everyone in the Mountain is complicit in terrors. But many of them passively so. Bellamy was ready to kill all of them, and so was Clarke, but he changes his mind based on this encounter, tells her about it over the radio, and makes HER change her mind and in fact change her entire plan, by the time she explains it in 2x15.
And it’s sad for Maya too because Bellamy is being aided by her but she is still a Mountain Person. It’s easy to say ‘she’s an exception, she’s Jasper’s friend, she’s our friend.’ But she’s done everything he hates the Mountain for. If the whole Mountain is evil, she’s evil. And to the extent you can’t be both pro-MW and pro-Sky People, she’s put in this impossible position of choosing sides, or trying to switch sides abruptly. Bellamy sees that, and it’s like yet one more additional layer to his guilt over what he did, because he sees a new angle to how it affected Maya,  without whom he’d be dead.
Jonty the leader couple. And Jasper’s face when Monty says “We’re not safe here.”
S2 is my favorite bc of plotting like this episode: just as the 47 are about to leave, Cage stages his coup. Just as Bellamy is about to see his friends, the doors lock and they’re trapped. The moment when Jasper sees Bellamy--with absolutely no reason to believe this could even be possible. In trying to plan fics that use S2 I tend to get confused about the plot bc it goes back and forth and circles around a lot, but in actually watching it, it’s quite effective, and I think part of the circling confusion is just bc there are so many moving parts, people need to be in the right places at the right times, meet and separate at the right moments, so it can read awkwardly in summary. But they did a good job ultimately, I think.
Another thing about S2 generally is that even though it’s much more expansive than S1 in terms of locations and number of characters and groups of characters, ultimately almost everything revolves around one story (except for the CoL setup stuff), and 2 main locations that have meaning, with various points in between. So it is more concise and more centralized and more meaningful than later seasons, which become increasingly spread out and disjointed. Or so I try to explain to myself at 1am.
Yaaaay emotional Princess Mechanic and then Bravenlarke. I live for these moments when characters are just like...emotional together.
I don’t know if I find it realistic that Clarke would be like ‘it’s over’ so fast but nevertheless I like Raven and Bellamy picking her back up.
Clarke’s relieved face...she’s in love.
Bellamy: I’m fine. Me: He’s a liar!!! But I guess they can talk about his emotions later.
When they’re all together, they’re all better. Like immediately. Even Clarke’s “Raven’s going to help you” with a little look to her, like, this isn’t an order, and Raven nods....
I love that Bellamy took Maya’s expression to mean “It’s not a problem” when it quite obviously meant “It’s a huge problem.” But also Clarke smiled for .05 seconds so I think she knew he was a-lying. This could be a sitcom if it were a totally different show.
Weirdly, I watched part of 2x15 again for a fic I decided not to write atm and...they don’t actually use the Grounders as a Trojan Horse army. Their plan NOT to kill everyone including the kids meant basically that they used their real army as a distraction and then just took the inside-Grounders out the back way. Or that was the idea. Which in retrospect is actually kind of disappointing.
Clarke’s power walk through the hallway with her Grounder Entourage is just so....satisfying. This is the emotional payoff that got me into this show.
Clarke just literally staging a coup against her own mother, using the Grounder force that sees her as a leader, is so.... I feel like I have never appreciated it before this rewatch. I think in the past I found it kind of annoying tbh. But this time I like it a lot more. I like Clarke’s just insane levels of confidence and self-assurance. It is a good look.
First of all the parallel to the Wallaces. But more importantly, I always wanted this big story line of Delinquents Versus Arkers that never fully came as I wanted it, but this is pretty close, where she’s just used to being in charge by now, so you know what, she is. And the only thing she needs to make her desire for power real is muscle, which she has, thanks to Lexa, so she uses it. It’s also very satisfying. And should ultimately have been the groundwork for the delinquents to form a separate community but WHAT DO I KNOW?
All that said, and this isn’t contradictory, but Clarke picks like the MOST inflammatory way to go about her plan. She just does it, she gives no explanation, she stages a showdown at the gate with her own Mom the Chancellor. There is a subtler way of doing this. But I like that she didn’t do subtle because it’s IC for her. It’s IC for her age (who is more Dramatique than a teen?) and it’s IC for her place in her hero’s arc: under L’s influence, she’s becoming big-headed, leaning into the sin of pride, here in the form of “I do can do no wrong,” and by 2x16 in the form of “I can do no right, no one has ever been more wrong than I, no one has ever been more sorrowful than I, let me perform penance in the woods.”
Pride: the most annoying deadly sin.
And Kane, who always bows to the Alpha Female in the room, immediately enables Clarke’s Drama.
“Let our people go and we’ll let you live. It’s just that simple.”
“The Grounder army is bigger than you think and the acid fog can’t hurt them” is honestly a bluff though? Because again, they do not use or even PLAN to use the inside Grounders and they DO plan to take out the acid fog so??? I guess the point, if she was protecting Bellamy, WAS the bluff, WAS the distraction.
I think it was unnecessary to take out his O2 but I guess she’s really just showing off, which again is IC and I guess has the purpose of showing MW she means business and is Not To Be Fucked With. Still, it is important that her message make it to MW since it’s the distraction Bellamy asked for, so it seems like something of a risk to make it hard for the messenger to arrive home safely.
I do like that she gets to use that classic retort “That sounds like a you problem.”
And so.... I meant to go to sleep like 3 hours ago, and my power is flickering. Time for bed. The end, goodnight.
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npcmenow · 5 years
The Mad King
2009 - Log #1
We talked about storming the stronghold again today. We haven’t been able to sneak food or water onto the island for weeks, and there isn’t any hope of a ship or plane coming any time soon, and he burned the ones we had here. It’s unbelievable that we used such life giving tools for a game. For sport. And now they’re just gone.
If we don’t stop him soon we all die. That’s it. Game Over. He’s hoarded all the supplies to himself, and those who are loyal to him. If we don’t take a stand now, we die either way... so what do we have to lose, right?
 2009 - Log #2
Theo seems to think if we hold out a few more weeks a boat will arrive, or we’ll figure out some kind of solution. He even went as far as to say he might come to his senses. I think that’s about the time I couldn’t continue hearing him out. Abby and Tommy have been in an absolute grief, watching him lose his mind like this. But how could they not? He’s their brother.
 2010 - Log #3
E has a plan to flank him at the bridge. And I honestly think we have a fighting chance. He’s planning on doing a sweep of the island. Doubling as a parade in his honor. Honestly, I don’t know where this grandeur pride came from. But he wants to rally those loyal to him while snuffing out those who oppose him in one swift move. I’ve got to hand it to him... he knows how to handle a mob mentality. But E thinks if we can hold his forces long enough to keep them on the bridge, we can cut it loose and send him to his death. He HAS to use the bridge to sweep the whole island. I really think this might work you guys!
 2010 - Log #4
....*sobbing*....*sniff*... Our uh... our... the plan didn’t work. We lost a lot of good men in the bridge assault, but, it was going off without a hitch. The “King,” as he’s calling himself now, was dead center. E led the climbing team and he shot them down without a second thought. I don’t even think they had a chance to touch the ropes. The precision and skill... the cold FURY he had with a bow was bone chilling. I’ve never felt so afraid in my life. I had to watch my sister fall to her death. But B had beaten him before. He called out to him and demanded a duel. Right then and there. My brother... I’ve never seen him more confident. So much righteous fury pouring out of him. When they stepped up to each other I thought it was finally all over. .........But he was cut down in a second. In front of us all. Our best fighter.... our l-leader.... *sob*............................................................... ....................................................................
 2011 - Log #5
I wish I could tell you how this all started. But none of us truly know. The island... It was truly a paradise. Some of the most capable people in the world, all gathered in one place to enjoy competition and sport together. The resort was a dream. ...He was always cold. always a little distant. But never like this. this... this is evil. We don’t know what finally snapped. Did he finally realize his true potential? Was it a plan that had been brewing from the beginning? Sure, he was one of the best. Any time he participated, you could cut the crowds tension with a knife. Whenever he was on the field, it truly felt like your final battle was at hand. ...I think that’s what started this all. A crowd was hushed at his presence... and that feeling, that drug, became his sole purpose. To bring the world to a hush with what he can do. ...That’s what he got from us at the bridge that day... but never again will we be hushed.
 2011 - Log #6
We’ve gathered the survivors we could, and I really don’t know if we have a shot. We’ve saved so many now. And they’ve truly become like family. Garfield, Peter, Saitama, Spiderman... Shrek... All amazing fighters who have grown with us so much. But I don’t know if it’s enough. Before with my brothers and sisters alone, I would have thought we were invincible. The most capable, the most elite, on the entire island. But he took that pride from us the moment he faced B on the bridge, and struck him down in front of us all. ...It was a while before we even wanted to come out of hiding after that... But our grief has become a righteous, fiery anger. We’re at our peak. We’ll never get another chance like this.
...I know the chances are that this will never be found. I know our chances are one in a million. But if someone, somehow, strikes him down. Tell the world our story. Tell them how we fought back after he took so many. ...If any of you who chose not to fight today find this... don’t lose hope. None of us blame you for whatever happens today. Rise above your fear, and find a way through this. Find a way through HIM. And if you’re scared, take comfort in that. Because we’re scared too...
...This will be my last log. Never lose hope. But please... believe in Mii... all of us taking a stand today... Because I’m really afraid...
...Guest C over and out.
 2020 - Text, History of Mii: Pg 257
The year was 2009, July 30th, When Matt, one of the top athletes and leaders of the island, launched a coup overtaking the government. No one knows for certain his motive in the matter, as there was never an official, documented statement given. But we assume he had placed himself as King according the written text and logs left by the islanders. As well as the statues that had been erected around the island in his image.
Surrounding nations attempted to bring his reign to an end the whole three years he was in power, but ships, planes, and men were struck down time and time again. And by the self-proclaimed King single handedly. Again, no one knows how a single man gained such a substantial amount of power and strength seemingly out of nowhere, but we do know from survivors’ records that every move he made was swift and devastating to hundreds at a time. He truly had become a monster among men. We have only one documented record of the battle that brought the Tyrant to the ground. It proceeds as:
“Breaking through the blockade, and into the fortress ended up being much easier than we had planned. The Mad King took the lives of many of those who had sworn loyal to him without a second thought, and in turn they had joined our ranks to save their lives. Because of this, we were met with little, and often zero resistance. It gave the rebels hope and vigor to push on.
We reached the throne room and found the King lounging in his throne. I’ll never forget the look in his eyes. They were hooded and just so... disinterested. I felt myself shake at the sight. A man with an army in front of him, and he can’t even be helped to so much as blink. He stood, and the room froze. I’ve never heard a crowd hush so deeply... save one at the front. Our leader, C, who led the charge in our last stand. In the silence we could hear him breathing evenly... confidently. The sound tore through our ranks and we felt life flow back into us.
King Matt was adorned in all of his dark, malicious battle gear. He drew his sword that glinted in the light with purple energy that seemed to pulsate as if it was hungry... even eager.
The left platoon charged, just as planned, led by Guest F and A. Matt swung his blade faster than any of us could register, and it was led by the sickening sound of bodies... so many bodies... smashing into the east wall. Miraculously the two leaders had dodged his attack. Guest A fired an arrow that was swatted out of the air with the same ungodly speed. F took that half second of an opportunity and lunged a left hook into the King. A direct hit. We all held our breath in that moment... and then chaos erupted. in the time it took to blink, I was on the ground. F and A were just gone... and our ragtag army was in shambles. I don’t think anyone from that day could have told or explained what happened. But it was just over.
But C was still standing. I saw recognition spread on his face at the fate of his siblings, and he began to burn with what I can only describe as a cold, righteous fury. I have never felt nor seen anything like it. He charged the Matt, and the two traded blow after blow, blocking and slicing for what felt like hours. The walls of the castle could have been falling, the earth trembling, and none of us would have batted an eye. Because we knew history was being made before our eyes. Matt leapt into the air to an impossible height, and dived toward our C. There was a flash, the sound of sword on flesh, and the king... and our brave leader... fell to the ground. We gathered around the the bodies. We were saved. We immediately took Guest C and buried him with the rest of his family at the top of the island. A hush fell over the crowd that day. One so deep, so profound, I can still feel it in my bones to this day.”
-Danny DeVito, lieutenant of the 3rd platoon of the Resort Rebels.
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a-pretty-nerd · 6 years
The Comic: Chapter 3
Concept: The young Jester of your father's court has always been a constant sound in the background. But suddenly he is leaving the shadows and is tossing himself into your spotlight. What is this strange feeling??
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A/N: Highkey, love writing this series. Love this idea which has been made into a novel before and I read it. It was...not good. So I decided to put my own spin on it and even thought litterally only 3 people care about this, I'm having fun. So *blows raspberry*. This is honestly apart of my mental self care because its something I enjoy and makes me happy and I encourage other writing blogs to do the same. If you have any requests, don't be afraid to ask and I love to hear feedback from you guys, it means a lot!✌❤
Warnings: NSFW, gore, violence, and smut???
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The image of that girl kept you up for the rest of the night. The ball has come to a quick end once the devil's daughter was taken away. The acceptance of your strange gift from Lord Lincoln put a bitter taste in everyone's mouth. Including your own.
What were you thinking? Accepting something so, outrageous and possibly dangerous. Could you make him take it back? No, no you couldn't. And what did this mean for you arrangement? Did this mean you were obligated to marry Lincoln of the Grounder Empire? But there was peace between your people for now, it would make much more sense to marry Prince Bellamy and secure a relationship with the Arch Kingdom. But if you rejected Lincoln, would that mean the start of another war? And if you refused Bellamy would that ignite a war between your two kingdoms.
You tossed and turned all night, your head filled with a million different things. A million worries, troubles, thoughts, feelings, it drove you mad. And yet above it all the image of that poor girl stuck the most. It gave you nightmares in what little sleep you got. Eventually, your aching bones allowed you to get up from your bed and shuffle across your chamber room floor.
It was torturing you. You had to see her again, had to look at her up close. She couldn't have been real. And yet you remember the sight of her made your heart pround and your stomach turn. You had to see her again.
So you wrapped yourself in a robe, and with nothing but a candle light, you crept down from the tower and deep down into the dungen. Two gaurds which sat at the dungen doors seemed to pay you no attention. Upon clooser inspection, you found them asleep. How convenient, you thought.
You entered through a large gate with ease and found the faceless figure of the girl as she sat on the dirt floor. Beyond the bars she was put behind,were more walls of cages and bars that kept most prisoners. Enemies of your father and petty theives, murderers, etc. You'd never been down here before. The intensesity of the horrid place was enough to make you run back to saftey. And yet once you found her, you hid and couldnt stop watching her.
She leaned her head against the wall, her head unable to reach the wall due to the hunch of her back. The poor thing gave a sad sigh before she liftes her hands and brushed aside the hair from her face. Two sparkling green eyes and rosey cheeks shattered every expectation. Her face was beautiful by any standard, but her gentle eyes were filled with sadness. As she relaxed, she reached down to her feet. She took her anckle in one hand, and held the hoove with the other. And with a gentle pull, the hoove and a part of her "ankle" popped off. The prosthetic revealed the truth. She simply had no feet. You relaxed for just a moment. She was no demon.
"Are you lost, princess?" A voice growled behind you. You let out a sharp gasp as you turned to find Jasper standing right behind you, too close for comfort. His eyes dark and glaring into yours. He was angry.
"Jester!" You gasped.
"You shouldn't have come here, you were a fool to venture so far from your room."
"I just- I couldn't-" unable to finish a sentence, your heart racing in your chest and head, you stepped away to escape. Jasper reached out and grasped yoir wrist to pull you back. His fist turned around your flesh and it stung wildly, forcing a grunt of pain from your lips. He pulled you back to him forcefully. You'd never seen him so vicious or angry before. It scared you.
"Now you've seen her up close, you've seen the truth. You've seen what becomes of people like her! You've seen what monarchs like YOU do to people like US." He shouted.
"Jester, please." You begged and pulled away from him. He reached out and pulled your other wrist in his other hand to keep you even closer.
"You will call me by my name! As you will know her's! Look at her!" He hooked his around around your waist and turned your back to him. He forced you to look at the poor girl as she stared up in confusion and fear. "Her name is Elizabeth! She was left alone after your damn council convicted her mother of being a witch where she was burned by the stake. She has been struggling to survive till that damn Empire found her in a traveling circus." He hissed in your ear through gritted teeth.
"Let me go." You growled. "You could be executed for this."
"We are all damned to an empty fate so long as your kind is alive." He breathed in your ear.
"Let go of me...Jasper..." You stated firmly with a shaking voice. He took a few deep, heavy breaths before his grip lightened. You looked to Elizabeth, who stared up at you with a pleeing gaze. Once Jasper let you go, you booked it out of there.
You ran, and ran, and ran all the way back to your room. Your chest heaving, your mouth dry from panting, your heart aching in fear and pain. Your quickly reached your chamber room door, and slammed it shut behind you. You didn't sleep for the rest of the night.
Why did he touch you that way? He knew the risk, he knew you could report to your father and have Jasper killed. You should. But you wouldn't. You couldn't. No matter how wrong it was, no matter how much it hurt to have him yell at you like that. It didn’t mean it was right for him to do so, but he had a point. And the way he pressed you against his chest, the way he...held you. It made you shake. You were unsure of exactly what this feeling was, but it made your head spin and it drove you wild.
You had fantasies of Jasper before. You called him a pest and tried to counter act as best you could. But your feelings for him persisted and refused to leave. Even after his rage towards you. Especially after. You were seeing a different side of him, a new one, a real one.
The next morning, Abby found you sat quiet and ready to be dressed. It unerved her to say the least that you were so prepared and so soft spoken that morning. It was completely and totally out of character.
"Good morning, princess." She addressed you, awkwardly and unsure.
"Good morning, Abby." You looked up at her with an emotionless gaze. It made her uneasy.
"Are you feeling alright?" She asked as she brushed your hair and helped you dress. You shifted for a moment in thought.
"Just, tired." You admitted.
"I see. Just don't let your gaurd down." She told you as looked back over your dress to ensure you were presentable. You could have used that advice a little sooner.
The guests of the ball had stayed. They would stay for three days, and by the end, you were expected to pick a suitor. This was a rule set by your father. This was the first day of three. This day was filled with entertainment, shows by Jasper, Monty, Murphy. Competitions between nobel men of sword fighting, arrows, axes, ridiculous displays of strength. All of which Bellamy and Lincoln participated in, in hopes of catching your attention and for their own egos. But your attention was not on them, they were on Jasper. Who had decided it was a good idea to flirt and tease Princess Octavia. She appeared to have no interest in him, and even scolded him at one point. It made you smile a little.
You were to spend time with your suitors, chaperoned of course. And so you took walks with them about the royal garden with poor Monty picking at his lute behind. It all felt very awkward. Your conversations were boring and mundane to say the least. Though, Bellamy had been a slight bit more entertaining than Lincoln. Your decision though would still be based on political action. This was your one and only political contribution, and you were lucky your father was allowing you to choose.
After it all, you finally managed to sneak away and be alone in a small chamber that was often used as a study. You leaned against a desk and took a sigh of relief. Until the door behind you opened and closed. You assumed it to be Harper, or Clarke.
"Please, give me one moment of peace, for the love of god." You spoke as you turned, and froze. "Jester."
"We're alone, princess, you can call me Jasper."
"Jasper, you shouldn't be here."
"I could say the same to you."
"If we are found alone-"
"We won't." He reassured. His eyes didn't look at you. He held his head down, as if sad or in shame. "I came to, apologize." He stated shyly.
"There is no need, Jasper I-" you went to move to escape the room, but he stood in front of the door.
"Please. Let me explain myself."
"You don't have to, I understand." You reasoned.
"No, you don't. I am so deeply sorry for what I said, for what I did to you last night. I practically bruised your wrists!" He gently reached out and let his fingers brushed against your wrists. You threw your hands away. "Please princess, I never meant to hurt you. I was so angry. That poor girl." He trailed off.
"I forgive you, Jasper. I understand your anger and your hatred. Now please, move aside."
"That isn't all I have to say. Before you go to your father, before I am killed, I have more to say to you." He looked at you with pleading eyes. "Princess, I fear that I may never get the chance to tell you this again. I thought I had more time, but I now realize you will soon be gone for good. It breaks my heart to know that I may never see you again." He slowly reached his hand out again, and took yours. Gently and tenderly. You started to shake. He lifted your hand to his lips and left a soft kiss. "I have loved you since I first layed eyes on you."
"You have haunted me ever since, and knowing I would never be able to have you has broken my heart. But the notion that you will no longer have a place in my life shatters my very soul. I live to make you smile and to hear your laugh. I wanted you to know this before it is too late." He looked up from your hand, back to you. His deep brown eyes, filled with tears now. You fell frozen, you didn't know what to do. "I know your hatred for me, and I know-"
"I don't hate you." You spoke up. He let your hand down from his face, and you held it back. "I've never hated you." You admitted. You never truly did, he found him annoying at times but...your mutual love for him was always there. His eyes filled with hope. His chest heaved as he looked into your eyes, waiting for you pulk away. When you didn't, he moved quickly and suddenly. For the first time, you felt lips against your own as he kissed you. It was so soft, so sweet. It sent a chill down your spine. He wrapped his arms around you as you placed your hads on his chest. You kissed him back and be held you close in a moment of pure passion and desperation for one another.
"Princess, I-"
"My name is not Princess, Jasper." You whispered.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Jasper." You told him. He let out a soft chuckle of happiness and smiled. Tears would have fallen for it not for another kiss. A passionate and heated kiss that made your blood boil. You wanted him closer. You felt more and more desperate for him as he leaned down and kissed your neck and whatever exposed flesh be could. You let out whimpers and moans in response. You let out an especially loud one when Jasper's hands started to wonder your clothed body.
"Are you alright?" He asked, concerned. You nodded, your cheeks hot and red. "Oh sweet princess, you've never been touched before, have you?" You shook your head. "Forgive me, I'll be gentle." He whispered before kissing you again. You felt so dizzy and yet so grounded at the same time. Before you knew it, you were pressed up against a desk. Jasper's hands hiking up the skirt of your dress and pulling down the shorts underneath. You wanted this so badly. You wanted him. Needed him. And he needed you.
"Jasper" you moaned as he kissed your neck. He gave a smile and huff as he held you close to him.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted you like this." He whispered into your neck. His hand went down to caress your thighs. And then suddenly you felt his touch. You let out a sharp gasp in surprise as he started to play with you. No one else had ever touched you before, no one but yourself. He made you moan into his lips as he kissed you passionately. You took your hand in his, and guided you down to his cock. He moaned and twitched under your touch as you stroked him. You drove him wild.
Jasper held you close to him by your waist as he pressed himself against you, positioning himself st your entrance. You could feel your heart racing in your chest and the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You let out a harsh gasp as he pressed forward and slid into you. He held you so close and so tight, it was comforting in that moment. You felt pain at first, sharp and stunning. Until it became dull. He started to move and something switched inside your head. You became a mess. You were vulnerable and weak, you were his and his alone. A moment so intimate and pure in that moment. You'd never felt anything like it.
He grunted and moaned as he bucked his hips into yours, he cling to you as he made love to you. Making sure you felt pleasure instead of just pain. Before you knew it, he had reached his high and began twitching and moaning your name helplessly. You held onto him as you felt him cum inside you. You may not have reached a climax as he did but, you felt a calming and pleasent sensation that ran throughout your body. It made you smile as you kissed him. He panted for a moment before kissing your all over and holding you close still.
"Oh Y/N," he panted, "you are an angel." He rested he head on your chest and held you there for a moment. "It is every man's dream to have you like this." He cooed. "I can die a happy man knowing you have loved me."
"Please don't talk about death anymore." You asked him as you ran your hands through his hair lovingly.
"You better go back to the festivities before anyone notices you are gone."
"We both should."
"Not together."
"No. Not together" You nodded. You fixed yourselves, though you didn't expect yourself to be so weak after. Your head spun and your legs were wobbly. Before you left the room, Jasper grabbed you by your arm and planted yet another passionate kiss on your lips. Oh what a rush that gave you.
"Good luck out there, princess."
"You too, Jester."
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immortalpramheda · 6 years
The 100 ‘The Warriors Will’
After all the messes of the last episode, things were sort of resolved, but not in the way I would have hoped. War is still imminent, unfortunately.
Clarke and Madi's mother/daughter relationship continues to be one of my favourite dynamics of this season. Of course, now it’s complicated because Madi has the Flame. When Clarke tries to take it out while she’s sleeping, they have a fight.
Clarke thinks she knows what’s best for her, but Madi think she knows whats best for herself. She has a tantrum and calls Clarke out. She wants to go back to Polis, because Commander’s don’t run. But Clarke wants to keep her out of danger. It was refreshing to see them fight, to show that they are like a real mother and daughter. And we know that no matter what, they always make up.
The worm eggs that had been loaded into the rover are still in there. They’ve started hatching and Clarke leaves them behind. Presumably as an obstacle for Wonkru when they march towards the Valley.
I liked how Madi continually calls Clarke out for leaving Bellamy and their friends behind. Clarke is feeling some sort of guilt, I’m sure, but keeping Madi safe is her biggest priority.
One of the things I love most about this show is the history and mythology of the world. And I was so pleased we got some more this episode! Madi has a vision of Becca Pramheda’s death. She was burned alive at the stake by Bill Cadogan, the founder of the Second Dawn cult. There goes my theory of Becca still being alive in cryosleep on Eligius 3, but this is so damn interesting!
There is so much to speculate about. So, before the first apocalypse that ALIE caused, the cult members with the 12th seal survived in the bunker right? And then Becca came down to Earth with the Flame in her head, and a suit that said ‘Commander’, making her the first Commander. The people she saw, I assume, were members of Second Dawn cult. She gave them all Nightblood transfusions so they could handle the radiation, and they were the first Grounders?
Then, from the memory that Madi saw, it seems that they rose up against her and overthrew her. So was Cadogan a part of creating the Grounders religion? Was he instrumental in turning it into what it became? This is all so interesting to me and I really hope we get to learn more!
The Flame scares Clarke. She knows what it is capable of doing to a person and the target it puts on their back. Her experience with Lexa, how she died in a very tragic way, and Madi seeing the memory of Becca being burnt alive. It seems that every Commander’s fate is a horrible one, and that’s what Clarke is trying to protect her from.
Abby is not doing too great. Even though she knows if she cures McCreary, he’ll give her the pills. She’s suffering from withdrawal and he knows she’ll eventually break. I have to commend Abby on how strong willed she was in this situation. She could have easily gotten her fix by simply treating McCreary, but she refused to. She tried to stay strong and fight it.
But she started to crack, and got help from our favourite serial killer, Vinson. Things go bad when, as Vinson calls it, the ‘demon’ comes out. He goes insane and bites chunks out of the guards. That was quite disturbing.
The thing that most hurt in this scene was Abby. She was having withdrawals, she couldn’t see clearly. Vinson was there, eating people, and she wasn’t scrambling to get the hell out of there, she went straight for the pills.
That really saddened me, but it’s the truth of what addiction can do to you. Any rational minded person would run, but she couldn’t.
Things were made even more tragic when Clarke and Madi arrive in Shallow Valley, and they find her unconscious. I don’t think she’s overdosed, but she definitely came close. Abby has no idea about Madi, right? It’s going to be interesting to see them meet. And I hope that she does get through this, but I don’t know if she will be able to.
Wonkru are divided. There are the people who want to follow Madi, a true Commander, and there are those who are still loyal to Bloodreina. Octavia needs to figure out a way to get them all back on her side, and the best way to go about that? Show people what happens to traitors by putting them in the pit.
Octavia loves Indra, she even admits as much, and does not want to see her mentor die. But she is a leader, and she has to make the hard choices sometimes. That scene brought up so many feelings from the past, and Octavia dropped her shell, if just for a moment. The day that Octavia became Indra’s second was the best day of her life. It was the day that someone finally accepted her. The day she finally felt like she belonged.
The Blake siblings have been through a lot in their lifetime. They reminisce about the past, in particular a time when Octavia cut her lip and bled all over the floor, and Bellamy cut his own arm so they’d think it was his blood. To protect her. Everything Bellamy has done has been to protect Octavia. Even poisoning her, he had to protect her from herself.
Octavia loves Bellamy, with all her heart, and does not want him die. Even though she tries to give him pointers on how to beat Indra, he still refuses to fight. As Bellamy points out, she could stop this. She has the power to stop this war. But for some reason she feels that she can’t.
Bellamy was right to call her out on what she’s become. She turned herself into a story from her childhood. She’s living in a fantasy world that she turned into reality.
“I know you’re still trying to save me, Bell. But you can’t save someone who’s already dead.”
She said something similar after Lincoln died. Back then, I thought there was still hope. But now, I believe her. She’s Bloodreina through and through now. She puts her own blood on her face and looks at herself in the cracked mirror. A representation of what she has become, broken beyond repair.
Monty and the hydrofarm were the light spot in this episode. He’s been working on growing crops and some of the plants have started to blossom. Octavia seems enthralled, until she rips up the one lone flower, the beginning of an apple tree.
“The farmers won’t save the world, Monty, the warriors will.”
I do not agree with her at all. And to say that to Monty, the most pure character on the show, really hurt. She is so determined to go to war and doesn’t want to consider any other option. The most logical explanation as to why is that she is so haunted by what happened in the bunker, that she doesn’t want to stay anywhere near it. She wants to get as far away as possible. The thought of having to stay there terrifies her.
But if that is the case, then it's not about whats best for Wonkru, she is doing what’s best for herself. Wonkru don’t need her to be in power, they can survive without her. She obviously does not like making these tough decisions, so wouldn’t it be better to pass over the rein to someone else? I’m still not exactly sure what is going through Octavia’s head and and what motivates her. But if going to war is what she thinks is best for herself, not for Wonkru, then doesn’t that make her an enemy of Wonkru?
Bellamy vs Indra vs Gaia. I’ll admit, I was scared and thought at least one of them would die. Bellamy was refusing to fight but then his survival instincts kicked in and he utilised his sword fighting skills. And he is damn good with a sword!
Gaia then throws a spear at Octavia, but misses. I was scared of how she’d retaliate, but it was obvious that she wasn’t enjoying this at all and just wanted it to be over.
And then… Monty to the rescue. He comes into the pit holding up a pot of blossoming flowers. He shows no fear as he firmly holds his pride and joy and shows Wonkru that they do not have to go to war. That there is another choice. A peaceful one.
That whole thing warmed my heart. Monty has a heart of gold and all he wants is peace. He is sick of this cycle of fighting and going to war. And so he stood his ground and made his voice heard. What a legend!
I had hoped that Octavia would give in this time. That she’d see Monty’s proposition as a way out of this situation. But she didn’t. Instead she burned the hydrofarm to the ground, destroying their last hope.
Now I believe that she is truly lost. I do understand, somewhat. She is so used to this power, to being the one in charge. And the thought of losing that to someone else is terrifying. Bloodreina has etched itself as her identity, and it seems as though she cannot remember who she was before. As Monty said earlier, she has become a dictator, willing to gain power by whatever means necessary. And in her eyes, the only way to get people to follow her is to take away their choice so they would be forced to.
And so, Octavia gets her war and Wonkru begin to march towards Shallow Valley. I’m surprised they actually agreed to follow her, but what other choice do they have? There are cracks within now, with people wiling to defect from Octavia as soon as the opportunity arises. I honestly have no idea how this is all going to end.
What a ride! Well, it was naive to believe that peace was possible, of course on this dark show everything will culminate in a war. I’m excited for the next episode where we are going to learn what happened in the ‘Dark Year’. I’m beginning to have doubts it’s about cannibalism, maybe it’s something much worse, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
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justauthoring · 7 years
Feigning The Connection (9/?)
Prompt: You seem so invincible. But just touch you and you’ll wince. You have secrets and trust no one. You’re the perfect example of betrayal. Because anyone you’ve ever trusted broke you. Thrust into a new world, will you be able to stay alone, or will Bellamy work his way in.
A/N: The first season was amazing and I abosuletly loved writing it, but even more so because of the amazing support my followers gave me! I am so excited to be starting season two, and i HAVE SO MANY PLANS OF WHAT I’M GONNA DO! :))))))) okay sorry, excitement...
Again thank you all for your support and I thank you with tons of kisses! xoxoxoxoxo, I hope you enjoy season two of “Feigning The Connection!”
I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. It doesn’t have to be long, I appreciate every single comment I receive and telling me just helps inspire me to write it more frequently.
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Pairing: Bellamy x Reader
Based off of: The 100 02x01 and 02x02
Warnings: none.
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“I can’t... I can’t go anymore.” 
Everything burned, beyond belief. Your shoulder burned with agony, and every movement, every step hurt beyond words explainable. You wrists felt as if they’d fall off any moment, as you stared at the rope binding your two hands together. You were pretty sure blood was pouring prefousely from your head as that had been where Tristan, you’d learned his name, had hit you with his sword.
No matter how much any of you begged or pleaded, it didn’t matter. Your eyes fell around you, catching sight of Finn and another one of the hundred. Figured you’d be captured with Finn. Though despite the arguments you two had had in the past, you found comfort in finding someone you’d known pretty well.
Pitifully, you stared at the boy behind you who looked as if he would fall over any moment. He’d been begging for hours to be given a rest, but no matter how much he did, Tristan didn’t seem to care. With panic, you watched as his feet stumbled over themselves. You feared what Tristan would do if he fell, so you shot forward trying to grab him in time, the boy held on to you, nearly taking you down with him before Finn grabbed you. He held you up steadily, and you gave him a thankful nod as you panted.
Tristan stopped as the boy fell to the ground with a thunk. “Get on your feet,” he ordered.
“I can’t!” The boy begged. 
“I said get on your feet.” Tristan grumbled, jumping off his horse. With terror, you leaned down to help the boy, looking back up at Tristan who made his way over to you three. “He can’t anymore. Please.” You tried, reaching forward to help him. Finn fell to your side, pulling the boy up. “Get up,” he pushed.
Once the boy stood up, all your work was for nothing as Tristan yanked on the rope connecting to his bound wrists. You went to grab him but was a second too late when he fell to the ground with a thunk, Tristan’s foot falling on top of his back. You watched with wide panicked eyes as he pulled his sword from his side, taking his foot off the boys back and pulling him back by the hair so Tristan has clear access to his throat. Realizing his intent, you felt tears filling your eyes as you reached out, “please!”
Tristan ignored you, taking his sword he swiped it across the boy neck, slicing through the skin. You looked away in despair as blood began to pour from his neck. You found Finn’s eyes as he stared in shock. “no!”
“That was one.” You heard Tristan announce. “I lost three hundred.” You didn’t turn back, shaking your head at the ground. You’d lost so many already and it just kept happening, you didn’t even know what had happened to your friends back in the drop-ship. The explosion had eventually worked, but you didn’t know what came to them afterwards, you prayed they were still in there, safe. Though, it didn’t look as if you’d be going back anytime soon, or ever, you thought despairingly.
“Y/N!” Finn yelled, catching your attention. Turning, you found Tristan making his way over to you, sword held threateningly. A whimper escaped your lips as you began to step back in fear, tripping over your own feet. You held your hand before you, bracing yourself but stared in bafflement when Tristan lowered his sword, grabbing a canteen in it’s sted and handing it to you. You reached out hesitantly, unsure of his motives. “Drink. You two are lucky. I need to keep at least one of you alive to talk to the commander.”
You took a drink, basking in the water as it glided down your dry throat. You made sure to leave lots for Finn as you handed it over to him, him nodding thankfully. A hand grasped your wrist, hauling you up with ease as Tristan stalked back over to his horse, taking the canteen with him. Sighing, you began walking again, but not before your eyes fell on the limp body beside you.
You snapped your head over, the voice sounded distinctly familiar. When your eyes found the same head of curly brown locks, wetted down by the light rain and the face covered with blood and dirt, a feeling you couldn’t described washed over you. When you hadn’t been able to catch sight of him that night, you’d thought he’d died. You’d been refusing to think of him, since it brought such despair on you.
But despite your circumstance and the pain you found yourself in, a smile slipped past your lips, wider than ever before. “Bellamy...” You mumbled in shock. You watched with concern as he looked behind him and his face erupted into confusion.
“Bellamy!” You called, looking back over at Tristan who was making his way over to Bellamy on his horse and quick. “Get out of here!” You and Finn flew forward as Tristan picked up speed, flying forward. You bellowed out in pain as you thumped against the ground and was dragged across the forest floor. You felt your tank-top ripping slightly, and bit your lip as you tried pathetically to get back up on your feet. 
You finally stopped, rolling over slightly as you landed next to Finn. Blinking in surprise, you ignored the pain in your stomach as you looked around for Bellamy. Your hopes fell when you saw him laying on the ground, bellowed over as he held his stomach.
He tried to get up, rolling onto his hands and knees but Tristan easily shot his foot forward, hitting him up the stomach. You winced, getting up on your own hands and knees. “Bellamy!” You screamed as he was repeatedly punched in the face. Tears filled your eyes once again. This was much worse than assuming he was dead, you didn’t want to watch him be beat to death. “Please! Stop!”
You panted in bewilderment when Tristan seemed to listen to your pleads, getting up and off the slumped form of Bellamy. Getting up on your knees, you watched as Tristan grabbed more rope, pulling Bellamy over to you and Finn. “Get up you two,” You and Finn needlessly obeyed, getting up with soft groans. Looking down, you watched Tristan pull up Bellamy, tying his own wrists together and heading back to his horse.
“You have to stand on your feet,” Finn whispered to Bellamy, you said nothing yourself, opting to watch the back of Tristan’s head. You felt Bellamy’s gaze, but couldn’t find the words to say to him. “He’ll kill you if you don’t.”
Suddenly, shouting echoed. You turned to the sound of the voice, finding Monroe and Sterling headed your way. Your eyes fell back on Tristan in despair, as he no doubt moved forward to kill him. You jumped in shock though when the sound of a gun fired and hit Tristan in the chest. He stumbled backwards, and you stepped back when another shot hit him in the head, successively killing him. 
You all looked around in shock, scared of who would walk through the trees. You found yourself breathless when Kane, your very own father walked through the trees, a gun in his hands as more guards followed behind him. Bellamy’s hands fell on you as he helped you stand, but you barely knew he was there. Your eyes stuck to the figure of your father, who you thought you’d never see again, walking towards you.
A chill ran through your spine when he made direct eye contact with you. “we’re here now. Everything’s gonna be okay.”
“Are you okay Bellamy?” You asked, holding Bellamy steady. Your soft hands fell on his face, as your eyes searched for any major injuries. He nodded, a hand falling on your shoulder as he pushed your attention away from his wounds. You tried to ignore his reluctance, wanting to focus on anything other than the fact that your father was standing a few inches away from you.
“I’m fine.” Bellamy reassured, “i’m fine. Y/N. Y/N, are you okay?” He asked, looking into your eyes. With a expression he couldn’t read, you stared up at him for some kind of answer. You didn’t know how you were, you didn’t think you’d ever see your father again and honestly you hadn’t wanted to. It was like your worst nightmare coming true. Shaking your head, you decided against answering the true meaning of his question, opting to wrap your arms around his waist, shocking him as you pulled him in a tight hug.
You pressed your head against his chest, sighing heavily. “I am just glad you’re alive.” You whispered so only he could hear. “I didn’t se-see- I thought you were dead.”
“You know i’m not that easy to get rid of, Y/N.” Bellamy teased as you pulled away, but you could see the thanks he held in his eyes. Laughing sightly, you brushed some knotted hair away from your face.
“Yeah, I guess I do.”
Turning your body towards the newcomer, you kept ahold of Bellamy as he grunted in pain softly. He clearly needed help walking, so you kept him by your side. You recognized the new woman, Abby Griffin, since you had worked close by your dad before everything happened, you learned to know all the faces of the council. You distinctly remember her being the doctor that had treated your mother... and was also Clarke’s very own mom. 
“Don’t stand up,” Abby ordered, sliding off her backpack. Bellamy was quick to interrupt her and instead turned to Finn; “i’m fine. We need to get back to the drop-ship.”
“Hey, where’s Clarke?” Abby asked, concerned and anxiousness etched upon her face, “is she okay?”
“She was when we left. We’ll take you to her.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.”
You looked over at Finn and Bellamy, a clear concise messaged passed between each others eyes. Nodding at them, you followed Bellamy who pushed the guard in front of him to give you a head start, and running as fast as your legs could carry you with your condition you made it to one of your tunnels that you had all set up.
“Hey! Get back here!”
Crouching, you ducked through, your heart racing. When you came through, you stared at the bodies and piles of ash that had all been caused from the explosion. Taking a deep breath, you tried not to think about the fact that, albeit less than the grounders, some of those skeletons had been your friends. A sickening feeling crawled up your spine, but you felt a hand on your shoulder and you found Bellamy looking at you, you nodded, pushing away the thought away.
“Where is everyone?” You asked, your voice a hush.
“It was awful, there was hundreds of them.” You instantly recognized the sickening voice of Murphy, with shocked eyes you turned to the cockroach that leaned heavily against a guard in mock pain. Your eyes narrowed, disgusted, but before you could even say anything, you felt a woosh of air fly by you. You recognized the figure as Bellamy, immediately you knew what he was gonna do. “Wait!” You yelled, already knowing he’d get in trouble. “Bellamy!”
Once Murphy’s eyes fell on Bellamy, he froze. “Bellamy, you’re- you’re alive.”
“You murdering son of a bitch!” You flinched at the sound of Bellamy’s fist smacking against Murphy’s cheek. He instantly fell to the ground, Bellamy quick to straddle him. You looked over at Finn, before running ahead. 
“Bellamy!” Finn called, “stop!”
You didn’t even notice your father behind you, until a guard stepped forward, a shock lash in his hands as he pressed it against Bellamy’s side. You lunged forward, trying to catch Bellamy as he rolled to the side in pain. You had no words as you crouched near Bellamy, and looked over at your father. 
Kane stepped forward, looking down at Bellamy and you. You felt less confident under his gaze, freezing slightly as his angry eyes fell on you. “Place him under arrest.” Your gaze immediately fell into one of shock, watching with bafflement as a guard stepped forward.
“Wait, you don’t understand. Murphy murdered two of our people. He shot another and tried to hang Bellamy and kill Y/N.” Finn tried to reason. 
“I don’t care. You are not animals.”
You don’t know what came over you, but you felt such anger spike within you. Everything that had happened over such a short period of time burned within you, it started even before you landed on the ground. You’d hated your father for years now, but hearing him defend the asshole who’d tried to kill you, made you feel such enraged anger. You stood up off the ground, apologetically leaving Bellamy’s side as he was hauled up and locked in cuffs.
Walking to your father, you pushed lightly past Finn and spat up at him. “Yeah, why would you care?”
He turned to you, those same piercing eyes on you. That same look he always gave you to make you submit but you bit your tongue, ignoring the fear and glaring up at him. “Excuse me?” He asked.
“Why would you? Even though Murphy tried to kill your own daughter?” 
“Daughter?” Finn mumbled, you ignored his question, choosing to stare down your father.
Kane’s hand fell on your arm, the whole crowd around you watching you and your father as you had a moment that no one could understand. He gripped your arm with such force, it hurt, but you stayed strong and ignored the growing bruise you knew would be there. You wouldn’t back down, not again. All your life you’d let your father treat you like nothing, like garbage. You probably would’ve continued to, but seeing him treat your friend, Bellamy, the same made you angry beyond words. 
Kane leaned down, so only you could hear. “Stop right now, Y/N. Before I arrest you like your friend.”
You weren’t so quiet yourself. “Why not? You’ve already done it once before.” You spat. Ripping your arm from his grasp, you stalked forward, Finn following behind you. Your father coming down would be hell, but no longer would you let him boss you around like you didn’t have a mind of your own. He’d caused trouble for your friends, you’d cause trouble for him.
“Take it out.”
Walking through the clear curtains, you froze upon entering, seeing who was in front of you. You stared at Abby, Finn and Raven in shock. Looking behind you, you gestured behind you; “sorry was I interrupting something? I’ll go.”
“No.” Raven gasped out, her voice raspy. Baffled by the force behind her words, you turned back to them. 
“We’ll give you a minute.” Abby stated, nodding at you then Finn as they made their exit. You watched them leave, a feeling that you didn’t quite belong here, but you persevered and walked on. Reaching Raven in no time, you grasped the hand she held out for you. With concerned, wide eyes, you looked down at her. “Are you okay? What’s gonna happen?”
Raven hesitated as if to keep something from you, you begin to open your mouth, saying the question was dumb. She obviously wasn’t okay, but before you could, she rasped out; “fine. Abby’s gonna get this bullet out of me and then i’ll be fine.” She lied, but of course you didn’t know. 
You smiled brightly, tightening your grasp on her. “When?”
“Now. I believe.”
“Would you like me to stay?” You offered, staring back. You were itching to go find Bellamy, hesitant on what you’d fine when you got there. But you needed to see him, once again your father was the one who screwed him over. You meant to keep your obvious want hidden, but when you looked back over at Raven, she smiled weakly. “Go.” She urged, “i’ll be here when you come back.”
Smiling gratefully, you squeezed her hand one last time before turning. You walked through the curtains, a determined look upon her face as you missed Raven’s last words; “hopefully.”
When you made it to the lock-up area, you half expected it to be difficult to get in. Surprisingly, the guards let you right in, but you proceeded to look back at them in confusion. Your eyes immediately fell on Bellamy who hadn’t been treated and was slumped against a pole with his arms tied. You hadn’t noticed the figure next to him as you ran towards Bellamy, falling before him.
“Bellamy?” You whispered, hesitant. You grabbed his face, hauling his head upwards. When he found you, you smiled brightly, happy to see he was alright.
“Aweh, how sweet.” A familiar voice echoed, making your attention snap to the left of Bellamy. Your gaze immediately dropped when you saw who was there, though part of you had figured he’d be here, you’d never actually gone out of your way to find out what had happened to him after. But this clearly answered the question, slumping slightly, you glared over at him, “Murphy.”
He smirked wildly, “nice to see you too Y/N.” 
You chose to ignore him, turning back to Bellamy who had since picked up his head to look at you. Your hands fell on his face which was bruised and bloody with wounds, you couldn’t quite explain the feeling you felt when you saw the injuries he held and the fact that he was tied up as if some criminal. “I’m sorry...” You whispered, so only he could hear. Guilt filled within you, all of this was your fault.
“It’s fine.” He mumbled, rather shortly. You blinked, taking a deep breath. Your eyes looked over his injuries again, “no it’s not. This is my fault.” You rambled on, clearly upset.
“Hey,” Bellamy called, gaining your attention on his eyes. “I already told you, your father’s mistakes are not your own.” You froze, looking up at him. There was a conversation passed between the two of you that only you and him could understand. Nodding reluctantly, you looked at the restraints that kept him still. Immediately you fell into action, “I could try to get these off.” You stated, your slim fingers reaching for the zip tie and pulling.
“Y/N even if you did manage to get them off, what would your father do?” Bellamy asked, bringing out the rational side of you. Pausing, you sighed frustratingly, missing the fact that Murphy was right there, and of course with what he’d just heard he was definitely going to say something.
“Father?” He asked, and you shook your head, trying to ignore him. “Who’s your father?” He repeated, turning to him your glared, not realizing that you’d just told him what he needed to know. You noticed how his eyes searched over you, as if trying to study you and then with realization, his mouth fell open with a smirk. “Don’t tell me, Kane’s your father?”
“Shut up Murphy.”
“I knew it!” Murphy declared, a sick and twisted smirk upon his lips. “Miss privileged over here was too good to be true. But Marcus Kane? As your very own father? What did you have to do that dear daddy threw you in jail for?” Anger raged within you, but you tried to hold it in, not wanting to make a scene. Your fists clench with a shake, digging your nails into your palms.
“Y/N, ignore him.” Bellamy whispered to you, before glaring over at Murphy. “Shut your mouth Murphy, you know nothing about her.”
Murphy’s mischievous eyes fell on Bellamy, “and you’re okay with this Bellamy?”
“You nothing about it.”
“Sure, I know plenty.” Murphy nodded; “I know Y/N must be as twisted as her very own father. Isn’t that right, Y/N? All those panic attacks just to hide your twisted side.” Without any rational thought, you shot up from beside Bellamy, stalking over to Murphy. You were normally very calm, but with your father coming back, ruining things once again and the boy who’d tried to kill you relentlessly teasing you right beside you, you felt as if you couldn’t hold it anymore.
“Y/N!” You faintly heard Bellamy yell, but ignored it and opted to continue making your way to Murphy. There was no hesitation as you swung your fist back, putting such force behind your throw as you hit Murphy in the face. He grunted in pain, and you faintly felt a spike of pain from your own shoulder but ignored it. You needed this. Just once you’d let lose. The second after your fist hit his face, you reeled back and hit him again. He could do nothing with his hands tied so you reeled back and hit him again and again.
Panting, you felt tears well up in your eyes as you grabbed his collar, nearly falling on him. “You know nothing about me.” You panted, your fists tightening so tightly on the collar of his jacket that your knuckles turned white. You panted heavily, shaking as you stared down at him. “Nothing. So don’t you dare pretend you do.”
Hands wound around your waist, and you panicked for a minute that it was your father. You struggled relentlessly in the person’s arms, “let me go!”
“Shh, Y/N. Y/N it’s me, Bellamy.” Recognizing the voice, you relented, letting him pull you away. You panted heavily against him until he set you down, turning you found his wrists untied, Finn and Monroe behind him. Finn looked shocked to see you so angry but you ignore their gazes, turning to Bellamy confused.
“What’s happening?” You panted.
“We’re getting out of here.” Finn stated, and you nodded without thought. You all began walking, Bellamy behind you as he led you out. 
“Wait, wait. What about me?” Murphy asked frantically, you turned back on him with a glare but Bellamy held his hand out to you. You reluctantly listened, stepping back. You watched him stalk forward towards the clippers, grabbing them, you thought he was going to hit Murphy. Apparently so did Finn as he shot forward.
But surprisingly you watched him clip the straps that held Murphy’s bound wrists to the pole, “he’s coming with us.”
You stared up at Bellamy in bewilderment, “you’ve got to be kidding me.”
“He’s been to the grounder prison camp.” Bellamy explained, Murphy quick to agree. “He’s right, okay? I can take you there.”
“Hey, Sterling just signaled. Someone’s coming.” 
Taking a deep breath, you walked up to Murphy, him flinching ever so slightly. “Fine, but you keep your damn mouth shut.”
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nataliecrown · 7 years
The 100 4x10 - YASSSSS
Season 4 cannot be saved, but it can be salvaged. 4x10 is exactly what we need, for ALL of the remaining episodes.
I’m excited again, for the first time – honestly – since the DRAMATIC ROMANCE STARE in 4x05 (yes, I loved the stuff in 4x06 but I was feeling too twitchy about the show in general to get the full buzz). That’s not to say that the problems with this season get wiped away. There were issues that lingered here, and those issues will remain. But enough good work was done in this episode to make me willing to look past the problems, if the final steps of this season follow suit.
I’m not re-watching (blessedly, because I don’t have time and not because I don’t care) so please excuse this messy summary of my full thoughts.
 -          The greatest thing about this episode is the salvation of Octavia. And here is the first example of us having to look past prior issues to accept what we got here. Some of us won’t be able to do that, for good or bad. But I can, and WOW this episode was killer. Firstly, the writers didn’t try and pass Octavia off as a badass warrior that could hold her own. Everybody knew she didn’t have a chance to win. Everybody (including Clarke, yo yo). Octavia knew. She was trying to act brave, but you could still see her fear.
-          The person that believed in her? The person that gave her a way to survive? BELLAMY. And he did it referencing her upbringing and HOW POWERFUL WAS THAT. The Octavia of old meshed with the Octavia of new. Bellamy’s Octavia meshed with Lincoln’s Octavia. Bellamy not being able to tell her he loved her, Octavia saying may we meet again. IT WAS ALL SO TAUT AND HESITANT. There was so much left unsaid because so much has gone down.
-          And then not only is Octavia reminded of her brother’s love for her, but Kane hugs her. And then Indra!!!! Despite Indra having her own man in the fight, Indra presents Octavia with her sword – once rejected by the daughter of her blood, now accepted by her adopted daughter. I WAS CRYING DUDES. CRYING. And the cracks start to form…
-          Octavia’s relationship with Illian has been…odd, to say the least. His death made me sad because Chai is great, and Marie killed it, but I’m not particularly put out to see him go (he’s a guest star who’s characters purpose was entirely tied to a main – he was given a full bodied arc and the cast needed to be trimmed) but Illian saving her took those cracks that had formed and forced them wider. It’s obvious that Illian was a Lincoln substitute in a lot of ways to Octavia. Her grief was very much for this boy that had – for whatever reasons – decided to fall for a murder kitten, but it was also wrapped up in Lincoln and it felt so earned that she got to give Illian a good death (all of the Lincoln mentions and references were ON POINT)
-          And then we get Bellamy stepping out to save Octavia, and GUYS. BELLAMY HAD BITE AGAIN IN THIS EPISODE. ACTUAL BITE? CAN YOU BELIEVE????????
-          BITE
-          First, he stands up to Kane and Kane relents because YES.
-          (One of the small flaws with this episode is a perfect example of how this season does not track. What was the point in Echo’s epiphany earlier in the season, if she was just going to shoot O now? SHE DIDN’T EVEN HESITATE! The plot should serve character, and not the other way round dammit!)
-          Bellamy was gonna kill her, and honestly – he earned it.
-          Still, I felt for Echo when she got banished. I certainly get the sense that she was almost…crafted by Nia, and I can buy that it’s hard for her to let go of those instincts. I can’t very well defend Clarke’s choices to save her people, and then shit on Echo for trying to save hers, right? I’m intrigued as to where she goes from here. Logic points to some sort of death protecting a Blake, OR maybe she gets a full arc in S5. We’ll see…
-          Then we get the GORGEOUS Blake scene with Roan. It was just…so wonderfully acted, and so perfectly on point for all the characters. Roan and Bellamy have always antagonised each other, but there’s a healthy respect between them at this point. And then of course there’s Octavia’s face when she hears Bellamy speak. I’m wary of making connections this season, due to the lack of consistency from ep to ep, but it took me back to 4x06 and my thoughts after Octavia rejecting him utterly. I said then that I felt her rejection had as much to do with her hating and blaming herself, as it did with her hating and blaming him. And I felt that again here. It’s like…despite everything, Octavia didn’t believe that Bellamy could still love her or have faith in her after everything that had happened. But he does, and he always will.
-          Roan is another character that has suffered this season (honestly, the large majority have) as a tool to the plot. We aren’t completely free of this at the start of the episode, and I’m still frustrated by it. This is a guy that knew Ontari was a fake Commander and was prepared to roll with it, and he’s only now getting all shitty about religion and culture? Hmmm. I suspect the writers felt the scene with Clarke was necessary to show her trying one last time to save everyone, but they could have handled it better. Maybe just show her trying to reach him, but Gaia intervenes or something? HOWEVER, I’m willing to look past this scene because everything else with Roan was wonderful.
-          As with Bellamy, Roan has a shit ton of respect for Octavia. That’s evident from the start, and it has a profound impact on Octavia when he offers the truce. This is a girl that has felt incredibly alone since Lincoln died, but now – as she faces death – people are queuing up to love and support her. Yes, we as viewers know those people have been there all along. But Octavia? Grief, trauma, pain distorts your view. She hasn’t been able to see through that.
-          ROAN GETS TO BE A BADASS EVEN IN DEATH (although I maintain that until Zach tweets his goodbyes HE’S ALIVE DAMMIT). Him melon crushing Trikru man was wicked good. His fight with Luna was gloriously done. The twist of the black rain coming in, removing Octavia from the equation, was a great way to have him lose. But YIKES LUNA, what a way to murder someone. It just looked GREAT.
-          QUICK NOTE: Gaia’s reaction to Trikru losing out, and her hugging Indra ALSO MADE ME WEEP.
-          If (IF DAMMIT) this is Roan’s end, then at least it’s a good one. They could have gotten more out of him this season, but I’ve enjoyed him since 3x02 and Zach was a great addition to the show.
-          So, let’s talk about Luna. I felt her turn to darkness was abrupt, and that one scene in an episode prior would have made it track better. But I also kinda loved this as her ultimate endgame? This was Luna at her most interesting, honestly. So yeah, if we’d gotten one extra scene hinting at this it would have been perfect. Nadia rocks a bad girl, like whoa. And again, kudos to the writers for doing the right thing. There is no way that Octavia would beat Luna in a fight. Having her fight dirty was the best and only way.
-          So then we get to Octavia returning to the throne room, and whooooooooooooa.
-          SO last week we all breathed a sigh of relief that Clarke was NOT going to become Commander, but now it very much looks like Octavia is going to become some sort of leader of a ‘one’ kru. I’ll reserve judgement on that until I see how it forms, but one thing I do want to mention is the respect that an abundance of grounder characters have for Octavia. Wanheda has been feared and revered, but has always been apart. Octavia has embraced grounder culture since day one. When Clarke tried to take the flame, she disregarded grounder beliefs. Octavia wouldn’t do that. THAT is why when Octavia suggests sharing the bunker they all accept it. Octavia took on the conclave, won, and they respect that.
-          KANE WAS SO PROUD
-          I WEPT SOME MORE
-          And then I wept a bit harder when she ASKED FOR HER BROTHER.
-          Now, I’ve already expressed why Clarke’s choice legit does not bother me one iota and I’m just gonna link to that here because I’m lazy.
-          My one gripe with this scene and the setup is that Clarke’s choice happened off screen, and was used as a twist. BUT I am putting major faith in 4x11 to delve deep into her choice and her headspace so it’s not a major thing YET.
-          Also, NOTE BELLAMY’S BITE.
-          I’m gonna close by doing something that I generally avoid doing, because I hate raising expectations…but…my friends…my immediate Bellarke reaction after this episode and ESPECIALLY AFTER SEEING THE NEXT EPS PROMO WAS EXCITEMENT.
-          That bunker will be open by the end of the episode, and I can’t imagine that anything other than Bellamy getting through to Clarke will be the reason it does.
-          Could there still be angst right up until the end of the season? Sure! But not necessarily.
-          So my fun times scenario is below the cut, and you can play with it if you’re unable to see any light at the end of the tunnel (DISCLAIMER: YOU SHOULD ALWAYS PREPARE FOR THE WORST, THIS IS NOT ME PROMISING THAT THIS WILL HAPPEN).
-          Clarke points that gun at Bellamy, they have an epic confrontation that ends with him walking right on up to her until the gun presses into his chest. He just stares at her. Both of them are crying. They don’t speak. She drops the gun, covers her face with her hands. He reaches for her, but she flinches away. She’s certain this will end badly, that they’ll open the bunker and it will be a massacre…but she couldn’t do it. She can’t lose Bellamy.
-          Only, when they open the bunker…they are met with peace. Octavia has managed to keep things in check, and negotiations begin. Clarke slinks off. It’s around this time that Murphy returns, and Clarke learns about Murphy’s choice. She apologises to Abby, offering up a silent goodbye. Then she comes to Bellamy, and as soon as she walks away he knows what she’s doing. Bellamy goes to Octavia, and explains that Clarke is going to leave. She never wanted to take a place in the bunker for herself, and she can’t do it now – especially now. And Octavia? She tells Bellamy to go with Clarke, because she knows he wants to. ‘I’ll be safe in the bunker. You’ll be safe with Clarke.’ He says ‘May we meet again.’ She says ‘You’re damn right we will.’
-          Clarke is outside now. Murphy is with her, as is Emori (she never wanted to go into a bunker with all those people anyway), Miller too perhaps. And they’re going to get Raven.
-          Then they hear ‘Clarke.’ And Bellamy is there. He walks up to her, and simply says ‘let’s go.’ And the camera watches them march out of Polis in a direct parallel to 4x01. Off to retrieve Raven freaking Reyes. Off to find a way to ride out the radiation. Together.
-           The final two episodes are delinquent squad vs. praim....fyre? faia? FIRE.
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brittanias · 8 years
BUT do you honestly think Abby will get pregnant? is this a theory elsewhere? personally i'd love it!
first of all: love this question, wanna marry this question.
SECOND OF ALL: this is absolutely wild and borderline fanciful (perhaps even self-indulgent) speculation, but i’m having a total ball with this theory, so let’s unpack it. special shout out to @abigailkanes and @kane-and-griffin, who are both on this train as well. okay basically this is our three-way shared theory.
also for a fun flavour: there’s NSFW gifs under this read more, because the CW loves us very much and gave us just a stunning amount of kabby content to support this whole thing.
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so, to start with, let’s just say the thing that everyone’s been thinking: did we really need to see actual footage of marcus kane coming inside abby griffin? I MEAN LIKE THANK U TO GOD FOR LETTING US SEE IT, but what purpose did it serve? other than being a thing that set my ass on fire? this show doesn’t usually go THIS explicit with its sex scenes – it’s usually the classic “lower each other out of frame and then cut to afterglow” stuff (like with bellamy and raven or clexa), or the exhausted collapse and cuddle/talk (like with monty and harper). BUT THIS? WAS MORE THAN THAT? and it was nine days of this. they had a NINE DAY SEX MARATHON. and i kinda…have to wonder why. which brings me to:
jason rothenberg stating that he opened the door for a pregnancy storyline. i had really originally assumed it was octavia, since a child between she and lincoln would have continued to bridge the grounder/skaikru gap, but that obviously got cut because of lincoln’s death and the massively oversized plots they were already juggling. jason confirmed on twitter in september of 2015 that he didn’t put a pregnancy in season 3, but then said the above in january 2016. so, you know. there’s that world building nugget that he just LEFT THERE.
the science side of things is also kind of a cool thing to consider. with abby now working on luna’s nightblood, an interesting addition to trying to create a serum would be stem cells. specifically, fetal stem cells of a child created by two people who lived in space and have far higher than normal radiation tolerance. since abby is a doctor, she’d be in the middle of a fierce moral quandary between potentially putting her baby in danger to get what she needs, and protecting that child from ANY harm with her life. this would also bring great conflict between raven, abby, and jackson, with all three of them debating the merits of attempting it.
just picture marcus kane with a baby for a second. i’ll wait. it’s like REALLY ADORABLE, RIGHT? YEAH. okay, moving on.
bellamy mentioned in 402 that they only need to ride out the radiation inside the ark for five years. the fandom has been abuzz with speculation since then – especially from me in my own brain because oh my god the BSG parallels are so real – that a time jump could be coming in the season finale. so, you know, it seems entirely possible that we meet kane and abby five years after the meltdown, and next to them is a five-year old bundle of energy SUPER excited about going outside for the first time.
anyway we named her hope and her aunt octavia teaches her how to sword fight and she’s the only one allowed to touch roan’s crown. 
(all of this could be complete nonsense and the sex could just be what it is: sex, but speculation is fun. either way, we got #kabbysex and that is GLORIOUS.)
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THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME ON THIS NUTSO JOURNEY, hopefully you had as good a time as i did. the exit is there through the gift shop, don’t forget to pick up your commemorative “abby griffin got knocked up in polis and all i got was this lousy t-shirt” t-shirts, and enjoy the rest of your day! may we meet again!
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planarchaosproject · 8 years
Planar Chaos: Chapter Twenty-Nine
An Unexpected Gift
The motley crew dismounted the elemental and everyone huddled in their separate groups. Everyone, that is, except for Marthel. He stood by himself at the head of the group eagerly scanning the zone in front of him. The pentagonal podium seemed to have some sort of catch or latching mechanism embedded in it. Carved lines in the floor linked it to the five obelisks surrounding it in a larger pentagon at each of the points. Each obelisk was linked to all of the others with more carved lines. They faintly glowed with a power Marthel simultaneously understood and found mysterious. Each obelisk shimmered a different color in his vision. The sun obelisk shone white, the raindrop obelisk rippled with blue, the skull pulsed with a dark energy, the fireball sparkled red, and the tree obelisk shifted through different shades of green.
"Wow!" Sa'Raah cried. "The sun one is glowing!"
"I don't see anything," Ashleigh responded, squinting at the obelisk. She saw vivid red sparks around one of them, and a faint blue glow around another and a subtle darkness surrounding yet another, but the others were gray and lifeless.
"Yes, it is," Sa'Raah said. "There are sparks around that one and that one keeps changing color." She indicated the fireball and tree obelisks.
"I can see the sparks," Odom said, "and the color shifting, but do any of you see that one?" He indicated the raindrop obelisk.
"I see it," Sverre said. His eyes roamed over the others, lingering on the skull obelisk before being riveted by the liveliness of the one racing through shades of green.
"We all see different colors, I take it?" Lisandra inquired. Her tone of voice made it seem more like a statement. She only saw the blue and the dark energy.
"I can see all of them," Marthel breathed.
"Not surprising from what you've told me about your spark igniting," Kyari said. She felt the pull of the green obelisk, more so than the faintly shimmering white and blue ones. Even though she couldn't see what others were describing, she felt the energy of the obelisks that remained lifeless to her. She chalked it up to her field experience and the many creatures she'd studied on the planes she'd visited.
Rinok stood back with Rhyne and Vilhelm. The brilliance of the white obelisk blinded him, almost drowning out the red sparks, but the dark miasma surrounding the skull obelisk could not be diffused by its light. Vilhelm saw the opposite, a light that could not quite be extinguished by the overpowering darkness along with a faint blue glow in the center.
"Ooh," Rhyne said, "I like that one." He pointed to the skull obelisk clad in its dark miasma. He saw the red sparks and the ever changing greens, but nothing called to him as much as that darkness, for inside it he knew there would be true power.
Where Rinok saw a blinding brilliance and Sa'Raah saw the bright desert sun of Tarkir, Brock was met with a different white light. It was soft and calming, like the moon on Kamigawa. Many a time he would stay up late as a small child to stare up at the orb of light wishing that he'd wake up the following morning with the white skin and lopine ears of his caretakers. He was riveted by that light, almost completely ignoring the equal beauty of the shimmering blue and sparkling red obelisks.
Marthel moved to stand in the middle at the podium. He placed a hand on each side and stared intently at the smooth surface. I need you to guide me, Urza, if any part of you is still alive in here, he thought. It was almost a prayer, something he hadn't done in quite some time. Marthel closed his eyes tightly, wracking his brain for an idea. When he finally opened them again, he saw each of his companions crowded around one of the five obelisks.
Ashleigh stood alone next to the red one, mesmerized by its glittering. In her arms, Abby reached out towards it tentatively before looking to Ashleigh for permission and withdrawing its tentacle when it saw the reverence with which its mother treated this new object. To her right, Sverre and Kyari stood on opposite sides of the shining green obelisk, careful to not get too close to each other. On Ashleigh's other side Vilhelm and Rhyne inspected the skull obelisk and were enveloped in its miasma, the dark energy swirling around them as if they belonged to it. Further left, Lisandra and Odom were eagerly discussing the blue obelisk. All the way around, and almost behind Marthel, stood Brock, Sa'Raah, and Rinok completely enthralled by the white obelisk. Nadia had taken up a position behind Marthel, facing away from him with her sword drawn. It made him smile; she always had his six no matter what.
He felt like something should happen, but there was no change in the podium. Marthel scanned each obelisk again, desperately searching for what he was missing. Everyone else seemed drawn to one of the obelisks in particular whereas he felt the pull of each and every one of them. He scrutinized the groups at each obelisk. Rinok's attraction to the white one legitimately surprised Marthel, given the feelings of peace it gave the dark skinned planeswalker. He toyed with one of his locs absentmindedly while moving to the next group. Odom and Lisandra's fascination with the blue obelisk seemed appropriate and Ashleigh being drawn to the red sparkling one made sense to him. She was the only one who was alone, with even cool-headed Vilhelm and Rhyne, who so often called himself the Wildfire, putting aside their differences as well as Sverre and Kyari coexisting within the same ten foot radius.
It dawned on Marthel what their problem was. "Nothing's happening," he said. "We aren't in balance."
"What do you mean?" Vilhelm asked.
"What he means," Lisandra said, "is that our distribution is unbalanced. We need some of us to step back so there is one at each obelisk."
Odom, Sverre, Sa'Raah, Rinok, and Rhyne all exited the perimeter of the obelisks.
Nothing changed.
"Dammit," Marthel grumbled. He continued louder, "It's still not doing anything."
"I guess we need all of us," Rinok said. "Rhyne, you go stand by Ashleigh this time. I'll take your spot next to Vilhelm."
"Why do I have to give up my spot?" Rhyne groaned.
"Agreed," Vilhelm said. "Couldn't Sa'Raah or Brock just as easily forfeit their spots?"
"It won't work that way," Kyari said. "We're each drawn to the obelisks because of the types of magic we use and what we want. Honestly Rinok should be the one to move next to Ashleigh since he's a war mage. Sa'Raah summons dragons, her magic is more like mine. Brock has learned pyromancy over the years, but his demeanor doesn't seem to fit the kind of magic that fireball obelisk attracts."
Brock's thoughts were once again taken over by his mysterious feeling, almost like premonitions. What Kyari said was true, though. He felt the chaotic, impulsive energy from the red obelisk drawing him to it, but clung to the calming moonlight emanating from the white one. He'd go to the blue obelisk before ever considering the red one as a choice. Studying pyromancy had been his way of trying to control that passionate energy that the Soratami derided as his human nature.
"It's a shame you never got to see the full extent of my power when we met last. Then again, that campaign turned into a colossal failure. If I could bring my own commanders from the planes I've visited and revitalized then things would have gone more smoothly and not been over quite so fast." Rinok swished his sword as he spoke.
"We'll go with Kyari's suggestion," Marthel said. "To your places."
They resumed their positions, with Rinok taking up a spot next to Ashleigh by the sparkling red obelisk. His eyes never left the blindingly white one, though. His expression was almost one of hunger.
"To be honest, Sverre," Kyari said to the king of Helheim, "I'm surprised as a necromancer that this one draws you more than the dark obelisk."
"I tend to view my work less as flouting the laws of nature and more as part of the cycle, especially as I've gotten older and settled down."
"Raising the dead is part of a cycle?" Kyari said, sarcasm and skepticism heavy in her voice.
"Once I am done with my tools I return them to the earth where they belong. Oona is very good at making sure I clean up after myself."
"And that poor wurm you keep enthralled when it should be resting in peace?"
"If you ever come visit Helheim you'd learn nothing rests in peace for more than a few decades there."
"And whose fault is that?"
"Guys," Marthel cried, "something's happening!"
The carved lines had changed from glowing faintly to pulsing with brighter lights. The podium's carvings grew brighter as well. The latching mechanism began to loosen. Marthel held his breath, feeling his heart pounding as the gift his idol had left him revealed itself. The intricacies of the mechanism made little sense to Marthel, but he had a basic idea of how they should be working thanks to his rudimentary knowledge of artifice. His hands gripping the sides of the podium were cold, his body shaking with excitement.
"Marthel," Nadia cautioned, "are you sure you can handle this?"
"I'm fine, Nadia, really," the planeswalker replied, breathless. His heart pounded faster and faster, like he was on the hunt with Surrak and almost to the kill. It felt like the anticipation of offering his prey to his great mother, Atarka, the ferocious dragonlord whose presence awakened something inside of Marthel upon their first meeting.
All eyes were riveted upon the podium. Every breath was held, even Abby's and Maelstrom Wanderer's.
"This is it," Odom whispered to Lisandra.
"What I've been looking for for who knows how long," the vampire breathed.
At last, the center of the podium opened and a metallic orb floated up from inside. It was crisscrossed with hundreds of lines. At the intersections of these lines were circles. The orb could easily fit in the palm of Marthel's hand. He reached out with a trembling hand and tapped it lightly. It bobbed in its gravity field like a cork in water. Moving his hand underneath the orb, Marthel extracted it from the gravity well for closer inspection.
The orb had no text, no instructions, just the carved lines and circles that seemed like they should give way if pressed on.
"What is it?" Lisandra was at Marthel's side the instant his hand touched the orb.
"I'm not sure. It's not something I've ever seen before," Marthel said.
"Don't look at me," Odom said, holding up his hands. "I'm not touching it. I suck at artifice."
"As do I," Kyari said sheepishly.
"So you're telling me we came all this way," Rhyne cried, "and nobody knows what this damn thing is?"
"Vilhelm, you've spent time in Esper, right? Any ideas?" Rinok asked.
The male vampire drew nearer, visually inspecting the artifact but not touching it. After a minute or two he shrugged in defeat. "Never saw anything like this."
"May I examine it?" Brock asked, stepping forward.
"Don't let him," Ashleigh shouted. She still stood by the red obelisk, allowing Abby to finally explore the strange object.
"Excuse me?" Brock turned around to face her.
"You don't want to examine it, you want to throw it away," she said matter-of-factly.
"Brock," Marthel said slowly, drawing out his friend's name. "Is that true?"
"Are you crazy?" Brock laughed, reaching for the orb. Marthel recoiled, pulling the object closer to himself. "Oh," the monk said. "I see how it is. You believe her over me, your friend. The one who aided you when you were an inferno of chaos and couldn't control your magic."
"Brock that has nothing to do with this," Marthel said angrily. "This entire adventure you've done nothing but talk about how whatever is in here is too dangerous for people to have. If you dare chuck this thing into the maze, if you even try, I will not be your friend any longer."
"Marthel," Kyari and Nadia said in unison. The planeswalker continued while the angel kept silent. "That's a little much, don't you think?"
"No, it isn't," Rinok said. "They need the cleansing power of a battle in order to make themselves clear to each other."
"A fight isn't going to solve anything," Kyari cried. "Not right now." She pushed her way between Marthel and Brock. "Look, guys, here's the deal. Until you sort this out, I'll take the orb." She reached her hand towards it but felt a tight grip on her wrist. She looked down and saw Lisandra's pale hand grabbing her arm tight enough to make her fingers curl.
"You're with him," the female vampire said. "As a result, you cannot be trusted either."
"Guys," Odom said, pulling his hair back from his face with both hands, "I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but we need to just calm down and go through this logically."
"Odom is right," Vilhelm said, keeping a restraining arm on Rhyne. "As easy as it would be to just kill each other, I think we need a different course of action. I certainly don't want to get caught in someone's crossfire." But the rest of you can.
"We don't even know what it is," Rinok said. "It's hardly rational to destroy something before we know what it does."
"I will pick someone to hold it for now," Nadia said. She grabbed the orb out of Marthel's hand and locked eyes with each planeswalker around her. Her more angelic senses had been dulled since she left Bant, but it was clear to her that aside from Marthel, the one with the purest intentions for the device was Lisandra, the vampire who had called this maze her home. "Does anyone disagree with me?"
Nobody said a word.
"Alright. It goes to Lisandra." Nadia handed off the orb. "Do with it what you will, vampire."
Lisandra moved away from the rest of the group, holding the orb in one hand and the thesis in the other. The text was open and she looked back and forth between the contents of her hands fervently, attempting to understand. She pressed one of the carved circles out of curiosity. Several feet in front of her, a doorway seven feet high and four feet wide appeared. Dragons with four wings spewing lightning from their mouths swooped through the sky.
"I know that place!" Sa'Raah cried. "Those are the lands of Kolaghan on Tarkir."
Lisandra pressed another circle. The doorway shifted, revealing a dark, tangled wood.
"That's Lorwyn!" Ashleigh stepped back in astonishment.
Oona confirmed the planeswalker's assertion. "It is, but it feels darker. What has Maralen done to my precious home?" The Queen of the Fae buried her face in Sverre's neck, behind his ear, to hide the dark sight from her vision.
"It can't be…" Lisandra breathed, pressing the same circle again and closing the doorway. "Why would Urza leave us this?"
"A planar portal," Marthel said.
"Exactly," Lisandra replied. "I've never seen nor read of one with this sort of construction, though. It almost seems like a map of the multiverse, but it couldn't be completely accurate since Shandalar wanders and planes are born and die every day. These portals were only referenced in the texts describing the Phyrexians and the Caves of Koilos on Dominaria."
"I learned a little of those caves," Sverre said. "They were a spot joining Dominaria and Phyrexia. No doubt the Praetor Elesh Norn would give anything to get this artifact and spread her Machine Gospel from New Phyrexia."
"New Phyrexia?" Kyari asked.
"Formerly the plane of Mirrodin," Odom explained. "Formerly Argentum. There was a planeswalking Golem named Karn who created the plane of Argentum, and a creature named Memnarch created from an object called the Mirari guarded and ruled it. He renamed the plane Mirrodin and sought the ability to planeswalk like his creator could. Somewhere in the middle of all this, the Phyrexian oil was brought to Mirrodin and corrupted it. Now the plane is home of the New Phyrexians, ruled by the Praetors, supreme beings, with Elesh Norn as their leader. I encountered one of them a long time ago, Jin Gitaxis, who wanted to use me and my status as a planeswalker to help Elesh Norn spread her Gospel. It was a desperate ploy by a desperate being to secure his place in the favor of a demagogue. Sverre managed to rescue me. It was how we met."
"What were the creatures there like?" Kyari asked.
"The main species that was different from other planes were the Myr. They resembled robotic chickens, if you looked at them correctly," Sverre said.
"I think I've been there. Once, a long time ago, when I first planeswalked. I was surrounded by dead bodies and the only way I could describe them was as metallic chickens. It was something about the heads." Kyari shuddered.
"Well that's definitely interesting," Rinok said. "New Phyrexia is just like Zendikar. There isn't any glory or renewal there, only a battle long since won. I have to admire the valor of the rebels on both planes, though. They don't know when to quit."
"But why would Urza hide a planar portal here?" Kyari asked.
"So far, as far as we know, Phyrexians don't have sparks," Lisandra said. "At least according to all my books they don't. They've had to rely on portals in the past."
"So only a planeswalker would be able to find it?" Brock asked.
"Only a group of planeswalkers," Marthel said, smiling, "working together. That's the real gift. Don't you see? We can achieve great things if we just worked together."
"It's true," Vilhelm returned Marthel's smile, but it didn't reach the male vampire's eyes. Before Marthel could react, the orb was in Vilhelm's hands. "But I wonder what each of us really wants to do with this prize, hm? Wouldn't this make it infinitely easier to move your armies, Rinok? Or you, Sa'Raah? Could Brock not more effectively police the multiverse? Kyari's studying would certainly benefit from something far less energy-consuming than planeswalking. Even releasing the Phyrexians from their current home seems far easier now that this relic is in our hands. We could be invincible." Vilhelm glanced around, waiting eagerly for the fighting to start.
The first hand to reach for the orb was actually Rhyne's. Yes, this object had infinite uses, but mostly he wanted it for himself. Marthel watched in horror as every hand shot towards the relic they were supposed to share.
Ashleigh made the mistake of being the one to snatch it from Vilhelm's hands. She handed it off to Abby and tossed the abomination into the air, its wings buzzing frantically as it attempted to navigate the sea of angry faces searching for Odom. Moments after Abby was airborne, a fistful of holy fire slammed into Ashleigh's chest, knocking her to the ground.
When Ashleigh went down, Sa'Raah abandoned her designs on the orb to tend to a woman she considered her friend. Everything stopped. Everyone was still. Abby flew up higher and saw the source of the fire that had harmed its mother. Brock stood there with blazing fists and a manic light in his eyes.
"I told you," he cried. "I told you all, but would you listen?"
"Dude," Odom stepped in front of Brock. "We talked about this. Please, try and calm down."
"I'm not having any of your lies, either, Odom. This artifact is good for nobody, and nobody will have it, least of all your band of insane clowns who can't control their impulses."
Sverre interjected, "Pot, meet kettle."
"If anyone deserves to have the artifact it's me," Sa'Raah growled over her shoulder.
"Oh, so you can upset the balance of the multiverse with your asinine ideas about dragons?" Kyari barked.
"Well what would you do with it, Kyari? Anything? Nothing?" Lisandra asked.
"I wouldn't try to destroy the worlds as we know them," Kyari said.
"See, she's on my side," Brock said loudly.
"Nobody's on your side," Rhyne said. "We're all on our own sides."
"I'm on Odom's side," Ashleigh said quietly.
"Shut up," Rinok snarled. "Shut your simpering, sentimental mouth. When I heard the name Voidcaller I thought I'd have some respect for you."
Above the argument, now a full swing cacophony of voices clamoring to be heard over each other, Abby was losing altitude. It scoured the throng for Ashleigh or Odom, but they couldn't be reached. Marthel, however, stood to the side by himself. His shoulders shook with every breath, but he was a safe person and Abby could at least take this new object to him.
Abby descended, landing in a tentacly squoosh on Marthel's head. The dark skinned planeswalker picked up the abomination and cradled it much like Ashleigh would. "Well, little one, it looks like I was wrong. We both were."
Abby opened its tentacles, revealing the orb. Marthel gingerly removed it from the twitching mass shortly before being struck in the back and falling forward, Abby and the planar portal tumbling out of his arms. The portal sphere began rolling away with Abby scrambling after it. Marthel turned to see a brawl had begun. Even Nadia had been drawn into the fray. Her sword clanged against Rinok's, sweat pouring down the planeswalker's face as he tested himself against her angelic strength. Sverre was holding Brock at bay while Kyari and Sa'Raah fought against Rhyne. Vilhelm had delivered a few blows to both Lisandra and Odom while Ashleigh had snuck up behind him.
Abby had reached the orb, wrapping it inside its tentacles once more. This proved to be problematic, however, as Abby could no longer generate the thrust needed to take off from the ground with its single unused tentacle. It glanced back and cried out for its mother. Instead of catching Ashleigh's attention, the first being Abby saw was Brock.
"No you don't!" He screamed, hurling an in all likelihood disproportionate amount of fire at the abomination.
An ear shattering screech filled the chamber along with the smell of burning flesh. Abby writhed on the ground, its delicate translucent stomach burned away exposing its organs to the outside world. Odom immediately disengaged Vilhelm, rushing to his creation's side.
"All I wanted," Marthel said darkly, "was for all of us to have an adventure together. I wanted something nice." He looked up at everyone standing around staring at Abby's writhing form with a black fire leaking from the corners of his eyes. His voice had dropped several octaves. Nadia stood completely still with a look of horror on her face.
"Marthel," she stepped forward, "Marthel you need to calm down."
"Don't tell me what to do, Nadia!" Marthel shouted, slinging the dark fire towards his companion. She easily dissipated it with a swing of her sword. "They couldn't do this one thing for me. They couldn't let me live in a world where we can all coexist peacefully"
"You should know better than most that you cannot force a peace that is not ready to exist," Nadia said coolly.
Ashleigh ducked around the edge of their fight to kneel by Odom and Abby.
"Can you fix it," she asked, tears in her eyes.
"I'm trying," Odom said. Abby's midsection had been slathered with goo, as had the worst of its burns. "The ooze isn't taking, odd considering I used bits of myself to make it."
"Abby, sweetie," Ashleigh reached out and Abby wrapped a tentacle around her finger. "Mommy's here. It's okay."
Marthel was continuing his tirade, fire spewing from his mouth as he spoke, springing from his feet as he stomped about, and flying from his fingertips as he gesticulated wildly. "It's bad enough that you couldn't hold your holier-than-thou attitude for even a little while, Brock, but you, Kyari, I never thought I'd hear you behave this way. And Sa'Raah, I invited you into this group out of the goodness of my heart, my dear cousin whose mother has been so kind to me. Your designs are something I could never allow to happen, I hope you know that. Rinok, Rhyne, I gave you chances, each of you. I didn't want to bring you into this at all, honestly. I thought you might just wreck everything with your constant warmongering and your thrill kills. Honestly, I'm pretty fucking pissed at all of you right now except for Lisandra. She's the only one who's been invested in this venture for the same reasons I was."
The tirade would have continued, but Ashleigh interrupted him. "Marthel," she screamed.
"What!?" He turned around, eyes and hands blazing. When he saw the tears streaming down her face and the trembling creature in her arms, he calmed down a little.
"You have to fix it. Odom and I, we can't do anything. It isn't responding to either of our magic. Please. Nobody knows as many different kinds of magic as you do. Nobody has that ability to learn them. You've got to save Abby."
The fires extinguished as Marthel knelt by Ashleigh and Odom.
"Hand it here," he held out his hands. Ashleigh delicately transferred Abby, who had by this point gone very still with only the occasional squeak of pain alerting them that the abomination was alive and still suffering.
"Are you happy?" Ashleigh stood up and attempted to cross the distance between her and Brock. Nadia blocked her path with a sword.
"You don't want to do this," the angel urged.
"I don't want to fight you, Brock," Ashleigh said. "I just want to know why you felt the need to target me and my family. Can't people change?"
"Beings such as yourself can never change, Voidcaller. You haven't the restraint necessary to master your magic, haven't the discipline necessary to travel the planes, nor the presence of mind to be allowed to live."
"Then just leave. Leave before I kill you," Ashleigh snarled.
"Gladly." Brock reached out into the blind eternities and felt them open up to him. Without much effort at all he planeswalked.
"Brock, wait," Kyari followed after him.
"I know what you're feeling," Rinok said.
"How could you possibly?" Ashleigh said.
"You're in pain, betrayed, you want revenge?"
"He's going to pay for what he did to Abby. I'll see to it with my own two hands."
"Maybe you'd like a few extra pairs?" Rinok said smoothly.
Ashleigh looked around. Sa'Raah had planeswalked away as had Sverre and Lisandra. Nadia had removed her sword and gone to stand behind Marthel as he frantically worked to save Abby.
"You care for this creature?" Nadia asked him.
"My friend cares for it, so too shall I."
"Anything I can do to help?" Odom asked.
"I don't think so. I can't heal Abby, but I can bind it here and let the plane heal it. We have to go back to the room with the crystal sun."
"Extra pairs would be nice," Ashleigh said to Rinok quietly. "His home world is Kamigawa. I need to hit him where it'll hurt."
"Your information will not go unrewarded," Vilhelm purred. "Rinok, I believe our first stop with your forces from Valla will be Kamigawa." He rolled the planar portal in his palms.
"Where did you find that?" Ashleigh asked, shocked."
"It rolled this way when your little creature went down," Vilhelm explained. "I simply grabbed it up when nobody was looking." Vilhelm, Rinok, and Rhyne planeswalked away.
"Ash, come on," Odom called from atop Maelstrom Wanderer. "We've got to go back and try to save Abby."
She clambered up on top of the elemental and the three planeswalkers set out for the crystal sun.
"What if the wurms come back?" Ashleigh asked, cradling Abby to her chest.
"We can only hope they won't." Odom put his arm around her shoulders.
"So far, so good," Marthel said. The crystal sun once again glittered overhead. "Slide down, guys."
Everyone dismounted the elemental and walked towards the crystal sun. The wurm holes remained dormant.
"Why aren't they attacking?" Ashleigh asked.
"They probably know we're not a threat this time." Marthel took Abby out of Ashleigh's arms and laid it down directly under the crystal sun. He looked up into its brilliant, iridescent light and reached for it with his power. He wove the mana around and through Abby, tying the artificial life form to this artificial plane.
"Is it going to be okay?" Ashleigh asked. Both Marthel and Odom gave her sheepish grins and refused to meet her eyes.
"Well what, Ash?" Odom asked. "There's not much we can do. We couldn't get Abby to respond to our healing magic. While you were talking with Rinok we decided the only thing that could be done was to bind Abby to Xerex and let the plane's magic heal it."
"So Abby has to stay here?" Ashleigh asked, shock apparent on her face.
"Just for now. We'll find a way to get it back, I promise," Odom said.
"Promise!?" Ashleigh shrieked. "You don't even care, do you? You can just make another one, a different one, a better one. You've been planning that all along. Was our baby not perfect enough for you?"
"No, that's not it at all. Ash, you know that I love Abby just as much as you do. Marthel, come on man, back me up," Odom begged, looking over his shoulder at Marthel.
"I don't get involved in domestic disputes," Marthel replied. "Besides, Abby doesn't need to see its parents fighting like this. Come over here and see it, it's starting to do better."
Ashleigh pushed past Odom and fell to her knees. The worst of Abby's burns were beginning to heal. Its stomach had sealed back up. Ashleigh meticulously traced the pathways of the organs, making sure nothing was out of place.
"Oh my sweet little abomination," Ashleigh sobbed. "You have to stay here for a while but I promise I'll be back for you soon. Be patient, okay?"
Odom supposed it was a good thing the abomination hadn't advanced cognitively enough to have a conception of the word "soon."
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